标题 | 英国留学年度申请书 |
范文 | 英国留学年度申请书(精选3篇) 英国留学年度申请书 篇1Dear _, I am Tang _ (male, born on February 15, 20_, from Honglu village, HongluStreet), a sixth grade student of Honglu Central Primary School. In the second half of the year, I will become a junior high school student,and my biggest wish is to enter_ I studied in middle school because I got toknow your school_ The middle school has a beautiful learning environment, thetraditional virtue of unity and mutual assistance, a good learning atmosphere,and good teachers and leaders who are willing to teach and solve problems.Opportunities are available but not available. I hope the school leaders cangive me the opportunity to study in your school. I will be prepared to bear all hardships, build up the confidence toovercome all difficulties, and strive to complete three years of junior highschool life with excellent results to repay the expectations of the schoolleaders. I sincerely ask the school leaders to consider my application. Yours sincerely, 英国留学年度申请书 篇2尊敬的校领导和办事处工作人员: 我是*级专业*班学生。性别:,身高:(cm),家庭住址:, 家长姓名:, 联系电话: , 经我自愿申请及家长同意于*年**月**日,由学校安排到参加勤工俭学(实习),因自身原因,在没有给学校及办事处老师打任何招呼的情况下,私自离开学校指定的勤工俭学单位,又加上时间匆忙没有及时到办事处办理相关手续,现已经安全回到家中,经家长同意后我自愿放弃学校给我的一切再次安排(包括勤工俭学及实习、安置服务等......)。以后我个人的一切人身安全由自己负责,与学校无关!现特此申请办事处老师保留我的学籍档案。如在学习合格实习合格的情况下请学校给我颁发毕业证书! 特此申请! 年 月 日 英国留学年度申请书 篇3尊敬的某某学校领导: 本人某某原是贵校高一一名学生,现因随亲转学到某某学校就读于高二。由于本人的学习成绩分数达不到某某学校学分标准,学籍档案无法转出贵校,在此请贵校领导允许我在某某学校寄读,同意我在贵校补办报名注册手续,以确保我的学籍档案在贵校生效。 在此特向贵校领导申请,请给予批准! 此致 敬礼! 申请人: 申请时间:X年XX月XX日 |
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