标题 | 护士求职一分钟自我介绍范文 |
范文 | 护士求职一分钟自我介绍范文(通用3篇) 护士求职一分钟自我介绍范文 篇1My name is Betty Smith and I turned 90 years old yesterday. I was born and raised in Washington, D.C. but moved here to Cardiff thirty years ago with my family. I have dedicated my life to helping others. For 35 years I was a professional nurse at the county hospital. I began my career as a nurse in the Second World War, and also assisted soldiers injured in Korea, Vietnam, and here at home. For the last decade, I have been a school nurse, and now I live with my son, his wife and their two children. It has been a beautiful life. I settled on nursing because taking care of the soldiers seemed so natural to me. I met my husband on the battlefield. My children were born the year we ended the war and declared peace. What else could I have done? This life of service found me. One of the most interesting things has been meeting people in all the countries I’ve visited. In times of distress, you really see how tight each community becomes. If someone is in the water, they’re plucked out. If someone is injured, they’re bandaged. There are no questions, just action. I’d love to see that kind of community support all over the world. Not just during times of war and disaster, but in everyday life. The villages that support each other are the villages that succeed. In this giant village of Britain, it’s vital that we remember that our responsibilities lie not just with ourselves, but also with our neighbors. Our liberation is bound to the liberation of others. I’d like to think I’ve done my part, been as useful as possible, and given to the best of my abilities. For now, I’d like to continue mentoring young nurses and enjoying my time with family and friends. 护士求职一分钟自我介绍范文 篇2本人性格开朗、为人诚恳、吃苦耐劳医学|教育网|搜集整理、乐观向上、兴趣广泛、拥有较强的组织能力和适应能力、敢于面对挑战,具有良好的适应性和做事情认真负责的态度。通过临床实习掌握了临床护理的相关常规操作和初步具备了从事临床护理的工作能力。培养了敏锐的观察力,正确的判断力,独立完成工作的能力,严谨、踏实的工作态度。并以细心、爱心、耐心、责任心对待患者。适应整体护理的发展需要。在大学期间我成功地组织了多次班集体校内外活动,工作得到同学的认可与老师的好评,我相信有了这些工作经历,我一定能够协调各种关系、处理好日常工作中遇到的问题。因此我对自己的未来充满信心。我热爱护理事业,并希望将自己所学所得都奉献给护理事业这片热土!我将用心去对待每一个人,用爱去感染每一个人,为护理事业注如自己的能量和智慧! 护士求职一分钟自我介绍范文 篇3我是一位外表文静,内心却不失坚强的女孩子。朋友们都说我适合做护士,我也这么认为,我喜欢这个行业,所以我义无返顾地选择了她。我只是护士虽然不是医生,但她比医生更贴近病人,需要更为丰富的知识和技术,这样才是真正的“白衣天使”.在学校学习的三年中,我已基本掌握所有的护理操作,具备扎实的理论知识,并在后来的见习、实习中积极巩固,使自己的操作更为熟练,知识更为巩固,让理论联系实践,让自己更有经验。 在学习的同时,我也不忘培养自己的其他兴趣爱好,我参加学校的各种社团和活动,比如针灸推拿协会、校园文化艺术节等,使自己的针推技术和画技长进不少,另外,在学生会宣传部办海报的工作使我的绘画能力和宣传能力得到很大提高。在外语方面我已具备一定的听说读写能力,也掌握了基本的计算机操作。 我有很强的责任心,有很强的集体荣誉感,吃苦耐劳,做事积极认真,乐观开朗,有很好的人际关系, 能够认真对待生活,有熟练的护理技能与牢固的专业知识并能灵活运用到实际工作中。我一直相信只要努力面对生活,心存一份感恩,再黑暗的地方也会有光明。我拥有的是年轻的激情,如果您把信任和希望给我,那么我的自信、我的激情,我的能力,将是您最满意的答案! |
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