标题 | 中英文自我介绍范文 |
范文 | 中英文自我介绍范文(通用26篇) 中英文自我介绍范文 篇1Hello, my name is wang yan, a high heart can meet all of you, for me, is more stubborn, I decided that things will never change, unless you are right I was wrong. Early in the morning, standing in front of the mirror, look in the mirror in the familiar face, feel oneself was a child, but I was in junior, is no longer a child. Think of every little bit of good friends, unconsciously tears just climbed up the face, yeah! And did six years of his close friend, to this, that separate is separate, there must be many. But what's the use? Time is not to say stop. I still face the reality! I am very forgetful, once, I can't find my shoes, anyway by mother remind later discovered I wash the shoes, on the outside. You said I am not forgetful forgetfulness. I like the teacher's help, but I'm very careless, often counterproductive. Once the teacher asked me to help him finish his writing board, as a result, I listen to the blackboard writing all wipe up, the teacher without saying anything hard writing blackboard writing brush. The teacher got red in the face. Funny you say is not funny. I am such a person, to welcome you all to find my friends! I'm very good friends but oh ~ ~ 大家好,我叫王燕,很高心能够认识大家,我呢,比较倔,我认定的事情绝不会改变,除非你是对的我是错的。 清晨,站在镜子面前,看着镜子中熟悉的脸,觉得自己还是小孩子,可惜我已经升入初中了,不再是小孩子了。 想起和好朋友的一点一滴,不知不觉眼泪就爬上了脸,是啊!和自己做了六年的好友,到这会,说分开就分开了,肯定有许多的不舍。但有什么用呢。时间也不是能说停就停的。我还是面对现实吧! 我还很健忘,一次,我死活找不到我的鞋,后来经妈妈的提醒才发现我把鞋洗了,搭在了外面。大家说我健忘不健忘。 我喜欢帮老师的忙,但是我这个人很马虎,经常帮倒忙。有一次老师叫我帮他把他的板书写完,结果,我听成把板书全擦了,二话没说就把老师辛辛苦苦写的板书擦得一干二净。把老师气得脸都红了。你说搞笑不搞笑。 我就是这样一个人,欢迎大家找我做朋友!我对朋友可是很好的哦~~ 中英文自我介绍范文 篇2With a ponytail, is still calculate tall, folds, big eyes, the skin is not black, this is what I -- liang in spirit. Sometimes a little capricious, sometimes a little clever, this is me - liang in spirit. I claim to be ice snow cleverness, lively and lovely, innocence. (a bit exaggerated) I like reading, singing, watching TV... This year 12 years old. When I was in grade 4 are activists, 5th grade is outstanding young pioneers, also had a solo contest, today to read grade 6. I also have shortcomings. When I was a child, mama always said: "you ah! What a" naughty "!" My mother is also a reason. 3 grade, I brought friends home to play. That is was a hot summer, we began to play makeup in the house, my mother's cosmetics, everyone to makeup, also take out your home and all the bed sheet when cloak. When mom came back and saw a mess in the home, we all dress up like a clown again, then in distress situation and a little angrily scold me is a "little devil". 扎着马尾辫,个子还算高,单眼皮,大眼睛,皮肤不黑,这就是我——郑冰灵。有时候有点任性,有时候也有点乖巧,这也是我——郑冰灵。我自称是冰雪聪明,活泼可爱,天真烂漫。(有点夸张)我喜欢看书、唱歌、看电视……今年12岁。我在4年级的时候是积极分子,5年级是优秀少先队员,还得过独唱比赛一等奖,现今要读6年级。我也有缺点。小时候,妈妈常说:“你呀!真是个‘调皮鬼’!”妈妈之所以怎么说也有原因。3年级时,我带同学回家玩。那是真是夏日炎炎,我们便到屋里玩化妆游戏,我把妈妈的化妆品搬出来,给每个同学都化妆了,还把家里所有的被单拿出来当披风。妈妈回来后,看到家里一片狼藉,我们个个又打扮得像小丑似的,便哭笑不得又有点生气地骂我是个“调皮鬼”。 中英文自我介绍范文 篇3Everybody is good! My name is Chen Xiubao. I's average in appearance, has a black head of hair, a pair of small eyes, a cherry small mouth. I figure, height 163 cm. I look good? Many of my hobbies: listening to music, dancing, writing, mathematics, reading. Remember, were busy holiday when I can be busy as a bee: first heard dozens of pop music, then learn to dance for a while TV, write a few composition, do it again a few pages of math problems, to practice the English reading. Just days this summer vacation can not go out, hehe! I have a lot of dream, writer dream, musicians, dancers, translation. Even I myself feel surprised, a little childlike innocence has so many dreams, adults should haven't you? I often fantasy: grow up, when the first few years writers, musicians, when a few more years, then the dancer, the last is the translator. I am who I am, don't see how to go to imitate others, will only adhere to their own subjective, idea. I am who I am, of course, I have many hobbies, have many dreams, so small I always worry about a lifetime of time enough. (ha ha, I'm a bit alarmist!) How, do you like such me? 大家好!我叫陈秀宝。我相貌平平,有着一头乌黑的长发,一双小小的眼睛,一个樱桃般的小嘴巴。我身材一般,身高163厘米。我长的不错吧? 我的爱好很多:听歌、跳舞、作文、数学、阅读。记得,暑忙假时我可忙的不可开交:先是听了几十首流行歌,再学着电视跳了一会儿舞,写了几篇作文,再做了几页数学题,练了一下英语的阅读。就这样暑假竟可以几天不出门,呵呵! 我有着很多的梦想:作家梦、音乐家、舞蹈家、翻译梦。连我自己都觉得惊奇,小小的童心有着这么多的梦想,大人应该都没吧?我常常幻想:长大以后,先当几年作家,再当几年音乐家,然后是舞蹈家,最后是翻译家。 我就是我,不会看见别人怎样就去模仿,只会坚持自己的主观、理念。我就是我,我有着许多爱好,当然有着许多的梦想,所以小小的我总担心一辈子的时间不够用。(呵呵,我有点杞人忧天吧!) 怎么样,这样的我你喜欢吗? 中英文自我介绍范文 篇4Good moring ladies and gentlemen! it is great honour for me to take this interview,thank you for giving me this chance! my name is , i am an undergraduate of xidian university,major in telecommunication engineering.as the cradle of china's telecommunication talents,xidian universtiy's long history,good research atmosphere and the long term cooperation with institue, provide me an excellent stduy environment. after about four years' hard work, i have learnd all the courses of telecommunication engineering and have good command of the basis of telecommunication technology. I am confident that my solid education background will lay me a sound foundation to fulfill my master degree courses! in addition to my solid education background,i have good communicate skill and strong team spirit.i strongly believe this will be a great help for me to fullfil my master degree courses.futher more,i am healthy and tough.besides study i enjoy playing basketball much!Sports give me a healthy body and tough mind. that's all, thank you very much! 早上好女士们先生们! 我很荣幸能接受这次采访,谢谢你给我这个机会! 我的名字是,我是电子科技大学的本科生,在电信engineering.as的中国电信人才的摇篮,电子科技大学的悠久历史,良好的科研氛围 这与研究所长期合作,提供我一个优良的学习环境。 经过四年的努力,我已经学会了电信工程和H的所有课程 熟练掌握通信技术基础。我相信我扎实的教育背景能为我完成硕士学位课程打下良好的基础! 除了我的 坚实的教育背景,我有良好的沟通能力和团队精神。我相信这将是一个让我完成我的硕士courses.futher的情况有很大的帮助,我的健康和韧性 我很喜欢打篮球h.besides研究!运动给我健康的身体和坚韧的心灵。 这一切,非常感谢! 中英文自我介绍范文 篇5各位老师下午好,我叫,来自x大学x学院专业。从进入大学开始我就把能进入北航深造作为自己的梦想。所以我今天能在这里参加面试,我感到很高兴,也很激动。因为我离我的梦想很近。 刚入学的时候,我听说有几个07级的学长学姐保研到了北航,从那以后我就以他们为榜样,希望自己也能像他们一样。 大一的时候,我学习很努力,天天穿梭于教室和图书馆之间,大一结束后我的成绩是专业第一名。 大二的时候,我参加了学院的学生工作,负责组织和协调整个学院的寒暑假社会实践活动。这一年我也参加了学校学院的各种活动,结交了许多好朋友,在和老师同学的交流过程中,我也成长了许多,学会了很多做人做事的道理。当然,在这个过程中,我的积极表现也受到了老师和同学的好评,获得了一些奖项,包括“优秀共青团干部”“社会实践先进个人”等,而且我也积极向党组织靠拢,于去年的十月份成为中共预备党员。 大三的时候,我主要任务是学习专业知识参加一些学术活动,所以我辞去了学生工作,专心学习专业知识,这一年我主要学习了自动控制、嵌入式系统开发等知识,完成了相应的课程设计,通过这些专业知识的学习,我更加确定了自己在自动化专业的发展方向。由于大三成绩是专业第一,最近我已经取得了国家奖学金的推荐名额。 在科学研究方面,我主要参加了三个项目: 第一个是北京市科研创新项目,在这个项目中,我们设计并制作了一个无线供电系统,并将其应用在无线鼠标上,使现在广泛应用的无线鼠标抛弃了使用电池的烦恼,从电路设计焊接,到应用测试,我收获的不仅是硬件方面的专业知识,还有团队合作和解决困难的能力等等。 第二个项目是大三结束后,我去了大连东软软件集团实习,在这次实习中,我作为团队的负责人和技术员,带领团队完成了linux下局域网聊天软件的开发,从需求分析,到设计编码,再到测试,我了解了一个商业软件的开发流程,也学会了如何做好一个项目的负责人。 第三个是第一范文网现在正在做的嵌入式说话人识别系统的开发,目前已经实现pc机环境下的识别,正在制作ui以及向目标板移植。 在个人技能方面,我一次性通过了英语四六级,听说读写都还ok,计算机方面,初步掌握了c语言,c++,能熟练应用办公软件和多媒体处理软件,通过了计算机基础综合技能认证. 如果能如愿以偿的进入北航,我打算在硕士阶段有以下规划:首先,进一步了解我的研究方向,认真补充专业知识;同时希望能够跟着老师接触一些项目,用项目驱动学习。希望自己到最后能够自己带项目。另外如果有机会的话,希望能够在北航继续深造,攻读博士学位。 Good afternoon teachers, my name is , from College of University. From entering the university I started to study into northern as their dream. So I'm here today to participate in the interview, I feel very happy, very excited. Because I'm very close to my dream. When school, I heard that there are a few level 07 senior security research to the north, since then I have to follow their example, and I also want to be like them. Freshman year, I study very hard, every day shuttling between the classroom and the library, after the end of freshman year, my results are professional first Sophomore year, I attended the college students work, responsible for the organization and coordination of the whole college summer social practice. This year I also participated in various activities of the school, made many good friends, communication between students and teachers, I also grow up, learn a lot of life do the truth. Of course, in this process, I also got positive comments from teachers and classmates, won some awards, including "outstanding communist Youth League cadres" and "social practice advanced individual", and I also actively to the party organization in October of last year to become the Communist Party. Junior year, my main task is to learn professional knowledge in some academic activities, so I resigned from the work of students, to learn professional knowledge, this year I learned knowledge of automatic control, embedded system, complete the corresponding curriculum design, through the study of professional knowledge, I have identified themselves in the direction of the development of automation specialty. Because of the large third grade is the first professional, recently I have made a recommended places national scholarship. In the field of scientific research, I have mainly participated in three projects: The first one is the research and innovation project of Beijing City, in this project, we designed and developed a wireless power supply system, and its application in the wireless mouse, wireless mouse is widely used now abandoned the use of battery trouble, welding from the circuit design, the application of the test, I not only gain professional knowledge of hardware, and teamwork and problem-solving abilities and so on. The second project is the third year after the end, I went to Dalian Neusoft software group practice, in this internship, I as a person and technician in charge of the team, lead the team to complete the development of Linux LAN chat software, from the demand analysis, design and test, encoding, I understand a commercial software the development process, but also learned how to do the person in charge of a project. The third is the development of embedded speaker recognition system abroad now, PC environment recognition has been achieved, making UI and transplanted to the target board. In personal skills, I passed the English level 46, speaking and writing are also OK, computer, initially mastered the language of C, c++, proficient in office software and multimedia processing software, through the comprehensive skills of computer based authentication. If you wish to enter university, I'm going to have the following plan at the postgraduate level: first, to further understand the direction of my research, serious and professional knowledge; and hope to be able to follow the teacher to contact some projects, using project driven learning. Hope to finally be able to bring their own projects. In addition, if there is a chance, I hope to continue to study in BUAA, PhD. 中英文自我介绍范文 篇6Good afternoon, everyone! My name is wjh. I am 12 years old. Now I’m a student in Xitan School. The school is a little far from my home, so I uaually get up early and go to school by bike. My favorite subject in school is English, because it’s very interesting. I like Chinese too. My teachers are kind and fun. I like them. I have many friends at school and we usually study and play together. On weekends, I usually go shopping with my mother, sometimes I climb moutains with my father. I love my parents very much and they love me. I like eating fruits and vegetables, because I want to be healthy. Fish is my favorite food. It’s yummy. In four seasons, I like winter best. Because I like playing with snow. I made a beautiful snowman with my parents last year. I was very happy. I hope it will snow this year too. I have a dog. His name is Xixi. He is very smart and lovely. I like playing with him. I think I am a happy girl. I often smile and I’m very friendly. I hope you like me. Thank you! 中英文自我介绍范文 篇7各位教授: 下午好! 很高兴有机会能参加这次面试和各位教授交流。首先,我简洁地介绍一下自己,我叫宋,今年25岁,来自河南商丘,20xx年毕业于河南理工大学机械与动力工程学院,所学的专业是工业设计,其次,我想谈一下我四年的大学生活,让我学到了很多,很多的实践让我从从各个方面提高了自己,不但让我学会了如何思考,学习的方法,还让我看到了实践的重要性。 作为一名学生,我深知学习机会的不易,我学习很努力,其中3年拿了学校的奖学金,我还积极地参加各种活动和设计大赛,曾在河南理工大学首届和第二届青少年科技文化节中分别荣获“摄影大赛优秀奖”和“节徽设计大赛二等奖”。在20xx年中的“张江杯”设计大赛中工业设计类中设计的笔记本电脑荣获优秀奖。在大学中我也遇到了好的老师和朋友,从他们身上我学到了很多东西,这对我能力的提高和成长起了很大的作用。 再次,我来介绍一下我的毕业之后的工作情况,我大致工作了两年的时间,第一年是在福建迪特工业设计公司,担任工业设计师,主要从事产品设计工作,曾在设计总监的带领下为参加多个设计项目-泉州佳乐集团开发的可视门铃设计和辉煌水暖20xx年的新产品开发设计. 其中为辉煌水暖开发命名为龙的水龙头已投入生产并获得了好评.第二年是在福建文创太阳能有限公司工作,担任设计师,主要的工作为太阳能灯具和音响的产品设计,公司画册的设计;为公司的设计的多款太阳能灯具已投入生产,并受到了客户的好评,在工业设计小组共同努力下设计的太阳能音响已进入了产品的测试阶段,在公司的期间曾多次到车间深入了解材料工艺模具加工和产品生产过程,多次到广交会顺德工业设计博览会了解市场的产品信息。 最后,我想谈一下,我考研的原因和研究的方向,我喜欢做设计,当看着自己的创意和产品得到别人认可的时候是一件无比兴奋的事情;还有就是两年的工作经验让我认识到我专业知识的局限,感觉在设计方面还有很多东西要学,自己的知识和能力还远远不够,特别是在经济快速发展的今天,更需要通过系统的复习来提高自己的能力,来最大化地实现自我价值,想通过3年的学习来对工业设计有个更加深入的了解,我很喜欢学校的感觉和体现出来的学习氛围,到处充满着青春活力,有很多的机会让你去实践和尝试,让人可以深入思考和进行学术的研究。 如果我有机会在这所学校学习,我计划把自己的研究方向定为工业设计,因为我发现设计在社会的发展中发挥了越来越重要的作用,特别在国家由制造业大国转变为创新型国家的时候更是如此,虽然现在中国整个社会对设计的认可还不是很高,特别是在一些中小型企业中,但是纵观一些发达国家的发展过程,不难发现,工业设计将会在社会发展起到不可替代的作用。 随和,自信,乐于助人,副有责任心,是我的优点,有着广泛的爱好,在空闲时间,我喜欢听歌,看电影,看书,打篮球,来使我更加健康,如要有机会在学校学习,在三年中我会更加努力地学习,为将来的职业打下坚实的基础, 好的,我期待着我的研究生学习和生活的开始。 Fellow professors: Good afternoon. Very glad to have the opportunity to participate in this interview and the professors. First, I briefly introduce myself, my name is song * *, this year 25 years old, from Henan Shangqiu, in 20xx graduated from the Henan Polytechnic University School of mechanical and power engineering, majored in industrial design, the time, I want to talk about my four years the university life, I learned a lot, a lot of practice let me from from the aspects of improving his, not only let me learn how to think, the methods of learning, also let me see the importance of practice. As a student, I know the learning opportunities is not easy, I study hard, which took the school scholarship for 3 years, I also actively participate in various activities and design competition in Henan Polytechnic University, the first and the second session of the youth science and technology culture festival were awarded the "Excellence Award" and "photography contest Festival logo design contest two prize". In 20xx the "Zhangjiang cup design contest in the class of industrial design notebook computer won the Excellence Award. In the university I had good teachers and friends, from them I learned a lot of things, this on my ability and development plays a very important role. Again, I introduce the work after my graduation, I generally work in the past two years, the first year in Fujian's industrial design company, as an industrial designer, mainly engaged in product design work, has participated in a number of design projects - Quanzhou Jiale group developed visual doorbell design and brilliant plumbing for 08 years the new product development and design in the design director under the leadership. Which is named dragon development brilliant plumbing faucet has been put into production and won praise. Second years is a Solar Energy Ltd in Fu Jianwen, as a designer, the main work is the product design of solar lamps and sound design, company pictures; a variety of solar lighting company's design has been put into production, and by the customers from design in industrial design team under the joint efforts of the solar energy sound has entered the stage of product testing, in the company several times during the workshop to understand material mould processing technology and product production process, Shunde Industrial Design Expo Fair many times to understand the market information of the products。 Finally, I want to talk about, I am the reason and research direction, I love to do the design, when looking at their ideas and products are recognized by others when it is a very exciting thing; there is two years of work experience makes me realize my professional knowledge limitations, there are many things to learn in feeling design, my knowledge and ability is not enough, especially in today's rapid economic development, more need to improve their ability through the review system, to maximize the realization of self value, want to learn through 3 years of industrial design has a more in-depth understanding, I feel very love school and reflected in the studyThe atmosphere of learning is full of youthful vigor, and there are many opportunities for you to practice and try, so that people can think deeply and do academic research If I have the chance to study in this school, I plan to put their research direction for industrial design, because I found the design in the development of society has played an increasingly important role, especially in countries from a manufacturing country into an innovative country when it is so, although the entire social recognition of Chinese the design is not very high, especially in some small and medium enterprises in the development process, but in some developed countries, it is not difficult to find, the industrial design will be an irreplaceable role in the social development. Easy-going, confident, willing to help others, side has the sense of responsibility, is my advantage, has a wide range of hobbies in my spare time, I love listening to music, watching movies, reading, playing basketball, make me more healthy, like to have the opportunity to learn at school, in three years I will work harder to learn and a solid foundation for future occupation, OK, I'm looking forward to the beginning of my graduate studies and life 中英文自我介绍范文 篇8Hello, everyone. My name is Feng Yirong, also known as "ant banyan." Gender: Different from Dad. Age: older than 10, younger than 12. Appearance: High nose, eyes, thick eyebrows, like mother, front teeth, thin lips and father are no different. My weakness: laziness. Mother often said that my father and I are two melons on a vine, a big lazy, a small lazy. Quilts never fold, my mother said I was a lazy cat, I also have words: sleep at night must not open! My biggest characteristic is perseverance, as long as I believe that things, I will not fear to persevere. During the summer vacation, I want to learn how to swim. I swim in the same way as the coach instructs me. My friends are all playing and scolding. I practice back and forth alone, and finally learn swimming in a short time. In the Olympic Mathematics class, I often encounter difficult problems. If I think I have the ability to solve them, I will never consult my teacher first, but I have to solve them by myself. I am such a person. 中英文自我介绍范文 篇9I am . I was born in . I graduate from senior high school and major in English. I started learning English since I was 12 years old. My parents have a lot of American friends. That’s why I have no problem communicating with Americans or others by speaking English. In my spare time, I like to do anything relating to English such as listening to English songs, watching English movies or TV programs, or even attending the activities held by some English clubs or institutes. I used to go abroad for a short- term English study. During that time, I learned a lot of daily life English and saw a lot of different things.I think language is very interesting. I could express one substance by using different sounds. So I wish I could study and read more English literatures and enlarge my knowledge. 我是.我出生在。我高中毕业,主修英语。我从12岁开始学英语。我的父母有很多美国朋友。这就是为什么我没有专业 问题与美国人或其他国家的英语。 在我的业余时间,我喜欢做任何与英语有关的事情,如听英文歌曲,看英语电影或电视节目,甚至参加一些英语俱乐部或我举办的活动 研究机构。我过去经常出国学习短期英语。 在那段时间里,我学到了很多日常生活英语,看到了很多不同的东西,我认为语言很有趣。我可以 用不同的声音表达一种物质。所以我希望我能学习和阅读更多的英文文献和扩大我的知识。 中英文自我介绍范文 篇10GoodMorning / Afternoon, My dear teachers My nameis . I am 11 years old, and I am a fifth grade student. I have many hobbies. I like drawing and I can drawvery well, which get a lot of praise from my teachers and friends. I likesports, such as dancing, skating, biking and playing badminton. I often play badmintonwith my sisters and we have a great fun together. I love music, especially thepop music, which makes me feel relax. I love English, too. I hope I can travelall over the world one day. I have manyfriends. I often study and play with and . Sometimes, wego to bookstore or supermarket together. We are so happy when we are together. Ilove my friends and they love me, too. That'sall! Thank you for your attention. 老师上午好!(下午好) 我叫,我今年11岁,我是小学五年级学生。 我的爱好很多。我喜欢画画,我画的画可捧了,大家都夸我画得好。我喜欢体育运动,如跳舞、溜冰、骑自行车、打羽毛球。我经常和姐姐们一起打羽毛球,我们都非常开心。我喜欢音乐,尤其是流行音乐,它让我觉得很放松。我喜欢英语,我希望有一天我能到世界各地去旅游。 我有很多朋友。我经常和她们一起学习、玩耍。我们还一起逛书店、逛超市,我们在一起非常开心。我爱我的朋友们,她们也爱我! 我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家! 中英文自我介绍范文 篇11我叫,我来自。我身高1米68,五官端正、举止端庄、极具亲和力,我希望能通过自己的努力成为一名空乘人员,工作在蓝天白云间,仰观宇宙云卷云舒,俯看祖国大好河山。 空乘,一直是一个单纯女孩傻傻的梦想,美丽,浪漫,与白云为伴,蓝天上的天使,是我对它的理解。也许,我不像天使那样美丽,但我会发自内心地以乘客至上,乘客才是我的天使。我会关心别人的感受,躬下身子,学会倾听,学会沟通,学会服务,学会微笑,学会享受飞翔带给自己和他人的快乐。 也许,我还稚嫩,但我会努力,也希望从你们这里得到一次让梦想飞翔的机会。我相信,当梦想被赐予一双翅膀,飞翔再也不是一种渴望,我要飞向那远方,跨越那大海高山白云蓝天世界。我知道我要的那种幸福就在那片更高的天空,我要飞翔,我要阳光,我要飞得更高。 My name is , I come from . I 68 1 meters tall, handsome, dignified, very friendly, I hope that through their own efforts to become a flight attendant, in the blue sky and white clouds, then the universe Yunjuanyunshu, overlooking the motherland beautiful rivers and mountains of a country. The flight attendant, always is a pure girl silly dream, beautiful, romantic, and white clouds and blue sky angel, is my understanding of it. Maybe, I don't like angel so beautiful, but I will from the heart to the passengers first, passenger is my angel. I don't care about people feel, leaned, learn to listen, learn to communicate, learn, learn to smile, learn to enjoy fly to yourself and others happy. Maybe, I still immature, but I will work hard, also hope to get a chance to dream of flying from you. I believe that when the dream was given a pair of wings, flying is not one kind of hope again, I must fly to that distant, across the sea mountain white clouds blue sky world. I know I want that kind of happiness is in the higher sky, I want to fly, I want the sunlight, I want to fly higher. 中英文自我介绍范文 篇12Good morning/afternoon, Dear Professors: ①It’s my honor to be here for this interview. My name is Sun Wei-feng, I come from * City, Henan Province. I graduated from * of *. Now I am a second-year post-graduate student, my supervisor is professor *, and my major is *. ②I come from countryside and my parents and brother are farmers. My mother is a bit disabled and my family is relatively poor, but I love my family very much. “One may be poor but never ceases to be ambitious.” Life is not easy which teach me to cherish life, endure hardships and be never giving up. I believe the knowledge can change the destiny, so I am always doing and will go on. ③Soil and rock are playmates in my childhood, which makes me, have deep feelings for them. For this reason, I choose Geotechnical engineering and love it very much. As you can see in my resume, the achievements of my professional courses are not too bad and I obtained many related certificates during my undergraduate and graduate study, which is the witness of my love for Geotechnical engineering. In college, I also successfully passed College English Test-Band six and Band two of national computer test. ④Please don’t think I am a bookworm, but, as a matter of fact, I am a person who pay attention to all-round development. I love life, stay positive, be helpful, and successfully joined the Communist Party of China last year. As we all know, “The body is the revolution’s capital.” So I like running and playing horizontal bar, I feel they relax me and make me full of energy. Please don’t look at me with a thin appearance, but now I have six-pack. ⑤Geotechnical engineering is a major which involves many aspects, such as surveying, construction, design and monitoring. Therefore, I think, if one wants to have a much better development in Geotechnical engineering, he should obey the following steps: First of all, he should calm down so as to tamp solid professional knowledge; furthermore he should does scientific research by making innovations, keeping careful confirmation and linking theory with practice; last but not least, he should applies research achievements to practice engineering. ⑥In a word, I strive for this chance for future study in Geotechnical engineering, I want to continue my love with Geotechnical engineering. So I hope to receive the support of all dear professors. That’s all, thank you! 中英文自我介绍范文 篇13hello,everybody! i’m very glad to be here.now i feel my heart beats very faster.it is a joke. let me make a deep breath for relax.my chinese name is chenyuheng,you can call me steven in english too. i came from yucai boarding school in wuhan.today,i wanna show my best to everyone. ok, now, do you want to know more about me?my favourite food is egg fried rice,because it is yummy,easy and healthful .i like it!my favourite colour is black,it is so mystery and cool! i have so many black t-shirt.my favourite movie is harry port.i feel the actor very handsome. i have so many hobbies.i like swimming very much.in summer,i can swimming in the pool with my friends.i feel i am a fish when i in the pool .i also like playing the computer games.if you like, you can join our team.his is me, a clever and energetic boy. i like making friends,too. so i have so many good friends, do you want to be my friends?thank you,thank you give me a chance.hank you……all! 大家好!我来这儿我感觉我的心跳的很faster.it是笑话很高兴。让我为relax.my中文名字是chenyuheng做深呼吸,你可以叫我史提芬的英文。我 来自育才寄宿学校在武汉。今天,我想给我最好的人。 好的,现在,你想知道更多关于我的事吗?我最喜欢的食物是鸡蛋炒饭,因为它好吃,容易和健康!我最喜欢的颜色是黑色,它是如此神秘和酷!我有这么多 黑t-shirt.my最喜欢的电影是哈利港。我觉得很英俊的演员。我有很多爱好,我很享受。夏天喜欢游泳,我可以和我的朋友们在游泳池里游泳。 我觉得我是一条鱼 当我在游泳池里。我也喜欢玩电脑games.if你喜欢,你可以加入我们的team.his就是我,一个聪明、精力充沛的孩子。我也喜欢交朋友。所以我有这么多好朋友,你呢? 蚂蚁是我的朋友?谢谢你,谢谢你给我一个chance.hank你! 中英文自我介绍范文 篇14I am a sincere man, have a stable personality and a high sense of responsibility; Initiative,independent, and have coordination skills and teamwork spirit; prepared to work hard , have good communication skills and Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force strong ability to learn, glad to accept other’s guidance and criticism. Studious nature and dedication are my greatest strengths. Have strong determination to succeed. All I want is to progress together with company during my burning youth. 中英文自我介绍范文 篇15我是XX学院会计学专业20xx届毕业生。四年的大学生活,我认真学习专业知识,专业成绩名列前茅。现已系统的学习并掌握了本专业所开设的课程,如初级会计学,财务会计,财务管理,成本会计,管理会计,审计学,统计学等相关课程,有了扎实的专业理论基础;同时,我自学了photoshop 7.0软件、金碟财务软件,从而提高了我的自学能力。 大学期间,我明白理论必须联系实践,于是我也练就了较好的实践能力。20xx年7月-8月,我在神州电子有限责任公司担任仓库人员,负责入库及发料登记,认真配合部门工作,从中认识到部门沟通的重要性。虽然我的实践内容与所学专业有所出入,但我的实践能力、交际能力、吃苦耐劳能力等都得到了提升,也培养了自己的细心、耐心与专心。同时,在实践期间我认真向单位会计人员学习,对会计工作坏境有了初步的认识。 大学是学习与积累的过程,为适应经济、科技和社会发展需要,我积极地参加各种社交活动,参与了大量的活动策划、组织工作。大学期间,曾担任院考研协会策划组组长,具有一定的组织管理能力;担任秘书组干事,做事负责、认真。经过长期的学习和锻炼,积累了丰富的工作经验,为以后工作打下良好的基础。如果贵公司给我一个机会,我一定不会让公司失望。 I am School of accounting professional graduates in 20xx . four years of university life, I seriously study and professional knowledge, professional grade. Now system to learn and master the professional courses, such as accounting, financial accounting, financial management, cost accounting, management accounting, auditing, statistics and other related courses. Have a solid theoretical foundation; at the same time, I learned Photoshop 7 software, Kingdee software, so as to improve my ability of self-study. During the University, I must understand theory with practice, so I also have good practical ability of.20xx years -8 months of July, I served as a warehouse staff in China electronic limited liability company, responsible for warehousing and issuing registration, coordination department work, to know the importance of communication department. Although the content of my study and practice professional differ, but my practice ability, communication ability, hard working ability have been improved, but also cultivate their caring, patience and devotion. At the same time, during the practice I seriously to the accounting personnel of the unit of learning, have a preliminary understanding of accounting work environment. The university is a process of learning and accumulation, in order to meet the need of economic, technological and social development, I actively participate in various social activities, participated in a number of activities planning and organization work. During the University, served as the Institute of Postgraduate Association planning team, has the certain organization management ability; served as secretary of the group director, responsible, careful. After a long time of learning and training, and has accumulated rich experience, after laying a good foundation. If you give me a chance, I will not let down. 中英文自我介绍范文 篇16From flight attendant professional high school, I study in Qingdao foreign aviation services professional services vocational school (school), three years after graduation to go to guangzhou civil aviation college (don't do evaluation for the school), a total learned four and a half years attendant professional, after one and a half years at the university of in the sky. Surface of Air China zhejiang, shenzhen airlines, China Eastern airlines northwest, in the eastern northwest company do now hon. Below I said the personal interview experience, because on his face three companies, so I Shared my experience over the years. Actually interview mainly points three parts, the first level: personal image display and introduce yourself, closed 2: oral English written test. Guan 3: the interviewer's questions (mainly investigate the students' family situation, language expression ability, good or bad skin, any special skill, etc.) The first level is the most important, because is directly related to the back of the success or failure. When personal image display (standing, walking, squatting), want to smile, the eyes, in the middle of the examiner seats examiner, someone will ask to see the examiner what place? The test tube of the eyebrows, so she can feel you are very professional, very comfortable. In personal image show everyone will have a 1 minute after the personal self introduction, have the students want to ask, self introduction should say what good? Someone said when they introduce myself my name is , studying in school, height, weight, hobby is , is answered. All is bullshit! The examiner to immediately say: good, next! Note that one minute to introduce myself, only less than 10 seconds, even the examiner to observe your time all have no, let a person feel is that you don't attach importance to this interview, in fact you not, psychological also pay special attention to particularly nervous. First of all, 30 seconds to introduce yourself into Chinese, English for 30 seconds, the content of the English and Chinese can't repeat, introduce yourself don't put the Chinese directly translated into English. Let me introduce my self to give you for your reference: The judges hello, my name is , from Qingdao, my specialty is vocal music, piano. 02 attended to be held in Beijing the first China civil aviation college students to promote fair, and won a silver medal of the aviation knowledge quiz silver medal, service skills, with a piano in the talent show about sing "friendship forever" won the judges and audience's high praise, because my father is an army pilot, so wide in the army, I grew up a soldier's quality and style of work. I believe that I will to I teach good service consciousness, continue to keep good service image for China Eastern, thank you. 中英文自我介绍范文 篇17good morning! dear teachers! first, thank you for giving me this opportunity for an interview. i’d like to briefly introduce myself. my name is liao chunlan, born in chongqing, will soon graduate from sichuan international studies university, bachelor of arts (文学学士), master’s degree. i have been teaching english while i’ve been studying for postgraduate courses. because my major is english language and literature, importantly, my research orientation is theories and practice of english language teaching. the teaching experience is very helpful for my study and my job. i have taught oral english in the international exchange department in sichuan international studies university. and i have taught business english in english department of this university. well, i also have the great honor to teach college english in chongqing education college. to be a teacher is my dream, to be a great teacher is my goal. in my spare time, i like reading, watching movies, surfing the internet, doing sports, and travelling. 中英文自我介绍范文 篇18我的名字叫,来自长沙。 我,爱笑,爱乐,爱简单,爱热闹,爱听音乐爱交朋友,爱自由自在,爱与众同乐,爱hold不住的兴奋,也爱无厘头的搞笑,爱安安静静的自得其乐,也爱疯疯癫癫的热热闹闹,我就是这样,不管你欣赏不欣赏,我依然在自己的人生道路上跌跌撞撞而又不失姿态的走下去。 我的历史没有光彩夺目的修饰,只有一步一步努力证明自己的艰辛与坚定。做过团支书,知道团支书的不易与担当;做过学习委员,不是想象中的闲职,是必须为大家的学习负责;获得过“三好学生”,才懂得成功不是随随便便,轻而易举的眼高手低,而是实实在在,不懈努力的眼低手高;获得过“优秀班干”,终于尝到“在其位,谋其政”的甜头。过去了就让它过去吧,毕竟这已成为历史,现在我能做的就是——在大学生新的征途中抓住机遇,展现自己,与大家一起同享大学带来的surprises。 进入大学意味着无限的机会,一个征服新的领域的机会。我想在大学充实自己的生活,培养自己的能力,“见贤思齐焉”,不断拔高自己。舞台这么大,我会很努力,很努力,很努力,很努力地去拼搏,去奋斗。博一下,才不悔我大学的一路走来。 在大学里,我想把最给力的自己展现给大家,与大家伙儿一起day day up(天天向上)! 中英文自我介绍范文 篇19早上好!很高兴有机会可以参加这次面试,我叫 毕业于师范大学小学教育英语专业。 毕业后一直从事小学英语教育工作。致力于小学英语教学实践并较有成效。在工作中通过自己的努力和各学科老师的帮助,逐步形成了自己的教学风格‘师生相处和谐,“情知互动,寓教寓乐”的教学风格,依托共鸣的师生情感,利用英语的独特魅力和特性吸引、感染学生自觉自愿、主动积极并富有创造性地在无拘无束、轻松愉快的氛围中参与英语活动。在英语活动中鼓励学生张扬个性,发挥潜能,培养引导激发学生对英语的兴趣。 自从教以来,我连续数年在全县优质课和优秀论文评选活动中获奖,XX年我被评为县级骨干教师今年暑假,我又在高等师范专科学校参加了省级骨干教师的培训,聆听名家教诲,和来自全省各地老师交流教学经验,从中让我看到了自己的渺小和不足,在以后的工作中,我将虚心学习,积极进取。“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。”多年的教育教学生涯和生活的磨练,我已逐渐褪去了稚气和青涩,变得成熟而自信。我也在不断的工作中体会到教师这个职业是一个需要更多责任心和细心去完成也真正体会到了“学高为师,身正为范。”的道理我认为我完全有能力胜任教育教学工作,并且我也真心的热爱教师这一职业。如果我有机会能够加入贵校,成为其中的一员,我定不会让在座的各位评委老师失望! 做到了学高为师,身正为范为学生树立榜样、,勇当教育创新的探索者、素质教育的实践者 最后,我再次感谢各位评委老师给我这个机会,谢谢! Good morning. I'm glad to have the opportunity to participate in this interview. My name is , I graduated from Normal University and majoring in English Education Has been engaged in primary school English education. After graduation working in primary school English teaching practice and more effective. In the work through their own efforts and the help of teachers of all subjects, and gradually formed its own style of teaching teachers and students' harmony, the interaction between knowledge and emotion, education and fun "Teaching style, relying on the resonance of the emotion between teachers and students the use of the unique charm and characteristics of English, to attract students infected, willing, proactive and creative activities in English freely, in a relaxed atmosphere. In English activities to encourage students to develop their potential and cultivate individuality, stimulate students' interest in English. Since has taught for several years, I won the prize in the contest the county class quality and excellent thesis, I was named the backbone teachers in this summer vacation, I took part in the provincial backbone teachers training in higher normal school, , listen to masters teachings, and from all the teachers to exchange teaching experience, from let me see their small and inadequate, in future work, I will learn, positive enterprising. "A long way to go, I will seek." years of teaching career and life, I have gradually faded childish and sentimental, I become mature and confident. Feel in the work constantly The teacher occupation is a need for more responsible and careful to do also really appreciate the "high school teacher, who is the norm." the reason I think I have the ability to do the work of education and teaching, and I really love the teacher occupation. If I have the opportunity to join your school and become a among them, I will not let you disappointed the judges! I have done high school as a teacher. I am setting an example for the fans. I am an explorer of education innovation and a practitioner of quality education. In the end, I would like to thank the judges again for giving me this opportunity. Thank you! 中英文自我介绍范文 篇20我是,所学的是国际政治专业,四年的大学生活是我人生的关键点。校园生涯和社会实践生活我不断的挑战自我、充实自己,为实现人生的价值打下坚实的基础。 学习中,我脚踏实地,求实创新。一直努力的学习专业课知识,掌握了社会科学和自然科学相结合的分析方法。了解我国对外方针政策、法规以及国际政治的理论前沿和政治学、世界经济的发展动态。为提高自己的社会交往和各方面知识的运用能力,我积极参加社会实践。这些经历,不仅增强了我吃苦耐劳、自理自立的能力,还提高了我与别人合作与交往的能力。 思想上,我积极要求上进,以党员为目标严格要求自己.我还利用课余时间深入了解各系团总支、学生分会和学生社团的日常职责及工作情况,协助各学生团体之间开展联谊活动,增进了各学生团体之间的交流。通过这些活动,不仅营造了良好的学习氛围,还丰富了校园文化,充实了新同学们的业余文化生活,还增强同学们的集体荣誉感、团队精神. 在可贵的四年大学生活里,我经历了人生不曾有过的许多东西,我只能说四年助就了我成功的一半,我自信能凭自己的能力和学识在毕业以后的工作和生活中克服各种困难,不断实现自我的人生价值和追求的目标。 I am * * *, the international politics major, four years of university life is the key point in my life. The campus life career and social practice, I constantly challenge themselves, to enrich themselves, a solid foundation for the realization of the value of life lay. I am learning, down-to-earth, realistic and innovative. Have been efforts to learn professional knowledge, master the analysis method of social science and natural science. Combining the understanding of China's foreign policies, regulations and international political theory and political science, the dynamic development of the world economy. In order to improve their social contacts and other aspects the ability of using knowledge, I actively participate in social practice. These experiences not only strengthened my hard-working, self-supporting ability, but also improve my ability to cooperate with others and contacts. I thought, positive progress requirements, to the party is strict with myself. I also used the spare time to understand the Department of youth daily responsibilities and work of student branch and student organizations, to assist each student organizations to carry out activities, enhance the communication between each student groups. Through these activities, not only to create a good learning atmosphere, but also enrich the campus culture, enrich the new students amateur cultural life, but also enhance the collective sense of honor students, team spirit. In the precious four years of university life, I have experienced many things in life don't have, I can only say that four years will help half I succeed, I am confident of their own abilities and knowledge in the work after graduation and overcome various difficulties in life, realize their value of life and the pursuit of the goal. 中英文自我介绍范文 篇21各位评委你们好,我叫,来自青岛,我的特长是声乐、钢琴。02年参加过在北京举行的首届中国民航航空院校学员推介展示会,并且获得了航空知识问答银奖、服务技能银奖,在才艺展示中以一首钢琴谈唱《友谊地久天长》获得在长评委和观众的好评,因为父亲是一名部队飞行员,所以在部队里张大的我,从小就有一种军人的素质和工作作风。我相信,我会以我教好的服务意识,继续为东航保持良好的服务形象,谢谢。 英文版 Good morning everyone,my name is ,and my english name is . Iam 21 years old and iam from (qingdao/) . I have very happy family, they were my mother,my father and i. my father is soldier and my mother is doctor .i love them verymuch,we leave very luckly everyday! I have some interests, four example: play piano singsong ang swimming.I have lend so much from them. when i was young, i haved a dream, i was dreaming flying in the sky, so ,i long to work in the plain. then, iam here,i weash you would take me, because iam looking four would, to working four(china easten airlines),nice meeting you again. thank you ! 中英文自我介绍范文 篇22My name is Zhou Huantao. I'm 11 years old. I've just finished fifth grade. I am not tall or short. I am thin. I have bright eyes under my dark hair. Round little face, sweet smile, showing irregular small white teeth, full of love for life, this is the smart me. I am more open-minded, approachable and love to make friends. There are also many hobbies: playing computer, playing table tennis, drawing, reading and so on. Among them, reading is necessary for everyday life. Chairman Mao has such a sentence: food can be eaten every day, sleep can be a day, and books can not be read every day. This also aroused my perception of knowledge in the book. My favorite book is Encyclopedia for Children. I remember when Dad bought it, I jumped on it desperately, holding the book and refused to put it away. Then I sat in my chair and watched with relish. At noon, my parents asked me to eat, but I was still touring the world of knowledge. I have not only many advantages, but also many disadvantages, such as carelessness, playfulness and love to read while lying down. Of course, these shortcomings I am secretly modifying, because people will always progress! Look, this is me. I hope you all make friends with me. 中英文自我介绍范文 篇23Hello! My name is Chen Danqing. My English name is Joy. I'm 14 years old. I'm a happy girl. I have a happy family. My father and my mother are both office workers. They're busy. But at weekends, they always cook nice food for me. I'm happy in the family. I love my parents and they love me very much. I'm a student at Dongzhou Middle School. It is very big and beautiful. There are many classroom buildings and office buildings. Besides the buildings, there is a big playground. After school, there are lots of boys playing basketball on it. I think they are happy. There are a lot of flowers and trees in my school. They are beautiful. I like my school. In my school, I have many friends. All my friends are polite and helpful. My friends are all nice to me. They can make me happy. So I like playing with them. My hobbies are listening to music and reading. I like pop music very much. I dislike sports because I'm not strong. It's hard for me. I have a happy family, a beautiful school and many nice friends. I enjoy every day. 你好!我叫陈丹青。我的英文名字叫快乐。我14岁。我是一个快乐的女孩。我有一个幸福的家庭。我爸爸和妈妈都是办公室职员。他们很忙。但在周末,他们总是为我做好吃的食物。我在家里很快乐。我爱我的父母,他们非常爱我。 我是东洲中学的学生。它是非常大和美丽的。有许多教学楼和办公楼。除了建筑物外,还有一个大操场。放学后,有很多男孩在打篮球。我认为他们很快乐。在我的学校有很多花和树。它们是美丽的。我喜欢我的学校。在我的学校,我有很多朋友。我所有的朋友都很有礼貌而且乐于助人。我的朋友都对我很好。他们可以让我快乐。所以我喜欢和他们一起玩。 我的爱好是听音乐和看书。我非常喜欢流行音乐。我不喜欢运动因为我不强壮。这对我来说很难。 我有一个幸福的家庭,一个美丽的学校和许多好朋友。我享受每一天。 中英文自我介绍范文 篇24我是一个活泼开朗的女孩。 不过,我先要告诉大家的是我的外貌,我很漂亮,每天早晨当我洗脸的时候,都会面对镜子不由自主的说:“哇!太漂亮了,长的差不多就行了嘛!怎么长这么漂亮啊!”大家听了一定会称赞,因为我本来就漂亮嘛。不过男生听了可别笑,因为我会害羞的。我长着一头黑油油的头发,较大而好看的嘴巴,哦!忘了告诉大家我的头发是短的,红红的脸蛋像苹果一样。还有一双炯炯有神的眼睛。 我的爱好是弹琴,唱歌,学英语。记得上学期我的英语和音乐都考了100分,不错吧。我唱歌的声音就像百灵鸟一样,一张嘴,那歌声准会吸引了你。不过,想听我唱歌可不是那么容易奥! 我的性格调皮,可爱,捣蛋,幽默也很善良。别看我很宽容,可一但把我惹生气了那你可跑不了。 这就是我,一个很特殊的女孩。 中英文自我介绍范文 篇25Hello everyone, my name is , is a primary school student in grade two. My skin is white, has a pair of bright eyes round face. I am a boy loves a lot, such as drawing, practicing martial arts, calligraphy I have love, but I like best is running, every class I and his classmates Lv Suhuan running. I was a greedy boy, see good, I quickly ran home, mom to give me pocket money. I was a little boy with a careless, I am happy to have a test in the "fortune" hard "Xin", got 99 points, the next time I must not be so careless. This is me, a greedy, careless and lovely boy. 大家好,我叫,是个小学生,在上二年级。我的皮肤白白的,圆圆的脸上长着一双明亮的大眼睛。 我是个爱好多的小男孩,比如说画画、练武术、写毛笔字我都喜欢,但我最喜欢的还是跑步,每天下课我都要和同学吕苏环一起练习跑步。 我还是一个贪吃的男孩子,看到了好吃的,我就会快速地跑回家,叫妈妈给我零花钱。 我还是一个粗心大意的小男孩,有一次考试我把幸福的“幸”写成了辛苦的“辛”,考了个99分,下次我一定不能再这样粗心大意了。 这就是我,一个贪吃、粗心又可爱的小男孩。 中英文自我介绍范文 篇26Hi, boys and girls, good morning, it is my plearsure to take this change to introduce myself, my name is , i am 10 years old. About my family, there are 4 people in my family, father, mother, brother and me, my father and mother are all very kind, welcome you to visit my family if you have time! I am a very outgoing girl(boy), I like reading、playing games and listening to music, of course, I also like to make friends with all the people in the school, I hope I will be your best friends in the sckooe life. |
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