标题 | 大学生关于生活的演讲稿 |
范文 | 大学生关于生活的演讲稿(精选3篇) 大学生关于生活的演讲稿 篇1牬笱生活是多姿多彩的,但也需要我们去把握和深人体会。有人说:“平凡的大学生有着相同的平凡,而不平凡的大学却有着各自的辉煌。”但,你可以选择平凡,但却不可以选择平庸; 可以的话,相信谁都想不平凡。那么,怎样才能使自己的大学生活充实有意义,怎样做主自己的大学生活呢?我随便谈谈个人的几点观点。 牐犑紫仁且确立目标和计划,放远目光。古人有“志当存高远”。没有目标便没有前进的努力方向,也毫无动力可言。计划目标,又可分为近期和远期。如近期我要看完多少本书,这一个月我要学懂什么知识,假期有什么实践打算等等。远期的如:争取毕业前拿到自考文凭,人际关系网应该多大,实践能力应有达到怎样的程度等等。而且,目标的实现又是一个个小怒表实现的连贯过程。如一天记5个单词,到考前便可记到很多。但,这需要坚持和毅力。 牐牭诙,是要放远眼光,是指不被暂时的情绪和心情所拖所沉溺,要成就大事业,就必须大事抓紧,小事放松。如,不要被上网玩游戏等所带来的满足感所一直沉溺,孰不知,暂时满足的背后的更大的空虚。相信大家都有这种体会。 牐牭三是树立就业危机感。我们总是在怪自己自己控力不强,没有上进的动力。孰不知是自己的意识上没有清醒。有人会说:“爱情是学习的动力”或“家境贫穷的学习的动力”等等。其实,从直接意义上来说,就业危机感才是也应该是我们上进的动力。我自己常想自己毕业以后究竟能干什么?又多从报纸杂志上看到目前就业形势的异常严峻,所以心里很是后怕。 有人说目前找工作:要么有关系,要么有文凭,要么有才能(技能)。而我们呢?文凭,只是大专; 关系,相信在坐的大部都没有什么关系。所以,我们唯一的出路便是要有什么才能。而这,就要问问自己:你学到了什么,你掌握了什么?现在的问题不是我们不知道学什么,而是我们不想学。 牐牭谒模是要学知识与发展能力并举。以前是重知识而轻能力,但现在不同了,恰相反,由于社会上影响,文凭要求的适当下降,所以现在的很多大学生纷纷跑出外面找兼职。如果他们是在不影响学习的前提下去的,那没话说,反而应该提倡。但他们有些不是,为了一份端菜的服务生工作,不惜请假旷颗,晚自习也不上。我身边就有这样的现象。现在,出现了这样一种错位思潮,就是,在职的机关企业工作人员,纷纷利用业余时间”充电“,而在校的大学生们却纷纷跑到社会兼职。我觉的应该纠正这种思潮,归位。 牐牬送猓还有,就是,要多看看书和报纸杂志。了解最新社会动态,知晓国家大事,掌握第一时间的时政经济新闻……是的,这不仅对我们以后找工作容易有帮助,而且对我们本身的工作也有帮助。广告是一们综合边缘性学科,我们做为未来的广告人,就应该博学,什么都应该了解一下,并且要有重点地突出模些领域学科! 牐牶昧耍我今天的演讲也到此为止了。最后,只上一句话:”路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。“是的,送给我自己,也与大家共勉! 大学生关于生活的演讲稿 篇2在很小的时候我们对大学很陌生,随着逐渐的长大,我们对大学也有了逐步全面的了解,直至今天,才正式的踏入了大学,才真正体会到什么是大学!曾经在我的心中,大学是一座神圣不可侵犯的殿堂,对我来说好像很遥远。现如今我却身处在这殿堂中。当我真正成为一个大学生之后才发现真正的大学与我想象中的相差甚远。在高考之前,我的老师常常在我们学习懈怠的时候给我们描绘一些大学的片段,让我们对大学有了憧憬,然后转化为坚持下去的动力。 当我成为一名真正的大学生时,我才发现大学并非想象中的样子。曾经以为大学就是睡到自然醒,然后悠然的上完屈指可数的课后,就能自由活动。但是现实打破了我的幻想,大学虽没有高中紧张,却也没有想象中的悠闲。 我眼中的大学是充斥了欢乐与书香气息的地方,在大学校园里,我们要做的不仅仅是学习,而且在学习的过程中,我们要学的不仅仅是知识。在大学里我们要多多的注重培养自己的能力,这是大学中很重要的一部分。大学是一个让我们得到历练的地方,我们在这里打磨 这自己的棱角,我们在这里从原始变成璞玉。作为一名大学生我们是即将展翅高飞的雄鹰,我们在学习展翅高飞。 我眼中的大学生活是丰富多彩且充满意义的,我们可以参加学校的社团,参加各种社团活动,从而得到展示自己才能的机会,在展示自己的过程中得到成长。不可否认,学习仍然是大学生活的主体,我们的主要任务依旧是学习,与高中时期不同,我们在掌握课本的同时,最重要的就是多看看书籍,“知识改变命运”仅仅是课本上的知识不足以满足我们改变命运的条件,所以我们要多多看书,看有益的书,为我们的未来打下基础。看书时,我们也不能过于急躁,厚积而薄发,我们不能为了看书而看书,要从书籍中汲取自己需要的营养。在充实知识的同时,参加社团活动有利于舒缓压力并且培养出自身能力。我们要合理安排自己的大学生活才能让生活更多姿多彩。 大学生活是自由的。学习上,没有老师再去监督自己的学习,老师也不会再推着我们前进。这些因素常常造就两种极端,其中一种人在这种情景下完全放松,学业松懈,最后勉强结业,另一种就是更加的努力学习,最终获得优异的成绩得以毕业。可想而知,第二种人的将来一定会比第一种人顺利。所有人都希望成为第二种人。为了能迎合这种趋势,我们要学会自主学习,自主学习能使我们得到许多益处。 当我们成为一名大学生时,这意味着我们已经长大了,我们要学会承担责任,大学就是我们的试炼场。 祝愿每位同学都有一个美好的大学生活,我的演讲完毕,谢谢。 大学生关于生活的演讲稿 篇3I am proud of being a college student. I like my college life as it is so wonderful time in my youth. As being born in small village of the remote countryside, I didn't have a good education environment. However, I set a goal and felt confident to be a college student. After hard study, I passed the entrance examination of national college by excellent achievement. All people were proud of me, as I was the first college student in my village. I was farewell warmly by them when I came to school. I was warmly welcome by school, too. After then, I’ve felt my study is not only for myself but also for the honor of my village neighborhood and our school. The college life is wonderful. All life in school are fresh. New teachers, new classmates and fresh friends are around me. I’ve felt their friendship, wide knowledge and opening mind. The grand library, school buildings and wide playground are very attracting to me. I am very eager to learn much knowledge quickly. In high school, I was ever called as a runner before time. Now,I know I am behind time so much in fact. I hope to catch up with the time by my hard studying. Every day, you can see me get up early, doing exercise hard and go to school the first one. At night, I am the one who leaves away the library. The most interesting thing is that I can’t speak the PUTONGHUA well and made many funny events at the beginning, as I am from South. When I entered the classroom at first time, I was headache as I couldn’t understand what the professor was speaking. I met much difficulties at math, physics and other courses, even though I used to be good at these sciences. Therefore, I learn these courses myself after class. After three months, the exmination indicated that I overcame all the difficlties. I also improved my listening and spoken ability of Chinese quickly. Communication is very important to my college life. I study English hard as well. It makes me have many chances to communicate with foreigners. I made friends with many foreign teachers and students. From them, I learn many knowledge about foreign cultures. The computer room is another place I like to staying. I contact the outside world by the internet. All the News, advance science, and the information about internal and outside of China. Besides study, my college life is also very colorful. I’d like to take any chance to improve my communication skill. I am the monitor and playing an active role in class and school. Last year, I organized a speech match in management department. All the classmates were very interested in this kind of activity. I learned from them much about their hometown, their knowledge and opinions. At the same time, I shew my beautiful hometown to everyone. In school, I take care all the classmates around me. I am so poor due to from the romote countryside. The school pay most the fee for my education. I feel very happy. However, I know some classmates are poorer than me. I am willing to care them and encourage each other. My college life is long and short. I believe that I can spend a good time in the four years. I hope I will have no any regretion when I look back the short youth of college in the future. Thanks! |
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