标题 | 2023英语年会邀请函 |
范文 | 2023英语年会邀请函(通用3篇) 2023英语年会邀请函 篇1Calling for Papers The First International Conference on Nomenclature We would like to invite you to attend the First International Conference on Nomenclature (the Conference in the following), which will be held jointly by the Shaanxi International Cultural and Economic Exchange Center and the Engineering University of Chinese Armed Police Forces from 23-25 March, 2019 in Xi’an, Shaanxi, China. During the Conference, we will also launch the International Association of Nomenclature and the Research Institute of International Nomenclature. It is expected that more than 400 scholars from about 30 countries will attend, many of whom have sent in their paper proposals. 1. The topics of the Conference (1) Character, structure and function of naming; (2) Origin, fabrication, application, evolution, and norms of naming; (3) Classification of naming, including space-time naming, human being and matter naming, cultural, scientific and technological term naming, sound, color and graphic mark naming, with their characteristics and sub-classification; (4) Relationship between nomenclature and philosophy, logic, anthropology, sociology, folklore, literature, aesthetics, psychology, geomorphology, merchandising, advertising and other fields; (5) Similarities and differences of naming between different cultures and languages; (6) Scientific system of nomenclature and its branches, their history and research methods; (7) Naming, nomenclature and the relationship between naming, nomenclature and human society; 2. The mission of the conference (1) Establishing the International Association of Nomenclature (2) Approving the Xi'an Declaration of the First International Conference on Nomenclature 3. The working languages of the conference Chinese or English 4. Paper requirements (1) The topics of papers are not limited for this First Conference, but should be related to nomenclature. (2) Prior to 1 December 2019, please submit by email the title of your paper and your personal introduction (about 100 Chinese characters or 70 English words) via email. (3) Prior to 31 February 2019, please submit by email your complete paper. 5. Personal achievements in research Please bring your major research works (papers or books) in all fields, including but not limited to nomenclature, with a list of your major works and your electronic half-length color photo. These will be used for the establishment of the Memorial Hall of International Nomenclature Academic Advisers and the Exhibition of International Nomenclature Academic Achievements. 6. Time and place of the Conference (1) Place Xi'an Fusen Urban Inn, (Chrysanthemum Garden, East Street of Xi’an China, on the eastern side of Bell Tower) Directions: From Xi’an Railway Station, take Bus No. 611 to the bus stop of Duanlvmen, and the inn is on the south side of the road. From Xi’an North Railway Station, take the subway to the Bell Tower, get off, exit from the southeast gate, and walk east to the Fusen Urban Inn. From the Airport, Conference staff will meet you at the Airport if you come by air. Or you can take the Airport Shuttle, get off at Xi’an Lijing Hotel, and then walk east, through the underground passage, to the Fusen Urban Inn. (2) Time of registration 22 March 2019 (Friday) (3) Time of conference 23-25 March 2019 (Saturday to Monday) 7. Personal expenses You should pay ¥700 for the conference fee, and bear your own travelling and accommodation expenses. 8. Tours You can visit Bell Tower, Drum Tower, Islamic Street (Food, Mosque, Stone Archway), Ancient Culture Street, Stela Forest Museum, Ming Dynasty City Wall, Moat Park, Qin Opera, etc. in your spare time. If you want to visit other tourist attractions, please consult the Inn. 9. Contact information Professor Ma Mingchun, Research Institute for Military Linguistics, Engineering University of Chinese Armed Police Forces, No. 1, Sanqiao Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710086, P. R. China Tel: 0086-29-84563990 Email: 10. Notes: If you need stamped paper invitation, please ask the Conference Secretariat on arrival. Please forward this Conference announcement to other scholars and people interested in nomenclature. Shaanxi International Cultural and Economic Exchange Center Research Institute for Military Linguistics, at the Engineering University of Chinese Armed Police Forces 2023英语年会邀请函 篇2Dear Professor Wang, On behalf of the Ohio State University and the IEEE Computer Society, I would be very pleased to invite you to attend and chair a session of the forthcoming 2019 International Conference on Parallel Data Processing to be held in Bellaire, Michigan, from October 25 to October 28, 2019. You are an internationally acclaimed scholar and educator. Your participation will be among the highlights of the Conference. We sincerely hope that you could accept our invitation. As you know, this is the 10th anniversary of the Conference and we plan to make it a truly international meeting. We have accepted many papers from several foreign countries, including two from China. If you can come, please let us know as soon as possible, since we have to prepare the final program soon. We are looking forward to your acceptance. Sincerely yours, Peter White 2023英语年会邀请函 篇3新老饭店节能工作者: 您好!感谢百忙之中阅读此邀请函。 岁月如梭,又是一年。大家忙忙碌碌,却心系饭店节能,同行需常走动、常相聚。xx饭店节能专业委员会特举办本次年会,以期与饭店工程节能人士共论时事、相互交流,增进感情。 自1999年12月成立及20xx年首次举办新年团拜会以来,我们都在每年辞旧迎新之际如约而至,已成为xx饭店节能专业委员会的传统和品牌,也成为xx饭店节能人之间的感情交流的良好平台,以及饭店分管总经理和工程部经理展示风采的舞台。 在国家“十三五”规划(20xx20xx年)中,已明确绿色低碳将是今后发展的趋势。《饭店单位综合能耗、电耗限额及计算办法》修订版已于20xx年10月1日起实施,节能减排成为一项基本国策。为了助力饭店节能产业创新升级,构建节能服务新秩序,给饭店业界搭建互动交流平台,提供更多学习机会,提升饭店的市场竞争力,在传统农历新春佳节到来之际,我们非常高兴地向您发出出席本届年会的邀请函,诚挚邀请您参加由xx饭店节能专业委员会主办的xx饭店节能专业委员会年会暨新春团拜会,同贺新年。您的参与,对我们来说非常重要,我们热诚期待在美丽的西子湖畔与您相约。我们殷切盼望您的到来,届时让我们欢聚一堂,畅叙友谊情怀,抒发豪情壮志,共同描绘饭店节能的美好蓝图!如蒙应允,请按附页联系方式反馈回执。 本次邀请人员:饭店总经理或工程总监,约250人左右(含江苏部分地区)。 会议地点: 开会时间:20xx年1月10日下午13:00正式开始(13:00-20:30) 报到时间:20xx年1月10日8:00-13:00(中餐由会务组提供) 会议要求:请各位代表准时赴会(设有准时赴会奖品) 内容:1.xx饭店节能专业委员会年度工作总结 2.xx饭店节能先进工作者、网络之星、优秀论文奖表彰 3.工程技术交流:饭店中央空调先进实用的制冷技术、采暖技术,中央空调智能 控制集成系统,物联网安防系统、先进的智能旋转门技术、饭店能源管理云平台等。 4.饭店同行交流发言及节能新产品新技术展示。 5.设有晚宴,精彩文艺演出,抽奖互动。 备注:1)凭此邀请函领取精美礼品1份/人。 2)本次会议不收取会务费用,交通费用自理。 3)外地代表要求住宿的,请在回执中注明,由会务组统一免费安排。 邀请人: X年XX月XX日 |
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