标题 | 峨眉山金顶景点导游词 |
范文 | 峨眉山金顶景点导游词(通用9篇) 峨眉山金顶景点导游词 篇1金顶山是国家“AAA”级旅游景区、国家级森林公园。位于河南省驻马店市郊西,距市区约20公里。 金顶山一山跨两脉:伏牛山与桐柏山在此交汇,她兼有伏牛山的雄奇和桐柏山的灵秀。 金顶山地处亚热带与北温带气候的过渡点上,她植被蓊郁、林相丰富是天然的植物园和野生动物的乐园。 金顶山的时令特征与农历24节气对应得切拍合辙。时节的变幻使金顶山景象万千、精彩纷呈。 金顶山雄立于天中大地,素有天中仙境之美誉。景区面积约71平方公里,境内山峰6座。景区古树参天,谷深峰险。主景点有紫雾缥缈的大、小金顶,碧波荡漾的金沙湖、金溪湖、金龙湖,怪石嶙峋的奇石谷,绝壁飞流的云空瀑,蜿蜒雄奇的神龙寨。始建于唐代至今仍香烟缭绕,幽深清静的佛教胜地竹林寺、云空寺;造化天工,栩栩如生的石鲸、石虎、石龟;寓意温馨、亲情缠绵的望情石、望夫岭、合欢树;形制新奇,堪称华夏一绝的金扇佛经石刻…… 漫步金顶山,会令您真切地体会到回归自然、亲近自然、享受自然的全新感觉。 金顶山景区是您面光旅游、休闲度假的风景胜地,是科研考察、采风创作、健身娱乐的理想去处。 峨眉山金顶景点导游词 篇2金顶是峨眉山第二高峰,海拔3077米,这里附近为亚高山针叶林植被,主要是冷杉,林下除峨眉蔷薇、冷箭竹、杜鹃等外,还有独生草、延龄草、大叶柳等古老珍稀植物。为保护好这一大片自然植被。 景区内新建立了面积为400公顷的冷杉及独叶草、延龄草保护区。金顶最早的建筑传为东...汉时的普光殿,唐、宋时改为光相寺,明洪武时宝昙和尚重修,为铁瓦殿。锡瓦、铜瓦两殿为明时别传和尚创建。金顶金殿为明万历年间妙峰禅师创建的铜殿,万历皇帝朱栩钩题名“永明华藏寺”。金顶的得名,即来源于“金殿”。据有关资料记载,金殿高二丈四尺五寸,广一丈三尺五寸,深一丈三尺五寸,瓦柱门窗四壁全为掺金的青铜铸造,中供普贤菩萨像,旁列万尊小佛,门壁上雕刻全蜀山川道路图,工艺精湛,叹为观止。 当早晨朝阳照射山顶时,金殿迎着阳光闪烁,耀眼夺目,十分壮观,故人们称之为“金顶”。可惜在清代道光年间,由于一次大火,烧坍了金殿,留存下来的只有一通铜碑,一面是王硫宗撰并集王羲之字的《大峨山永明华藏寺新建铜殿记》,一面是傅光宅撰并集褚遂良字的《峨眉山普贤金殿记》,现存华藏寺中,另有几扇原金殿窗门也存在华藏寺。从这几件遗物中,我们可以想见当年金殿是何等的辉煌壮观。金顶铜殿被毁后,光绪年间心启和尚在原址建以砖殿。1972年4月8日又不幸失火,整个华藏寺再次化为灰烬。1986年,国家拨款260万元,重建华藏寺,1990年9月11日落成。现今华藏寺比原先华藏寺规模大,建筑质量高,飞阁流丹,崇宏壮丽,殿字轩昂,高耸入云。 地理位置:位于四川省西南边缘向青藏高原过渡地带,北距成都120公里,东距乐山38公里。门票:进山门票120元/人(不含保险,不含寺庙);上山观光车票中山段往返40元/人,高山段往返30元/人,全山段往返70元/人;万佛顶观光小火车票往返全程票价60元/人。交通:峨眉山距成都双流国际机场一个半小时的车程,全程高速,交通便利。距离乐山大佛38公里,乐山到峨眉山之间常年均为旅游热线,平均每10分钟就有一班车发往峨眉山,单边车程不足一小时。特产:竹叶青茶叶、峨眉山灵猴、雪蘑芋、竹笋等。温馨提示:峨眉山猴子很多,绝不可主动招惹猴群,贵重物品贴身放好,可买个拐杖,既可防身,又可供走路使用。 峨眉山金顶景点导游词 篇3峨眉山位于中国四川省峨眉山市境内,是著名的旅游胜地和佛教名山,是一个集自然风光与佛教文化为一体的中国国家级山岳型风景名胜区。峨眉山是我国的四大佛教名山之一。 峨眉山景区面积154平方公里,峨眉山是包括大峨,二峨、三峨、四峨四座大山。大峨山为峨眉的主峰,通常说的峨眉山就是指大峨山。大峨、二峨两山相对,远望峨眉山,双峰缥缈如画眉,其陡峭险峻、横空出世的雄伟气势。 峨眉山平畴突起,巍峨、秀丽、古老、神奇。峨眉山旅游资源以优美的自然风光、悠久的佛教文化、丰富的动植物资源、独特的地质地貌而著称于世。被人们称之为 “仙山佛国”、“植物王国”、“动物乐园”、“地质博物馆”等,素有“峨眉天下秀”之美誉。 灵猴是峨眉山的精灵,嬉闹顽皮、憨态可掬又极通人性子,见人不惊、与人相亲、与人同乐,给游人带来无数欢乐,成为峨眉山的一道活景观。 峨眉山金顶景点导游词 篇4峨眉山是中国的佛教圣地,也是“诸佛之长子”普贤菩萨的道场。峨眉金顶是以一尊48米高的十方普贤铜像为中心,由耀日的金殿、雄浑的铜殿、灼灼的银殿和洁白的朝圣大道组成的新金顶。 金顶为峨眉山游程的最高峰,其海拔为3077米。顶上是个小平原,原有铜殿一座,在太阳的照射下,光彩夺目,故而得名金顶。登上金顶,人们顿觉万象排空,气势磅礴,惊叹天地之奇妙。极目四望,成都平原尽收眼底,千山万岭,起伏如浪,岷江、青衣江、大渡河、大雪山、瓦屋山、贡嗄山历历在目。 峨眉金顶与峨眉顶峰的万佛顶相邻,海拔3077.96米,这里山高云低,景色壮丽,游客可在陡峭的舍身岩边欣赏日出、云海、佛光、圣灯四大奇景。 金顶是峨眉山寺庙和景点最集中的地方,朱炳仁建成高26米、总面积1614平方米的金顶及铜殿各一座,以及第一山亭“铜亭”一座,为峨眉精华所在。1983年被列为汉族地区佛教全国重点寺院。 金顶最高处,有一座稀有珍品,称作“金顶铜殿”,为明万历三十年(1620xx年)妙峰禅师请西蜀藩王潞安捐造的。殿高8米,宽4.8米,深4.3米,上为重檐雕甍,环以绣棕锁窗,通体皆用铜件焊成。屋顶檐瓦馏金,在阳光映照之下,金光闪闪,迢耀百里,固名金顶。铜殿内置普贤骑象铜像,高5米多,两旁陈列24尊铜佛,现规模仅次于万年寺。门枋阴刻“云栈剑阁”和“峨眉山道全图”,四周铜壁上刻有经文和佛像万尊。在铜殿外还树有铜塔和铜碑。有趣的是,一般寺庙的大门都是朝南的,唯独峨眉山的都朝东,金顶的铜殿,却又例外的朝西,这也可算是峨眉山的独特之处了。据说从前西藏来的信徒只礼拜金顶,因为释迦牟尼的故乡在西域。该殿不幸在清代烧毁。 峨眉山金顶景点导游词 篇5峨眉山金顶为峨眉山游程的最高峰,其海拔为3077米。顶上是个小平原,原有铜殿一座,在太阳的照射下,光彩夺目,故而得名金顶。登上金顶,人们顿觉万象排空,气势磅礴,惊叹天地之奇妙。极目四望,成都平原尽收眼底,千山万岭,起伏如浪,岷江、青衣江、大渡河、大雪山、瓦屋山、贡嗄山历历在目。 到峨眉山如果不上金顶,在许多人看来,等于白来一趟峨眉山。所以徒步也好、坐车也罢,金顶是必去的。冬季的峨眉山,金顶更显恢弘,因为无论是晚霞,还是日出,亦或壮阔的云海,都只有在这里才能看到。 峨眉山,被称为世界上最神奇的地方。北纬30度,地球上最神秘的地带,有着无数的不解之迷。而以“天府之国”著称的中国四川盆地,是世界上处于北纬30度古文明发祥地唯一没有被沙漠化的地区。峨眉山,位于北纬30度,四川盆地西南,因两山相峙,形如蛾眉而得名。其三峰耸立,绝壁临天,故古往今来,3077米的金顶一直被人们称为天堂的阶梯。 从1986年起四川省人民政府拨专款350万元进行重修。同年8月破土动工,经过4年的紧张施工,于1989年建成,移交峨眉山佛教协会管理。新建的金顶华藏寺建筑面积为1690多平方米,整个建筑由高、中、低三重连接组建,分金殿(普贤殿)、大雄宝殿、弥勒殿、祖堂、方丈室、禅堂和寮房等。布局合理,错落有致,红墙黄瓦,白玉栏杆,大理石地面,基本上保持了原有的格局。正门华藏寺匾额为赵朴初会长手书。1990年9月11日,云集海内外200余名高僧大德和千余名各界人士隆重举行了落成典礼暨开光法会。新建的华藏寺巍峨雄伟,富丽堂皇,雄峙于海拔3077米的峨眉山金顶之巅,使峨眉山更添秀色。重修的华藏寺采取了钢筋混泥土框架结构及石砖混合结构,配备了防火、避雷、蓄水排水设施。 峨眉山金顶景点导游词 篇6Emeishan jinding is the second highest peak, elevation 3077 meters, near here for subalpine coniferous forest vegetation, mainly fir, forests, in addition to the emei rose, cold arrow bamboos, cuckoo thereof and only grass, grass, big Ye Liu delay age old rare plants. To protect the natural vegetation. Scenic area in new established area of 400 hectares of fir and single blade of grass, grass delay aging reserves. The earliest jinding building of east... PuGuangDian when han, tang, song to light temple, Ming HongWuShi treasure haze monks rebuilt, as the iron tile temple. Siwa, copper tile so when two temple for Ming monk to create. Jinding Andy Jackson created for Ming wanli wonderful peak tongdian, wanli Zhu Xu hook title "yong Ming temple". Jinding name, that is, from the "mirage". According to relevant data records, Andy two zhangs four feet five inches, ten feet wide three feet five inches, ten feet deep three feet five inches, doors and Windows walls all tile column is mixed gold bronze casting, for like samantabhadra bodhisattva, column beside small statue of Buddha, gate road map carved on the walls of the shu mountains and rivers, exquisite workmanship, amazing. When the morning sun exposure to the top of the hill, Andy into the sun was shining and dazzling, very spectacular, so people call it "jinding". But in qing dynasty daoguang years, due to a fire, burning crumbled the mirage, surviving only 1 bronze tablet, king side is sulfur from transactions and set of wang xizhi word "big asan yong Ming Tibetan temple new tongdian", one side is Fu Guangzhai from and set b word "emei samantabhadra mirage", existing in the China Tibetan temple, otherwise a few fan original Andy Windows Tibetan temple also exist in China. From the few relics, we can infer that Andy how brilliant spectacular. Jinding tongdian destroyed, guangxu years heart qi monk at the site in the brick. On April 8, 1972 and unfortunately caught fire, the whole China Tibetan temple once again reduced to ashes. In 1986, the state allocated 2.6 million yuan, the reconstruction of China Tibetan temple, on September 11, 1990. Nowadays China Tibetan temple than previously China Tibetan temple scale, building high quality, flying pavilion flow Dan, macro magnificent and grand temple word, towering. Location: located in the southwest edge of sichuan province to the qinghai-tibet plateau transition zone, the north is 120 km from chengdu, east 38 kilometers away from leshan. Tickets: tickets for the mountains RMB 120 / person (not including insurance, excluding temple); Mountain tourist ticket zhongshan section between 40 yuan/person, mountain period from 30 yuan/person, the whole period of between 70 yuan/person; Wan and sightseeing small train ticket back and forth the whole top fares 60 yuan/person. Transportation: mount emei one and a half hour's drive from chengdu shuangliu international airport, the whole high-speed, the transportation is convenient. Leshan giant Buddha 38 km distance, between in leshan and mount emei perennial are tourism hotline, there is a train every 10 minutes to emei mountain, unilateral drive less than an hour. Specialty: bamboo tea, emei mountain spirit monkey, snow MoYu, bamboo shoot, etc. Warm prompt: emeishan monkey is very much, especially must not take the initiative to provoke, valuables close in place, can buy a crutch, as well as self-defense, and can be used to walk. 峨眉山金顶景点导游词 篇7Jinding emei and emei top and adjacent top, elevation 3079 meters, mountain high clouds here is low, spectacular, visitors can appreciate sunrise at the edge of the steep throw rocks, sea of clouds, Buddha's light. Wenchuan after the earthquake, the altitude from 3077 meters up about two meters. The earliest jinding building as the PuGuangDian when the eastern han dynasty, tang, song to light temple, Ming HongWuShi treasure haze monks rebuilt, as the iron tile temple. Siwa, copper tile so when two temple for Ming monk to create. Jinding Andy Jackson created for Ming wanli wonderful peak tongdian, wanli Zhu Xu hook title "yong Ming temple". Jinding name, that is, from the "mirage". According to relevant data records, Andy two zhangs four feet five inches, ten feet wide three feet five inches, ten feet deep three feet five inches, doors and Windows walls all tile column is mixed gold bronze casting, for like samantabhadra bodhisattva, column beside small statue of Buddha, gate road map carved on the walls of the shu mountains and rivers, exquisite workmanship, amazing. When the morning sun exposure to the top of the hill, Andy into the sun was shining and dazzling, very spectacular, so people call it "jinding". But in qing dynasty daoguang years, due to a fire, burning crumbled the mirage, surviving only 1 bronze tablet, king side is sulfur from transactions and set of wang xizhi word "big asan yong Ming Tibetan temple new tongdian", one side is Fu Guangzhai from and set b word "emei samantabhadra mirage", existing in the China Tibetan temple, otherwise a few fan original Andy Windows Tibetan temple also exist in China. From the few relics, we can infer that Andy how brilliant spectacular. Bronze was destroyed, guangxu years heart qi monk at the site in the brick. On April 8, 1972 and unfortunately caught fire, the whole China Tibetan temple once again reduced to ashes. In 1986, the state allocated 2.6 million yuan, the reconstruction of China Tibetan temple, on September 11, 1990. Nowadays China Tibetan temple than previously China Tibetan temple scale, building high quality, flying pavilion flow Dan, macro magnificent and grand temple word, towering. 峨眉山金顶景点导游词 篇8峨眉金顶与峨眉顶峰的万佛顶相邻,海拔3079米,这里山高云低,景色壮丽,游客可在陡峭的舍身岩边欣赏日出、云海、佛光。汶川地震后,海拔高度从原先的3077米抬高了约两米。 金顶最早的建筑传为东汉时的普光殿,唐、宋时改为光相寺,明洪武时宝昙和尚重修,为铁瓦殿。锡瓦、铜瓦两殿为明时别传和尚创建。金顶金殿为明万历年间妙峰禅师创建的铜殿,万历皇帝朱栩钩题名“永明华藏寺”。金顶的得名,即来源于“金殿”。据有关资料记载,金殿高二丈四尺五寸,广一丈三尺五寸,深一丈三尺五寸,瓦柱门窗四壁全为掺金的青铜铸造,中供普贤菩萨像,旁列万尊小佛,门壁上雕刻全蜀山川道路图,工艺精湛,叹为观止。 当早晨朝阳照射山顶时,金殿迎着阳光闪烁,耀眼夺目,十分壮观,故人们称之为“金顶”。可惜在清代道光年间,由于一次大火,烧坍了金殿,留存下来的只有一通铜碑,一面是王硫宗撰并集王羲之字的《大峨山永明华藏寺新建铜殿记》,一面是傅光宅撰并集褚遂良字的《峨眉山普贤金殿记》,现存华藏寺中,另有几扇原金殿窗门也存在华藏寺。从这几件遗物中,我们可以想见当年金殿是何等的辉煌壮观。 铜殿被毁后,光绪年间心启和尚在原址建以砖殿。1972年4月8日又不幸失火,整个华藏寺再次化为灰烬。1986年,国家拨款260万元,重建华藏寺,1990年9月11日落成。现今华藏寺比原先华藏寺规模大,建筑质量高,飞阁流丹,崇宏壮丽,殿字轩昂,高耸入云。 峨眉山金顶景点导游词 篇9Mount emei is one of China's Buddhism holy land, is "the eldest son of the buddhas" samantabhadra bodhisattva dojo. Jinding emei is a bronze figure 48 meters high 10, pu as the center, from yao's Andy, bold tongdian, of silver and White House new jinding avenue of pilgrimage. Emeishan jinding is the highest peak of run-length, the elevation of 3077 meters. A, the top is a little plain, the original bronze in the sun under the irradiation of sparkling, so named jinding. The jinding, people all feel empty, spectacular, amazing wonders of heaven and earth. Looked around his eyes and panoramic view of the chengdu plain, the mountains above the hills, the rise and fall like waves, minjiang river, qingyi river and dadu river, great snow mountain, WaWuShan, gong ah mountain in the mind. Jinding emei and emei wan and adjacent, top of the peak elevation of 3077.96 meters, the low mountain high clouds here, spectacular, visitors can appreciate the sunrise at the edge of the steep throw rocks, sea of clouds, fat kwong, wonders of the four. Emeishan jinding is temples and attractions most centralized place, zhu completed 26 meters high, with a total area of 1614 square meters of jinding and each a tongdian, as well as the first ShanTing a "copper pavilion", emei essence. In 1983 is listed as one of the han nationality area national key buddhist monasteries. Jinding peak, there is a rare treasures, known as "jinding tongdian", for thirty years Ming wanli (1602) peak Jackson made in west sichuan Francisco LuAn wang, please donate. Temple is 8 meters high, 4.8 meters wide, 4.3 meters deep, for faced south, ring to embroider brown window lock, full-bodied with copper pieces welded. Roof eaves tile distillation gold, under the sun shine upon, glittering, Tiao yao thyme, solid jinding. Tongdian built-in samantabhadra ride like a statue, to 5 m tall, displayed on 24 bronze Buddha, now the largest temple in ten thousand. Door fang shade is engraved "cloud stack JianGe" and "road map" emei, copper inscribed scripture and thousands of Buddha statue. Outside the bronze tree also have copper and copper. It is interesting to note that general temple doors are facing south, but mount emei is toward the east, jinding tongdian, and exceptions of the western, this also can be the uniqueness of mount emei. It is said that once upon a time in Tibet to jinding believers worship only, because the home town of Buddha in the western regions. The house burned down in qing dynasty misfortune. |
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