标题 | 招聘广告词 |
范文 | 招聘广告词(精选17篇) 招聘广告词 篇11、伯(博)闻人才济济,企业如虎添翼。 2、为企业找英才,为人才找名企。 3、问君哪得清如许,唯有源头活水来。 54、你选择了伯闻,伯闻给你更好的选择。 5、天生有才,伯闻有道。 6、识别千里马,伯闻广纳天下士。 7、有才有职有伯闻,大展宏图共天下。 8、闻知今世,天下良才尽得。 9、聚四方八友,揽天下群英。 10、煮酒论英雄,伯闻识精英。 11、好马难寻,人才即觅伯闻。 12、询伯闻天下,引四海贤达。 13、揽天下良才筑美好前景。 14、诚·载未来,才·领天下。 15、“伯”揽人才,闻天下“仕”。 16、精选,千里良驹招聘广告语大全经典招聘广告语大全经典。 17、博揽精英,鸿程似锦。 18、揽尽天下英杰,奔赴锦绣前程。 19、聚良材睿智,秀人生舞台。 20、伯闻天下,网动人才。 21、慧眼识人赛刘备,聚焦英才皆精粹。 22、博闻天下,揽人才;精针业需,助企业。 23、为公司寻将才,为人才找舞台。 24、专业猎头,猎取人才,解燃眉之急,帮铸企业之基。 25、人尽其才,你最有才。 26、博拥穹宇之才,广觅华夏之职。 27、伯得天下才,闻名广宇间。 28、慧眼识得人尽其才,伯闻乐为企业人才牵线。 29、识马,闻名遐迩。 招聘广告词 篇231、伯文,牵线千里马,做企业猎头领头羊! 32、举贤纳仕,各尽所能。 33、网络全球资讯,汇集天下精英。 34、人才哪里找,伯闻最明了。 35、猎头智慧,唯有伯闻。 36、求才求职找伯闻,企业人才两双赢。 37、博闻强识,招贤纳士。 38、古有,今有伯闻。 39、昔日识贤士,今朝伯闻荐良才。 40、千里遇,宝马逢伯闻。 招聘广告词 篇3某某餐厅招聘公告 因公司发展需要,诚聘以下岗位,待遇优厚。 一、楼面经理 要求:有过楼面2-3年管理经验,熟悉楼面管理流程,懂得排班和处理突发事件的能力,对楼面员工的考勤,工作进行分配和监督。 待遇:3000-5000,加全勤奖,包吃住,月休4天。 二、服务员 要求:男女不限,年龄18-28岁,做事认真,负责,有经验优先考虑。 待遇:2400-2800,加全勤,包吃住,月休四天,轮班。 三、洗碗工 要求:做事认真负责,按照要求保质保量完成。 待遇:2300-2500,8小时工作,月休2天。 联系人:张先生 电话: 地址:广州市白云区机场路1268号2楼 招聘广告词 篇4单位:一个月=30天 一.新应聘员工工期种类: 1. 试工期:1~3天,看个人能力决定试工期,包一餐。 2. 试用期:一个月,包一餐。 二.工资 1.试工期间没有工资。 2.试用期月基本工资为2200加上300住房补贴,本店不提供住房,共2500元。 3.试用期一个月满之后的基本工资为2500,加上300住房补贴,月总工资为2800。 4.其他待定。 三.工作时间要求 1.新应聘员工必须做满2个月,不满2个月而提出辞职的扣半个月工资(按2500的月工资计算,即2500/2=1250元)。 2.员工辞职需提前半个月通知店长或老板,否则扣半个月即十五天工资(做满2个月的按2800元/月计算,未满2个月的按2500元/月计算)。 四.请休假安排 1.本店员工每个月休息4天,每次休息不能连休2天或2天以上。 2.休息时间为非法定节假日,即休息时间只能从周一到周五当中选,特殊节日另算。 3.具体休息时间日应与店长或者老板商量,店长或者老板有权利要求员工具体在哪一天休息。 4.如员工有特殊原因另外请假,需提前2天向店负责人提出。 五.迟到早退 1.员工迟到时间没有超出10分钟的,不按迟到处理,但需在下班的时候补回所缺时间,保证工作满8小时。迟到超10分钟扣工资10元,迟到20分钟扣30元,迟到半个小时扣一天工资。 招聘广告词 篇5要求:男女不限,男身高:170以上,女身高:160以上。能认真工作,服从管理。做一些简单的餐饮服务工作。至少可以工作一个月以上!目前进第一批短期实习生明天8号下午14点需要到酒店报到领取服装安排班次,请带个人有效证件! 男生不要太长头发和染发。 待遇:11元/小时,包吃住。 上班时间:早班07点30—17点 下午班:14点—23点 报名方式:编辑短信:名字+身高+身份证号码+淘金酒店短期工 报名电话照哥: 不明之处电话咨询!收到短信回复报名成功,飞机王勿扰,谢谢! 招聘广告词 篇6摩托罗拉公司北京地区移动设备部门(Mobile Device)招聘移动电话软件综合工程师(Mobile Phone Software Integration Engineer),具体请看下面描述: Sector Mobile Device Function: Engineering Location: Beijing Job Title: Mobile Phone Software Integration Engineer Description: The successful candidate will be highly motivated self-starter with a demonstrated proficiency in software integration planning and tracking for real-time embedded systems in an environment with tightly coupled activities across several functional areas. The candidate is expected to demonstrate the ability to work on resolving complex issues with strong verbal and written communication, intergroup coordination, multi-tasking and teamwork skills. Job responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) Develop software integration plans, track progress, coordinate activities to resolve complex software integration issues, and report status to senior management and at core team meetings (2) The individual is expected to manage/corrdinate s/w releases, flex generation and testing activities within the software integration product team (3) contribute to the overall GSM software CM strategy (4) identify and implement continual process improvements to increase organizational efficiency and productivity. Requirement: Qualification (1)BS in CE/CS/EE is required (2) Extensive knowledge and demonstrated proficiency in software integration planning and tracking (3) Extensive experience in executing in a complex environment a cross several functional areas (4) Experienced in CMM Level 3 or higher activities a plus (6) Experience or knowledge of GSM technology will be preferred Tool Requirement: (1) Experienced in low level software debugging (2) Knowledge of Software Tool Sets including Compilers and Linkers, Makefiles, Memory Maps (3) Experienced in using low-level software integration tools such as a Logic Analyzer (4) Knowledge and experience in using DDTS and ClearCase a plus (5) Experienced in C and C++ Programming Languages (6) Knowledge of using Scripting Languages (Perl,TCL, Shell) is a plus, Database Query Interface (SQL) and Web Based Scripting Languages a plus (7) Linux experience is a plus (8) Demonstrated proficiency and knowledge in low level software integration activities (9) Working knowledge of Unix and Windows Based Environments is required - Linux experience is a plus City: Beijing 招聘广告词 篇7一、英文招聘广告的组成 英文招聘广告通常有如下此内容组成: 1、招聘单位的名称(The Name of the Recruiting Unit) 一般单独摆在第一行,排版时用粗体字, 以标题的形式出现。如: Avon(Shanghai)Company Limited 上海雅芳有限公司 Amway (China) Daily Necessities Company Limited 美国安利(中国)日用品有限公司 2、招聘单位的标志(The logotype of the Recruiting Unit) 一般放在招聘广告标题的前边,但有时也可放在标题的后边。这是因为企业在招聘人才的同时,还要在读者心目中树立起该企业的形象。 3、招聘单位的简介(The Brief Introduction to the Recruiting Unit) 对企业进行广告宣传,以便让求职者对企业有一个基本的了解。如: Krupp, one of the top ranking German Industrial groups active in Mechanical Engineering, Plant making, Automotive, Fabrication, Steel and Trading, is now widening its business in the People's Republic of China. 克路普是德国名列前茅的工业集团公司之一,从事机械工程,设备制造,装备,钢铁生产及贸易等业务,现正在扩大本公司在中华人民共和国的业务。 4、招聘的职位(The Job Titles Being Offered) 注明具体的空缺职位,是任何招聘广告必不可少的内容。 如果一则广告只有一两项孔雀职位,那么招聘的职位就往往用来做招聘广告的标题。 例如: VACANCY FOR OPERATORS OF NC MACHINE TOOLS 数控机床操作员空缺 Job Opportunities: Typist & Office Clerk 就业机会:打字员和办公室职员 5、工作的职责(The Job Responsibilities) 工作的职责是具体说明空缺应担任的主要任务,以便让求职者明了自己是否有能力胜任这些工作。例如: Responsibilities(工作的职责) 1)Locating and Appointing high caliber staff(寻找并聘用能力强的职员) 2)Terms and Conditions of employment(制定聘用条件) 3)Career Planning(制定工作计划) 4)Training(培训员工) 6、应聘的资格(The Qualification for Application) 应聘的资格,即应聘的要求,也就是对应聘者在性别、年龄、学历、经验、特殊才能、个性、居住地等方面提出的具体要求。英语常用Qualification,Requirements,等词语来表达。 例如: Qualification(应聘要求): 1) Experience working with foreign companies(由在国外公司工作的经历) 2) Proficient in English and Mandarin(能熟练运用英语和普通话) 3) Good at developing new business relationships(善于发展新的业务关系) 4) Personal confidence and aggressiveness a must(必须有信心和进取心) 5) Traveling within China a must(必须在国内出差) 6) Mature, dynamic, honest(思想成熟,精明能干,为人诚实) 7、提供的待遇(The Remuneration Being Offered) 在国内报刊上刊登的英语招聘广告,对待遇问题一般都提得比较笼统。例如: We offer an attractive salary package, fringe benefits and opportunities for career development. 我们提供优厚的工资、福利和良好的职业发展的机会。 All positions offer highly competitive salaries, medical benefits and bonus. And of course, excellent training and career prospects. 所有职位都将获得颇具竞争力的工资、医疗福利和年度奖金,当然,还有良好的培训和职业前景。 8、应聘的方法(The Ways of Application) 目前,国内的英语招聘广告绝大多数采用邮寄信件的方法应聘。因此,要求应聘者邮寄个人简历、自传、毕业证书和学位证书及身份证复印件、照片等资料,并告知邮寄地址及收件人。如: Successful applicants will be required to register through FESCO. Resumes together with a recent photograph and a contact telephone number should be sent to: Office manager Rolls-Royce International Limited-China Room 14-05 International Building 19 Jianguo Men Wai Main Street Beijing 100004 应聘成功者必须在外国企业服务公司进行登记。个人简历同近照一张及联系电话须寄往:100004 北京建国门外大街19号国际大厦14-05房 劳斯莱斯国际有限公司(中国)公司经理收 二、英文招聘广告的语言特点 1、创作新颖标题(Creating Some Novel Headings) 为了吸引读者的注意,获得最佳的广告效果,广告撰稿人经常会别出心裁地遣词造句,创造出新颖的标题。 如: Hero Meets Hero(英雄识英雄) It Is You Who Make Everything Possible(创造一切全靠你自己) Are You Ready to Accept Challenges from a Transnational Enterprise? (您愿意接受跨国企业的挑战吗?) 2、多用省略句(Employing Many Elliptic Sentences) 为了在有限的空间、时间、地点费用内船舶足够的信息以达到最佳广告效果,英文招聘广告大量使用省略句。例如: Hard work and honesty a must. 工作勤奋和为人诚实是必备条件。(主语之后省略了is) Read and Write English. 会读和写英语(省略了情态动词can) Qualifications needed: 所需资格:(省略了从句which are) 3、利用各种短句( Utilizing Various Kinds of Phrases) 一般用于说明工作职责和应聘资格(要求)两项内容中。 如: Good communication skills(良好的交际技能) Ability to work in a team under pressure(能够在集体中承受压力进行工作) 4、常用祈使句(Using Imperative Sentences Frequently) 一般用来说明应聘方法。表示礼貌,使读者感到亲切,开头都用个“请”字。如: Please apply in your own handwriting with full English resume and resent photo to: 请亲自誊写详细的英文简历并附上近照寄: Please highlight the position you apply for at the bottom of the envelope. 请在信封下方注明你所应聘的职位。 Please call 0510-5807123-3629 for interviewing. 请致电0510-5807123-3629 商定面试事宜。 5、采用缩略词(Making Use of Abbreviations) 为了节省广告撰稿人的状告时间与读者的阅读时间,以及节省广告的篇幅和广告的费用,英语广告中能用缩略的词语都尽可能缩略。如: Dept=Department 部门 CV=Curriculum Vitae 个人简历 JV=joint venture 合资 G.M.=General Manager 总经理 ad=advertisement 广告 add=address 地址 att=attention 收信人 corp. Ltd.=corporation limited 有限公司 ID=identification 身份证 三、英文招聘广告常用的资格要求 1、个人素质(personal Qualities) A person with ability plus flexibility should apply.要有能力及适应力强的人。 A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable. 须个性稳重,具有高度责任感。 Enthusiasm organised working habits more important than experience. 有工作热情和有条不紊的办事习惯,经验不拘。 Being active, creative and innovative is a plus. 思想活跃,有首创和革新精神尤佳。 The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health. 主要必备素质是吃苦耐劳精神好、爱学习、事业心强和身体棒。 2、语言能力(Language Proficiency) Ability to communicate in English desirable.许会用英语进行沟通。 An excellent understanding of English would be mandatory. 具备出色的英文理解能力。 Working command of spoken & written English is preferable. 有英文说、写应用能能力者优先考虑。 Able to speak Mandrin and the Guangtong dialect. 会说普通话和粤语。 3、电脑知识(Computer Literacy) Computer operating skill is advantageous. 有电脑操作技术者尤佳。 Good at computer operation of windows. 须精通使用Windows进行电脑操作。 Be familiar with CAD/CAM preferable. 熟悉CAD/CAM者优先考虑。 4、工作经验(Occupational Experience) Working experience in foreign company is preferable. 又在外资公司工作的经验者优先。 At least 2 years in operating NC machine tools. 至少有2年操作数控机床的经验。 Familiar with international trade issues will be an added advantage. 熟悉国际贸易问题者尤佳。 5、其他要求( Miscellaneous Requirements) Not more than 30 years.年龄不超过30岁。 Male / Female. 性别不限(男女均可) 招聘广告词 篇8Position Type Part-Time Employee Company Name The Walt Disney Company Location Manhattan, NY Salary Unspecified Experience 1-2 Years Experience - Manage calendars for VP of Financial Planning - Schedule and coordinate meetings on-site and off-site - Set up and coordinate travel arrangements - Process T&E expense reports - Type correspondence, spreadsheets and presentations - Copying, shipping, order supplies and general office duties - Additional projects as needed Note: This is a 29 hour per week part-time position. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: - 2 years experience as Administrative Assistant - Must know Microsoft Word, Power Point, Excel and Outlook - Detail oriented with strong organizational skills and ability to multi-task - Excellent written and oral communication skills with the ability to communicate with all levels of management - Ability to work well under pressure in a fast paced environment - Friendly, people oriented team player DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS: - College and secretarial training preferred 招聘广告词 篇9纽约玛希学院要招聘教师,将为愿意在布朗克斯纽约城市公共学校任教的专业教师和近期的毕业生提供5000美元的奖学金。应聘者的待遇和要求如下: Job Title: Teaching Career Employer: Mercy College Location: New York, NY Date: 11-27-20xx Description: MERCY COLLEGE A TEACHING CAREER AWAITS YOU HEADS UP High-quality Educators to Advance District Schools - an Urban Partnership Mercy College is awarding $5000 scholarships to transitioning professionals and recent college graduates who wish to teach in the New York City public schools in the Bronx. Applicants receive: * $5000 tuition scholarship * Discounted tuition * A Masters degree and teacher certification * Assistance with job placement Applicants must: * Possess a bachelor's Degree * Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 * Speak English fluently Bachelor's degree must be in any area other than education If you are interested in an application e-mail your name and address no later than December 16, 20xx to: edu 招聘广告词 篇10企业成在营销,也败在营销。服装企业应当更重视市场营销策略。 一、 性质及内容范围 销售服务行业,主要业务是销售校园服装、时尚服装、独具个性的适合大学生的服装、校园运动服装。 二、 市场背景 在桂林电子科技大学北海校区中,学生不出校门就几乎可以买到所有的东西,除了衣服。表明服装店为学校中的一个空白。在这种背景下,面向学生开一家学生自己的挑衣服的,前景总体来说还是乐观的。此计划可行性指数比较大。 三、 市场调查 大多数学生是支持在校园中开一家服装店的。原因主要有两个:一是大学生几乎成为时尚与潮流的生力军,买衣服几乎可以说是家常便饭了;二是市区离学校比较远,外出购物比较浪费时间,如果校园中有就方便多了。 四、 市场预测 价格预测:消费对象主要为学生,出价位应定在偏低水平上。 需求预测:学生们的衣服与社会联系紧密,除了衣服外,一般随季节与潮流更换都比较快比较频繁,加之一些大众化的衣物如牛仔裤,在价格合理的情况下销售绝对有保障。 并且女生是买衣服的主力军,所以女生的衣服是主打产品。 五、 营销方案 当一切都就绪之后,就准备择期正式开幕。开幕当天为招揽顾客,办一些促销活动势不可免,促销活动不外乎打折、赠品及抽奖等三大类型。同时在宿舍散发些传单。学校地域略小,学生是最好的广告媒介,只要维持店牌的信誉开张前后的推销与正常营业之后的宣传可以省掉很多环节和费用。 六、 店址选择 在综合楼,学生流量大,并且旁边是一家超市,学校去购买的人数多,而且店面承揽申通快递,所以综合楼下面的位置是不错的,旁边还有两家银行的ATM机,也方便同学们取钱购买。 七、 投资金额分析,每月费用分析 初期费用粗算 房租:1500元/月 装修费:1000 元 第一次衣服货款:5000元 其他费用:1000元 八、 投资收益预算 经济效益评价:桂林电子科技大学北海校区有在校学生约两万人,再加上校职工教师,保守数字可以定为20xx人。这些人对服装的消费即使是最低标准20元/月,服装店每月将有六十万元的销售收入。各项成本在之前已列出,计算之后得出服装店最保守的税前利润也将会是40000元/月。且从项目的风险性分析,投资服装店从各因素分析风险性都是极低的。 社会效益评价:如果服装店按正常预算营业运转,学生们将用最低的价格买到满意的服装。这对于支持学生学业是一大贡献;二是学生们节约了去校外购物的时间;三也是最重要的,是给学校增加了收益,学生提供了勤工俭学的机会。 九、 组织形式及员工 服装店为自由创业的小型个体私营企业。 销售人员将从学生中招聘,利用学生课余时间勤工俭学锻炼自己。 十、选货及进货的渠道 1、选货 品牌以杂牌为主。进货要适销、适量,编制进货计划,当然在进货过程中也可应变修改。进货时,首先到市场上转一转、看一看、比一比、问一问、算一算、想一想,以后再着手落实进货。少进试销,然后在适量进货。因为是新店开张所以款式一定要多,给顾客的选择余地大。进货尽量安排在每个星期的六或周日,正好这时是学生放假出去玩的机会,而且周日桂林电子科技大学北海校区会进行晚点名,学生就没空去逛店铺。每个星期店内肯定是有新品到货的,但只上部份新货,一部份留着周末上! 2、进货渠道 各品牌折扣店,网购,淘宝服装批发市场 十一、服务原则 无论学生顾客是否买衣服或者买所少钱的衣服都要微笑送客让其满意离开,常此以往才可能在学生之间有口碑相传的美益度,也才会有回头客。对于顾客的要求在可能实现的前提下尽可能的满足。 招聘广告词 篇11一份耕耘,一份收获,您的努力我们看得见! 诚 中山市荣德杰服装有限公司 本公司环境优雅舒适,空调车间,设备以电脑车为主,长期生产针织、梭织服装,工厂有二个生产车间,一层针织车间,一层梭织车间,公司货源充足,单价是行业的2-4倍。 工厂有独立食堂及宿舍,员工在厂吃住每月只收100元,不在厂吃住则每月补贴150元。加班补贴每小时2元,每月设全勤奖150元。工厂以科学、人性化管理为核心,为服装爱好者提供一个良好的平台。(欢迎大家来公司实地考查,联系人:谭先生189 2531 8245 QQ9551753) 一、 针、梭织组长各1名 有三年以上针、梭织车间管理工作经验,熟悉生产工艺流程。带人开组优先。 工资计算法:底薪(1500-20xx)+ 本组总产值(6%)+ 加班费(2元/时)+ 全勤奖 二、 裁床组长 1 名 有三年以上针梭织裁床组长工作经验,积极上进、刻苦耐劳,会排唛架。 工资计算法:底薪(1500-20xx)+ 本组总产值(6%)+ 加班费(2元/时)+ 全勤奖 三、 后整组长 1 名 有三年以上针梭织后整组长工作经验,积极上进、刻苦耐劳,懂查衫、包装、整烫工艺。 工资计算法:底薪(1000-20xx)+ 本组总产值(6%)+ 加班费(2元/时)+ 全勤奖 四、 中查2名 两年以上相关工作经验,能吃苦耐劳,熟习生产工艺流程。 工资算法:底薪(800-1000)+ 本组总值(4%提成)+ 加班费(2元/时)+ 全勤奖 五、 尾查2名 三年以上相关工作经验,熟习服装质量查验。 工资算法:底薪(1200-1500)+ 加班费( 2元/时)+ 全勤奖 六、 平车、坎车、双针、及骨、裁剪、大烫、包装员工多员。(综合工资20xx-6000以上) 工资算法:计件数量X单价 + 加班费(2元/时)+ 全勤奖 地址:中山市三角镇福铭路22号(三角公园后面之100米左右,大道旁边,公司标牌明显) 联系人:谭先生/张先生 电话:0760-22817865 手机:/ 注:本公司长年招聘,请保留此张以备用,谢谢! xx年x月x日 招聘广告词 篇12The Oriental scientific instrument import and export group co., LTD is a large holdings of the Chinese academy of sciences professional foreign trade group co., LTD., founded in October 22, 1983. Company scale has amounted to hundreds of millions of dollars in the current year and for many years is listed as one of the largest 500 import and export enterprises in China. Now we welcome chemical instruments a salesman. Your responsibilities are in charge of regional market development and sales, familiar with uv, HPLC, GC, LC/MS, GC/MS and other biological scientific instruments. You will need to have at least a bachelor's degree in chemistry, biology, food, environmental protection, medicine and other relevant professional and work background is preferred. You should have good interpersonal communication and language expression ability, good English reading and writing ability and skilled computer operation ability. If you are interested in the job, Please send your resume to our company. 招聘广告词 篇13商务口语:用外企招聘广告中常见的英语个性描述来打造自我介绍 Mature, dynamic and honest.思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。 Excellent ability of systematical management.有极强的系统管理能力。 Ability to work independently, mature and resourceful.能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。 A person with ability plus flexibility should apply.需要有能力及适应力强的人。 A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable.个性稳重、具高度责任感。 Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force.能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。 Bright, aggressive applicants.反应快、有进取心的应聘者。 Ambitious attitude essential.有雄心壮志。 Initiative, independent and good communication skill.积极主动、独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能。 Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。 Willing to assume responsibilities. 应聘者须勇于挑重担。 Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills. 思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。 Energetic, fashion-minded person. 精力旺盛、思想新潮。 With a pleasant mature attitude. 开朗成熟。 Strong determination to succeed. 有获得成功的坚定决心。 Strong leadership skills. 有极强的领导艺术。 Ability to work well with others. 能够同他人一道很好地工作。 Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality. 上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。 The ability to initiate and operate independently. 有创业能力,并能独立地从业。 Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit. 有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。 Be highly organized and effecient. 工作很有条理,办事效率高。 Willing to learn and progress. 肯学习进取。 Good presentation skills. 有良好的表达能力。 招聘广告词 篇14The South Australian Tourism Commission is an inspiring organisation, leading the way in the world’s most dynamic industry. We develop and promote the best that South Australia has to offer through marketing the state, building the destination and creating jobs. Marketing Manager (Northern & Eastern China) based in Shanghai The South Australian Tourism Commission is seeking an experienced professional to manage the marketing activities for South Australia (SA) in China. The primary role of the Marketing Manager Northern & Eastern China is to implement a trade marketing strategy for SA to increase visitation from Northern & Eastern China. The role requires good communication skills, good time management and will work closely with the Regional Manager, China based in Shanghai to ensure maximum exposure in integrated marketing campaigns for SA. This role involves close liaison and a positive working relationship with key industry partners such as Tourism Australia, wholesalers, retailers, airlines, SA Government office representatives and South Australian tourism operators to build the profile and exposure of South Australia as a holiday destination. Reporting to the Regional Manager, China, the role requires management of the day to day trade activities of the SATC. The successful applicant would ideally have tertiary qualification in Marketing, a minimum of 5 years experience in marketing in the tourism industry and a thorough understanding of the Chinese travel trade and market place. Knowledge of Australia and estsablished trade relationships would be viewed favourably. The role will be offered as a two year contract and is subject to 2 months probation period. A remuneration package will be negotiated relevant to experience and qualifications. Enquiries and applications to Ms Helen Sun at email Please mark “Confidential-Job Application-your name” as the subject of your email. (Sample: Confidential-Job Application-Peter Zhang) 招聘广告词 篇15WE NEED YOU Position: Front desk agent(we need two) 华夏酒店 HuaXia Hotel Work Place: Amoy area,XiaMen City Requirements:: 1, Female,The preferred ages are 20-28 yrs 2, University graduate or above 3, Excellent proficiency in Chinese, speak sensibly andwell 4, Good team player and corporate attitude; 5, Relevant working experience is preferred Interview time: Otc.11 to Otc.16,20xx Please send us your resume in both English and Chinese with a copy of your academic diploma and ID card, a recent photo and expected salary via fax/ mail/ e-mail ADD:NO.12,LUJIANGDAO ROD,AMOY AREA,XIAMEN CITY TEL(FAX):0593-666888 CONTACT:Mr. CHAN 招聘广告词 篇16一、英文招聘广告的组成 英文招聘广告通常有如下此内容组成: 1、招聘单位的名称(The Name of the Recruiting Unit) 一般单独摆在第一行,排版时用粗体字, 以标题的形式出现。如: Avon(Shanghai)Company Limited 上海雅芳有限公司 Amway (China) Daily Necessities Company Limited 美国安利(中国)日用品有限公司 2、招聘单位的标志(The logotype of the Recruiting Unit) 一般放在招聘广告标题的前边,但有时也可放在标题的后边。这是因为企业在招聘人才的同时,还要在读者心目中树立起该企业的形象。 3、招聘单位的简介(The Brief Introduction to the Recruiting Unit) 对企业进行广告宣传,以便让求职者对企业有一个基本的了解。如: Krupp, one of the top ranking German Industrial groups active in Mechanical Engineering, Plant making, Automotive, Fabrication, Steel and Trading, is now widening its business in the People's Republic of China. 克路普是德国名列前茅的工业集团公司之一,从事机械工程,设备制造,装备,钢铁生产及贸易等业务,现正在扩大本公司在中华人民共和国的业务。 4、招聘的职位(The Job Titles Being Offered) 注明具体的空缺职位,是任何招聘广告必不可少的内容。 如果一则广告只有一两项孔雀职位,那么招聘的职位就往往用来做招聘广告的标题。 例如: VACANCY FOR OPERATORS OF NC MACHINE TOOLS 数控机床操作员空缺 Job Opportunities: Typist & Office Clerk 就业机会:打字员和办公室职员 5、工作的职责(The Job Responsibilities) 工作的职责是具体说明空缺应担任的主要任务,以便让求职者明了自己是否有能力胜任这些工作。例如: Responsibilities(工作的职责) 1)Locating and Appointing high caliber staff(寻找并聘用能力强的职员) 2)Terms and Conditions of employment(制定聘用条件) 3)Career Planning(制定工作计划) 4)Training(培训员工) 6、应聘的资格(The Qualification for Application) 应聘的资格,即应聘的要求,也就是对应聘者在性别、年龄、学历、经验、特殊才能、个性、居住地等方面提出的具体要求。英语常用Qualification,Requirements,等词语来表达。 例如: Qualification(应聘要求): 1) Experience working with foreign companies(由在国外公司工作的经历) 2) Proficient in English and Mandarin(能熟练运用英语和普通话) 3) Good at developing new business relationships(善于发展新的业务关系) 4) Personal confidence and aggressiveness a must(必须有信心和进取心) 5) Traveling within China a must(必须在国内出差) 6) Mature, dynamic, honest(思想成熟,精明能干,为人诚实) 7、提供的待遇(The Remuneration Being Offered) 在国内报刊上刊登的英语招聘广告,对待遇问题一般都提得比较笼统。例如: We offer an attractive salary package, fringe benefits and opportunities for career development. 我们提供优厚的工资、福利和良好的职业发展的机会。 All positions offer highly competitive salaries, medical benefits and bonus. And of course, excellent training and career prospects. 所有职位都将获得颇具竞争力的工资、医疗福利和年度奖金,当然,还有良好的培训和职业前景。 8、应聘的方法(The Ways of Application) 目前,国内的英语招聘广告绝大多数采用邮寄信件的方法应聘。因此,要求应聘者邮寄个人简历、自传、毕业证书和学位证书及身份证复印件、照片等资料,并告知邮寄地址及收件人。如: Successful applicants will be required to register through FESCO. Resumes together with a recent photograph and a contact telephone number should be sent to: Office manager Rolls-Royce International Limited-China Room 14-05 International Building 19 Jianguo Men Wai Main Street Beijing 100004 应聘成功者必须在外国企业服务公司进行登记。个人简历同近照一张及联系电话须寄往:100004 北京建国门外大街19号国际大厦14-05房 劳斯莱斯国际有限公司(中国)公司经理收 二、英文招聘广告的语言特点 1、创作新颖标题(Creating Some Novel Headings) 为了吸引读者的注意,获得最佳的广告效果,广告撰稿人经常会别出心裁地遣词造句,创造出新颖的标题。 如: Hero Meets Hero(英雄识英雄) It Is You Who Make Everything Possible(创造一切全靠你自己) Are You Ready to Accept Challenges from a Transnational Enterprise? (您愿意接受跨国企业的挑战吗?) 2、多用省略句(Employing Many Elliptic Sentences) 为了在有限的空间、时间、地点费用内船舶足够的信息以达到最佳广告效果,英文招聘广告大量使用省略句。例如: Hard work and honesty a must. 工作勤奋和为人诚实是必备条件。(主语之后省略了is) Read and Write English. 会读和写英语(省略了情态动词can) Qualifications needed: 所需资格:(省略了从句which are) 3、利用各种短句( Utilizing Various Kinds of Phrases) 一般用于说明工作职责和应聘资格(要求)两项内容中。 如: Good communication skills(良好的交际技能) Ability to work in a team under pressure(能够在集体中承受压力进行工作) 4、常用祈使句(Using Imperative Sentences Frequently) 一般用来说明应聘方法。表示礼貌,使读者感到亲切,开头都用个“请”字。如: Please apply in your own handwriting with full English resume and resent photo to: 请亲自誊写详细的英文简历并附上近照寄: Please highlight the position you apply for at the bottom of the envelope. 请在信封下方注明你所应聘的职位。 Please call 0510-5807123-3629 for interviewing. 请致电0510-5807123-3629 商定面试事宜。 5、采用缩略词(Making Use of Abbreviations) 为了节省广告撰稿人的状告时间与读者的阅读时间,以及节省广告的篇幅和广告的费用,英语广告中能用缩略的词语都尽可能缩略。如: Dept=Department 部门 CV=Curriculum Vitae 个人简历 JV=joint venture 合资 G.M.=General Manager 总经理 ad=advertisement 广告 add=address 地址 att=attention 收信人 corp. Ltd.=corporation limited 有限公司 ID=identification 身份证 三、英文招聘广告常用的资格要求 1、个人素质(personal Qualities) A person with ability plus flexibility should apply.要有能力及适应力强的人。 A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable. 须个性稳重,具有高度责任感。 Enthusiasm organised working habits more important than experience. 有工作热情和有条不紊的办事习惯,经验不拘。 Being active, creative and innovative is a plus. 思想活跃,有首创和革新精神尤佳。 The main qualities required are preparedness to work hard, ability to learn, ambition and good health. 主要必备素质是吃苦耐劳精神好、爱学习、事业心强和身体棒。 2、语言能力(Language Proficiency) Ability to communicate in English desirable.许会用英语进行沟通。 An excellent understanding of English would be mandatory. 具备出色的英文理解能力。 Working command of spoken & written English is preferable. 有英文说、写应用能能力者优先考虑。 Able to speak Mandrin and the Guangtong dialect. 会说普通话和粤语。 3、电脑知识(Computer Literacy) Computer operating skill is advantageous. 有电脑操作技术者尤佳。 Good at computer operation of windows. 须精通使用Windows进行电脑操作。 Be familiar with CAD/CAM preferable. 熟悉CAD/CAM者优先考虑。 4、工作经验(Occupational Experience) Working experience in foreign company is preferable. 又在外资公司工作的经验者优先。 At least 2 years in operating NC machine tools. 至少有2年操作数控机床的经验。 Familiar with international trade issues will be an added advantage. 熟悉国际贸易问题者尤佳。 5、其他要求( Miscellaneous Requirements) Not more than 30 years.年龄不超过30岁。 Male / Female. 性别不限(男女均可) 招聘广告词 篇17Wanted Project Management Assistant Responsibility: ---Provide service for the project in Chongqing. ---Provide assistance to the project manager for everyday work. ---Responsible for file management, customer service for students and parents Requirements: ---College degree and above ---Good English and computer skills. ---Related working experience in the international organization. ---Patient, careful, supportive. Has strong team work spirit. English Teacher Responsibility: ---Conduct English teaching according to British education system. Requirements: ---University degree and above in English major or normal English. ---Eager to learn and open-minded with creativity. ---With deep understanding and respect for different cultures. (Warmly welcome the fresh graduates to apply for this position.) Marketing Assistant Responsibility: ---Responsible for the local management of marketing and sales activities according to the instruction from the head office. ---Collect related information to the head office. ---Requirements: ---College degree and above with good English (speaking and writing). ---Develop relationship with local media and customers. Requirements: ---College degree and above with good English (speaking and writing). ---With basic idea of sales and marketing, related experience is preferred. ---Working experience in the international organization is a must. ---Good communication and presentation skills. Accountant Responsibility: ---Accountant work for Chongqing office and project. ---Perform the finance management locally according to the rules and policy of the company. Requirements: ---College degree and above in finance area. ---Good English and computer skills. ---Good sense of finance management. ---At least two yeas of experience as accountant in the international organization is a must. ---Self-management, hard-working, independent and able to deal with pressure. |
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