标题 | 面试感谢信模板 |
范文 | 面试感谢信模板(精选3篇) 面试感谢信模板 篇1Dear Mr. , Thank you so much for meeting with me yesterday at . I really enjoyed discussing the mechanical engineering internship (#254987) posted for this coming summer and learning more about Allied Aircraft. I believe that my skills and abilities mesh well with the requirements for the position. As I mentioned during the interview, I am currently a junior in the mechanical engineering program here at Penn State. Through my course work, I have gained experience in project management, teamwork, and leadership. Additionally, my previous work experience as a shift manager at McDonald’s has given me practical experience in utilizing problem-solving techniques and teambuilding skills—both important qualities as indicated in the description of the internship position at Allied Aircraft. I want to reiterate my strong interest in the position. Please feel free to contact me at --if I can provide you with any additional information. Again, thank you for the opportunity to interview with you and for your consideration. Please extend my appreciation to the rest of the interview team as well. Sincerely,
面试感谢信模板 篇2Thank You For Interview II Dear (Bosss Name), Thank you so much for seeing me yesterday. The interview confirmed what others have told me -that (Company Name) would be a terrific place for someone with my skills and interests. I am convinced that I could make an impact and add value as a (job title) in your department. As we reviewed my background, I hope that you came to a similar conclusion. It was indeed a pleasure to discuss the opportunities with you. I thank you again for the opportunity and look forward to our next interaction. Again, you can reach me (when) (Call time) at (telephone), or you may leave a message on my answering machine, and I will return your call promptly. Sincerely, (Signature) 面试感谢信模板 篇3尊敬的__银行领导: 您好! 不管我的面试结果如何,我都将怀抱一个感恩的心来看待这样一次机会。如能加入您们的团队,我想有些东西值得我放弃,有失必有得,有得必有失!我在失业的时候更多的思考是在过去的那段时间里,在我职业生涯里,我所范过的错误,我为人处世方面的不足,同时思考了如何把自己以往的成功经验和技能特长和优秀品质带进下一个新单位。当我真得幸运得加入了您们团队后,我将使自己尽快融入你们的信贷文化,企业文化,掌握您们的授信流程,孜孜不倦学习新的业务知识,跟有资质的客户经理学习展业技能,夯实自身发展的基础,同时切实按照自己定下来的营销思路,大胆放手去尝试,去做,为中信余杭支行也为我自己燃烧我的工作激情!如能收获我的成功我的事业,我想也是中信银行,余行支行的行领导给我了这样的机会和平台,即使失败了,也虽败尤荣,若干年后,我至少可以对别人说,杭州这座城市,我单枪匹马就来了! 当然等待的心情或许您不能体会,做为企业的掌舵人,能否为企业的发展招揽合适的优秀的人才是重中之重,如果最终没有选择我,我也希望并深信您们能筛选到比我强十倍强百倍的人才!希望能尽快等到您们的答复,聊以慰藉我顾盼的心,也有利我做出正确的人生抉择!最后感谢您们在闲暇时看完此信,在此谨送上我浓浓的谢意! 祝您身体健康,工作顺利,万事如意! ___ ____年__月__日 |
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