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范文 | 开幕式致辞格式(精选3篇) 开幕式致辞格式 篇1各位裁判员、运动员、老师们、同学们: 大家上午好! 今天,我们迎着十月煦暖的阳光,带着海平运动健儿的喜悦,迎来了本届田径运动会。首先,我谨代表学校党政领导及本次运动会组委会,向运动会的如期举行表示热烈的祝贺!向筹备这次盛会的全体工作人员表示衷心的感谢!向参加运动会的全体运动员、班主任、裁判员表示诚挚的慰问! 我们海平中学到今天走了二十年风风雨雨的路程。二十年来,海平人在这块美丽的土地上挥洒心血和智慧,我校学子从这里腾飞,走向人生的辉煌。教育的本质是培养人的精神。可以说素质教育是一种超越性的教育。在过去的一年里,我校全体师生发扬负重拼搏,勇于创新的精神,在校园建设、规模扩展、教育教学等方面均取得了可喜的成绩。但我们挑战自我的步伐不能停止。我们不仅要在学业上勇于争先,而且要在德智体美等更广泛的领域内实现新的突破,尤其是体育运动。一个人没有健康的体格,就没有健全的人格,这不仅是广大青年学生的自觉追求,更应是时代的客观要求。现代体育运动不但可以增强我们的体质,而且还可以培养强烈的爱国主义、集体主义精神和自强不息、坚韧不拔的意志,还可以增强民族自信心和自豪感,振奋民族精神。体育是力量的角逐,体育是智慧的较量,体育是美丽的展示,体育是*的飞扬。知识经济时代是全球竞争的时代,竞争是空前激烈的,没有健康的身体素质根本就无从适应大时代的要求。因此一个合格的中学生必然是一个全面发展、能自我完善的学生,是一个无论在考场上,还是在运动场上都能勇攀高峰的学生。 每年一次盛会,每年一次比赛,每次都有*,每次都有升华。它是一个激励的盛会,是一次展示的盛会,是一个锻炼的盛会,是同学们广泛喜爱、盛情参与的一个盛会。希望全体运动员牢固树立“安全第一、友谊第一、比赛第二”的思想,发扬“更高、更强”的奥林匹克精神,敢于拼搏,赛出水平,赛出风格!希望裁判员、工作人员把忠心献给学校,爱心献给学生,责任心献给大会。希望所有的海平人拥着运动场上每一次*的跳跃,每一步热情的奔跑,共同奏响学校开拓创新的壮美乐章。把本届运动会开成一次“安全、文明、拼搏、奋进”的大会,力争使本届运动会展示学校风采,取得运动成绩和精神文明双丰收,让校运会成为展示体育精神、推动学校进步、促进和谐发展的盛会。 我相信,在大家的共同努力下,本届运动会一定能够办成一个“团结、奋进、文明、进取”的盛会。 最后预祝我校第xx届运动会取得*成功! 开幕式致辞格式 篇2In a joint message welcoming the opening of the 20xx FIFA World Cup Germany, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi A. Annan and FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter make an appeal for peace, tolerance and development. Their message is addressed to the whole world as it comes together in Munich to witness the start of the world's biggest sporting event. Football is a global language. It can bridge social, cultural and religious divides. It enhances personal development and growth, teaches us teamwork and fair play, builds self-esteem and opens doors to new opportunities. This, in turn, can contribute to the well-being of whole communities and countries. That is why the United Nations is using football as a tool in our work to reach the Millennium Development Goals - the set of powerful, people-centred objectives adopted by all countries as a blueprint for building a better world in the 21st century. And it is why the United Nations is turning to football in our efforts to heal the emotional wounds of war among young people in refugee camps, and in countries recovering from armed conflict. At the World Summit last year, all of the world's Governments declared that "sports can foster peace and development, and can contribute to an atmosphere of tolerance and understanding". Over the next few weeks, as billions of people worldwide focus on the FIFA World Cup, we appeal to players and fans everywhere to support to us in our mission. Let us harness the magic of football in our quest for development and peace. 足球是全球通用的语言。足球可以弥合社会、文化和宗教分歧。足球促进个人发展和成长,教我们团队协作和公平竞争,建立自尊并打开新的机会之门。进而可以促进整个社会和各个国家的福祉。 正因为如此,联合国正在把足球作为我们工作中一个工具,用以实现千年发展目标——即各国作为建设二十一世纪更美好世界的蓝图而通过的一整套强有力的、以人为本的目标。 也正因为如此,联合国正在难民营内和刚刚摆脱武装冲突的国家借助足球来弥合战争给年轻人留下的情绪创伤。 世界各国政府曾在去年世界首脑会议上宣布,“体育可以促进和平与发展,并可助长宽容与谅解的气氛”。 今后几个星期,全世界几十亿人都将聚精会神地关注世界足联的世界杯比赛,我们吁请各地球员和球迷们支持我们的使命。让我们利用足球的魅力来促进发展与和平的事业。 There are many dimensions to football's allure and appeal: top-class moves, thrilling goals, majestic star players, thunderous encounters and passionate fans. Football stirs the emotions all over the globe, brings people from contrasting cultures together, and promotes solid virtues such as fairness, team spirit and tolerance. All these facets will emerge in their most intense form at the 20xx FIFA World Cup? in Germany next summer. Millions of people will be transfixed by this unique festival of sport and friendship. We are thoroughly looking forward to football of the highest quality. We're delighted to welcome the biggest names in the sport as well as those nations set to appear at the finals for the first time. And we're looking forward to greeting fans from all over the world as they fill our cities with even more colour and life. A heartfelt welcome to everyone! Germany is a cosmopolitan country with a passion for football. The people will devote themselves to the job of ensuring the 20xx FIFA World Cup is an unforgettable experience, a fact demonstrated by the thousands of ordinary folk who have come forward as volunteers. Germany is well prepared to host the FIFA World Cup. We have finished constructing our new, modern stadiums and an outstanding transportation infrastructure. The organisation is in the enormously capable hands of the Organising Committee headed by Franz Beckenbauer. The slogan "A time to make friends?" perfectly describes our intention to ensure everyone revels in a secure and peaceful festival of football. The FIFA World Cup is a unique opportunity for Germany to present herself as a hospitable, joyful and modern nation bursting with ideas. I am convinced that the flames of passion and togetherness engendered by the FIFA World Cup in Germany will spread to the entire world. I'm personally looking forward to a festival of goals, excitement and fair play. We Germans will be right behind our national team, but our aim is to act as welcoming hosts and friends to every team and their fans. Passionate and cosmopolitan Germany is delighted to welcome visitors to the 20xx FIFA World Cup. 足球的魅力是多方面的:高质量的比赛、激动人心的进球、神奇的球星、残酷的遭遇战、热情的球迷。 足球激发了全球的热情,把不同文化背景的人们集合在一起,弘扬了公平、团队精神和宽容等诸多美德。 所有的这些方面都会在的 20xx FIFA 德国世界杯上强烈地表现出来。 众人将沉浸在这独一无二的友谊和竞技的节日里。我们急切期待最高质量的足球比赛。 我们高兴地欢迎球场上名声如雷贯耳的球队,同样也欢迎第一次出现在世界杯决赛阶段的球队。 我们期待来自世界各地的球迷来到我们的城市,不论肤色和生活方式。衷心欢迎你们的到来! 德国是一个充满了足球激情的大国。 人们忘我地工作,以确保 20xx FIFA 世界杯成为一次难忘的经历,事实上,成千上万的普通百姓成为了志愿者。 德国为 FIFA 世界杯的举办做好了充分的准备。 我们已经完成了现代化新场馆的建设,建成了优良的运输基础设施。贝肯鲍尔 (Franz Beckenbauer) 的领导下的世界杯组委会运转非常出色。 本届世界杯口号“友谊的盛会?”极好地描述了我们的意愿,我们要确保每个人都度过一个安全、和平的足球节日。 FIFA 世界杯足球赛给了德国一次绝佳的机会,展示她的热情、快乐、现代化和充满丰富的想象。 我确信,德国 FIFA 世界杯足球赛带来的团结和激情的火焰会散布到全世界。 我个人希望,这是一次进球、激情和公平竞赛的节日。我们德国人当然坚定支持自己国家队,但是,我们的目标是当好热情的东道主和每支球队及其球迷的朋友。 充满热情、敞开怀抱的德国热烈欢迎所有参与 20xx FIFA 世界杯足球赛的朋友们。 "Welcome to the 20xx FIFA World Cup Germany?" Seventeen years after the fall of the Berlin wall, a reunified Germany will throw open its doors to the world. Germany 20xx will be a place where people from all around the world will be welcomed by friends, in the spirit of the striking slogan chosen by the organisers: Die Welt zu Gast bei Freunden. The tournament is being held on the finest stage in the world, one whose symbolism far transcends the boundaries of sport. Hark back to Germany’s triumph at the 1954 FIFA World Cup in Switzerland, which sealed the country’s return to the international fold in the most beautiful manner possible. In 20xx, Germans will have the opportunity to rectify certain clichés and preconceived ideas. The world will have the chance to see what a fantastic country Germany truly is: the beauty and diversity of its landscapes, its rich cultural heritage and the intelligence and good humour of its people. As for the legendary German work ethic and organisational skills, I am pleased to say those perennial qualities are alive and well - and we at FIFA are only too happy to take advantage of them. For at all levels, the overall investment in any World Cup tournament is immense. The event is financially supported by the German state, but also by the “L?nder” and the Host Cities. I would like to take this opportunity to offer my heartfelt thanks to all those who are currently working with such passion and commitment to make the occasion a memorable one. Today’s efforts will bear fruit tomorrow. German football, for example, will boast twelve spanking new or vastly improved stadiums in 20xx. The whole German population too will benefit in terms of better transport and reception infrastructures. Football clubs, schools and people all over the land have really got behind this great event, providing further proof, if any were needed, of the prominent role football plays in all our lives. In this respect I would like to congratulate the German Football Association for inviting people from all walks of live to take part in this great event. Needless to say, none of this comes as a surprise and I am well aware of the loyalty of the Deutscher Fussball-Bund* and its President, my good friend Gerhard Mayer-Vorfelder. They enjoy my complete confidence in their ability to organise a tournament every bit as good as in 1974. Like Mexico, Italy and France, Germany is now organising its second FIFA World Cup. The first saw the great Franz Beckenbauer lift the trophy as captain of the winning team. Today, he presides over the Local Organising Committee in the run-up to a tournament which has changed considerably down the years: back in 1974, only sixteen sides took part, including the now-defunct German Democratic Republic (GDR) and Zaire. The latter were the only representative from the African continent and conceded fourteen goals with no reply. The 20xx tournament will be a vastly different affair. Thirty-two teams will have qualified, including five from Africa, all of whom now perform at a far higher level. Just remember how Senegal upset the odds in Korea and Japan in 20xx. The same can be said for Asian teams, who produced a semi-finalist last year, something which would have been unthinkable back in 1974! These performances bear witness to FIFA’s efforts in the last quarter of a century to help the nations of the football world to compete on an equal footing. I will have the immense pleasure of welcoming you amongst my friends in Germany. We look forward to seeing you in 20xx to celebrate this unity! 开幕式致辞格式 篇3同志们、朋友们: 在党的xx届六中全会刚刚闭幕之际,在人民群众喜获丰收之时,xx乡在这里举行首届文化艺术节开幕式。在此,我谨代表区委、区政府对表示热烈的祝贺! 推动社会主义文化大发展大繁荣,进一步兴起社会主义文化建设新*是党的xx届六中全会作出的重要部署。区委、区政府高度重视文化建设,努力推动社会主义先进文化更加深入人心,推动社会主义精神文明和物质文明全面发展。人民群众是文化的创造者、传播者和分享者,创造的活力的人民,创新的希望在基层。我们欣喜地看到,xx乡作为传统戏乡,焕发出新的光彩,文化活动改变了xx人民群众的精神面貌,提高了xx人民的道德素质,促进了经济社会又好又快发展,营造了政通人和的良好氛围。 文化是一种软实力,它与经济发展等硬实力处于同样重要甚至更为重要的地位。今天xx乡在这里举行首届文化艺术节,这既是一次思想文化觉醒,也是一次文化创新实践;既是戏乡文化成果的集中展示和阅,也是打造戏乡品牌的再次动员和部署。xx乡党委、政府要按照党的xx届六中全会指明的方向,按照区委、区政府的部署,结合人民群众的文化需求,以建设戏乡为主线,以促进经济发展、维护社会和谐为目标,以建设文化人才队伍,开发优秀文化作品,完善公共文化服务网络为重点,让群众广泛享有优质的公共文化服务,把打造成为具有鲜明时代特色、富有深厚文化底蕴的生态水乡,文明戏乡。 我衷心希望xx人民群众让经济插上文化的翅膀,进一步推动文化建设与经济建设、政治建设、社会建设以及生态文明建设协调发展,为继续解放思想、坚持改革开放、推动科学发展、促进社会和谐提供坚强思想保证、强大精神动力、有力*支持、良好文化条件,把共同家园建设得更加美好。 最后,预祝首届文化艺术节*成功! |
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