标题 | 员工季度自我评价 |
范文 | 员工季度自我评价(通用5篇) 员工季度自我评价 篇1转眼间,半年过去了。在这过去的六个月中,我已成功地实现了从一名学生向中国移动员工的转变。六个月之前,是中国移动选择了我,也是我选择了中国移动。从进公司的那一天起,我就不断地告诫自己,对自己一定要“高标准、严要求”。事实证明,在这极其充实的几个月中,我即辛苦又开心,收获很大, 感悟很深。更重要的是我对自己能在这样一个快节奏、高效率、充满生机与活力的企业里工作而感到自豪。 回顾这几个月,我主要做了以下几项工作: 一、20xx年下半年的主要工作 (一)营业厅的实习工作 移动营业厅是移动公司直接面向客户的一个窗口,在这里的工作人员就是移动的一线工作人员,直接与客户打交道,直接代表着移动的形象。在两个多月的营业厅前台实习中,我不仅看到了前台人员工作的认真和生活的激情,更是感受到那种以公司为家的强烈的责任心与归属感。具体而言,我不仅对前台的业务流程有了最基本的熟悉,而且对前台工作人员的职责有了更全面、深入地了解。业务方面,除了正常的收费、办理业务等工作外,接待用户、协调关系、化解矛盾、咨询、受理投诉等也发挥着重要作用;营业员工作职责方面,高水平的业务和协调工作的能力、较强的责任心、谦虚的工作态度、团队作战的精神、服务的热情等是衡量前台优秀员工的基本准则。这些都体现了中国移动需要什么样的员工。 感性认识上升到理性认识是认识论的的进一步升华。所以,在前台实习一段时间后,根据公司安排,我们参加了省公司新进员工的第四期培训。这次培训活动虽经历时间不长,仅有十来天,但内容丰富、形式灵活。既有理论学习,又有拓展训练。尤其是在领导讲座中,介绍的“中国移动需要什么样的员工”,让我铭记在心:1、强烈的创新意识;2、艰苦奋斗的精神;3、尽善尽美的追求;4、谦虚谨慎的态度。由此可见,只有我们移动的每一位员工发挥创新的主观能动性,并注意从我们身边的点滴做起,真正发挥自己的战斗力,才能为公司、社会做出应有的贡献。而在烈日炎炎下深入南山湖拓展训练基地,和同事们众志成城、攻城拔寨,使我明白了团队战斗力是无所不摧的——“只要战胜自己,你就赢了人生”。 (二)营销经理实习岗 进入十月份后,我们轮换到营销中心营销经理实习岗。总体而言,营销中心在整个公司的业务流程中处于关键地位,发挥着极其重要的功能。大家平时的工作既繁琐又忙碌,但都井然有序。经过近三个月的实习,让我感受颇多。 1.了解到营销经理的基本职责。 (1)认真学习中心每个月分解的营销任务,包括业务和服务。及时学习并掌握这些是最基本的要求之一。方式有多种,包括: 1)每天早上的晨会; 2)每个月的业务、服务培训会议; 3)省、市公司的相关电视电化会议。 (2)及时传达相关会议精神并协助、督促好营业厅的工作。 首先,月中例会为营销经理和店长们提供了最直接、最广泛的交流舞台。通过这次会议,营销经理可传达本月的业务指标和服务重点;其次,巡查工作是对营业厅的最直接的督导,并能及时了解到各营业厅的所需;最后,每周的数据通报明确了各个营业厅自身的进度,并为下期的工作提供了最强的动力。 (3)认真思考、及时反馈各期服务重点在执行过程中的状态。 通过每周的服务例会,所有与会人员,包括部门各位分管领导、自办厅班长、营销经理等,大家集思广益,充分发表意见并讨论,最后形成一些针对性、时效性很强的方法和措施。 2.了解到合格的营销经理所应具备的条件 (1)强烈的责任心 责任心是一种非常重要的素质,是做一名优秀的工作人员所必须的。责任心是做事情的标准之一,有责任心的人总是想把事情做得更好,而没责任心的人总不认真地去做事。 (2)灵活的引导力 引导力是对政策和方案实施的有力支撑,为实现目标提供了准确的方向和强大的动力。而灵活的方式更能使引导效果明显,它是检验你的工作是否优秀的重要标准。 (3)较强的执行力 执行力实际上包含执行人的理解力和执行的可操作性。对于一名营销人员来说,理解力是最基本的,而可操作性也不能纸上谈兵。即还没做,就开始讨论下发政策的优劣,困难的大小。这不是好的工作作风,我们绝不提倡。相反在做的过程中,如果我们发现问题,及时反馈并提供可行的建议,这才是表现较强执行力的良好方法。 3.认真实践营销经理的岗位 在经过约两个月的师傅帮带之后,中心根据要求统一安排我们独立管理相关营业厅的工作,主要负责、等营业厅的日常督导。在此过程中,我充分实践、积极思考,发现合作厅的日常督 导工作较琐碎,且对执行力和时效性要求非常高,但这些我都能按要求认真完成。令我遗憾的是,反馈市场信息仍是我们工作中的薄弱一环。俗话说:“知彼知己,百战不殆”。搜集好市场信息,尤其是竞争对手的信息内容,并做好有效性分析、提出针对性方案,这是做好营销工作的最重要环节。但由于时间有限,感觉自己在这方面的工作力度还不够深入,没能更有效地摸索 出相关的重要方法和经验。在以后的工作中,如有机会一定认真加以弥补和完善。 员工季度自我评价 篇2Key to Performance Performance: Self - Assessment and Objectives.Performance work is an important part of enterprise HR work. The key to the following two points: First, give employees the opportunity to self-assessment; the second is to make the staff's goals and the company's goals are consistent. Give employees the opportunity to self-assess First, the employee's self-assessment as part of the company's performance appraisal process, is very important. To encourage employees to participate in the company's performance appraisal process and ensure an effective dialogue between managers and employees, you can use the same form in the company's regular performance review process, or create a slightly modified version. Second, the purpose of employee self-assessment is to obtain employees on their performance of self-point of view. This is a powerful way to give employees the opportunity to speak throughout the performance appraisal process. Sometimes, managers worry about the value of self-assessment, that employees will simply give their praise and higher ratings in order to try to raise their actual rating. Experience has shown that the opposite trend is real, and when we evaluate ourselves, we tend to be more severe than others. Third, the manager's personal view of the employee, self-assessment is a very valuable way for the company to get more information about employee performance. It can also help managers stay ready to deal with differences in opinion or opinion and gain insight into employee expectations. So that the objectives of the staff consistent with the company's goals The importance of creating a SMART (concrete, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) goal is to associate the employee's goals with higher-level organizational goals, and you create for employees' This is a very important "context." This helps employees understand why their work is important and how their work contributes to the success of the organization as a whole. Practice has proved that the goal of the staff with a higher level of departmental goals, the objectives of the branch and the goal of the entire enterprise linked to create a personal goal and organizational goals consistent with the "big environment" for the development of staff performance is crucial Important, but also allow employees to feel that their work is very important. 员工季度自我评价 篇3回首一年,本人虽未轰轰烈烈,但也踏踏实实。现总结如下: 一、为了明天的教育而充实自我 新课程实验已经进入正式实验阶段,为了保证新课程实验能健康顺利开展,重要的是教师要树立的新课程理念,要以新课程的理念指导实践,在实践中进一步领悟新理念。为此,我非常重视学习,平时认真阅读教学杂志上有关新课程改革的文章,学习教科研专著,认真听讲座,积极参加校本培训,通过一系列的学习,自己的教学理念进一步更新,对新课程理念感悟也在一步步加深。我深切体会到:当一名优秀语文教师的不易,因为传统的教学方法已经不适应当前的课改,从教学理念的转变到教学方式的转变是一个质的飞跃,不学习则落伍。语文学科涉及的知识面广泛,它对教师提出了更高的要求,除了学习理论文章外,我还学习文化知识方面的书籍。为了提高自己的课堂教学水平,我还虚心向同行们学习,积极参与教研组的备课、听课、评课、观摩、研讨活动,不断吸收新鲜血液,以适应现代化教育的需要,使自己的课堂教学跟上时代发展的脉搏。我平时还及时进行实践反思,写出教后感,每学期二、三十篇,撰写教育教学论文数篇。 二、用全新的教育理念,指导课堂教学改革 今年下半年新课程在我校启动,对于我这个一线的老教师来说既是一种全心的挑战,又是一次考验。为了使自己在新课程改革中不落伍,我努力钻研业务,努力提高自身素质,积极探索新的教学思路,新的教学模式。平时认真钻研业务,在“五认真”上下功夫。严把备课关,做到备大纲,备教材,备学生,精心设计每堂课。在教学中本着“教是为了不教”的观念,以“用好老教材,实践新理念,使每个学生生动活泼、自主和谐发展”作为自己追求的目标。努力创设语言训练的条件,让学生在有限的时间和空间里主动地进行听说读写的语言活动,使课堂成为学生施展才华的舞台,让学生在“自主、合作、探索”中学习。而我本人则隐退至后台充当学生“学习的促进者、指导者”。把学习的主动权力还给学生。现在学生在新课前都能认真预习,特别是能在网上查资料,在图书管找资料,课堂上思维活跃,发言热烈,常常高潮迭起。 课堂上我努力让学生感受到一种亲切、和谐、活跃的气氛;我努力使自己成为学生的亲密朋友,让教室也转变成为学生的学堂;我努力让学生的个性得到充分的展现与培养。所以在课堂上学生或质疑问难,或浮想联翩,或组间交流,或挑战权威。师生互动,生生互动,组间互动,环境互动,在有限的时间内,每一位学生都得到了较为充分的锻炼和表现的机会。教室中再没有阴暗冰冷的“死角”,课堂上充满着流动的阳光,平等、和谐与交流共存,发现、挑战与沉思同在。学生思维活跃,闪光点频频,他们已成为课堂上真正的主人。班内学生普遍反应喜欢上语文课。一节课40分钟,往往觉得太短了,下课后还围着我讨论问题。 新课改不但要提高学生的课内阅读能力,还要提高学生的课外的阅读能力和写作能力。我的授课既源于教材,又不唯教材,我经常利用午间活动进行读书体会交流,优秀作文赏评,还有新闻发布会,故事会等,最近又成立了研究性学习小组.。让学生在互动中求知,在活动中探索,既轻松地掌握了知识,又潜移默化地培养了能力。学生的整体素质有了质的提高。特别是学生看课外书的兴趣大大增强。每天学生们都围着图书箱借图书看,有的学生已经在看《水浒》、《三国演义》、《红楼梦》等名著。在增加阅读量上还增加了写作量,一学期学生写小作文几十篇。随着训练量的增加,学生的写作水平也在提高,发表、获奖文章很多,居年段之首。 一个班级中难免有学习态度不端正、接受能力差的学习困难生。对于这样的学生我循循善诱、耐心辅导,特殊照顾。 三、民主管理,让学生享受成功的快乐 作为一名班主任,我的管理原则是创建活而不乱,严而不死的良好班风班貌。这学年我觉得自己班主任工作最有特色是——民主管理,让学生享受成功的快乐。 充分发扬民主,让全体学生积极参与管理,千方百计调动他们的积极性和创造性,培养他们独立自主的精神和自我管理的能力,逐步完成由教师管理向学生管理的过渡,真正扮演好引路人和协调者的角色。我的班务工作主旨是:让每一位学生都快乐地度过在学校的每一天。爱每一个孩子,使他们因为有我这样的班主任,每天能快乐充实。在工作中把成功教育这一思想灵活地运用到班级管理的实践中去,改变陈旧的教育模式,变埋怨、责怪学生为相信每一个学生,变教师对学生外压式的强制教育为学生内调式的自我教育,变片面追求分数的教育为争取每个学生多方面成功的教育。注意工作的方式方法,努力尝试尊重学生、发现学生,使他们在“我能行”的指导下,个个充满自信,能够抬起头大胆往前走,有勇气迎接风雨,乐于在困难中微笑,人人有成功的体验。 平时,充分发挥队员的自我管理能力,发动大家参加班级管理的各项活动,让每个人都有机会履行班级管理职责,人人都有自己的发言权,增强责任感和参与意识,为管理好班级献出自己的一份力量,使全体学生成为班级管理的主人。如,班级目标的确定、班队活动计划的制订、主题队会的设计、雏鹰争章台的布置、争章考核细则以及各类先进评比标准等,都充分利用晨间活动、班队活动,发动全班同学献计献策,取得共识。因为学生愿意干的事,干起来热情高,干劲大,成效也好。如:陆悦、张艺帆、杨奕琦、朱颖婷等同学经常放弃休息时间整理图书,出黑板报等。在中队活动中,力求少一些老师的具体指导,多一些学生的互相探讨;少一些集体的共同规矩,多一些学生的自我规范;少一些共性需求,多一些个性发展。 员工季度自我评价 篇4In many enterprises performance appraisal, there is a "staff self-assessment" link, which is the first employee of their performance in the assessment period, and then submitted to the direct superior to adjust, and finally draw the employee's performance scores. In the use of direct superior performance evaluation system, the purpose of employee self-assessment is nothing more than two: 1, the fastest quantitative data sources can be quantified; 2, reflects the staff participation in performance appraisal; However, if the assessment of employees Assessment without a clear understanding of it, it will lead to significant deviation of the assessment results, or even failure. We know that the performance appraisal may be a variety of errors, such as the different leaders of different personal scales, the average tendency, etc., then the self-assessment link, which led to the factors that lead to errors it? First, the personality of each person is different from the self-assessment scale is very different. For example, some employees self-confidence, their own evaluation of high, some people feel inferior, their evaluation on the low side. In addition, some people pursue perfection, strict requirements on their own, and some others have passed, these two categories of people to their own scale certainly different. Also, some old employees of the company and colleagues know very clearly, scoring when its capability, and new employees do not know other people's shallow depth, to their scoring when there is not much reference to speak of. Second, psychological research shows that most people are overconfident."Do not make a normal fool," an example of this book mentioned that we often hear a lot of people say that they "not on the phase", that is, according to the photos did not look good. In fact, the photo is an objective reflection of our appearance, and each of us in the mirror when it will be special (and may be unconscious or habitual) to choose the best angle, that is more than a layer of subjective Factors in it, which led to our look in the mirror look better than the photos. So in fact, the staff part of the self-assessment on the provision of such a "mirror" to our staff to the beauty, this error which is self-evident. Third, the staff self-assessment of the score, the assessment will do a great impact on the scoring. Have the experience of "bargain" people know that if you see the stall on a package, and my heart that probably worth 100, but the mouth asking price, the boss said 500, if you really want this package, bigMost people only dare to 300 or 400 pieces to cut. This is the so-called "anchor effect", the negotiation inside the "first offer, without anger in each other's situation, the higher the better" is the meaning, because the first bid will greatly grasp the initiative, so that the other psychological expectationsResulting in great changes. Employee self-assessment actually gave the examiner a chance to take the lead in the bidder, and whether the assessment due to face or other considerations, are likely to be the "quote" effect, so that the assessment results error. We in the actual work of human resources, but also did find this phenomenon, a company several departments staff performance appraisal scores, without exception, no less than its self-rated scores. Based on the above analysis, we will find that the department leaders get the self-evaluation scores mixed with too many subjective factors, so that can not be filtered through technical means, and this score will have a great impact on the assessment; Confident employees have a high score, and sometimes due to the need for mandatory distribution, those who require their own strict, scoring low staff has become a victim, because their scoring low, the final score is difficult to be brought up leadership. In the assessment of the indicators can not quantify the more components, or different departments in different parts of the work of employees, the lack of uniform measure of the time, this situation is particularly serious. So, companies in the performance evaluation of the actual operation, how to solve these problems I mentioned above? Many people may be from the "increase the proportion of quantifiable indicators," "to strengthen the assessment and assessment of those who training, But in practice, it will only increase the workload and complexity of performance appraisal, implementation easier said than done? In fact, just look back to see the implementation of the two purposes of self-evaluation .Self-evaluation and implementation of self-evaluation, , We will find a simple solution: the relatively objective quantifiable indicators, the implementation of "employee self-evaluation", while maintaining a "fast data source" - in fact only data sources, but also embodied in the form "Employee participation"; and not to quantify the subjective evaluation of indicators, the assessment by the direct scoring, do not give employees self-evaluation (and thus in this link error) opportunity. We know that performance appraisal in human resources work is a huge project, the implementation of the highest cost, companies should seize the main contradiction, step by step, and in the initial stage, but not for the form of trapped. So is slightly Jun policy for some enterprises initially set up performance management system, simply cancel the self-evaluation session, thus avoiding the link error, but also to a certain extent reduce the workload and complexity of the assessment for the next Step smooth implementation of the well prepared. Of course, the front said that the main business in the initial stage of performance management situation. When companies meet the following conditions: First, the implementation of the more smooth performance management, implementation costs can be effectively controlled; Second, the formation of a good performance within the company culture, we understand the performance management is more uniform, their own evaluation More objective; Third, the department leaders generally have a clear understanding of the lower levels and independent judgments; we can think that enterprises have entered the advanced stage. At this point to carry out a real staff self-assessment, it will further mobilize the enthusiasm of employees and the importance of performance, thus forming a virtuous circle of performance management. In summary, the core issue of employee self-evaluation, not how to do a good job, but when to engage in, when should not engage in the problem. It is necessary to distinguish the stage of development of enterprise performance management and select the key points that should be solved at each stage, and will not achieve the multiplier effect without being trapped in form. From the initial stage of performance management to the advanced stage, each enterprise has a long way to go, and this process can not be achieved overnight. 员工季度自我评价 篇5今年来,办公室在党委的正确领导下,认真领会党的__大精神实质,努力学习实践科学发展观,按照工作框架意见和办公室工作目标职责要求,着力提升办公室工作质量及效率,圆满完成了领导交办的各项任务,现将上个季度工作情景评价如下: 一、政务工作 (一)规范办文程序,统筹会议服务年初以来,办公室规范了对办文办会工作的管理。首先严格按照收、发文程序处理文件,并全程督办文件的落实;其次,加强了对文件资料的把关,做到资料完整,合乎规范要求。半年共收文281份;发文18份,其中上行文17份,下行文1份。会务工作较往年有了明显的改观,办公室强调了会务工作的服务特性,按照会务工作的特点,细分了工作资料。第一扎实做好会前的各项准备,为会议召开创造条件;第二做好会议的服务和接待,努力为参会人员创造一个舒适的环境;第三是做好会议的跟踪服务,力争使会议的决议得到贯彻落实。 (二)重视宣传报道,及时上报信息为了做好宣传报道工作,办公室要求文秘人员内强素质、外树形象,宣传报道工作今年有了长足的提高。半年共上报信息9篇,采用9篇,其中,政讯4篇,夹江信息4篇,学习实践活动简报1篇,为上级领导及时掌握我委的工作动态、全方位准确宣传我委的工作业绩和展现形象发挥了重要作用。 (三)优化档案管理,做好信访接待为做好档案管理,新安装了电子档案管理系统软件,要求档案管理人员努力提高业务素质,学习档案管理的有关法律法规、操作规程,做好档案的保管工作。信访工作,今年意外事故频发、大事较多,各级政府、领导十分重视信访工作。我委信访工作在党委领下,及时成立了信访工作领导小组,做好日常的宣传解释工作,辖区内半年来无一例上访事件发生。 (四)提高保密意识,做好工作,加大了保密知识的宣传力度,提高了工作人员的保密意识,签订了保密承诺职责书,并做到涉密计算机专人管理,涉密资料专柜保存,杜绝了泄密事件的发生。 二、财务工作 严格执行财务管理制度,加强财务管理,明确财务审批权限、报销程序。合理安排开支,保证了机关工作正常运转。 三、其他工作 一季度来,我们坚持为领导服务、为机关服务、为职工服务的宗旨,坚持每一天打扫办公室卫生,保证了工作环境的干净舒适;按时上报各项评价、报表等材料,保证了政务信息的及时畅通;及时完成领导交办的其他工作,保证了日常工作的顺利开展;完成了县人大__届四次会议交办的一件提议和提案答复工作等。 四、存在的问题和不足 一些成绩,但仍然存在一些不足,管理制度仍需完善,落实力度要进一步加大;办公室人员整体素质和工作职责心、事业心有待进一步提高;服务观念有待进一步转变;与各相关部门的联系有待进一步密切,工作应当更进一步注重实效等。在下个季度的工作中,我们办公室将在领导的正确带领下,进一步发扬成绩,克服不足,创新工作,争取更加优异的工作业绩。 |
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