标题 | 关于多媒体教学 |
范文 | 关于多媒体教学(精选13篇) 关于多媒体教学 篇1时下,掀起了一场语文教学的“革命”,那就是使用多媒体。甚至一些会教比赛,其比赛规则中增设了使用多媒体的分项。一时间,语文课堂果真动了起来,活了起来,美了起来。课堂上,学生愉快,教师高兴,听课者也颇有收获。 反思这场革命,我不禁有许多担忧。首先是多媒体使用恰当吗?部分课堂出现了唯多媒体主义,似乎没有了多媒体,就不是一节好课。为了使用,而使用。多媒体失去了它当初应有的位置。一节课使用了多媒体,就为这节课增加了获胜的砝码。这应该是语文教学发展的异端。 语文教学强调学生的自悟。学生在充分感悟文本的基础上,能再现文中的意境,能体会作者的情感。曾经听过一位老师教学《斑羚飞渡》一课,这一篇饱含深情的文章,读完全文没有谁不会被文中的场面所震撼。这种心灵的撞击与感悟,是语言难以表达的。尤其是大小斑羚飞渡悬崖的场面,这样的场景是应该让学生在充分阅读的基础上,再造想象的。每一个学生心中的场景一定是多彩多样的,然而可惜是,彩色的多媒体画面代替了学生的感受,教师的理解代替了学生的理解,学生的想象被定格,继而丧失殆尽,长此以往,我们学生的想象力定然会荡然无存。(也许这有些危言耸听。)如果我们这一教学环节,改成由学生叙说心目中的画面,这样,我们的语文教学才真正回归到了语文这条轨道上。 我不是说语文教学排斥多媒体。但要说的是,如何合理地使用,恰当地使用。多媒体应该使用在引导学生感悟语文上。它首先是为语文服务,为提高学生的语文素养服务的。像那种再现画面式的、字词训练式的多媒体,不用也罢。 关于多媒体教学 篇2现代信息技术在服务于课堂教学的同时,也在启发着我反思。通过这一段时间的使用,我发现有两个问题值得我注意:一是网上可利用的现成资源很少,很多内容下载后需要重新加工或剪切、或合成,这都需要我们在课余花费一定量的时间去完成。所以,我们应该有足够的责任心,去之糟粕,取其精华,才能充分发挥其功效。我们要创出自己的路子,行成自己的风格。二是使用多媒体时,我们会经常让学生上台操作,学生们都想上台展示自己,课堂就有可能混乱,这就要求我们有操纵课堂的能力,对不同层次、不同类型的学生都要照顾到。信息技术是教学的一种手段,它是课堂教学的一种有力工具,我们不能被它左右。其实所有这一切,都要求我们教师要不断发展,不断学习,不断提高自己的能力,提高掌控多媒体的能力。 时代在发展,我们也要积极向前。现代信息技术已成为我教学中的得力助手,我还要继续总结经验,及时反思,以发挥其最大优势,使我的教学更上一层楼! 关于多媒体教学 篇3Lesson 78 多媒体教学设计方案 Teaching Aims 1. Learn the text by finishing reading it in proper time, getting the general idea and further comprehension . 2. Let the students know the development of paper-making. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Presentation 教师活动:展示图片(见ppt.) 学生活动:Answer the questions 1.Do you know who first invented paper-making? 2. When did the Chinese begin to paper- making? Key: TS’ai Lun ,two thousand years. Step 2 Watch the video 教师活动:演示视频见(ppt.) Step3 Questions 学生活动:回答下列问题 After watching and answer the following questions. 1. What's the result of the invention of paper? 2. What's the problem with using bamboo for writing? 3. When did Chinese people begin to have silk books? 4. When did Spain. Russia and America start making paper? Key: 1.Much is known about Chinese history because records were kept on paper. 2.It was difficult to read and was heavy to carry. 3.2,140 4.1150;1567;1690 Step 4Listening 教师活动:教师播放录音(见ppt.) 学生活动:回答下列问题 1.Say about the development of paper-making: Paper made from silk: The good points:_________________________________ The problem:_______________________________________ Paper made form the fibres of plants: What did people use to?: _____________________________ The good points:____________________________________ Keys:It was easy to write and draw on it, It was too valuable for everyday use. fishing nets, trees, old clothes, It was so soft and light but much less expensive. 2. Listen the text and find out the main idea of the each paragraph: 教师活动:播放录音(见ppt.) 学生活动:回答下列问题 (Paragraph 1) Early invention of paper in China (Paragraph 2—3) How records were kept before the invention of paper? (Paragraph 4) The development of paper-making (Paragraph 5) The making of paper was well developed Step 5 Reading 学生活动:学生阅读课本回答下列问题 Read the passage in your Students' Book and chose True or False: 1.) People all over the world have been making paper for two thousand years. 2) As a result of the invention of paper, the Chinese people could know a lot about the history in other parts of the world. 3) As there was no paper, much of the history over hundreds of years is completely unknown in many parts of the world. 4) Before writing was developed, people in China had no way to keep records. 5) From the text we know that writing was developed in the third century BC. 6) Books of pieces of bamboo or wood tied together were difficult to read and heavy to carry. 7) Paper made from silk was easy to write and draw on, but very expensive. 8) Paper made from the fibres of plants was soft and light and is less expensive than silk. 9) By the first century the making of paper had reached other countries. 10) Spain started making paper earlier than the Middle East. Key: 1) False ( The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years. ) 2) False ( As a result of the invention of paper, the Chinese people could know a lot about the history of China, not other parts of the world. ) 3) True 4) False ( Before writing was developed, people in China used to keep records by putting a number of stones together. ) 5) False (Much early than that, because examples of the carved metal pots have been found from the 16th to the third centuries BC. ) 6) True 7) True 8) True 9) False ( After the first century the making of paper began to reach other countries. ) 10) False (The Middle East started making paper in the eighth century while Spain started making paper in 1150. ) Step 6 Exercise 学生活动:学生做下面课文的完形填空题 Fill in the blanks with proper words. It is believed that before writing was developed, people in China used to keep records by putting a number of ______ together. As soon as writing was developed, people carved words on _____ ____. Later, words were carved on ______ ______. Between the second and the fifth centuries people wrote on pieces of _____ or ____ and these were tied together to form a book. At the same time, another kind of paper was made from _____. Because it was expensive, people invented another kind of paper made with the ______ of plants. They used ______ ______, the outside of _____, pieces of _____ _____ and so on. This kind of paper was as ______ and ______ as silk but much _________ expensive for everyday use. Key: stones, animal bones, metal pots, bamboo, wood, silk, fibres, fishing nets, trees, old clothes, soft, light, less Step7 Discussion 教师活动:教师把学生分成几个小组进行讨论,给中国学习联盟约五分钟时间,最后教师进行提问与总结 学生活动:学生在小组里进行讨论,交流看法与意见。 Discuss the advantage of early invention of paper. Suggest words: soft, light, much less expensive, so on Step8 Homework 1. Retell this passage with your own words. 2. Preparation the next Lesson. Step 9 Introduction Chinese legend tells that the new invention of paper was presented to the Emperor in the year 105 AD by Cai Lun. Archeological evidence, however, shows that paper was in use two hundred years before then. Either way, the Chinese were significantly ahead of the rest of the world. The craft of papermaking relied upon an abundance of bamboo fiber to produce a fine quality paper. In ancient China, the papermaker uses only the traditional materials and methods lo produce fine art paper. [1] [2] 下一页 The early paper making workshop 上一页 [1] [2] 关于多媒体教学 篇4Lesson 91 多媒体教学设计方案 教学目标 1.了解关于Bill Gates生平的更多信息。 2.掌握运用I’m sure that. . .和I’m sure if. . .句型。 3.掌握冠词的用法。 4.提高学生的听力能力。 教学设计: Step 1 Revision (学生活动)1.通过展示Bill Gates的图片让学生复习有关前一课关于Bill Gates的生平知识。 2.让学生谈谈关于自己。 Step 2 Presentation 1.出示父母亲的图片,引导学生谈谈自己对母亲节和父亲节的了解,及他们如何表达对父母亲的爱。 We all love our parents. We have special days for them. Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Do you know when these days are? Have you spent these special days with your parents? What did you do for them? Are you going to buy something as presents? Let’s see what Kate and Jim’s plan is for Father’s Day.引入对话部分的教学。 Step 3 Read and practice (录像演示)播放第一部分对话的情景演示,看看Kate和Jim商量着该给他们的父亲买什么礼物,看后让学生回答:Will Kate buy a gift to her father? (图片教学)展示T-shirt的图片和人物高兴的表情的图片教学新词汇:T-shirt, pleased. (课件演示)演示对话的动画,让学生跟着朗读对话,并讲解I’m sure that . . . /I’m sure if . . .句型的用法,然后让学生练习。 讲解语言点:plan to,be pleased,I’m sure that . . .句型的用法。 (录像演示)播放关于I’m sure that . . .的情景演示,让学生观看这个句型后接宾语从句的运用情景,然后进行模仿练习。 (学生活动)read in pairs and act out the dialogue. Step 4 Read and complete (学生活动)让学生完成教材中第2部分关于冠词的填空练习,然后全班进行订正。 (课件演示)通过动画演示冠词的用法。 教学新词汇:disease, TB, decide,通过比较教学词汇lucky 和 unlucky,million 和 billion Step 5 Listening practice (课件演示)让学生听这部分的听力材料,然后完成练习册中的听力练习。 Step 6 Exercise Fill in the blanks with proper article if necessary. 1. I have ______ book. It's _____ interesting book. I bought ______ book ______ day before yesterday. 2. My brother likes to play ______ basketball while I like to play ______ violin. 3. ______ picture on _____ wall is very beautiful. 4. ______ Changjiang River is ______ longest river in ______ China. 5. I have bought ______ new car. It is ______ American car. It is made in ______ USA. 答案:1.a, an, the, the 2. /, the 3.The, the 4.The, the,/ 5.a, an, the Rewrite the sentences. 1. When shall we go to see our teacher? I’ m not sure ______________________. 2. Can they finish the work in time? I’m not sure ______________________. 3. The little girl is waiting for us. I’m sure ______________________. 4. What shall I do to help him? I’m not sure ______________________. 5. How can we solve the problem? I’m not sure _____________________. Keys: l. I’m not sure when we shall go to see our teacher. 2. I’m not sure if/whether they can finish the work in time. 3. I’ m sure the little girl is waiting for us. 4. I’m not sure what I shall do to help him./what to do to help him. 5. I’m not sure how we can solve the problem./how to solve the problem. Step 7 Homework 1. Tell the story of Bill Gates to your friends or parents. 2. Do exercises on page 111. 3. Finish off the workbook exercise. 关于多媒体教学 篇5一.教学目标 1. 学习作者青年时代的伟大抱负的博大气魄。 2. 理解情景交融,借景抒情的艺术手法。 3. 在理解的赏析后进行背诵。 二.教学手段 1. 老师串讲,师生赏析。 2. 课堂朗读。 3. 幻灯显示,电脑课件。 三.教时安排(一课时) 四.教学过程 (一) 导入 秋天,在一般人的眼中,往往充满了苍凉,充满了感伤,而我们的毛泽东主席在他年青的时候,却曾为秋天唱过一曲昂扬的赞歌,那么今天就让我们一起来学习这首充满动感,充满力量,充满浓烈色彩的《沁园春.长沙》。 (二).朗读全首词,在朗读前,先打出幻灯片,提醒学生注意以下容易读错的字。 [沁qin.橘ju.遍pian.舸ge.寥liao.浮fu.遒piu.遏e.] (二) 分析上阙 1. 第一层(第一句至第三句) [老师串讲] “独立寒秋,湘江北去,橘子洲头” (1) 提问“独立”,“寒秋”,“橘子洲头”,分别点明了什么 [同时,老师在电脑上打出这三句,并在旁标出学生回答的“处境”,“季节”,“地点”] (2)这里的词序本来应该是“寒秋,独立橘子洲头,湘江北去” 提问:为什么作者却写成“独立寒秋” 学生回答后,老师总结出因为填词的需要,并说明词有一定的句数,格律要求。 [赏析] △ “独” (1) 提问:为什么作者要独自一个人,站在橘子洲头,而不是三五成群,要求学生结合作者创作这首词的背景谈谈。 (2) 学生谈完,老师总结:明确作者为了逃避军阀耳目,才独自一个人登上橘子洲头。 [同时,以幻灯片打出《沁园春.长沙》创作背景] 2.第二层(第四一第十句) [老师串讲] 深秋时节,作者独自一个人,站在橘子洲头,看到湘江向北流去。 (1)提问:此时作者还看到了什么? [同时,老师用电脑打出一幅湘江秋景画] (2老师根据学生的回答,切换上述画像,用电脑显示“湘江秋景图”一表,在“景物栏上打上景物名称。 [赏析] △ “看” (1) 提问:作者以哪一个学将如此多的内容统领在一起。 (2) 引导学生回想,初中学过《沁园春.雪》也用了领字,并提出下阙,同样用了领字。 [同时,以幻灯片打出《沁园春。雪》相关句子] [老师串讲] 作者从眼前的山、枫林、江水等个别之景而联想到世上一切万物。 提问:这种写法称 [在电脑打上从点到面,从实到虚] [赏析] 提问:这幅湘江秋景图具有怎样的特征? 学生回答充满生机。 △ “争” 提出:船会不会自己争着行驶? 引导学生得出“争”既写船,又写人,写出了人的奋发向上的精神面貌。 △ “翔” 提出:能看到鱼儿在水中自由自在地游动,说明了什么? 引导学生得出江水清澈,湘江江水水质好。并问这句与上文哪一个相呼应? (“漫江碧透”) 说明作者在这里用“翔”既写了“鱼”又写“水”。 [同时,在“湘江秋景图”中打出三个动词 ] △ “竞” 以一个“竞”字说明万物为生存,为发展不停竞争,引导学生得出,“竞”是 对前面三个动词的高度概括。 提出作者不仅仅运用了动词,还用了数量词描绘这幅湘江秋景画。 引导学生装找出“万”、“层”、“百”,让学生分析作者用这三个词的妙处。 [在“湘江秋景画”上打上三个词] 提问:这幅画除了充满生机还具有怎样特征? 引导学生回答“色彩鲜明”、“色彩缤纷”,让学生找出这些色彩。 “红”、“碧”、“白”(船帆)、“黑”(黑鹰)、“蓝”(蓝天)。 [在“湘江秋景画”打上这些词] △“红” 引导学生得出红色往往给人朝气蓬勃,喜庆祥和之感。由此可见,作者当时 内心中充满激情。 △ “碧” 引导学生得出秋天叶黄叶时,看到碧绿透明的江水,心情就如朱自清先生看 到梅雨潭的绿,那样兴奋、舒服、愉快。 ⒊第三层(第十一至第十三句) [老师串讲] 面对这个充满生机的世界,作者思绪万端,他提出了一个震撼人心的问题。 提问:这是一个什么问题? [显示“问题” 在这三句旁] 提问:这三句与前写湘江秋景有什么关系? 引导学生得出自然界中之景物尚且不畏寒秋,互相竞争,况且,我们有生命有灵 魂的人。 [赏析] 联系时代背景及作者的经历,体会这一问显示了作者青年时代以天下为己任的壮 志凌云。这里是体现了作者借景来抒情的艺术手法。 [总结上阙] 作者描写了眼前的秋景,借景抒了自己的豪情,并提出了“谁主沉浮”的问题。 (四)分析下阙 上阙是老师串讲,师生赏析为主。下阙的教学采取老师点出关键,学生赏析为主。 [赏析] △ “忆” 要求学生联系作者的经历,寻找作者到底“忆”些什么,以及提出作者为何 要“忆往昔”?(意在写“今朝”,回答“谁主沉浮”) △ “恰” (1)让学生谈谈“恰”这个领字的妙处,让其描绘作者及其革命战友的当年 意气风发的画面。 (2)老师重点指出作者青春年少,革命热情奔放。 [显示一些1925年前作者的经历的图片] △ “曾记否”三句 (1) 让学生分析“击”、“遏”,领略人物的激昂豪迈。 (2) 老师重点明确作者在这三句中把整首词的感情基调推向高潮。 (3) 让学生体会作者“主沉浮”,“到中流击水”的寓意。 以天下为己任,蔑视反动派统治者,改造旧中国的豪情。) 附: 沁园春。长沙 毛泽东 [处境季节] 独立寒秋 湘北北去 [地点] 橘子洲头 看万山红遍 层林尽梁 漫江碧透 点 实 呼应 百舸争流 鹰击长空 鱼翔浅底 万类霜天竞自由 面 虚 怅寥廊 问苍茫大地 [问题] 谁问沉浮 携来百侣曾游 忆往昔峥嵘岁月稠 恰同学少年 风华正茂 书生意气 挥斥方遒 指点江山 激扬文字 类讨当年万户候 曾记否 到中流击水 浪遏飞舟 湘江秋景图 景物多 山、枫树林、江水、大船、鹰、鱼 动作劲 争(船、人)、击、翔(鱼、水) -------竟 范围广 数量多 万、层、百 色彩缤纷 红、碧、白、黑、蓝 关于多媒体教学 篇6教材简析: 《兰兰过桥》讲述了爷爷带着兰兰走过两座神奇的现代化的桥的故事。课文内容浅显,生动活泼,时代感强,富有情趣,可以使学生在掌握知识的同时,留下广阔的想象空间和创造空间,符合小学生的认知特点。 教学设计:本课的教学设计,强调以读、说、议、想为主线,并以电教媒体贯穿始终,使学生在精读中感知,在说议中感悟,在想象中创造。学生既增长知识,又提高能力。 教学过程: 一、抓住题眼,激qing引趣 1、让学生从生活实际出发,说一说:“你都见过什么样子的桥?” 2、借助电教媒体,让学生认识形状各异的桥,知道桥是架在水上供人们通行的。这样既丰富了学生的认知,又紧扣课题,从而引出本课桥的特点——神奇、美丽。 二、初读课文,感知内容 1、根据小学低年级学生的认知特点,在学习课文之前应把课文读得由通顺到流利再到感知课文,因此我便借助电教媒体出示自学要求。 (1)借助拼音读通课文,标出自然段序号。 (2)再读课文,划出生字词。 (3)自由读生字词,不会读得借助拼音多读几遍。 2、逐步检查学生的自学情况。 三、重点词句精读、美读,激发情感 1、在学生完成自学后,我便请大家再读课文,想一想,画一画,把你认为最能表现桥神奇的句子画下来,再展开想象用心体会。 2、当孩子们纷纷举手回答时,我又一次借助电教媒体演示出在潜水桥中看到的水中画面及句子:“它是用特别结实的玻璃砖造的,就像一幢长长的房子”, “透过玻璃看见大大小小的鱼游来游去,各种各样的船只从桥顶上驶过来划过去”,从视觉上激发了学生愉悦、丰富的情感,学生便情不自禁得美美地读起来。 四、在说议中感悟 1、小组交流,谈谈认识。 让学生在小组中把自己最感兴趣的桥的特征和性能说一说。 2、代表发言,全班评议。 让学生代表扮演桥梁专家,并利用多媒体课件,把自己最感兴趣的桥的知识介绍 给大家。学生既学得有情趣,又拓展了课外知识。 3、激发情感,认识升华。 看到这么神奇的桥,你会想些什么呢? 五、在想象中创造 1、兰兰过的这两座桥多神奇啊!它们都是桥梁专家根据人们的需要精心设计的, 你们长大了假如也做了桥梁专家,你会给大家设计一些什么桥呢? 2、任由学生想象,利用手中的“神笔”在电教媒体中描绘出心中的桥。这样既打开了学生的科学幻想之门,又培养了学生的动手能力。 3、最后,我和学生们利用电教媒体评选出“最佳作品”。 关于多媒体教学 篇7作者:佚名 转贴自:本站原创 点击数:8 《赶海》多媒体教学设计 一.教学目标设计 1.知识目标 学生通过自主学习,知道赶海是一件趣事。通过联系上下文,理解重点词语“满载而归”“束手就擒”等,并了解“武将”和战利品的借代意义。 2.能力目标 充分利用多媒体的教学优势,培养学生小组协作、自主学习的能力。通过各种形式的朗读实践,领会课文的思想感情,培养学生的语言感悟能力。利用媒体插图抓住空白之处,培养学生的创造性想象能力。 3.情感目标 凭借媒体加强反复朗读,感受“我”童年赶海的乐趣,激发学生热爱大海、热爱生活的思想感情 二、教学内容分析 本课叙述了“我”童年时代跟舅舅赶海的一件事。抒发了作者热爱大海、热爱生活的真挚情怀。 全文共五个自然段 第一自然段写了每当“我”唱起《大海啊,故乡》这首歌,便会想起童年赶海的事。文章开头巧妙地引用歌词,很自然地引出下文。 第二自然段到第五自然段具体记叙了“我”的第一次“赶海”过程,赶到海边---捉蟹,捉虾---满载而归,其中捉蟹,捉虾是记叙的重点,写得具体生动。结尾再一次引用题词,照应开头,使文章结构紧凑,浑然一体。 课文儿童化的语言,清新活泼,字里行间流露出作者对大海的喜爱,对童年生活的眷恋,(课文插图生动地再现了课文情景,可以帮助学生更好地理解课文。) 三:教学对象分析 生活在内陆的孩子对大海并不了解,要激发起他们对大海的喜爱,有些困难。课文儿童化的语言,浅显的内容,为学生正确理解课文,领会课文的思想感情,培养学生的语感奠定了基础。 四:教学媒体设计阐述 本课有文字、声音、动画、视频等传播媒体结合应用,有雄伟壮观的视频,有激情震撼的背景音乐,有生动清晰的背景图象,营造氛围,辅助讲座,激发了学生的学习热情。 本堂课主要采用了2种教学软件,利用webzip下载intener网上的大海风光图片,以及歌曲《大海啊,故乡》,利用frontpapge,进行图片处理,利用。 五:教学过程设计与分析 本堂课就是利用多媒体唤起学生记忆之中已有的表象,展示教材的内涵部分,在理解课文的基础上,充分发挥学生的想象力,使学生的创新思维迸出火花。通过环境或学习对象的再现。 (一)再现情景,激发共鸣 教师行为: 提问:1你们喜欢大海吗?老师有个朋友刚从青岛回来,他带回了许多漂亮的海景照片,大家想看吗?2提问:能说一说看后的感受吗? 学生行为:1观看屏幕、感受海之美 2学生谈感受 设计思路及分析:良好的开头是成功的一半。要想上好一堂课,首先要有一个能吸引学生注意的好开头,对于生活在武进地区的学生,海是陌生的,为了激起他们与小作家的共鸣,我利用多媒体展现了一组大海的风光图,并以歌曲《大海啊,故乡》为背景音乐,产生了壮观的立体感觉,刺激学生的感官,让学生身临其境,激起热爱大海的感情共鸣,从而达到“课伊始,情亦生”,为学习的深入搭建了感情的平台。 (二)想象场景,读中体验 教师行为:1请同学们轻声读一读第二自然段,找一找哪几句话写出了我热爱大海?2刚巧,赶上退潮,退潮时又是怎么样的情景呢?你能读出海浪的哗哗声吗?3小作者见到这么美的情景,多么兴奋呀!让我们一起来读一读第二段,去分享小作者的快乐 学生行为:1交流找出“闹”“兴奋”两个词 2听海浪声,个别朗读“海水哗哗往下退,只有浪花还不时回过头来,好象不忍离开似的。” 3练读第二自然段 设计思路及分析:构成文章的语言文字本身就有一定的造型、功能和表现功能,学生美读后形成融会了朗读者情感的体验,并对这一体验进行再加工深化,使之更加丰满鲜明。通过配乐朗读,学生脑海中会浮现出大海的形象,体会小作者着急去海边的急切的心情。 (三) 观察场景,读中感悟 教师行为:出示课文插图,仔细看图,你能根据老师的提示(我们来到大海边,只见远处----。这时,沙滩上----。近处----。1发挥想象,说一段话吗?2在海边哪些事使“我”觉得有趣味,读读课文第三自然段,可以小组交流。3(媒体出示捉“螃蟹”和捉“小虾”的句子),你能读得有趣,让大家听得有趣吗?4听了同学们的朗读,老师也想来读一读,同学们愿意和我合作吗? 学生行为:观看屏幕,感受赶海的乐趣,组织语言,练习说一段话。2小组交流趣事。3练读 设计思路及分析:把课文插图搬上大屏幕,让学生仔细观察,使之展开丰富想象,通过反复朗读来获得深切的体验和感受,从而能有序地说一段话,并从中感悟到大海的乐趣。通过文字幻灯片来理解重点词句,我制作了“我轻轻伸过手去,只一捏,这武将就成了我的俘虏,再也神气不起来了。”这句话的文字幻灯片在讲解时,让重点词“武将”改变成醒目的颜色,点击它,文字下面立刻出现京剧中“武将”的舞台形象,使学生很容易就理解了“武将”的借代意义,对这一讲半天也说不清的舞台形象有了鲜明的认识,从而更易感悟出捉虾的乐趣。 (四)回归整阅,升华情感 教师行为:1播放课文录音(最后两节),我的“战利品”是什么呢?请同学们展开想象,2赶海有那么多的收获,大家高兴吗?一起来体会这份喜悦之情吧!3播放歌曲《大海啊,故乡》 学生行为:1听课文录音,想象还会有哪些“战利品”理解“满载而归”2莫读最后两节,跟唱歌曲。 设计思路及评析:采用很自然的过度语引出课文录音,使第一范文不再僵化,而是在欣赏一场演出。自然合理的想象,调动学生已有的知识储备,理解了“战利品”,通过默读升华情感,从而激起学生对大海的无限热爱。歌曲首尾呼应,深刻地体味到作者对童年生活的眷恋。 作者:佚名苏州工业园区娄葑第一中心小学校 关于多媒体教学 篇8Lesson 98 多媒体教学设计方案 Teaching Aims 1.Study this lesson to know that one should be careful with his work.. 2.Let the students grasp the main idea by understanding the key words and phrases. 3.Get the students to know about new words. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Presentation 教师活动:教师展示图片(见ppt.)让学生能从此图片了解课文的内容,学生能否猜到事情发生的情况,教师可提问全班学生。 What happened to them from this picture? Step 2 Watch the Video 教师活动:教师播放视频(见ppt.),可播放一至两遍,然后给出问题,提问两到三个学生。 Why was Dr Baker surprised when he received the invitation? Step 3 Listening 教师活动:教师播放听力录音(见ppt.),在播放第一段过程中之后,可让学生浏览一遍课文内容。 After listening ,please answer the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 1 Key: Dr Baker was invited to attend Medical Conference in London. Paragraph 2 Key: Dr Baker was surprised to be asked to give a talk on DNA, which he knew nothing. Step 4 Intensive Reading 学生活动:学生通过仔细阅读课文两到三遍,也可大声地朗读,然后做教师提出的问题。 Ask the students to read the text quickly and choose the best answer to each question. 1. The main speaker didn’t arrive on time because ________. A. she had changed her mind B. she returned for her notes C. she missed her plane D. the weather was bad 2. It proved that Dr. Baker s appearance at the conference was ________to the organizer. A. an unknown mistake B. a serious problem C. a pleasant surprise D. a well-kept secret 3. Why did the organizer ask Dr. David Baker to give a talk on DNA? A. He knew the world-famous expert very well. B. He thought he was another expert on DNA whose name was Peter Baker. C. He just wanted to make fun of Dr. Baker. D. He wanted to please the people there by telling a joke. 4. Which of the following statements is true? A. The organizer made the careless mistake. B. David Baker also did research in DNA at college. C. Dr. Lively was going to give a talk on ENT. D. David was a bit angry at such a careless mistake. 5. Can you guess what will happen next year? A. The organizer will not invite Dr. Baker. B. Dr. Baker will not come to their meeting. C. They will not invite more experts to the meeting. D. Dr. Baker will come to attend their meeting. Key: DCBCD Step 5 Extensive Reading 学生活动:学生快速阅读课文一遍,然后回答教师提出的问题。 Please read the text quickly then answer the questions. 1. Why did Dr. Baker look at his diary after he got the invitation? 2.Why do you think one or two people were surprised to see him? 3.Do you think the organizer know Dr. Baker? How do you know? 4. What did the organizer want Dr. Baker to do? 5.Can you imagine how the organizer would feel after Dr. Baker said, “You must be joking! I know nothing at all about that subject”? Key: 1.Because he wanted to see whether he would be free that week. 2.Because they had never thought Dr. Baker would come to such a conference. 3.No, he didn't. He politely asked Dr. Baker to step out to make himself known to the organizer. 4.He wanted Dr. Baker to give a talk about DNA. 5.He must be equally surprised at Dr. Baker because he could not understand a mistake had been made. Step 6 Practice 教师活动:教师展示四张图片,让学生说出图片的内容。教师提问若干个学生,练习学生的口语能力 Please talk about Dr. Baker’s experiences based on each picture with your own words. Key:1.Dr. Baker was surprised when he received the invitation one day. 2.Two of them greeted to the Dr. Baker and was surprised to see him. 3.The organizer was so glad that Dr. Baker stood up to help the organizer to give a talk. 4.The organizer was saying sorry to all listeners that the speaker didn’t not reach because of bad weather. Step 7 Language study 教师活动:教师讲解课文的重点词汇与语句,之后教师分别给出词汇,让学生练习。 学生活动:学生在学习和掌握词汇用法后, 分别回答教师给出的问题。 Fill in the blanks with proper words. out of breath, hold on, take a message, get through, stand for, make oneself known, ring back, point out, make up, send out 1. There are some invitations ________ . 2. I tried to call you up but I couldn’t_____. 3. I’ll _________ you _________ when I know the answer. 4. When he climbed up the hill, he was _________. 5. Will you please ________ a price list? 6. I asked her_________ while I left the telephone to call you. 7. She isn't in. Can I_________? 8. What does CBA ________? 9. May I _________ to the organizer at the conference? 10. He ________ her________ to me. 1. to send out 2. get through 3. ring; back 4. out of breath 5. make up 6. to hold on 7. take a message 8. stand for 9. make myself known 10. pointed; out Step 8 Writing 教师活动:教师给出写作的内容(见ppt.)给学生一段的时间来写,然后教师提问学生,在给予指正。 学生活动:学生根据作文内容,在一定的时间内完成,用自己的语言描述此内容。 根据提示写一篇以会议组织者的口吻描述第二天的情况: 1) the first day, OK; 2) the main speaker would not be able to arrive the second day; 3) everybody was worried; 4) invite Dr. Baker to give a talk; 5) know nothing about DNA Suggest answer: The medical conference went on smoothly the first day. But on the morning of the second day, we were told that the main speaker. Dr. Lively would not be able to arrive that day because of bad weather at the airport. It was already lecture time and everybody was worried. Then we decided to invite Dr. Baker to give a talk on DNA instead. I knew Dr. Baker was in the hall. But when I told him this, he said he knew nothing about DNA and he was not Peter Baker but David Baker. Strange! Step 9 Discussion 教师活动:教师展示一张图片(见ppt.)给出学生问题,教师可适当给出词汇,教师把学生分别若干小组分别讨论,然后教师提问学生,同时教师也可说出自己的看法。 Topic: If you were the organizer of the picture, how would you do when Dr. Baker said he was ENT? Step 10 Homework 1.Finish off the Workbook exercises. 2.Read the story in this lesson again. 3.Prepare Lesson 99. 关于多媒体教学 篇9Fill in the blanks with proper words. Long ago, the first travellers went to Ireland from ________, and later from the south and west of _________. They found that much of the land was _________, but there was ________ grass for sheep and cows, _________ it rained a lot. The seas around Ireland were full of all sorts of __________. Many of the peasants were very poor and they lived mainly on _________. Around __________, potatoes __________ bad because of a terrible disease and many people died of ___________. Tens of thousands had to travel to other countries to look _________ a better life. Although many families became __________, people still kept in __________ with each other. Now life has improved for the population. Most Irish people go to __________ every Sunday and the church plays an important part in people s lives. The Irish are very fond of __________ and ____________. They often get together in the evening to ___________ and ___________ music. Scotland fish for music Europe potatoes separated poems poor 1850 touch sing enough went church play because hunger 关于多媒体教学 篇10Lesson 78 多媒体教学设计方案 Teaching Aims 1. Learn the text by finishing reading it in proper time, getting the general idea and further comprehension . 2. Let the students know the development of paper-making. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Presentation 教师活动:展示图片(见ppt.) 学生活动:Answer the questions 1.Do you know who first invented paper-making? 2. When did the Chinese begin to paper- making? Key: TS’ai Lun ,two thousand years. Step 2 Watch the video 教师活动:演示视频见(ppt.) Step3 Questions 学生活动:回答下列问题 After watching and answer the following questions. 1. What's the result of the invention of paper? 2. What's the problem with using bamboo for writing? 3. When did Chinese people begin to have silk books? 4. When did Spain. Russia and America start making paper? Key: 1.Much is known about Chinese history because records were kept on paper. 2.It was difficult to read and was heavy to carry. 3.2,140 4.1150;1567;1690 Step 4Listening 教师活动:教师播放录音(见ppt.) 学生活动:回答下列问题 1.Say about the development of paper-making: Paper made from silk: The good points:_________________________________ The problem:_______________________________________ Paper made form the fibres of plants: What did people use to?: _____________________________ The good points:____________________________________ Keys:It was easy to write and draw on it, It was too valuable for everyday use. fishing nets, trees, old clothes, It was so soft and light but much less expensive. 2. Listen the text and find out the main idea of the each paragraph: 教师活动:播放录音(见ppt.) 学生活动:回答下列问题 (Paragraph 1) Early invention of paper in China (Paragraph 2—3) How records were kept before the invention of paper? (Paragraph 4) The development of paper-making (Paragraph 5) The making of paper was well developed Step 5 Reading 学生活动:学生阅读课本回答下列问题 Read the passage in your Students' Book and chose True or False: 1.) People all over the world have been making paper for two thousand years. 2) As a result of the invention of paper, the Chinese people could know a lot about the history in other parts of the world. 3) As there was no paper, much of the history over hundreds of years is completely unknown in many parts of the world. 4) Before writing was developed, people in China had no way to keep records. 5) From the text we know that writing was developed in the third century BC. 6) Books of pieces of bamboo or wood tied together were difficult to read and heavy to carry. 7) Paper made from silk was easy to write and draw on, but very expensive. 8) Paper made from the fibres of plants was soft and light and is less expensive than silk. 9) By the first century the making of paper had reached other countries. 10) Spain started making paper earlier than the Middle East. Key: 1) False ( The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years. ) 2) False ( As a result of the invention of paper, the Chinese people could know a lot about the history of China, not other parts of the world. ) 3) True 4) False ( Before writing was developed, people in China used to keep records by putting a number of stones together. ) 5) False (Much early than that, because examples of the carved metal pots have been found from the 16th to the third centuries BC. ) 6) True 7) True 8) True 9) False ( After the first century the making of paper began to reach other countries. ) 10) False (The Middle East started making paper in the eighth century while Spain started making paper in 1150. ) Step 6 Exercise 学生活动:学生做下面课文的完形填空题 Fill in the blanks with proper words. It is believed that before writing was developed, people in China used to keep records by putting a number of ______ together. As soon as writing was developed, people carved words on _____ ____. Later, words were carved on ______ ______. Between the second and the fifth centuries people wrote on pieces of _____ or ____ and these were tied together to form a book. At the same time, another kind of paper was made from _____. Because it was expensive, people invented another kind of paper made with the ______ of plants. They used ______ ______, the outside of _____, pieces of _____ _____ and so on. This kind of paper was as ______ and ______ as silk but much _________ expensive for everyday use. Key: stones, animal bones, metal pots, bamboo, wood, silk, fibres, fishing nets, trees, old clothes, soft, light, less Step7 Discussion 教师活动:教师把学生分成几个小组进行讨论,给学生大约五分钟时间,最后教师进行提问与总结 学生活动:学生在小组里进行讨论,交流看法与意见。 Discuss the advantage of early invention of paper. Suggest words: soft, light, much less expensive, so on Step8 Homework 1. Retell this passage with your own words. 2. Preparation the next Lesson. Step 9 Introduction Chinese legend tells that the new invention of paper was presented to the Emperor in the year 105 AD by Cai Lun. Archeological evidence, however, shows that paper was in use two hundred years before then. Either way, the Chinese were significantly ahead of the rest of the world. The craft of papermaking relied upon an abundance of bamboo fiber to produce a fine quality paper. In ancient China, the papermaker uses only the traditional materials and methods lo produce fine art paper. The early paper making workshop 关于多媒体教学 篇11多媒体(Multimedia)教学是现代教育采用的最先进的教学手段.对于传统教学中,难以表达、学生难以理解的抽象内容、复杂的变化过程、细微的结构等,多媒体通过动画模拟、局部放大、过程演示等手段都能予以解决,它打破了“粉笔加黑板,教师一言堂”的传统教学方法,不但在教学中起到事半功倍的效果,而且有利于提高学生的学习兴趣和分析、解决问题的能力,大大提高了教学效率和质量。以下,我以初中地理第三册《中国的河流和湖泊》一章为例,谈谈运用多媒体在优化地理教学的几点看法。 1、运用多媒体技术,可以创设情境,引发学生学习的兴趣和思考。 多媒体可以创设出一个生动有趣的教学情境,化无声为有声,化静为动,使学生进入一种喜闻乐见的,生动活泼的学习氛围。引起学生的注意力,提高学生的学习兴趣。它能变静为动,克服了传统教学中学生面向静态呆板的课文和板书的缺陷。例如:在介绍《长江》一课的课前2分钟。可以播放长江的一段影视片段,悦耳的音乐、美丽的画面、优美动听的解说,学生犹如亲临其境,一方面给学生以美的享受,另一方面有可以把学生分散的心一下子集中到课堂来,一段影视用来导入新课,让学生觉得既轻松又新颖。当讲到我国的河流和湖泊对人类有什么影响时,可以播放一些河流和湖泊图片,启发学生讨论,这样学生可以得出河湖给我们带来很多便利,如水资源、水能资源,、航运价值等,同时也可以知道河流也可以造成水灾。就这样,让学生处于一种亲切的情境中,可以取得较好的教学效果。多媒体创设情境,有助于学生提高学习兴趣,激发求知欲,调动学习积极性。 2、运用多媒体技术,可以突出重点、淡化难点,提高课堂教学的质量。 地理课中有许多重点、难点,有时单*老师讲解,学生理解起来费力,而多媒体地理教学形象、直观、效果好。它可将抽象的知识形象化、具体化,易于学生掌握。既可增加生动感,又利于知识的获取,从而突出重点、淡化难点,收到事半功倍的效果。提高了课堂教学的质量。例如:在介绍我国长江中游和下游的洪水原因时,它既是这一课的重点,又是这一课的难点。我们可以用多媒体展示出长江水系图,用闪烁的方法显示洪水的三个主要来源。即宜昌以上的干支流,以及南面的洞庭湖、鄱阳湖两大水系、北面的汉江。教师很容易给学生介绍清楚,在有些年份,流域内普降暴雨,三股主要洪水来自同一时期,河水猛涨,就会使长江干流出现特大洪水。另外再插入一些近年来上中游山区森林遭到破坏,水土流失严重等影视片段去启发学生,它是使洪涝等自然灾害不断加剧的另一主要原因。多媒体的运用,使难于理解的重点、难点,变得形象、具体、生动,清楚易懂,使教学收到了事半功倍的效果。 3、运用多媒体技术,可以培养学生的思维能力。 在传统的地理教学中,主要教具是挂图,课本插图和一些投影,由于不能看到地理事物的运动变化,学生便难于理解一些抽象的知识,影响了学生的学习兴趣。利用多媒体可以通过动画模拟、过程演示,使静止图成为动态图,从中观察到整个变化过程,学生边观察、边思考讨论,既活跃了课堂气氛,激发学生的求知欲,也体现教师的主导作用,发挥学生能动作用,使教与学成为有机的整体。从而培养学生的观察能力、想象能力、综合分析能力、解决问题的能力,促进思维向纵深发展。例如:在介绍我国黄河下游地上河成因时,我们可以先放一段黄河中游水土流失的影视,再用动画演示“地上河”的形成过程。这样学生就很容易的了解它是由河流泥沙淤积形成的。原来是黄河中游流经支离破碎、土层疏松的黄土高原,支流也多。由于黄土高原植被遭到破坏,一遇暴雨,大量的泥沙与雨水一起,汇人黄河,使黄河成为全世界含沙量最多的河流。出了黄土高原,黄河流人下游平原地区,由于河道变宽,坡度变缓,流速慢了下来,大量的泥沙沉积于河底,使河床逐渐抬高,成为“地上河”。由于黄河下游为“地上河”,河床高出地面学生也可以分析出,为什么黄河下游支流很少,流域面积狭小。这是由于地面流水不能汇人河道,所以支流少,流域面积狭小。就这样,通过形象直观的图像和影视,既促进培养了学生的思维能力及解决问题能力,有进一步激发学生的求知欲。 4、运用多媒体技术,可以培养和提高学生读图能力。 地理教学中,读图能力的培养是学生贯于始终的基本技能。不仅能帮助学生理解、记忆地理知识,而且能帮助学生建立形象思维,提高解决问题的能力;同时教会学生通过阅读地图进行分析、综合、概括、判断、推理,也是对学生能力的培养。在多媒体地理教学中,它可帮助学生形成正确的、全面的读图、用图乃至制图的重要本领。例如:在介绍京杭运河时,用重新着色、闪亮来突出京杭运河北起通县,南至杭州,经北京、天津两市及河北、山东、江苏、浙江四省,沟通了海河、黄河、淮河、长江、钱塘江五大水系(配以闪烁五大水系)。这样就可以克服了传统地图内容繁多,重点不突出的弊病。在介绍长江流域有那些主要支流时,用闪烁来突出岷江、嘉陵江、乌江、湘江和洞庭湖、汉江、赣江和鄱阳湖它们的位置。介绍长江上、中、下游的划分也可以闪烁出宜昌和湖口所在的位置。这样学生可以形成正确的地理事物空间分布特征的概念。 5、运用多媒体技术,可以兼顾全面,因材施教。 各班级之间的学生能力有差别,教师可根据学生的实际情况,选择恰当的设置,设计不同的教学深度、广度和进度,利于不同层次的学生获取知识,真正做到因材施教,利于学生的个性化发展。 例如:在介绍黄河和珠江的水文特点时,有的班可以采用先放一些录像资料,学生看了以后再总结填表(附表),有的班则是先让学生看书,先填表,后看录像。再加深印象。 河 名 水量大小 汛期长短 含沙量大小 有无结冰期 黄河 较小 短 大 有 珠江 大 长 小 无 在介绍长江丰富的水能时,有些班可以让学生先根据学过中国三级地势的知识分析原因,老师再显示出长江干流的剖面图进一步总结归纳;而有些班则先把长江干流的剖面图显示出来,再让学生分析归纳。不同的显示时间和顺序,对不同班级的学生有着特殊的效果。这样,不但能适应不同程度学生的需要,也有助尖子学生的培养,它符合学生的个性特点,真正做到因材施教,共同进步。 以上是我对多媒体教学的几点认识,虽多媒体教学有效的提高了教学效率和教学质量,但也应注意到多媒体教学手段不能完全取代传统的教学方法,而要与传统的教学手段有机结合,和教师相比,多媒体教学仍处于教学中的辅助地位,即使多媒体完成了许多人力所不及的任务,也不能代替教师的全部工作,教学过程的诸环节仍需教师来组织实施,因此,教师应通过精心认真的教学设计,选择最合适的教学媒体。在教学时,要充分发挥教师的主导作用,多媒体对现代教育必定会注入新的活力。 关于多媒体教学 篇12Teaching Aims (1) Study this lesson to know more about Britain. (2)The students are trained to improve their reading ability. (3) Learn about the language points concerned with the lesson. Teaching procedures Step 1 Presentation 教师活动:教师展示大不列颠地图,(见ppt.)然后进行设问,教师让学生积极参与,课堂气氛活跃。 学生活动:学生看着地图,找出问题的答案。 Show the Britain map then find out the position of the countries. 1.Where is Britain? 2.Where is England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales? Step 2 Watch the Video 教师活动:教师演示课文视频(见ppt.),并且给学生简易地图,学生能够找出各个国家及首都的位置。教师提问各别学生。 学生活动:学生通过简易地图,说出并且找出各个国家及首都的位置。 Fill the countries on the map. England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Dublin, Edinburgh, Belfast, Cardiff and London. Step 3 Listening 教师活动:教师把本课的几部分内容进行精听,播放各段声音文件(见ppt.)播放一遍后,给学生问题进行回答,之后教师进行总结并且展示各个国家的地图(见ppt.) 学生活动:学生听完录音后,回答下面的问题。 Listening each paragraph. While checking the answers, you can write the key words in the blanks. 1)UK : a. stands for_________________________ b. It is made up of_____________________ Key: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2)Scotland a. Capital_____________ b. position_____________ c. Language ________________ d. countryside____________________________ Key: Edinburgh, in the north, English / Scottish, famous for its beautiful countryside II Wales a. position __________ b. capital _________ c. language _________ d. countryside _______________________e. coal mines ____________________________________ Key: to the west of England ,Cardiff, Welsh / English , beautiful with lots of mountains and rivers, many of them have been closed, or are about to be closed. III England a. position _______________ b. capital __________ c. population _____________ d. landforms ________________________________ Key: in the southeast , London, seven million, rather flat and many hills IV Ireland 1). Northern Ireland a. position ______ b. capital ____________ c. Language________ 2).The Republic of Ireland a. position _____ b. capital _______________c. Language__________ Key: Northern Ireland in the north of Ireland Belfast English / Irish The Republic of Ireland in the south of Ireland Dublin English / Irish Step 4Reading 教师活动:教师组织学生阅读课文,并且提问各别学生对课文的理解程度。 学生活动:学生通过阅读,回答下面的问题。 Read the text and choose the best answer to each question. 1. _________ divides the “UK” into two parts. A . The Irish Sea B. The River Thames C. The English D. The Pacific Ocean 2. The island of Britain is made up of _________ . A. Wales, Ireland and England B. Edinburgh, London and Dublin C. Ireland, Wales and Scotland D. Scotland, Wales and England 3. There used to be a lot of coal mines ________. A. in the south of England B. in the south of Scotland C. in the southeast of Britain D. to the west of England 4. Which country lies to the west of England and southeast of Ireland? A. Scotland. B. Wales. C. England. D. Ireland. 5. Dublin is the capital of _________. A. Britain B. Ireland C. Wales D. the Republic of Ireland 6. The Southern part of the island is a separate country, called the Repubhc of Ireland with Dublin as its capital. In this sentence, a “separate country” is a country _________. A. separated by the Irish Sea B. separated from UK C. which is independent D. separated by many lakes and mountains 7. The reason why the first travellers went to Ireland from Scotland later from the west of Europe perhaps is ________. A. that there was enough grass for sheep and cows B. that it rained so much C. that the seas were full of all sorts of fish D. not found in the text 8. Sunday is a day on which most Irish people ________. A. enjoy listening to music B. have a party C. read their own poems to each other D. go to church Key: [ADDBDADD] Step 6 Practise 教师活动:教师播放最后一段录音(见ppt.),组织学生一起回答下列问题。 学生活动:学生听录音后,回答下列问题。 Describe the weather in Britain and Ireland and fill in the form. Winter: ______________________ Summer: ________________________ North:_______________________ South:_________________________ East:________________________ West:___________________________ Rain: ________________________ Snow: ___________________________ Key: Winter: not too cold Summer: not too hot North: colder South: warmer East: drier West: wetter Rain: It rains every month of the year in all parts of Britain. Snow: Snow falls in Scotland every winter, and sometimes in England and Wales too. Step7 Language points 教师活动:教师归纳本课的重点词语并且对部分词汇进行练习,教师可一边讲解,一边练习提问。 学生活动:学生在掌握重点词语后,能够会做下面练习。 1)Deal with the language points stand for be made up of be famous for to the north of in the north of on the north of be about to do sth. Be divided into be separated by 2)Choose the right phrase for each blank. divide. . .into . . . neither. . .nor. . . be about to, used to ,be famous for, be fond of 1. Sydney _______ _________ _______its Opera House (歌剧院) . 2. Every year, millions of people ______ ________ smoking (吸烟). 3. Kunming is called Spring City, because the weather there is _________ too hot _________ too cold at any time of the year. 4. We ______ _________ ______leave when it began to rain. 5. This room is too big. We should __________ it __________ two. 6. They ______ ________play basketball every day when they were at college. Key:1. is famous for 2. die of 3. neither . . . nor 5. divide . . . into 4. were about to 6. used to Step 8 Homework Prepare Lesson 87 Introduction 教师活动:教师展示相关内容一些图片(见ppt.),如:River Thames, the Big Ben, Britain Bridge. 关于多媒体教学 篇13教学设计示例 lesson 102 多媒体教学设计方案 teaching aims 1.get the students to know about bob geldof and his project of the text. 2.study new words and sentences of this paragraph. teaching procedures step presentation 教师活动:教师展示图片,听歌曲做为课文的导入 (见ppt.),然后根据下面的问题提问。 questions and answers: have you known bob geldof ? did you listen his songs? step watch the video 教师活动:教师播放视频(见ppt.),在未播放之前,让学生带着问题来看课文内容,之后提问学生下面问题。 when and where was he born? what did bob ask his pop star friends to do? step intensive reading 学生活动:学生仔细阅读课文,然后回答教师提出的问题。 read lesson 102 carefully and choose the best answer to each question. 1. for what reason did bob geldof’s life change? a. he read a book about the poor africans. b. he heard a story of hungry people. c. he saw pictures of hungry people in africa on tv. d. he heard the news on the radio. 2. what is so special about bob geldof? a. he organized other singers to sing for him—for free. b. he is a famous pop star. c. he had a special experience when he was young. d. he knew the problems which the africans had. 3. why did bob geldof organize the concerts? a. to make people know him. b. to call on the african people to fight for freedom. c. to earn money for his family. d. to collect money for food and other things for africa. 4. the passage is mainly about ________. a. bob’s friends sang in the conceits for money b. bob geldof succeeded in organizing concerts to help the african people c. other people wanted to share the money collected d. many people liked to travel by plane because it was free 5.how much money did he collect from selling records? a.6 million pounds b.7 million pounds c.8 million pounds d.9 million pounds key : 1-5 cadbc step listening and practising 教师活动:教师播放课文录音两到三遍(见ppt.),然后给出问题,让学生回答。 学生活动:学生听完课文的录音,回答下列的问题。 listen to this paragraph twice ,then judge whether of the following is true or false. 1.after he left school he worked first as a worker building roads and later in a food factory. 2.in canada he began to write about music for a newspaper and became interested in pop groups. 3.bob geldof’s pop group was the top one from 1979 to 1982. 4.bob geldof's life changed one october evening because lots of copies of his record were sold and he earned a lot of money. [1] [2] [3] 下一页 5.the record “do they know it's christmas” was a great success. 6.when he reached africa, he realized that hunger was the only problem in the african countries. key: 1. false 2. true 3. true 4. false 5.true 6.false step talking and speaking 教师活动:教师展示图片(见ppt.)并且给学生相关词语,进行口语练习。 学生活动:学生根据图片及相关词汇,说明图片描述的内容。 talk about the pictures with your own words. bob geldof -----a famous singer watch tv----astonished and sad at what he saw in africa decide to help -----make a pop record collect money-----help hungry people in africa step language study 教师活动:教师给学生讲解本课的词语及句型,然后考查学生相关词汇的练习。 学生活动:学生通过教师的讲解,做出下面的练习。 fill in the blanks with the box , using the right form of the verbs. come from, increase, organize, return, produced, sell out, copy, realize 1.i heard that the new book will _________next month. 2.after a few years study he ________ to his home town. 3.the population of tills town has _________ by fifty thousand since 1990. 4.rubber is mainly _________ on hainan island. 5.our teacher__________ a class trip to the beach. 6. the largest and most delicious pears _______ _______ hejian county. 7.please send a ________of this letter to mr grey. 8. she ___________her intention of becoming an actress. key: 1.sell out, 2. returned 3. increased 4. produced 5. organized 6. come from 7.copy, 8.realized step summary 学生活动:学生根据对本课的理解,完成bob geldof的生平简介。 complete the information from the story about bob geldof. name: bob geldof nationality: ____________ birthplace: _____________ date of birth: ___________ work: __________ main events: 1.1961:______________________ 2.1968:_____________________ 3.1975:______________________ 4.1982:_______________________ 5.1984:________________________ 6.1985:___________________________ key: ireland ,dublin ,1954, as a worker at first, later he had his own pop group. 1.his mother died. 2.he became interested in pop groups. 3.he formed his own pop group. 4.their group stopped playing together. 5.his record were produced and copied. 6.he organized two concerts on the same day. step discussion 教师活动:教师组织学生分成若干个小组,给中国学习联盟约5-10分钟进行讨论,之后教师提问学生讨论的结果。 学生活动:学生根据自己的理解,在一起互相讨论。 上一页 [1] [2] [3] 下一页 topic: what can we learn from bob geldof ? step exercise read lesson 102 again, then fill in the blanks with the right verb forms. 学生活动:学生通过在此阅读,回答课文的完形填空。 bob geldof was a world famous irish pop star. he was _____ in ireland in 1954. his mother_____ when he was seven. when he was fourteen he _____ interested in pop groups. he ____school and ______ in a food factory. then he _____ to canada where he ______ about music for a newspaper. in 1975 he ______ to dublin, the capital of the irish republic, where he ______his own pop group. one day, bob geldof was _____ tv and he _____ some very sad pictures of hungry people in africa. he ______ very sorry for them and he thought that he could do something to ______ them. suddenly he had the idea of _______ a pop record. he ____ up all his friends in the pop world, and they all _____ to sing on his record for free. so a pop record was ______ and 8 million pounds were ______ from the record sales. key: born, died, became, left, worked, went wrote, returned, found, watching, saw, felt, help, making, rang, agreed, produced, collected step homework 1.complete the workbook exercises. 2.retell this paragraph with your own words. 3.prepare lesson 103. 结束:听歌曲(见ppt.) 上一页 [1] [2] [3] |
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