标题 | 大学生周记 |
范文 | 大学生周记(精选10篇) 大学生周记 篇1今天有点不开心,来了20来天了,今天是第一次犯错误。登记员工薪资的时候居然把一个数字写错了,还好同事检查发现及时更正了。虽然他们没有说我,安慰我说,谁没有出错的时候呢,可是自己还是很不好意思。事情已经发生了,还好没有出什么纰漏,我只有告诫自己在以后的工作中要更加谨慎,不能再犯了,不然就对不起大家的宽容和帮助了。 有的时候老板也会分配我做做其他部门的工作,起初我还在想自己又不是负责那块区域的咯,不过事后想想我应该庆幸和感谢有这样一个学习的机会,能够很好的提高自己、锻炼自己。人往往都是这样,没有经历过的话,永远都不知道事情到底是怎么一个样子,是真的那么难,还是并非如此,所以,不管怎么样,即使是自己完全陌生的事情,只要有机会,都一定要去尝试,努力去做好。因为没有经验,那么就需要做更多的准备工作。另外就是不要害怕失败,只要用心去做就可以了。等到熟练了,那么成功将是水到渠成的事情。 一段时间下来,公司里好几个部门的面孔算是都认识了,整天像只小兔子一样窜来窜去,挺开心的。要是同事有什么事情找我,我都很乐意效劳,当然只要是在我的能力之内,从一进公司我也受了同事们的不少恩惠啊!感觉彼此就像是个大家庭,互相帮助,互相理解! 周记四又是一个晴天,美好的一天。繁琐的工作日复一日的重复着,但是每天的心情却是不尽相同的。早上把考勤和一些文档整理好之后就没事做了,下午跟同事们尽情享受了一会下午茶,真是乐哉呀!想起来平时在寝室晃晃荡荡没事干,觉得日子过得好慢好无聊。而在公司里,就完全不一样了,每天紧张的工作状态,完全没有时间考虑其它事情。于是不知不觉的,就发现原来我短暂的一个月就快要过去了。也许以后我不会从事这个行业,这个岗位,但这次的经历却是实实在在的,就感觉自己每天都在进步,每天都能够接触新的事物,一点一点的吸收进去。初踏社会便有了很深的感受,正应了那句话:社会是一所最好的大学。果然没错。 一个多月的时间,虽然短,但学到的东西可不少,如何快速的适应公司的环境,融入企业的团体,如何更好的跟同事沟通,更好的完成既定的任务。这些都不是信手拈来的,都需要一个逐步的从点到面的认识,也让自己对自己的能力更加自信,相信自己将来能够成为一个对社会有用的一员。 大学生周记 篇2古人曾说:“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。”这句名言已流传千古。老师你是辛勤的园丁,修剪着我们;你是蜡烛,奉献了自己,照亮了他人;老师你是??你对我们的爱,我们无法用语言表达呀!! 回头想想,无论是成功后的喜悦,做错事的愧疚,莽撞后的尴尬,离别后的思念都值得我们细细采撷,慢慢体会。 岁月匆匆,花开花落,敬爱的老师我忘不了你那谆谆的教诲,忘不了你那慈祥的目光,你把一生都献给了你的事业,对我们倾注了无限期望和心血!你用那汗水浇绿了无数颗树,你用心血染红了千万朵花,你那精神是我们前进的动力,老师你是伟大的,你桃李满天下,你被许多歌赞美过、歌颂过。你教给我们知识,你说:“知识就是力量”交给我们如何做人,你说:“做人也要像蜡烛一样,在有限的一生中有一份热发一份光,给人以光明,给人以温暖”你教给我们的东西不计其数,是我们人生路上的引路人。让我们变得坚强、不甘弱士,做事情的时候,认定目标、坚持不解、脚踏实地的。 老师加减乘除算不尽,你所做的贡献,诗词歌赋,颂不完对你的崇敬!你用知识的甘露,浇开我们理想的花朵,你用心灵的清泉,润育我们情操的美。老师我祝愿你桃李满天下,教育事业更上一层楼!!! 大学生周记 篇3杜甫说:“读书破万卷,下笔如有神。”的确,经常阅读会提高我们的写作水平,会给我们带来丰富的知识,还会给我带来许许多多的好处。 读书可以开阔我们的视野。记得八岁那年,我家的小狗欢欢一见熟人就摇头 摆尾,这是为什么呢?我心中便产生疑惑,于是,我找到了“书”老师——《十万个为什么》。啊,真是“得来全不费功夫”呀,原来,狗也是有感情的,家狗与人处熟了,见到熟人就会兴奋,摇头摆尾就是它们表达高兴心情一种方式。瞧,生活中有不懂的问题,在书中就能找的期待的答案,可见多读书有好处。莎士比亚说“书是世界的营养品。”高尔基说:“书籍是人类进步的阶梯。”所以,我们得多读课外书。 也许有人会说课外书谁不会读?当然,只要识字就会读书,但怎样读好呢?我觉得首先是要带着新鲜的感觉去读第一遍。第一遍下来会有一些疑问,这时候再去读第二遍,对心中的一二做出来解答。第三遍就要拿出笔和纸,记书中的优美的词语,记描写的精彩段落。做笔记能够锻炼我们的记忆力,也增强了我们的理解力。第四遍就仔细读,到读懂为止。 “黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟。”啊,希望大家多读书,做一个知识丰富的人。 大学生周记 篇4在过去的日子里,每天的生活就是:早早起床了,拿上u盘、课本、听课证就往公交车站跑,会为了怕迟到而放弃坐那笨蛋电梯,会为了怕作业没完成,而常找借口说忘记拷了(其实是偷懒没做),就这样,时间、青春悄悄溜走了,再也抓不回来了(同学们别学我哈)。 期待而害怕的时刻终于来临了,身处就业前线,看到前面的路总觉得很渺茫,很多分歧。网上看过很多企业的招聘信息,对比着他们的用人要求,技术这方面是没问题了(我说的是j2ee哈),就是大部分公司对学历和工作经验有要求,在网上投过简历,也参与了两次面试,最终都是一个结果:请你回家等消息(消失)。总结了一下,那两家公司都是要即插即用型人才,没工作经验的一般不考虑,你就算表现得再有能力,对方也会有点不放心,这是我们应届毕业生就业的瓶颈阿(咱们英雄总不能给埋没了呀),从那以后,就诞生了一个想法:哪天,在网上向全国的软件公司发出几千封邮件,标题:零工资,跪求实习机会! 这并不是一个滑稽的行为,因为,我需要发展,前面的金子还等着我去挖掘,我总不能被卡在这里,花几个月去免费帮公司做事,换来一些珍贵的工作经验,这才是最重要的。(嘿嘿,这只是前期投资嘛) 8月的某天,我的邮件已经写好,附件也打好包了,箭在弦上,待发之际,电话响了,是班主任,说有一家公司需要实习生,但工作环境艰苦,压力极大,问我愿意去不,我当时想都没想(其实想了,只是我脑袋里的cpu运算速度更强大了哈哈),立马答应了。 中间的面试过程。 8月17号,我全副武装(就带了两套衣服),坐上了禅城< -- >顺德 城巴,去到了广东日电集团美的微波炉事业部,第一次看到了程序员的工作室,那个心呀,就像第一次看到大海一样,激动澎湃。很快,我被分配了一台高配置的电脑(开三个程序会死机的汗)。就这样,我的实习生活开始了。 为了能让自己每天都有新的收获,我在我的电脑上,建了一个日程表模板,一天复制一份,模板其实就是一个文件夹,三个文件,1.工作计划:用于拟定工作的要点 2.进度追踪:用于记录自己完成的进度,以时刻鞭策自己 3.备注:记录着一些奇怪的问题,有待解决。 我们做的项目是物资设备管理系统,开发语言及技术平台 oracle + j2ee + json + delphi ,这是两门语言的结合产物,delphi做前台(图形界面),向后台servlet发送请求,参数中指定业务逻辑层的类名及方法,其它参数均是json格式的zip包,后台是j2ee(spring+hibernate),所有的请求都是同一个servlet处理,把json格式的zip包解读,根据类名和方法名通过java的反射机制去实例对象,执行方法,把得到的对象集合再转换成json格式,然后输入到response的流中,传回给前台,前台再转换成delphi的对象,再进行数据展示,如此循环。 该项目使用了大量的存储过程,复杂程序非常高,很多我都还看不懂,写法和t-sql有一定的区别。所以,我个人认为,实现高难度的查询,也是每一个程序员应该攀越的高度。另外还有一点:要提高自学能力。我在实习阶段,免不了会遇上很多技术上的问题,在学校,我解决不了,我就会直接问老师了,可在这,我想开口问,但别人都在卖力工作,不忍打断他的思路,下班了吧,没案例在手,他说得清,你也整理不清楚那么快,所以我学会了逼自己进一步有耐心地去解决问题,遇到不懂的就到百度、谷哥去查,每解决一个问题,我都会非常非常开心,因为这是我努力的回报,所以我相信:只要再坚持多一会,奇迹就会出现! 延伸阅读(英语版): University student zhou ji fan wen 1 As the most professional college student, I am honored to be able to enter the most professional post internship. I believe that everyone has their first day at work, and they will have a profound feeling and experience on the first day of work. Especially in the workplace, where there has never been a job. The first few days internship, the mood is naturally excited and nervous, the excitement is to feel that I finally have the opportunity to enter the work place, the tension is to face a complete unfamiliar working environment. At the beginning, I don't have to do much work. I am basically familiar with the environment of the new job, the internal culture of the company, and some things that I need to know in my daily work. Everything about this position is strange, but learning to adapt quickly to an unfamiliar environment is a process of self-training and the first thing I need to learn. This internship will lay the foundation for future career. The first week led me to meet with other staff in the office and assigned a master to whom I could ask for help in the problems and difficulties encountered in the internship. A week passed quickly, thought that the day of the internship will be boring, but to be honest in the first week of the internship is more relaxed and happy, hey hey, as the saying goes, all things are difficult before they are easy, I have already taken the first step, in the following days I will continue to work hard. Life is not simple, we must go on! I want to keep going, but I will always have a smile someday. Although the first week of internship has nothing to do, it is easy, but I am not relaxed, still will be in a positive optimistic attitude, hard work, with the greatest enthusiasm in the internship life. Although the first week of internship has nothing to do, it is easy, but I am not relaxed, still will be in a positive optimistic attitude, hard work, with the greatest enthusiasm in the internship life. College student zhou ji fan wen 2 After a week of practice, the processes of their position, also have some understanding, while I'm reading is the most professional, but some disconnect and internship practice, this week has been in our training the theoretical knowledge of the business, feeling back to the school. Although I am not so familiar with the business, there will be a lot of ignorance, but I gradually learned how to deal with some things. Understand the importance of initiative in the process of work, and when you can choose, take the initiative in your own hands. Sometimes encounter problems in the process of work, the in the mind will be particularly wronged, but that it would be also good, I think as long as positive learning actively, and do your work, don't understand asked, do much, speak little surprises, Only you can't think of it. In the second week of the end of the internship, come here to have a period of time, although the colleagues is very good, work is easy, have certain knowledge of working environment, but real life here, will feel a little not adapt. I believe that I will adapt to the working life. College student zhou ji fan wen 3 Unconsciously entering the third week of internship, life is still slowly adapting to the daily routine work. In addition to learning about the relevant business knowledge, I also strengthen the most professional knowledge related to my position, so as to apply the most professional knowledge to practical work. Practice don't want to be in the school, a lot of a lot of problems in the work can only their own study, but there are a lot of information can be checked, the most professional knowledge learning in the university can help, don't waste the university study. When I do not understand, I will check the information and cultivate my ability of self-study. Meanwhile, I can learn a lot of relevant knowledge and I can get a lot of information. After more than two weeks of formal internship, I have gradually adapted to such a routine and working style. When I was in school, sometimes lazy or unwell, I would take time off or skip classes, and the teacher would be very understanding and tolerant of the "ungrown children" in his eyes. But now, when we start working, no one of our colleagues will ever think of us as a child, or as spoiled and inclusive as our teachers. Whoever is late will be criticized by the leader. So every morning I dare not be lazy and get up and go to work on time. Sometimes it is normal to skip breakfast in order not to be late. In order to make a good impression, I will go to the office early and clean up the office before I can get hot water. Even though it's trivial, it's a contribution to the office. The third week is almost over, and I believe I can do better next week and make a little progress every day. 大学生周记 篇5在过去的日子里,每天的生活就是:早早起床了,拿上U盘、课本、听课证就往公交车站跑,会为了怕迟到而放弃坐那笨蛋电梯,会为了怕作业没完成,而常找借口说忘记拷了(其实是偷懒没做),就这样,时间、青春悄悄溜走了,再也抓不回来了(同学们别学我哈)。 期待而害怕的时刻终于来临了,身处就业前线,看到前面的路总觉得很渺茫,很多分歧。网上看过很多企业的招聘信息,对比着他们的用人要求,技术这方面是没问题了(我说的是J2EE哈),就是大部分公司对学历和工作经验有要求,在网上投过简历,也参与了两次面试,最终都是一个结果:请你回家等消息(消失)。总结了一下,那两家公司都是要即插即用型人才,没工作经验的一般不考虑,你就算表现得再有能力,对方也会有点不放心,这是我们应届毕业生就业的瓶颈阿(咱们英雄总不能给埋没了呀),从那以后,就诞生了一个想法:哪天,在网上向全国的软件公司发出几千封邮件,标题:零工资,跪求实习机会! 这并不是一个滑稽的行为,因为,我需要发展,前面的金子还等着我去挖掘,我总不能被卡在这里,花几个月去免费帮公司做事,换来一些珍贵的工作经验,这才是最重要的。(嘿嘿,这只是前期投资嘛) 8月的某天,我的邮件已经写好,附件也打好包了,箭在弦上,待发之际,电话响了,是班主任,说有一家公司需要实习生,但工作环境艰苦,压力极大,问我愿意去不,我当时想都没想(其实想了,只是我脑袋里的CPU运算速度更强大了哈哈),立马答应了。 延伸阅读(英语版): University student zhou ji fan wen 1 For internships, measure is not the first time, but no time, this is take the longest time, when with a both happy and nervous mood on internship journey, I once again felt the internship, internship units is more difficult to find! Ben and xu xiaodan had agreed that the internship should be located in fuzhou, but finally, due to various reasons, the location of the internship was finally implemented in lishui, nanjing. 10, after a few days ago, understand, my internship work, main work is responsible for the reception of customers and to introduce them to all sorts of breed texture of the plate, and then complete the sales. Come to nanjing, although I every summer to before, but still don't know anything in the local dialect, which caused great inconvenience to my work, although all speak mandarin, but because each with their own regional accents, it is to a certain extent, affected the conversation, sometimes a word also need to say a few times repeatedly to convey the meaning, like feel very helpless, can only regret it wasn't the sound standard. Do business, sell, rely on is a mouth, eloquence is good, grasps the minute, proper say, easy to take the customer's heart to grasp, thus can conclude a deal. I understand this layer of truth, but when I really get to face it, I find it difficult to grasp the customer's heart due to introversion and lack of exercise. So three days later, I couldn't finish a deal. It was really bad. In spite of this, but I am not discouraged, when a customer or colleague, I still smile and greet them and feed them, because once upon a time a few times after the internship, I have a habit, to treat people pay attention to etiquette, meet customers, regardless of whether a deal, can give a person the sense with a lack of formal, as long as it is in store, I will be sincere reception greetings to let them came in and experience the feeling, the attention, I think, there are often some of the details are easy to be what we ignore, such as a gentle greeting, but it shows the care for colleagues to a friend, also let people feel valued and be concerned about, but also a basic quality. Moreover, before the school, the teacher emphasized again and again that he should treat others with courtesy, not to give the school black. College student zhou ji fan wen 2 Unknowingly, internship here are ten days, although the time is close to two weeks, but for some kinds of lumber, use or not cooked, can only discern basic plank is fir, Korean pine, etc., but customers need what to do furniture, springboard good wood species is economical, but could not provide accurate information. It may also be that this makes it possible to trade successfully to other homes. I think that's the difference. Because do is wood raw materials, therefore, the reception of the customers are generally do carpentry and construction site carpentry furniture, occasionally there are some private home buying, but basically the number is not much, but for me, no matter the customer to buy more or less, service attitude is the same, I will not neglect or does not receive, because buy less in this week, I also pick up the phone, occasionally on the phone, because before some of the old customers, and we can cooperate for a long time, the quality of our wood and the price is more understanding, trust, and generally to order by phone, and I order by phone, and then send the corresponding specification material. The main work this week is the same as last week, although the noise is a little bit, but for me, it can make me get the best exercise in all aspects by facing different customers. 大学生周记 篇6这周头一天星期一,我终于接到实习以来的第一个真正的工作任务。虽然在这儿实习了快一个月了,但是工作的内容无非是协助同事,帮帮忙,打打杂。大部分的时间都是闲着的,我的师父今天终于分配给我第一个工作任务,我充分利用了大学里面学习的最专业相关知识,把第一个任务圆满完成。师父说,通过他的观察,说我态度积极,并且耐的住性子,已经初步通过了他的考验,所以分配给我一个工作任务,对我进行进一步的考验。这个看似简单的工作任务就是耐心和细心,一个小小错误就会导致所有的错误。我想说,师父,我准备 大学生周记 篇7作为最专业的大学生,我很荣幸能够进入最专业相关的岗位实习。相信每个人都有第一天上班的经历,也会对第一天上班有着深刻的感受及体会。尤其是从未有过工作经历的职场大学们。 头几天实习,心情自然是激动而又紧张的,激动是觉得自己终于有机会进入职场工作,紧张是因为要面对一个完全陌生的职场环境。刚开始,岗位实习不用做太多的工作,基本都是在熟悉新工作的环境,单位内部文化,以及工作中日常所需要知道的一些事物等。对于这个职位的一切还很陌生,但是学会快速适应陌生的环境,是一种锻炼自我的过程,是我第一件要学的技能。这次实习为以后步入职场打下基础。第一周领导让我和办公室的其他职员相互认识了一下,并给我分配了一个师父,我以后在这里的实习遇到的问题和困难都可以找他帮忙。 一周的时间很快就过去了,原以为实习的日子会比较枯燥的,不过老实说第一周的实习还是比较轻松愉快的,嘿嘿,俗话说万事开头难,我已经迈出了第一步了,在接下去的日子里我会继续努力的。生活并不简单,我们要勇往直前!再苦再累,我也要坚持下去,只要坚持着,总会有微笑的一天。虽然第一周的实习没什么事情,比较轻松,但我并不放松,依然会本着积极乐观的态度,努力进取,以最大的热情融入实习生活中。 虽然第一周的实习没什么事情,比较轻松,但我并不放松,依然会本着积极乐观的态度,努力进取,以最大的热情融入实习生活中。 大学生周记 篇8有时候出来社会做事或多或少可看到一些比较现实的社会现象,感受到某些事情的无奈。这周就在前天上午,正当我坐着无聊的时候,一个中年男人走了进来,我看到了就很热情的招呼他,并为他又是倒水,又是请座。本以为是来购买材料的,不想他问我老板在不?我说老板出去了,有什么事就找我吧!当我回答后,他没说什么就起身说等老板回来再说。 当时就觉的很蹊跷,事后才知道是过来想找老板拿回扣。这对我来说简直是无法接受的事,但老板还是给了,说现在生意难做,同行竞争厉害,不给木工点回扣,他就找理由说材料质量不行,不能用,故意跟你刁难,使交易不能达成。为了生意有时候也不得不牺牲点利润,我想这就是的一面吧,然而我却无可奈何。 大学生周记 篇9在浩瀚的历史长河中,总有一些人会留下他们的名字,就像夜空中闪亮的明星,让我们敬仰。 一个个英雄人物掠过眼前,我的脑海里随之浮现出了一件件英雄事迹,他们是多么伟大,多么勇敢,为祖国奉献了青春甚至生命!在那么多掠过眼前的英雄中,最终定格在了一张模糊的照片上——叶挺将军,毫无疑问,他是给我留下印象最深刻的英雄人物。 这位中国共产党党员,这位新四军的领导人,这位杰出的军事家。他以自己的铮铮铁骨坚决贯彻执行党中央的正确路线,坚持华中敌后抗战!他是如此的坚贞不屈,即使被关入牢房也依然没有失去信心,既不投降也不服输!因为他坚信总有一天革命事业会成功。在面对敌人的威逼利诱,他都严词拒绝了,并在牢房的墙上写下了著名的《穷歌》以明志:“我希望有一天,地下的烈火,将我连这活棺材一起烧掉,我应该在烈火与热血中得到永生!”此时,我不由得想起了“富贵不能淫,威武不能屈。”这句名言来。 是啊,叶挺将军是多么地坚强伟大!我们要向他学习。想象我们现在,遇到一点点困难就退缩,从来不去尝试,更别说去克服困难了,生怕碰了钉子伤了自尊心。就像写作业,如果碰到了不会的题目或者是较困难的题目,就空着不写了,或者就去抄别人的作业,生怕错了题目。如果我们都像叶挺将军一样不怕困难,坚贞不屈,那么我们将来一定会有出息。 让我们好好学习老一辈的无产阶级革命精神,用心学习,将来为国家做贡献,当一个栋梁之才吧! 大学生周记 篇10本周五天,充满了挑战的培训课程,挑战人的上课专心程度!由于在由于一学员将沓钞票——练功钞,引进了学堂,跟着在业务知识培训的第一课堂开展了练点钞的第二课堂,上面行同事在讲得稀里哗啦,下面点钞声音噼里啪啦。 当然,由于这周大部分时间在电子教室上,于是很多人也启动电脑观看爱国主义教育篇——霍元甲,也有女生们潜心研究“亚特兰帝斯”游戏……鉴于我是信管专业出身,于是研究了用电脑做课堂笔记这个课题,同时也为了显示我拼音打字速度之快,通过3小时得研究,我发现:如果使用电脑笔记,将会迅速提高学生效率,可以有效提高我们迅速总结重点,加强加深关键点印象和理解!因为你可以很快得在重点后打出你脑子里得个人看法,结合老师ppt和讲解,能更通透了解。同时,对于老师提出得问题,我们也可以随时百度一下,来更全面,独到的提出自己的观点和看法!利用电脑进行多方会议沟通授课等其实国外已有很多软件,比如indanager这类的软件〕 周末行里再次组织出游,中越边境凭详友谊关。天气雨加雾,去到那边,先是在凭详吃午饭,感觉这个城市就像10年前的我家一样。虽然整体也和南宁一样干净。然后听这次开车的师傅说,今天边界对面的越南和50年前一样,一点都没变!我和同行感叹,社会主义好阿!在边境还看到,中国这边不断有集装箱货物运送到边境,而那边则是用老式手推车来把卸载的货物运回去。 不过你说越南穷吧,我们在边关路上的一个建行前面看见坐了6个穿着一般的越南妇女,每人一个小板凳,一个大腰包。应该是兑换货币的同志。其中一位唆的一声,在包里掏出一沓人民币,你猜多少?你想一千吧?那是单位!少说也是10沓一千!然后就噼里啪啦的用我们都不能理解的收拾迅速的点钞!不一会儿就点罢捆好放进兜里!我们啧啧称赞!说这越南同志业务本领就是扎实!同时刹那间,这个大妈竟然又毫不含糊的又从兜里掏出另外一捆rb,噼里啪啦噼里啪啦……>_< 所以,我认为,金融业,在东盟组织的带动下,在广西地区,大有前途! 一路颠簸〔其实我们走的是高速公路〕,在想行里人力资源太牛逼了!通过两次出游,我们可以达到以下几个目的: 1,迅速发展同事之间的友谊!这个在北海当天就达到了——男生在车上与身边女生都交换联系方式 2,观察各个人的性格特征,团队精神等综合素质。路遥知马力,这两次出行路程耗时均超过3小时,可以将个人一览无余! 3,培养新员工对光大银行的感情。吸引人才留住人才〔当然我们只还是潜力股〕的最好方法,就是优待人才!给予他们好的环境使其安心工作 |
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