标题 | 关于名人的演讲稿 |
范文 | 关于名人的演讲稿(通用8篇) 关于名人的演讲稿 篇1很小的时候,雷锋这个名字就时常响在我耳边,妈妈说,这个名字家喻户晓。虽然也听老师讲过很多雷锋的故事,但还是觉得这个人物在我脑海里很模糊。自从读了《学雷锋,做有道德的人》这本书,我才真正认识雷锋,读懂雷锋,并为他的事迹所深深感动。 雷锋是一名普普通通的解放军战士。7岁后,父母兄弟相继悲惨去世,他成了一名孤儿,尝尽了人间痛苦的滋味,也饱受了他这个年龄不该承受的社会黑暗。但是他并没有因为生活的困苦放弃努力,而是用他短暂的生命谱写了一曲时代赞歌。 学习雷锋,学的是精神,我们不仅要学习这种精神,还要把这种精神发扬下去。雷锋在日记中这样写道:“人的生命是有限的,可是为人名服务却是无限的,我要把有限的生命投入到无限的为人民服务中去。”这句话说得多好啊!其实,对我们小学生来说,学雷锋并不是说要去做雷锋那样的好事,只要从身边的小事做起:捡起一片废纸,是在学雷锋;公交车上让座,是在学雷锋;节约水电,是在学雷锋……做好这些我们力所能及的事,就是很好的学习雷锋精神。 学雷锋,做有道德的人,从做好身边的每件小事开始。 关于名人的演讲稿 篇2尊敬的老师们,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 3月5日什么日子?没错,是学雷锋日,也正是“向雷锋同志学习”毛主席题词发表的纪念日,因此整个三月,就成了我们学习雷锋的传统文明月。四十多年过去了,雷锋离开我们越来越久了,但是他的精神却永垂不朽,在雷锋精神的照耀下,我们一代代青少年实践着自己的人生价值,努力的学习,为社会做出巨大的贡献。今天,站在这庄严的国旗下,我们要谈的主题就是:学雷锋,扬新风,养成文明行为习惯。围绕这一主题,今天我讲话的题目是:学雷锋树新风。 “雷锋”这两个字,每一个中国人都知道。他是一位普通的中国士兵,他无私,他爱岗,但是他的生命却仅仅走过了短暂的20xx年,他以平凡朴实的言行,展现出一种令人震撼的道德品质和人格魅力;一提起雷锋,我们就会不由自主地想起他生前所做的每一件小事:帮列车员拖地、打扫候车室,为丢失车票的大嫂买票,给困难战友家中寄钱等等等等。所以人们常说:雷锋出差一千里,好事做了一火车。可见在他那短暂的人生中做了多少好事,给别人带来了多少快乐和安慰。 我曾经看过这样一个童话故事:一个在一片草地上玩耍时,看见一只蝴蝶被荆棘弄伤了,她轻轻在捉起她,然后又小心翼翼将蝴蝶翅膀上的刺拔掉,又让它飞向大自然。后来蝴蝶为了报恩,化做一位仙女,对小女孩说:“请你许个愿吧!我将让它实现。”小女孩想想说,“我最想要的是快乐”。于是,仙女在她耳边细语一番便飞走了,后来,这个小女孩果真快乐地度过了一生。而这个快乐的秘密就是力所能及地帮助身边的每一个人。 同学们,这个故事看起来很小,但是却告诉我们,向雷锋叔叔学习,就要从做好每一件小事开始,从身边最平凡的小事做起:捡起地上的一片果皮纸屑,你就是一个爱清洁的环保小卫士;帮助需要帮助的同学,你就是一个有爱心的好朋友;珍惜每一分钟,勤学勤问,你就是一个爱学习的小标兵;见到老师、长辈问一声好,你就是一个懂礼貌的的好孩子;再过两天就是三八妇女节了,你送给妈妈一本字迹清秀的作业,或为她端上一杯热气腾腾的茶水,或为她声情并茂地朗诵一篇课文,献上一曲动听的歌等等,来表达你对妈妈的爱。这一点一滴的事情,看起来虽然很小,但却都是学雷锋的具体表现。做好这些小事,不仅仅别人得到了快乐,你自己同样也是快乐的。 在我们学习、生活中,我们都希望别人在点点滴滴的小事中关爱自己,帮助自己,那种被关爱的感觉是幸福的,甜蜜的,快乐的!相反,别人也需要我们的关爱和帮助。是啊,只有人人都奉献自己的爱,我们的世界才能永远充满快乐! 各位同学们,从小事做起,从你我做起,就让我们携起手来,共同努力,学习雷锋,互助互爱,做一个新时代的“小雷锋”! 我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家! 关于名人的演讲稿 篇3雷锋,一个中国人熟悉的名字。这么多年过去了,从雷锋生活的那个年代到现在,社会和人们的生活已经发生了很大的变化,可是有一样没有变,雷锋这个名字及其所代表的高尚精神内涵,始终唱响了时代的最强音。 雷锋代表的精神,大部分是来源于一种爱,爱党、爱祖国、爱人民,也爱自己的亲人。 “对待同志要像春天般温暖,对待工作要像夏天一样火热,对待个人主义要像秋风扫落叶一样……”《雷锋日记》中的这些话,再次让我感受到“春天般的温暖”。在新世纪,我们更需要一种质朴、平凡、高尚、纯洁的灵魂,而这又是每个人都能做到的,我们应该从身边小事做起,做个小雷锋! 其实,我们好好学习也是一种雷锋精神。 雷锋叔叔的精神是永恒的,他那高尚的理想、信念、道德、情操必将在我们青少年一代身上不断发扬光大。他那不可磨灭的美好形象,将永远活在我们的心中。 雷锋叔叔,你是我们中华人民的骄傲,是我们的榜样,你一直激励着我们好好学习,我们一定要向你学习! 关于名人的演讲稿 篇4鲁迅无疑是近代文学史上的巨匠,也是伟大的民主革命者,他的话语被人比作投向敌人的标枪,他的言行无不为残暴的统治者感到恐慌,是他一直在呐喊,喊醒沉睡几百年的自高自大麻木的中国人,是他一直在揭露中国人腐朽的思想催进中国的觉醒。 也许没有什么鲁迅不敢批评的,也许没有什么威胁鲁迅怕过,8月,因支持北京学生爱国运动,为北洋军阀政府所通缉。1930年起,先后参加中国自由运动大同盟、中国左翼作家联盟和中国民权保障同盟,反抗国民党政府的独裁统治和政治迫害,又被国民党政府列入黑名单,难道他怕过的吗?不是依然在为改变国民精神而奋斗,奋斗二字说来容易,要知道改变几千年国民精神中的糌粑,谈何容易,但鲁迅有着那样的信念。 但也许人无完人,一点的缺点就招来了无数人的谴责,如王朔等人,是嫉妒,还是本身就对鲁迅反感,我们无从了解,但是谴责也该找出所谓别人的把柄,难道指出他人的缺点也是一种罪吗?鲁迅一直揭露中国人的短处,是为了让我们知道自己的缺点然后改正,难道我们真想变成一个个孔乙几或阿Q或那一群麻木不仁看日本人杀死中国人的观众呀。我们当然不希望自己成为21世纪的孔乙几,新型的阿Q。但生活中确实有这样的人存在,因止鲁迅精神在我们现代生活中仍实用,怎么能批评呢,难到非得鲁迅对当时中国人虚伪的夸赞一番吗?我想鲁迅不会做出这种事的。 鲁迅的伟大不仅仅伟大在过去,同样也伟大在现在,未来也许更加伟大,鲁迅虽已离我们69年,但他的精神在人们心中仍活69年,他的伟大的精神,高贵的品质仍指导我们在社会的长河中前进,现代社会,文明的社会,和平的社会,美好的社会,鲁迅当时的人们是不敢想的,但在这和谐的社会背后也隐藏了丑恶的一面,贪污,受贿,违法犯罪,等等。给文明的社会打上一个大大的折扣,若鲁迅在,早已向他们投向锋利的标枪,有人评价鲁迅是喜怒哀骂皆成文章,可是现在鲁迅离开了,难道鲁迅的的精神也已离开了吗,难道就没有后起之秀了吗,我们渴望鲁迅的精神得到继承,鲁迅的思想永远光辉,社会的丑恶被彻底消除,鲁迅他一生奉献在改变国民精神上,我们也该投身与改变社会丑恶现象上,我们呼吁更多的鲁迅出现。社会将更加美好。 鲁迅无疑是中国是史上的一位伟人。郁达夫在鲁迅死后曾说,一个不知道尊崇伟大的民族是可悲的民族,难道我们是可悲的民族吗?既然不是,就让我们把鲁迅永远记在心中吧。 关于名人的演讲稿 篇5鲁迅无疑是近代文学史上的巨匠,也是伟大的民主革命者,他的话语被人比作投向敌人的标枪,他的言行无不为残暴的统治者感到恐慌,是他一直在呐喊,喊醒沉睡几百年的自高自大麻木的中国人,是他一直在揭露中国人腐朽的思想催进中国的觉醒。 也许没有什么鲁迅不敢批评的,也许没有什么威胁鲁迅怕过,8月,因支持北京学生爱国运动,为北洋军阀政府所通缉。1930年起,先后参加中国自由运动大同盟、中国左翼作家联盟和中国民权保障同盟,反抗国民党政府的独裁统治和政治迫害,又被国民党政府列入黑名单,难道他怕过的吗?不是依然在为改变国民精神而奋斗,奋斗二字说来容易,要知道改变几千年国民精神中的糌粑,谈何容易,但鲁迅有着那样的信念。 但也许人无完人,一点的缺点就招来了无数人的谴责,如王朔等人,是嫉妒,还是本身就对鲁迅反感,我们无从了解,但是谴责也该找出所谓别人的把柄,难道指出他人的缺点也是一种罪吗?鲁迅一直揭露中国人的短处,是为了让我们知道自己的缺点然后改正,难道我们真想变成一个个孔乙几或阿q或那一群麻木不仁看日本人杀死中国人的观众呀。我们当然不希望自己成为21世纪的孔乙几,新型的阿q。但生活中确实有这样的人存在,因止鲁迅精神在我们现代生活中仍实用,怎么能批评呢,难到非得鲁迅对当时中国人虚伪的夸赞一番吗?我想鲁迅不会做出这种事的。 鲁迅的伟大不仅仅伟大在过去,同样也伟大在现在,未来也许更加伟大,鲁迅虽已离我们69年,但他的精神在人们心中仍活69年,他的伟大的精神,高贵的品质仍指导我们在社会的长河中前进,现代社会,文明的社会,和平的社会,美好的社会,鲁迅当时的人们是不敢想的,但在这和谐的社会背后也隐藏了丑恶的一面,贪污,受贿,违法犯罪,等等。给文明的社会打上一个大大的折扣,若鲁迅在,早已向他们投向锋利的标枪,有人评价鲁迅是喜怒哀骂皆成文章,可是现在鲁迅离开了,难道鲁迅的的精神也已离开了吗,难道就没有后起之秀了吗,我们渴望鲁迅的精神得到继承,鲁迅的思想永远光辉,社会的丑恶被彻底消除,鲁迅他一生奉献在改变国民精神上,我们也该投身与改变社会丑恶现象上,我们呼吁更多的鲁迅出现。社会将更加美好。 鲁迅无疑是中国是史上的一位伟人。郁达夫在鲁迅死后曾说,一个不知道尊崇伟大的民族是可悲的民族,难道我们是可悲的民族吗?既然不是,就让我们把鲁迅永远记在心中吧。 关于名人的演讲稿 篇6Ladies and Gentlemen I'd planned to speak to you tonight to report on the state of the union but the events of earlier today have led me to change those plans. Today is a day for mourning and remembering. Nancy and I are pained to the core by the tragedy of the shuttle Challenger. We know we share this pain with all of the people of our country. This is truly a national loss. Nineteen years ago almost to the day we lost three astronauts in a terrible accident on the ground. But we've never lost an astronaut in flight. We've never had a tragedy like this. And perhaps we've forgotten the courage it took for the crew of the shuttle. But they the Challenger Seven were aware of the dangers but overcame them and did their jobs brilliantly. We mourn seven heroes: Michael Smith Dick Scobee Judith Resnik Ronald McNair Ellison Onizuka Gregory Jarvis and Christa McAuliffe. We mourn their loss as a nation together. For the families of the seven we cannot bear as you do the full impact of this tragedy. But we feel the loss and we're thinking about you so very much. Your loved ones were daring and brave and they had that special grace that special spirit that says "Give me a challenge and I'll meet it with joy." They had a hunger to explore the universe and discover its truths. They wished to serve and they did. They served all of us. We've grown used to wonders in this century. It's hard to dazzle us. But for twenty-five years the United States space program has been doing just that. We've grown used to the idea of space and perhaps we forget that we've only just begun. We're still pioneers. They the members of the Challenger crew were pioneers. And I want to say something to the schoolchildren of America who were watching the live coverage of the shuttle's take-off. I know it's hard to understand but sometimes painful things like this happen. It's all part of the process of exploration and discovery. It's all part of taking a chance and expanding man's horizons. The future doesn't belong to the fainthearted; it belongs to the brave. The Challenger crew was pulling us into the future and we'll continue to follow them. 关于名人的演讲稿 篇7Ladies and Gentlemen I'm only going to talk to you just for a minute or so this evening because I have some -- some very sad news for all of you -- Could you lower those signs please? -- I have some very sad news for all of you and I think sad news for all of our fellow citizens and people who love peace all over the world; and that is that Martin Luther King was shot and was killed tonight in Memphis Tennessee. Martin Luther King dedicated his life to love and to justice between fellow human beings. He died in the cause of that effort. In this difficult day in this difficult time for the United States it's perhaps well to ask what kind of a nation we are and what direction we want to move in. For those of you who are black -- considering the evidence evidently is that there were white people who were responsible -- you can be filled with bitterness and with hatred and a desire for revenge. We can move in that direction as a country in greater polarization -- black people amongst blacks and white amongst whites filled with hatred toward one another. Or we can make an effort as Martin Luther King did to understand and to comprehend and replace that violence that stain of bloodshed that has spread across our land with an effort to understand compassion and love. For those of you who are black and are tempted to fill with -- be filled with hatred and mistrust of the injustice of such an act against all white people I would only say that I can also feel in my own heart the same kind of feeling. I had a member of my family killed but he was killed by a white man. But we have to make an effort in the United States. We have to make an effort to understand to get beyond or go beyond these rather difficult times. 关于名人的演讲稿 篇8I feel that this award was not made to me as a man but to my work -- a life's work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit not for glory and least of all for profit but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something which did not exist before. 我感觉,这个奖不是授予我这个人,而是授予我的工作,它是对我呕心沥血、毕生从事的人类精神探索的工作的肯定。我的这项工作不为名,更不图利,而是要从人类精神的原始素材里创造出前所未有的东西。 I feel that this award was not made to me as a man but to my work -- a life's work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit not for glory and least of all for profit but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something which did not exist before. So this award is only mine in trust. It will not be difficult to find a dedication for the money part of it commensurate with the purpose and significance of its origin. But I would like to do the same with the acclaim too by using this moment as a pinnacle from which I might be listened to by the young men and women already dedicated to the same anguish and travail among whom is already that one who will some day stand here where I am standing. 我感到这份奖金不是授予我个人而是授予我的工作的授予我一生从事关于人类精神的呕心沥血工作.我从事这项工作不是为名更不是为利而是为了从人的精神原料中创造出一些从前不曾有过的东西.因此这份奖金只不过是托我保管而已.为这份奖金的钱找到与奖金原来的目的和意义相称的用途并不难但我还想为奖金的荣誉找到承受者.我愿意利用这个时刻利用这个举世瞩目的讲坛向那些听到我说话并已献身同一艰苦劳动的男女青年致敬.他们中肯定有人有一天也会站到我现在站着的地方. Our tragedy today is a general and universal physical fear so long sustained by now that we can even bear it. There are no longer problems of the spirit. There is only the question: When will I be blown up? Because of this the young man or woman writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about worth the agony and the sweat. 我们今天的悲剧是人们普遍存在一种生理上的恐惧这种恐惧存在已久以致我们能够忍受下去了.现在再没有精神上的问题了.唯一的问题是:我什么时候会被炸得粉身碎骨?正因为如此今天从事写作的男女青年已经忘记了人类内心的冲突.然而只有接触到这种内心冲突才能产生出好作品因为这是唯一值得写值得呕心沥血地去写的. He must learn them again. He must teach himself that the basest of all things is to be afraid; and teaching himself that forget it forever leaving no room in his workshop for anything but the old verities and truths of the heart the old universal truths lacking which any story is ephemeral and doomed -- love and honor and pity and pride and compassion and sacrifice. Until he does so he labors under a curse. He writes not of love but of lust of defeats in which nobody loses anything of value of victories without hope and worst of all without pity or compassion. His griefs grieve on no universal bones leaving no scars. He writes not of the heart but of the glands. 他一定要重新认识这些问题.他必须使自己明白世间最可鄙的事情莫过于恐惧.他必须使自己永远忘却恐惧在他的工作室里除了心底古老的真理之外不允许任何别的东西有容身之地.缺了这古老的普遍真理任何小说都只能昙花一现注定要失败;这些真理就是爱情荣誉怜悯自尊同情牺牲等感情.若是他做不到这样他的力气终归白费.他不是写爱情而是写情欲他写的失败是没有人感到失去可贵东西的失败他写的胜利是没有希望甚至没有怜悯或同情的胜利.他不是为有普遍意义的死亡而悲伤所以留不下深刻的痕迹.他不是在写心灵而是在写器官. Until he relearns these things he will write as though he stood among and watched the end of man. I decline to accept the end of man. It is easy enough to say that man is immortal simply because he will endure: that when the last ding-dong of doom has clanged and faded from the last worthless rock hanging tideless in the last red and dying evening that even then there will still be one more sound: that of his puny inexhaustible voice still talking. I refuse to accept this. I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail. He is immortal not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice but because he has a soul a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance. 在他重新懂得这些之前他写作时就犹如站在人类末日中去观察末日的来临.我不接受人类末日的手法.因为人能传种接代而说人是不朽的这很容易.因为即使最后一次钟声已经消失消失在再也没有潮水冲刷映在落日的余晖里海上最后一块无用的礁石之旁时还会有一个声音那就是人类微弱的不断的说话声这样说也很容易.但是我不能接受这种说法.我相信人类不仅能传种接代而且能战胜一切.人之不朽不是因为在动物中唯独他能永远发出声音而是因为他有灵魂有同情心有牺牲和忍耐精神. The poet’s the writer's duty is to write about these things. It is his privilege to help man endure by lifting his heart by reminding him of the courage and honor and hope and pride and compassion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past. The poet's voice need not merely be the record of man it can be one of the props the pillars to help him endure and prevail. 诗人和作家的责任就是把这些写出来.诗人和作家的特殊光荣就是去鼓舞人的斗志使人记住过去曾经有过的光荣他曾有过的勇气荣誉希望自尊同情怜悯与牺牲精神以达到不朽.诗人的声音不应只是人类的纪录而应是帮助人类永存并得到胜利的支柱和栋梁. |
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