标题 | 饮料商标授权协议 |
范文 | 饮料商标授权协议(通用3篇) 饮料商标授权协议 篇1商标使用许可人(甲方):________________ 商标使用被许可人(乙方):________________ 根据和的规定,双方遵循自愿和诚信的原则,经过友好协商签订本商标使用许可合同。 商标授权范围 一、甲方将注册登记的第___________类商标(注册号:___________)许可乙方使用在其生产的___________产品包装上。 二、商标标识:_______________(另附页) 三、许可使用的期限自___________年___________月___________日起至___________年___________月___________日止。合同期满,如需延长使用时间,由甲、乙双方另行续订商标使用许可合同。 四、甲方许可乙方使用商标的地域范围:_______________中华人民共和国境内。 五、甲方许可乙方使用商标的形式为:_______________在中华人民共和国区域___________行业内普通许可使用。合同存续期间,不在___________省内___________行业同类产品上,授权其他生产厂家使用甲方的第___________类商标。 六、许可乙方在产品包装、企业牌匾、宣传资料上使用的说明文字: 双方的权利和义务 七、乙方向甲方交纳_____________万元人民币作为商标、冠名使用费。 八、根据的规定:许可人应当监督被许可人使用其注册商标的商品质量;被许可人应当保证使用该注册商标的商品质量。”乙方必须保证在其生产的商品上,使用甲方注册商标的产品,要符合国家有关该产品卫生、质量、计量、环保、包装、行业标准及法定说明文字的要求。 九、乙方不得任意改变甲方注册商标的文字、图形或者其组合,不得超越许可的产品范围使用甲方的注册商标。 十、根据规定,乙方必须在使用甲方注册商标的商品上标明乙方的企业名称和产地。 十一、甲、乙方应在商标许可合同到期前两个月,就是否继续授权使用商标进行协商,到期继续使用重新签订并续费备案,不续签合同则自行终止。 十二、合同终止后,乙方不得在其生产的产品上使用甲方的授权商标、标识,以及在本合同第6项中许可乙方在其产品包装,企业牌匾、宣传材料中所规定的文字,否则甲方有权依法追究其侵权责任。 十三、甲方在合同有效期内,依据第四十条规定,有权利监督乙方产品质量,乙方有责任将包装设计文稿交给甲方审核备案,以免出现与法律相违背的情况。 十四、甲方对乙方的商标使用许可授权,是根据及的规定,仅为提高乙方知名度、扩大市场占有率所进行的企业形象和产品形象策划和包装。是在法律许可下的合法授权并受到法律保护。同时应当强调,双方都是独立法人,各自独立承担法律责任;甲、乙各方的债权、债务,以及与本合同无关的法律责任均不得涉及对方;甲、乙各方的债权、债务,以及与本合同无关的其他法律纠纷和责任,也均不能构成对各方的法律连带责任。 合同的生效与终止 本合同生效的条件: 十五、双方在商标使用许可合同上签字、盖章。 十六、乙方按合同的约定金额足额交付了甲方商标使用费。 十七、甲方将商标使用许可合同递交国家工商总局商标局受理备案。 十八、乙方使用在甲方授权注册商标的产品,必须要具备如下条件: 由国家技术监督局指定检测部门出具的产品检测合格报告。 国家明令需要具备环保认证的产品,必须获得国家级环保机构认证或国家指定机构的认证。 必须要执行国家强制标准的产品必须达标。 必须要由国家行政主管部门颁发生产许可证的产品,要取得生产许可证。 本合同自签字的三个月内,由乙方到所在注册工商局查存。 十九、合同生效以双方签字日期为准。在执行日期逾期10天后,乙方使用费未到甲方指定账号,甲方视乙方违约。乙方在接到甲方的通知在3天内若不采取措施补救,甲方有权中止乙方的合同,有权要求乙方赔偿,由此产生的后果由乙方自负。 本合同终止的条件: 二十、商标使用许可合同的许可期限到期没有续签合同。 二十一、乙方违反及的规定,在使用甲方注册商标之后,其产品粗制滥造,以次充好,欺骗消费者并构成对甲方声誉的严重损害的。 二十二、乙方在签署本合同后10个工作日内,商标使用许可费没有全额进入甲方指定帐号(银行公休、假日顺延)。本合同一式四份,根据和的规定,自签订之日起三个月内,由甲方将合同副本报送国家工商总局商标局备案;由乙方将合同副本交送注册地工商局存查。 许可人(甲方):____________被许可人(乙方):____________ 法定代表人:____________法定代表人:____________ ____ 年 _____ 月 _____ 日____ 年 _____ 月 _____ 日 饮料商标授权协议 篇2合同编号:_______________ 签定地点:_______________ 商标使用授权人:_______________(甲方) 商标使用被授权人:_______________(乙方) 根据《中华人民共和国商标法》第四十条和《商标法实施条例》第四十三条的规定,甲乙双方遵循自愿和诚实信用原则,经协商一致,签定本商标使用许可合同. 一,甲方将乙注册的使用在 _________类_________ 商品上的第 _________号 _________商标许可乙方使用在 _________类 _________商品上. 二,许可使用的形式__________________(独占,排他,普通). 三,许可使用的期限自 _________年 _________月 _________日起至 _________年 _________月_________ 日止.合同期满,如需延长使用时间,由甲,乙双方另行续订商标使用许可合同. 四,甲方有权监督乙方使用注册商标的商品质量,乙方应当保证使用该注册商标的商品质量.具体措施为________________。 五,乙方必须在使用该注册商标的商品上标明自己的企业名称和商品产地. 六,乙方不得任意改变甲方注册商标的文字,图形或者其组合,并不得超越许可的商品范围使用甲方的注册商标. 七,未经甲方授权,乙方不得以任何形式和理由将甲方注册商标许可第三方使用. 八,注册商标标识的提供方式:__________________ 九,许可使用费金额,计算方法及支付方式:__________________ 十,商标使用许可合同提前终止的条件. 十一,本合同终止时,乙方应立即终止使用该商标,剩余的商标标识应 ;市场上流通的带有该商标的商品应在 月内撤出市场. 十二,违约责任:__________________ 十三,纠纷解决方式:__________________ 十四,其他事宜: 本合同一式 _________份,自签定之日起三个月,由甲方报送商标局备案. 商标使用授权人:__________________(甲方) (签章) 法定代表人 :__________________ 地址:__________________ 邮编:__________________ 商标使用许可被授权人:__________________(乙方) (签章) 法定代表人:__________________ 地址:__________________ 邮编 :__________________ ___________年___________月_________日 饮料商标授权协议 篇3商标授权协议书 TRADEMARK LICENSING AGREEMENT 商标使用许可方 Licensor 商标使用被许可方 Licensee 鉴于许可方拥有一定价值并经注册的商标,且被许可方希望在制造、出售、分销产品时使用该商标,双方授权代表经友好协商,达成如下协议。 Whereas Licensor owns certain valuable registered trademarks;and Licensee hope to utilize the trademark upon and in connection with the manufacture, sale and distribution of the Contract Products; Both parties authorized representatives, through friendly negotiation, agree to enter into this Contract under the terms as stipulated below. 一、被许可方同意从许可方取得,许可方同意向被许可方授予单独使用附件所指的注册商标的许可权利,且只在制造和出售、分销合同产品时使用。合同产品的名称、型号、规格和技术参数详见本合同附件。这种权利是独占性的,是不可转让的权利。许可方同意在合同的有效期内不在合同有效区域内再授予别人销售合同产品时使用这一商标。 The Licensee agree to obtain from Licensor, and Licensor agree to grant Licensee the right to utilize the Registered Trademark solely and only upon and in connection with the manufacture, sale and distribution of the Contract Products. The name, model, specification and technical notices of the Contract Products are detailed in Appendixto the Contract. The license and right are exclusive and untransferable. Licensor agrees that during the validity of this Contract, it will not authorize a third party to utilize the Registered Trademark upon and in connection with the manufacture, sale and distribution of the Contract Products in the same area specified in this Contract. 二、许可协议只在地区有效。被许可方同意不在其他地区直接或间接使用或授权使用这一商标,且不在知情的情况下向有意或有可能在其他地区出售协议下产品的第三者销售该产品。 The license hereby granted extends only to. Licensee agrees that it will not make, or authorize, any use, direct or indirect, of the Name in any other area, and that it will not knowingly sell articles covered by this agreement to persons who intend or are likely to resell them in any other area. 三、许可使用的期限自年月日起至年月日止。若满足协议条件,本协议期限每年自动续展,直至最后一次续展终止于年12月31日。始于年12月31日,本许可协议在每一期末自动续展一年,到下一年的12月31日止,除非一方在协议到期前30天以前书面通知另一方终止协议的执行。 The term of the license hereby granted shall be effective on theday ofand shall continue until theday of.The term of this license may be automatically renewed from year to year upon all the terms and conditions contained herein, with the final renewal to expire on December 31st,. At the end of each term, beginning with December 31st,, this license shall be automatically renewed for a one year term expiring December 31st of the following year, unless either party hereto shall be given written noticeto the contrary at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date. 四、许可方有权监督被许可方使用注册商标的商品质量,被许可方应当保证使用该注册商标的商品质量。 Licensor have the right to supervise the quality of the goods in respect of which the registered trademark,and Licensee shall guarantee the quality of the goods in respect of which the registered trademark is used. 被许可方同意合同产品将符合高标准,其试样、外观和质量将能发挥其最好效益,并能保护和加强商标名誉及其所代表的信誉。被许可方保证合同产品符合许可方所规定的质量标准,同时合同产品的生产、出售、分销将符合销售地的法律,并不得影响许可方以及其商标本身的名声。 Licensee agrees that the Contract Products covered by this Contract shall be of high standard and of such style, appearance and quality as to be adequate and situated to their exploitation to the best advantage and to the protection and enhancement of the Trademark and good will pertaining thereto. The quality of the Contract Products should be up to the standard specified in the Contract, and will be in accordance with all laws where the Contract Products are manufactured, sold and distributed. The manufacture, sale and distribution of the Contract Products shall not reflect adversely upon the good name of Licensor or any of its program or the Registered Trademark. 为了达到这一目标,被许可方应在出售合同产品之前,免费寄给许可方一定数量的产品样品,和其包装纸箱及包装材料,以取得许可方的书面同意。合同产品及其纸箱和包装材料的质量试样需得到许可方的同意。向许可方提交的每份产品得到其书面同意前不能视作通过。样品按本条所述得到同意后,被许可方在未得到许可方的书面同意前不能作实质变动。而许可方除非提前天书面通知被许可方,否则不能撤销其对样品的同意。 For the end mentioned in Section 6.1 of the Contract, Licensee shall, before selling or distribution any of the Contract Products, furnish to Licensor free of cost, for its written approval, a reasonable number of samples of each Contract Product, its cartons, containers and packing and wrapping material. The quality and style of the Contract Products as well as of any carton, container or packing and wrapping material shall be subject to the approval of Licensor. Any item submitted to Licensor shall not be deemed approved unless and until the samples are approved by Licensor in writing. After samples have been approved pursuant to this paragraph, Licensee shall not depart therefrom in any material respect without Licensor’S prior written consent, and Licensor shall not withdraw its approval of the approved samples except ondays prior notice to Licensee. 在被许可方开始出售合同产品后,应许可方的要求,将免费向许可方提供不超过件的随机抽样样品及相关的纸箱、包装箱和包装材料。 From time to time after Licensee has commenced selling the Contract Products and upon Licensor’s request, Licensee shall furnish without cost to Licensor not more thanadditional random samples of each article being manufactured and sold by Licensee hereunder, together with any cartons, containers and packing and wrapping material used in connection therewith. 五、被许可方必须在使用该注册商标的商品上标明自己的企业名称和商品产地。 Licensee must mark its company name and production origin on the production with its registered trademark. 六、许可方应在合同签订的同时,向被许可方提供注册商标的名称、内容以及许可方向国申请注册的有关情况。 The name, content and related situation which Licensor applied for the registration fromTrademark Office shall be provided by Licensor to Licensee while the Contract is signing. 七、在本合同中被许可方使用该注册商标,无需支付对价。 In this contract, the licensee use the Registered Trademark for free. 八、许可方保证是本合同注册商标的合法持有者,并且有权授予被许可方使用,如果在合同的执行过程中一旦发生第三方指控侵权时,则由许可方负责与第三方交涉,并承担由此引起的一切法律和经济上的责任。 Licensor guarantees that Licensor is the legitimate owner of the RegisteredTrademark under the Contract, and that Licensor is lawful in a position to authorize Licensee to utilize the Registered Trademark upon or in connection with manufacture, sale and distribution of the Contract Products. In the course of implementation of the Contract, if any third party accuses Licensee of infringement, Licensor shall be responsible for approaching the third party about the accusation and bear all the economic and legal responsibilities which may arise. 九、如果被许可方在达成协议后月内未开始生产和销售合同产品,许可方可书面通知被许可方终止合同。 If Licensee shall not have commenced in good faith to manufacture and distribute in substantial quantities all the Contract Products withinmonths after the date of the effectiveness of this Contract, Licensor have the right to terminate the Contract. 十、任何一方违反本合同条款下的义务,另一方在提前天书面通知对方后有权终止合同,除非违约方在天内对其违约行为所造成的损失作出全部赔偿,令对方满意。 If one of the parties to this Contract violate its obligations under the terms of this Contract, the other one shall has the right to terminate the Contract upondays’notice in advance, and such notice of termination shall become effective unless the break promiser shall completely remedy the violation within theday period. 十一、因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。如双方通过协商不能达成协议时,则应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会分会,按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。争议的解决适用中华人民共和国法律。仲裁费由败诉方负担。在争议的处理过程中,除正在进行仲裁的部分外,合同的其他部分将继续执行。 All disputes in connection with or in the execution of the Contract shall be settled through friendly consultation by both parties. In case no settlement to disputes can be reached through friendly consultation by both parties, the disputes shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, Shenzhen Commission for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the Commission’s arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties. The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party. In the course of settling disputes, the Contract shall be continuously executed by both parties except for the part which is under arbitration. 十二、本合同的正文和附件是不可分割的部分,具有同等法律效力。本合同用中文、英文书就,双方各持两份。在合同的有效期内,双方通讯以进行。正式通知应以书面形式,特快专递或航空挂号邮寄,一式两份。合同双方的法定住址如下: The text of the Contract and annexes are integral parts of the Contract and have same legal force and effect. The Contract is made out in English and Chinese inoriginals, two for each party. Within the validity period of the Contract, the communication between both parties shall be made in; the formal notice shall be made in written form in two copies, sending by registered airmail. The legal addresses of both parties of the Contract are as follows: 许可方:________________ 被许可方:______________ 地 址:_________________ 地 址:_________________ 电 话:_________________ 电 话:_________________ 传 真:_________________ 传 真:_________________ 接受方授权代表:(签字) 许可方授权代表:(签字) |
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