标题 | 英文的表扬信 |
范文 | 英文的表扬信(精选6篇) 英文的表扬信 篇1敬爱的新东方国外部领导: 您们好! 我们是TCZ501班的同学,在这七周的`学习期间,你们每一位老师都给我们留下了深刻的印象。你们不仅用风趣、幽默又充满激情的讲课风格教授了我们很多知识,更教会了我们这样做人,怎样生活。在此,我们表示深切的感谢!我们更要感谢我们辅导员张帆老师和班主任李宝英老师。他们在我们的“化妆晚会”筹备期间,牺牲了很多自己的宝贵时间。尤其是李宝英老师在幕后默默地做了很多工作。她是那样平易近人,她那充满热情和鼓励的话语时时回响在我们耳畔。我们“化妆晚会”组委会全体成员,代表我们班全体同学向全体给予我们帮助的老师,特别是李宝英老师表示感谢!
xx年x月x日 英文的表扬信 篇2dear manager: i am a reporter from the news weekend. because of the demand of my work, i often come to beijing to do interviews. your hotel is my favorite, because of the comfortable living conditions, and the considerate service, especially your excellent food. the restaurants in your hotel have many kinds of delicious food such as chinese food, japanese food, french food and so on. among these delicious foods, i like the beijing toast duck best, not only because of its chinese characteristics but also its special taste for people from all over the world. so every time i come here i always choose this course. furthermore, what impressed me most is the high quality service, it always makes me feel at home. waiters and waitresses are so kind and warmhearted that they always earnestly recommend every new or special food of the restaurant. i will recommend your hotel and restaurant to my friends without any reservation and hesitation. hope your hotel and restaurant will be more prosperous in the future. sincerely yours, will smith 英文的表扬信 篇3dear head master of f & b department: first of all, we thank you for the perfect service and providing delicious foods, which give us a deep impression for everything you done. here, our company specially thanks you and your team, and sends the best regards and the most sincere gratitude to all of you. at the same time, we specially thank an outstanding employee ------ ×whom gave the most cooperation during the events. at the end, we sincerely thank for the all supports from you and your colleagues. millions of thanks! your sincerely beijing co., ltd. date: -- 英文的表扬信 篇4Dear , On June 30th when I left home for work,I carelessly lost my wallet ,in which there are six thousand yuan.The wallet is very important to me for I planned to use these money to pay back one of my colleagues,so I was very anxious.Luckily,my wallet was picked up by you,what's more,you spare no effort to contact me,making me get my wallet in time. Amazed by your action,I was deeply touched by your sacred quality at the same time.At present,as people in society never get satisfied with material things and their lack of Leifeng's spirit,in my opinion,you should be spoken highly of by us as a good example for people to learn from.In addition,I have got a sense that your unit is of great achievement on the moral education of its staffs. Thank you again,and I hope you can be free from difficulties and misfortune all your life. Yours sincerely
英文的表扬信 篇5那一处,是何等地肮脏!令人声声作呕的呕吐物,散发在四楼的走廊,找来了一群群苍蝇和蚊虫,贪婪地吸食着呕吐物。路过的同学何老师看见这些呕吐物,便都不由自主地用衣袖掩住鼻子,嘴边还破口骂道:“谁那么缺德……”于是,便连走带跑地匆匆赶路,尽快离开这块“是非之地”。于是,一股消化道的酸臭味弥漫着教学楼,迟迟没有散去。 那一处,又是何等的神圣!这恶劣的环境没能改变同学们一颗热爱劳动的心。于是,一只只无暇、干净又洁白的小手伸向那一把把扫帚和拖把。随着一声声振奋人心的劳动号子,一个个身影在走廊上热火朝天地忙碌着,不停地挥动手中的扫帚和拖把,没有丝毫疏忽和怠慢。运沙子、倒垃圾、洗拖把……几个身影来回地穿梭在同学们朗朗的读书声中。每一个人,额头上都沾满了豆大的汗珠;每一个人,脸上都挂满了最美丽的笑容…… 劳动着,并快乐着。 他们一个个,都在为班级做着自己力所能及的事;他们一个个,身上都流淌着热血,为班级做贡献的热血;他们一个个都热爱着自己的班级…… 我们应该牢记这些光荣、体面的劳动着的名字:杜、刘、冼、李、周、郑钟、莫、梁、苏、王、王、韦、杜、林和林。 14个人,14个美丽的名字。或许,他们的成绩并不优异,可是他们有其他同学没有的闪光点。再一次望向他们,只见他们的身影越来越高大,身子被光芒包围着…… 他们是我们所有人的劳动楷模! 英文的表扬信 篇6xx年4月14日下午,沈明领老师带领管理工程系35名学生冒雨来到图书馆,利用休息时间到图书馆电子阅览室开展义务劳动。他们在工作中不仅积极主动、不怕脏和累,而且没有一人聊天、嬉笑,保持了图书馆良好的阅览环境。他们甘于奉献的行为以及所体现出的当代大学生良好精神风貌和素质,得到工作人员的赞扬。 我馆在此对这些同学给予表扬并表示感谢,同时感谢管理工程系对学生的辛勤培养! |
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