标题 | 英语教师简历自我评价 |
范文 | 英语教师简历自我评价(精选10篇) 英语教师简历自我评价 篇11.为人谦和友善,做事态度认真,有强烈的教师责任感和良好的团队精神。 2.顺利完成专业课程学习,熟练掌握专业理论知识和实验技能,善于学习新知识和适应新环境。 3.在校担任学校社团职务,培养了良好的人际交往技巧与组织能力。 4.曾做过初中生的兼职家教,教授专业初中英语知识,并得到了监护人对个人英语能力的肯定。 5.兴趣广泛,喜爱英语口语、音乐、影视以及文学创作。》》徐州英语老师招聘 6.英语口语流利,具有良好的英语阅读、写作能力;普通话标准。 英语教师简历自我评价 篇2我在工作上,责任心强、适应能力强、态度热忱、做事细心,能脚踏实地地把自己的工作做好的同时协助同事把部门的工作完成!从事学校校长行政文员工作的一段时间以及在学校亲身作为言传身教的老师的过程中,逐渐锻炼出自己忍耐的性格,虽然有时候会犯错,我知道犯错是不好的,但是犯错之后我会积极地吸取教训,让自己尽量在下次能够避免同样的错误。有位前辈说得好“什么都不做才会什么错都不会犯”,我感谢每一次失误,让我慢慢改过,让我成长!同时,我感觉到了自己从校园出来以后的成长,从一个羞羞答答的女孩儿到要单独去应付很多的难题和亲身去面试其他的人,从一个对人事工作毫无认知的门外汉到逐步地能协助学校校长处理、跟进一些工作,这个过程除了很多来自领导和其他同事的帮助,我自己也在不断地努力。 我知道前面的路还很长,我还要去经历各样的事,我会坚强、会很努力的去面对、去经历、去成长。 对于社会经验不是很丰富的我,对于自己工作的要求不会太挑剔、但同时也不会太随便。一份全职的、能让我得到锻炼并成长的、同时工资待遇都符合心意的工作是我涉猎的目标。我在选择的同时也在被选择,我的耐心、细心、以及对工作的激情能够得到用人单位的认可,我相信会有伯乐相中我这匹千里马的! 英语教师简历自我评价 篇3由于我非常热爱和崇尚教育事业,为此我在报考高等院时,特意选择了毛泽东主席曾经求学、深造的湖南第一师范大学。在这所千年学府的深厚文学底蕴的熏陶下,我受益非浅。几年的大学生活,养成了我严谨、博爱、善学的习惯。曾获得过优秀团员、优秀班干部的荣誉,并历年荣获奖学金。学习固然重要,但能力培养也必不可少。三年多来,为提高自己的授课能力,积累教育经验,我在学好各门专业课的同时,利用课余时间积极参加家教实践活动,为多名初中和小学学生进行补习,使他们的学习成绩和习惯都有较大程度的改进,我的工作也得到了学生和家长的肯定、好评。为进一步积累系统的语文教育经验,我到劳动东路小学进行了长达数月的教育工作实习,在实习期间,我积极向有经验的老师请教,注意学习他们的教学艺术,提高自身的工作水平和授课、表达技巧,力争使自己的教学风格做到知识性和趣味性并举。通过自己不断的努力和教学实践,我已初步具备一名教师素质,强调过硬的工作作风,扎实地教学基本功,较强的自学和适应能力,使我对未来的教育工作充满了信心和期望。 每年寒暑假期间,我都到各用人单位勤工俭学。曾在蒙牛奶业、三星手机、田七牙膏等大型公司的促销活动中兼职促销员。积累了丰富的社会、工作经验,学会做人之道。 十年寒窗,我已豪情满怀、信心十足。事业上的成功需要知识、毅力、汗水、机会的完美结合。路是靠自己走出来的,现在对我来说一个合作的机会,便是一个良好的开端,我愿意将个人价值放在努力工作中去实现。 英语教师简历自我评价 篇4这一年以来,本人认真贯彻党的教育方针,遵守各项规章制度,勤勤恳恳,严格要求自己,服从领导。 这一年来我服从学校领导的安排负责二个班的英语课程。按照学校的规定,我按时按量地完成了学校安排给我的教学任务。 在具体的教学工作中我坚持做到认真备课、上课、听课、评课。积极研究教学方法,坚持写教后感和教学杂记,不断积累经验,不懂时立即向前辈请教。尽职尽责做好学校交给我的每一份工作,热心帮助同事,能团结同事,协调工作。关心爱护学生,关心集体,以身作则,做好为人师表,礼貌待人。 我不断学习教育方面的知识同时坚持继续函授专业知识,且不断的探索两者更好的结合应用。并积极参加再教育学习,并赋予实践相结合,取得了初步的成效和发现了很多不足,遇到了很多困难。我坚持看书学习思考,认真总结,不断地攻破一个个的难题。 在思想我坚持四项基本原则,拥护党的方针政策,积极参加政治学习和集体活动,做到为人师表,遵纪守法,语言文明,热爱职业、热爱学生、教育思想端正,关心学生的全面发展。当然金无赤金,人无完人。我也有我的缺点。总之,我会继续努力争取做到最好! 英语教师简历自我评价 篇5I'm not afraid to work Kulei practical action inspired students to simple people dignified image of teachers educating students, so that the teacher, virtue repair only. According to my students' opinions and suggestions, through the network to find relevant data and information, but also feedback to give them some specific proposals, such as for a special exam practice questions later specialized reference books; in listening and writing more effort; grammar to review system; vocabulary remembering English vocabulary can compare memory, and so on. I believe that the efforts to effectively learn the status and effect must be able to quickly step into a new orbit. Secondly, I ask students to dare to say. Most of the students always think they are not good, and refused to speak, refused to opening levels will lead to not increase, it will not increase the level of their abilities questioned, questioning their ability is in turn result in more afraid to speak, Once students fall into this vicious circle will not get away, which completely negate themselves heard lead levels can not be increased.So, I try to arrange at least four hours a month speaking practice, a person performing oral speech or two threesomes dialogue also requires students to listen to in the following on the podium, said the students to ask questions, so I asked answer mode only exercise the students listening and speaking ability, but also active in the classroom atmosphere, a lot of revenue. In the teaching process, patience is essential. It is a manifestation of a teacher of good behavior. Teacher's job is to solve the problem of students varying degrees, which in addition to the teaching, as well as spiritual. Educating people work hard, treat a variety of problems, countless students have patience with a warm heart to do it. In short, learning English, interests first. The level of students' language ability is largely subject to the degree of interest in learning English.Hard to imagine lost interest also how to develop communication skills.So, as an English teacher, one hand to teach students knowledge of the language and enable them to acquire skills and, more attention should be paid to train and keep students interested in this subject, get a multiplier effect. So as to truly put the requirements of the new curriculum standards are implemented. 英语教师简历自我评价 篇6Since this year, conscientiously implement the Party's education policy, abide by the rules and regulations, diligent, strict demands on themselves, obey the leadership. This year I obey school leaders responsible for arranging two classes of English courses. In accordance with the provisions of the school, I was on time and quantity to complete the arrangements for the school gave me the task of teaching. In particular, I insisted on teaching seriously preparing lessons, classes, lectures, observation and evaluation. Actively teaching methods, insist on writing after being taught and teaching miscellany, continue to accumulate experience, do not know when to consult immediately predecessors. I dutifully handed over to the school to do every job, eager to help my colleagues, my colleagues can unite and coordinate the work. Care for students, concerned about the collective, set a good example, good teacher, polite. I continue to learn at the same time insists on continuing education correspondence expertise, and continue to explore the better integration of both applications. And actively participate in the re-education learning, and give practice, and achieved initial results found a lot of shortcomings, encountered many difficulties. I insisted on learning to read thinking, conscientiously sum up, continue to break one problem. I thought in the four cardinal principles, support the party's principles and policies, and actively participate in the political study and group activities, so a teacher, law-abiding, civilized language, love career, love of students, correct ideological education, care of the overall development of students . No gold is pure gold, of course, no one is perfect. I also have my faults. In short, I will continue to strive to do our best! 英语教师简历自我评价 篇7In I graduated from Teachers College. After graduation, assigned to twenty high school work, have been engaged in teaching English, in December 1995 was promoted to secondary level teachers. In ordinary jobs for the development of oil fields in twenty, I have been quiet dedication of their youth and wisdom. First, dedication, willing and selfless contribution. I love my teaching. Go to work has been 23 years in this extraordinary 23 in the spring and autumn, when I took the stage, looking at a picture of innocent smile, the whole body will radiate a kind of infinite power, forget the hard work, forget the troubles of life, because I love these lovely children. Class, I carefully explained, a student answers a doubt, in the classroom, I patiently tutoring each student, the student's work I seriously correcting, but also often write a few words of encouragement.The reason I do this is because I feel as a teacher of glory, more aware of the great responsibility as a teacher. Thus, at work, I carefully prepare each lesson, I have repeated before each class study materials, I also continue to understand students' learning situation, students often ask those places is the weak link, it is important to explain, I always trying to better each lesson, and strive to teach every student, a student never give up, strive to make every student in the classroom can be harvested, has improved. English teacher lessons and more, morning reading more, going to night classes and more, before seven in the morning to get to school, going to night classes to go home after ten o'clock. When English teacher really hard, but the work, I have dedicated, hard working, personal gains, all this situation, with students as the most important, never be choosers. Second, we strive to be a caring teacher. Work, I strive to do to become a caring teacher. I believe that love their work and love their students basic literacy is a teacher, is the soul of education, teachers noble morality emotion, is a teacher to succeed in business premise and magic. Otherwise, he can not become a good teacher, not to become a student teacher loved. So I often start small, find the best educational opportunity from students concerned about the little things, like the students spring bath education. In the usual work, I often use the truth warmth students, care for students everywhere to the truth, not only concerned about the good scores, and more concerned about the performance is relatively backward students. For students with good grades, I always encourage them continuing success in the future; for students with learning difficulties, my patient counseling in class, and establish their confidence, so that they can fight to keep up the pace of learning. I think, do not give a student, especially the No Child Left Behind performance lags behind, is our pursuit of the teaching realm. Also a teacher should have good professional emotion and sense of responsibility, because the education of the garden, a flower does not make a spring, the flowers Sheng Kaichun garden. Third, strive to be a learning-oriented, research-based new teachers want to be a good teacher, must be a love of learning, willing to study, research and higher education is good teachers. Learning to be a new type of research-based teacher has always been my goal. It is also the goal, inspired me to keep on learning at work, constantly reflect ongoing research. On professional knowledge is concerned, I have a passion to learn English. English has always been my favorite subject, whenever I learn English, I feel excited, feel endless aftertaste. I often feel I am learning English tell my students, to encourage them to love the English, to stimulate their interest in learning the English language. Sometimes I also I learn the content, such as news, and other historical figures to get the classroom and my students enjoy together, and sometimes simply used as teaching material, practice problems. Through continuous learning, and constantly improve my professional knowledge, classroom teaching but also keep up the pace. Often have the opportunity to go to learn, I have to fight to participate, I have many times to Zhengzhou, Beijing and other places to participate in training.Every time learning, I have excellent results, which 20xx participate in the Summer English courses organized by the field of foreign teachers teach, I average 96 points honors, won first place. Only have profound professional knowledge, does not necessarily become a good teacher, must also have some teaching skills.Therefore, in the education teaching, I always adhere to the theory and business learning. I repeatedly studied "English Teaching Methodology" a book that I have read more than Sukhomlinskii education monographs. I also learned Yangsi teaching model school, and Dulangkou teaching mode, teaching methods they learned the essence, enhance their teaching. I also subscribe to myself "Primary English teaching and research", "primary and secondary foreign language teaching", "English test research", "Students" and other teaching publications. I insist on self-study, and a lot of notes. Through the study, I have a great deal of advanced education theory, professional knowledge has also been deserved promotion, teaching basic skills continue to be strengthened. 20xx years, I participate in the "national basic education experimental center of Foreign Language Education Research Center" organization of "The First National Teaching Skills Contest for Middle School English Teacher" won the national prize. 20xx years, participate in the competition, won the third prize again. 英语教师简历自我评价 篇8这一年以来,本人认真贯彻党的教育方针,遵守各项规章制度,勤勤恳恳,严格要求自己,服从领导。 这一年来我服从学校领导的安排负责二个班的英语课程。按照学校的规定,我按时按量地完成了学校安排给我的教学任务。 在具体的教学工作中我坚持做到认真备课、上课、听课、评课。积极研究教学方法,坚持写教后感和教学杂记,不断积累经验,不懂时立即向前辈请教。尽职尽责做好学校交给我的每一份工作,热心帮助同事,能团结同事,协调工作。关心爱护学生,关心集体,以身作则,做好为人师表,礼貌待人。 我不断学习教育方面的知识同时坚持继续函授专业知识,且不断的探索两者更好的结合应用。并积极参加再教育学习,并赋予实践相结合,取得了初步的成效和发现了很多不足,遇到了很多困难。我坚持看书学习思考,认真总结,不断地攻破一个个的难题。 在思想我坚持四项基本原则,拥护党的方针政策,积极参加政治学习和集体活动,做到为人师表,遵纪守法,语言文明,热爱职业、热爱学生、教育思想端正,关心学生的全面发展。当然金无赤金,人无完人。我也有我的缺点。总之,我会继续努力争取做到最好! 英语教师简历自我评价 篇9作为一名教师,不仅要有勇于确立成才目标的意识,还要有勤于反思的习惯。回顾走过的这一年,特作如下总结。 一、师德为本,注重修养: 贯彻党的教育方针,爱岗敬业,廉洁从教,关爱学生,为人师表,具有良好师德风范和教师素养。深入学习了一系列文件精神,坚定了对事业和党中央的信任;继续学习师德的先进事迹,日常生活中,能规范自己的言行,发扬奉献精神,不计较个人得失,关心群众生活,关爱每一位学生,在教育教学此文转自斐斐课件园中注意渗透德育目标,为学生的全面发展奠定基矗 二、坚持学习,提高业务: 1、教学方面:更新教学理念,把握教学方向。 听专家的讲座,学习了许多先进的教育教学此文转自斐斐课件园理论,深刻领会到新课标精神,也认真反思了自身教学实际,研究学生,探究教法,逐步树立起以学生的终身发展为目的的教学思想,树立起以教师为主导学生为主体的新的教学理念;实践教学活动,参加听课、评课活动,一次展示,重要的不是展示的那节课,而是准备的过程。在专家和同行的指导和帮助下,通过一次又一次的实践、反思、再实践、再反思的过程,你对课堂的理解,对教学的认识也会随之升华。而这些是我们在别人身上搬不来也学不会的。 2、继续参加各项岗位培训,为下一步人事制度改革奠定基矗 三、关爱学生,勤勉教学。 认真备课,不拘泥于教材,广泛查找资料,积极动手制作课件,教学中力求趣味性、教育性、针对性、实用性,为切实培养学生文明礼仪习惯起到一定积极作用。着眼于学生学习习惯的养成。将培训中学到的理论、经验运用到实践中,如建立互助监督学习小组网络,以促进学生自主学习;作业分层,并通过“自读作业本”来提供学生的预习、质疑、探究、感悟能力;初步掌握在预习、上课、复习阶段所应达到的自主学习要求。 学生基础知识仍较薄弱,从这次期末考试第一块题目“积累与运用”看,失分严重,日后还应重视基础知识的运用。 一年来,我继续体验着教师这一职业的诸多滋味:有工作的艰辛与压力,也有收获的喜悦与欣慰;有求索的痛苦,也有成长的快乐……这些就犹如一串串音符谱写着我的青春之歌。并且还存在着诸多不足,如年纪轻,教学经验尚且不足,还需多方面、多渠道学习、总结经验,尤其对新教材的把握还需提高,对教材的处理艺术还需锤炼。 但我相信虽然努力不一定成功,但放弃就一定会失败,成功给予那些有准备的人。总之,我将以发展规划为基础,在实践中对其进行充实,让自己一步一个脚印,在实践中拼搏,在拼搏中砺炼,在砺炼中成长。 英语教师简历自我评价 篇10In I graduated from Teachers College. After graduation, assigned to twenty high school work, have been engaged in teaching English, in December 1995 was promoted to secondary level teachers. In ordinary jobs for the development of oil fields in twenty, I have been quiet dedication of their youth and wisdom. First, dedication, willing and selfless contribution. I love my teaching. Go to work has been 23 years in this extraordinary 23 in the spring and autumn, when I took the stage, looking at a picture of innocent smile, the whole body will radiate a kind of infinite power, forget the hard work, forget the troubles of life, because I love these lovely children. Class, I carefully explained, a student answers a doubt, in the classroom, I patiently tutoring each student, the student's work I seriously correcting, but also often write a few words of encouragement.The reason I do this is because I feel as a teacher of glory, more aware of the great responsibility as a teacher. Thus, at work, I carefully prepare each lesson, I have repeated before each class study materials, I also continue to understand students' learning situation, students often ask those places is the weak link, it is important to explain, I always trying to better each lesson, and strive to teach every student, a student never give up, strive to make every student in the classroom can be harvested, has improved. English teacher lessons and more, morning reading more, going to night classes and more, before seven in the morning to get to school, going to night classes to go home after ten o'clock. When English teacher really hard, but the work, I have dedicated, hard working, personal gains, all this situation, with students as the most important, never be choosers. Second, we strive to be a caring teacher. Work, I strive to do to become a caring teacher. I believe that love their work and love their students basic literacy is a teacher, is the soul of education, teachers noble morality emotion, is a teacher to succeed in business premise and magic. Otherwise, he can not become a good teacher, not to become a student teacher loved. So I often start small, find the best educational opportunity from students concerned about the little things, like the students spring bath education. In the usual work, I often use the truth warmth students, care for students everywhere to the truth, not only concerned about the good scores, and more concerned about the performance is relatively backward students. For students with good grades, I always encourage them continuing success in the future; for students with learning difficulties, my patient counseling in class, and establish their confidence, so that they can fight to keep up the pace of learning. I think, do not give a student, especially the No Child Left Behind performance lags behind, is our pursuit of the teaching realm. Also a teacher should have good professional emotion and sense of responsibility, because the education of the garden, a flower does not make a spring, the flowers Sheng Kaichun garden. Third, strive to be a learning-oriented, research-based new teachers want to be a good teacher, must be a love of learning, willing to study, research and higher education is good teachers. Learning to be a new type of research-based teacher has always been my goal. It is also the goal, inspired me to keep on learning at work, constantly reflect ongoing research. On professional knowledge is concerned, I have a passion to learn English. English has always been my favorite subject, whenever I learn English, I feel excited, feel endless aftertaste. I often feel I am learning English tell my students, to encourage them to love the English, to stimulate their interest in learning the English language. Sometimes I also I learn the content, such as news, and other historical figures to get the classroom and my students enjoy together, and sometimes simply used as teaching material, practice problems. Through continuous learning, and constantly improve my professional knowledge, classroom teaching but also keep up the pace. Often have the opportunity to go to learn, I have to fight to participate, I have many times to Zhengzhou, Beijing and other places to participate in training.Every time learning, I have excellent results, which 20xx participate in the Summer English courses organized by the field of foreign teachers teach, I average 96 points honors, won first place. Only have profound professional knowledge, does not necessarily become a good teacher, must also have some teaching skills.Therefore, in the education teaching, I always adhere to the theory and business learning. I repeatedly studied "English Teaching Methodology" a book that I have read more than Sukhomlinskii education monographs. I also learned Yangsi teaching model school, and Dulangkou teaching mode, teaching methods they learned the essence, enhance their teaching. I also subscribe to myself "Primary English teaching and research", "primary and secondary foreign language teaching", "English test research", "Students" and other teaching publications. I insist on self-study, and a lot of notes. Through the study, I have a great deal of advanced education theory, professional knowledge has also been deserved promotion, teaching basic skills continue to be strengthened. 20xx years, I participate in the "national basic education experimental center of Foreign Language Education Research Center" organization of "The First National Teaching Skills Contest for Middle School English Teacher" won the national prize. 20xx years, participate in the competition, won the third prize again. |
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