标题 | 2024个人出国留学申请书 |
范文 | 2024个人出国留学申请书(精选32篇) 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇1尊敬的领导: 您好! 我是辽宁省大石桥市第一高级中学高三学生x。我希望通过贵校的自主招生来实现我在x学习的梦想,感谢您在百忙中抽出时间审阅我的自荐信,以下是我的自我介绍。 三年的高中生活就要结束了,x悠久的历史,深厚的文化底蕴,丰富的教学资源,良好的学术氛围,强烈的时代气息,为社会培养出许多杰出人才。我将选择贵校为第一志愿,非常渴望能在明年7月拿到贵校的录取通知书,成为一名光荣的x学生,成为一名对社会、对祖国有用的人才。 在多年的学习过程中,从小学习成绩一直的我,凭借自己的努力考入理想的高中大石桥市第一高级中学,经过三年的锤炼,我已经成长为意志坚强、底蕴深厚、成熟内敛、热爱生活、有爱心、有同情心、有上进心、德智体全面发展的优秀学生。 我性格开朗,兴趣广泛,天文地理、国内国际形势都会引起我极大的兴趣与关注。我喜欢参加学校组织的各种活动,喜欢写作、唱歌,做过校园联欢晚会主持人等,这些爱好,让我不但在学习上,而且在多方面取得进步。 我是个乐观向上的年轻人。热爱生活,逆境也不畏惧,对生活充满信心和希望。我坚信,我的努力会让我达到成功的梦想。我喜欢感受快乐,我希望把快乐传递给我身边的每一个人,我为强者欢呼,为弱者流泪,我相信送人玫瑰手留余香。我用自己的真诚,博得良好的同学缘,老师们也都对我非常认可,这多来自我单纯、直率、热情的性格。 我是理科生,养成了行事条理分明的个性,亦是一个做事果断、有主见、有分寸的'人。无论在学习上,还是其他方面,我都努力达到事半功倍的的效果。充分发挥自己的潜力。我常常用更少的时间就能学会别人在标准学习时间内才能获取的知识,经常花费别人的一部分时间完成和别人同样的作业任务。在高中历次的期中、期末考试中,我的成绩大多,这些都源自我科学的学习方法和良好的学习习惯。曾获得大石桥市三好学生的荣誉。 x是我梦寐以求的大学殿堂,假如我这次有幸进步x,我将明确努力方向,能在大学汲取更多的知识,不仅是知识,更有献身祖国、为民族复兴贡献一份力量的情操。在学术活跃的x,我将努力参加一些团体、论坛和各种活动,锻炼我的能力,把自己磨砺成一个x学生所具备的独特文化品位、非凡才能和良好综合素质的优秀人才。 “好风凭借力,送我上青云。”期待在不久的将来成为x的学生,而x则是我人生大学阶段最有意义的好风!随信附上个人简历。恳请贵校领导接受我的申请,实现我的理想。 此致 敬礼! 申请人: xx年xx月xx日 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇2I am writing to express my full support for xiao xiao, who is applying tograduate school at [name of school]. though i am currently a visiting scholar atthe university of california, san diego, i was xiao's supervisor at the vvvuniversity school of architecture and civil engineering. in my [number] years inacademia, xiao stands out as one of the best students i've encountered. as the professor in charge of vvv's student union, i spent several yearssupervising and working closely with pan, who served as the union's chairpersonand monitor. pan's work included managing the routine affairs of his class of 76students and planning many student activities. consequently, through our closecontact, i gained a thorough understanding of and respect for pan's character,his strong organizational skills, and his leadership ability. for example, infall 1997, xiao organized an evening party for incoming freshmen. i stillvividly remember the party's resounding success, as well as pan's unswervingattention to details. dedication and passion are hallmarks of pan's character. although the workhe did as a student leader was time-consuming and tiring, he never complained.he simply embraced his responsibilities, and enjoyed the tasks at hand. studentsacknowledged his devotion to his classmates repeatedly: for four years in a row,the student body elected him monitor and chairperson. xiao felt great warmth notonly for his classmates, but also for society at large. sincerely, professor name department of electrical engineering, abc university 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇3Dear _, I am a student of _ school _ (female, born on August 20th, _), and I amabout to become a middle school student. My biggest wish is to be able to studyin _, because destiny made me know _middle school. In the summer of 20_ I wasfortunate to become a member of the school club, and represented _ middle schoolto participate _ in _ the middle school student sports meeting (table tenniscompetition) that year, and achieved good results. In just a few days of thecompetition, through the introduction of the leading teachers and teammates, Ihave a full understanding of _middle school. After that, I pay more attention tolearning and love sports. In my heart, learning and exercise have constitutedthe driving force for mutual promotion. At present, my table tennis skills havebeen further improved. In the 20_20_years, I have won the second place in thewomen's group A of the table tennis competition for two consecutive years. Ping-pong is my hobby, and it is my goal of continuous efforts to improveacademic performance. A good learning environment can create outstandinglearning talents. The suburban high school is my dream choice. The school hasthe traditional virtues of solidarity and mutual assistance, and has a learningatmosphere of "comparison, learning, catching up, and surpassing", and it ismore problem-solving. Good teachers and leaders who are difficult and willing toteach. Opportunities are met but not sought. If the school leaders give me thisopportunity, I will continue to sum up my experience and lessons, be mentallyprepared to dare to endure all hardships, establish the confidence to overcomeall difficulties, and strive to be excellent Achievement completed three yearsof junior high school life. Never let the school leaders down. I don'tunderstand whether this formulation is appropriate, but I implore the leaders tostudy my application. Yours sincerely, ___,___ 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇4Byerly Hall, 8 Garden Street, Cambridge, USA P.C:02138 Tel:(617) 495-1000 Dear Prof. _: I'm Yang, a master candidatefrom Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, P. R. China, supervised by Prof.Tang. And I ever contacted you for the password of your papers in the last time.I'm supported by a Chinese National Fund, which will support those PhDcandidates in China to go abroad to some world class Universities of theirfields. This programme will cover all living cost I need in USA. After I read alot of papers of my research area, I understand that you are working on MAXphases and have published quite a lot of high level scientific papers. As such,you are the leading researcher in _ in the world. I find your area fits me well,so I write to you to see if you can give me a chance to study in your school. MyCV and published papers have been attached. My research area is mainly about MAX phases. I have published 5 papers inthe journals including J. Mater. Res. and Solid State Commun. In addition,papers were submitted. And now I'm doing _. I am not applying a full time PhDprogramme, and this programme is a short time (12-24 months) co-educationexperiences more like a visit scholar programme. This programme is a new type ofco-educate PhD programme supported by China Scholarship Council. The studyperiod abroad varies from 12 months at least to 24 months at most. I have toaccomplish my doctor degree back to my school (Harbin Institute of Technology),so I'm not supposed to acquire my doctor degree at Drexel University. And this programme runs like this, students meet the applicationrequirements can apply this programme, and my University and research area isamong the main supporting Universities and areas. Students must acquire anofficial invitation letter from the prospective tutor/University. Therefore, allI need is an official invitation letter from you (or your University). The dateof enrollment I'm considering is September/October 20xx. In order to make sure Ican catch up with the next year's programme, I have to prepare all theapplication stuff (including your official invitation letter) before January,20xx. And because it will cost about 1 month to mail your invitation letter fromUSA to China, so I really hope you can respond me as soon as possible to makesure I can receive your letter before the winter vacation this year. And if youcan't make this decision or you have a better recommendation whose researchareas fit me well, please inform me. Really hope to hear from you as soon aspossible! Yours sincerely, 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇5Since I was young I have always had a keen interest in the way that thethings around me work. From marvelling at the telephone to how planes can fly,engineering advances have never failed to captivate me. For this reason, I havealways tried to find out how such things function, and about how they have hadan impact on the society we live in today. Coupled with the fact that I havealways enjoyed the logical and problem-solving processes involved in maths andphysics, I decided several years ago to embark on a career in engineering. Since then, I have endeavoured to find out as much about engineering aspossible. I researched the great engineers such as Brunel, and discovered thegreat works they had completed. I have attended several engineering conferences,the most recent of which I was selected to speak live on radio about myexperiences. And once I had completed several weeks' worth of work experience, Iwas assured that it was the career that I wanted to pursue. This summer, I took part in the Nuffield Bursary scheme for a month,working in a team, at Aerogistics Ltd. Our project was to analyse and implementa new system for the distribution of consumable materials to the individualdepartments within the company. We found the current system to be highlyinefficient and after much data gathering and thought, presented our findings tothe senior managers of the company who agreed with our ideas. The last week wasspent starting the implementation of these ideas. I found the experience to behighly challenging, yet rewarding especially as it led to me gaining a GoldCrest Award. I also found it useful as I got to see engineers at work and thedaily problems that they face. I learnt that there is a lot more to being a goodengineer than possessing technical competence, although this is undoubtedlyimportant; team work, communication and leadership skills are vital as well. I have also recently been selected to complete two placements with armyengineers. One of these placements will focus on the more practical side ofengineering while the other will focus on the skills needed by a professionalengineer focussing on project planning and leadership. I hope to find theexperience useful. In my spare time I like to play sport and music. In secondary school I wascaptain for the Netball and Football teams, as well as taking part in variousother sports. The experience of this greatly improved my team working abilitiesas well as my fitness. As a keen musician I am working towards my grade 5 theoryand grade 7 practical on cello. I am a member of a Youth Orchestra, and havejust recently completed a tour of Italy. I am also in the school orchestra andhave led several orchestras in the past, before progressing to the LYO. In school, I am Deputy Head Girl, helping to lead a team of over 40prefects. I find this to be a challenging and stimulating role and believe ithas developed my confidence immensely. As well as carrying out the normal dutiesof a prefect, such as supervising younger students, I must lead and manage theother prefects. My role involves arranging rotas, organising after school eventssuch as the Year 7 social and parent's evenings and public speaking as well asother responsibilities, which have developed my communication, organisation andleadership skills immensely. The role requires a lot of commitment, but it hashelped to improve my time management, as I try to strike a balance between itand school work, which is my main priority. I have also been selected to competein the Physics Olympiad and have been entered for the Biology AdvancedExtension. During my time at university I hope to gain a good degree, which will standme in good stead for when I enter the world of work. I would like to continue myeducation in a place where I can thrive both academically and socially, andwhere I can put my determination and motivation into good use. Thank you. 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇6尊敬的X领导: 您好!我是辽宁省大石桥市第一高级中学高三学生x。我希望通过贵校的自主招生来实现我在X学习的梦想,感谢您在百忙中抽出时间审阅我的自荐信,以下是我的自我介绍。 三年的高中生活就要结束了,X悠久的历史,深厚的文化底蕴,丰富的教学资源,良好的学术氛围,强烈的时代气息,为社会培养出许多杰出人才。我将选择贵校为第一志愿,非常渴望能在明年7月拿到贵校的录取通知书,成为一名光荣的X学生,成为一名对社会、对祖国有用的人才。 在多年的学习过程中,从小学习成绩一直的我,凭借自己的努力考入理想的高中——大石桥市第一高级中学,经过三年的锤炼,我已经成长为意志坚强、底蕴深厚、成熟内敛、热爱生活、有爱心、有同情心、有上进心、德智体全面发展的优秀学生。 我性格开朗,兴趣广泛,天文地理、国内国际形势都会引起我极大的兴趣与关注。我喜欢参加学校组织的各种活动,喜欢写作、唱歌,做过校园联欢晚会主持人等,这些爱好,让我不但在学习上,而且在多方面取得进步。 我是个乐观向上的年轻人。热爱生活,逆境也不畏惧,对生活充满信心和希望。我坚信,我的努力会让我达到成功的梦想。我喜欢感受快乐,我希望把快乐传递给我身边的每一个人,我为强者欢呼,为弱者流泪,我相信送人玫瑰手留余香。我用自己的真诚,博得良好的同学缘,老师们也都对我非常认可,这多来自我单纯、直率、热情的性格。 我是理科生,养成了行事条理分明的个性,亦是一个做事果断、有主见、有分寸的人。无论在学习上,还是其他方面,我都努力达到事半功倍的的效果。充分发挥自己的潜力。我常常用更少的时间就能学会别人在标准学习时间内才能获取的知识,经常花费别人的一部分时间完成和别人同样的作业任务。在高中历次的期中、期末考试中,我的成绩大多,这些都源自我科学的学习方法和良好的学习习惯。曾获得大石桥市三好学生的荣誉。 X是我梦寐以求的大学殿堂,假如我这次有幸进步X,我将明确努力方向,能在大学汲取更多的知识,不仅是知识,更有献身祖国、为民族复兴贡献一份力量的情操。在学术活跃的X,我将努力参加一些团体、论坛和各种活动,锻炼我的能力,把自己磨砺成一个X学生所具备的独特文化品位、非凡才能和良好综合素质的优秀人才。 “好风凭借力,送我上青云。”期待在不久的将来成为X的学生,而X则是我人生大学阶段最有意义的好风!随信附上个人简历。恳请贵校领导接受我的申请,实现我的理想。 此致 敬礼! 申请人: __年__月__日 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇7尊敬的先生/女士: 你好 我是江苏省南京市x中学20x年高中毕业生,由于未被理想大学录取,我一直在x中学复读。自20x年起,我受同学的影响,产生了出国留学的念头,于是我通过上网了解到去新西兰留学有比较多的优势。 首先,新西兰是一个多元文化的国家,具有世界先进的教学水平;第二,留学费用比其他国家较低、较合理;第三,气候也与我国南方差不多。因此,我向父母提出拟到新西兰留学的愿望,得到了父母的支持。因为我是女孩子,从小就喜欢幼儿教育。且现代中国的家长对小孩的教育要求比较高,我如果能到新西兰学习幼儿教育专业课程,学成回国后一定能在幼儿教育事业上有作为。 所以,我决心到新西兰留学,打算先用半年的时间到语言学院专修英语,过好语言关,再进行幼儿教育专业课程学习。我相信我已经过三年高中课程的学习,又经过一年的复读,在学习能力和知识水平上有了一定的基础。同时我父母都有固定的工作和较丰厚的收入,在留学经费上也会得到父母的全力支持。因此,我一定能较好地完成留学课程。学成回国后,我一定能实现我从事幼儿教育的愿望,并能在幼儿教育事业上实现我的'人生价值。 此致 敬礼! 申请人: __年__月__日 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇8尊敬的考官: 您好! 很荣幸有机会向您呈上我的留学申请书。 我出生于一个教师之家,母亲是一位优秀的小学教师;父亲是也曾经是教师,后来经历了人生的第二次选择,考入法院,成了一名法官。父母对生活的热情和对人生挫折的态度,潜移默化地影响着我,形成了我自强不息、不轻言败的性格。 中考的教训,让我懂得了什么叫脚踏实地,什么叫不图虚荣,什么叫谦虚谨慎,什么叫取长补短……高中三年,我努力夯实学科基础知识、掌握学习方法、提高操作实践能力、同时,利用课余时间广泛地涉猎大量书籍,不但充实了自己,而且培养了自己多方面的技能。夷陵中学严谨的学风塑造了我朴实、稳重的学习态度,更重要的是在这样一个精英云集的地方,我学会了在竞争中挑战自我,在合作中欣赏他人。这样一步一个脚印走来,我尝到了成功的喜悦:成绩逐年上升,我看到了自己身上蕴藏着的无限潜能,它让我相信——如果给我一个支点,我也能撬起整个地球! 选择_大学我有以下几个理由: 一是_大学是一所国家教育部直属的,拥有研究生院,本科专业涵盖了理、工、文、经、管、法、教育等学科门类的综合性重点大学,是一所有着坚实的学术基础和严谨的治学传统,校园环境优美的大学。在这样的学习环境里,无论是在知识能力,还是在个人素质修养方面,我会受益匪浅。 二是_大学是一所以工为主的大学,这符合了我的学科兴趣,我是一个理科生,尤其以数学、物理学科见长,这次推荐我参加自主招生的就是我的数学老师和物理老师。我喜欢在这样自主开放的环境里学习,希望可以有更为广阔的发展前景。 三是_大学坚持以“厚基础,宽口径,强能力,高素质”的人才培养计划,在教学中注重创新能力培养,注重提高学生的综合素质,学校实施了一系列教学改革新措施包括:名师上讲台工程、中英文双语教学工程、“创新人才培养”工程、本硕连读制度等,还有一系列的完善学分制管理的制度,包括主辅修制、弹性学制、第二学位制、优异生培养制度等。 现在有很多的大学生毕业后面临就业难的问题,这也将是我今后不能回避的,但我想,这是一个适应社会的问题。大学是一个可以接触并尝试众多领域的独一无二的场所,是一个沟通社会的平台。我希望这里掌握生活技能,培养自己的社会角色,使自己能承担社会责任,权利和义务,成为一个真正的社会人。 此致 敬礼! 申请人: __年__月__日 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇9尊敬的先生/女士: 我非常荣幸的为某某某同学出具这份正式的推荐信。我是x交通大学土木建筑学院的副教授,毕业于上海同济大学并获得博士学位,目前在x交通大学土木建筑学院教授道路工程专业课程。某某某同学参加我教授的道路工程专业的学习已经将近两年了,所以我对该同学还是相当了解的。最近得知,某某某同学准备出国留学深造,并希望我能为他写一封推荐信,我感到非常高兴和欣慰。作为一名我最优秀的学生之一,某某某应该受到更好的教育和更专业的指导。因此,我很荣幸的向贵校推荐该同学。 某某某同学是我校土木建筑学院20x级道路工程专业的一名学生,在其读大三后,我一直教授某某某同学道路工程专业知识。在我教授专业知识期间,他以他的刻苦好学以及强大的求知欲给我留下了深刻的印象。每次上课他都会有很多问题提出,而且不全部释疑决不罢休。他勤于预习复习,并且对于一些较难的知识点,他总是认真记录笔记并和我一起讨论。在学业后期的课程设计中,他总是对自己设计的方案进行反思,并积极向我请教,然后回去进行调整,然后在反思。总之,某某某同学在做设计时追求每一个细节的尽善尽美。在我看来,他是一名十分有上进心的同学。所以我很希望某某某同学能够继续他的学业,受到更高学术成就老师的指导。 鉴于某某某的同学、我的同事以及我本人对某某某都有很高的评价,我真诚的向贵校推荐他,希望他能够入选贵校的学习项目。如果您对于某某某本人的情况以及这封推荐信有任何译文,欢迎您按照下方所提供的联系方式联系我。 此致 敬礼! 申请人: __年__月__日 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇10Dear Professor, I am greatly grateful that you can spare some time to read my letter. I ama Chinese undergraduate , which is one of the top 10 universities inChina, and I will graduate in . After that, I want to continue my educationby pursuing a master degree in France. I am now in the department of . My primary interest is in internationalcommerce, and I notice that ESSEC is on top of that field, so I decide to exertmyself to get in. Your research in “cross-cultural relationship marketing”,especially your publications on business of China as well as Southeast Asia, areof particular interest to me. And I would like to deal with business betweenEurope and China in my career. That's why I seek entry to your theme. During myuniversity years, I am used to working in a team environment. For example, I wasadministrative vice minister in Student Union, and organized and schemedactivities along with competitions in university. For my excellent job, I gainedthe scholarship for entertainment and physical education activities. Afterpassing College English Tests 4&6, I turned to learn French last year and Igot a score of 463 in TCF. I am preparing for IELTS currently, and if GMAT isnecessary for applying master degree in ESSEC, I shall take the test after theIELTS test. With so much admiration and enthusiasm, I hope I would have the opportunityto work under your supervision. If admitted, I am able to continue working alongthe lines of your present research. Thanks for your kindness and consideration. Yours sincerely,
2024个人出国留学申请书 篇11尊敬的各位老师,各位领导: 大家好,我叫___,来自国家连片贫困地区重点县之一的__省__市__县。作为一名普通的高三生,今天怀着很特别的心情递交这份申请,它既怀揣着我对贵大学的向往和崇仰。又寄托着我的大学梦。我愿怀着最赤诚的心来诉说我心中的愿景。也很感激各位老师在百忙之中审读我的来信。我相信一定不会让您们失望的。 贫困的大山挡不住我强烈的求学之心。绵延的山路没有阻挡我的求学之路。生活的不易没有使我消沉抑郁,反而激起我奋发图强的意志,激起我想要努力改变生活现状,改变家乡落后面貌的决心。 进入高中以来,我就更加明白学习的重要性,我很佩服这样的自己,一直保持高昂的斗志和不服输的精神,在学习上力争上游。也许我的成绩不是绝对的优势,但是我努力找准自己的定位,取得属于自己的进步,把成绩稳在班级前几名,学校前三十名以内。我是一个活泼开朗的女生,甚至有些女汉子风采。自小父母就不娇惯我,有意识地培养我独立自主的能力。或许是这种开朗、民主的家庭氛围,使我在生活学习上都保持乐观向上的状态,在学校也积极参加各种活动,包括学校举办的运动会和各种演讲比赛,也取得不错的名次。高一时,我担任班级的团支书,多次带领同学们组织英语演讲比赛、辩论赛等,也组织过很多次班会。这些活动一次比一次成功,我的经验也在实践中不断丰富,既增强了同学们的友谊和感情,也提高了我自身的组织能力。高二时担任副班长,和班长一起负责管理班级日常工作,锻炼了自己的管理协调能力。 在紧张的生活之余,在假期间我也参与了___会志愿服务工作,我的主要工作是帮助引导游客。虽然时间只有短短的三天,但是我在这个过程中也有很多独特的感受。其中的感受是__的快速发展,在新的历史机遇面前,中原经济正在腾飞,这艘巨轮又一次准备扬帆启航。其次,在服务过程中,我也遇到全国各地的很多游客,能为他们服务,让他们感受__人的热情,为他们展现__文化的别样风采与魅力,我感到非常的激动,这是我作为一个__人的骄傲与义务。另外,这项工作也教会我如何更好地与他人沟通,更好地表达自己,在挥洒汗水的同时也提高了自己的表达技能。 那么说到大学,很多同学都不是很愿意选择_,我想他们一定是没有了解过_。据我所了解,_不仅致力于建设区域性示范作用的综合性研究大学,也致力于建设高水平的国际知名大学。 我与_还是很有缘分的。首先,作为__本省的大学,而且是第一所示范性211大学,那一定是久负盛名的。而且,我高中三年的老师基本上都是__大学校友,就仅从老师们的口中就断断续续了解过很多关于__大学的趣事,其中印象最深的是他们说的眉湖,有机会一定要一览为快。再次,_的很多招生政策都让我不禁拍手称赞,从自主招生到农村地区单独招生,心中都很感动。我们本省就有这样的好大学,那么还有什么理由去外省的呢?我又有什么理由不选择这样的大学呢?其次,我很欣赏__大学的新浪微博,每天既可以感受唯美诗文,人生哲理,有可以欣赏嘻哈小段子,养生小故事。所以,从微博中也可以感受到__大学文而不弱,武而不暴的校风。从这个社会平台来看,__大学也是很成功的。最后,这也是毋庸置疑的一点,我们__大学的人才遍布社会各界,不胜枚举的实例都彰显了我们不凡的实力和竞争力。 最后,我希望报考__大学的汉语言文学专业。一方面,我觉得自己作为一个文科女生,对语言文字天生就有更多的兴趣和爱好,有多于常人的关注度。在日常生活中,我最喜欢的事情就是阅读报刊杂志,从《读者》、《青年文摘》再到《意林》,基本上都是我的必看书目。 因此,我也希望日后可以从事与杂志编辑相关的工作。可能很多人都梦想成为作家或者记者,我知道那需要足够优秀的文笔和思维跳跃性。现在我对记者的钦佩之情还是大于羡慕的,他们永远奔赴在新闻的第一线,走在事发的最前列。为大众呈现最及时、最新鲜的新闻。而我纬度对杂志编辑情有独钟,我真心喜欢这项工作,我享受阅读书籍时优美文字在眼前跳跃的快感,我愿意为这项事业付出心血和精力,也愿意为大众呈现的一面,让整个社会充满爱与正能量,更愿意去分享这份美好。用文字纯净心灵,哲理文化人生。 当然了,还要请各位老师原谅由于我的阅历有限,难免会有一些肤浅的认识,我知道胜任这项工作还需要计算机方面的相关知识和技能,而我都不是很熟练,但是我相信我有永不放弃的信心,勇于拼搏的精神,敢于坚持的毅力将这项工作做好。 另一方面,我们也可以看到当前语言文化发展的现象都不是让人满意。尤其是在当下文化多元的情形下,面临西方文化的强烈冲击,文化发展更加举步维艰。而我们在世界各地举办的孔子学院,传播国学经典等活动,举办《汉字听写大会》等节目,都显示出对文化发展的重视。我们深知文化是民族的血脉,尤其是对中国这样一个有着五千年文明的大国。文化软实力就尤为重要,所以我愿意为此贡献自己的一份微薄之力,尽我之能力来弘扬中华文化,传播国家经典。 最后再次感谢各位老师审读我的留学申请书。 不后悔,去__大学,只因你的名字叫__大学。 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇12Dear x, Finance is the lifeline of modern economy and if there is no financeglobalization, there is no economy globalization. Finance globalization promotedto enlarge international finance market; multinational trade species and thescale, to make finance innovative appeared, strengthen international capitalfunction and to play an important role on the resource distribution in theworld. With the communication among nations increase and the technologyinformation development, the development of finance tends to globalization.Finance globalization is the motor of economy globalization, finance and economywas one of the important factors for holding for the whole world, information,technology and other industry were developed on the base of finance andeconomy. The economy strength of a nation decided its place in the world. In thefuture, the world finance market would present themselves with different styles;non-essential economy began to play an important role in the world, thedevelopment of information industry made finance market develop more quickly.Moreover, finance influenced largely on the daily life of common people and madecommon people more concern the development tendency of finance then before andmade out the relevant reaction according to getting information from allaspects, for example, the change of inflation, stock and exchange rate etc. Allthat influenced common peoples (people’s) lives and economical programs. I began to realize that finance in fact was the different (difference)between microcosmic and microeconomic and macroeconomic knowledge through mylearning in the university, and it owned strong practice and was not abstractknowledge. For instance, currency banking, investment and international financeetc. all offered many cases and made me realize the meaning of finance. Then Iknew that finance covered a wider scope and researcher needed strong academicbackground and ability on macro-control by practices and analysis of cases. Forexample, I acted as a leader of group, each group represents an enterprise anddiscussed whether open new produces instead of old produces, I told every memberto answer for a part and consult materials, then we talked about them togetherand found some materials had superposition and didn’t have close logic, eveneach member had different emphasis and expressions which made me knowcooperation was very important in a enterprise. So I held the second meeting totalk about these questions. I asked all members to look for materials relevantto this case respectively and then analyzed them together. During the process,we thought about them deeply and fully, finally we got a best scheme. Through this experiment, I became lover finance major than before, becauseit not only brought me model and data but also interest on (in) connectingknowledge with practices to make data and model vivid. Even each new ideaproduced different result. Finance is not a material concept but is socialscience, which contains a wider scope. I am very glad to involving discoveringunknown things in this field. Just like discussion, many members’ thoughtsinspired me and we got satisfied results. Finance is a social science whichembodied human being is the essential. We could cultivate our academic tasteduring the learning symposia and academic discussion process. In the practiceswe could cultivate intuition added combination with academic background andmathematic theory; we could understand finance better. So I pay attention to connect theory and practices more than before, in myspare time I took part in social practices, for example I visited “internationalfinance” of newspaper office and “Shanghai stock exchange”, besides I took partin planning for the “second finance year meeting” in Shanghai University ofFinance and Economics. During the process, I met many finance people and got achance for visiting Holland bank. Moreover I often consulted lots of financejournals and website materials etc. In order to connect theory with practicesbetter, I carried on special researches on these problems. For example, I began to research “RMB Globalization problem” and its aimwas to review substantial economy and non-substantial economy how to influencecurrency international globalization from demonstration and theory angle to helpus understand the experiences and lessons happened on the process of eachnational currency globalization and offered some feasible references for RMBinternational globalization. I connected the fact of our national economydevelopment, especially, the base fact of RMB used by some nations around China,through researching the general rule of currency internationalizationglobalization, to discuss the problem on RMB international globalizationprocess. First, I reviewed the main countries’ currency globalization process in theworld, and found that currency globalization must have two basic conditions. Thefirst was rich economy strength; the second was to keep valuta longstabilization. Second, I pointed out RMB globalization was the necessity choiceof our national economy persisting development and the benefit of currencyglobalization according to the impersonality requirement of economicalglobalization development, and RMB globalization would more enlarge the degreefor opening to foreign. At the same time I thought that stable, quickly developmental nationaleconomy and larger economical scope made RMB of our country globalizationstrengthens and higher ability against risk, the last part emphasized theprocess of RMB globalization and the research on keeping away from risk. Theprocess of RMB internationalization was: first implement RMB regional strategyon the basis of East Asia currency cooperation and East Asian free trade, thenimplement RMB globalization stratagem under many perfect factors influence. But during this process, it was very difficult for me to researchnon-substantiality economy in China. At present familiar to us, it was the stockmarket, while in China the stock market system did not very perfect and existsome problems on efficiency, security and fair. For example, I consulted manymaterials and knew several stages of Chinese stock issue, international paperdepartment how to issue stock and the relative policy and system of stockmarket, then I asked my advisor how to comment on it and collected some commentsof experts on the website. Besides I logged in MARKET WATCH and bought severalstocks to do experiment to find out the conclusion that China it was moreperfect, so Chinese stock market needed to be improved. Finance is very important in all fields and no other field can exist withbreaking away from finance, so the requirements for financer should be improvedin the future. Above all, in the future society, the requirement for financerwas higher than before, the talent only mastered profession will unfit thefuture society. Because in China there are limit resources for me and I amimpressed by your esteemed university, so I decided to go abroad for my futureeducation Yours sincerely, 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇13Dear x, I am a student, graduated from BaoYang middle school, Nanning, GuangXi autonomous region, in 20__. I am still studying in high school now, because I was not enrolled by the ideal university last year. Recently, I have a dream to study abroad. Then I search online and find that it is more convenient and suitable for me to go to New Zealand for study. First, New Zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced education in the world. Second, the tuition is lower than other countries’, which I think is mo re reasonable for me. Finally, the climate of New Zealand is similar with the climate of the South of China. Considering above reasons, I told my parents my plan on going to New Zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me. As a girl, I like preschool education since I was young. Nowadays, Chinese parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention to preschool education. If I study specialized curriculums on preschool education, I will go back China and work hard on preschool education after leaving college. My plan is as follows: first, I plan to study English in language institute for about a half year in New Zealand. Then, I will study specialized curriculums on preschool education. I believe I have the ability of study abroad, because I have finished all high school curriculums. Besides, my parents both have job and have rich income, so they will support me to finish my study. After finishing my study, I will return to my homeland and work on preschool education, so as to realize my life value. Yours sincerely,
2024个人出国留学申请书 篇14Respectful Sir or Madam, I‘m writing to you to apply for a scholarship of your school. I’m very gladto hear you can provide scholarship for exchange students. That‘s really goodnews for me. And I am very appreciating that you can give me a chance to explainway I want to apply for a scholarship. My name is Haoyu Liu. I’m 17 years oldand I‘m a fresh man in Taiyuan No.2 Foreign Language High School. I’m very proudof as one of my school. I‘m diligent and I know I must be a useful person. So Ialways tell myself that I have to learn more and more. I’m also very outgoingand I like to help people as possible as I can. That‘s way I got many friends. Iwas born in Jixian,a small county with poor land and terrible weather. Myparents were farming at home. Even life doesn’t easy,I still hopeful enough. Istill love my hometown and I want to do something for my country. So I want tolearn more knowledge as possible as I can. I know how hard people‘s life. So Iwant to change it by myself. That’s way I‘m diligent and I like to help people.But when I went to high school,our life got worst. My parents can’t afford mytuition. So my father went to Taiyuan to find a job. And we have to rent alittle house near by my school because my school is far from my hometown. But I still keep my faith,because I know that my family will support me tolet my dream come true forever. When I got the information that I can be anexchange student,I was exciting but confusing. I really want to go to German tostudy but I don‘t want my parents worry about my tuition. So I’m writing thisletter to you to apply for a scholarship of your school. I wish I can do betterjust because I have a dream that I can change my family,my hometown even mycountry. I hope I can share responsibility for my parents from this thing. Atschool,I‘m a good student. I’m interested about sports,arts and science. Ialso like to study foreign language. That‘s way I chose to study German andEnglish at school. I noticed that language can let me communicate with otherseasily. But I can’t only study language. I have to know about the Germanicculture clearly. That‘s way I need to be an exchange student this time. But Ineed your trust. I need a scholarship of your school,because I’m a goodstudent. I have a dream. In that dream,I can see my parents are smiling becauseI became a useful person. I can see my teachers are smiling when I came backfrom German. My will is strong. And I know I can do better when I go to German.So I‘m writing to you to apply a scholarship. And I’m waiting for your return.Thank you for your kind heart and reading my letter. Best wishes. Sincerely yours, Li Ming 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇15Dear Sir, I am going to graduate from Department of Computer in Huabei University inJune next year. I am very eager to enter the Graduate School of your universitynext fall to study applied computer for Ph.D. degree. I would appreciate it very much if you would send me a graduate catalog ofyour university and any other necessary information, and also a set ofapplication forms for admission. Thank you for your kind assistance. Sincerely yours, Wang Feng 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇16dear professor, i am greatly grateful that you can spare some time to read my letter. i ama chinese undergraduate from _, which is one of the top 10 universities inchina, and i will graduate in 20_. after that, i want to continue my educationby pursuing a master degree in france. i am now in the department of _. my primary interest is in international commerce, and i notice that essecis on top of that field, so i decide to exert myself to get in. your research in“cross-cultural relationship marketing”, especially your publications onbusiness of china as well as southeast asia, are of particular interest to me.and i would like to deal with business between europe and china in my career.that's why i seek entry to your theme. during my university years, i am used to working in a team environment. forexample, i was administrative vice minister in student union, and organized andschemed activities along with competitions in university. for my excellent job,i gained the scholarship for entertainment and physical education activities.after passing college english tests 4&6, i turned to learn french last yearand i got a score of 463 in tcf. i am preparing for ielts currently, and if gmatis necessary for applying master degree in essec, i shall take the test afterthe ielts test. with so much admiration and enthusiasm, i hope i would have the opportunityto work under your supervision. if admitted, i am able to continue working alongthe lines of your present research. thanks for your kindness andconsideration. yours sincerely , _- 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇17xx大学的各位领导: 您们好! 首先感谢你们能在百忙之中审阅我的个人留学申请书。 我叫—,是来自某中学的一名高三的理科生,即将面临高考,我期望透过贵校来实现我在xx大学学习的梦想。一向以来,xx大学对我都有很大的吸引力,有着悠久的历史,深厚的文化底蕴,丰富的教学资源,良好的学术氛围,强烈的时代气息,xx大学历经沧桑,饱经风雨,为祖国培养了许多优秀人才,取得了丰硕的科研成果,并成为我国培养高层次专门人才和发展科学技术的一个重要基地。我十分渴望能在20xx年7月拿到贵校的录取通知书,成为贵校的一名学生,成为一名对社会、对祖国有用的人才。 进入高中以来,我不断为实现这一理想而努力学习文化知识,勤学善思。英语、理化是我的强势科目,英语成绩个性优异。我参加了今年的全国中学生英语创新大赛,并有幸进入复赛,虽然由于种。种原因和最后的大奖擦肩而过,但参加竞赛的这种过程使我的潜力得到了很大的提升。 除了学习成绩优秀以外,我还有多方面的特长,我参加了校园的乐队,业余时间我喜欢拉二胡,学习二胡,不仅仅丰富了我的课余生活,而且升华了我对音乐的见解,在二胡的世界中,有奔腾豪放的《赛马》,有坚定有力,追溯光明的《光明行》,也有悲愤哀怨的《江河水》,我用心参与文体活动。初中时博兴县的才艺表演大赛中获得优秀节目奖。 我不仅仅爱好计算机,在业余时间,我参加了教育部组织的计算机等级考试并取得了一级B证,而且经常用心参与体育锻炼,强健体魄,增强毅力。除此之外,我热情、开朗,乐于助人,阳光、向上,所以高中以来,我年年被评为为"三好学生"。 但是,这些成绩只能代表我的过去,梦在心中,路在脚下,站在人生的十字路口,我选取了xx大学,我期望xx大学能敞开怀抱,给我带给一个大发展的平台,期望各位领导和老师能理解我的申请,衷心的感谢! 此致 敬礼! 申请人: 20xx年xx月xx日 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇18(1)不要一味套用写作模板 不要一味套用规律的写作模板回答问题。因为这样很容易偏移原来大学文书的主题,而大学审查官也很容易察觉这种写作方式的千篇一律。 (2)利用鲜活的实例 学会利用鲜活的实例,让读者进入你的情境中,增加形象性和趣味性,让大学申请部的老师们可以感觉到申请人的想法。 (3)写出自己的真情实感 依照自己的性格写文书。在阅读无数的文书后,阅卷老师已能分辨什么是诚实与不诚实的作答,可以区分什么是发自内心回答,因而写作时应该让文书有趣,却又不可丧失自我,才能入老师的法眼。 (4)突出个性 对于入学体制不同于中国大学,更加注重学生的个性与特质,或者说更注重学生是否具有未来成功的潜力。所以,一篇把自己个人特色、优势表达得非常出色和到位的文书,就扮演了举足轻重的角色。总之,文书的创作一定要好好的挖掘自己身上的独特优势,这样才能展示出自己最有竞争力的一面。 出国留学的优缺点解读 一、出国留学优点 1、提升自我 这里的自我提升主要讲的是内在提升,与竞争力的提升是相辅相成的。内在提升包括学识、眼界、认知度以及生活能力的提升。 出国留学的第一要义就是学习,不想学习也会有“deadline”催着你拼命的学习,不然根据国外大学宽进严出的特点,恐怕很难毕业。所以毕业后不知不觉就收获了很多,当然对于真正意愿深造研究的学生来说,学习才是的快乐。 一个国家有其特有的文化积淀和固有的思维方式,想要打破固化的思维,“走出去”是一个最有效的方式。眼界与认知度的改变或提升是一个潜移默化的过程,多深入接触一个国家,才能真正了解其文化风俗。 生活能力的提升不用多说,出国留学,学习上需要独立自主,衣食住行都要靠自己解决,出个国“公主”也得变成“女汉子”。 2、提高竞争力 这里的竞争力针对的是外在收获,比如留学身份、证明、科研成果等等,其实出国之后外语水平的提升就已经比大多数人多出了一项技能,再加上国外几年时间的学习,积累的成果都会为日后工作打下基础。 3、结识新朋友 出国留学会使人不得不走出自己固定的小圈子,放到一个新的大环境里,不安的同时更多的也是挑战,对于擅长人际交往的人来说,出国留学可以提供一个非常好的场所,一个大学里汇聚了世界各地的人,在认识新朋友的同时,也会了解到不同世界的人们不同的世界观。 4、利于移民 先留学后移民,这是出国留学最实际的好处。很多国家对毕业留学生都施行了优惠政策,例如,加拿大留学毕业后可以获得没有职业限制的3年open工签,工作1年后就可以申请移民。 二、出国留学缺点 1、花费高 凡事都有正反两面,出国留学当然并非“处处香”,单是费用这一点,不说它是一项缺点,但也是拦在出国留学道路上的一座金钱大山。并且付出的成本与回报对于有些人来说不一定会成正比,经济条件好并不在意,但中产阶级就要考虑,留学一趟究竟值不值? 2、离家远 距离也是阻碍出国留学的一个问题,尤其对于一些依赖性的人来说,独立能力差,父母担心舍不得。即便出国留学也很难快速适应当地生活,距离远不易沟通,也不能经常回国,但这个问题对于国内在外地上学的人来说也是同样,既然想要锻炼,就要学会坚强独立。 3、孤独感 孤独感分两种,一种是融入不到新环境,交不到新朋友而产生的孤独。另一种即便结识了很多新朋友,但由于生活与思维的差异,不能真正交心,很难融入当地生活,总有一种异国他乡的孤独。 4、毕业难 不论哪国,一般都是“严进严出”,一般大学“宽进严出”,总之文凭不会白拿,想要“混毕业证”,那出国留学实在没必要。就拿大家都觉得“严”的美国来说,美国大学留的作业是要计入成绩的,每天的作业老师也会检查,大考、小考不断,每周学习120小时其实是留学生的日常,当然这是按真正学习的人来算。 20xx年正规出国留学申请书 xx大学的各位领导: 您们好! 首先感谢你们能在百忙之中审阅我的个人留学申请书。 我叫———,是来自——某中学的一名高三的理科生,即将面临高考,我期望透过贵校来实现我在——大学学习的梦想。一向以来,——大学对我都有很大的吸引力,有着悠久的历史,深厚的文化底蕴,丰富的教学资源,良好的学术氛围,强烈的时代气息,——大学历经沧桑,饱经风雨,为祖国培养了许多优秀人才,取得了丰硕的科研成果,并成为我国培养高层次专门人才和发展科学技术的一个重要基地。我十分渴望能在20——年7月拿到贵校的录取通知书,成为贵校的一名学生,成为一名对社会、对祖国有用的人才。 进入高中以来,我不断为实现这一理想而努力学习文化知识,勤学善思。英语、理化是我的强势科目,英语成绩个性优异。我参加了今年的全国中学生英语创新大赛,并有幸进入复赛,虽然由于种。种原因和最后的大奖擦肩而过,但参加竞赛的这种过程使我的潜力得到了很大的提升。 除了学习成绩优秀以外,我还有多方面的特长,我参加了校园的乐队,业余时间我喜欢拉二胡,学习二胡,不仅仅丰富了我的课余生活,而且升华了我对音乐的见解,在二胡的世界中,有奔腾豪放的《赛马》,有坚定有力,追溯光明的《光明行》,也有悲愤哀怨的《江河水》,我用心参与文体活动。初中时博兴县的才艺表演大赛中获得优秀节目奖。 我不仅仅爱好计算机,在业余时间,我参加了教育部组织的计算机等级考试并取得了一级B证,而且经常用心参与体育锻炼,强健体魄,增强毅力。除此之外,我热情、开朗,乐于助人,阳光、向上,所以高中以来,我年年被评为为"三好学生"。 但是,这些成绩只能代表我的过去,梦在心中,路在脚下,站在人生的十字路口,我选取了——大学,我期望——大学能敞开怀抱,给我带给一个大发展的平台,期望各位领导和老师能理解我的申请,衷心的感谢! 此致 敬礼! 申请人: 20xx年xx月xx日 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇19“All I know about leadership I learned from . . .” What items could a person use to describe leadership qualities? Inspired by the student council advisors at my high school. Student council was a big part of my life in high school. I have participated in it since my frst year of high school. When I frst joined,I was quiet,na?ve,and unwilling to participate in many activities. I was scared to meet new people and afraid to apply myself. This all began to change. Half way through my frst year in student council,one of the advisors can up to me and asked why I did not participate that much. I did not have an answer for her and did not know how to respond. After this,I began to think of an answer. I became frustrated and decided to change. I started to show up at events and had a great time. I realized I loved this and wanted to start leading these activities. In my sophomore,junior, and now my senior year of high school,I asserted myself and took on a strong leadership role in student council. I did not fgure out the answer to why I was so reserved until this year with the help of this question. When I looked up leadership in the dictionary,it said that it was the capacity to lead and the act or instance of leading. These are two very broad defnitions of leadership. Many people have different notions of what this word actually means. When I was challenged to use different items to describe what leadership actually is,I thought this was going to be a hard and obnoxious task. What could I learn from comparing leadership to a stuffed animal or a rubber chicken? But when I sat down to come up with a couple of answers,I realized that leadership could be compared to almost anything a person wants. All I know about leadership I learned from a calculator. A calculator can add everything together to come up with the best answer. It can delet e what is unnecessary and only include what is important. It can solve any type of problem. These are all important equalities a leader has to have. A leader has to be able to add all of the ideas together to make the best possible plan. Leaders have to know how to decipher the good and the bad out of an idea. They have to be versatile and know how to deal with different types of issues. All I know about leadership I learned from a ball. A ball is able to bounce back up after it is dropped. It is round and has no creases. A ball can be thrown back and forth to different people. All of these qualities are also leadership qualities. A leader has to be ready for every situation that is thrown at him or her. He or she has to be able to bounce back from any setbacks and never dwell on the past. Leaders have to exhibit many qualities and never be closed-minded about a situation. A leader must be able to delegate when he or she cannot get the work done. They have to trust everyone they lead to be able to “catch the ball” and keep a project rolling. This activity made me realize that being a leader is so much more than just having authority and having the ability to take control of a situation. A leader has to be trusting of all the people he or she leads and,leaders must be able to combine ideas into one encompassing idea. They cannot sit in the background and watch events happen; they have to jump in and be involved. They should not delegate all their responsibilities away. Leadership is more than what the dictionary says it is. I learned through all of this that I have many of these qualities. I have the ability to student council in my frst year of high school,I did not have these qualities because I was never put into a situation where I had to lead. I was too reserved to try. When I tried,I learned that I could succeed in this. I did not realize until I answered this question about leadership. I was never able to see that being a leader is not just about taking control of a group and telling everyone what to When I was a freshman,I thought leadership was this. I did not know that did not have to be forceful and strict. I stereotyped a leader then. Thisis where I went wrong. A leader is about being yourself and never letting anyone change you. I thought I had to change to be a good leaderOnly when I expanded my comfort zone did I realize this was not trueIt only took three years and a silly question/game to fgure this out. 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇20xx大学的各位领导、导师们: 您们好! 首先感谢你们能在百忙之中审阅我的个人留学申请书。 我叫,是来自xx中学的一名高三的理科生,即将面临高考,我期望透过贵校来实现我在xx大学学习的梦想。一向以来,xx大学对我都有很大的吸引力,有着悠久的历史,深厚的文化底蕴,丰富的教学资源,良好的学术氛围,强烈的时代气息,xx大学历经沧桑,饱经风雨,为祖国培养了许多优秀人才,取得了丰硕的科研成果,并成为我国培养高层次专门人才和发展科学技术的一个重要基地。个性是,她是我国高校中最早开始试点实行自主招生的高校之一,她爱惜人才、有职责感,不拘一格选人才。这一点很吸引我。我十分渴望能在xx年xx月拿到贵校的录取通知书,成为贵校的一名学生,成为一名对社会、对祖国有用的人才。 进入高中以来,我不断为实现这一理想而努力学习文化知识,勤学善思。英语、理化是我的强势科目,英语成绩个性优异。我参加了今年的全国中学生英语创新大赛,并有幸进入复赛,虽然由于种。种原因和最后的大奖擦肩而过,但参加竞赛的.这种过程使我的潜力得到了很大的提升。 除了学习成绩优秀以外,我还有多方面的特长,我参加了校园的乐队,业余时间我喜欢拉二胡,学习二胡,不仅仅丰富了我的课余生活,而且升华了我对音乐的见解,在二胡的世界中,有奔腾豪放的《赛马》,有坚定有力,追溯光明的《光明行》,也有悲愤哀怨的《江河水》,我用心参与文体活动。初中时博兴县的才艺表演大赛中获得优秀节目奖。 我不仅仅爱好计算机,在业余时间,我参加了教育部组织的计算机等级考试并取得了一级B证,而且经常用心参与体育锻炼,强健体魄,增强毅力。除此之外,我热情、开朗,乐于助人,阳光、向上,所以高中以来,我年年被评为为;三好学生。 但是,这些成绩只能代表我的过去,梦在心中,路在脚下,站在人生的十字路口,我选取了xx大学,我期望xx大学能敞开怀抱,给我带给一个大发展的平台,期望各位领导和老师能理解我的申请,衷心的感谢! 此致 敬礼! 申请人: xx年xx月xx日 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇21尊敬的X大学老师: 您好!我是X,现就读于X。感谢您在百忙之中审阅我的留学申请书。 X大学,以怒蹄奔腾的骏马为标志物,希望学子们能“腾天潜渊,吐纳川海;辽阔原野,一任奔驰”,博大高远的追求使我渴慕不已,心神往之。我渴望成为X大学的一名学生。 由于在数学上表现出了优秀的能力,我5岁时上了小学。20X年时,我们全家来到北京,并开始了我在X学校长达8年的学习。这8年来,X见证着我点点滴滴的进步。来到北京前我对英语一无所知,可我的母校是一个国际化的学校,于是我的英语让老师和父母十分着急。后来在父母老师的帮助之下,我一直努力提高自己的英语水平,现在英语已经成为我的优势之一。小升初的时候,我的成绩还不是很好,在我初中三年的不懈努力之下,最终以中考523分(当时的市重点线)的成绩进入了我校高中部实验班。在高一时我的成绩在班里、年级的前列,参加了海淀区数学、物理、化学竞赛,并在第X届全国数学“希望杯”比赛中获得全国三等奖。进入高二之后,我在所有考试(包括月考、期中期末考、高三的周考、区统考)中都保持着班级第一、年级第一的成绩,而且整个高中年级的各科会考成绩都是A。我认为只要对学习有着严肃认真的态度,始终都在努力超越自我,就一定可以取得成功。而且我可以理性对待考试、不断提高自己的学习能力,从而保持了一个稳定的、向上的状态,我会将这种状态在我以后的学习、生活中继续保持下去。 我出生在一个民主开放的家庭。父母都是老师,给我一定的自由发展空间,并着重培养我的领悟能力、学习能力和动手能力,让我学会自立。于是我在遇到生活、学习、与人沟通相处等方面的困难时,都自己想办法独立解决,从而在各方面成为班级、年级的佼佼者。由于父母对我潜移默化的影响,我做事十分认真,习惯追求完美,虽然十分完美是不可能的,但是追求完美的态度和意志让我在学习、工作中有着出色的表现。 正如校训“X”所展示的,我的母校X学校,既秉承了传统教育的严谨、求实,也发扬了寄宿学校的军事化管理,更融入了外国教育的开放和高效。正是在这样的环境中,我拥有了丰富的知识、多样的能力、坚强的毅力和开朗的性格。在X年的学习生涯中,我更加成熟稳重,做事心思缜密、谋划周到,成为一个学习优秀、善于处理各方面事务、全面发展的人。 此致 敬礼! 申请人: __年__月__日 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇22尊敬的领导: 您好!我是辽宁省大石桥市第一高级中学高三学生。我希望通过贵校的自主招生来实现我在学习的梦想,感谢您在百忙中抽出时间审阅我的自荐信,以下是我的自我介绍。 三年的高中生活就要结束了,悠久的历史,深厚的文化底蕴,丰富的教学资源,良好的学术氛围,强烈的时代气息,为社会培养出许多杰出人才。我将选择贵校为第一志愿,非常渴望能在明年7月拿到贵校的录取通知书,成为一名光荣的学生,成为一名对社会、对祖国有用的人才。 在多年的学习过程中,从小学习成绩一直的我,凭借自己的努力考入理想的高中——大石桥市第一高级中学,经过三年的锤炼,我已经成长为意志坚强、底蕴深厚、成熟内敛、热爱生活、有爱心、有同情心、有上进心、德智体全面发展的优秀学生。 我性格开朗,兴趣广泛,天文地理、国内国际形势都会引起我极大的兴趣与关注。我喜欢参加学校组织的各种活动,喜欢写作、唱歌,做过校园联欢晚会主持人等,这些爱好,让我不但在学习上,而且在多方面取得进步。 我是个乐观向上的年轻人。热爱生活,逆境也不畏惧,对生活充满信心和希望。我坚信,我的努力会让我达到成功的梦想。我喜欢感受快乐,我希望把快乐传递给我身边的每一个人,我为强者欢呼,为弱者流泪,我相信送人玫瑰手留余香。我用自己的真诚,博得良好的同学缘,老师们也都对我非常认可,这多来自我单纯、直率、热情的性格。 我是理科生,养成了行事条理分明的个性,亦是一个做事果断、有主见、有分寸的人。无论在学习上,还是其他方面,我都努力达到事半功倍的的效果。充分发挥自己的潜力。我常常用更少的时间就能学会别人在标准学习时间内才能获取的知识,经常花费别人的一部分时间完成和别人同样的作业任务。在高中历次的期中、期末考试中,我的成绩大多,这些都源自我科学的学习方法和良好的学习习惯。曾获得大石桥市三好学生的荣誉。 是我梦寐以求的大学殿堂,假如我这次有幸进步,我将明确努力方向,能在大学汲取更多的知识,不仅是知识,更有献身祖国、为民族复兴贡献一份力量的情操。在学术活跃的,我将努力参加一些团体、论坛和各种活动,锻炼我的能力,把自己磨砺成一个学生所具备的独特文化品位、非凡才能和良好综合素质的优秀人才。 “好风凭借力,送我上青云。”期待在不久的将来成为学生,而则是我人生大学阶段最有意义的好风!随信附上个人简历。恳请贵校领导接受我的申请,实现我的理想。 此致 敬礼!
20xx年xx月xx日 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇23Dear _, It is my conviction that the meaning of life does not dwell in the lengthof time that one can live or the material abundance that one can acquire, but inthe richness and the wonderfulness of life itself. With the increase of my age,many things in my life have changed. But one thing remains constant, that is, Iwill consistently insist on doing what I like to do and hope that my endeavorscan be valuable to the life of others. I see this as the only way whereby I canrealize the value of my life. My undergraduate study focused on economics and I achieved remarkablescholastic performance in this field. My GPA is 3.44 (my GRE score is 20__ andTOEFL---- ). For four consecutive years of my undergraduate study, I receivedscholarships for my distinguished academic performance. Due to my equallyprominent performance in extracurricular activities I was conferred on theOutstanding Student in Campus Activities. However, honestly speaking, my realinterest lies not in economics, but in education. Ever since I was a primaryschool student, I had cherished a strong desire for a teaching careerexemplified by my teachers. In the actual teaching career that I embarked onupon my graduating from university, I have become increasingly aware that theexisting educational conditions in China are far from satisfactory. The backwardteaching methodology and the prevailing pedagogical ideology have renderedChinese education out of place with the modern international development ineducation. On the macro level, the current education theory and practice inChina lag significantly behind advanced countries in the West. For instance,though education via the internet has achieved considerable development in pasttwo years, in practical operation such education has more often than notdeteriorated into an extended form of the conventional examination-orientededucation instead of a really interactive process. In my personal experience,despite the fact that some of the problems that I have encountered in myteaching career can be solved by consulting relevant technical literature, Ihave found that the more serious flaws inherent in China's current educationalsystem cannot be worked out easily. Under such circumstances, an advancedprogram in education becomes necessary. In this age of information, traditional education, both in its ideology andmethodology, has met unprecedented challenge like many other aspects of humanexistence. Meanwhile, the pursuit for higher levels of educational developmentand of the quality of life has largely transformed the educational valueorientation of the general public. The educational model that is centered aroundthe cognitive and intellectual instruction has been seriously questioned.Greater attention has been devoted to the cultivation of well-developedpersonality and to the ontological status of the individual in education. Suchissues as the internal studies of education science, scientific decision-makingin education, and meta-education have also been increasingly emphasized upon.There have also been innovations in educational research methodology. Thetendency has been to combine modern technology with humanistic researchcategories and with naturalistic research categories, and to organicallyintegrate qualitative descriptions with quantitative descriptions. It is alsoimportant to carry out educational experimentations in which educationalpredictions are complemented by educational feedbacks. Both the complexity ofeducation and the complexity of human individuals have made the comprehensiveapplication of diverse educational approaches necessary. Those new horizons arewhat fascinate me. In view of the following qualifications that I have acquired, I believethat I will acquit myself satisfactorily in the prospective Ph.D. program ineducation that I am currently endeavoring to apply for. First and foremost, asis often claimed, one's interest is one's best director. I believe that I willdo well what I am really interested in doing. Secondly, though I majored ineconomics as an undergraduate, my trainings during that stage helped developeffective modes of thinking and research approaches. In addition, Iconscientiously self-studied many works related to education, including ADevelopmental History of Educational Science in the West, which enabled me toconstruct a solid groundwork for more advanced studies in this field. Next, itcan be safely asserted that education and economics are not entirely separated.For example, it is necessary to apply many statistical methods in educationalpsychology and my academic record indicates that statistics is the subject thatI am most good at. Last but not the least, my current teaching career and myteaching experience will play a positive role in facilitating my target degreeprogram. The reason why I apply for the University of -- is that it is the firststate university with a time-honored history. The School of Education in thisuniversity is quite prominent among its counterparts in the field. I amparticularly attracted by the School's powerful pedagogical resource, vibrantintellectual atmosphere and a comprehensive curriculum. I plan to apply for adegree program in Instructional Technology or Educational Psychology, both ofwhich enjoy unparalleled academic reputation in the world. My application forInstructional Technology is motivated by my strong interest in the applicationof modern science and technology, especially the information technologyrepresented by the Internet, in the field of education and in the nature of aseries of revolutionary changes resulting thereof. Instructional Technology is anew discipline that has emerged as a result of the rapid development of moderncommunication technology since the late 20th century. It has tremendouspotential for development and commercial application. As for my motive inselecting Educational Psychology as another possible area of specialization inmy degree program, it is my long-cherished interest that primarily counts. Onthe other hand, all the accomplished educators since the 1960's have beenwell-versed in psychology. Almost every important new educational theory isderived psychological findings in one way or another so that educationalpsychology has subsequently developed into a fundamental subject for the scienceof education. The tendency in the 21st century is to emphasize on the microresearch of educational activities and against this backdrop educationalpsychology will be attached greater importance. In Instructional Technology, Iwould like to focus on the following studies: how to improve educationalefficiency by applying research results from natural sciences and engineeringtechnology; how to explore the combination and coordination of pedagogicalcontents and to improve teaching methodology by exploiting the theoreticalfindings from psychology and educational science concerning the process ofteaching and learning. In Educational Psychology, I will concentrate on appliedcognition and development, gifted and creative education, genetics and childrendevelopment, personality structure and individual differences and other relatedsubjects. For me, to shift from economics to education and to pursue an advanceddegree in the United States is not so much a challenge as an opportunity. Atpresent, major reforms are being introduced into virtually every importantaspect of Chinese society. The field of education especially calls forcomprehensive reforms. The United States occupies an absolutely leading positionin the present-day world in education. It is my conviction that, in the UnitedStates, advanced educational theories, technologies and information willfacilitate me immensely in the achievement of remarkable academic progress,fulfilling my aspiration to become an accomplished professional in the field ofeducation. This will not only bring my patriotic fervor into reality but alsomake my life more meaningful and rewarding. Yours sincerely, 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇24尊敬的公司领导: 您们好!我是XX部的林,在我到贵公司工作将近一年来,非常感谢你们对我的培养和关照,及同事对我的关心和帮助,可以说这是我工作以来过得最开心的日子,我很辛运能到这么好的公司工作和学习,又遇到这么好的领导,我很想继续留在项目部工作,但人生总是很无奈,我个人健康状况有异,不知何时才能回项目部上班。自古忠孝难两全,我不得已向公司提出辞职。但请公司领导放心,资料已基本整理完善,最后我一定会做好资料的交接工作。 希望领导能给予谅解,并尽快给予答复,将不胜感激! 此致 敬礼! 申请人: 日期:xx年xx月xx日 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇25Dear , A Chinese graduate student of composite materials, I would like to pursuePh. D. studies in a program in which I can do advanced inter-disciplinaryresearch that is built upon my expertise in both chemical engineering andcomposite materials. I find that your program is one of the few where suchresearch is possible. I am due to complete my Master's studies next year at the Beijing Instituteof Light Industry, a well-respected higher-learning institution that has servedas a major cradle of engineering talents for light industries in this country.Majoring in structural mechanics of composites, I have focused my studies onhoneycomb sandwich and its applications for civilian purposes. Although I didnot take many of the traditional undergraduate courses in this field, mygraduate studies have proceeded well. Building on my extensive workingexperience with all kinds of materials, I have completed a host of projects, aslisted in the Appendix, that are not only technologically advanced but alsocommercially profitable. My research has been highly commended by theschool. To accomplish what I have accomplished, I have had to be more intelligentand overcome more difficulties than most of my classmates, for I did not get toreceive a regular undergraduate education. Although I performed strongly in the1988 National University Entrance Examinations and met the requirements foruniversity acceptance, I did not craft a good enough strategy in applying to theuniversities. As a result, my application fell through cracks, leaving me onlythe opportunity to study in a two-year college program, not to be discouraged bythis mishap, I studied with diligence and creativity, and succeeded in firmlygrounding myself in the studies of material propensities and structures. When Icompleted that program, I was as capable as most graduates from the honorsprogram in handling practical material problems from the angle of chemistry. Upon graduation in 1990,I first took up the job of an assistant engineer ina biochemistry pharmaceutical manufacturer, where I was in charge of thedevelopment and analysis of several lines of products. I was given theresponsibility for VD Calcium Tablet in the first two weeks, as I demonstratedthat I was able to do independent research, particularly in terms ofquantitative analysis and microbiology inspection, from five raw materials tosemi-made and finished products. As my talents showed up, I took charge of theproduction and inspection of more and more products. Towards the end of 1991, Iwas awarded the honor of Excellent Employee in the factory of almost twothousand people in recognition of my contribution to its business. Armed with the ability to quickly grasp the essence of new things, I madeeven more contribution to my second employer, a Joint-Venture Company ofcosmetics. In this company, In the first two months after I was hired, Iestablished, with reference to both the ISO and national standards,. Thecompany's standards of packaging materials for 35 different products fromcorrugated box to paper lid, from glass bottle to plastic cover. During thefirst half year, I turned myself from just a user of cosmetics to qualityengineer of cosmetic actively engaged in R. & D. Three new products (ElyseeVitamin E Cream, Elysee Tonique and Elysee Lipbalm) I helped to develop wererecognized as Provincial Scientific Achievements, for which I was conferredthree certificates of Honor. I believe that when one embarks on a new career, heshould be quick in accepting changes even though he must still stick to his oldprinciples. In these six years of working experience, I greatly improved myself interms of technological expertise. I made chemical and microbiologicalexaminations of different drugs skillfully and independently, successfullydeveloped several new types of cosmetics, some of which merited the designationof Provincial Scientific Achievements. But more importantly, I learned to askmore sophisticated questions and then answer them. The years of being an engineer has taught me how to be a person. I learnedto be both a team leader and a team player. Working in conjunction with others,I have always held onto the principle of being honest, modest and helpful toothers, whether I was just a technician, an engineer or even the assistant tothe general manager. I enjoy working with other people. I have been well likedby my colleagues. At the farewell parties for me, some of my friends were soreluctant to say goodbye to me that they would burst into tears. While working for the Chinese factory, I was once "borrowed" by a collegeto teach there as an adjunct instructor for half a year. During those months, Ioften worked late to check students' work and prepare for the next day'sclasses. I believe that this teaching experience will serve me well should yoube able to offer me the position of a teaching assistant. At the graduate school, I have met new challenges the old way. I firstacquired a profound understanding of the basic concepts and theories ofmechanics (theoretical and material ones), and then applied the fundamentals tomy major: composites. As you can see from the from the transcripts of academicrecord, this approach paid off. My first academic article Honeycomb SandwichComposite will be published in the second edition of the Journal of BeijingInstitute of Light Industry of 1998. Now I am writing my Master's Degree thesis,in which I shall compare the mechanical properties of corrugated cores andhoneycomb cores, analyze the outstanding characters of the latter, establish thestandards of civil-use honeycomb fiberboard, and consider the marketing futureof honeycomb fiberboard. I am confident that the combination of my extensive working experience andmy solid academic training has adequately prepared me for advanced studies in mychosen field of specialty in your distinguished program. To undertake suchstudies, I have learned English well, so well that I was appointed first theEnglish secretary to the factory's director and then the assistant to thejoint-venture's general manager. In these positions, I dealt with internationalvisitors and handled English documents. Such English proficiency should prove agreat advantage to me once I am enrolled in your program. Although I am now focusing my academic interests on composite materials,you may find that I may be more suitable for other majors. If so, I wouldgreatly appreciate it if you could advise me accordingly. The following is a list of the research work I have undertaken under theguidance of my advisor (mostly in the area of industrial applications ofcomposites): Yours sincerely,
2024个人出国留学申请书 篇26资金支持(15-60万/年) 美国本科上线在60万左右,少部分加拿大、英国、澳洲、新加坡的学校费用最低在15万左右,通常是20-30万不等,要区分不同的大学,不同的专业,以及不同的地理位置。我们在考虑是否让孩子出国留学前,首先还是要考虑资金的问题,看自己的家庭能给孩子提供多大程度的资金支持,再决定是否出国,以及去哪个国家留学。 语言能力(托福/雅思) 无论是去英语国家还是非英语国家,都要考虑语言的问题。绝大部分的留学生是英语非母语的背景,要去到英语国家学习,通常需要准备托福或者雅思的语言考试作为自己英语能力的测试。按照经验来说,我们能考取到一个不错的国内大学的学生,比如一本,一般通过一段时间的学习,托福可以拿到8、90分的成绩。以词汇量为例,高考的核心词汇量在3500左右,托福如果想考出一个还算可以的成绩,词汇量需要达到8、9000左右,由此可以看出托福的难度。 独立和适应能力 我们的学生十几年来习惯了中国的生活,突然去到一个陌生的国家,面临不同的语言、文化、社会环境,需要比较强的适应能力。无论是出门办个银行卡,买个电话卡,还是逛街吃饭等,都需要留学生自己去应对处理。由于国外的教育体制等方面的不同,我们有的学生出去后会非常适应留学生活,甚至享受这个过程,但是很多学生却是在这个过程中难以去自我约束,自我调整,而家长又鞭长莫及,最后出现很多问题。 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇27Dear _, My name is Lin Hao, from Northeast China---Heilongjiang Province. Thelong-term and cold climate has allowed me to develop a tough and tenaciouscharacter in the course of my life. In 20 years, I was admitted to China withexcellent results. Jilin University, a prestigious university, is currentlystudying for a bachelor's degree in economics majoring in internationaleconomics and trade, and a second degree in futures investment and managementmajor in the same period. My university is a comprehensive university with avery complete range of disciplines. My university life has not only enabled meto develop a comprehensive and three-dimensional development in learning methodsand professional knowledge, but more importantly, it has improved my ability tointegrate knowledge of various disciplines. At the same time, it greatlyincreased my desire for knowledge. Therefore, I decided to study in the UK aftergraduation. Through understanding, I currently hope to apply for a__University__ major. Family is very important to everyone, because it is the first classroom forus to receive education. My grandfather was a banker, my father was abusinessman, and my mother was a statistician. Their words and deeds to meplayed an extremely important role in the establishment and development of myoutlook on life and values, and also helped me. Established an honest,hardworking, and never-say-fail character. So influenced by them, I am veryinterested in finance disciplines. My family is the most important asset in mylife. It gives me the interest in learning this subject and the character ofgoing forward courageously. Through the learning of professional knowledge, I have developed a stronginterest in economics and finance. I read "Life Economics" by Dr. DavidFriedman. In the book, he used easy-to-understand cases. Combining the mistyprinciples of economics with people’s ordinary life has enabled me to master theeconomic principles that most people find boring, and the learning methods inreal life. At the same time, I have a good understanding of Fried Dr. Mandeveloped a feeling of worship. In the same year, I read his masterpiece "PriceTheory" again. Through the study of this book, I became obsessed with knowledgeof currency and finance. Due to the strong desire for knowledge, I started tominor in the second degree "Futures Investment and Management". During thisperiod, I met a mentor, Professor Lu, a very famous scholar in China's futuresindustry. Professor Lu combines the theory and practice of the futures market,and combines the true meaning of life with the operation of the futures market,which is regarded as a "casino" by outsiders, and teaches us the knowledge ofthe futures market and economic investment. This teaching method is in line withmy learning habits, so I quickly entered the state. We often discuss thedevelopment of China’s futures industry and the price fluctuations of the worldfutures market together. In the autumn of 20__, I was invited to assist him incompleting the "China Financial Futures" Research work on the "Enlightenment ofthe Japanese Yen Development Route to the Development of China's Renminbi" inthe "Market Establishment" project. Because of his outstanding performance, hewon the appreciation of Professor Lu. In addition to studying professional knowledge, in my spare time, I alsoestablished the first leukemia volunteer organization in Jilin Province andserved as the chairman. Helped 10 children with leukemia from poor families inthe form of voluntary activities. Every year, they held lectures on leukemiaknowledge at Jilin University, as well as volunteer registration activities forthe Chinese bone marrow bank (Chinese hematopoietic stem cell bank), and bloodsample extraction activities. In the past three years, the association has beenUnder my leadership, we have made considerable progress and achieved outstandingresults. Many media have reported on our activities. On the website of _社 onOctober 25, 20_, we also reported on our activities. In addition, my deeds werealso reported to the famous Chinese student magazine "East, West, South, Northand University Students" Issue 03 of the year 20_. These honors fully prove theaffirmation of my work by the society and the school. Now, one of every 150volunteers in the Chinese bone marrow bank is developed by my association. Theassociation has also been awarded the title of Jilin University BoutiqueAssociation for three consecutive years. I was also named the first "Moving JiUniversity" of Jilin University. The title of top ten college students, and atthe same time, through the establishment of a volunteer association, not onlyenabled me to realize the value of life, but also exercised my organizationalskills, which greatly improved my personal quality. In addition, I also likesports very much. I am good at sprinting, football, etc. Young, I should be fullof vitality. In the summer of 20_, as a student representative of Jilin University, Ivisited a famous university. As a Chinese representative, I participated in morethan ten student exchange activities, and as a cultural messenger, I spreadChinese traditions and modern culture to the students, and through the visit, Ilearned some culture and visited their education system. In the process, I wasdeeply moved by the university's advanced teaching mode and strong scientificresearch capabilities. Compared with my own school, although we have developedrapidly, there is still a gap between the world's top education. This feelinginspired my enthusiasm for learning. After returning to my country, I decided touse my own strength to make my own contribution to the development of mymotherland. This is also an important reason why I applied to your school,because as a The responsibility of the Chinese is to use the advanced knowledgeI learned overseas to build my motherland. "Practice, firm, and hardworking" is the fine tradition I inherited, and itis also my life creed. Facing the imminent graduation from university, a strongthirst for knowledge and a passion for professional knowledge, I decided tocontinue my professional study and accept the rigorous teaching, cutting-edgeresearch and new ways of thinking in the university, so as to enrich myself andrealize myself I also hope that I can become the messenger of the culture of thetwo countries. Thank you for your attention and look forward to your reply! Yours sincerely, 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇28Dear x, At the request of Mr.Xizhen Chen,my former student in the Department of Computer Science,Beijing Univ.of Sciences,I am glad to write this letter furnishing my uation ofhis academic aptitude for your reference.Mr.Chen is interested in your graduate program in Computer Science.I came to know him in September 1987 when Mr.Chen enrolled in my class on FORTRAN IV Programming,a three semesters’’course.In the class he was one of the most outstanding students.At the semester final he earned ahigh grade of 81,which should be"A"according to our grading system.I also ound him good at other studies.After the class,he had personal talks with me several times. He indicated agreat interest in computer hardware,In my opinion,Mr.Chen has apotential in Computer Science,which can be further developed.In view of his previous achievements in this College,I am firmly convinced that Mr.Chen will make asuccessful graduate student.Your favorable consideration of his admission will be hi ghly appreciated. Yours sincerely,
2024个人出国留学申请书 篇29尊敬的x大学老师领导: 您好!我是,是入党积极分子,xx省三好学生,在日常的学习和生活中我处处以身作则,以榜样的力量感染和带动我的同学。我在学习上勤奋刻苦,始终成绩优异,我就读的学校是一所拥有近四千名学生的省级示范校,每学期我校都要进行一次10所省级示范性高中的联合考试,每个年级的考生约一万三千多人在这类地区联考中,我的成绩始终名列前茅。20xx年上学期我考取了地区联考第一名,本校年级第一名,班级第一名。20xx年下学期地区第一名,本校年级第一名,班级第一名,20xx年上学期地区第9名,英语单科成绩第一;本校第2名,班级第一名。20xx年下学期地区第一名,本校年级第一名,班级第一名。20xx年高三的第一次考试我考取第一名。我从初中起就多次参加全国中学生奥林匹克各学科竞赛,并于20xx年获全国中学生奥林匹竞赛一等奖,20xx年获全国中学生奥林匹竞赛英语、数学、化学竞赛一等奖、物理竞赛二等奖。读高中后20xx年我获取全国中学生英语能力竞赛一等奖,全国中学生数学竞赛希望杯三等奖。20xx年获全国中学生生物、数学竞赛决赛资格。各学科竞赛拓宽了我的学习思路,检验了我的学习效果,也争强了我的自信心。 20xx年8月我升入高中,12月份我校有一名不幸身患尿毒症的同学叫,面对着一个年轻的生命在顽强的与死神抗争。我决定和我的同学一起发起一次奉献爱心的捐赠活动,以集体的力量挽救这个年轻的生命。我写了倡议书,在学校号召老师和同学们为x同学捐款,还到社会上进行宣传,得到老师、同学和社会各界人士的帮助,共捐款6万余元。为邱纯亮同学做换肾手术奉献了我们的一份爱心。我们的爱心捐赠活动在社会上引起了强烈的反响。我市电视台在晚间最近新闻栏目专门做了报道。挽救这个濒临枯萎的生命的过程,震撼了我的心灵。因为我有能力通过自己的努力,延续一个年轻的生命,同时,爱心捐赠活动也验证了我的组织能力,凝聚力和感召力,更是对我自身综合素质的一次检验。在后来的班级工作和组织其他活动的时候我的自信心更强了。 当迈入了x大学的校门,也就步入了我生命中的最重要、最精彩的阶段。我会珍惜在校园中渡过的分分秒秒,在这大师云集、神圣的学术殿堂、在这群贤毕至的高等学府,如饥似渴的吸纳最新的知识和信息,发扬林业学子的优良传统,刻苦学习、精益求精,通过脚踏实地的努力使自己成为本专业的优秀学生,同时努力探索和验证与本学科、本专业相关的科学知识,以唯物和科学的态度勤奋地学习、深刻地思索、不懈地寻求本学科领域的最新知识,使自己成为本学科领域的有发展潜力和有培养价值的学生,成为北京林大的骄傲。 此致 敬礼! 申请人: xx年xx月xx日 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇30尊敬的_领导: 您好!我是辽宁省铁岭市高级中学20_届理科实验班的金宏,和其他的同胞或者说是竞争者们一样,我也希望通过贵校的自主招生来实现我一直以来的梦想——考入_大学,首先感谢您能在百忙之中抽出时间审阅我的申请材料。 相信在此之前,您已经阅读过了无数的留学申请书,对省、市三好学生,校学生会主席,团支部书记等也已经见怪不怪了。很可惜,这些耀眼的荣誉和职位我都没有,我有的是对_全面的了解,有的是对_始终如一的热爱与向往,有的是“非_不去”的勇气与决心。更重要的是,我有着诚实、实事求是的品质,我不会为了得到您的青睐而夸大事实,虚张声势,而且我觉得一个人的领导能力、组织能力、交际能力和协调能力并不是只有靠这些职位才能体现出来的,毕竟校学生会主席只有一个,但具有多方面能力的高中生远不止这些。 从小就热爱旅游、喜欢开拓视野的我也算是游遍了祖国的大江南北,各大学也基本都参观过,而且还在去年先后参加了_大学的冬令营和同济、_大学的夏令营,但在众多高校中,唯有自由、开放、享有“_”美誉的_大学深深吸引了我,而且我也听到__的学长_介绍说,__非常适合那些“有想法”的人,只要你有想法,__都会尽全力帮你实现,我觉得我就是那种有想法、有创新意识的人,这也使我更加坚定了“将来一定要到__读书”的决心。凭借着十几年如一日的努力,我的成绩一直名列前茅,中考更是以全市第二十八的成绩考入铁岭市重点高中理科实验班。到了高中,我并没有骄傲,而是更加努力的学习,成绩也有了进一步的飞跃,每次考试成绩均稳定在年级前十名,发挥好时还会进入前五名,我坚信自己是有资格进入_大学的。 做事果断,善于规划是我的另一优点。说到规划,我对自己的未来也已经做好了初步的打算:近年来,随着中国经济的腾飞,汽车已经走入了寻常百姓家。由于汽车工业的进步,这方面人才的需求量也在随之增长。这对从小酷爱汽车,7岁就能识别数十种车标的我,无疑是一种巨大的激励,我也励志将来要进入一家汽车公司,参与设计制造一部性能优异,而且安全节能的汽车。据我所知,现今中国汽车在发动机的节油耐用,稳定性能上仍有一定的提高空间,而伴随着油价的上涨,增压直喷等技术也已走下神坛,进入乘用领域。在车身结构方面,人们对于安全舒适的追求是无止境的,所以有了碰撞吸能设计,有了更优秀的悬架,有了铝材,甚至碳纤维的应用。我愿把我全部的精力都投入到这些领域中,让中国的汽车有朝一日也能展示在世界的大舞台上。这一切看似虚幻的梦想,一旦进入__,就都很有可能变为现实。众所周知,__的机械工程及自动化、车辆工程等专业都是当前国内最一流的。除此之外,贵校的密歇根学院不仅包含机械类专业,而且如果前两年在校成绩突出,还能出国到密歇根大学继续深造,学习国外先进的理念,这些都非常有助于实现我远大的理想。我保证,如果我能进入_大学,一定会本着“_”的校训努力学习机械方面的专业知识,培养各方面的综合素质,成为像_那样的_大学的骄傲。 此致 敬礼! 申请人:___ __年__月__日 2024个人出国留学申请书 篇31Dear , My motivation to study Accounting /Information Business at degree leveldevelops my enjoyment the single Business Studies at AS, currentlyconverted into a double award at A2. For me, Business Studies has proved to be afascinating subject, one that offers unlimited professional opportunities. Mycoursework case studies of both Norwich Union and Zenith Conservatories havegiven me an insight into complexities involved in operating such variedbusinesses, which I have found most intriguing, particularly those which relateto any financial considerations. Studying these business subjects at degreelevel will allow me to explore, in depth, a range of stimulating andinterdisciplinary topics which I feel will give me a broader understandingtowards the theories and practices of management in different organizations inrelation to a Financial/Information environment At school, I have participated in many fund raising events, open days andfurther education fairs. I regularly collect for Save the Children charity andhave subsequently become a member. Extra-curricular activities have incorporateddrama productions of Grease, the promotion of the School production of West SideStory as part of my Marketing unit and a heavy involvement in the preparationand publishing of our year 11 yearbook. These were demanding tasks, whichincluded budgeting our costs and materials to keep within a specific pricelimit. Although it was tough, I found it extremely satisfying, especially afterseeing the final results. My AS Business course has given me an understanding oforganizations as a whole, but experiences such as working on the Year book andduties in my part time job has allowed me to expand my knowledge andconsciousness of such financial topics. My ICT skills have developed highlythrough doing Vocational A levels, which I feel is invaluable in the Businessfield. The main thing I have learnt is that for all businesses, financialmatters are imperative; it is the core of any organization and beingknowledgeable in such issues attracts me My communication skills have been enhanced through my part time employmentwith River Island. My promotion to week footwear manager is developingknowledge of financial record keeping, problem solving, meeting weekly salestargets and teamwork awareness, which I feel can be used and put into practicewhilst studying my preferred degree course From the age of seven I atted a Bury St Edmunds Gymnastics club andcompeted at County, Regional and National levels. The feeling that I got when Iplayed a role within the team to gain the gold medal was amazing, equal to thefeeling when I achieved an individual gold medal as the top National aroundcompetitor. The realization of how important managing school work with a hobbywhich was not only physically demanding, but emotionally challenging has givenme a understanding of how to be realistic, a skill which is valuable whenplanning certain business strategies I believe that during my sixth form studies I have grown in both confidenceand maturity, preparing me for the opportunity to study at university. My choiceof AS and A levels, along with other academic and personal achievements havehelped to consolidate and support my desire to study Business at degree level. Ibelieve that I will be fully committed to successfully completing Accountancy/Information Business related degree and relish in any opportunities which aregiven to help me achieve my aspirations in a business related career. Yours sincerely,
2024个人出国留学申请书 篇32申请人: 户籍所在地: 身份证号码: 申请人家长姓名: 申请人家长电话: 申请事项: 申请人自愿申请西北政法大学国际教育交流项目办公室对“中美3+1国际教育交流项目”出国留学申请办理。申请人已知晓并接受西北政法大学国际教育交流项目办公室对留学申请的各项规定,并签订此申请书。申请书规定如下: 一、申请人须遵守中美两国法律法规,赴美留学期间遵守美方大学校纪校规; 二、西北政法大学国际教育交流项目办公室有权力对申请人进行政治及申请资格的审查与评估; 三、项目办统一办理赴美留学申请,截止日期根据美方大学录取结果为准; 四、此出国留学申请截止日期为当年11月30日; 五、申请人免交项目注册费,仅须缴纳项目管理费4000元,代美国福特海斯州立大学收取申请费450元人民币/人; 1.当年9月30日前申请项目管理费4000元/人,11月1日之前申请的项目管理费为5000元/人; 2.因故不能赴美留学的管理费退费标准如下: A.9月1日-9月30日提出退费申请的,所交项目管理费全部退回; B.9月30日-10月31日提出退费申请的,所交项目管理费50%退回; C.11月1日后提出退费申请的,所交项目管理费不退; 3.美国福特海斯州立大学申请费450元人民币。此申请费由西北政法大学国际教育交流项目办公室代收。此申请费为单次申请费用,如遇申请不能通过,再次申请须重新缴纳。 申请人签字: 申请人家长签字: 申请日期:X年XX月XX日 |
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