标题 | 初一年级英语口语演讲稿 |
范文 | 初一年级英语口语演讲稿(精选5篇) 初一年级英语口语演讲稿 篇1Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Tonight is a special day. I appreciate our dear teacher Miss chen. She is responsible teacher and she usually makes us feel interested in learning English. She always hope that our English have made improvement. No matter how tired she is, she never gives up on us. And she give us enough encouragement. We will remember our great teacher forever. It gives me great pleasure to be entitled to such a precious opportunity to give a graduation speech on behalf of all the graduates of our college. First, I'd like to give our hearty thanks to you. Meet college, open my sight, to enrich my thoughts, washing my soul, moistens my life. Meet college, pick up a falling leaf, feel the passage of time. Mature autumn, tell me: the most precious thing in life is not the most shining, catch the youth, the most successful attitude rewards seasons. Meet college, we make so many friends in the college. We have a valuable friendship. The more you lean you more you understand. Today I don't know I must be happy or sad. Because happy for I'm ending the study of the north campus in GDAIB. I'm got so much of English knowledge. But I'm sad too. Because today, we'll break up together, maybe if we're has good luck at all, we'll meet again. So, we must be get confidence at all, because tomorrow will be a pretty day! Being graduated from college is not an end, but a beginning. We will always bear in mind the motto of our college --- Respects, diligent, and progressive. --- which has, and will always inspire us to contribute what we have learnt to the advance of the society and the benefits of human kind. This is a day never to be forgotten, a day to cherish as one of the highlights and important in our lives and careers. To end my speech, let us all drink from the cup of best wishes to the further development of our mother college. Thank you. 初一年级英语口语演讲稿 篇2She kindled a third match. again shot up the flame; and now she was sitting under a most beautiful christmas tree ,far larger, and far more prettily decked out, than the one she had seen last christmas eve through the glass doors of the rich merchant's house. hundreds of wax-tapers lighted up the green branches, and tiny painted figures, such as she had seen in the shop-windows, looked down from the tree upon her. the child stretched out her hands towards them in delight, and in that moment the lights of the match warm quenched,still, however, the christmas candles burned higher and higher, she beheld them beaming like stars in heaven; one of them fell, the lights streaming behind it like a long, fiery tail. “Now some one is dying,” said the little girl, softly, for she had been told by her old grandmother, the only person who had ever been kind to her, and who was now dead that whenever a star falls an immortal spirit returns to the god who gave it. She struck yet another match against the wall; it flamed up, and surrounded by its light, appeared before her that same dear grandmother, gentle and loving as always, but bright and happy as she had never looked during her lifetime. 初一年级英语口语演讲稿 篇3各位家长晚上好,很高兴和大家再次聚首,共同探讨孩子们的学习和成长。 首先我想表达下我的谢意,感谢孩子们用他们的纯洁和天真,善良熏陶着我,让我也又童真了一学期,让我像个孩子一样天真快乐了一个学期。感谢孩子们对我的喜欢和宽容,感动小小的他们对英语学习的积极和投入。感谢各位家长,不为您把孩子教育的多好多好好,或者感谢您对孩子的付出,这些或是您的责任。我要感谢的是您对我工作的支持、理解和包容。感谢大家在家督促孩子的听读,指读。我想各位家长这份认真的态度定能感染您的孩子。谢谢大家! 下面我就本学期孩子们英语学习情况和各位做交流几点。 一、 进步和不足 无论孩子是零起点还是有英语学习基础,孩子本学期的的进步都是显而易见的。我们都要予以肯定和表扬。(结合新课程标准进行分析) 进步是好事,但学习过程中也不乏问题出现。这个学期发现部分孩子指读的习惯还做得不是很好,课堂我是要求指读,可有的孩子读读,手就不指了,手空出来了嘛,那总不能闲着啊,总的找点东西玩玩,这样读书就不专心,心思就不在嘴巴上,全在手上了。读书就变成小和尚念经,有口无心。没有太大的实际意义。 另外,我们英语作业基本以听读为主,先听,模仿录音再读。有些孩子对英英语的听读作业不以为然,,觉得随便读一读就算是完成作业了,甚至由于不是书面作业而自行忽略了。现在就能发现有的孩子语音语调很漂亮,他读出来的英语就像录音里面一样的。有的孩子发音就一般,老师能教的是正确的发音,但语音语调的练习是开自己扎实听读,模仿、琢磨出来的。 还有一点就是周末联系单上的小练习,英语没有随堂的练习册,孩子们仅凭口头识记难免眼高手低。为了孩子巩固知识,检测学习效果,还辛苦各位家长在周一早上提醒或者检查孩子的联系单是否带回。另外,每次联系单上都有家长留言板,您可以把孩子在家学习的状态,孩子知识漏洞或者薄弱点,或者是对孩子的表扬和建议等写上去。孩子们其实很期待您的只言片语。当然对我的教育教学的意见和建议更欢迎大家积极留言。 二、后续学习建议 寒假即将开始了,有些积极的家长已经在问我寒假作业的事情。那我现在也就寒假学习稍微给几条建议。 寒假是一个查漏补缺的好机会,您可以让孩子利用这个时间把自己的不足的地方去抓一抓。比如我发音不大好,那我就多模仿,多跟读,大声读。假如学习小结上的重点词汇和重点句型没过关,那么就多读,多认。要相信付出与收获是成正比的,我们的孩子英语才学了一个学期,学习内容不算多,他是很容易捡起来以前没学好的知识的。我们低段的英语学习相对互动性和游戏性比较大,所以孩子只要入门了,知道课本上在描述什么,懂得老师在说什么,明白我们的活动要操练什么,他会非常有兴趣参与。而一旦他寻获了英语学习的甜头,他会更加有有主动性和积极性。 建议孩子每天在家进行10-15分钟听读,培养学生的语感(学习英语,语感非常重要)。为什么每天要听读? 小孩的短时记忆很好,长时记忆很差, 也就是一教就会,但记忆不长久。英语一周才四节课,加起来课堂时间仅仅140分钟。且间隔时间比较长,所以这就需要家长的配合,积极做好孩子课前的预习,课后 复习。 每天听读不仅可以保持孩子对英语的敏感度,同时听得多了,对一些内容就可以熟悉到张口即来。听是语言的输入过程,只有 足够的输入才能保证将来的读、写、说的输 出能力。 三、方法分享:激发英语学习兴趣的方法 1、父母与孩子共同学习英语,虚心向孩子们请教,你们会发现孩子是惊人的耐心; 2、给孩子提供展示的机会:在家里的客厅或饭厅设立一个小角落展示孩子的英语作业或作品,墙上贴一张进步表,孩子们认真完成作业、认真听录音或者得到老师的表扬奖励都可以在上面做好记录。 3、亲人面前让孩子们大方展示所学的英语对话和歌曲,亲人们的赞赏会大大增强他们的信心。 4、让孩子们的房间成为英语的海洋:墙上是字母表、单词表,家具或电器上是英语名称。 5、多和孩子们玩英语游戏,如父母参与的课文表演。 四、英语学习材料推荐和介绍 洪恩Go-go’s adventure with English 洪恩Hello Teddy 洪恩Franklin 北大魔力宝贝 迪士尼神奇英语 双语不用学之英语一点通 Little fox 棒棒英语flash 魔幻迷宫 Billy 猪快乐奇境英语 最后和大家分享叶圣陶的一句话:“教育不是工业,教育是农业”。孩子像芽儿一样,会受多方因素的影响,为了孩子健康、快乐,有收获的成长,我们需要协同努力。另外具体寒假作业,我到时候会设计一份作业单,把要读的书,要求以及怎么操作都会发给大家。再次感谢大家! • 一是感谢你们听我说完这么多! • 二是感谢你们的孩子带给我的快乐! 初一年级英语口语演讲稿 篇4My dream home is very big and clean. It has at least five floors and fifteen rooms. On the ground floor, there is a kitchen, a dining room and a bathroom. There are no other rooms on the ground floor. My bedroom, study, bathroom are on the first floor. They are all very comfortable. My parents’ room is on the second floor. It’s also very big and clean. My grandparents live with us in this big house, too. Their rooms are on the third floor. On the fourth floor, there is a big balcony. I can play games, read books and chat with friends there. I also have a big and nice garden. It is beside the big house. There are many flowers and vegetables in it. It has a big tree. In summer, I can sit under the tree with my family. Behind the garden, there is a swimming pool. I can swim with my friends in summer. I think it is very comfortable to live in my dream home 。 初一年级英语口语演讲稿 篇5Etiquette is not only the person, the embodiment of education is also a manifestation of personal morality and social morality. Is the face of the city, is the country face. Therefore, learning etiquette not only in strong personal qualities, outside the plastic units better able to lubricate and improve interpersonal relationships. Has a history of 5,000 years of civilization as the "ceremonies", stressing civilization, with rituals, but also promote the national culture, an important way to demonstrate national spirit. We are in society, identity, role is constantly changing. We hate others this moment, the next moment people often become the object of hate. These are none other than "informal," the act of. When we, as tourists often, always in accordance with their own interest, spitting, spit chewing gum, trampled grass, scrawl graffiti on the cultural relics; when we are the people of the time, it is spitting the phenomenon of hate to write graffiti. When we get along with classmates when the students always complain about the "informality", whether at work or life to speak through things; and our management are often too lazy to "section." When we take the bus, always able to grab a seat for the complacent, pushed, stepped on, when people say I'm sorry from the disdain; when we were pushed or stepped on, when they do not always say sorry if the brooding and even punches thrown; the time when we are old, standing threw the car, always eager to own some people to not stand for a seat. With the social development and progress, people's spiritual needs levels and increasing the value of self-awareness, we want to understand more, be respected. There is no doubt that the current situation, the ritual is not individual industries, individual community's needs, but all the people needed. Train to run fast, depends on the locomotive. At home, if parents can take the lead; in schools, if teachers can take the lead; in the unit, if leaders can take the lead; in the window unit, window staff if we can take the lead ... ... by extension, to all of China to promote , universal civilization, etiquette, if the capital more than 10 million people to take the lead in this head; if everyone starts from me and from now on ... ... No doubt, our civility to popularize the work will be easier. Then our spiritual civilization and material civilization would be like to achieve rapid development. We are 1.3 billion people, mental outlook, certainly a new look, people are living in a friendly, tolerant, caring, warm community atmosphere! Etiquette, stressing that the "respect-based." Want others to respect you, first of all have to respect people. Those bad habits, map the moment fast, lost to one's personality and dignity. Do not respect even their own people, other people will respect you? My speech is over, thank you! |
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