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标题 大学留学申请书范文


大学留学申请书范文 篇1




























大学留学申请书范文 篇2

  Dear_Leaders and Teachers:

  Hello! I am ___ from Liaohe Oilfield No. 1 Senior High School. Thank you forreviewing my application materials in your busy schedule.

  Since I was a child, I have been a little curious about the financialindustry, a little nervous, and some expectations, but in the end it turned intoan infinite yearning, hoping that one day I can be in it and experience theconfusing and ups and downs. The Central University of Finance and Economics isa finance and economics university with a first-level national key discipline ofapplied economics. It has trained a batch of top-notch leaders and is known asthe "cradle of China's financial management experts." dream!

  The tension and pressure of high school seem to stimulate my potential andignite my enthusiasm for learning. My grades have always been ranked in theforefront of the year group, with balanced results in various subjects, and morepreference for mathematics, physics and English. High school math and sciencecompetitions are rich in content. The depth and breadth make me feel like seeingeach other late. Since the school did not offer a tutoring class for mathcompetitions, I started to focus on physics competitions in my second year ofhigh school. I secretly established my goal of not winning the first prize.Maybe I wanted to win the first prize too much. On the day of the exam, I stilllost to nervousness. I only won a second prize in the end. Thinking of theholidays when I was soaking in the sea of questions, the training Iparticipated in for thousands of miles, the days and nights when I was fightingin front of the mountain of books, and the students who did not pay much butachieved the same results as me, I have all kinds of grievances and helplessnessin my heart. I have given too much, lost too much, and also let down toomuch-followed by the math competition. After experiencing the setbacks, I seemedto be relieved and easily dealt with it, but in the end, it was my school’sfirst The second place won the second prize. Being able to stand out in thisarea where I am not the main focus has allowed me to regain my confidence. Thisincident triggered my thinking: it is often better to face it easily.

  I treat people with enthusiasm and are good at dealing with interpersonalrelationships. I always think that friends are one of the most precioustreasures in life. I cherish friendship with friends very much. Friendship andhappiness are always shared with them. I have troubles, and I share with mypartners.

  I have a wide range of hobbies. Movies and books are indispensable companionsin my life. I still keep the habit of watching an original English blockbusterevery week, where I can hear the purest English; I like to read what makes methink deeply. Book, my favorite is Oscar Wilde's "Portrait of Dowling Gray";every day I take time to watch CCTV's financial channel, and I often talk to myclassmates about some hot issues. I often see me on the basketball court. The"scoring king" of the class basketball team is none other than me. I likeplaying basketball. This is an elegant sport and a sport that you can share withyour friends.

  My family is harmonious, home is the end of all my troubles and sorrows. I amhappy because I have a father and mother who love me deeply, and I also love medeeply. Growing up in love, I know how to love others, learn to be grateful tothe society, and take responsibility. I have participated in some socialactivities many times, I have been on the stage of some business promotionactivities, I have been an apprentice cleaner, and once helped my junior highschool students in the countryside sell vegetables. I have also visited those inneed of help in welfare homes and orphanages with my teachers and parents manytimes, and I have given my part of love.

  Due to my outstanding performance in all aspects, I have won many titles suchas "Three Good Student" and "Excellent League Member". I am a good studentappreciated by teachers and liked by my classmates.

  High school life has allowed me to gradually grow from an ignorant teenagerto a thinking, thoughtful, and ambitious young student. If I am lucky enough toenter the Zhongcai campus in the future, I will choose the financial professionwith the most complete set of professional directions in the country. The rapideconomic development will create a broad space for financial talents to use anddevelop. Zhongcai's "rigorous and pragmatic style of study, masters devoted toacademic research, education with equal emphasis on knowledge and action, and aharmonious life of mind and body" have all ignited the light on the road tochasing my dreams. Please teachers give me the opportunity to chase mydreams!

  self reference:___


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大学留学申请书范文 篇4











大学留学申请书范文 篇5

  Dear leaders and teachers:


  My name is ___, male, 18 years old this year. I am a student in the thirdgrade (2) of __provincial__ middle school. Thank you for taking the time toreview my application materials.

  In the past three years of high school, I have worked hard to consolidate thebasic knowledge of the subject, master the learning methods, and improve thepractical ability. At the same time, I also used my spare time to extensivelystudy a large number of books, which not only enriched myself, but alsocultivated my various skills. The rigorous school spirit of Taizhou MiddleSchool, which is my alma mater, has shaped my simple and steady learningattitude. More importantly, in such a learning environment where elites gatherand strong hands are like forests, I have gradually learned to challenge myselfin competition. Appreciate others in cooperation.

  The three years of high school finally came over one step at a time. In theprocess of accidentally failing to study, I experienced more of the joy ofsuccess: my grades are rising year by year, and I see the infinite potential inmyself, which makes me full of confidence-through careful preparation beforeindependent enrollment , I will definitely receive the olive branch from Xi'anJiaotong University!

  Xi'an Jiaotong University is a key university directly under the Ministry ofEducation and a world-renowned institution. It has trained a large number ofoutstanding scientists and has set up my favorite national key disciplines suchas electrical engineering and automation, mechanical engineering and automation.More than 110 years after the establishment of the school, the excellenttradition of building a strong country by learning, working hard, advocatingmorality, and rigorous scholarship, and a university cultural atmosphere of"active thinking, active learning, and active life" have been formed here. Allof these make me fascinated by her. Nowadays, many college students are facingthe problem of employment difficulties after graduation. Sometimes even if theybarely get a job, they often fail to adapt to and integrate into society withtheir best working conditions and normal healthy mentality. These are all thingsthat I will have to face in the future. If I can be lucky enough to step intoher door this time, I believe that here, I will be able to learn extensive andprofound professional knowledge, master comprehensive and useful work skills,and be infected with the spirit of the times, so that I can quickly enter myselfafter graduation. The social role of the people enables one to take theinitiative to assume social responsibilities, to fulfill the rights andobligations of citizens, and to become a social person with noble qualities.

  The great mathematician Archimedes said that if you give me a fulcrum, I canlift up the entire earth. I signed up for the Xi'an Jiaotong University'sindependent admissions examination to seize the best opportunity to find the"fulcrum" that can realize the ideal of life. I am eagerly looking forward tothe most perfect result of this opportunity-your complete recognition of me!



  self reference

大学留学申请书范文 篇6












大学留学申请书范文 篇7


  I have always had a keen interest in Mathematics from an early age. Fromstudying Maths at A-Level, I have gained further insight into the practicalapplication of the subject, especially in the "Decision Mathematics" modules. Itis this practical application that has led me to look at other maths-relatedsubjects such as finance, accounting and business. I am especially interested ina course combining maths, with one or more of these applications.

  I have always had a logical, organised and practical way of thinking, aswell as a competitive nature, and maths has always appealed to thesecharacteristics. I have always enjoyed the challenging nature of mathematicalproblems, and have a diligent and resilient approach to any problem given to me.I find that discovering the correct answer to a problem, regardless of howfrustrating or difficult the challenge, extremely satisfying. Maths transcendslanguage barriers, and its understanding is vital internationally. This hasalways fascinated me, and I feel passionately about further developing such apriceless understanding

  I am fully aware of the unlimited career prospects created by a degree inMathematics, and I find this another reason to study the subject further. I aminterested in a career involving finance andor accountancy. I am currentlylooking further into the full range of careers available to Mathematicsgraduates, and also investigating how maths is used in businesses worldwide. Iattended an open day workshop at PriceWaterhouseCoopers during the summer, whereI took part in team activities and explored every aspect of the business,prompting me to further explore careers in Maths related areas.

  Although it is Mathematics that I am specifically interested in studyingfurther, I am also very eager to make use of the skills I have learnt in myother A-Level subjects. I hope that studying Business as part of a Mathematicsdegree will allow me to continue to practice my skills in the subjects ofEnglish and Psychology. I gained the second highest grade in AS English Languagein my college, and believe that my skills in text analysis and looking howlanguage is used in certain contexts, as well as my creative writing expertiseand knowledge of a variety of discourses will benefit me greatly, not only interms of a degree, but throughout my working life. Through my studies inPsychology, I have gained an insight into human behaviour, especially Stress andMemory. These modules have provided me with information into how stress occurs,how it affects individuals differently, and coping strategies, as well as themost effective revision strategies. All of these elements can be hugelybeneficial when put into practice in a university and working environment.

  I am currently working part-time as a Customer Service Assistant for WickesBuilding Supplies. During my time with the company, I have gained a Btec inCustomer Service, as well as an award for outstanding performance. My job roleinvolves cash handling, serving customers, and dealing with customer enquiriesand complaints, both in person and over the phone. Working so closely with thepublic has increased my confidence, and my interpersonal skills as well asgiving me an insight into how businesses, especially the retail business,work.

  I often have to apply my mathematical skill in my job, for example, whenworking out measurements and quantities for projects, and also converting unitsof measurement, as well as putting into practice ways of increasing sales andprofits.

  Outside college, I enjoy socialising, going to the gym and rehearsing,writing and performing with my band. I have also recently provided tuition foryounger children in playing the guitar, which involved me developing skills Ihad never had to use before. Performing with my band has increased my confidencelevels, and I know feel very comfortable with speaking out, and entertaininglarger audiences.

  Yours sincerely


大学留学申请书范文 篇8

  Dear_University teacher:

  Hello! First of all, thank you for reading my application for studying abroadpatiently in your busy schedule. I am a student from Anqing, a small city inJiangbin, and I am studying in Anqing No.1 Middle School. My name is ___. Idon't know if it is because of the name, I have been indissoluble with watersince I was a child. From the banks of the Yangtze River to the sea, I rushedforward step by step with my dreams.

  1. A girl

  I am a girl who is good at thinking, has a wide range of hobbies, and ismotivated. Whether it is at the forefront of a long report card or in varioussocial activities, I can always be found. I have excellent academic performance,especially in subjects such as Chinese and history. I have scored many times invarious entrance exams and semester tests. At the same time, the experience ofserving as a learning committee member and Chinese class representative from anearly age has helped me develop good eloquence, solid language skills and aconfident and generous demeanor.

  After entering high school, my overall quality, especially literary talent,has been better reflected. I serve as the president of Xiang Mirai LiteratureClub of Anqing No. 1 Middle School, and I sprinkle the dream of youth on thishot land. During this period, I organized and participated in the editing andcreation of multiple issues of school journals, held literary lectures,organized gathering activities, "Chinese Campus Literature", "Liaoning Youth","Excellent Composition for Middle School Students"... Various newspapers andmagazines have left me young And vibrant text. In the campus radio station, Irelied on my strong editing, reading and writing skills and a friendly voice tobecome a very popular anchor, and I took everyone to enjoy the scenery outsidethe window.

  In addition, through selection, I became a member of the school chorus andjoined the GLOBE meteorological observation team. What is even more glorious isthat I was selected as the first group of activists to join the party andstudied hard in the spare time party school... During this series of studies andwork, I improved my literacy and gained a lot of honors. Won the first prize inthe "Chinese Young Writers Cup" National Essay Competition for two consecutiveyears in 20_ and 20_; in 20__, he won the first prize in the high school groupof the 7th "New Composition Cup" National Primary and Secondary School Students'Bold Essay Competition; 20_Year School" The first prize of the "New Literature"essay competition, and was named the school's outstanding league member andthree-good student.

  Two, an experience

  September 16, 20th is the anniversary. As the president of the Literary Club,I took the lead in writing a series of manuscripts on this theme. On September15th, I suddenly received a call from school leaders expressing appreciation formy article and inviting me to speak at the commemorative meeting as a studentrepresentative, but a new text must be drafted. After entering the third year ofhigh school, my schoolwork was very heavy. I was also suffering from a cold andthe noise was reduced. Wouldn't I decline this invitation? After a moment ofhesitation, I decided to give myself a challenge. With the knowledge accumulatedas a school history explainer, and by consulting relevant historical materials,I quickly wrote the lecture "Eternal Building for the Country".

  On the morning of the 16th, under the watchful eyes of all the teachers andstudents, alumni and many citizens of the school, I calmly stepped onto thepodium, took a deep breath, and said: "Dear teachers and students, today, whenwe open Anqing A heavy historical manuscript, we will not forget such a day..."When I finished my speech and bowed to thank you, the warm applause erupted fromthe audience told me; I did it! The principal patted my head approvingly. Theclassmates congratulated me one after another-no one discovered the littlesecret of my noise. On that day, my speech was selected to be published on thespecial page of "Anqing Daily". Many teachers and students who had never met mesaid: "You are speaking at the conference※※It's really good!"

  Although this experience is just a small fragment of my colorful high schoollife, although this is not my most dazzling honor, but it makes me proud;because I understand: believe in myself, I can do Better!

  Three, a dream

  I want to be an excellent journalist, and now I stand at the crossroads of mylife in my senior year, but the pace is the same as before, confident and firm._University is the direction I always stick to. She has attracted the young medeeply with her spirit of "constantly striving for self-improvement andconfining to perfection", profound cultural heritage and first-class teachinglevel.

  In the summer of 20, I came to the southeast pearl of the motherlandspecially with my parents, and felt the warm and kind embrace in advance.Strolling through the elegant and generous campus, looking at the sunny faces ofbrothers and sisters coming and going, and tasting the delicious shacha noodlesin the cafeteria, I really feel: That's it! This is the stage for me to chase mydreams!

  Dear teacher, can you give me a chance to listen to the sound of the wavesand taste delicious food in this beautiful campus again?

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大学留学申请书范文 篇15


  My name is ___, female, 18 years old this year. It is... a student in thethird grade of the middle school (provincial model high school).

  All the time, I have excellent grades and unite my classmates. I have beenclass leader since the first grade and have been until the first year of highschool. I have won many awards: "Three Good Students", "Excellent Class Cadres","Excellent League Cadres"... These honors are not something I deliberatelyfought for or grabbed. It is an affirmation of my enthusiasm for school work bythe teacher and the school. Therefore, I have always been grateful for theserewards: thank them for the honor they bring to me. At the same time, I am evenmore grateful to the teachers who always care about me and love me. They taughtme how to be a person and how to be self-reliant.

  I have a two-way personality. Sometimes I think and deal with problemsquietly. But most of the time, I am a "Ma Daha" who bounces and speaks without aword. This may be related to my calmness and sense of humor. The familyenvironment is related!

  I like reading books very much. I am a "bookworm" like my father. I also likeskating, playing the piano (guzheng) and other recreational activities. Speakingof my favorite and good at, nothing is more than recitation and playing thepiano. When a sentence of poetic language shocks my soul, the best way I usuallytreat it is to read it out loud, and I feel that in this way can I get thesublimation of my soul.

  When it comes to learning, I feel that I am still a more self-controllingperson, knowing that I should not be distracted when I am learning, and I canabide by it. But I think I am not a "nerd" that people usually think of-focusingon learning instead of interacting with people, entertainment and the like. I ama person with higher EQ than IQ. My greatest strength is empathy. I will quietlytake care of my friends when they are most helpless and sad; I will alsopersuade them to think about their positions after a quarrel, and finallyreconcile them. In fact, this is also derived from a sentence my mother told mewhen I was a child: "To make others happy is your own greatest happiness!" Ofcourse, my extroverted personality gave me a strong curiosity and desire toexplore the outside world. I have developed the habit of not giving up until Ireach my goal. It is also a "red thread" for me to know your school

  I remember that it was during the military training period when I was justentering high school. During the break, I took a friend to watch the "Hall ofFame" in No.1, _...The names of the universities that made people's heartgreeted me, "Hall of Fame." The elder brothers and elder sisters who went toschool smiled brilliantly, as if they were saying: elder brothers, eldersisters, work hard, the victory will belong to you! ... Just when I wasfascinated and admired, my friend touched I said: "Look,'_University of Postsand Telecommunications', the name is quite funny!" I laughed at that time:"What?'University of Posts and Telecommunications', is it a university thattrains postmen?" She smiled and said : "I don't know, I want to know that youhave to check it yourself!" So this question became the "mystery" in my heartthat I wanted to solve the most. When I got home that day, I checked theinformation about _. I gradually learned a series of information about _'shistorical evolution, discipline setting, and school-running philosophy.

  I see. Although it features information technology as its main feature andfocuses on engineering, it is a multidisciplinary national key university thatcombines engineering, management, liberal arts, and science. It is the firstpostal and telecommunications university in New China. . ……Understanding this, Ifound myself deeply attracted by _. Since then, I have decided that no matterwhat the result is, I will aim for _ and strive for 3 years...

大学留学申请书范文 篇16

  Dear teacher:

  Hello! First of all, thank you for reading my letter in your busy schedule. Iam a senior high school student in ___ middle school. Here, I only hope thatwith this short self-recommendation letter, you can understand my enthusiasm foryour school and my deep hope that I can open the door of independent enrollmentof the National People's Congress!

  I am a girl who is slightly more mature than my peers, loves to think, andhas a little insight into the world. Like most post-90s, I am optimistic andself-directed and yearn for freedom. I grew up next to my grandparents and grewup under their education. I have a deep understanding of the virtues of Chinesetraditional culture, and I always follow the rules of disciples to regulate mywords and deeds.

  My alma mater, ___ Middle School, respects the individuality of each studentand attaches importance to the cultivation of learning ability and ideologicalquality. My grades have always been in the upper middle and upper reaches of theschool. By the third year of high school, when I was studying professionalpainting, my grades went upstream, and now I am firmly in the upper reaches ofthe grade. I study seriously but not rigidly. I am willing to summarize andreflect, and like to accept new ideas and new knowledge.

  At the celebration of the relocation of our school, as one of the hundredpianists, I participated in an unprecedented live ensemble of one hundredpianos. As the leader of the literary and artistic class in the class, I do myduty and do my duty as a board newspaper and organizing class meetings. In manyactivities in school, I learned to exercise myself in competition and appreciateothers in cooperation. Whether in terms of learning ability or overall quality,I am confident that I am a student with good development potential.

  The famous literati Zhang Chao once said: "An article is the landscape of thedesk, and the landscape is the article in the world." I love good articles, andI love this wonderful landscape that is nurtured by nature. I know that allthings in the natural world share weal and woe, so I also deeply love the famouslandscape paintings of ancient and modern China and abroad, which are thecrystallization of humanistic spirit.

  This summer, I participated in the University Archaeology Summer Camp and wonthe honor of being an outstanding camper. This personal archaeologicalexperience not only gave me experience, but also gave me in-depth exposure toancient Chinese culture and gave me a lot of artistic inspiration. I started tolearn painting at the age of 3 and piano at the age of 5, and I have neverstopped to this day. I have a deep understanding and persistent pursuit of art.In my free time, I often read Chinese and foreign art history, play favoritemusic, cultivate artistic sentiment, and explore artistic connotation.

  This is me, an ordinary and profound 17-year-old girl.





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