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标题 英语面试口语对话:个人能力


a: what is your greatest strength?


b: i think i am very good at planning. i manage my time well so that i can always get things done on time.

b:我认为自己很会做计划。我懂得分配 时间,因此总是能准时完成工作。

a: what is your weakness?


b: i always give each job my best efforts, so when others are not pulling their weight, i am frustrated.

b:我做每份工作都是全力以赴,所以当 我发现其他人没有付出相应的努力 时,我会感到失望。

a: what is your greatest accomplishment?


b: i got the scientific research prize from the gansu government for my achievements in the northwest regional economy development research project.

b:我因在西北区域经济发展研究项目中 取得的成就而获得甘肃省政府颁发的 科研成果奖。

a: can you work under pressure?


b: working under pressure is exciting and challenging. i don’t mind. in fact, i am very efficient when certain pressure is exerted on the work.

b:有压力的工作既剌激又有挑战性,我不怕。实际上,当有一定压力的时候, 我的效率还会高些。

a: what are the problems you have encountered in your job and how do you solve them?

a:你在工作上曾遇到哪些困难?怎样解 决的?

b: there was a time when both the clerical assistant and the secretary resigned at the same time. i then had to handle their work temporarily. the workload was incredibly heavy. so i started to set priories for the jobs and hired part-time staff to handle routine work. finally, i managed to keep the operation smooth until we found someone to fill the vacancy.

b:曾经有一段时期,公司的文员及秘书 同时申请辞职,我需要暂时兼顾他们 的工作,这令我的工作量大为增加,于是我开始安排工作的轻重缓急,聘请 兼职人员去处理日常工作。结果,我 能一直保持公司正常运作直到有适当 的人选填补空缺。

a: how do you deal with those who you think are difficult to work with?

a:你怎样应付那些你认为难以合作的 人?

b: i stick to my principles and keep to the rules. sometimes, they just lack enthusiasm and i get them involved with something constructive. some of them change their attitude later.

b:我会坚持原则和坚守规则,有时候,他 们只是缺乏对工作的热诚,当我安排 他们处理一些较有建设性的工作时, 有部分人便改变了态度。





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