标题 | 财务人员工作表现自我评价 |
范文 | 财务人员工作表现自我评价(精选3篇) 财务人员工作表现自我评价 篇1根据公司党委关于召开本部民主生活会的通知,这段时间我仔细剖析了自己进公司一年的所作所为,现对自身存在的问题进行进一步的反思,进行批评和自我批评。 作为一名**公司的员工,一名财务人员,对学习、对生活,对自己从事的工作应该始终保持积极向上、奋发有为的精神状态,不能得过且过,应付了事。在过去的一年里,我发现自己理论学习的自觉性不强,平时也不能做到系统、全面的对专业知识进行钻研,仅仅满足学过了事,对学过的东西也没有进行反思,没能把学过的东西和实际的工作相结合。 其次,我对自己的本职业务工作也掌握的不够全面,特别是对项目上的财务处理方法和流程不够了解,工作能力有待进一步加强。工作中缺乏开拓创新精神,思想不解放,求稳思想比较重。在工作任务繁重、时间紧、头绪多的时候,容易失去信心和耐心,工作效率得不到提高。 我的全局意识也不够强,缺乏和同事之间的协调和沟通。有时候做事只从自身业务或本部门业务出发,对一些关乎全局的工作安排理解不够,走了许多的弯路。有时工作中还带点个人情绪,没能时刻全身心的投入工作。 我决心通过这次批评与自我批评,认清今后努力的方向,要在今后的工作中克服自己存在的不足,严格要求自己。 作为一名年轻的工作人员,我要充分认识到自己阅历浅、经验少的不足,虚心向经验丰富的前辈请教,刻苦钻研业务知识,力争做好各项工作。在平时的工作中要保持较高的工作热情和饱满的精神状态,多和同事们沟通、合作,做到保质保量的完成领导安排的各项工作。除了不能放松对自身专业知识的学习外,我还应该抓紧时间学习其他相关知识,特别是对英语的学习。扩大自己的知识面,争取做一个多面型、全面型的人才。 自我批评就是一块磨刀石,可以将自己这把钝刀打磨的更加锋利。希望在以后的生活和工作中能够和同事相互帮助,协调,共同进步,为**公司的美好明天献策献力。 财务人员工作表现自我评价 篇2After a day's financial work, let me earnestly see the many weaknesses in financial management, as the financial department's main responsibility to lead, I can not shirk responsibility. In the work I can abide by the law, study hard, study hard, solid work, diligent, conscientious attitude towards their jobs, in the financial position to play its due role, made a contribution. Through political theory study and participation in political activities and various competitions, I am in ideological, operational and the CPC Central Committee to maintain a high degree of consistency, while making the quality of political and ideological and law enforcement has been greatly improved, strengthen the clean self-discipline, Change the ability to enhance the awareness of law enforcement and service for financial work to lay the ideological foundation. I, as a financial responsibility of the leadership, is a financial staff, but also the financial management system of the organizers, I have strict, clean work style and careful work attitude, the staff should actively guide, so that the next line efficiency, Help line personnel to solve the problem, give full play to the team spirit of cooperation, learn advanced, advanced, ultra advanced, in the line in the competition activities, play team strength, twisted into a rope; The satisfaction of the staff is satisfied, so that the department heads in charge of satisfaction, "two assured that" the leadership of the group to be assured that the company's CEOs. " And rest assured that leaders at all levels. I am hard working, willing to endure hardship, willing to sacrifice. This year, due to the overall relocation and standardization of the basis of accounting rectification work, the intensity and difficulty of financial work has increased. In addition to complete the reimbursement work, I also take care of Corey's back office work and other business. In order to complete the task according to the quality and quantity, I do not care about personal gains and losses, not pay, sacrifice personal interests, often work overtime. In work to develop willing to endure hardship, willing to sacrifice the spirit of the work can always be hard working, conscientious. In the completion of the task of reimbursement, taking into account the back office, do a good job budget, the management of labor camp deposits, excellent work to complete the task, played a role in advanced and role models. diyifanwen.com I am clean and self-discipline, and establish a good image of the work of the people's police and financial workers. I, as a financial system leadership, with a dual identity. Therefore, in peacetime work, not only to working people's standards to ask themselves, learn and master the relevant laws and regulations related to reeducation-through-labor knowledge, so that the knowledge according to law, knowledge chapter. But also to an accounting staff standards themselves, to strengthen the accounting staff of professional ethics education and construction, familiar with the financial laws, regulations, rules and national unified accounting system, so impartial law enforcement, clean and honest. Future work, or the beginning of the responsibility of leadership on the meeting that sentence: I will continue to sum up and reflect on, and constantly spur their own and enrich their energy and improve their quality and operational level, to adapt to the times and business development, and you common Progress, and the company grow together. 财务人员工作表现自我评价 篇3本人从事会计工作年,曾在多个大型单位工作过,有着丰富的工作经验,在会计实务的操作过程中企业的财会人员均认真执行《会计法》进一步加强财务基础工作的指导,同时为了提高自身业务水平,本人现时还参加全国注册会计师考试,力求将所学更好地将所学知识运用到工作中。 现闻贵公司招聘主管会计一职,自我评价符合岗位要求,特投递简历一份希望能与贵公司共进步,有幸成为公司一员在会计的岗位上,做出优越的成绩。 自我评价是获得人事经理青睐的重要利器,如果你不知道怎么写好会计人员自我介绍,不妨参考上文结合自身工作经验展现求职优势。 |
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