标题 | 入职第一天的自我介绍的范文 |
范文 | 入职第一天的自我介绍的范文(精选17篇) 入职第一天的自我介绍的范文 篇1各位领导,各位同事: 大家好! 我的名字是,来自于,我是一个乐观开朗的人,我是一个爱好广泛的人,我喜欢听歌、看书、打篮球等等,我很高兴自己能够成为公司的一员,我感到很高兴,也很荣幸,我希望以后大家能够相处得很愉快。 我非常高兴也非常荣幸的加入到这个大家庭中来,这里不仅为我提供了一个成长锻炼、展示自我的良好平台,也让我有机会认识更多的新同事、新朋友。——借此,我非常感谢各位领导,谢谢您们能给我一次这么好的机会。 我初来乍到,还有许多方方面面的知识需要向大家学习,还望在以后的工作中大家能够多多指教! 我相信,通过我们彼此之间的相互了解和认识,我们不但会成为事业上齐头并进一起奋斗的战友,更会成为人生中志同道合、荣辱与共的朋友。 最后,我愿能和大家一道为我们共同的事业而努力奋斗!我一定会好好努力的。 谢谢大家! 入职第一天的自我介绍的范文 篇2各位,各位同事: 大家上午!我叫,,克服困难的克,成功的成,初次见面大家可能记不住,没关系,大家叫我小X就好了。我来自,是XX大学专业的应届本科毕业生,目前在公司咨询部工作。 作为一名应届本科毕业生,新到一个陌生的城市,面对自己人生的第一份工作,我是忐忑大于欣喜的,有一种前途未卜的感觉,再加上逝去学生时代的伤感,刚开始我的情绪是比较低落的。值得庆幸的是,公司对我们给予了充分的照顾和细致的指导,邓总、吴经理、李副经理多次找我谈心; 在入职方面,办公司于姐也是热心热情地帮我们办理各种手续;在工作方面,以周工为代表的前辈们也是我学习的榜样,众所周知,技术工种是比较枯燥的,但是已经在本行业工作十几甚至几十年的前辈们却依旧用他们饱满的深深地感染了我,在这里对他们一并表示感谢。 最后,要感谢的是我的校友兼同事余芳同学,室友兼同事黄晶同学,曾令奎同事,邓洪明同事,谢谢他们在学习工作生活上的帮助。当然还有那些散布于全国各地的朋友同学们,也希望他们像我一样荣幸地进入像深水这样温馨的大家庭,谱写自己人生的新章。 相信有了这么多的关心和帮助,鼓励和祝福,我一定能克服目前的困难,尽快地成长起来,为公司未来的发展尽绵薄之力。谢谢! 入职第一天的自我介绍的范文 篇3Respected leaders, seniors: Hello everyone! My name is , my family is in Tianshui, Gansu. I just graduated from Shaanxi Normal University majoring in law this year. I am outgoing and easy to get along with people. I am serious and good at summing up and willing to communicate with others I am honored to apply to elite work, and came to the purchasing department, I do not know what more appropriate words to express their delight. First of all, please take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all the leaders of the permit, thank you for giving me this do not understand what a boy so good learning and training opportunities. Secondly, I just leave the University, to the provisions of the company, the company required to join the party relationships application model, the company requested ability of master degree is almost zero, so in the later work, also please the leadership and senior to the exhibitions, a lot of inclusion! Finally, I want to use the shortest time to allow yourself to adapt to the environment, the ability to grasp as a buyer must have, for this sector, as a force of its own for the company. I am not afraid of hardship, I am willing to endure hardship, if there is who what need I go do I dare not say that you can achieve the required standard, but I promise to do the best. In my power I am here to introduce myself and sincerely thank you all! 入职第一天的自我介绍的范文 篇4大家好,我是汪浩,来到高尔夫国际商务推广有限公司已经有一个礼拜了,对于一个新入职的员工来说,我想在今后的工作上我还有很多的东西需要去学习,需要去向很多同事们、领导们去请教,尽可能以最快的时间去适应这个新的环境。希望自己能在今后的工作中充分发挥自己的专业特长,高效率完成公司领导交办的工作事项,为中国青少年高尔夫的明天贡献自己的一份力量。 大家好,我叫张玮,在来到公司之前已经在社会工作了两年的时间。两年不长,但是也让我脱离了刚从校门的青涩与迷茫,使我对社会工作有了一定的了解与适应,同时也在原来的工作中逐渐丧失着年轻应拥有的热情与积极。原本还想从事老本行的我,决定换一个工作去学习,因为我觉得作为年轻人要肯挑战自己,敢于从事不同的行业。于是我来到了黄山高尔夫国际商务推广有限公司,为成为一名客服专员而来。虽然我对这个行业还比较陌生,但是我坚信天道酬勤,勤能补拙,只要在以后的工作中勤奋认真、不懈努力,我一定会适应并掌握此项工作,成为一名合格的客服专员,同黄山高尔夫球会一道发展,一起成长。 大家好,我是郑李君,将在黄山高尔夫国际商务推广公司上海营销中心担任行政助理。在我之前的知识中,对于高尔夫的认识可以说是十分有限的。但是,来到公司仅短短的一个多星期,我已经基本了解了高尔夫这项运动的基本规则,以及我们公司在酒店及房产方面的情况,也在办公室的精心组织安排下,参观了公司的球场和酒店式公寓,了解了集团的发展历史和宏伟战略规划,这使我对公司有了进一步认识,也使我看到了公司光明的发展前景。 而我也将在未来的日子里,充分利用我之前的行政工作经验,结合公司的实际运作情况,认真仔细地工作。在保证遵守公司基本原则的大前提下,努力为上海营销中心,乃至全公司的同事们服务,做好行政的工作,为公司的发展添砖加瓦。 入职第一天的自我介绍的范文 篇5Hello every one, First let me introduce myself. My name is , years old. i am from ,a beautiful city in henan province. it is famous as the "capital of " and enjoy yhe honer that l peony is the best in the world. played a very important role in chinese history. so it has a profound cultural background and many great heritagesites have been well reverved. such as longmen grotto, one of the three grottoes in china ang white horse temple, being regarded as the cradle of chnese buddhism. peony is world-famous. every year, many tourists travel to to see the beauty of peony .the people in my hometown are friendly, they welcome the travellers from all over the world. i like my hometown very much. I am very glad to be here for this interview. I graduated from College in July, and major in finance. Then, I was a teacher in abc, When I was a senior school student, I am interested in thought and began to read a certain classic work of Marxism, especially I finished reading “the florilegium of from the aspect of construction and development of social society. Only when our socialistic country has a more rapid and balance development than the capitalistic, we can enhance the attractiveness and persuasion of Marxism eventually. Thank you ! 入职第一天的自我介绍的范文 篇6各位,同事们: 大家好,我叫,来到这家公司已经有一个多星期了,对于一个新入职的新员工来说,我想在今后的工作上生活上还有很多的东西需要想大家去学习,需要去向很多同事们、们去虚心请教,在此,先感谢大家了,我会以最快的时间去适应这个全新的环境。 希望自己能在今后的工作中充分发挥自己的专业特长,高效率完成公司安排的每一项工作,为xx公司的明天贡献自己的一份力量。 谢谢大家! 入职第一天的自我介绍的范文 篇7尊敬的各位领导,各位前辈: 大家好! 我叫,是咱公司软件开发一部(SW1)新员工,很高兴能加盟国信朗讯。我是广西人,性格还算比较开朗,业余爱好也比较多,比如音乐、足球、乒乓球、爬山等等。 我xx年7月毕业于吉林大学信息与计算科学专业。毕业后我到山东中创软件公司从事JAVA软件开发工作。其中07年7月到11月份,我在中创软件昆山分公司上班。xx年12月份到今年2月底,我一向被公司外派到深圳华为做中国移动业务运营支撑系统(BOSS)外包项目。 据了解,咱公司此刻已经是国内通信运营支撑系统(OSS)领域规模高科技软件公司之一,在电信网络资源管理系统方面占据了主导地位。我期望我能够在咱公司成长为一名在电信网络资源管理领域既懂技术,又懂业务,在工作上能独挡一面骨干人员。但不管是在技术、业务,还是沟通等方面,我都还是一个初学者,还有很多东西需要努力去学习,期望在今后工作和生活中得到大家多多指导和帮忙。多谢大家! 入职第一天的自我介绍的范文 篇8各位领导、同事: 我叫x,来自甘肃天水,20xx年刚刚从陕西师范大学法学专业毕业。我性格开朗,容易与人相处;做事认真并善于总结,乐于与他人交流。 能够应聘到x工作我倍感荣幸,而能来到采购部工作,我不知道用哪些更恰当的词语来表达自己的欣喜之情。 首先,请允许我借这次机会表达对各位领导的谢意,谢谢你们能给我这个什么都不懂的毛头小子一次如此之好的学习与锻炼的机会。 其次,我刚刚离开大学,对公司的规定、公司所要求的人际关系、公司所要求的能力等等的掌握程度几乎为零,所以在以后的工作中,还请各位领导和前辈能够多多指教,多多包涵! 最后,我很想很想用最短的时间让自己适应这个环境,掌握作为一名采购员所必须具备的能力,为这个部门,为公司尽自己的一份力。我不怕吃苦,我也愿意吃苦,如果以后有哪位前辈有什么需要我去做,我不敢说能做到您所要求的标准,但我保证在我的能力范围内做到最好。 我的新入职自我介绍就到这里,真诚的谢谢大家! 入职第一天的自我介绍的范文 篇9各位领导,各位同事: 大家好! 我叫x,在来到公司之前已经在社会工作了两年的时间。两年不长,但是也让我脱离了刚从校门的青涩与迷茫,使我对社会工作有了一定的了解与适应,同时也在原来的工作中逐渐丧失着年轻应拥有的热情与积极。原本还想从事老本行的我,决定换一个工作去学习,因为我觉得作为年轻人要肯挑战自己,敢于从事不同的行业。于是我来到了黄山高尔夫国际商务推广有限公司,为成为一名客服专员而来。虽然我对这个行业还比较陌生,但是我坚信天道酬勤,勤能补拙,只要在以后的工作中勤奋认真、不懈努力,我一定会适应并掌握此项工作,成为一名合格的客服专员,同黄山高尔夫球会一道发展,一起成长。 谢谢大家! 入职第一天的自我介绍的范文 篇10各位领导,各位同事: 大家上午!我叫,,克服困难的克,成功的成,初次见面大家可能记不住,没关系,大家叫我小X就好了。我来自,是XX大学专业的应届本科毕业生,目前在公司咨询部工作。 作为一名应届本科毕业生,新到一个陌生的城市,面对自己人生的第一份工作,我是忐忑大于欣喜的,有一种前途未卜的感觉,再加上逝去学生时代的伤感,刚开始我的情绪是比较低落的。值得庆幸的是,公司领导对我们给予了充分的照顾和细致的指导,邓总、吴经理、李副经理多次找我谈心; 在入职方面,办公司于姐也是热心热情地帮我们办理各种手续;在工作方面,以周工为代表的前辈们也是我学习的榜样,众所周知,技术工种是比较枯燥的,但是已经在本行业工作十几甚至几十年的前辈们却依旧用他们饱满的精神深深地感染了我,在这里对他们一并表示感谢。 最后,要感谢的是我的校友兼同事余芳同学,室友兼同事黄晶同学,曾令奎同事,邓洪明同事,谢谢他们在学习工作生活上的帮助。当然还有那些散布于全国各地的朋友同学们,也希望他们像我一样荣幸地进入像深水这样温馨的大家庭,谱写自己人生的新篇章。 相信有了这么多的关心和帮助,鼓励和祝福,我一定能克服目前的困难,尽快地成长起来,为公司未来的发展尽绵薄之力。谢谢! 入职第一天的自我介绍的范文 篇11各位领导,各位同事,大家好!我是今天刚来这里参加工作的。我叫程欢欢。大家以后叫我小程就行。感谢公司和各位领导给我这个工作的机会。在以后的工作,我会认认真真,踏踏实实的做好自己的工作。在这里,我希望各位同事以后多多帮忙!祝愿领导及在坐的各位,新的一年财源滚滚,生活舒心。 入职第一天的自我介绍的范文 篇12各位,各位同事: 大家好! 我叫,来自,毕业于,专业。我来到x公司虽然仅有一个月的时间,但在这短短的一个月里,却让我感到公司对工作的精益求精、不断创新以及培养团队的合作,让我感到加入x公司是一次职场生涯的正确选择。 作为一名进入一个全新工作环境的新员工来说,尽管在过去的工作中积累了必须的工作经验,但刚进入公司,难免还是有点压力。为了能让自我尽早进入工作状态和适应工作环境,有问题及时请教同事,进取学习工作所需要的各项专业知识,努力提高自我的业务水平。这段时间我学到了很多知识,自我的技术水平也得到了很大提高,过得十分充实和欢乐,再累也是值得的! 在那里,我要异常感激在这段时间帮忙过我的和同事,正是因为有了他们无微不至的关怀和不厌其烦的帮忙,才使我的于尽早从那种紧张情绪中解放出来,使我尽快地适应了环境,全情地投入了工作!在那里,我喜欢这个工作岗位,因为这个岗位具有很高的挑战性,能让我把所学的知识运用到实际当中,并能很好的发挥我制定计划、处理问题等方面的本事,正因为对工作的喜欢,使我能全情投入到工作中去。 入职第一天的自我介绍的范文 篇13Hello! My name is . I am college of mathematics and information science at University, a student of mathematics and applied mathematics, graduate in years months. Through education and university life high school five years, facing the new opportunities and challenges, I am more firmly "self-confidence, self-reliance, diligence, modesty credo. I was born in rural areas, young parents who inherited the tradition of hard working, diligent and simple. Both in life and study are strict with themselves. In five years, in the sincere help and personal friends, I have a solid foundation of professional knowledge, systematically mastered the mathematical terms, and psychology education theory. At the same time also have excellent English listening, say, read, write, translation skills, excellent teachers, good pronunciation, natural state, and be good at innovation in teaching. In my spare time, I read a lot of books, mastered the basic knowledge of computer and office automation, not But to enrich themselves, but also cultivate their ability in many aspects. At University, let me deeply experience the fun of learning mathematics and as a teacher of the people of the sacred, whether in knowledge or in the quality of self-cultivation, I have benefited greatly. I know that the most important responsibility for teachers is preaching, tuition, doubts. Personal knowledge was important, but to teach what is the key. This, in a few years, I have been constantly improving teachers' basic skills of their own. I have been reading during the tutoring work, in this process, I gradually mastered the learning and psychology of students, obtain good teaching effect and evaluation of students and parents are very high. In addition, I also actively participate in various social Practice activities, grasp every opportunity to exercise their own. The University for five years, I feel deeply to work with outstanding talent, I benefit from the competition; challenges to the practical difficulties, let me grow up in frustration; this semester six weeks of educational practice, the more I exercise as a teacher of the people of the potential. 入职第一天的自我介绍的范文 篇14尊敬的各位领导,各位前辈: 大家好! 我叫,大家以后叫我,或者叫都可以。 在来到公司之前,我经过多种方法去了解公司。发现公司的环境,气氛,条件,待遇,领导的独特影响力。都是我心中一直所追求的完美公司。来到这里我很高兴,因为,在这里我会勤奋,努力的工作。希望在领导和各位前辈的.指点下,我能不断的提升自我,成为公司的得力助手,再次感谢各位同事和前辈给我这个机会,在以后的工作,我会认认真真,踏踏实实的做好本职的工作。 借这次机会,我祝愿我们公司20xx年财运旺旺! 祝愿领导及在坐的同仁,心想事成!谢谢! 入职第一天的自我介绍的范文 篇15各位,各位同事: 大家好! 我是今天刚来这里参加工作的。我叫程欢欢。大家以后叫我小程就行。感谢公司和各位给我这个工作的机会。在以后的工作,我会认认真真,踏踏实实的做好自己的工作。在这里,我希望各位同事以后多多帮忙!祝愿及在坐的各位,新的一年财源滚滚,生活舒心。 入职第一天的自我介绍的范文 篇16My name is , the meaning of the name is not explained, in fact, is not what special meaning, may not have what special father's expectations, because I was outside the home plan of the children, I have a brother, a sister, I belong to the unexpected harvest. In fact, my name than the flesh I the (to himself) 3 years older. When my mother was a second child, was not popular B, do not know is male or female, so my dad got prepared against want two names, one male, one female, after the birth of a girl, by the name of the girl, that is my sister's name. Since the name is taken, so of course not waste ah! In this world I came to see you secretly decided, at the same time the Guilin landscape under heaven as I was born, the year was 1987. Just to the company, as well as a new daughter-in-law early to her home, her family will miss me - my university, but also worried that they do well, not afraid of her mother love yourself, so what are extra careful, afraid of what is wrong, to be swept out. In politics I still adhere to my consistent style, no candidates for any class, but was countered, forced to become chief executive of the 119 - quarters long, the main responsibility is to carry water to sweep the floor, is the core of power to decide what time to carry water to sweep the floor. This is my first job, I was for the first time, don't know if I can do this job, but when I have done a few years of farmers, I believe that with momentum farming, should be able to do a good job, other work also please take care and help the! 入职第一天的自我介绍的范文 篇17Distinguished leaders, senior members: Hello everyone! I came to although only one day, but in this short day, and X in total X, total , executive general manager, X, communication, let me feel the company leadership to the work of excellence, innovation, team the meticulous - let me feel lucky. Join is to become a member of the company, I am proud, I believe that this sense of pride will make me more passion into work. As a new employee into a new work environment, although in the past work had some work experience, but just entering the company, is still a little pressure. So in the later work inevitably to the leaders and colleagues a lot of advice. In order to make their own as soon as possible to enter the working state and work the environment, I will study hard, and constantly improve the level of their business to the company. Although only one day, but I feel very full and happy in the future work, is again tired is worth it! I will as soon as possible to adapt to the environment, and threw himself into work as! I understand that X is concerned about each of your employees, give every employee enough space to show their own! For me, is a different from the new environment in the past, the people and things are all new. As a new employee, I will take the initiative to understand and adapt to the environment, but also aspects of their own to show superiority to the company, on the basis of trust and cooperation on the establishment of interpersonal relationship good. In addition, I would also like to keep a high passion to learn, continue to add knowledge, improve skills, in order to adapt to the development of the company. In my work there may be confusion and pressure, but I believe that as long as the correct attitude, full of Xin Xinyong dare to go, it will be a success. With the development of society, information on growth, challenge has intensified. I not only want to play their own advantages, but also to learn through the experience of others, to improve their own development goals of quality of. company is ambitious and long-term development, the development of the company is each one of us, I believe I have the ability to grasp the opportunity. Together with to meet the challenges! |
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