标题 | 英文口语演讲3分钟 |
范文 | 英文口语演讲3分钟(精选3篇) 英文口语演讲3分钟 篇1What is nature What is nature? It's everything that exists in the world independently of people, such as pants and animals, earth and rocks, and the weather. Now more and more people are focusing on the nature. It is no doubt that the nature is important to every human being. No nature, no life. Because of the supplies of the nature, we have lived happily for a long time. And we started to gain every thing available from the nature. And this lasted so long a time. Today, people have discovered that the nature around is getting worse and worse. What is threatening the nature? Air and water pollution, overharvesting of plant and animal species, overpopulation and so on. Overpopulation is the biggest source of pollution. Let's take overpopulation as an example. What does overpopulation feel like? When we move slowly through the city in a tazi. When we enter a crowded slum district. When the temperature is high and when the air is thick with dust and smoke. The streets are crowded with people. The streets seem alive with people. People eating. People washing. People talking. People sleeping. People visiting each other, arguing and screaming. People relieving themselves. People pushing their hands through the taxi windows, begging. People leading animals. People, people, people, people. As we drive slowly through the crowd, sounding the taxi's horn, the dust, heat, noise and cooking fires made it like a scene from hell! I admit, frightening. To the nature, overpopulation is a big problem. More people, more pollution. And the big population is threatening the nature every second. 英文口语演讲3分钟 篇2ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, i am chinese. i am proud of being a chinese with five thousand years of civilization behind. i've learned about the four great inventions made by our forefathers. i've learned about the great wall and the yangtze river. i've learned about zhang heng(张衡)and i've learned about zheng he(郑和).who says the yellow river civilization has vanished(消失)?i know that my ancestors have made miracles(奇迹)on this fertile land and we're still ma-ki-ng miracles. who can ignore the fact that we have established ourselves as a great state in the world, that we have devised our own nuclear weapons, that we have successfully sent our satellites into space, and that our gnp ranks no. 7 in the world? we have experienced the plunders (掠夺) by other nations, and we have experienced the war. yet, based on such ruins, there still stands our nation----china, unyielding and unconquerable! i once came acroan american tourist. she said, “china has a history of five thousand years, but the us only has a history of 200 years. five thousand years ago, china took the lead in the world, and now it is the us that is leading.”my heart was deeply touched by these words. it is true that we're still a developing nation, but it doesn't mean that we can despise (鄙视) ourselves. we have such a long-standing history, we have such abundant resources, we have such intelligent and diligent people, and we have enough to be proud of. we have reasons to say proudly: we are sure to take the lead in the world in the future again, for our problems are big, but our ambition (雄心) is even bigger, our challenges (挑战) are great, but our will is evengreater. 英文口语演讲3分钟 篇3木槿花香,如沐涟漪,纵是纷红落尽,依然留香于泥。侧耳聆听,那风声轻言慢语,却忘记了在何处落笔。 染指了一秋的风,弋获了倾城的悲伤。信步,于十月的未央里。绵香细雨,被搁浅了一季。若可,只愿做一片枯叶,一缕秋风,一捧忘川,静静融化在十月的容颜。 一)叶若离 苏幕流影,叶落倾城。 晚霞迟暮,湮染了一秋的暖色,渐渐地,连空气也变得温柔了起来。满城静谧,潇潇不忍别离,叶屏息,风哀泣。 终于,那些如烟往事,还是错过了很多。懒懒的午憩,如雪白的阳光,透过玻璃,倾泻了一地。抱着一杯暖茶静静地坐在躺椅里,芷若清香,绕指绵绵。窗外的风,缱绻着光线,凌乱着阴影。栖息在,尘埃未定里,落寞的北国,也熟悉了那些花落叶离。一幕细雨,满山遍野浸染新绿,梨花淡妆,杨柳黛眉。纵然千般灿烂,万般绚丽,也敌不过一幕秋雨后,姗姗花落去,潇潇叶若离。又是一年梧桐叶落时,坐在迟暮的晚霞里,倾泻在手心的一米阳光,淡淡的,暖暖的…… 不忍回眸,阴影里,总有一些爱恨别离,所以只能逃避,逃避空虚,逃避自己。寒灰寂寞凭谁暖,落叶飘扬何处归。红尘过往,乱了谁的发梢,又触了谁的旧伤。叶若离,或许并不是一种悲伤。 杯中的茶香,悄然淡去了一抹。好想知道,那漫山的红枫叶雨,是否依旧倾城绚丽? (二)花相惜 木槿留香,浅笑嫣然。 秋风簌簌,弋获了半城的落英。恍然间,泥土里也充盈着淡淡清香。花落相惜,憔悴红颜几许,诗无情,词有意。 阳台上的那盆桔梗谢了,悄然间,便有什么空了。花开花落,总是在某个不经意。策马而过之隙,却是“昨日看花花灼灼,今朝看花花欲落。”三寸光阴,思绪微恙,风景旧曾谙,可是还剩几缕花落,几许湮染。不知不觉地丢失了一种气息,仿佛空白了一段回忆。岁月沧桑了韶华,桔梗谢了一季又一季,百年孤独已然结局,老人与海的故事仍在继续。 九月落幕,十月未央,欣然而泣,木槿留香。落寞的季节,总奢望有些温暖,可以让自己如饕餮一般的吮吸。佛曰:坐亦禅,行亦禅,一花一世界,一叶一如来,春来花自青,秋至叶飘零,无穷般若心自在,语默动静体自然。花落人相惜,一瓣一回忆。 风,伴着花谢了又开,盛衰沉浮,早已断了留恋。红尘过往,木槿清颜,便是一秋温暖。 (三)忘川不语 一眼忘川,情慕彼岸 潮落忘川,搁浅了一滩的思念。不觉间,夜幕已至,繁华收敛。双袖来寒,泪落不语思念,秋风过,夜阑珊。 轻捻一束焚香,暗许一世温柔。红豆生南国,春来发几枝。愿君多采撷,此物最相思。独自漫步于青城阡陌,一点情愁,却惹得满城喧嚣。秋雨素素,朦胧了一夜的浅雾。或许,南国的相思子,早已在某处枯萎,只是可怜了那苦苦的寻者,忘川彼岸。徘徊于红尘,一步境迁,一眼万年。信步往前,撑着你遗落的纸伞,希冀着能够再次邂逅你的容颜。洒了那一捧忘川,只是不想抹去你的眷念,流水落花涧,一念执着间。 佛前祈念,相思中涅盘,终究难了几世夙愿。秋风,掠走了一城温柔,却留下了一人悲忧。驻足,那一眼晴川河畔,彼岸,不知花是否开得正艳,恰似那熟悉的容颜。情慕彼岸,也许,一片笑语嫣然。 十月未央,瑟瑟的叶落中,暗隐着浅浅的伤。秋风划过,姗姗梧桐叶落,只剩的满城落寞。木槿留香,微冷之中,却别有一丝温暖在荡漾…… 叶若离,花相惜,忘川不语。风的呼吸,还留有着你的气息,感念身边,还残存着你的回忆。 |
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