标题 | 国庆周记 |
范文 | 国庆周记(精选12篇) 国庆周记 篇1i went to visit the great wall with my friends during the summer vacation. we went there by bus. it took us about two hours to get there. it was hot and windy that day. there were thousands of people. when we saw a group of foreigners,we went up and talked with them. we told them lots of history of the great wall. they were very surprised when they saw that our english were exellent and we knew a lot about the great wall's history. they thanked us a lot and we really had a good time. we felt proud of ourselves and being chinese. 国庆周记 篇2又是一年9月1日,我们又迎来了一个新的学期。新的学期孕育着新的希望,所以,我应该打足精神,抛开上学期取得的或好或坏的成绩,在初二上学期的学习中充满信心。首先,我认为,学习中不可忽略的一点就是要学会分析自己的学习特点,像我--理解能力还可以,老师讲的东西不是不懂,但却总出错,而且对于一些死记硬背才能学会的东西总觉得不耐烦,因此,在这点上,我希望自己能在新学期里对待学习更认真,更有耐心。其次,我觉得,在学习中,确定学习目标也是很重要的,学习目标是学生学习努力的方向,正确的学习目标更是能催人奋进。反之,没有目标的学习,就是对时光一种极大的浪费。我们可以在短时间内定一个小的学习目标,并且在短时间内达到这个小目标,然后长时间达到一个大目标。在长短计划的指导下,使学习一步步地由小目标走向大目标。所以,我暂时的目标就是先进入全班前8名,而对于我较弱的数学以及其他的副科,我也会努力,让它们也有所进步。 最后,也是最关键的一点,就是要科学、合理地安排作息时间,没有合理的安排,再好的计划也会付之东流。所以,在新学期里,我最要学会的就是要合理安排学习、娱乐、休息的时间,要把每一点一滴宝贵的时间都抓紧。有些同学认为:只要把所有的心思都扑在学习上,学习成绩就会提高。但我个人不赞同这一观点,因为我觉得一天中如果没有一点时间用来娱乐的话,大脑就会持续的工作,不停的运转,很容易疲劳,容易激动。虽然这样成绩也许会有所提高,但是人就会觉得有压力,不停地想发泄。 因此我觉得,在一天的学习中,只要做到上课认真听讲,认真做笔记,课后有不懂得就去问老师,直到弄懂为止,很好地掌握当天的学习内容。回家后认真地、高效率地、高准确性地做好作业以及适量的补充习题,认真复习及预习,其他时间完全可以自由支配。最后再说一句:学习计划要根据个人具体的情况而定,而且要"定到做到"不然这将会是纸上谈兵。 军训不但培养人有吃苦耐劳的精神,而且能磨练人的坚强意志。苏轼有句话:"古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。"这句话意思是成功的大门从来都是向意志坚强的人敞开的,甚至可以说是只向意志坚强的人敞开。 心目中的军训充满教官的训斥;心目中的军训是紧张与艰苦的合奏;心目中的军训更是无常地响起那集合手哨音,还有那瓢泼大雨下的大集合、严训练;心目中的军训生活成百上千次地浮现在我的脑海,闪现在我的眼前。但我还是满怀欣喜与信心地去拥抱我向往已久的军训。 在军训中,很苦很累,但这是一种人生体验,战胜自我,锻炼意志的最佳良机。心里虽有说不出的酸甜苦辣,在烈日酷暑下的曝晒,皮肤变成黑黝黝的,但这何尝不是一种快乐,一种更好地朝人生目标前进的勇气,更增添了一份完善自我的信心吗? 我满怀信心地开始了真正的训练。教官一遍遍耐心地指导代替了严厉的训斥。训练场上不但有我们整齐的步伐,也有我们阵阵洪亮的口号声,更有我们那嘹亮的军营歌曲。 站军姿,给了你炎黄子孙不屈脊梁的身体,也给了你龙之传人无穷的毅力。练转身,体现了人类活跃敏捷的思维,更体现了集体主义的伟大。不积滴水,无以成江海。没有我们每个人的努力,就不可能有一个完整的,高质量的方队。训练的每一个动作,都让我深深地体会到了团结的力量,合作的力量,以及团队精神的重要,我相信,它将使我终身受益,无论在哪个岗位上。 其实在自己的人生路上,也应该印满一条自己脚步的路,即使那路到处布满了荆棘,即使那路每一步都是那样的泥泞、那样的坎坷,也得让自己去踩、去踏、去摸索、去行进!我想那样的路才是真实的自我写照,决无半点虚假伪装之意。 国庆周记 篇3Today is the National Day.今天是国庆节。 My parents and me went to park to have a picnic, and then visited my grandma and grandpa.我父母和我一起去公园野餐,然后一起去拜访我的外婆和外公。 We got up at 6:00 and had our breakfast at 6:30 in the morning. 我们六点钟起床,然后6:30吃早点。At 9:00, we went to park for picnic, we took juice, cornflakes, apples, oranges, lollipops, bananas, ice creams, mangoes, and so on. I also took toys, such as doll, ball, balloon, skateboard and a kite. 上午九点,我们去公园野餐,我们带了果汁,玉米片,苹果,橘子,棒棒糖,香蕉,冰激凌,芒果等,我也带了玩具,比如玩具娃娃,球,气球,滑板和一个风筝。 In the afternoon at 14:00, we went to visit my grandma and grandpa.下午2点,我们去拜访外婆和外公。 I helped grandpa to do some house work.我帮外公做一些家务活。 My sister and me played skateboard and doll. 我妹妹和我一起玩滑板和玩具。At 20:00 we went home, and played computer games for two hours and then went to bed.晚上8点,我们回家,并玩了两个小时的电脑游戏,接着就上床睡觉。 国庆周记 篇4National Day there are seven days holiday, do you have any activities to arrange it? I am so arranged. The first day (October 1) to complete part of the operation - the two test volumes of mathematics, the language copy of the word, English class homework and preview, two diaries. Mother said, learn to concentrate, play will be happy. The next day (October 2) I and my father and mother to Rongxian Li village hot springs. From the third day (October 3) to the last day (October 7) we go to Nanning cousin home to play. Play every day to complete a diary. The teacher arranged to recite the seven text, I have recited 4, the rest of the holiday before the end must be completed. I hope this year's National Day happy and happy. 国庆周记 篇5National Day is coming.How are you spending the vacation?Do you have an exciting plan?Some of my pen pals told me their plans. Percy form Changsha,Hunan. I am going to Guilin. My aunt lives there.I am staying at my aunt's house.She is showing me around the beautiful city.Iam taking so me photos.I am sure I'll have a good time there. Mary form Wuhan,Hubei I plan to visit Beijing for vacation.There are many places of interest in Beijing,such as the Great Wall ,Tian'anmen Square,ect.I'm going to Beijing by plane.It's very fast.I plan to stay in Beijing for five days. 国庆周记 篇6国庆节我们都高高兴兴的出游了,玩的很开心,可是还是有很多人不能出去游玩,甚至不能回家休息,那就个各个旅游景点的工作人员们,是他们的辛苦才换来我们的高兴出游。 在国庆节里,旅游业的人们更是在辛勤地劳动,祖国大江南北各个景点的工作人员都在忙碌着。10月1—7日之所以被称为“十一黄金周”,就是因为许多行业10月1—7日放假,大家都想借此机会去各地旅游,旅游人数大幅攀升。但是不论旅游人数再怎么多,各个旅游景点的工作人员都是一刻不停地工作着,让我们能度过一个开心的、高兴的、快乐的国庆节。 不仅各个商店、超市里的营业员在国庆节辛勤地工作,在大街上还有一群不知劳累的工作者——环卫工人。环卫工人每天都起早贪黑地劳动,就算在国庆节也从不休息。环卫工人每天都在为我们的城市做出贡献。大家试想一下,如果没有环卫工人,我们的生活会怎么样:到处是垃圾,臭气难闻……我们一天也离不开他们,而他们每天都在工作,都在环保,都在劳累。他们为了什么?还不是为了让我们有一个清洁的生活环境,让我们能过一个舒适的国庆。 大街上每一家商店里的营业员和老板都在辛勤地工作,他们都热情地对待顾客,从不对顾客们翻白眼、说脏话。不管是什么节假日,这些商店里的营业员和老板从不休息。他们不仅仅是为了赚钱,还为了使我们得到更好的服务。 又一个国庆节到了,我们学校也放了假,我的爸爸妈妈也可以休息七天。这七天的假期朋友们打算怎么过呢?是去外地旅游,还是在家里看电视、玩电脑?是整天陶醉在书林之中,还是在家帮父母干活?我想,每位朋友大概都要去逛逛街,买点东西吧。可是你们注意到了吗,在这个举国欢庆的节日里,有那么多的人还在各自的工作岗位上辛勤地工作着。 医院里的医生、护士在国庆节里也何时休息过?他们也在坚守工作岗位。他们对待病人都非常热情,就像对待自己的亲人一样好。他们不会因为自己的亲人或朋友邀约自己去玩而不到医院给病人治病。他们为了什么?还不是为了让我们能得到及时医疗保障,过一个健康的国庆。 除了这些,还有许许多多的行业的工作者在祖国诞生的日子——国庆节得不到休息,如航空、铁路、公路运输和电视参的工作人员等等,目的就是为了让我们能够度过一个快乐的国庆节,一个开心的“十一黄金周”。 国庆周记 篇7国庆节对于每一个中国人来说是个喜气洋洋的好日子。在国泰民安的今天,节日的昭平县城被装点得妩媚动人,分外妖娆,到处洋溢着浓浓的节日气氛,人们尽情享受者金秋的阳光和丰收的喜悦。 国庆节这天,我和爸爸、妈妈一同到街上逛逛。昭平的文化广场里花团锦簇,姹紫嫣红,人流如织,人们唱着歌儿闲耍着,动听的歌声此起彼伏。孩子们闹得最欢了!在游乐场里你追我逐,左手一串糖葫芦,右手一把糖,脸上的笑容比鲜花还灿烂。 街道上更是熙熙攘攘,人山人海。货摊上来自各地的商品琳琅满目,叫人眼花缭乱。有的摊主为了吸引顾客,放了一曲又一曲动听的音乐使人心驰神往;有的商家还自编了一道道广告词:一个在卖果皮削的小商贩编了这么一道有趣的广告词:长江水浪打浪,切萝卜起波浪,切成片,削成丝,掀起一个大波浪,大波浪,小波浪,长江水来浪打浪!快快来,买了一个又来一个&&他边唱边做示范,手下堆满了五颜六色的、形状变化多端的各色瓜片、萝卜丝,好看极了,小商贩也唱得动听极了,一下子就把顾客们的眼光吸引过来了;还有的为了让顾客相信自己的商品的质量上乘,真材实料,纷纷拿出看家本领,做各种示范:卖衣钩的小伙子,把几个沉沉的砖头用绳子绑在衣钩上,使人看了惊诧不已。还有些人在摊位与摊位之间,或显眼的位置摆上个冰柜,挂个牌子,上面写到:有冰淇淋、矿泉水等各类冷饮出售。他们抓住顾客心理,有的顾客走着走着,口渴了,肚子饿了,可以很方便地买上一点。这些人可真有经济头脑! 中秋节正好赶上国庆节休假期间,我和妈妈早早出去买菜了。妈妈叫我单独去买胡萝卜,我来到一位老婆婆面前,她白发苍苍,鱼尾纹爬满了她的脸,背弯弯的,弯得脸几乎要碰到地上了。我觉得她多可怜啊。连忙买了,买好后就急忙走了。当我正要把买胡萝卜剩下的钱还给妈妈时,清数了一遍,才发现那老婆婆多找了一元钱,怎么办呢?我是还给她还是买根冰棍?不行,老师教过我们要做一个诚实、不贪小便宜的好孩子,我闪电般地跑回去把钱还给了那个老婆婆。那个老婆婆嘴里不停地说着:你这小女孩,你这个小女孩啊!我看她那布满皱纹的脸笑成了一朵好看的菊花,心里美滋滋的,高兴极了。 在这新中国诞生的纪念日里,我随处走走,时时都可感受到我们伟大祖国经济越来越发达,人民生活水平蒸蒸日上。同学们,如果没有共产党,就没有我们今天的幸福生活,也没有这个喜气洋洋的好日子。因此,我们一定要努力学习,长大了做一个有用的人,报效祖国 评语:小作者能从国庆见闻中感受到节日的喜悦,经济的繁荣,人民生活水平的提高,并写了自己节日期间的一件小事,表达了小作者那美好的金子般的心灵。 国庆周记 篇8The National Day that day, the air crisp, the square every lamppost hang flags, the first tree hanging from the lights, the square is dressed up more colorful. In the morning, in every corner of the square has been full of singing away. On one side of the square, why so busy? Oh, here is a big stage, the stage a few graceful actor in singing and dancing. Whenever the stage after a performance, the audience's applause like flowing water continuously. Look at the other side of the square, why more lively? Oh, there are many people in the activity! You see, the old people in exercise done of passion; Young people in the following table, singing, chat while walking, and the... Can be taken; The children like fish into the water, happy to play the game... I like the National Day, I prefer the noisy, vibrant scene National Day! 国庆周记 篇9Today is the National Day, I get up early in the morning, to the grandmother's house to catch up Dad drove, took me and my mother, on the highway, but did not think of the highway block a mess, people are all on the highway, I guess, are taking advantage of holiday holidays home! Can I use the "car as the sea, speakers such as tide" to describe the situation on the highway? After a long time, my car was released from the traffic jam disaster, the car can finally run. On the road, I far to see the road on both sides of a red, until the car to the front, I looked at, that is the original peasant uncle spicy. On the road, I also saw the golden leaves hanging in the high poplar trees, like a big tree wearing a golden sweater ... unconsciously to the grandmother's home. Autumn is wild flowers in full bloom, colorful; autumn is autumn, stacked stream of gold; winter is snowy, silver wrapped in the package. 国庆周记 篇10Immediately went to the mother of the mother's birthday, and my heart long ago looking forward to the arrival of the day, music seems to be my own birthday is. However, happy to be happy, this holiday how too, really is a trouble. Fortunately, my heart already had a plan: Of course, the teacher left the homework naturally can not be neglected, so, my first day of precious time had to go to the job. I have been dreaming of travel, this holiday I will not let go, I will always be entangled with my father, know he took me to see the North China Pearl - Baiyangdian so far. The thought of Baiyangdian that beautiful scenery, and sitting on a small boat so comfortable, the heart could not help the hope that the day soon come. Eleven holiday is just aunt to become a bride. I think of aunt's colleagues would be so, so difficult groom, I could not help but laugh. If you come to my house to play that day, you will be fainted, because the aunt usually on the beauty of the race Diao Chan, that day, will be captured a large group of people! The rest of the days, I want to make up my lazy. In this way, I can talk with Zhou Gonggong not talk finished. Naturally, I will not let go of my baby - TV, I also see during the day and night to see, even when eating to see, but rest assured, will not explode, at least for Chinese Taiwan new. Fast to learn, and naturally have to save some pocket money, so I will help my grandmother cut thread, but cut a hundred only a dollar, alas, my wages are too little of it But praise a piece of it! Who told me to be "child labor" too! National Day, you come quickly, let me put all this into reality. 国庆周记 篇11National Day is an important festival in China, October 1 is the anniversary of the founding of new China, that is, China's National Day. National Day we generally doing? I guess at home to write homework, watching TV, facing the computer in a daze, etc., so that the National Day is not as good as ah! The The The The My National Day is not like some of the above examples, my National Day is a happy holiday, I will be with their loved ones over the National Day, I generally go to my uncle home, because his family has my favorite food, I can play the computer, listen to music, the most important thing is that I can and my little brother Zhang Ziyang together, he was more than 2 weeks, so cute, I saw a brother called, so cute! The The My brother is going to do bad things, I am doing my dream, I step on my head, I immediately jumped three feet, the amount of my dream! The The The The The But that is his trouble makes me like. My festivals and festivals. 国庆周记 篇12考研阅读理解答题方法推荐金秋十月,又是一个丰收的季节。伟大的祖国母亲经历了千辛万苦后终于迎来了她60岁的生日。 做为华夏子孙,虽然不能亲临现场,但是全国人民的心与祖国是紧紧相连的,大家通过电视网络等观看了阅兵式的盛况。 上午10点,伴随着气势磅礴的60下礼炮声响,鲜艳的五星红旗在万众瞩目下冉冉升起,阅兵式正式开始了:首先出场的是斗志昂扬、英姿飒爽的三军仪仗队;接着是威武雄壮、设施先进的新型武器;最后是技术精湛、令人称奇的飞机展示方阵…… 看到祖国母亲日益强大,我的心里非常骄傲和自豪,我一定要好好学习,长大为祖国添喝彩! |
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