标题 | 英文毕业典礼演讲稿 |
范文 | 英文毕业典礼演讲稿 Sheryl Sandberg told a graduating class of Tsinghua University that great leaders want 'genuine enthusiasm', something she said her late husband, Dave Goldberg, always had. 雪莉·桑德伯格鼓励清华大学毕业学子说,伟大的领袖需要“真正的激情”,而这一点她和她已故先生戴夫·哥德伯格(Dave Goldberg)一直怀有。 'No one won more hearts than my beloved husband Dave… He raised the performance of everyone around him,' she said during a commencement speech on Saturday in Beijing. 'He did it as CEO of SurveyMonkey, a great company he helped build, and he did it for me and our children.' 雪莉·桑德伯格周六在北京发表的毕业演讲中说道,“没有人能像我挚爱的丈夫戴夫·哥德伯格那样赢得那么多人的心,他让身边的人表现更为出色,他在调查猴子(SurveyMonkey,美国一家网络调查公司)担任首席执行官时就是如此。这是他帮助建立起来的一个极为出色的公司。同时他也让我和我们的孩子成为更好的人。” Goldberg and Sandberg, 45, were at a private resort in Punta Mita, Mexico, with their family when he fell off a treadmill and died from severe head trauma on May 1. He was just 47. 哥德伯格出事之时,他正与桑德伯格(45岁)以及他们的孩子在墨西哥蓬美达的私人度假胜地游玩。他健身的时候从跑步机上摔下来撞到头,最后因头部重伤救治无效于5月1日去世,年仅47岁。 This is believed to be Sandberg's first time publicly speaking about her husband since hisuntimely death. 这是她的丈夫英年早逝之后,桑德伯格首次在公众面前提起此事。 以下是其演讲部分重点摘要: I believe that you are the future leaders, not only of china but of the world. And for each of you, I wish four things: 我相信你们不仅将成为中国的领袖,同时还将成为全球的领袖。对你们在座的每一个人,我有4点期冀: 1.That you are bold and have good fortune. Fortune favors the bold. 希望你足够勇敢并有好运。命运偏爱勇者。 2.That you give and get the feedback you need. Feedback is a gift. 希望你能给予并得到你要所需的反馈。反馈是一种礼物。 3.That you empower everyone. Nothing is somebody else’s problem. 希望你能给身边的人以力量。不要置身事外,要以身作则。 4.That you support equality. Lean in! 希望你支持男女平等。向前一步! Congradulations! 祝贺你们! 以上是小编为大家整理好的范文,希望大家喜欢 |
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