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标题 留学申请书


留学申请书 篇1

  To live a meaningful life everyday; to continually pursue my predetermined worthwhile goals. -My view of life.

  Could I put myself in the life-threatening working environment? Could I sacrifice my life for the benefits of others? Some people may laugh at my crazy question. To me, that is a serious question I have come a long way to find my answer. “I am not sure whether it is worth to answer”; “What is the true meaning of that question?”

  When I was a young child, I watched a soap opera that was about court. I was deeply impressed by the judge’s calmness and the lawyer’s eloquence and resource that were showed in this opera. From then on, I hoped to study law some day. Fortunately, I performed well in entrance examination and got enrolled into __ University. Then I chose law as my major without hesitation. At university, I studied hard and got GPA 3.4. What’s more, I broadly read all kinds of books, including philosophy, history etc. My teachers’ instruction strengthened my understanding of law and makes me understand the significance of law to a country. From my studies, I had a lot of fun and got more interested in law. Moreover, I actively participated in practice in holidays from common company to law firm and tried to apply the theory I had learned into practice.

  This summer, I had my internship in counselor department in __ Group Co Ltd which was involved in a business contract dispute, which was submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration. As a representative of the requested applicant, I took part in the evidence collection in the early arbitration stage and clearly explained why the 5% balance of goods was not paid on time. After knowing the whole case, I visited my teacher, an Arbitration Law professor, and listened to her opinions. Realizing the counterpart didn’t completely implement their contract duty, I gave reasons as follows: First, the counterpart company didn’t mention bearing issue, which caused that the delivered machines couldn’t be put into the plant because of the disqualification of workshop. Thus overhaul was necessary, which delayed production and resulted loss. Based on these reasons, the counterpart didn’t completely carry out its duty, so our party did not pay the balance on time. During this time, I found out the evidence and pictures that attested counterpart did not give reasonable suggestion and service, and made a statement in the court. Finally, the arbitration turned out that counterpart compensated our loss, in which the arbiters invoked the reasons that I stated. They had a panel made up of 3 lawyers and 5 company representatives as agents while we just had 3 persons—two lawyers and me. Under such condition, I was able to cooperate with them and clearly stated my opinions without any nervousness, which got their respect. This matter greatly inspired my enthusiasm on study.

  In addition, I took part in the contact draft in several companies. In the process, when I met a lot of problems, I often turned to my teachers for help, which made good impression on them. As I cherished each practice, I studied my specialty and English hard. With effective study method and diligence, I did well both in English and law, which helped me a lot to get scholarship every year. On the other hand, my practice inspired me to study. In practice, I exercised my legal knowledge. I also realize the big gap between theory and its application—sometimes I have master the rules but I didn’t know how to use it in actual case. My practice experiences have not only strengthened what I learned but have supplied new knowledge for me, which is good for my future study and career.

  In my study and practice, I admired outstanding lawyers’ eloquence and jumping thinking more and more. However, in China, most of lawyers come from theory study and those who can perform well in practice are insufficient. Moreover, after the China’s entrance to WTO, there are a lot of problems with Chinese law. I think, my internship experience is not enough. In practice, I could combine substantive law with procedural law to analyze case, but I still feel my theoretical foundation is not solid enough. What’s more, comparably speaking, the chances that I have to initiatively study and practice are not a lot. Thereby, I am eager to study further abroad to know more about foreign law, thoughts and lawyer career so that I am able to stand out in fierce competition.

留学申请书 篇2









留学申请书 篇3

  Dear ---,

  The personal data enclosed in this application file will demonstrate myprofile as a child prodigy who entered into Jilin University at 16 and joinedthe country's topmost scientific research institution as a graduate student at20. Now with an engineering e-perience of 4 years at the age of 24, I would liketo scale still higher intellectual heights by pursuing advanced studies, aneducation process that I hope will gain me the competitive edge for personalgrowth and push me to the forefront of scientific progress.

  Immersed in the academic atmosphere of an intellectual family, I wasencouraged in my early childhood by my parents to read books in a wide range ofdisciplines. With this privileged background, I attended primary school at 6, atleast one year earlier than the normal admission age of 7 or older. I felt solucky-God blessed me with so many natural gifts. At an early age I showed anatural talent in mathematics and a strong memory, the attributes that enabledme to e-cel my classmates, especially in such challenging subjects asmathematics, physics and chemistry. I took part in a variety of provincial andnational contests, demonstrating my e-cellent academic skills and wining manyprizes.

  Blessed with my academic potence, I was able to finish my primary andsecondary education in 10 years, two years ahead of the usual twelve years. At16, I entered a privileged class specially designed for the gifted students atJilin University, a cradle of scientific and technological talents in China. Theclass selects only 90 students out of more than 1000 child prodigies acrossChina each year. (Jilin University is a prestigious university of generaleducation with 20 departments and a regular annual enrollment of 1,500 students)I studied at Electrical Engineering (E. E) Department, a highly selectivedepartment with a gathering of smart students who are hard to compete with.

  Four years of undergraduate studies had me well trained in a wide range ofdisciplines, and my outstanding academic performance encouraged me to pursue anadvanced degree. With a concentration on mathematics, communication andcomputer, I studied a variety of courses in my undergraduate years, among whichwere Higher Mathematics, Probability Statistics and Stochastic Process, Theoriesof Signal and Information, High Frequency Circuits and Principles of ModernCommunications Systems, Computer Principle and other courses in the ElectronicTechnology field. I also studied Western culture, History and Economics in orderto build up a good base for my education. With a wish to build a solidfoundation for my future research and study, I was fully devoted to my academictraining at college. My hard work proved to be successful. My overall GPA of3.57/4.0 ranked in the top one percent of my class. Upon graduation in 1994, Iwon easy acceptance into Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications as agraduate student at 20, an age when most Chinese students would be just startingtheir university education. At this university, I narrowed my academic interestdown to the area of mobile communications and digital communications.

  My MA education proved to be another period of fruitful and successfulacademic pursuits. Among the courses I selected were Probability Theory, ISDN& ATM, SPC, Digital Signal Processing, Personal Communications, C++language. These disciplinary training prepared me to delve deeper in the studyof electrical engineering and communications. To keep me informed of the latestdevelopments in my field and to brush up my English language skills, I also readthe latest professional journals and periodicals of the telecommunications on aregular basis. Burning the course of my MA program, my outstanding academicrecords won me various scholarships in seven consecutive years, among which, toname a few, were E-cellent Students, E-cellent Person, E-cellent fellowship.

  To garnish this writing with other personal activities other than academicachievements, I need to mention my perfect performance in a dancing contest atJilin University, which won me the first prize.

  Anyway, looking back at my campus life, I feel confident to say that I havefulfilled the education goal to my satisfaction.

  Teaching E-perienceI worked as a teaching assistant at the ElectronicsCircuit Group in Personal Communications in my third semester at BeijingUniversity of Posts and Telecommunications. I taught product applications andthe telecommunications development in China. I trained the students bytheoretical approach and also taught them how to solve real problems bypractical means. I found the teaching position so much enjoyable. The dailyacademic e-changes between the students and myself were beneficial to bothparties. I believe that my students enjoyed my teaching too because my classeswere well attended.

  Starting from April 1998, I worked as a part-time teacher at HPcorporation. Later I was also employed by Software Center Motorola, China. Itaught Motorola customers the principle of CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)and the usage of the HP instruments for testing CDMA Base station and CDMAHandset. Motorola customers were all satisfied with my teaching. I not onlygrasped advanced knowledge but also, more importantly, learned how to be a goodteacher.

  Research E-perienceIn the second year of my graduate studies, I began towork as research assistant of Professor Dacheng Yang, a renowned e-pert indigital and mobile communication Research and Design Center of Ministry of Postsand Telecommunications. After learning the background, application, principle,and advantage of CDMA, I selected the signaling design of the CDMA Base StationInterface as my research topic. I evaluated and studied the protocols IS-95,IS-634 and the ULTRA interface protocols of Lucent. Applying softwareengineering method and Oriented-Object approach, I designed the internalinterface of Base Station System between BSC and BTS-Abis interface, which isone of the most important parts of such a large and sophisticated project. Thenreferring to protocols LAPD/LAPF, integrating the latest knowledge and using onestep. By working on this project, I learned more about CDMA, GSM and othermobile communications systems. Later I felt so proud to hear what I had done wasdownloaded to the board and the design ran flawlessly.

  Working E-perienceAfter I obtained my MA degree in engineering in 1997, Iwas employed by a telecommunication branch company of Posts &Telecommunications Industry Company. I participated in the JSU18 switchingSystem Project, which is planned to produce the si-th largest switching systemin China's own switching systems. I was in charge of the No.7 signaling sectionand developed the trunk communication system. Referring to protocol Q. 764, etc,I designed the TUP (Telephone User Part) & ISUP (ISDN User Part) - the mostimportant part of a switching system-with C++ Language. By now, I have finishedthe software flow of CPC (call process) of these two parts. Through programming,downloading the procedure into the real switching system, debugging and testing,I came to deeply understand the call process of the large switching system andthe relationship between all the modules of a large switching system. Theprocedure that I completed is so good that we can call successfully throughit.

  In working on these two projects, I cultivated diligent work habits,independent research ability and team spirit. I feel I have the potential forfurther further academic growth and am ready to take up the challenge ofadvanced studies in my chosen field.

  From August 1998, I joined Software center Motorola, China and got involvedin the CDMA project. We must communicate with international customers on afrequent basis in English environment. So I not only learned about the e-cellentsoftware development process and various branches of advanced knowledge, butalso improved my English ability. Here, we often e-change our findings atpresentations given by others and myself in English. I get a lot of technicaland non - technical training, in such subjects as Software Product Process, CDMA( Code Division Multiple Access), GSM, GPRS ( General Packet Radio Service - thethird generation system of GSM), TTCN ( Tree and Tabular Combined Notation - atest language), ITE- ( Interactive TTCN Editor and e-ecutor - a test tool forthe TTCN language), and even English language.


留学申请书 篇4















留学申请书 篇5

  Since I was young I have always had a keen interest in the way that thethings around me work. From marvelling at the telephone to how planes can fly,engineering advances have never failed to captivate me. For this reason, I havealways tried to find out how such things function, and about how they have hadan impact on the society we live in today. Coupled with the fact that I havealways enjoyed the logical and problem-solving processes involved in maths andphysics, I decided several years ago to embark on a career in engineering.

  Since then, I have endeavoured to find out as much about engineering aspossible. I researched the great engineers such as Brunel, and discovered thegreat works they had completed. I have attended several engineering conferences,the most recent of which I was selected to speak live on radio about myexperiences. And once I had completed several weeks' worth of work experience, Iwas assured that it was the career that I wanted to pursue.

  This summer, I took part in the Nuffield Bursary scheme for a month,working in a team, at Aerogistics Ltd. Our project was to analyse and implementa new system for the distribution of consumable materials to the individualdepartments within the company. We found the current system to be highlyinefficient and after much data gathering and thought, presented our findings tothe senior managers of the company who agreed with our ideas. The last week wasspent starting the implementation of these ideas. I found the experience to behighly challenging, yet rewarding especially as it led to me gaining a GoldCrest Award. I also found it useful as I got to see engineers at work and thedaily problems that they face. I learnt that there is a lot more to being a goodengineer than possessing technical competence, although this is undoubtedlyimportant; team work, communication and leadership skills are vital as well.

  I have also recently been selected to complete two placements with armyengineers. One of these placements will focus on the more practical side ofengineering while the other will focus on the skills needed by a professionalengineer focussing on project planning and leadership. I hope to find theexperience useful.

  In my spare time I like to play sport and music. In secondary school I wascaptain for the Netball and Football teams, as well as taking part in variousother sports. The experience of this greatly improved my team working abilitiesas well as my fitness. As a keen musician I am working towards my grade 5 theoryand grade 7 practical on cello. I am a member of a Youth Orchestra, and havejust recently completed a tour of Italy. I am also in the school orchestra andhave led several orchestras in the past, before progressing to the LYO.

  In school, I am Deputy Head Girl, helping to lead a team of over 40prefects. I find this to be a challenging and stimulating role and believe ithas developed my confidence immensely. As well as carrying out the normal dutiesof a prefect, such as supervising younger students, I must lead and manage theother prefects. My role involves arranging rotas, organising after school eventssuch as the Year 7 social and parent's evenings and public speaking as well asother responsibilities, which have developed my communication, organisation andleadership skills immensely. The role requires a lot of commitment, but it hashelped to improve my time management, as I try to strike a balance between itand school work, which is my main priority. I have also been selected to competein the Physics Olympiad and have been entered for the Biology AdvancedExtension.

  During my time at university I hope to gain a good degree, which will standme in good stead for when I enter the world of work. I would like to continue myeducation in a place where I can thrive both academically and socially, andwhere I can put my determination and motivation into good use. Thank you.

留学申请书 篇6

  Dear Sir,

  I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in Applied Physics toward Master degree in your university.

  My name is Li Jin, an undergraduate student of the Department of Applied Physics, Huabei University. Next year in the summer, I will graduate and get my B.S. degree. I plan to continue my study and research in this field. I chose Boston University because there are a congenial team of researchers, an array of databases and research projects in your school of Physics. I believe my interests are extremely congruent with the strengths of the school. And my solid academic background will meet your general entrance requirements for graduate study.

  I will appreciate it very much if you could send me the Graduate Application Forms, the Application Form for Scholarships/Assistantships, and other relevant information. My mailing address is shown on the top of this letter.

  I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.





留学申请书 篇7

  Dear Professor Zhiyong Lan:

  My name is Lan Xi, a Ph.D. candidate studying Land Resource Management in College of Public Management, China University of Geosciences. I intend to spend one year of my doctor years in ASU School of Public Affairs by the end of September 20__ for a Ph.D. Mobility Program which I can acquire more knowledge about international policy of land management.

  The land resource management is really an important major in Chinese University. It’s a subject of applied science which is combined both land policy and planning of land, and it helps the government to optimize the distribution of land resources. I’ve been studying the land resource management at least 7 years since 20__ when I was a college student, and I also love this major for 7 years.

  I’ve read about your papers about land policy published on some magazines, and I can feel your abundant knowledge and lofty personality in words. Moreover, your altitude about sustainable development affects me a lot. As myself, it’s so thankful for my 7 years studying of land resource management and 5 more projects. It makes me become an accomplished and experienced person. And I’m sure I can help you and your team with some land projects.

  I really want to join your team to learn more about the land resource management and exchange the experience. And I would greatly appreciate it if you could send me more information about the application at your earliest convenient.

留学申请书 篇8

  "All I know about leadership I learned from..." What items could a personuse to describe leadership qualities?

  Inspired by the student council advisors at my high school.

  Student council was a big part of my life in high school. I haveparticipated in it since my frst year of high school. When I frst joined, I wasquiet, na?ve, and unwilling to participate in many activities. I was scared tomeet new people and afraid to apply myself. This all began to change. Half waythrough my frst year in student council, one of the advisors can up to me andasked why I did not participate that much. I did not have an answer for her anddid not know how to respond. After this, I began to think of an answer. I becamefrustrated and decided to change. I started to show up at events and had a greattime. I realized I loved this and wanted to start leading these activities. Inmy sophomore, junior, and now my senior year of high school, I asserted myselfand took on a strong leadership role in student council. I did not fgure out theanswer to why I was so reserved until this year with the help of thisquestion.

留学申请书 篇9

  Applied Program: Wireless Telecommunications

  On August 27, 20_, at the Central Institute of the Datang TelecomTechnology and Industry Group based in Beijing, a young woman, full of energyand self-confidence, was giving a presentation entitled “The Design of theSwitching Numerical Method of the Radio Resource Management (RRM) Strategy inTD-SCDMA, and the Testing of Its Simulated Systems,” which received raptattention and high remarks from all the experts in Computer andTelecommunications who attended the meeting. That woman was I. At present,TD-SCDMA, W-CDMA, and CDMA 20__ are considered the main technological standardsin the third generation of the world’s technological development in mobiletelecommunications. And the design of a switching computation method for the RRMStrategy is a key element and technological crux for the TD-SCDMA technology. Inretrospection, I found that it was my great enthusiasm for mobiletelecommunications, and my persistent pursuit of accuracy and perfection thathave helped me win accolades from colleagues and experts.

  In China, since the TD-SCDMA uses a smart antenna, it makes a demand for afiner research on the computation method for the RRM Strategy, in areas such asPC, DCA, and HC. To me, a new starter in the company, it was a real challenge.Since the research team was new, it lacked engineering data and practicalexperience, although the equipment of the lab was quite advanced. It was onlyafter much library research, thinking, and consultation with experts did I finda RRM computation method suitable for a smart antenna. Because a smart antennahas its advantages of a more accurate VE locating and reduced searching areas,this computation method effectively lowers the complexity of the switchingprocess and its failure rate. During the time when I worked for the project, Ioften stayed up several days in a roll to perfect a lab test. But I also derivedan enormous sense of satisfaction and fulfillment after overcoming obstacles,which more than compensated the pains and difficulties that I had to gothrough.

  The rapid development of mobile telecommunication technology places a highdemand on professionals working in this field. To a certain extent, it has to bea labor of love. My keen interest in mobile telecommunications emanated from theconcept of “personal communication.” During my undergraduate years at theNorthwest University of Industry, I spent much of my spare time browsing overprofessional publications and journals, to keep myself abreast of currentdevelopments. The concept of “personal communication” I encountered during thisprocess impressed me immensely. A system of “personal communication” is one thatallows the user to communicate at anytime, anyplace, to anyone, and in any way.It painted such a beautiful of picture of a future society that I became fullyconvinced that it is a subject well worth my lifelong pursuit. This was why Ichose Mobile Telecommunications as my area of specialization in the graduateprogram. As a graduate student, I completed several research projectsindependently and successfully, including, for instance, “Turbo Code and theApplication of Its Coding Concept.” In short frame conditions, the Turbo Code,with its improved application in engineering, seems to have a bright future inreal-time voice-data service (Please see the attached article). After completingmy graduate degree, I entered Datang Group, a pioneer in China’s softwaredevelopment. Here I did software design for the switch control template used atthe RNC equipment for the TD-SCDMA system, and developed a switching computationmethod for the RRM Strategy. I went through the entire process of softwaredesign for the switch control template for the RNC equipment, from topicanalysis to the project outline and then to actual program writing.

  The present development of telecommunication technology indicates that thesmart antenna, software radio, and the transmission technology of subline 下行high-speed subdivided exchange data (下行高速分组交换数据传输技术) are key technologies fortoday’s mobile telecommunications. Software radio, in particular, has attractedmuch public attention. The use of DSP and software to solve the problem ofwireless interfaces of diverse standards on a public hardware platform hasbecome a major issue pursued by many professionals in our field. I too hope tomake my own contribution to the technological development in this area. In thenext few years, the traditional concept of using chips to build wirelessequipment for mobile telecommunication will be seriously challenged. In recentyears, the technologies and standards of the third generation of mobiletelecommunication have been rapidly updated. Software radio, I believe, will bethe future of our trade.

  My desire to know more about computer engineering prompted me to rise abovemy present conditions. The United States, as technological superpower, havefirst-rate teaching faculty and research facilities in the world. Itsideological openness and tolerance make a sharp contrast to Chinese culture,which tends to value tradition rather than innovation. Wirelesstelecommunication may be said to be one of the newest research areas, and it isnew concepts and new vision that give life to the industry. I believe that inthe fine research environment in the United States, I will be able to make“shortcuts” in attaining my academic and career goals.

  I would like to apply for admission to the Center for WirelessTelecommunications of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Asthe most prestigious research institute in Wireless Telecommunications, theCenter has a large number of famed scholars and professionals dedicated to thetheoretic research of Wireless Telecommunications. Meanwhile, it maintains closecontact with the telecommunication industry, and in this way can test the theoryin practical experimentation, which in turn promotes theoretic research. It isan ideal place for me to fully develop my research potential.

  I look forward to finding a teaching position at college level in Chinaafter completing my graduate education, which will allow me to continue myresearch work in Wireless Telecommunications. I will impart my theoretic andpractical knowledge to my students, and hope that this will benefit China’swireless telecommunication industry, and society at large. I will make everyeffort to make the idea of “personal communication” a reality.

留学申请书 篇10








  年 月 日

留学申请书 篇11

  I am interested in the field of study of Organizational Behavior. In thepast, I have had the experience of working in settings where the people and thecorporate cultures of the companies were all different. I have found that thereis a great difference in the both the behaviors of people and of theirorganizations, depending on whether they are state-owned enterprises (SOEs),large multinational firms, or small to medium sized foreign enterprises. Onesimple example is that of the ability of an employee to act independentlywithout direct instructions from his or her boss. In many Chinese organizations,acting without direct instructions is considered a form of disrespect towardsthe supervisor, who is generally offended by such behavior. In my experience andresearch, such organizations tend to have low operating efficiency with theemployees losing their innate ability to take the initiative.

  I am a person keen on thinking and experiencing. My lively character andvigorous energy have made me very active in extracurricular events in which Ihave sought an all-round personal development. Sociology Studies will provide mewith the kind of constant real life thinking I have always craved, while helpingme to improve my analytical, practical & communication skills. Also myconcern and curiosity about society and its people inspired me to pursue thissubject for my higher education, as I believe Sociology Studies sums up a lot inthe changing nature of society.

  My education has schooling my perception of society and people leading meto be acutely aware of social events, inequality, identities, cultures andreligious fundamentalism, especially in a society such as the one I come from -China. I was practicing in the Chinese Hope Project during summer holidays andvolunteered to investigate the issue of low educational attendance rate forfemale students in rural China with my tutor from my high school and that was avery good experience as it not only made me realise how traditional culturalinfluence could remain unchanged in some of those rural areas in China and alsothe way parents and children interacting. I always have wondered why for manyChinese students just like me, hundreds of them fail to choose what they reallywant to student and do as a career. Chinese parents are definitely havingstrange influences on their kids' decision making in terms of education andcareer or in the worst cases; the parents decided what their kids should dosolely. My mother believes that I should go for Finance studies, while I clearlyknow that my interest has never been in the Mathematical formulas and numbers, Ialways find the diversities of societies, people, beliefs, cultures and the waypeople interacting together very fascinating. So, during this summer, mythoughts kept returning on why I worked so unsuccessfully towards studyingfinance and economics as my mother expected? And how can I truly become my ownmaster by progressing a BA that I really like to engage more research and enrichmyself with? How did all the cultural and beliefs affecting the way we actingthe roles in the community? In which way an individual could actually build upand refine his/her identities?

  In pursuing a Sociology degree, I seek answers to these questions. Athorough examination of the Sociology behind human behaves could reveal thebeliefs,values and identities; it enables us to exam and understand ourselvesbetter. While knowledge of Sociology will certainly benefit the social servicesproviding, I also maintain a passion for Culture Studies for that same reason.Cultural behaviour study appeals to me because it tells us why we act in acertain way - under a cultural atmosphere. Also for being in the UK for 3 years,the knowledge about the outside world has given me a unique and balancedperspective to examine the reality of Chinese society too. In this historicalepoch in which China is becoming closely integrated into the internationalcommunity and playing an influence role in the world arena, I wish to gaininsights into our society in its socio-culture aspects and to study how Chineseculture can respond to the globalization process.

  By combining these thoughts into a good BA in Sociology degree programme, Ican pursue my professional goal of doing education and community service workfor the government and perhaps focusing in promote public welfare. My experiencein the past in social practices has not only equipped me with an intellectualfoundation for my future studies but has also supplied me with my career plans.In my eyes, China's several thousand years of history has given rise to thedeep-entrenched rule by man instead of rule by law and nature. In dealing withsuch issues like economic development, poverty elimination and the promotion oflaw, the framing and application of government policies seem to play a greaterrole. Therefore, it is obvious that to contribute to public welfare and tonational development, it is more realistic and useful to become a well-trainedand well-qualified public administrator. In this lies the motivation of myapplication for an undergraduate programme in sociology at your esteemeddepartment.

  WanSheng High School where I was studying is a key provincial high schoolthat attracts best students from every part of the province. In fierce academiccompetitions, I have managed to remain top-ten in my high school academicperformance and was recommended by the school to Highbury College,Portsmouth tostudy my foundation course. I passed the foundation course successfully in 20__and was an outstanding student of my class. I believe that my previous socialpractices activities and academic preparations have built a solid background forme to further my intensive and fruitful research in your BA in Sociologystudies. After gaining knowledge of both Sociology and different cultures at thehighly regarded University of Leicester, I plan to work for social services touse my knowledge of social human behaviour to aid members of the public.

留学申请书 篇12

  to whom it may concern:

  i am vice-president of the institute of economics at the harbin universityof science and technology (hust), and i am writing to recommend miss. lv, one ofmy favorite students, to be admitted into your university as a candidate foryour undergraduate program.

  i have known miss. lv since her sophomore year of college and acted as herthesis advisor mentor. as an academic advisor for her undergraduate study, iknow her more than two years and i am strikingly impressed by his performanceand personality. in my development economics class, she has proven to be atake-charge student who is able to successfully participate in any task. for hisexcellent academic performance, he won the third class scholarship in 20__. as ateam member of school, she won championship of freshmen-3+1-cup basketballmatch. her chase for extracurricular activities is not confined to sports, shealso won many awards in many art exhibitions, for example, their dance song anddance in the youth-hood won the second prize award in 20__ hust art show, andtheir group the excellent team in collecting folk songs by alumni. during theyears, as class monitor, she has strikingly manifested leadership ability byorganizing colorful activities and contacting with the school anduniversity.

  i strongly believe her qualities combined with his toughness of characterwill enable him to be outstanding in the future. based on my observation, i deemmiss. lv as one of the most diligent and aggressive members of my students, shehas the openness to new field, people, and customs, which makes her fit wellwith any groups and the life in the coming future, besides, her ownirrepressible curiosity and an extraordinary ability to dealing with differentchallenges and situations. during the study at college, she is enthusiastic forevery major subject. with a assiduous and surefooted attitude and striving forexcellence, she has achieved each specialized course excellently, and inparticular, he has learnt a lot about japanese culture and history. i also takenote of miss. lv’ remarkable performance in academic research, and she graduatedwith honors in the top 10%. about all, she pay great attention to theadvancement of her comprehensive capability and energetically take part insocial practices. he is friendly to classmates and always ready to help others.i am quite satisfied with him.

  i have confident that she will continue to acquire more achievement hisstudies. it is for these reasons above that i offer high recommendations letterfor miss. lv with no hesitation. i highly recommend miss. lv for graduateprogram and hope you will accept her admission to your university. i am reallyappreciate you for taking time to read this letter and looking forward tohearing from you at any time.

  sincerely yours,

  dr. wang zhonghua, professor, vice-president of the institute of economicsharbin university of science and technology

留学申请书 篇13

  I am writing to express my full support for xiao xiao, who is applying tograduate school at [name of school]. though i am currently a visiting scholar atthe university of california, san diego, i was xiao's supervisor at the vvvuniversity school of architecture and civil engineering. in my [number] years inacademia, xiao stands out as one of the best students i've encountered.

  as the professor in charge of vvv's student union, i spent several yearssupervising and working closely with pan, who served as the union's chairpersonand monitor. pan's work included managing the routine affairs of his class of 76students and planning many student activities. consequently, through our closecontact, i gained a thorough understanding of and respect for pan's character,his strong organizational skills, and his leadership ability. for example, infall 1997, xiao organized an evening party for incoming freshmen. i stillvividly remember the party's resounding success, as well as pan's unswervingattention to details.

  dedication and passion are hallmarks of pan's character. although the workhe did as a student leader was time-consuming and tiring, he never complained.he simply embraced his responsibilities, and enjoyed the tasks at hand. studentsacknowledged his devotion to his classmates repeatedly: for four years in a row,the student body elected him monitor and chairperson. xiao felt great warmth notonly for his classmates, but also for society at large.


  professor name

  department of electrical engineering,

  abc university

留学申请书 篇14

  Dear Professor ____

  I am a student, graduated from BaoYang middle school, Nanning, GuangXi autonomous region, in 20__. I am still studying in high school now, because I was not enrolled by the ideal university last year. Recently, I have a dream to study abroad. Then I search online and find that it is more convenient and suitable for me to go to New Zealand for study.

  First, New Zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced education in the world. Second, the tuition is lower than other countries’, which I think is more reasonable for me.

  Finally, the climate of New Zealand is similar with the climate of the South of China. Considering above reasons, I told my parents my plan on going to New Zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me.

  As a girl, I like preschool education since I was young. Nowadays, Chinese parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention to preschool education. If I study specialized curriculums on preschool education, I will go back China and work hard on preschool education after leaving college.

  My plan is as follows: first, I plan to study English in language institute for about a half year in New Zealand. Then, I will study specialized curriculums on preschool education.

  I believe I have the ability of study abroad, because I have finished all high school curriculums. Besides, my parents both have job and have rich income, so they will support me to finish my study. After finishing my study, I will return to my homeland and work on preschool education, so as to realize my life value.





留学申请书 篇15

  Cambridge University

  The University of Edinburgh


  University of Newcastle Upon Tyne

  University of Bath

  I have always enjoyed studying Maths, Physics and Chemistry, and I wouldlike the opportunity to continue this study. Chemical Engineering appeals to mebecause of the challenges involved in the application of scientific theory topractical, real world problems such as how to deal with nuclear waste. Iparticularly look forward to studying fluid dynamics as I was introduced to thisduring the Engineering Education Scheme (EES). I am aware that in today’s worldchemical engineering has an increasingly important role across a wide range ofindustries from pharmaceuticals to petrochemicals. The broad range of careerpaths, and the opportunity to contribute to society through technologicalinnovation, is for me, one of the main attractions of chemical engineering.

  I have applied to take part in the Year In Industry scheme during which Ihope to gain practical experience, as well as greater maturity enabling me to gointo my degree course with improved skills and broader experience. I also hopeto study e-learning courses on project management and presentation skills run bythe IChemE. In Year 12 I took part in the EES, which improved my understandingand skills in team working, time management, and report writing, as well asvisual and oral presentation. Throughout the course of the project the team hadto frequently correspond with mentors in industry and academia and thisexperience has broadened my appreciation of practice and application in a reallife situation. In July I attended a week-long ‘Into Engineering’ seminar run byREACT Engineering. Working in two teams, we were given a design exercise basedupon a typical decommissioning project. I also attended a Headstart course atNewcastle University, which I thoroughly enjoyed. One of the main activities wasto design, manufacture and test a small crane. I found both of these experiencesvery challenging, as we were given only limited time so we had to prioritise ourtasks and carefully plan our work.

  This year a fellow student and I were awarded £500 by the EuropeanScholarship Prize to fund a visit to Prague to do research for our A-levelHistory coursework. I gained an understanding of the city’s culture and historyand further developed my independence. During the summer I represented my schoolon a Connexions review of a government white paper on 14-19 education. I gainedan insight into the government’s proposals and learned a lot about working withdifferent groups of people. Last year I was part of the editorial team for theschool magazine. I wrote a number of articles and I was responsible for ensuringthat staff contributions were ready for the deadline. I also enjoy participatingin a range of sports and have represented the school at football and cricket,which has further enhanced my team working skills.

  In my spare time I am working towards my Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. InSeptember I completed a 4-day expedition in the Lake District, which tested myendurance but gave me a great sense of achievement. As part of the award I havebeen helping at the local youth café once a week, which I am really enjoying asit gives me the chance to meet new people. I also enjoy reading, particularlybooks on physics and Russian history. I am really interested in computers and Iam currently trying to configure a Linux based file and print server for my homenetwork.

留学申请书 篇16

  Born in Beijing, China’s political capital, cultural center and economichub, and nurtured in a well-cultured family and an empowering community, I havedeveloped a meaningful outlook on lie. I identify myself with such values thatone gives meaning to life when one lives to give. Success stories of my parents, relatives and friends along their career-path have entrenched my belief inbeing independent and confident as a contributing memeber of the community.

  As I look back on early days of my schooling , I am just as grateful to myworking parents for having sent me to one of the best boarding schools inBeijing where I received quality primary education and learned to appreciateindependence. As I recall , being independent was probably the biggest asset Igained as a teenager with the absence of parental guardianship for most of those6 years. After I upgraded to secondary school, I offered to go to school bybike. Though hesitant at first, my parents gave their well-thought-out consentto the 15-km ride average Chinese parents would simply veto in the first placegiven the “one-child policy”and subsequent “little emperors” pampered by parentsand grandparents. Thankfully, that day-to-day routine bike trip,rain orsunshine,tempered my strong character. I have been holding myself to higheststandards, academically and physically from primary school days through tocollege life. I have grown up all these years amongst top cohorts and have beenexposed to varied horizons and dimensions of school life in and outside ofclassroom. I am perfectly healthy and stong with a sharp mind and demonstratedcommitment to teamwork. I was handpicked to play for school baseball team when Iwas in primary school. Back then, my proven leadership and excellent skills inthe field assured my coach that I was born to be a team leader. And I didjustice to his well-timed appointment by heading a team of Beijing to compete inShanghai and Hong Kong several times. And the strong track record of outoutstanding performances each time still fills me with pride and excitementtoday. During one match tour to Hong Kong in the 1990s, I was immediatel exposedto the enviable luxury and prosperity of the city,the dynamic economic center ofAsia. That trip awakened me ,for the first time, to the value of wealth andfinance. And it was that very journey to the thriving metropolis that shaped myambition to be a financer.

  Years later,when the colleg entrance exam came,that moment of life anddeath for most of senior high school students in China,my top preference wasFinance Colllege of Beijing Technology and Business Unversity. The result cameas a sad surprise as I was admitted to Computer Science College instead. But Istuck with my dream major and decided to minor in finance. I have since workedhard to equip myself with systematic knowledge of finance. As a result , I amdnow well on my way to graduation with double degrees in both computer scienceand finance in 20__.

  During my college days,I led my cohorts in starting up a micro company as Idabbled into the real business world. We settled for newspaper as our maidenattempt.. As a new horn,I took a hands-on approach, from editing to circulating,from cost control to market survey. My strong leadership and sunergy of theentire team kept this mini organization going pretty well in its infancy. Yetinexperience in operation and cost management led to a failed business in theend. But I saw the silver lining in the failed venture. I now know more aboutwhere I need to work on. When I was a little boy, my parents taught me how tomanage money in the safest way. They helped me put my pocket money in the bankand get interest as a return. Now, as a grown-up already,I recognize thatsystematic learning and book knowledge can truely help me know how much moreabout what finance is all about. Naturally, as one’s knowledge about swimmingincreases, the desire to swim in the sea grows. Yet, with more academicexposure, I have come to realize how I am ill-equipped with the knowledge neededto stay afloat in the trubulent sea of finance. That self-conscious humblenessversus the profundiy of finance as a much-respected discipline has led me to optfor further study in the US,home to a number of world-class colleges offinance.

  After meticulous comparision and cross-checking, I have settled for ClarkUniversity,the birthplace of the first-ever graduate school in the US. I trustthat demanding academic standards here and ,best of all ,great mastermind offinance that Clark can offer will undoubtedly broaden my horizon and update myvision as financier of the future. To me,Clark is the best and right place thatcan surely make the difference, academically and professionally alike. I am morethan anxious to embrace those best minds in Clark and contribute my humble partto its huge wealth of knowledge and innovative ideas. I am therefore very muchlooking forward to a positive reply from Clark, my dream campus. May that offercome just in time for my journey towards a rewading learning experience in oneof the greatest colleges in the US.

留学申请书 篇17

  Dear sir / madam:

  I am a student, graduated from BaoYang middle school, Nanning, GuangXiautonomous region, in 20__. I am still studying in high school now, because Iwas not enrolled by the ideal university last year. Recently, I have a dream tostudy abroad. Then I search online and find that it is more convenient andsuitable for me to go to New Zealand for study.

  First, New Zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advancededucation in the world. Second, the tuition is lower than other countries’,which I think is mo

  re reasonable for me. Finally, the climate of New Zealand is similar withthe climate of the South of China. Considering above reasons, I told my parentsmy plan on going to New Zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me.

  As a girl, I like preschool education since I was young. Nowadays, Chineseparents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention topreschool education. If I study specialized curriculums on preschool education,I will go back China and work hard on preschool education after leavingcollege.

  My plan is as follows: first, I plan to study English in language institutefor about a half year in New Zealand. Then, I will study specialized curriculumson preschool education.

  I believe I have the ability of study abroad, because I have finished allhigh school curriculums. Besides, my parents both have job and have rich income,so they will support me to finish my study. After finishing my study, I willreturn to my homeland and work on preschool education, so as to realize my lifevalue.

留学申请书 篇18

  Due to the comprehensiveness of China’s “reform and open” policies,economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its globalposition. Though more and more companies built, management of companies cannotcatch up with the development of the companies. Management is a burgeoning fieldin China, so I hope I can acquire more modern knowledge on management inEngland. The roots of my strong interest in business can be traced back to mychildhood. My father was among the first of China’s new breed of modernentrepreneurs. As a young girl, it was inspirational hearing about his businessventures, and meeting the varied and interesting circle of entrepreneurs. Mymother was also involved in business as an accountant, helping him with simplecalculations. And so it was early in my life that I hoped I, also, would somedaybe able to enter the realm of business.

  With the time of growing up, I preferred reading books to satisfy mycuriosity. I never ceased to contemplate over the questions I encountered.Subjects on business and management became a special fascination to me and myknowledge of psychology as well as interest in this field was increasingrapidly.

  As a high school student in China, I had to concentrate on the CollegeEntrance Examination (CEE), even so, books not related to the exams were neverexcluded from my life. Unfortunately when sitting in the exam in June, 20__, Iwas so nervous that I didn’t score well in the CEE exam. I enrolled in thedepartment of Computer Science in Zhejiang College of Traditional ChineseMedicine. Any attempt to persuade myself to focus on my major turned out to be afailure at the beginning of my college life. After several terms, I realizedthat I would never be interested in being a programmer or an engineer. At thatmoment, I lost my direction and objectives.

  My persistence in reading saved me from the dark situation. As a matter offact, I enjoyed reading the books included Encyclopedia American, and some booksabout management by Peter F.Drucker. I began to notice something interesting:Why some companies can produce more than others? Why some company can sell morethan others? Why some companies can build up but others cannot when facing thesame difficulties?

  With the questions in my mind, I started to read many relevant books. I waslucky to read the book “Jack: Straight from the Gut”by Jack Welch, in Which JohnA. Byrne makes a clear illustration that the management is important for acompany. When I was a junior, I ran a bookshop by myself near my school. Ishould manage not only the finance in the shop but also the employees in my shopeven made some strategies to enlarge the business in my shop to hold on the runthe shop. From this, my interpersonal skills and the capacity in business hasbeen greatly developed, definitely I was increasingly interested in what I wasdoing. By December, 20__, I had finally determined to take business managementas my career instead of IT. To accumulate more relevant knowledge, I strived togain more practical work experience in some big companies.

  Fortunately, as a senior, I began by conducting an internship in theArchitecture Company in Zhejiang Province. Over six months, I worked as anassistant of the manager to harmonize the relationship between the differentdepartments in this company and to draft some management system, which broadenedmy perspective of management conditions and business performance in differentindustries. The experience showed me that management is much more important thanthat of I thought in big companies. After graduation, I continued my work inthis company. In May, 20__, the company offered me an opportunity to participatein an training program held by a famous management school. Through in-depthdiscussions with teachers and students in the classes, they all encouraged me topursue my future career in management field because of my intellectual abilityand the brand new ideas I mentioned.

  During the short period of training, I realized that pursuing a higherdegree in management is a wise choice for me now. Lancaster, with its excellencein management, represents the perfect fit for my needs. In your challengingenvironment, I can build the required foundation of knowledge related tomanagement to achieve my goals. I am firmly convinced that your admission willbe my first step of success. With this in mind, I hereby submit my application,and await your favorable reply.

  Yours sincerely,

留学申请书 篇19













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