标题 | 部门迟到英语检讨书 |
范文 | 部门迟到英语检讨书(精选3篇) 部门迟到英语检讨书 篇1Respected leaders and colleagues: Since the first meeting at the beginning of the year did not arrive at the office on time as stipulated by the company, I would like to make a check on myself. Through this, I think it is an occasional event, but it is also the result of a long period of relaxation and loose work style. Through how many days of reflection, I thought it was not only the consciousness of the fault, but also a key to my consciousness. First of all, through these days, I realized that being late to the meeting was a sign that I did not value the company's regulations. I acted in such a way that the company could have a bad influence on the company and damaged the image of the company. Colleagues are supposed to learn from each other and enhance each other, but I have a bad head for my colleagues, which is bad for the company's development. If you visit a client, you will see that this is a company with no rules and regulations, but it will affect your company's image and your future. Again except such as live too far away, such as traffic jams easily all the so-called objective cause, I think it can only explain my job position is not enough seriously, the obligation to work heart enough, don't do their job well, still has muddle along in their thinking, along the elaborate ideas, this kind of negative thinking can only clarify my comfortable and self-seeking, ignore the company designated criteria, beggar-thy-neighbour. I regret this mistake I made personally. Need have a meeting at 8 o 'clock, far from home you should go out ahead of time, put the articles (a quote from the practical working document) can have hinder yourself up to the company's situation on time all consideration to, so as not to be late, yet their chamber, the individual hard on the above the company rules and rail system, it is should not, I should have to quit, do not make this kind of problem. In addition, I also saw the bad influence of this matter, if at various meetings or work, everyone is as free and loose as I am, how can I get the work done in time. At the same time, if we constitute such an unorganized, disciplined, free-wheeling fashion in our community, the progress of our work will not be discussed. Therefore, the outcome of this matter is significant. Of course, this mistake is also not strictly required by myself, and I don't have a good understanding of the company's cultural theme. At the same time, thank you for guiding me to give me this opportunity. I will be strict with myself according to the regulations of the company. First, don't be late for work, arrive on time; Secondly, we should study corporate culture seriously and work hard in accordance with the company's system. In the end, I hope that the broad staff will take me on the back teaching materials and review themselves, and will not present similar mistakes in the current work. Review: 20xx, day. 部门迟到英语检讨书 篇2Dear leaders, You are good! Late for me to attend the meeting, I felt very sorry and sad today, I with guilt and regret for you to write down the written self criticism, to say to you I am late for this kind of undesirable behavior of the profound understanding and determined never to be late. Through this, I feel that this is an accident, but it is also the result of a long period of relaxation and lax work style. After a few hours of reflection, I think this is not only a recognition of my mistakes, but also the key to my awakening. I know China is a socialist country, now we emphasize collectivism, I, however, because of his selfishness and laziness delayed you precious time, I deeply realized that it is wrong behavior. First of all, through the criticism of the leadership, I realized that the late arrival of the meeting itself was not to pay attention to the performance of the regulations, and my behavior in the unit can cause and damage the image of the unit. Colleagues are supposed to learn from each other and promote each other, but my performance is a bad one for my colleagues. If the work is done, people in the community will also think that it is a unit with no rules and regulations, which will affect not only the unit but also its future. This not only to cause a loss of time on my leaders and colleagues, but also is conducive to the development of my future life, of course, being late is not really problem the key is, from the incident also reflects a person's quality and quality. Deep review, I believe that in my own thoughts, I have buried the fatal error: my mind is not high enough, my respect for others is not enough, and I will have more respect for the leaders in the future. Serious insufficient attention to important matters. If you are not too lazy, you will not be so lazy. Again except such as residence far, easy to traffic jam all the so-called objective reasons, I think it just means I work attitude is not enough carefully, to work sense of responsibility is not enough, did not do his job well, still have a muddle along in their own thoughts, along the cope with ideas, the bad thoughts just means I loose, self-seeking, ignore the principles unit, selfishness. I regret the mistake I made personally. Know, the meeting house from far should go out ahead of time, all can arrive at my unit is considered, so as not to be late, but still slow, above the unit rules and regulations on personal difficulties, this is should not, I should have to quit, strive to no longer make such mistakes. Review: 20xx, day. 部门迟到英语检讨书 篇3尊敬的领导: 您好! 星期五下午在服务中心录制歌曲,我本人也迟到了,可是我觉得现在说理由,都只是托词,我不想为自己的错误找任何借口,那只能让我更加惭愧。 所以,我只想为周五下午的迟到行为表示歉意和检讨。 对于准时上班和集体活动,我一直都特别重视,要求服务部全体人员杜决迟到,这一次在录制歌曲的时候偏偏我和员工都迟到了,一方面,反映了我做为一名员工对于公司规章制度的不够重视,对工作不够负责,给同事和部门带来了不好的影响;另一方面,做为服务部经理,在管理上没有彻底要求员工无条件遵守中心安排的时间,导致大家都在等候,也耽误了大家的宝贵时间,归根到底还是思想上的问题。 错误的性质是严重的。因为小余说录制歌曲时需着工装,而我一心想着去见客户落实项目进展情况,把小余说的话全给忘了,中午又急忙回家换工装,导致到中心时已经过了二点;当小郝说人在等月山的领导们开会,散会后再见面有可能耽误回中心录歌时,我只一心为了服务部的业绩考虑就擅自做主允许了他这种行为,由于小郝回到郑州时已经整整晚了一个多小时,导致大家都在等着他,这严重影响了其他的同事,其结果损害了多方利益,在中心造成极坏的影响。守时守信是中华民族的传统美德,一位伟人说过:当你要别人尊重你的时间之前,你先得尊重别人的时间,而当你不守时,不仅是你自己的问题,也将连带地造成别人的不守时。而我服务部的这种行为,即使是并没有影响到公司制度,仍然是不对的,此举本身就是违背了做人做事的原则。我只顾着自己部门的业绩和一时的想法,完全不理会其他人的感受,这也是不对的。人是社会的人,大家不应该只是想着自己。鲁迅先生说过:不友善的帮助就是恶意的伤害。我这样做,看似是为他好,实际上是在害他,让小郝也有可能养成以后不守时的陋习。而且,小余也已经发短信提醒时间了,我们又再次迟到,也是对小余的不尊重。所以,现在我深刻的认识到这一点。 一个优秀的服务部当然要努力争取好的成绩,但不能不顾一切、不择手段地去达到目的,这是一个关系到如何成人,如何成才的一个重大原则问题。一个人和一个服务部的成长和进步,不仅仅是业绩上的提高,更重要的是思想、作风方面上的培养和锤炼。我忽视了这样一个重要的问题,为此而犯了方向性的错误。上次张总来中心培训时就讲到:做正确的事情和正确的做事情的区别,当时我不理解,现在通过这件事情,我明白了其中的道理。我所犯错误的影响是很坏的。在中心集体活动时迟到,就直接造成不尊重主任、不尊重小余、不尊重中心大家约定的时间的恶劣影响。我服务部所犯的错误,无疑产生了很大的负面影响,带了一个坏头;也给其他同事带来了不应有的负面影响。总之,我为自己所犯的错误而带来的这一切而深感痛心和后悔。作为服务部经理,刘主任对大家都委以重任并寄予厚望,我自己也一直感到责任重大不敢苟且,认真学习,全力投入,但事实证明,仅仅是热情投入、刻苦努力、提高业绩是不够的,还要有清醒的政治头脑、大局意识和纪律观念,否则就会在工作中迷失方向,我知道,造成如此恶劣的影响,我必须要承担起自己的部门领导责任,对于这一切我还将进一步深入总结,深刻反省。 再次,我这种行为还在同事间造成了及其坏的影响,破坏了郑州一部的形象。同事之间本应该互相学习,互相促进,纪律良好,而我这种表现,给同事们带了一个坏头,不利于中心的风气建设,同时,也对中心形象造成了一定损害, 这次的事件我真的感到抱歉,希望刘主任能认可我认错的态度,我真的已经深刻的反省到我的错误了。也希望同事们要引以为戒,不要犯和我一样愚蠢的错误了,这次的教训真的很大很大。 如今,大错既成,我在懊悔的同时反思自己,觉得深藏在我思想中的致命错误主要是思想觉悟不高,对重要事项重视严重不足,就算是有认识,也没能在行动上真正实行起来。我会以这次事件作为一面镜子时时检点、批评和教育自己,自觉接受监督。我也要通过这次事件,提高思想认识,强化责任措施。严格要求自己。我决心,从思想上重视公司的规章制度,提高自己的思想觉悟,每天努力工作,做到爱岗敬业。对于这一切我还将进一步深入总结,深刻反省,恳请主任和同事们相信我能够汲取教训、改正错误,把今后的事情加倍努力干好。不再迟到。 此致 敬礼 |
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