标题 | 求职工作的个人介绍 |
范文 | 求职工作的个人介绍(精选3篇) 求职工作的个人介绍 篇1各位尊敬的考官 您好: 非常荣幸能参加这次面试,我叫,来自(户籍),是大学专业本科的应届毕业生,希望通过这次面试能寻到我梦寐以求的职位。 在校期间我刻苦学习,不负众望分别获得两次二等奖学金,和一次的三等奖学金,用实际努力报答父母和师长的养育之恩。 除了学习之外,我还积极参加各种社会实践活动。我曾担任班级的宣传委员,组织了几次班级和学院的公益活动:如青年志愿者助残活动,向孤儿院儿童献爱心活动等。组织这些活动以及和活动中和成员的相处让我学到了很多东西,对培养自己的能力和人际关系的处理有很大的好处,为我更快的走向社会提供了良好的平台。 此外,计算机和篮球是我业余最大的爱好,我计算机过了国家2级,除熟悉日常电脑操作和维护外,还自学了网站设计等,并自己设计了个人主页。我是班级的篮球队主力,我觉的篮球不仅可以强身健体还可以培养一个人的团队精神。 回顾自己大学四年的学习生活,我掌握了专业知识,培养了自己各方面的能力,这些对今后的工作都将产生重要的帮助。除此之外,也应该看到我的一些缺点,如有时候做事情比较急于求成,在工作中实际经验不足等等。但金无足赤,人无完人每个人都不可避免的存在他的缺点,有缺点并不可怕,关键的是如何看待自己的缺点,只有正视它的存在,通过不断的努力学习才能改正自己的缺点。今后我将更严格要求自己,努力工作,刻苦学习,发扬优点,改正缺点,开拓前进。 选择这个职位一方面和我的专业对口,另一方面它有很强的挑战性,我想依靠自身的努力实现自我的人生价值,为公司尽微薄之力,再次感谢给我这次机会,我感到很荣幸。 求职工作的个人介绍 篇2我是XX大学的一名大四学生,即将踏入社会的我对未来充满着期待,我相信 Well begun is half done ,(好的开端是成功的一半)。我希望贵公司就是我成功的起点,我能有幸同贵公司一起共创明日的辉煌。 我出生于风景秀美的江南古城苏州,XX年我以优异的成绩考入了XX大学经济管理学院,从此翻开了我人生新的篇章。入学以来我一直担任班级的团支书,繁忙的工作不仅培养和锻炼了我的工作能力,更加锻炼了我解决问题的能力,使我面临问题的时候能够冷静分析,缜密思考,而这一切对我专业的选择都产生了深刻的影响。 我在做好本职工作的同时,还积极参加学校组织的各项活动,并鼓励同学参与,为他们出谋划策;在日常生活中,我能够紧密团结同学,我相信集体的力量是强大的,只有大家拧成一股绳,才能把各项工作做好。 社会主义现代化建设需要的是具有综合素质的管理人才,因此我在学好专业知识的同时,主攻英语和计算机,在英语方面,我加强培养我的听、说、读、写能力;在计算机方面,我从基础知识入手,进一步掌握了OFFICE的各项功能,同时还自学了INTERNET的基本知识,能够灵活加以运用。在选完专业后,为了拓宽自己的知识面,我还参加了会计电算化的学习,掌握了会计软件的基本应用及EXCEL等应用程序。为了使自己所学的专业知识能够与实际结合,我还自学了有关的案例教材,如战略管理,公司管理,财务管理,资本运营等,并将其运用到自己的实习工作中。 社会在发展,信息在增长,挑战也在加剧。我不仅要发挥自身的优势,更要通过学习他人的经验,来提高自身的素质。贵公司的发展目标是宏伟而长远的,公司的发展就是我们每个人的发展,我相信我有能力把握机遇,与贵公司一起迎接每一个挑战. 假如,我通过了面试,成为众多精英队伍中的成员,我将不断努力学习,努力工作,为公司的发展贡献自己的力量,决不辜负您今天选择,谢谢! 求职工作的个人介绍 篇3my english name is julie. i chose julie to be my english name because my family name is zhu. i guess i'm not the first julie you have interviewed, because there are so many julies, hehe. my hometown is wuhan, so i speak hubei dialect in addition to mandarin and some cantonese. i graduated from guangzhou university two years ago. i had great performance in university, two scholarships, two awards of excellent student cadre, and one impressive award of full attendance, which means i never missed a single class that semester! my first job was receptionist and secretary in an electronic company, but i left in less than a year simply because i had little work to do there. at that time i could finish a day's work in several hours. i couldn't bear the boredom of having nothing to do, so i quit. my current job is a very busy one. i work at leshi pharmaceutical company. leshi, as you can see on my resume, specializes in the wholesale of chinese medicine, the annual sales are about 50 million rmb. i am one of the eight customer service representatives. i provide services to about fifty customers, inputting orders, pushing payments, handling complaints and so on. last year i ranked number two of the eight representatives in the annual satisfaction survey. sales reps gave me 4.5 and customers gave me 4.2 out of the full score of 5 for the services i provided. i'm interested in ciba for two reasons. the first reason is that i look forward to joining a big international company. the second reason is that i feel i meet your requirements. although i've never worked in fine chemistry companies, the two-year experience in a pharmaceutical company has made me a qualified customer service representative who can meet the high standards. i believe you know that the pharmaceutical business usually has very strict requirements and high standards. in addition, i am sure i can learn how to use oracle erp in a short time, as i am very familiar with hejia erp, which is quite similar, and i use the english version at my present job. that's about all. |
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