标题 | 工程维修人员英文自我评价 |
范文 | 工程维修人员英文自我评价(通用6篇) 工程维修人员英文自我评价 篇1First of all, I was a farmer's child, grew up in rural areas, the village gave me nurtured into a strong self-reliance, although she is not the city's wonderful, but better able to experience the true story of that struggle, I always think in the countryside Growing up is one of the best life experiences, and later, I carry the others and their own expectations straight up the pole on the university. The University is a place where I can really grow up. "The university not only taught me the real skills, but more importantly, taught me how to learn and how to look at things in the world in the right and unique way I think this is a better foundation for the creation of the world. I really do what you like and is a good thing in the study, in addition to poor English, the other is very good, sophomore two semesters I am also familiar with the operation of office software. There autocad is also very familiar with (took a high card) .In addition to these "business", the amateur I still continue to enrich and improve themselves. A college radio station to do a director and then do vice minister of photography to do radio station deputy stationmaster, along the way I am in my ability to continue to climb in this process also learned a lot of knowledge, such as interpersonal, organizational management - - more importantly, I know what is the responsibility! I am very interested in literature and art, leisure time often as entertainment to study, so writing, sketches, photography, also have a certain ability to control. I can not get a good car behind closed doors reason I know - the university I can seize all the opportunities to go out to social work.University summer school I organized a "three rural" reservoir safety research activities, experience in the heat Summer job I have seized the opportunity to do two "summer internship" - one for the Fan Yu a drafting company designed to do a month; Second, the Provincial Water Conservancy Research Institute to do Model construction. These work experience makes me more mature, ready to enter the community. Also, I personally although the body is smaller, but the physical condition is good. For the good and easy. I often give myself to wear such a top Hat: "pragmatic idealist"! Because to achieve the ideal must be pragmatic. Although my student life is about to end, but my learning career is like the responsibility of the construction project is a life-long system. 工程维修人员英文自我评价 篇2years to participate in the work to April has been in Beijing Construction Engineering Construction Engineering Company Limited, a project of any technical work. Mainly to participate in bidding, writing programs and to the end, drawing on-site construction plans, do negotiations, and supervision, Party to deal with, as the completion of plans and so on. in April so far in the construction of an electronic plant in the field of civil engineers (Party on-site representatives). I have been involved in the work for nearly 20 years, working in the construction field for many years, from the initial maintenance, building leakage to the supervision of high-level decoration, high-rise buildings, municipal roads, bridges and so can be described as experienced, , Project deputy manager, project director, project director and other duties. From the grass-roots level to the management to bear the heavy work pressure. I am well aware that only with excellent professional skills, good communication skills and team spirit, in order to effectively carry out their work. At the same time I also use their spare time to actively improve themselves, completed undergraduate self (project management), also successfully passed the two construction division (housing construction, decoration) to test. I am eager to have more room for development in the new environment. Has also been in the Beijing Construction Engineering Group, the construction company for nearly 20 years, long-term engineering projects as chief engineer and project manager, which has served more than 20 million square meters of project total work, and more than 10 million square meters of project Manager, has a wealth of practical experience in construction. Work enthusiasm and initiative, with good interpersonal skills. 工程维修人员英文自我评价 篇31, understand the drawings, information, equipment, cad and so on. Can be hard-working, enterprising. Responsible for the overall deployment of the construction site, the general layout. 2, coordination of the construction of the labor layer progress, quality, safety. The implementation of the overall construction program. 3, the service layer assessment, evaluation. 4, supervision of the service layer according to standard construction, to ensure safe production, civilized construction. Comprehensive and reasonable and effective implementation of the program to keep the construction site safe and effective. 5, proposed to ensure construction, safety, quality measures and organize the implementation. 6, urge the construction materials, equipment on time, and in a qualified state to ensure the smooth progress of the project. 7, to participate in the project completion inspection, responsible for the project intact protection. 8, on-time and accurate record of construction log. 9, the rational allocation of production factors, and strictly organize the construction to ensure project progress and quality. 10, the organization concealed project acceptance, to participate in sub-sub-project quality assessment. 11, to participate in the drawing of the trial and the preparation of the progress of the project with a grateful heart of life, with love to do business.Computer skills: intermediate language proficiency: English (general); Mandarin (good) precise operation of equipment, cad, site coordination and management, pre-technical technology to the end of the quality axis elevation. Be familiar with and make drawings, data, construction plans, contracts. 工程维修人员英文自我评价 篇4尊敬的公司领导: 时光匆匆,两个月的的时间转瞬即逝,两个月的试用期下来,自己努力了,也进步了不少,我想这不仅是工作,更重要的是给了我一个学习和锻炼的机会。在**项目担任技术员职务以来,感谢公司领导的关心及项目部同事的帮助。不管是技术方面还是质检与管理,使我工作上有了很大的进步,当然成绩只代表过去,在以后的工作中我会加倍努力,争取做的更好。 作为工程技术人员我深知“科学的东西来不得半点虚伪和骄傲”。在工程中,技术含量较高,这就要求我们技术人员对待工作不能人浮于事,做老好人,而要以踏实、严谨的`态度对待工作,不懂的东西要善于学习,已懂的东西更要精益求精。因为技术在不断进步更新,只有通过不断地学习,辅以求精务实,脚踏实地的作风,方能胜任自己的工作岗位.一切工程施工,技术和质检工作贯穿始终,在工作经验的积累中,逐步培养自己的预见性,方能起到技术先行的作风,建筑职业不同于其他行业,它需要不断在现场检查、监督,随时发现问题,解决问题,而这些工作都在现场比较恶劣的环境下进行,这要求我们不断培养吃苦耐劳的精神,要不怕苦不怕累,放下管理人员清高的姿态,从工程的实干中不断丰富自己所学才能,使自己的现场综合处理能力得到锻炼和提高。 我是这样想的,也是这样要求自己的。作为工程的第一责任人不仅负责楼栋工程质量、安全文明施工还要对工程进度等各项事务负全责。建筑事业百年大计,来不得半点马虎,在工作中,我常常严于要求自己认真执行公司的各项规定和工程计划以确保工程质量和进度计划。此外我还熟读理解了各种规范和设计文件并认真落实到各项工作中,就这样自己的专业技能也得到了提高。 试用期间有机会能在这样的条件下学习和锻炼,我感到无比的自豪,这种环境和外部的条件给了我一种自信和荣耀,但更多的是对我今后工作的鞭策。因此转正之后,作为**集团的正式一员就要求我们在工作中时刻要以企业的形象来约束自己,我们所有的言行要符合企业的标准,逐步培养自身的个人素质和修养,才能无愧于领导的信任和培养.通过总结近段时间的工作,找出工作中的不足,以便在以后的工作中加以克服,同时还需要多看书,认真学习好规范规程及有关文件资料,掌握好专业知识,提高自己的工作能力,加强工作责任感和使命感,及时做好个人的各项工作。 总之,在今后的工作当中,我将不断的总结与反省,不断地学习、鞭策自己并充实能量,努力提高自身素质与业务水平,提升自己的工作能力与工作水准以适应时代和企业的发展,与公司共同进步、共同成长。 工程部: **年7月10日 工程维修人员英文自我评价 篇5尊敬的各位领导、各位同仁: 大家好!非常感谢公司领导能给我们展现自我的机会。我叫,1985年出生,*人,20xx年毕业于,专业工业环保与安全技术,我参加竞聘的岗位是工程部部长。下面介绍一下我的工作经历: 20xx年7月份参加工作,到*项目部先后从事了测量员、技术员的工作;20__年9月份调至*项目二工区担任测量班长一职;20__年12月因*项目施工隧道连续板,故调回*项目对隧道连续板标高及现场安全、质量管理的控制;20__年9月至今在任隧道技术员。 四年的工作经历让我得出这样一个工作思路:1、要有良好的心理素质。在现实工作生活当中不断肯定自己,遇到重大事情和突发事情能冷静,做到不慌不忙,有主见不受别人影响,敢于面对现实,在一些事情上能聆听别人的看法和建议。并多与不同的人接触,学会如何与人沟通,交换自己和别人对事物的看法,取长补短。2、要积极向上端正自己的态度。不断的接触新事物,且要敢于挑战,不怕困难和挫折,要有不服输从那里跌到就从那里爬起来的精神。3、不断提高自己的专业知识水平及解决问题的能力,通过记录自己工作中所遇到的问题及遇到问题解决问题的方法,从而使自己能迅速的形成自己解决问题的思路和方法。 工程部是我们项目部负责日常技术工作并参与组织施工生产的重要职能部门,主要职责是为施工生产提供技术方面的保障和管理方面的服务、为项目部领导在决策过程中提供技术方面的支持。部长是部门主要职能的承担者和第一责任人。 工程部长职责:认真贯彻执行国家有关工程建设的方针、政策和上级颁发的技术标准、规范、规程及施工技术管理制度,全面负责工程部各项工作。要熟悉标书文件、设计图纸,参加现场调查核对,提出完善设计的建议,绘制施工必要的细部大样图和施工辅助图纸,做好施工项目的详细安排,其中包括所需劳动力、材料、机械设备配套计划和各种所需的施工原始记录、工程检查证等表格的技术准备工作。按照上级下达的任务和施工组织设计,根据实际情况拟定本项目具体的施工方法和施工组织措施,补充必要的施工规定和操作规程。技术交底制度在工程正式施工前,召开工程协调会,由施工单位通过技术交底使参与施工的技术人员,熟悉和了解所承担工程任务的特点、技术要求、工程难点及工程质量标准,做到事前消灭重大质量隐患。项目技术交底需做好记录,督促作业队施行。深入工地,坚持技术工作贯彻于施工全过程,检查工程质量和技术安全措施,核对图纸,核实工程数量,掌握了解工程进度,搜集资料,记好施工日记,及时填写施工原始记录,做到工程竣工一切资料齐全,签证完善。根据变更设计的原则和审定审批权限,对所属施工范围内的各项工程进行仔细认真的调查研究,经多方比较后提出需要修改设计的意见。按照总的施工计划,编制各工程项目的作业计划,安排各作业队的施工任务,签发审核结算任务单和限额领料单。积极参加技术革新,正确采用国内外新技术、新材料、新工艺。负责按月度、年度定期及时地向计财务部门提供经监理、建设单位签证的已完工程量报表,提供已完工程预算成本分析表和有关统计资料。完成项目部领导交办的其他工作。 如果我能被聘用,我将做到以下几点: 1、团结带领工程部部员,增强大家的向心力、凝聚力,扎实的工作,组织部员高效率地完成各项工作任务。 2、深入研究切实可行的、简便工作方法,在下一步工作中全面推行施工生产区域责任包干和考核制度。也就是对各个工点配备相应数量的技术人员,有一个带头人对该工点的技术进行包干管理,及时掌握所管项目的进展、资源配备、存在技术问题等状况,准确分析现场存在问题的原因,制定整改方案报主管技术与生产的领导,按批准的措施督促施工队伍和相关部门落实,对产生的效果进行跟踪、反馈和评价。施工管段工程师与所管项目的生产绩效挂钩考核兑现。 3、活跃思想,培养新人,灵活运用锻炼方式。新同志是我们一笔宝贵的财富,对有一些培养新人的方法采用严管善待,工作中要以一种一丝不苟的态度,生活中要就像朋友一样对待,最重要的是相互要沟通。 在今后的工作当中我将继续对这些方法进行实践和摸索,尽快总结出一套适用于我们的方法。 谢谢大家! 工程维修人员英文自我评价 篇6This practice makes me deeply feel the difference between theory and practice, from now on, not only to seriously learn the theory of knowledge, but also to focus on strengthening the practical hands-on ability to make their own more comprehensive development of a comprehensive development of the project, . At the same time, engineering measurement is also a technical live, it needs to measure personnel seriously, careful, patient; team members should also work together, as far as possible in all aspects of measurement to maintain a high accuracy, the only way to efficiently complete our Of the measurement tasks. In fact, this measurement makes me feel the deepest is the close cooperation between the players, measurement has just begun, we are a group of nine people is not clear division of labor, the results of measurement work was very slow, but we soon found Measurement work is included in all aspects, and we immediately assigned a good task, have defined their own work, such as: in the measurement of elevation, the need for two feet to help the staff in two turning points to help leveling, a classmate Responsible for adjusting the instrument and readings, and a student is responsible for correcting readings, record data, in addition, there is a student specifically responsible for data checking, so, in order to ensure that the measurement of the surveyor's work smoothly; another example: We divided into three groups, one group with a steel ruler, the other with a tape measure at the same time, there is a group responsible for processing data and drawing. In this way, we have a clear division of labor, unity and cooperation, and efficient completion of our measurement work. In addition, the measurement work is complicated and complicated, including many details, such as selecting the datum point, marking, installing the instrument, adjusting the level, setting the level of the ruler, aiming at the target, recording data, processing the data and checking the error. So many details, to say which is more important, in fact, each aspect is very important, each step can not be errors, or it may retest, to bring unnecessary trouble measurement. To give an example: a vertical ruler, a central level of a circular level, when the ruler to try to bubble in the middle position, which is a technical live, you need to Mozhun the law can be fast and accurate to the standard foot righting , But can not arbitrarily put the ruler to the ground a stand, otherwise it will make the data deviation and need to re-test, delay measurement process. Therefore, the measurement must develop a serious and careful work attitude. The measurement practice, but also let me understand the hardships of construction and measurement of the importance of the work. In order to ensure that internships can be completed on time, our group members get up almost at six o'clock every morning, arrive at the measuring location, place the instruments, then take turns to eat breakfast, and sometimes do not take a nap at noon , The afternoon until dark can not see the time Hou back to dinner, to stay later also stay up to the day of data processing, often to 12 o'clock in order to go to bed ... ... the whole week is so, we all Very hard. However, in my view, although a little tired, a little hard, this a few Days is my most fulfilling days. Because in the past few days inside, I not only learned a lot of classroom learning not the measurement of knowledge, but also to develop some good habits, which for my future development will be of great help. Measurement practice is about to end, I will sum up the practice of this pros and cons, find their own shortcomings, and through future efforts to learn to make up for my shortcomings, prepare for the future career in order to achieve greatersuccess! |
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