标题 | 买苹果手机的广告词 |
范文 | 买苹果手机的广告词 很多人都喜欢买苹果手机,走在街上也经常能看到苹果手机的专卖店,在销售手机的时候,销售人员会用创意的广告词介绍不同款式的手机给消费者了解,促进消费者买苹果手机。下面是第一范文网小编为你整理的买苹果手机的广告词,希望对你有用! 买苹果手机的广告词(优秀篇)1.这是一切,这是关键。产品的体验,它会给人什么样的感觉。验?能让生活更好吗?有没有存在的意义?我们把大量的时间,用在少数伟大的东西上。直到我们触及的每个想法,改变了它所触及的生活。可能你都没注意到,但你总能感觉得到。这就是我们的印记,它代表了所有。Designed by Apple in California 2.苹果好不好吃,咬一口就知道。 3.iphone带回家。有超过十万个程序供您使用……科技的魅力无处不在! 4.iphone Gs在中国是“有万个应用软件,几乎能做任何事,尽在iphone 5.再一次改变一切。——iphone 6.只有不敢做,没有不能做,全球最先进的手机就是它——iPhone手机 7.iPhone改变一切。 8.只有不敢做,没有不能做。全球最先进的手机就是它,iPhone手机。 9.出色的iPhone,如今更出色。 买苹果手机的广告词(精选篇)1.那些疯狂的家伙们致敬 Here’s to the Crazy Ones. 2.他们我行我素 The misfits. 3.桀惊不逊 The rebels. 4.惹事生非 The troublemakers. 5.与世人格格不入 The round pegs in the square holes. 6.他们用不同的角度看待事物 The ones who see things differently. 7.他们从不墨守成规 They’re not fond of rules. 8.他们也从不安于现状 And they have no respect for the status quo. 9.你可以引用他们,也可以否决他们 疑他们,颂扬抑或是诋毁他们 You can quote them, disagree with them,disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them. 10.但唯独不能漠视他们 。 因为他们改变了事物 About the only thing that you can’t do, is ignore them. Because they change things. 11.他们发明想象治愈 They invent. They imagine. They heal. 买苹果手机的广告词(简短篇)1.他们探索创造引领 They explore. They create. They inspire. 2.他们让人类向前跨了一大步 They push the human race forward. 3.也许他们是被迫成疯 Maybe they have to be crazy. 4.一张白纸你能看到还没画出来的图画? How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art? 5.四周寂静你能听到还没写出来的歌曲? Or, sit in silence and hear a song that hasn’t been written? 6.抑或望星空你能看出天竟物演? Or, gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels? 7.这样的人是有用之才 We make tools for these kinds of people. 8.别人眼里的疯子,我们眼中的天才 While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. 9.只有疯狂到别人眼里的疯子,我们眼中的天才 While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. 10.只有疯狂到以为自己能够改变世界的人 Because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, 11.才能真正地改变世界 are the ones who do. |
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