标题 | 用英文写简历的自我评价 |
范文 | 用英文写简历的自我评价(通用10篇) 用英文写简历的自我评价 篇1I love learning, rigorous work attitude, strong sense of responsibility, have a good team player. Good analytical, problem-solving thinking.Innovation to address customer needs and safeguard interests of the company for the purpose. To accept the challenge and greater development platform. 用英文写简历的自我评价 篇2I am cheerful, and his careful, meticulous work, hard working, down to earth work, there is a strong sense of responsibility, team spirit, but also has a strong ability to work independently, active thinking. Able to skillfully use Windows Office Word, Excel, and other applications, according to the needs of , the completion of the work surface , have a good sense of communication skills and strong negotiation skills; Professional advice and product and supplier information in , the feasibility of the program put forward proposals to follow up the problem solving ; have team spirit, a sense of responsibility, good character, correct thinking; have a certain file management capabilities. 用英文写简历的自我评价 篇3Serious and responsible work, do not shirk responsibility; ability to work under pressure; can work independently; A team player, with colleagues, other departments actively cooperate with the company's interests first; Obedience and good, maintain good communication with superiors, respect for superiors arrangements; Honest, upright; and easy to learn, and continuously improve the ability to work; I believe your choice I make you more successful; 用英文写简历的自我评价 篇4It is lively and cheerful, rapport with people, have strong communication skills. During the school as a squad leader post, many plan to implement several large-scale activities, have strong organizational skills and coordination, and has a good physique. In a number of social practice, to draw attention to the social experience, serious and responsible work. 用英文写简历的自我评价 篇5Honest, loyal, hard-working, motivated and medium-sized enterprises have rich management experience, strong team management skills, good communication and coordination organizational skills, keen insight, confidence is my charm. I have a good image and temperament, good health and a spirit of optimism that I can wholeheartedly into work. 用英文写简历的自我评价 篇6本人性格开朗,为人细心,做事一丝不苟,能吃苦耐劳,工作脚踏实地,有较强的责任心,具有团队合作精神,又具有较强的独立工作能力,思维活跃,能独挡一面。 同时本人有较强的沟通能力及管理能力,希望能尽快收到面试通知,面对面与您详细交谈,凭借多年的丰富阅历与实战经验,我敢保证,我将给您提交一份满意的答卷。 用英文写简历的自我评价 篇7本人勤力能干,为人忠诚,性格开朗,能迅速投入各种工作环境,能很好容入每个团体。两年多的工作经验 分别是一年舞台服饰的工作经验和接近两年时尚休闲女装,主要负责产品的开发设计,熟悉男女装的制板型和各种工艺流程.自己能独立制版以及缝制各种风格的服装。本人勤力能干,为人忠诚,性格开朗,能迅速投入各种工作环境,能很好容入每个团体。两年多的工作经验 分别是一年舞台服饰的工作经验和接近两年时尚休闲女装,主要负责产品的开发设计,熟悉男女装的制板型和各种工艺流程.自己能独立制版以及缝制各种风格的服装。 用英文写简历的自我评价 篇8本人性格开朗、稳重、有活力,待人热情、真诚:对待工作认真负责,善于沟通、协调有较强的组织能力与团队精神;活泼开朗、乐观上进、有爱心并善于施教并行;上进心强、勤于学习能不断提高自身的能力与综合素质。在未来的工作中,我将以充沛的精力,刻苦钻研的精神来努力工作,稳定地提高自己的工作能力,与企业同步发展。 本人有着较强的沟通表达能力,对工作有上进心、认真负责、待人真诚、处人随和!换位思考有自己独特的想法这是我最大的优点,我理想就是能实现我的个人价值的挖掘,能让我的价值得到最大实现,同时实现企业利润和价值的最大化. 用英文写简历的自我评价 篇9本人性格开朗,待人真诚,对工作有上进心,有很强的适应能力和团结精神,并能很好地同事相处并协同工作。在4年的工作中,以谨慎的工作作风,认真积极的工作态度,细心完成本职工作。本人工作踏实,刻苦耐劳,如有幸被录用我将会竭尽全力为贵单位创造效益,以尽情体现自身能力和价值。 用英文写简历的自我评价 篇101、本人性格开朗、稳重、有活力,待人热情、真诚;工作认真负责,积极主动,能吃苦耐劳,用于承受压力,勇于创新;有很强的组织能力和团队协作精神,具有较强的适应能力;纪律性强,工作积极配合;意志坚强,具有较强的无私奉献精神。 2、对待工作认真负责,善于沟通、协调有较强的组织能力与团队精神;活泼开朗、乐观上进、有爱心并善于施教并行;上进心强、勤于学习能不断提高自身的能力与综合素质。 3、工作期间,曾多次获得“每月之星”,深得领导的信任和关注。 |
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