标题 | 交通警示语 |
范文 | 交通警示语(精选9篇) 交通警示语 篇1交通法规人人遵守,文明城市处处安全。 Traffic laws observance, civilized city is safe. 金玉有值,生命无价,遵守交法,平安一生。 Ok have value, life is priceless, toply with RDB, safe life. 大事小事不如不出事,早到快到不如安全到。 Biand sll issues do not an accident, to fast to the less safe to early. 你让我让,安全保障;我争他抢,只有伤亡。 You let , security; I fit hiand, only casualties. 守法的人以教训换流血,违法的人以流血换教训。 To obey the law of the people in the lesson in bleedin illel person with bleedinin the lesson. 礼让三先,路畅民安。 Three firstity, chanan road. 步步小心,安全是金。 Tread carefully, security is ld. 一秒钟车祸,一辈子痛苦。 A second car accident, for a lifeti of pain. 行路慎为本,开车礼当先。 For this, carefully on the drive ai 宁绕百步远,不抢一步险。 Rather around hundred paces, don't rob step risks. 遵守交规,储蓄安全。 Obey the traffic rules, deposit safety. 宁停三分,不抢一秒。 Better stop three points, not one second. 酒后驾车,生命打折。 Drinkinand drivin life is at a discount. 交通法规,生命之友。 Traffic laws, friends of the life. 酒后驾车,拿命赌博。 Drunk drivin take life lin 路为国脉,法系民魂。 Chinese road as the vein, law syste 违章驾驶,害人害己。 Illel drivin hurt yourself. 车好路好,安全最好。 The best car, road, safety. 马路如虎口,劝君多留神。 The road such as tir, advise you re careful. 手握方向盘,脚踩人命关。 Holdinthe steerinwheel, staed on the hun level. 车祸猛如虎,千万莫马虎。 Traffic accident fierce like a tir, do not careless. 彼此让一让,路宽心舒畅。 Each other ke a, way relieved at ease. 彼此让一让,安全有保障。 Make a each other, ensurinsecurity. 交通警示语 篇2安全带常系生命线,红绿灯常护遵章人。 Safety belt is a lifeline, often traffic lits who protectpliance. 安全是最大的节约,事故是最大的浪费。 Security is one of the biest savin, accident is the biest waste. 树立交通文明意识,自觉维护交通秩序。 Set up traffic civilization consciousness, consciously intain traffic order. 交通法规人人遵守,文明城市处处安全。 Traffic laws observance, civilized city is safe. 金玉有值,生命无价,遵守交法,平安一生。 Ok have value, life is priceless, toply with RDB, safe life. 大事小事不如不出事,早到快到不如安全到。 Biand sll issues do not an accident, to fast to the less safe to early. 你让我让,安全保障;我争他抢,只有伤亡。 You let , security; I fit hiand, only casualties. 守法的人以教训换流血,违法的人以流血换教训。 To obey the law of the people in the lesson in bleedin illel person with bleedinin the lesson. 礼让三先,路畅民安。 Three firstity, chanan road. 步步小心,安全是金。 Tread carefully, security is ld. 一秒钟车祸,一辈子痛苦。 A second car accident, for a lifeti of pain. 交通警示语 篇3行路慎为本,开车礼当先。 For this, carefully on the drive ai 宁绕百步远,不抢一步险。 Rather around hundred paces, don't rob step risks. 遵守交规,储蓄安全。 Obey the traffic rules, deposit safety. 宁停三分,不抢一秒。 Better stop three points, not one second. 酒后驾车,生命打折。 Drinkinand drivin life is at a discount. 交通法规,生命之友。 Traffic laws, friends of the life. 酒后驾车,拿命赌博。 Drunk drivin take life lin 路为国脉,法系民魂。 Chinese road as the vein, law syste 违章驾驶,害人害己。 Illel drivin hurt yourself. 车好路好,安全最好。 The best car, road, safety. 马路如虎口,劝君多留神。 The road such as tir, advise you re careful. 手握方向盘,脚踩人命关。 Holdinthe steerinwheel, staed on the hun level. 车祸猛如虎,千万莫马虎。 Traffic accident fierce like a tir, do not careless. 彼此让一让,路宽心舒畅。 Each other ke a, way relieved at ease. 彼此让一让,安全有保障。 Make a each other, ensurinsecurity. 法规记心中,三思而后行。 Rules to reer in the heart, look before you leap. 交通警示语 篇4违章与事故同在,守纪与安全永存。 Violation with accident, discipline and security forever. 安全是生命之本,违章是事故之源。 Safety is the soul of life, violate the rules and relations is the source of the accident. 宁停三分为安全,礼让三先保平安。 Better stop three divided into safety,ity three safety first. 忍一忍风平浪静,让一让海阔天空。 Endure a endure a cal ke a briter. 文明礼让安全在,瞬间麻痹事故来。 Safety in civilizationity, instantaneous paralysis to the accident. 乱穿马路最危险,文明行路保安全。 The st danrous jaywalkin civilization on the road safety. 安全与守法同在,事故与违法相随。 Security andpliance, accidents and illel. 道路通行见形象,红绿灯前看修养。 See the tutela traffic i, the traffic lits. 道路连者你和他,安全系着千万家。 Even you and hi security with thousands of. 出了车祸速报警,救死扶伤见真情。 Out of the car accident alar heal the wounded and rescue the dyinpeople. 不讲卫生要生病,不讲安全要送命。 Don't speak hyene to t sick, do not speak security will die. 宁可有理让无理,不可有理对无理。 Would rather rational ke unreasonable, not rational to irrational. 谨慎驾驶千趟少,大意行车一回多。 Careful drivinthousand less, careless drivinre than once. 庄稼离不开阳光,安全少不了规章。 Crops without sunshine, safety without rules. 酒性发作不由人,醉酒开车祸害深。 Scour of deep wine seizure by people, drunk drivin 走遍东西南北中,安全二字记心中。 Throuout north and south, east and west, the security word written in the heart. 发展以市场为本,生存以安全为先。 Developnt based on the rket, to survive involved, safety alwayses first. 行路守法法有情,平安回家家温馨。 The law on the thod of sentient bein, ho sweet ho safe and sound. 威风不在车速高,安全才是第一招。 Power is not in the hi speed, safety is first. 违章横穿高速路,难免踏上黄泉路。 Illelly crossinhiway, hard to avoid on the road. 道路连着千万家,安全连着你我他。 Road connectinpart, attached to you I hi 交通警示语 篇5文明礼让安全在,瞬间麻痹事故来。 Safety in civilizationity, instantaneous paralysis to the accident. 乱穿马路最危险,文明行路保安全。 The st danrous jaywalkin civilization on the road safety. 安全与守法同在,事故与违法相随。 Security andpliance, accidents and illel. 道路通行见形象,红绿灯前看修养。 See the tutela traffic i, the traffic lits. 道路连者你和他,安全系着千万家。 Even you and hi security with thousands of. 出了车祸速报警,救死扶伤见真情。 Out of the car accident alar heal the wounded and rescue the dyinpeople. 不讲卫生要生病,不讲安全要送命。 Don't speak hyene to t sick, do not speak security will die. 宁可有理让无理,不可有理对无理。 Would rather rational ke unreasonable, not rational to irrational. 谨慎驾驶千趟少,大意行车一回多。 Careful drivinthousand less, careless drivinre than once. 庄稼离不开阳光,安全少不了规章。 Crops without sunshine, safety without rules. 酒性发作不由人,醉酒开车祸害深。 Scour of deep wine seizure by people, drunk drivin 走遍东西南北中,安全二字记心中。 Throuout north and south, east and west, the security word written in the heart. 发展以市场为本,生存以安全为先。 Developnt based on the rket, to survive involved, safety alwayses first. 行路守法法有情,平安回家家温馨。 The law on the thod of sentient bein, ho sweet ho safe and sound. 威风不在车速高,安全才是第一招。 Power is not in the hi speed, safety is first. 违章横穿高速路,难免踏上黄泉路。 Illelly crossinhiway, hard to avoid on the road. 道路连着千万家,安全连着你我他。 Road connectinpart, attached to you I hi 妻子儿女望穿眼,盼你安全把家还。 His wife and children throu the eyes, and look forward to your safe ho also. 若要亲人勿牵挂,酒后不要把车驾。 Don't care if you want to loved ones, drink and don't put the horse. 交通法规人人遵守,文明社区家家幸福。 Traffic laws observance, civilizednity every happiness. 安全带常系生命线,红绿灯常护遵章人。 Safety belt is a lifeline, often traffic lits who protectpliance. 安全是最大的节约,事故是最大的浪费。 Security is one of the biest savin, accident is the biest waste. 树立交通文明意识,自觉维护交通秩序。 Set up traffic civilization consciousness, consciously intain traffic order. 交通警示语 篇6法规记心中,三思而后行。 Rules to reer in the heart, look before you leap. 没有红灯停,哪来绿灯行。 No stop, where to . 行车都抢先,事故在后边。 In the rear drivinbeat, accident. 一人出车全家念,一人平安全家福。 One person out of the car faly, one faly safe and sound. 礼让三分平安在,抢行一秒后悔迟。 Coty three points in safe and controllinfor one second reet later. 赌气是罪恶之源,忍让才能保证安全。 Anr is the source of evil, tolerance to ensure safety. 超车超速痛快一时,酿成车祸悔恨一生。 Overtakinoverspeed ti at that ti, a car crash reet a lifeti. 礼让礼让,人车无恙。 Cotyity, car all rit. 违章是事故的先导。 Violation is the forerunner of the accident. 做一名美和爱的使者。 To be a beauty, and the anl of love. 心存侥幸,必遭不幸。 Take any chances, will har 铭记法规,善待生命。 Reer the rules and relations, and be kind to life. 各行其道,安全可靠。 Of the road, safe and reliable. 乱穿马路,失道无助。 Unjust jaywalkin helpless. 交通警示语英语和中文精选 心无交规,路有坎坷。 The road is rocky heart without sha. 要想效益好,安全最重要。 Better to benefit, safety is the st iortant. 享受通行权利,应尽安全义务。 Enjoy access rits, security oblition. 道路非比球场,不要合理冲撞。 She is not a road stadiu not reasonable collisions. 生命只有一次,平安伴君一生。 Life only have once, peace apany you a lifeti. 刮风下雨路滑,不要抢道回家。 Don't hoho windy rain is slippery. 开车一心一意,做人仁心仁意。 Drive wholeheartedly, be an uprit person kunbenevolence. 喝酒过多伤肝,酒后驾车要命。 Drinkintoo ch hurt liver, drunk drivin 穿马路越护栏,不守法是隐患。 The fence, the road doesn't obey the law is a hidden trouble. 遵守交通法规,关爱生命旅程。 Obey the traffic rules and relations, and lovinlife journey. 人行道车莫占,车行道人莫穿。 Don't wear road flyover pavent car don't account for, a dealership. 让与争一闪念,生与死一瞬间。 Topete for a split second, life and death in an instant. 走过春夏秋冬,安全永驻心中。 Throu the sprin suer, autu and winter, safety in nd. 维护交通秩序,争做文明公民。 Maintainintraffic order to be a civilized citizen. 人不斜穿,不车越线,各行其道。 People are not inclined to wear, don't cross the line, side of the road. 减速慢行勿争先,关照生命到永远。 Don't rushed to slow down, take care of life forever. 违章与事故同在,守纪与安全永存。 Violation with accident, discipline and security forever. 安全是生命之本,违章是事故之源。 Safety is the soul of life, violate the rules and relations is the source of the accident. 宁停三分为安全,礼让三先保平安。 Better stop three divided into safety,ity three safety first. 忍一忍风平浪静,让一让海阔天空。 Endure a endure a cal ke a briter. 交通警示语 篇7没有红灯停,哪来绿灯行。 No stop, where to . 行车都抢先,事故在后边。 In the rear drivinbeat, accident. 礼让礼让,人车无恙。 Cotyity, car all rit. 违章是事故的先导。 Violation is the forerunner of the accident. 做一名美和爱的使者。 To be a beauty, and the anl of love. 心存侥幸,必遭不幸。 Take any chances, will har 铭记法规,善待生命。 Reer the rules and relations, and be kind to life. 各行其道,安全可靠。 Of the road, safe and reliable. 乱穿马路,失道无助。 Unjust jaywalkin helpless. 心无交规,路有坎坷。 The road is rocky heart without sha. 要想效益好,安全最重要。 Better to benefit, safety is the st iortant. 享受通行权利,应尽安全义务。 Enjoy access rits, security oblition. 道路非比球场,不要合理冲撞。 She is not a road stadiu not reasonable collisions. 生命只有一次,平安伴君一生。 Life only have once, peace apany you a lifeti. 刮风下雨路滑,不要抢道回家。 Don't hoho windy rain is slippery. 开车一心一意,做人仁心仁意。 Drive wholeheartedly, be an uprit person kunbenevolence. 喝酒过多伤肝,酒后驾车要命。 Drinkintoo ch hurt liver, drunk drivin 穿马路越护栏,不守法是隐患。 The fence, the road doesn't obey the law is a hidden trouble. 遵守交通法规,关爱生命旅程。 Obey the traffic rules and relations, and lovinlife journey. 人行道车莫占,车行道人莫穿。 Don't wear road flyover pavent car don't account for, a dealership. 让与争一闪念,生与死一瞬间。 Topete for a split second, life and death in an instant. 走过春夏秋冬,安全永驻心中。 Throu the sprin suer, autu and winter, safety in nd. 维护交通秩序,争做文明公民。 Maintainintraffic order to be a civilized citizen. 交通警示语 篇8妻子儿女望穿眼,盼你安全把家还。 His wife and children throu the eyes, and look forward to your safe ho also. 若要亲人勿牵挂,酒后不要把车驾。 Don't care if you want to loved ones, drink and don't put the horse. 一人出车全家念,一人平安全家福。 One person out of the car faly, one faly safe and sound. 礼让三分平安在,抢行一秒后悔迟。 Coty three points in safe and controllinfor one second reet later. 赌气是罪恶之源,忍让才能保证安全。 Anr is the source of evil, tolerance to ensure safety. 超车超速痛快一时,酿成车祸悔恨一生。 Overtakinoverspeed ti at that ti, a car crash reet a lifeti. 交通法规人人遵守,文明社区家家幸福。 Traffic laws observance, civilizednity every happiness. 安全带常系生命线,红绿灯常护遵章人。 Safety belt is a lifeline, often traffic lits who protectpliance. 安全是最大的节约,事故是最大的浪费。 Security is one of the biest savin, accident is the biest waste. 树立交通文明意识,自觉维护交通秩序。 Set up traffic civilization consciousness, consciously intain traffic order. 交通法规人人遵守,文明城市处处安全。 Traffic laws observance, civilized city is safe. 金玉有值,生命无价,遵守交法,平安一生。 Ok have value, life is priceless, toply with RDB, safe life. 大事小事不如不出事,早到快到不如安全到。 Biand sll issues do not an accident, to fast to the less safe to early. 你让我让,安全保障;我争他抢,只有伤亡。 You let , security; I fit hiand, only casualties. 守法的人以教训换流血,违法的人以流血换教训。 To obey the law of the people in the lesson in bleedin illel person with bleedinin the lesson. 交通警示语 篇9遵守交规,储蓄安全。 Obey the traffic rules, deposit safety. 宁停三分,不抢一秒。 Better stop three points, not one second. 酒后驾车,生命打折。 Drinkinand drivin life is at a discount. 交通法规,生命之友。 Traffic laws, friends of the life. 酒后驾车,拿命赌博。 Drunk drivin take life lin 路为国脉,法系民魂。 Chinese road as the vein, law syste 违章驾驶,害人害己。 Illel drivin hurt yourself. 车好路好,安全最好。 The best car, road, safety. 马路如虎口,劝君多留神。 The road such as tir, advise you re careful. 手握方向盘,脚踩人命关。 Holdinthe steerinwheel, staed on the hun level. 车祸猛如虎,千万莫马虎。 Traffic accident fierce like a tir, do not careless. 彼此让一让,路宽心舒畅。 Each other ke a, way relieved at ease. 礼让三先,路畅民安。 Three firstity, chanan road. 步步小心,安全是金。 Tread carefully, security is ld. 一秒钟车祸,一辈子痛苦。 A second car accident, for a lifeti of pain. 行路慎为本,开车礼当先。 For this, carefully on the drive ai 宁绕百步远,不抢一步险。 Rather around hundred paces, don't rob step risks. 彼此让一让,安全有保障。 Make a each other, ensurinsecurity. 法规记心中,三思而后行。 Rules to reer in the heart, look before you leap. 没有红灯停,哪来绿灯行。 No stop, where to . 行车都抢先,事故在后边。 In the rear drivinbeat, accident. 礼让礼让,人车无恙。 Cotyity, car all rit. 违章是事故的先导。 Violation is the forerunner of the accident. 做一名美和爱的使者。 To be a beauty, and the anl of love. 心存侥幸,必遭不幸。 Take any chances, will har 铭记法规,善待生命。 Reer the rules and relations, and be kind to life. 各行其道,安全可靠。 Of the road, safe and reliable. 乱穿马路,失道无助。 Unjust jaywalkin helpless. 心无交规,路有坎坷。 The road is rocky heart without sha. 要想效益好,安全最重要。 Better to benefit, safety is the st iortant. 享受通行权利,应尽安全义务。 Enjoy access rits, security oblition. 道路非比球场,不要合理冲撞。 She is not a road stadiu not reasonable collisions. 生命只有一次,平安伴君一生。 Life only have once, peace apany you a lifeti. 刮风下雨路滑,不要抢道回家。 Don't hoho windy rain is slippery. 开车一心一意,做人仁心仁意。 Drive wholeheartedly, be an uprit person kunbenevolence. 喝酒过多伤肝,酒后驾车要命。 Drinkintoo ch hurt liver, drunk drivin 穿马路越护栏,不守法是隐患。 The fence, the road doesn't obey the law is a hidden trouble. 遵守交通法规,关爱生命旅程。 Obey the traffic rules and relations, and lovinlife journey. 人行道车莫占,车行道人莫穿。 Don't wear road flyover pavent car don't account for, a dealership. 让与争一闪念,生与死一瞬间。 Topete for a split second, life and death in an instant. 走过春夏秋冬,安全永驻心中。 Throu the sprin suer, autu and winter, safety in nd. 维护交通秩序,争做文明公民。 Maintainintraffic order to be a civilized citizen. 人不斜穿,不车越线,各行其道。 People are not inclined to wear, don't cross the line, side of the road. 减速慢行勿争先,关照生命到永远。 Don't rushed to slow down, take care of life forever. |
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