标题 | 外国人来华的邀请函 |
范文 | 外国人来华的邀请函(通用16篇) 外国人来华的邀请函 篇1: 我公司是一间(性质)的企业,公司有员工人、占地、年营业额,主要的经营范围和介绍公司所在行业的地位,生产或销售什么产品等。因(目的),邀请贵公司(职务)(被邀请人姓名)等人(见附件1)(具体年月日)来本公司(做什么,写明详细理由或具体商业往来项目)。申请 (商务/工作,选其中一个)签证,个月有效次入境,停留天,签证地点在(国家及城市)。被邀请人此次来华相关费用(包括往返机票、住宿、医疗保险和人寿保险等)由(公司) 负责。敬请接纳为盼! 外国人来华的邀请函 篇2中国驻国大使馆/领事馆签证处的先生/女士: 您好! 本人_____出具此邀请函,正式邀请我的____人(这里写关系人和姓名,如未婚夫/男朋友/朋友等)来中国x省x市______(这里写为何事来华,如探望我和我家人、旅游、筹备结婚事宜等)。被邀请人在华的住宿地点将安排在邀请人家中/x酒店,逗留期间所产生的费用由他/她自行承担/由邀请人承担。 被邀请人姓名:_____;性别:_____;年龄:______;家庭地址:_______;联系电话:______ 邀请人姓名:_____;性别:_____;年龄:______;家庭地址:_______;联系电话:______ (可分行列明) 此致,敬礼! 邀请人: 日期: 外国人来华的邀请函 篇3中国驻国大使馆/领事馆签证处的先生/女士: 您好! 本人_____出具此邀请函,正式邀请我的____1人(这里写关系人和姓名,如未婚夫/男朋友/朋友等)来中国X省X市______(这里写为何事来华,如探望我和我家人、旅游、筹备结婚事宜等)。被邀请人在华的住宿地点将安排在邀请人家中/X酒店,逗留期间所产生的费用由他/她自行承担/由邀请人承担。 被邀请人姓名:_____;性别:_____;年龄:______;家庭地址:_______;联系电话:______ 邀请人姓名:_____;性别:_____;年龄:______;家庭地址:_______;联系电话:______ (可分行列明) 请予以签证办理! 此致, 敬礼! 邀请人: 日 期 外国人来华的邀请函 篇4Name of your company: Place of your company: Tel: Invitation Dear Sir or Madam, We hereby confirm that______ will visit our company in Nantong from______ to______for business cooperation. We hereby kindly hope you could issue him a proper Visa. Here are his personal dates:: Family name:______ First name:______ Date of birth:______ Place of birth:______ Nationality:______ Passport no Passport expiry Profession We herewith kindly request the China Embassy and the Government officials to support this application by granting the required one-entry visa. We look forward to welcoming______in China. Thank you very much! Very truly yours, Name Job title Company name (then signature and chop) (本文素材来源于网络,如有侵权,请联系删除。) 外国人来华的邀请函 篇515th October, 20xx(时间) Karen Lew(被邀请人姓名) 1521 Its Rd Rated QLD 4106(被邀请人通信地址) Dear Karen: (以下是正文了,说明邀请原因及大概的到访、停留、离开时间) PPS Dalian, China would like to invite you to visit our manufacturing plant in October for business meeting. We would be obliged if you could arrive around the 18th October and be available for approximately 7 days, departing on 25th, October, 20xx. I look forward to catching up with you on your arrival to China. Kind regard, Zhang Xiaoniu General Manager, PPS Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. 外国人来华的邀请函 篇6中国驻国大使馆/领事馆签证处的先生/女士: 您好! 本人_____出具此邀请函,正式邀请____来XX省XX市探亲旅游,为期3个月,在华期间由本人负责其住宿,地址:______________,护照名为:_______________,在__国的家庭住址为:______________。双方现今已商定日程事宜,望准许其签证办理。 致谢! 邀请人: 日 期: 外国人来华的邀请函 篇7邀请人: 身份证号码: 住址: 联系电话: 邮箱地址: 被邀请人: 被邀请人护照号码为: 与邀请人关系: 美国住址: 联系电话: 邀请人邀请被邀请人于**年**月**日到**年**月**日来**省**市旅游,所有费用由邀请人支付,将居住在邀请人家(地址:)。 邀请人签名: **年**月**日 外国人来华的邀请函 篇815th October, 20xx(时间) Karen Lew(被邀请人姓名) 1521 Its Rd Rated QLD 4106(被邀请人通信地址) Dear Karen: (以下是正文了,说明邀请原因及大概的到访、停留、离开时间) PPS Dalian, China would like to invite you to visit our manufacturing plant in October for business meeting. We would be obliged if you could arrive around the 18th October and be available for approximately 7 days, departing on 25th, October, 20xx. I look forward to catching up with you on your arrival to China. Kind regard, Zhang Xiaoniu General Manager, PPS Hi-Tech Co., Ltd 外国人来华的邀请函 篇9X年XX月XX日 中华人民共和国驻大阪总领事馆: 邀请人 单位名称: 注册地址: 电话号码: 法定代表人: 单位负责人: 被邀请人 国 籍: 任职单位: (部门) 姓 名: 护照号码: 性 别:X 出生年月:X年XX月XX日 学 历: 本公司拟邀请投资人X部门雇前来我公司担任工作,工作期限为X年XX月XX日至X年XX月XX日,在华期间发生的各类费用由本公司承担。在华期间主要在本公司内()进行工作。 单位负责人: 外国人来华的邀请函 篇10Name of your company: Place of your company: Tel: Invitation Dear Sir or Madam, We hereby confirm that will visit our company in Nantong from business cooperation. We hereby kindly hope you could issue him a proper Visa. Here are his personal dates:: Family name: First name: Date of birth: Place of birth: Nationality: Passport no Passport expiry Profession We herewith kindly request the China Embassy and the Government officials to support this application by granting the required one-entry visa. We look forward to welcoming Thank you very much! Very truly yours, Name Job title Company name (then signature and chop 外国人来华的邀请函 篇11邀请人: 身份证号码: 住址: 联系电话: 邮箱地址: 被邀请人: 被邀请人护照号码为: 与邀请人关系: 美国住址: 联系电话: 邀请人邀请被邀请人于**年**月**日到**年**月**日来**省**市旅游,所有费用由邀请人支付,将居住在邀请人家(地址:)。 邀请人签名: **年**月**日 外国人来华的邀请函 篇12中国驻___国大使馆/领事馆签证处的先生/女士: 您好! 本人_____出具此邀请函,正式邀请我的____人(这里写关系人和姓名,如未婚夫___/男朋友___/朋友___等)来中国___省___市______(这里写为何事来华,如探望我和我家人、旅游、筹备结婚事宜等)。被邀请人在华的住宿地点将安排在邀请人家中/___酒店,逗留期间所产生的费用由他/她自行承担/由邀请人承担。 被邀请人姓名:_____;性别:_____;年龄:______;家庭地址:_______;联系电话:______ 邀请人姓名:_____;性别:_____;年龄:______;家庭地址:_______;联系电话:______ (可分行列明) 此致,敬礼! 邀请人: 外国人来华的邀请函 篇13敬启者, 贸易有限公司主要经营 .外贸合作对象主要是中东,欧洲,非洲的客户.现在我公司因拓展业务的需要,需邀请客户过来中国进行商务访问,并与我司进行洽谈以及合同的签订. The main business of our company is , our cooperation country is Middle-East, Europe, Africa.For more business requirment,we need to invite the client to have a business visit. 以下是此次来华人员名单: 我公司在此保证,此次来访的客人将由我司人员全程陪同,他们在中华人民共和国境内将遵守法律法规,并按时离境,如有违反规定,我司将承担相应的责任. We guarantee, the client will obey the China rule and go back to their country on time. YYYY-MM-DD 地址: ADDRESS: . Tel: Fax: 联系人: 外国人来华的邀请函 篇14Name of your company: Place of your company: Tel: Invitation Dear Sir or Madam, We hereby confirm that will visit our company in Nantong from business cooperation. We hereby kindly hope you could issue him a proper Visa. Here are his personal dates:: Family name: First name: Date of birth: Place of birth: Nationality: Passport no Passport expiry Profession We herewith kindly request the China Embassy and the Government officials to support this application by granting the required one-entry visa. We look forward to welcoming Thank you very much! Very truly yours, Name Job title Company name (then signature and chop) 外国人来华的邀请函 篇15Name of your company: Place of your company: Tel: / Fax : The Consulate General of the P.R. China Visa Section Dear Sir or Madam, We’re pleased to invite (Passport Number: 000000000)to visit supplier in China from xday xmonth xyear to xday xmonth xyear for business cooperation. ’s personal information is as follow: Name as in Passport: Gender: Date of birth: Passport number: Nationality: Job title: Date of issue: Date of expiry: We herewith kindly request the China Embassy and the Government officials to support this application by granting the required one-entry visa. We look forward to welcoming in China. Thank you very much! Very truly yours, Name Job title Company name (then signature and chop) 外国人来华的邀请函 篇16尊敬的中国领事馆签证处官员: 您们好,我们非常高兴的邀请(护照号码: 000000000)xday xmonth xyear to xday xmonth xyear到访中国。 被邀请人资料: : 姓名: 性别: 出生日期: 护照号码: 国籍: 职务: 签发日期: 有效期至: 我们在此恳请中国大使馆和政府官员批准入境签证申请。我们期待和在中国商务合作。 此函 公司名称: 公司地址: 公司联系电话: / 传真 : 法定代表人签字: 单位印章: 年 月 日 |
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