标题 | 关于班级会议纪要范文 |
范文 | 关于班级会议纪要范文(精选11篇) 关于班级会议纪要范文 篇1时间: 参加人员: 班会主题 活动目标: 教育学生遵守课堂纪律,遵守课间活动的秩序,做一个文明有礼的小学生。结合学校以及班的实际,提出各项要求。 活动过程: 1、谈话引入 2、看图,说一说,议一议 哪些行为是不遵守纪律的行为? 我们应该怎样遵守学校规定? 犯了错误应该怎么办? 3、结合本班实际,表扬能遵守课堂纪律的同学,教育不够自觉守纪律的学生。 4、小结: 刚才同学们都说得非常好,希望每个同学今后都要遵守课堂纪律,上课铃响后立即进教室,课本文具摆放好,安静地等老师来上课;课堂上不要随便说话,要发言,先举手;专心听课,不做小动作。 关于班级会议纪要范文 篇2时间:12、3 地点:二年一班教室 参加人员:二年一班全体学生 班会主题:团结协作 活动目标:使学生明白团结力量大,在生活中、学习中发扬 团结合作的精神,能促进个人的健康成长。 活动过程: 1、引言激趣: 2、游戏揭题: ⑴讲解游戏规则: ⑵推选出小组代表,进行比赛。 ⑶请各代表队谈谈体会。 3、开展活动,体验情感,回顾生活片断,升华思想。 师语:通过一个游戏,就引起了我们很多的`思考和探索,可能有些同学感到玩得还不“够”,想不想再去探索探索?看看自己能否找到人多时做事的“秘诀”? 4、进行比赛,教师计时。 5、谈谈各自的体会。 6、班会总结。学生自由发言,谈谈体会。 7、活动在歌声中结束。 关于班级会议纪要范文 篇3时间:12、17 地点:二年一班教室 参加人员:二年一班全体学生 班会主题:诚信在我心中 活动目标:使学生从小养成诚实、守信的好品质。 活动过程: 1、二年一班"诚信在我心中"主题班会现在开始。 2、主持人:下面请听快板《诚信在我心中》 3、(全班合)诚信是一首歌 4、诚信的意义是什么? 5、你做过讲诚信的是吗? 你犯过不讲诚信的错误吗? 6、在我们今天的队会即将结束的时候,请把你亲手制作的诚信卡片相互赠送,让我们把诚信装在心中,一路走好! (交换诚信的卡片) 7、宣布二年级班主题队会到此结束 8、班主任总结 关于班级会议纪要范文 篇4会议时间:xx年x月x日 会议地点:3307 出席人员:XX级工检一班全体同学 缺席人员:无 主持人:康沩 记录人:王雪川 会议内容: 一.关于先进班集体评比的通知:请各位班委协助班长做好优秀班集体的申报工作。 二.班长布置近期即将展开的工作: 1.班委即将换届,在此对班委一年来的工作表示感谢。 2.抓紧时间做好经济困难学生的认定工作,请各位评审成员注意评选细则,并于25日下午5点前完成。 3.本学年助学贷款项目已经启动,请各位同学协助做好本班续贷、新贷的统计工作。 4.为预防出现甲型H1N1流感病例,我班将继续实行健康检测及上报机制,希望各位同学对此引起重视。 5.国庆节将至,生活委员做好国庆放假的人员动向统计,并做好表格尽快交给辅导员。 7.本期党校拟定于10月11日开班,请团支部干部尽快将选举产生的学员名单上报辅导员张老师处。 8.今年是中华人民共和国建国60周年,希望各班能积极开展并参与建国60周年主题实践活动。 9.本年度奖学金的评比活动即将开展,请同学们关注学工办发布的《奖学金评比细则》。 关于班级会议纪要范文 篇5会议时间: 会议地点: 出席人员:XX级工检一班全体同学 缺席人员:无 主持人:康沩 记录人:王雪川 会议内容: 一、关于先进班集体评比的通知:请各位班委协助班长做好优秀班集体的`申报工作。 二、班长布置近期即将展开的工作: 1.班委即将换届,在此对班委一年来的工作表示感谢。 2.抓紧时间做好经济困难学生的认定工作,请各位评审成员注意评选细则,并于25日下午5点前完成。 3.本学年助学贷款项目已经启动,请各位同学协助做好本班续贷、新贷的统计工作。 4.为预防出现甲型H1N1流感病例,我班将继续实行健康检测及上报机制,希望各位同学对此引起重视。 5.国庆节将至,生活委员做好国庆放假的人员动向统计,并做好表格尽快交给辅导员。 7.本期党校拟定于10月11日开班,请团支部干部尽快将选举产生的学员名单上报辅导员张老师处。 8.今年是中华人民共和国建国60周年,希望各班能积极开展并参与建国60周年主题实践活动。 9.本年度奖学金的评比活动即将开展,请同学们关注学工办发布的《奖学金评比细则》。 关于班级会议纪要范文 篇6时间: 参加人员: 班会主题: 活动目标: 团结合作的精神,能促进个人的健康成长。 活动过程: 1、引言激趣: 2、游戏揭题: ⑴讲解游戏规则: ⑵推选出小组代表,进行比赛。 ⑶请各代表队谈谈体会。 3、开展活动,体验情感,回顾生活片断,升华思想。 师语:通过一个游戏,就引起了我们很多的思考和探索,可能有些同学感到玩得还不“够”,想不想再去探索探索?看看自己能否找到人多时做事的“秘诀”? 4、进行比赛,教师计时。 5、谈谈各自的体会。 6、班会总结。学生自由发言,谈谈体会。 7、活动在歌声中结束。 关于班级会议纪要范文 篇7Time: Location: Host: Participants: Recording person: The first meeting of the conference discussed the feasibility of setting up private schools and the progress in the implementation of the preparatory work in the previous period. It is emphasized that all departments should plan according to the plan, do a good job and make full presupposition of each key work. The second meetings of the conference discussed the name of the establishment of the school, the school place, the scope of the school, the form of running a school and so on. It is emphasized that all kinds of software and hardware must be strictly controlled, especially the completion of teachers' strength and supporting facilities. All departments must strictly carry out the plan and report on schedule at any time, so as to ensure that the project is carried out according to plan. The third meetings of the conference discussed the internal management system of the school, the source of capital and the amount of the school. It is emphasized that the management and operation of funds should be open and transparent, while the use of funds is strictly recorded and open. The fourth meeting of the conference discussed and passed the legal representative of * * * * * * * to be the president of the school. The fifth session of the conference summed up the work and experience of the past year, and asked for the future work of the school. 1, school management should accept great challenges. First, the management project, the content, the standard should form the common understanding in the whole school, two is whether it is hard to keep, is the high standard management normalization. 2, our source of origin is still very weak. Although some achievements have been achieved, we need to achieve new breakthroughs in this year. 3. The challenge of continuous improvement. Whether a good situation can continue is a huge challenge. 4, the challenge of team building. Excellent schools, not only have a building, but also have a master, great love. This is the soft power of the school, is the connotation of the construction, we will face the dual challenges of ethics and enhance the operational capacity of the. Key work in the new term 1, to further improve the standard of normal teaching, improve the effectiveness of the classroom, and strive to complete the goal of teaching. 2, strengthen team construction, cultivate a strong team to tackle tough, fine work, provide a solid guarantee for the sustained and rapid development. 3. Through cultural construction, we internalize the idea of running a school and transform the working behavior, and form a unique humanistic spirit. 4, continue to refine and improve the management standards. Through brand building, highlighting both strict norms, tolerant, caring management features 5, analyze the change of the source. Comply with the rules of enrollment, win the trust of parents and students with our team's strength, strength and execution, and keep the quality of teaching good. 关于班级会议纪要范文 篇8Meeting time: October 23rd 20xx Meeting location: 1A205 Attendees: class 10, class 2, forestry technology Absentee: no Host: Xie Mingfei Recorder: Wang Ruiyang A Banwei, establish clear responsibilities 1, the class specific responsibilities, their duties, mutual promotion and complementary advantages, to form a fist. 2, the responsibility to the people, after which part of the problem, to find the specific responsibility. 3, read the list of Banwei members responsibility. Two, to rectify the class At this stage, there is a common denouncing of laziness, dispersion and slow. The concrete manifestation is that the action is diffuse and the thought is not unified. No one is tight. The set is scattered and the formation is scattered. Personal thought is serious, collective consciousness is too poor, unorganized and undisciplined, activity is not active, learning is too passive. Concrete rectifying: it is good for everyone to have ideas. It is a teenager, having a personal thought is a good thing. A nation, a class, must have a few people with unique ideas and advanced ideas. Driving the whole class to the whole class. Only if the ideological consciousness has been raised, the material life can be promoted and guaranteed. But we must resolutely resist personal thought. I have made a clear objection here. Our class has organized an activity. You have three activities. There is one thing in our class. You have three things. Do you want to think that if everyone is doing things in their own mind, then 35 people are a class? A person has a personality to have a personality, a group of people have a personality called a madman. Opinions can be put forward to the class, the class will consider, as far as possible to take scientific and effective measures to control this class. As long as your advice can be done by everyone, and after everyone does it, our class is a class or a class. It is good for the unity of the class, so we will adopt it. One time to knock yourself down is to avoid being knocked down by others. 关于班级会议纪要范文 篇9会议时间: 会议地点: 出席人员: 缺席人员: 主持人: 记录人: 会议内容: 一.班长对上学期工作作总结及布置近期即将展开的工作。 1.对上学期期末考试作总结并分析以及对需要补考的同学给予相应的提醒。 2. 新学期学费问题。 3.对学院评比工作而制造成的同学们的作解释。 4.对学生及财产安全提醒。 5.提醒同学们更应关注学习。 二. 班委对各自工作做总结: 1.班长对自己上学期的工作做分析及对新学期的工作做计划。 2.团支书对自己上学期的工作做分析及本学期相应工作通知大家。 3.学委对上学期学习方面给予相应的批评和奖励。 4.生活委员对上学期班级消费作总结。 5.宣传委员对宣传工作进行相应宣传。 6.心理委员对同学们的心理健康做出相应的安慰。 7.体育委员对上学期体育活动做分析。 8.文艺委员对上学期各方面活动做总结。 关于班级会议纪要范文 篇10Meeting time: October 16th 20xx Meeting place: 4408 Attendees: Class 12, class 2, forestry technology Host: Xie Mingfei Recorder: Wang Ruiyang Content of the meeting: The monitor summed up the main activities and class progress in the class for a month. 1. review the first theme class meeting - learning Outlook on Development, and soliciting future class meeting with the majority of the students; 2. emphasis on communication and communication issues, including students between classes, students in the dormitory and the communication and communication with the elder sister 3. the committee report to the whole class to his work this month; 4. monitor to summarize the overall class work, and for all students to carry out the activities of recent layout tasks, including the class style construction plan and dormitory layout tentative plan; Two, each class to all the students to report his work this month: 1. emphasize the class cohesion, class execution, schedule needs to be improved; 2. remind students to pay more attention to their study. 3. to the class of students to put forward a number of requirements, each student is expected to be a class 12 forestry technology class 2 people consciousness; 关于班级会议纪要范文 篇11会议时间: 会议地点: 出席人员: 主持人: 记录人: 会议内容: 班长总结一个月来班内主要活动及班级进步方面: 1.回顾第一次主题班会——学习科学发展观,并向广大同学征集今后班会意见; 2.强调沟通交流问题,包括班级同学之间,寝室同学之间以及与学长学姐之间的交流沟通 3.各班委向全班同学汇报这一个月来自己的工作情况; 4.班长总结整体班级工作开展情况,并面向全体同学布置近期即将开展的活动任务,包括班风学风建设计划以及寝室布置的初步设想方案; 二、各班委向全体同学汇报本月来自己的工作情况: 1.强调班级凝聚力,班委执行力,时间安排能力有待提高; 2.提醒同学们更应关注学习; 3.对班级同学提出若干要求,望每位同学都有身为12级林业技术2班人的意识; |
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