标题 | 入职第一天自我介绍 |
范文 | 入职第一天自我介绍(通用20篇) 入职第一天自我介绍 篇1到新的公司去上班,意味着有一个新的开始,新的环境。怎样适应第一天的环境,对以后的工作有很重要的帮助。往往有些人显得手脚无措,有畏惧的心理。上班第一天,往往有很多人不知道该做些什么,要准备些什么。但往往就是这第一天,新员工的第一印象就在你的新单位内建立起来了,就像我们初次见面的第一印象一样,第一天的表现相当重要,可能会影响到新员工日后在新单位的发展。其实,和招聘过程中的简历准备、面试准备一样,上班第一天也有一些规律可循。 首先,准备要充分。包括物品准备,以及自我介绍的准备等。物品的准备是指上班第一天要带好纸、笔等文具,碰到什么不懂的,需要咨询的,可以先记录下来,为日后开展工作打好基础;而自我介绍的'准备也非常重要,一般一到新单位,在领导简单介绍后,往往要求新进员工做自我介绍,这时可以有准备的介绍自己的学习经历和工作经历,让同事们能更快的了解你,也能更快的融入到新单位、新同事中去。其次,心态要摆正。不论你以前在这个行业有多么深的资历或是身居高位,到一个新的单位,都需要保持谦虚、谨慎的姿态。不同的单位有不同的企业文化,切不可拿出一副老资格的样子,以免造成新同事的反感。对没有经验、资历的新人来说,更要虚心求教,把自己放在来学习的位置上,端正态度,以求尽快地融入到工作角色中去。 还有,要注意上班第一天该做什么、不该做什么。要掌握的原则是多看多做少说。多看,是指对新业务、新工作要投入地学习,多看看师傅是怎么做的,同时要留心观察其他同事们的工作,碰到不清楚的可以适当的提一些问题;多做,是指投入到工作中去,一开始的工作一般都比较琐碎,但都是为日后的工作打基础的,先要踏踏实实的把工作做好,才能在新单位中立稳脚跟;少说,一般的单位都不喜欢夸夸其谈的人,就算你是才华横溢,在上班的前几天最好还是收起锋芒,以免引来新同事的反感。 入职第一天自我介绍 篇2各位领导、各位同事: 大家好! 刚来公司的我是来负责产品销售这块的,对于公司销售部以前没有接触过,对于里面的员工也不太了解,可是私下也听别的人员说过,销售部的都是精英人才,公司的骨干,能和你们一同共事,我三生有幸,真诚的期待我们的合作能为公司带来更大的收益!我真心期望和大家交朋友,不仅仅在工作上成为好搭档,还有在生活中成为知己,期待与大家一齐奋斗!作为销售部的负责人,我应当多多向大家请教,如果以后我犯错期能够勇敢地指出来,以朋友相待! 以后我们就在一齐共事了,期能够开心地完成每一次工作任务,再接再厉,多谢大家! 入职第一天自我介绍 篇3我叫,家在甘肃,今年刚刚从师范大学法学专业毕业。我性格开朗,容易与人相处;做事认真并善于总结,乐于与他人交流。 能够应聘到国虹工作我倍感荣幸,而能来到采购部工作,我不知道用哪些更恰当的词语来表达自己的欣喜之情。 首先,请允许我借这次机会表达对各位领导的谢意,谢谢你们能给我这个什么都不懂的毛头小子一次如此之好的学习与锻炼的机会。 其次,我刚刚离开大学,对公司的规定、公司所要求的'人际关系、公司所要求的能力等等的掌握程度几乎为零,所以在以后的工作中,还请各位领导和前辈能够多多指教,多多包涵! 最后,我很想很想用最短的时间让自己适应这个环境,掌握作为一名采购员所必须具备的能力,为这个部门,为公司尽自己的一份力。我不怕吃苦,我也愿意吃苦,如果以后有哪位前辈有什么需要我去做,我不敢说能做到您所要求的标准,但我保证在我的能力范围内做到。 我的新入职自我介绍就到这里,真诚的谢谢大家! 入职第一天自我介绍 篇4Hello every one, First let me introduce myself. My name is , years old. i am from ,a beautiful city in henan province. it is famous as the "capital of " and enjoy yhe honer that l peony is the best in the world. played a very important role in chinese history. so it has a profound cultural background and many great heritagesites have been well reverved. such as longmen grotto, one of the three grottoes in china ang white horse temple, being regarded as the cradle of chnese buddhism. peony is world-famous. every year, many tourists travel to to see the beauty of peony .the people in my hometown are friendly, they welcome the travellers from all over the world. i like my hometown very much. I am very glad to be here for this interview. I graduated from College in July, and major in finance. Then, I was a teacher in abc, When I was a senior school student, I am interested in thought and began to read a certain classic work of Marxism, especially I finished reading “the florilegium of from the aspect of construction and development of social society. Only when our socialistic country has a more rapid and balance development than the capitalistic, we can enhance the attractiveness and persuasion of Marxism eventually. Thank you ! 入职第一天自我介绍 篇5Respected leaders, seniors: Hello everyone! My name is , my family is in Tianshui, Gansu. I just graduated from Shaanxi Normal University majoring in law this year. I am outgoing and easy to get along with people. I am serious and good at summing up and willing to communicate with others I am honored to apply to elite work, and came to the purchasing department, I do not know what more appropriate words to express their delight. First of all, please take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all the leaders of the permit, thank you for giving me this do not understand what a boy so good learning and training opportunities. Secondly, I just leave the University, to the provisions of the company, the company required to join the party relationships application model, the company requested ability of master degree is almost zero, so in the later work, also please the leadership and senior to the exhibitions, a lot of inclusion! Finally, I want to use the shortest time to allow yourself to adapt to the environment, the ability to grasp as a buyer must have, for this sector, as a force of its own for the company. I am not afraid of hardship, I am willing to endure hardship, if there is who what need I go do I dare not say that you can achieve the required standard, but I promise to do the best. In my power I am here to introduce myself and sincerely thank you all! 入职第一天自我介绍 篇6各位领导、各位同事: 大家好! 我是。是x大学x专业的应届毕业生,今后很高兴也很荣幸能和各位在一齐工作。先简单做个。爱好是……(比如体育活动,或者比较有团队性的活动,并加以说明x活动团队合作的重要性,这样考官能够看到你有团队),期望能与大家成为真诚的朋友!共同为单位努力工作!谢谢大家。 大家好,十分荣幸这天在那里更大家见面,我是新加入公司的×,从这天起我将担任(职务名称)的工作,很早就已经对x有耳闻,自我也一向期望加入这个公司,在那里期能对我以后做的不好的地方进行指正。谢谢! 大家好,十分荣幸这天在那里更大家见面,我是新加入公司的王英,担任业务部销售代表的工作,十分高兴也十分荣幸的加入公司,在这个大家庭中,我将有机会认识更多的新同事、新朋友。——借此,我十分感谢各位,谢谢您们能给我一次这么好的机会。 我初来乍到,还有许多方方面面的知识需要向大家学习,还望在以后的工作中大家能够多多指教! 入职第一天自我介绍 篇7各位领导、各位同事: 大家好! 我叫,来自。毕业于英语专业。11月初来那里实习,已有半月时间。“秋尽江南草未凋”,这是对那里最深的感受。 绿树茵茵碧草连天,首先打动我的是那里的美景,对于异地的陌生感就这样被悄然淡化。然后是对未知的期盼与不安 带着满腹的疑惑与好奇来到部门实习,大家各司其职,忙的不亦乐乎。我觉得自己要学的还有很多。汪经理的声音很好听,亲切的透彻的;那里的气氛也很融洽,暖暖的柔和的。 之后的日子里,各部的培训,刘主任细节的`讲解与展望,和新同事们徜徉于起伏的球场的畅快,我想我渐渐爱上了这个地方 两周的日子,从起初的倍感漫长到此刻每日的飞逝,很快就要回合肥报到了,我想我会怀念那里的日子,那里的衣食无忧,那里的山清水秀。 思维活跃的我,却偶尔喜欢沉默;喜欢思考,静静地听着时光从身边流走;喜欢以自己的方式去思考这个世界,简单地坚持地。喜欢看到秀丽的事物,喜欢完美的日子,喜欢用心的人生,也喜欢共同奋斗的你们。只要心是秀丽的,你所看到的一切也将秀丽。 期盼与你们携手奋进! 入职第一天自我介绍 篇8My name is , a graduate from Guangzhou Xixian Mianhu middle school, I come from Xiaxi, a beautiful place. Currently I'm a student in class 111 of Management undergraduate course manpower resource administration, to become human resources management professional is my ideal. From this semester of college life I made lots of close friends. I like all kinds of sports, thereinto badminton and basketball are my favourites. I also like doing drama. I'm very satisfied with my current living and I'm full of passion towards my life. 入职第一天自我介绍 篇9Leaders and colleagues: Hello everybody! My name is , now the company is assistant to the chairman. I graduated from the accounting department of Hebei business school. I am honest and easy to get along with people. I usually like reading books, climbing mountains and singing songs I am very pleased and honored to join the key Jun the family, here not only provides a growing exercise for me, showing a good platform for self, but also let me have the opportunity to meet new colleagues, more new friends. In this way, I am very grateful to the leadership, thank you can give me a such a good chance. I had just arrived, there are many aspects of the knowledge need to learn, but also hope in the future we can work a lot of advice! I will be the fastest time to adapt to the new environment. I hope you can give full play to their professional expertise in the future work, make full use of my more than 3 years of work experience in Nanjing, combined with the company's actual operation, careful work. Work efficient matters assigned by the leadership of the company, as a key force Jun will contribute own. Tough character, hard-working attitude, self display, self challenge! This is me, hope to be in your company, display my talents, bring more benefits to the harvest of your company, I believe I can work together with colleagues, together to create a new world, you will not live up to the expectations of the leadership here. I will work hard, hard work and good performance. Bring benefits for the company. I believe that through our mutual understanding and mutual understanding, we will not only become a career go hand in hand with the struggle of his comrades, it will become the life of like-minded, woe to friends. Finally, I wish you a and for our common cause and work hard! Thank you all! 入职第一天自我介绍 篇10尊敬的各位领导、各位老师: 大家好! 我是刚刚调到我们学校的,之前一直在xx小学担任教师x年。虽然我也是一名教师,但今天站在这里,依然还有些紧张,觉得自己更像一个被提问的学生。 记得师范毕业那年,我的班主任这样教导我们:选择了教师这个职业,就等于选择了默默无闻;为人可以默默,但工作却不能无闻,因为你的工作好坏将直接影响着若干孩子的命运。这么些年来,我将老师的教诲铭记于心,时刻牢记一名教师的天职,虽然所在的xx小学条件艰苦,相对偏远,但我从未气馁更未放弃,x年来全身心的扑在了工作上,将青春奉献给了那片我深爱同样也接纳了我的热土。 我没有耀眼的光环,也暂时没有傲人的成绩,但我深知“十年树木百年树人”的道理,教育不能急功近利,要想收获一片森林,先要育好一颗颗小苗。这,也是我走上新岗位后叮嘱自己的话。 我们城区小学师资雄厚,人才济济,有很多宝贵的教育教学经验值得我认真揣摩和学习,我真的将先从一名学生做起,认真学习各位老师的好的教学方法,希望各位老师能不吝赐教,多多帮助我,提前先谢谢了!(鞠躬) 我将以我们这个光荣的集体为家,认真工作努力教学,为我们学校的发展,为了孩子们奉献出自己的一切! 谢谢大家! 入职第一天自我介绍 篇11各位领导、各位老师: 早上好! 我毕业于xx大学的专业。一直以来,我很遗憾自己虽就读于xx大学,却选了一个非师范专业,始终觉得与教师无缘。在过去的一年中,无数次的寻觅后,我最终站在了这里,成为我们职教中心的一份子,成为一名老师,一扫我多年的遗憾。俗话说,“失去过就会倍加珍惜”。我不能预测我今后的工作是否是一帆风顺,但可以肯定的是,我对教师这份工作的珍惜和喜爱永远不会过期。虽然从名义上来讲,我的确是一名新老师。但是其实,我已经在我们职教中心工作了将近半年。我从x月份参与到学校的工作中,对于有过社会经验的我来说,学校的工作环境给我一个完全不一样的感受。刚来时,对很多工作都丈二和尚摸不着头脑,领导和老师以温和的待人方式,帮助我们融入和适应学校的工作环境;但在具体工作中,领导和老师却是严格要求我们,潜移默化中教会我该有的工作方式和工作态度。好的工作习惯将会一辈子致用,我很感谢在示范校建设这个大团队中所学习和领悟的一切,这些也必将帮助我更快更好地融入教师这个新角色。 那么我到底是谁呢? 我叫,即将任教于学区的xx老师,在未来全新的工作旅途中,我会努力向这个目标前进:受学生爱戴的老师,受领导肯定的下属、受同事喜爱的伙伴。以上就是我的自我介绍,谢谢! 入职第一天自我介绍 篇12My name is , from china, my personality is bright, honest, easy to get along with people; Likes playing basketball, mountain climbing and running. I am very happy and honored to join "ANYJOB" this big family, not only gave me a growth to display themselves and exercise good platform, I also have the opportunity to meet more new colleagues, new friends. - take this, I thank you very much for your leadership, thank you can give me a such a good chance. I first came here, there are many aspects of knowledge need to everybody to learn, but also hope in the later work we can comments! I believe that through our mutual understanding between each other and understanding, we will not only become a career has gone hand in hand with the struggle comrades, but a life in the same camp, share weal or woe friend. Finally, I would like to and everybody a for our common cause to try hard to struggle! Thank you! 入职第一天自我介绍 篇13到新的公司去上班,意味着有一个新的开始,新的环境。怎样适应第一天的环境,对以后的工作有很重要的帮助。往往有些人显得手脚无措,有畏惧的心理。上班第一天,往往有很多人不知道该做些什么,要准备些什么。但往往就是这第一天,新员工的第一印象就在你的新单位内建立起来了,就像我们初次见面的第一印象一样,第一天的表现相当重要,可能会影响到新员工日后在新单位的发展。其实,和招聘过程中的简历准备、面试准备一样,上班第一天也有一些规律可循。 首先,准备要充分。包括物品准备,以及自我介绍的准备等。物品的准备是指上班第一天要带好纸、笔等文具,碰到什么不懂的,需要咨询的,可以先记录下来,为日后开展工作打好基础;而自我介绍的准备也非常重要,一般一到新单位,在领导简单介绍后,往往要求新进员工做自我介绍,这时可以有准备的介绍自己的学习经历和工作经历,让同事们能更快的了解你,也能更快的融入到新单位、新同事中去。其次,心态要摆正。不论你以前在这个行业有多么深的资历或是身居高位,到一个新的单位,都需要保持谦虚、谨慎的姿态。不同的单位有不同的企业文化,切不可拿出一副老资格的样子,以免造成新同事的反感。对没有经验、资历的新人来说,更要虚心求教,把自己放在来学习的位置上,端正态度,以求尽快地融入到工作角色中去。 还有,要注意上班第一天该做什么、不该做什么。要掌握的原则是多看多做少说。多看,是指对新业务、新工作要投入地学习,多看看师傅是怎么做的,同时要留心观察其他同事们的工作,碰到不清楚的可以适当的提一些问题;多做,是指投入到工作中去,一开始的工作一般都比较琐碎,但都是为日后的工作打基础的,先要踏踏实实的把工作做好,才能在新单位中立稳脚跟;少说,一般的单位都不喜欢夸夸其谈的人,就算你是才华横溢,在上班的前几天还是收起锋芒,以免引来新同事的反感。 入职第一天自我介绍 篇14各位领导、各位同事: 大家好! 我叫,来自湖南,我性格开朗,为人正直,容易与人相处;通常喜欢打篮球、爬山和跑步。 我很高兴也很荣幸能加入家庭,这不仅给我带来了一个良好的成长、锻炼和自我表达的平台,也让我有机会认识更多的新同事和朋友。——我愿借此机会,感谢各位给我这个良好的机会。 当我第一次来到这里,我仍然有很多知识要向你学习,我希望你能在未来做到这一点。 可以给更多的建议! 我相信,通过我们的相互理解和理解,我们不仅会成为并肩作战的战友,而且会成为志同道合、荣辱与共的朋友。 最后,我愿为我们共同的事业与您共同努力! 谢谢大家!(鞠躬) 入职第一天自我介绍 篇15各位,各位同事: 大家好! 我叫,我在xx部,做负责做岗位的工作。 我是才进来的新员工,很多新的东西需要向各位学习,期多帮忙。有做对不对的地方多指教。 我将在三个月内努力学习公司的企业文化、学习公司的规章制度,半年内要学习公司的产品知识,尽早地融入公司,做一个合格的好员工。 多谢大家! 入职第一天自我介绍 篇16Hello, my name is Zhang Wei, come to the company before has been in social work for two years. Two years is not long, but also let me out just from the sentimental and confusion of the school, so I have a certain understanding of social work and adaptation, but also in the original work should have gradually lost far more young the enthusiasm and positive. Originally wanted to engage in the old line of me, decided to change a job to study, because I think as young people to challenge themselves, dare to engage in different industries So I came to Mount Huangshan international golf business promotion Co. Ltd., and to become a specialist. Although I of this industry is still relatively unfamiliar, but I believe Qinnengbuzhuo, God helps those who help themselves in the future, as long as work hard, unremitting efforts, I will adapt to and master the work, become a qualified customer service commissioner, with the Mount Huangshan golf club will develop together, grow together. 入职第一天自我介绍 篇17各位领导,各位同事: 大家好! 我叫x,在来到公司之前已经在社会工作了两年的时间。两年不长,但是也让我脱离了刚从校门的青涩与迷茫,使我对社会工作有了一定的了解与适应,同时也在原来的工作中逐渐丧失着年轻应拥有的热情与积极。原本还想从事老本行的我,决定换一个工作去学习,因为我觉得作为年轻人要肯挑战自己,敢于从事不同的行业。于是我来到了黄山高尔夫国际商务推广有限公司,为成为一名客服专员而来。虽然我对这个行业还比较陌生,但是我坚信天道酬勤,勤能补拙,只要在以后的工作中勤奋认真、不懈努力,我一定会适应并掌握此项工作,成为一名合格的客服专员,同黄山高尔夫球会一道发展,一起成长。 谢谢大家! 入职第一天自我介绍 篇18尊敬的各位领导,各位前辈: 大家好! 我是来公司不久,来接任工作,之前我没接触过我们部门的人,对大家不是很了解,可是我从别的地方听说了不少关于咱们的事情,心里觉得十分荣幸能和我们公司的精英们一齐合作。 我想能和大家一齐走过今后奋斗的过程,是一件让人心境澎湃的事情。我也十分期望能和大家做生活中的朋友,事业中的好排挡。我觉得作为经理也是应当多学习员工们身上闪光的地方,所以今后的生活工作中,大家对于我的.错误能够提出来帮忙我更好作好经理这个职位的工作。 我对咱们这边的业务还不是很熟悉,期望大家在以后的工作中多多支持,我也会虚心向大家学习的。 期望在我们一块合作的日子里,大家能十分愉快的完成每一项工作任务,多谢大家。 入职第一天自我介绍 篇19各位领导、同事: 我叫x,来自甘肃天水,20xx年刚刚从陕西师范大学法学专业毕业。我性格开朗,容易与人相处;做事认真并善于总结,乐于与他人交流。 能够应聘到x工作我倍感荣幸,而能来到采购部工作,我不知道用哪些更恰当的词语来表达自己的欣喜之情。 首先,请允许我借这次机会表达对各位领导的谢意,谢谢你们能给我这个什么都不懂的毛头小子一次如此之好的学习与锻炼的机会。 其次,我刚刚离开大学,对公司的规定、公司所要求的人际关系、公司所要求的能力等等的掌握程度几乎为零,所以在以后的工作中,还请各位领导和前辈能够多多指教,多多包涵! 最后,我很想很想用最短的时间让自己适应这个环境,掌握作为一名采购员所必须具备的能力,为这个部门,为公司尽自己的一份力。我不怕吃苦,我也愿意吃苦,如果以后有哪位前辈有什么需要我去做,我不敢说能做到您所要求的标准,但我保证在我的能力范围内做到最好。 我的新入职自我介绍就到这里,真诚的谢谢大家! 入职第一天自我介绍 篇20Distinguished leaders, senior members: Hello everyone! I came to although only one day, but in this short day, and X in total X, total , executive general manager, X, communication, let me feel the company leadership to the work of excellence, innovation, team the meticulous - let me feel lucky. Join is to become a member of the company, I am proud, I believe that this sense of pride will make me more passion into work. As a new employee into a new work environment, although in the past work had some work experience, but just entering the company, is still a little pressure. So in the later work inevitably to the leaders and colleagues a lot of advice. In order to make their own as soon as possible to enter the working state and work the environment, I will study hard, and constantly improve the level of their business to the company. Although only one day, but I feel very full and happy in the future work, is again tired is worth it! I will as soon as possible to adapt to the environment, and threw himself into work as! I understand that X is concerned about each of your employees, give every employee enough space to show their own! For me, is a different from the new environment in the past, the people and things are all new. As a new employee, I will take the initiative to understand and adapt to the environment, but also aspects of their own to show superiority to the company, on the basis of trust and cooperation on the establishment of interpersonal relationship good. In addition, I would also like to keep a high passion to learn, continue to add knowledge, improve skills, in order to adapt to the development of the company. In my work there may be confusion and pressure, but I believe that as long as the correct attitude, full of Xin Xinyong dare to go, it will be a success. With the development of society, information on growth, challenge has intensified. I not only want to play their own advantages, but also to learn through the experience of others, to improve their own development goals of quality of. company is ambitious and long-term development, the development of the company is each one of us, I believe I have the ability to grasp the opportunity. Together with to meet the challenges! |
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