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标题 关于颐和园的导游词英语


关于颐和园的导游词英语 篇1

  Kunming Lake covers an area of 220 hectares; three quarters of the whileSummer Palace. The name of the lake came from “Kunming Pool” in Chang'an, madeby Emperor Wu Di in the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD)for training his solders. QingEmperor Qianlong just followed the example of Han Wu Di and gave the nameKunming Lake.

  Western Bank(西堤)

  Lying west of the Kunming Lake, the Western Bank was built to imitate theSu Bank in Hangzhou, Zheijang Province, and visitors strolling along the bankoften feel as though they are beside the West Lake in Southern China. The bankhas been created to adorn the lake it surrounds, making it even more lovely andenchanting. Its most distinctive features are its six bridges, which, rangingfrom north to south, are: Jiehu Bridge(Lake-Bound Bridge), Binfeng Bridge,Jade-Belt Bridge, Jing Bridge(Mirror Bridge), Lian Bridge(White-Silk Bridge)andLiu Bridge (Willow Bridge)。 Its picturesque setting, at once tranquil andelegant, made it a popular retreat for such historical figures as EmperorQianlong(1711-1799)and Empress Dowager Cixi.

  As the entry point to Kunming Lake, Jiehu Bridge forms the boundary betweenthe Front and Back Lakes. It is a cross-shaped stone bridge with three arches.With its square kiosk, Binfeng Bridge has been built in the style of bridges inthe countries of Southern China. Jade -Belt Bridge, the most renowned andbeautiful of the bridges, is made of white and black marble. Its fluid contourlines are woven graciously together, hence its name-seen from afar, it resemblesa jade belt. Its high arches enabled the Emperor Qianlong to pass under it in adragon boat. Jing Bridge(Mirror Bridge) gets its name from the artistic visionof poet Li Bai(701-762)-two clear rivers like mirrors, two crossing bridges likedouble rainbow's. Lian Bridge takes its name from the line “limped and serene,the river seems to be white silk” and the Willow Bridge from the line “beneaththe sunshine, willow's feather flying beside the bridge”。

  Then East Bank(东堤)

  The main scenic sports in the East Bank are: the 17-Arch Bridge, thespacious Paclion, the Bronze Ox, the Heralding Spring Pavilion, the Yelu ChucaiTemple, the Wen Chang Belvedere, the Hall of Jade Ripple, the Lodge of Proprietyof weeding , etc.

  Seventeen-Arch Bridge(十七孔桥)

  Connecting the eastern shore of Kunming Lake in the east and Nanhu Islandin the west, the Seventeen-Arch Bridge was built during the reign of EmperorQianlong(1711-1799); with a length of 150 meters(164 yards) and a width of 8meters (8.75 yards)。 It is the longest bridge in the Summer Palace. The uniquescenery is but one of the stunning landscapes in the Summer Palace. With thestyles of Lugou Bridge in Beijing and Baodai Bridge in Suzhou, ZhejiangProvince, Seventeen Arch Bridge looks like a rainbow arching over the water. Onthe column of the parapets are 544 distinctive carved white marble lions. Oneach end of the bridge is a carved bizarre beast. With the biggest arch in themidst of the bridge flanked by eight others, visitors can count nine arches oneither side. According to ancient thought, the number nine symbolizes goodfortune and safety; and the meticulous design of the bridge embodies itperfectly.

  Bronze Ox(铜牛)

  A bronze ox set on bluestone wave-lined pedestal overlooks the east shoreof Kunming Lake. The ox, cast in the image of a live creature back in 1755, issaid to possess flood control powers. Da Yu, the legendary master in floodsprevention, would commit an iron ox into the water on completion of every of hisprojects. It has become customary since Tang Dynasty(618-907)to line the edge ofwaterways with oxen. Hence this bronze ox was upon the bank, too. This BronzeOx, sitting besides the water and overlooking the harmonious and enchanting lakescenery, was rather imposing. The Emperor Qinglong(1711-1799)had personallydedicated this particular bronze ox. On the back of the ox is an80-character-posy in seal character-“Golden Ox Inscription” by him.

  Nanhu Island(南湖岛)

  Nanhu Island lies southeast of Kunming Lake opposite Longevity Hill. Withan area of about 1 hectare(2.47 acres), it is the largest island in the SummerPalace. When Emperor Qianlong(1711-1799) enlarged Kunming Lake, he orderedworkers to save the temples and building but to excavate the earth; thuscreating Nanhu Island. On the island are Hanxu(Modesty) Hall,Wangyan(Looking---at-the-Eaves) Pavilion, Dragon King Temple, and otherstructures. Hanxu Hall is the major construction on the island; Wangyan Pavilionwas the site from which to inspect navy drills; and the Dragon King Temple,which changed its name to “Guangrun Lingyu Temple”(Widely-Moistening Fancy-RainTemple), was employed to pray for rain. The is banked with carved stone-stripesand surrounded by blus and white stones. Visitors can reach the island throughthe Seventeen-Arch Bridge.

关于颐和园的导游词英语 篇2

  Dear visitors, everybody! Today is a great pleasure when you tour guide.Welcome to visit the Summer Palace, it is included in the "world heritage"imperial garden. Please tourists in visiting graffito of the scribble don'tlitter, and destroy its beauty.

  Let's look when we first came to the famous promenade, the pillars of thegreen paint, red paint of the rail, as the eye is not the end. The corridor isnot general, there are more than seven hundred meters long, divided into 273rooms, each of the cross on the sill have colorful paintings, painted figures,flowers and plants, landscape, the tourists, do you believe that? Thousands ofno two picture in the picture the same. It is no wonder that is referred to as:the world's first gallery

  Swim gallery, we came to the foot of the longevity hill, fellow tourists,you looked up and saw a three layer architecture of anise pyramid? Yes, that is,buddhist incense the rows of resplendent and magnificent palace, below is thecloud temple

  Visitors, we boarded the longevity hill, standing in front of the Buddhaincense looking down, the Summer Palace, the landscape of the most in fundus.Look forward again, kunming lake quiet like a mirror, like a piece of jadegreen. Cruise ships, original in the lake slowly glides, almost leave no traces.Kunming lake is a quiet, tourists feel?

  So we went down the mountain visit kunming lake. Look, kunming lake aroundlong embankment, the top there are several styles of different stone bridge,involves numerous weeping willows on both sides. Visitors walk through the longstone bridge, can go to the island to play. The stone bridge seventeen littletunnel, so called the marble seventeen-arch bridge which.

  Tourists, trip to the Summer Palace, to the end, wish everyone have a goodtime.

关于颐和园的导游词英语 篇3

  Good morning, dear passengers. Today by Zhou Yixin as the the Summer Palacetour guide, you can call me Xiao zhou. I hope you can have a happy journey undermy leadership. Let's go!

  Green paint pillars, red painted railings each, this is the famouspromenade. This corridor is more than 700 meters long, divided into 273. Each ofthe cross sills has colorful paintings, drawing figures, flowers, andlandscapes. Thousands of paintings do not have the same two pictures. It'sbeautiful! There are also great promenade on both sides. Flowers are bloomingthroughout the year. You see, this flower has not yet been thanked, and theflower has opened again. Let us feel that the breeze is blowing up from theKunming lake on the left. Does it feel refreshed?

  After the long corridor, let's go and don't drop the queue. The next placewe are going to visit is the foot of Longevity Hill. You look up and look at it,the three storey building of the octagonal pagoda stands on the half of themountain. The glittering place on the pagoda is actually the pavilion of Buddha.Under it, a row of beautiful decoration palace is paiyundian. How manymagnificent buildings do you see? Now we are going to mount Longevity Hill. Infront of the station, most of the Summer Palace scenery are closing in view ofpassengers. Look, the green woods, glazed tile and Zhu Hong green yellow wall.As you are ahead, Kunming lake is as smooth as a jade and green as a jade. Lookat the boat, boats on the lake slowly across, almost without a trace. Be calmenough! Later, we will come to Kunming lake, and interested passengers can rowboats to relax themselves.

  Then let's go to Kunming lake. The most distinctive feature of the lake isvarious stone bridges on the banks. Let's take a closer look and guess whatbridge this bridge is called. In fact, the name of the bridge is named by thenumber of the bridge. The seventeen hole bridge, you see under the bridge, thereare not seventeen holes on the stone bridge. There are hundreds of stone pillarson the bridge. The pillars are carved with little lions. The lion's posture isdifferent. No two of them are the same. Let's watch it again. And look far aheadon a small island green!

  Finally, I thank you patiently to accompany me to explain, I hope that youcarefully go sightseeing will gain more. So now everyone is free to do it! Aftertwo hours, we set up in place. Passengers are going to the place you want togo.

关于颐和园的导游词英语 篇4

  Hello everyone! I'm a little guide. Now I'll show you around the beautifulthe Summer Palace.

  The Summer Palace is also known as the Qingyi Garden. Look, here are thefamous corridors. This corridor is more than 700 meters, divided into 273. Ithas a green long column, rows of rows, and a row of neat rows, like soldierswith plain, red lacquered railings, and a variety of patterns on each sill, suchas flowers, trees, characters, landscapes, and so on. There is also a basin ofcolorful flowers next to it, and the fragrance of a silk flower wafted along thecorridor. Now, ladies and gentlemen, please be careful of the stairs, and do notlitter. Rubbish must be thrown into the fruit box and protect the beautifulenvironment.

  Everyone, please come with me! This is one of your most desired attractions- Lake Kunming. The lake of Kunming is a long dike. Hubei has several differentforms of bridge, bridge railing had hundred pillars. The lion's head is carvedon the stone pillars. They look very different.

  We're going up to the mountain. You're going to go! Our next scenic spot islongevity hill. There is a three story Pagoda in the hillside of Longevity Hill.There is a towering tree, tree lined, looked like a huge piece of jade.

  This is the end of the tour of the Summer Palace. Do you think the sceneryis beautiful? There are many places of interest in our motherland, and we willsee more beautiful scenic spots later. Good bye, ladies and gentlemen!

关于颐和园的导游词英语 篇5

  The Summer Palace can be divided into two parts: Longevity Hill and KunmingLake. The whole garden covers an area of 290 hectares, of which three- fourthsconsists of a lake and rivers. This imperial garden features 3,000 room-unitsand covers an expanse of 70,000 square meters with more than 100 picturesquespots of interest. The layout of the Summer Palace includes three groups ofarchitectures: palaces where the emperor attended to state affairs, restingpalaces of the emperor and empress, and sightseeing areas. Entering the EastGate we will come the office quarters. Entering the East gate we will come tothe office quarters. The annex halls on both sides were used for officials onduty.

  This is the Gate of Benevolence and Longevity. Above the door there is aplaque bearing the same name in both Chinese and Manchurian characters. Thegigantic rock in the foreground is known as Taihu rock, or eroded limestone,quarried in Jiangsu Province and placed here to decorated the garden.

  On the marble terrace sits a bronze mythical beast, known as Qilin orXuanni. It was said to the one of the nine sons of Dragon King. A point ofpeculiar interest is that it has the head of a dragon, antlers of a deer, thetail of a lion and hooves of an ox, and is covered with a unique skin. IT wasconsidered an auspicious creature that brought peace and prosperity.

  This grand hall is the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity. It was built in1750, and was known as the Hall of Industrious Government. Emperor Qianlongruled that the halls where monarchs attended to state affairs would be namedafter them. After the rebuilding of the Summer Palace, the hall was renamed,suggesting that benevolent rulers would enjoy long lives.

  The arrangement of the hall has been left untouched. In the middle of thehall stands a throne made of sandalwood and carved with beautiful designs. Inthe background there is a screen carved with nine frolicking dragons. On eitherside of the throne there are two big fans made of peacock feathers, twocolumn-shaped incense burners, crane-shaped lanterns and an incense burnerassuming the form of Luduan, a mythological animal which was suppose to have thepower to prevent fire. The small chambers on eight side were where the EmperorQianlong and Empress Dowager Cixi rested and met officials on formaloccasions.

  On the verandah in the foreground of the hall there are bronze statues ofdragon and phoenixes which served as incense burners on major occasions. Theyare hollow and smoke comes through holes on their backs. Also on the veranda areTai Ping (Peace) bronze water vats made during the reign of Emperor Qianlong. Asa precaution in case of fire, a fire was lit underneath the vats in the winterto keep the water in them from freezing.

  (At the entrance of Garden of Virtuous Harmony)

  Outside the East Gate?in front of the Hall of benevolence and Longevity- infront of Garden of Virtuous Harmony-in front of the Grand Theater Building- alakeside walk from the Garden of Virtuous Harmony to the Hall o Jade Ripples- infront of the o Jade Ripples- in front of the Yiyunguan (Chamber of MortalBeing)-Hall of happiness and longevity- in front of the Yaoyue (Chamber ofMortal Beings)-Hall of Happiness and Longevity-in front of the Yaoyue (Invitingthe Moon) Gate of the Long Corridor- strolling along the Long Corridor- visitingan exhibition of cultural relics- in front of the Hall of Dispelling Clouds-inside the Hall of Dispelling Clouds- atop the Tower of Buddhist Incense- on ahilltop leading from the back door of the Tower of Buddhist Incense- on ahilltop leading from the back door of the Tower of Buddhist Incense- inside theGarden of Harmonious Interest ?outside the south gate to Suzhou Shopping Street-atop the stone bridge inside the Suzhou shopping street ?on the road from thesouth gate of suzhou shopping street- on the road form the south gate of suzhoushopping street to the marble boat- in front of the ruins of the Garden ofcomplete spring ?along the lakeside by the marble boat-boating on the KunmingLake-leaving out through the East Gate.

  (Outside the east gate)

  Ladies and Gentlemen:

  Welcome to the Summer Palace. (After the self-introduction of the guide-interpreter) I hope this will be an interesting and enjoyable day for you.

  During our tour, you will be introduced to time honored historical andcultural traditions, as well as picturesque views and landscapes.

  The construction of the Summer Palace first started in 1750. At that time,the Qing Dynasty was in its heyday and China was a powerful Asian country withvast territories. The monarch in power then was Emperor Qianlong. With supremepower and large sums of money, he summoned skillful and ingenious artisans fromall over the country to carry out this construction work in honor of hismother's birthday. After 15 years and one seventh of the nation's annual revenuespent, the Garden of Clear Ripples was completed and served as a testimony toChina's scientific and technological achievements. In 1860, this vast royalgarden was burnt down along with the Yuanming Yuan (Garden of Perfection andBrightness) by Angol-French allied forces. In 1888, Empress Dowager Cixireconstructed the garden on the same site and renamed it the Garden of NurturedHarmony (Summer Palace). Characterized by its vast scope and rich culturalembodiments, the Summer Palace has become one of the most famous tourist sitesin the world.

  This is the main entrance to the Summer Palace-the East Gate On top of theeaves of the door there is a plaque bearing a Chinese inscription which means"Garden of Nurtured Harmony", whose calligrapher was Emperor Guangxu. The gatethat you are now entering was used exclusively by the emperor, the empress andthe queen mother. All others used the side doors.

关于颐和园的导游词英语 篇6

  Situated in the western outskirts of Haidian District, the Summer Palace is15 kilometers (9.3 miles) from central Beijing. Having the largest royal parkand being well preserved, it was designated, in 1960 by the State Council, as aKey Cultural Relics Protection Site of China. Containing examples of the ancientarts, it also has graceful landscapes and magnificent constructions. The SummerPalace is the archetypal Chinese garden, and is ranked amongst the most notedand classical gardens of the world. In 1998, it was listed as one of the WorldHeritage Sites by UNESCO.

  Constructed in the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234), during the succeeding reign offeudal emperors; it was extended continuously. By the time of the Qing Dynasty(1644-1911), it had become a luxurious royal garden providing royal familieswith rest and entertainment. Originally called "Qingyi Garden" (Garden of ClearRipples), it was know as one of the famous "three hills and five gardens"(Longevity Hill, Jade Spring Mountain, and Fragrant Hill; Garden of ClearRipples, Garden of Everlasting Spring, Garden of Perfection and Brightness,Garden of Tranquility and Brightness, and Garden of Tranquility and Pleasure).Like most of the gardens of Beijing, it could not elude the rampages of theAnglo-French allied force and was destroyed by fire. In 1888, Empress DowagerCixi embezzled navy funds to reconstruct it for her own benefit, changing itsname to Summer Palace (Yiheyuan). She spent most of her later years there,dealing with state affairs and entertaining. In 1900, it suffered again, beingransacked by the Eight-Power Allied Force. After the success of the 1911Revolution, it was opened to the public.

  Composed mainly of Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake, The Summer Palaceoccupies an area of 294 hectares (726.5 acres), three quarters of which iswater. Guided by nature, artists designed the gardens exquisitely so thatvisitors would see marvelous views and be amazed by perfect examples of refinedcraftwork using the finest materials.

  Centered on the Tower of Buddhist Incense (Foxiangge) the Summer Palaceconsists of over 3,000 structures including pavilions, towers, bridges, andcorridors. The Summer Palace can be divided into four parts: the court area,front-hill area, front-lake area, and rear-hill and back-lake area.

  Front-Hill Area: this area is the most magnificent area in the SummerPalace with the most constructions. Its layout is quite distinctive because ofthe central axis from the yard of Kunming Lake to the hilltop, on whichimportant buildings are positioned including Gate of Dispelling Clouds, Hall ofDispelling Clouds, Hall of Moral Glory, Tower of Buddhist Incense, the Hall ofthe Sea of Wisdom, etc.

  Rear-Hill and Back-Lake Area: although the constructions are fewer here, ithas a unique landscape, with dense green trees, and winding paths. Visitors canfeel a rare tranquility, and elegance. This area includes scenic spots such asGarden of Harmonious Interest and Suzhou Market Street.

  Court Area: this is where Empress Dowager Cixi and Emperor Guangxu metofficials, conducted state affairs and rested. Entering the East Palace Gate,visitors may see the main palace buildings: the Hall of Benevolence andLongevity served as the office of the Emperor, the Hall of Jade Ripples whereGuangxu lived, the Hall of Joyful Longevity, Cixi‘s residence, the Hall ofVirtue and Harmony where Cixi was entertained.

  Front Lake Area: covering a larger part of the Summer Palace, opens up thevista of the lake. A breeze fluttering, waves gleam and willows kiss the ripplesof the vast water. In this comfortable area there are the Eastern and WesternBanks, the Seventeen-Arch Bridge, Nanhu Island, and so on. On the western bankfloat six distinct bridges amongst which the Jade-Belt Bridge is the mostbeautiful.

关于颐和园的导游词英语 篇7

  Hello, let me speak for you today.

  Hello, everyone. Today I have a tour of the Summer Palace. I hope that mypresentation will satisfy you and let us spend this wonderful time together.

  The Summer Palace, in Haidian District, northwest of Beijing, is the mostcomplete and largest royal garden in China. It is also one of the famous touristattractions in the world. It belongs to the first national key cultural relicprotection unit.

  The Summer Palace was originally the Imperial Palace and garden. In 1750,Qian Long was rebuilt into Qingyi Garden. In 1860, the Qingyi Garden was burnedby the Allied forces of Britain and France. In 1888, the Empress Dowager Ci Xiembezzled Navy funds 3000 taels of silver reconstruction, renamed this name, asthe summer recreation ground. By 1900, the Summer Palace again, the Eight PowerAllied forces destroyed many buildings. Repair in 1903. Later, during thewarlords and Kuomintang rule, they were destroyed again, and after theliberation, the ancient gardens were regenerated.

  The area of the Summer Palace is 290 hectares, of which water accounts forabout 3/4. The whole garden is centered on the Buddha fragrant pavilion with 41meters high on the Wanshou mountain. According to the different places and theterrain, the exquisite buildings, such as hall, hall, building, pavilion,gallery, pavilion and so on are arranged. At the foot of the mountain, a long728 metre long corridor was built, like a colorful red, with various buildingsand green hills and blue waves. The whole garden art is ingenious in design andhas a prominent position in the history of Chinese and foreign garden art. It isa rare masterpiece of garden art.

  The Summer Palace is mainly composed of two parts: Kunming lake andlongevity hill. The total area is more than 290 hectares. The fragrant BuddhaPavilion and copper pavilion built on the longevity hill, the kilometer longgallery built near the lake, the seventeen hole bridge in Kunming lake and thestone boat are all attractions that visitors will visit. The Summer Palace islocated in the western suburbs of Beijing, about 10 kilometers away from thecity. You can either take a suburban bus or a special line bus.

  This huge garden is the mountain water, Kunming lake is large, but thewater is not monotonous. In addition to the various buildings surrounded by thelake, there is a Nanhu island in the lake. It is connected by a beautifulseventeen - hole bridge and the shore. In the western part of the lake, a SaiTai, embankment repair the bridge there are six beautiful shape.

  There are many attractions in the the Summer Palace which follow theadvantages of Jiangnan gardens. If the contract is something Wuxi Qu YuanJichang Garden building. It is a copy of Sir Georg Solti West Lake Hangzhou.

  The middle of the front of the the Summer Palace is a huge group ofbuildings. From the top of the mountain, the wisdom sea of the mountain, theBuddha Xiang Pavilion, the De Hui hall, the cloud hall, the cloud gate and theYun Hui Yu Fang, constitute an obvious central axis. There are many buildings onthe two sides of the central axis. Along the mountain, and many rockery tunnel,visitors can walk on. After the Summer Palace mountain, and the mountain beforethe different design patterns. The mountain style is grand and magnificent, andPine Hill is a path and bridges Qushui win.

  Today's sightseeing tour is coming to an end. In this period of time in theSummer Palace, we hope to become an eternal memory of your trip to Beijing. Atthe same time, please give my best wishes to your family and friends.

关于颐和园的导游词英语 篇8

  Dear visitors, guys! I am your tour guide, my name is Bai Zuhang, today I'll give you interpret the scenic spot of the Summer Palace, I hope you can leave a good memory here.

  Let's walk into the door to the Summer Palace, around the hall, there are beautiful scenery waiting for us to see. This is the Summer Palace, the famous promenade, look! The pillars of the green paint, red paint of the rail, the eye is not the end, the gallery has more than seven hundred meters, is divided into two hundred and seventy-three, look over there, each of the cross bar on the colorful paintings, thousands of picture not the two picture is the same, it is the artist's work, on both sides of the aisle are beautiful flowers, fragrance waft. Let us out of the corridor, to the foot of longevity hill. Please look up and have a star anise pyramid building stands on the hillside, yellow glass tile shine, that is, buddhist incense climb, buddhist incense can see most of the landscape, the Summer Palace and the rows of incense you face resplendent and magnificent palace is cloud temple. The next station is kunming lake, it is green like a jasper, quiet like a mirror, if you want to go to the island in the center of the lake, after a long bank, cross the bridge. This bridge is called the marble seventeen-arch bridge which, it has 17 little tunnel, bridge hundreds of pillar, pillars are carved with a lion, the lion have different attitude, let's go to the island! Please slowly to watch.

  Well, today is here, you can free viewing, there's a better tomorrow scenery waiting for you to play.

关于颐和园的导游词英语 篇9

  Dear visitors, everybody is good, I am your tour guide xiao wang. Now we came to the beautiful Summer Palace look endless blocks in the corridor. The aisle has more than seven hundred meters long, divided into 273. Each of the cross on the sill have colorful paintings, painted figures, flowers and plants, landscape, thousands of picture no two are the same.

  Now we are through the corridor, came to the foot of the longevity hill. Please look up and stands on the hillside of the anise three layers of pyramid building is the Buddha incense. The following rows of resplendent and magnificent palace is cloud temple. We now set out to the longevity hill.

  Tourists, Buddha incense is our position now, the Summer Palace landscape in fundus. See the lush trees, with yellow green glazed tile roof and vermeil wall, give us beautiful enjoyment on the vision. Is the front, is known as the kunming lake. XiangDongYuan see again, I could see a faint several ancient towers and the white pagoda in the city.

  We come down from longevity hill came to kunming lake; Bank has several different styles on the ancient bridge, one of the most famous is the marble seventeen-arch bridge which. There are seventeen little tunnel in this stone bridge, hence the name the marble seventeen-arch bridge which. Now with me through the marble seventeen-arch bridge which, please go to the lake center, please have a look at carefully, railing on hundreds of pillar, pillars are carved with a lion. So many lions, posture is differ, no two are just the same.

  There are beautiful scenery, the Summer Palace said also said not over. Now please free activities, an hour later at the door of the corridor. Play while you pay attention to safety and environmental protection.

关于颐和园的导游词英语 篇10

  Dear friends, today we are going to visit is the Summer Palace. I am the guide from today - dong guide.

  Now our point is tourism, Beijing's drive to the Summer Palace is about two hours!

  Dear friends, do you know why called h and the Summer Palace? Now I will tell you about!

  The name of the yard "and" cixi has its own meaning. Say first h word, when maintenance, is synonymous with "a" in this sense, such as "salarymen" "h god raises a gender. Say and words, the original value of harmony, coordination, and the human body if lose harmony, will get sick, so the word "and" extended to health. Choose "and" as YuanMing empress dowager cixi, visible purpose is expected to keep their body as well. Is that clear?

  To get off, the Summer Palace! Dear visitors, we have been at the entrance to the Summer Palace. According to the direction of my finger now, around the hall, you can see the famous promenade!

  We are now seeing this corridor of more than seven hundred meters long, divided into two hundred and seventy-three. , each cross between sill has a colorful picture, painted figures, flowers and landscape, thousands of painting is no two are the same picture? Isn't it?

  Look, on both sides of the corridor is full of flowers and trees, the flowers haven't xie, the flowers opened again, many varieties, right?

  Now on the longevity hill, standing in front of Buddha incense looking down, most is the Summer Palace and garden scenery in fundus. Lush trees, set off the wall of the glazed tile roof and scarlet. Very beautiful!

  The Summer Palace is so beautiful, I a person also said not over, now is the time of you free activity, three hours later we are to meet at the gate!

  Dear visitors! The Summer Palace beautiful not beautiful? Beauty is beauty, but also a lot of fun. But we also have to go back again the beautiful scenery! Have the opportunity to come again next time!





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