标题 | 化工自我评价 |
范文 | 化工自我评价(精选5篇) 化工自我评价 篇1人,总是在学习中进步,在工作中得到锻炼。我是一名即将从四川农业大学网络教育学院应用化工技术专业毕业的学生,我一直都认为人应该是活到老学到老的。作为网络教育学院一名学生,我当然热爱我的专业并为其投入了巨大的热情和精力。我对知识、对本专业一丝不苟,因而在成绩上一直都得到肯定,以优异的成绩完成了本专业的全部课程的学习,并且每学期都一次性的通过了学院的统一考试,掌握了应用化工技术的专业知识与实际工作的灵活运用,增强了的工作能力。 学习上,为适应社会和企业发展的需求,我认真学习应用化工专业知识,对本专业一丝不苟,我系统全面地学习了本专业的理论基础知识,同时把所学的理论知识应用于公司的工作实践活动中,把所学知识转化为动手能力、应用能力和创造能力。力求理论和实践的统一。在学习和掌握本专业理论知识和应用技能的同时,还努力拓宽自己的知识面,培养自己其他方面的能力;积极参加我所在公司的科学研究活动中的各项活动以及对现有生产系统的技改活动的,得到了公司领导的肯定和同事的好评。 在工作中,严格要求自己,做到化工生产过程中的异常现象也从不放过,运用所学的知识常常能够发现很多新问题,生产操作严格而且思维活跃,因此培养了较强的观察能力,思维能力和动手能力,为今后能够更好的将所学的专业知识投入到实际工作中打下了坚实的基础。 由于学习和工作的特殊性,处理好学习与工作的关系是很困难的。然而,我并没有因为工作而影响到学习,而是做到认真协调好工作和时间的关系,使自己在全方面得到发展。 正是因为有了我在学习中的刻苦与追求,在工作中的不断努力,才能使今天的我具备了较强的综合素质和综合能力,但我不满足于现有的知识水平和工作能力,期望在以后的工作实践中得到锻炼和提高。我会踏踏实实做好自己的本职工作,竭尽尽全力在工作中取得更好的成绩。我相信经过自己的勤奋和努力,一定会作出更好的工作业绩。 化工自我评价 篇2光阴似箭,日月如梭,作为应用化工技术专业的我即将告别大学生活。在(改成自己应用化工技术就读的大学)应用化工技术专业四年的大学校园生活是我人生的一大转折点,四年的校园生涯和应用化工技术社会实践生活,有过渴望、有过追求、有过成功也有过失败,我不断地挑战自我,充实自我,学习应用化工技术理论知识,为步入社会和实现人生的价值打下坚实的基础。 在思想品德上,本人有良好的思想道德修养,并有较高的政治理论觉悟,平时积极地向应用化工技术班委团委组织靠拢,参与应用化工技术专业学生集体社区服务活动。在生活中,本人遵纪守法,经常关心和帮助应用化工技术班其他同学,并以务实求真的精神热心参与各项社会活动与应用化工技术知识公益宣传。 在学习上,我热爱自己所就读的应用化工技术专业,各门基础的公共课程和应用化工技术专业课程均取得了比较理想的成绩。此外,我还参加应用化工技术相关资格考试(列举自己获得的应用化工技术专业证书)。 在应用化工技术专业实习期间,我经历里学校所没有的酸甜苦辣,感受应用化工技术专业就业严峻的压力,也切身体会到父母劳作。 化工自我评价 篇3First, in thought, to see the side of the master one by one, in the work of serious and responsible, practical work hard, willing to offer the spirit of great touched me, I was deeply infected with this spirit. As a new member of the enterprise, we should love and respect their jobs, love the survival of our business. The rise and fall of enterprises are closely related to our prosperity, for the prosperity of tomorrow, work diligently, and strive to improve operational skills and expertise. Second, through the plant several safety skills training, team experience sharing activities and many cases of accident learning, so that they fully aware of safety learning in the petrochemical industry, the importance of this high-risk industries. And truly understand the deep-rooted meaning of safety first in today's "people-oriented" society, and enhance the sense of safety in production, and enhance the job risk identification ability and self-prevention consciousness. Third, learning, in a combination of theory and practice, do not know to ask, humbly ask. In the master and technical staff under the guidance of operating skills have been greatly improved. In the cycle of water, machine pump job trainees, the study of the pump, cooling tower works, master the cycle of water systems, cooling towers, water and sewage piping process. In the blower, compressor, pre-cooling machine position to learn the performance of the compressor, structure and working principle, get to know the pre-cooling unit process and principle, master the operation skills in the post purification, expander, fractionator post know The importance and principle of air purification, refrigeration methods and air separation principle, the distillation column distillation process has a deeper understanding, master the process flow and fractionation tower cooling, effusion, transfer pure operating skills. In the nitrogen compressor position, to further understand the nature of the nitrogen, use and hazards, the master of the post process and operational skills. Fourth, work, insist on respect for leadership, unity of colleagues, subject to distribution, love and respect their jobs. Work seriously and responsible, and strive to complete the outstanding leadership of each task. In the inspection process, strict and careful monitoring of the machine's pressure, temperature, flow, liquid level and other technical indicators, found that abnormal with the master in a timely manner, strict implementation of the operating rules. Fifth, there is insufficient, deep cold theoretical knowledge is still lacking, equipment failure to be judged to be improved in the future to strengthen cryogenic technology learning, and strengthen the ability to deal with emergencies, do not panic, fast correct operation. In the future I will continue to work conscientiously, subject to leadership arrangements, and strive to improve their overall quality, so that they become a qualified technical staff. 化工自我评价 篇4Years like a stream, an imminent end of internship. In the leadership of the concern and support, with the enthusiastic help of colleagues, through their own continuous efforts, I quickly adapt to the environment, adapted to the new jobs, recycling, have advantages to be inherited, there are insufficient to learn to improve . Ideological, political stand firm, love the motherland, support when the principles and policies. The Eighth Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces ", comprehend the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and also pay attention to the domestic and foreign forms and related political trends through newspapers and computers. So that their political and ideological level has been greatly improved. In learning, strict demands on themselves, with personal goals and knowledge for the strong pursuit of a solid grasp of some professional knowledge. With the technology update, the process of continuous filling, requiring us to continue to strengthen their capacity-building. I hold the enterprising knowledge and knowledge, never give up learning theoretical knowledge and business knowledge. In improving professional knowledge but also strive to improve their own quality cultivation. In the study and mastery of the chemical industry theoretical knowledge, but also pay attention to all aspects of knowledge extension. To become a good technical staff and make unremitting efforts. At work, I strictly abide by the factory discipline, conscientiously fulfill the duties of iron operators. Honorable leaders and colleagues. Do not be late, do not leave early, no miners, practical work, and strive to standardize the operation, skilled proficiency, infrastructure, cleaning and maintenance of regular. The theory and practice of combining theory and do a planned, focused, practical operation of measures, disciplined. During the work has always been enthusiastic, careful as a criterion, contact the scene of the actual, ground observation, diligent thinking, diligent study. Working practice has kept my business growing and my ability to work and my ideas have improved greatly. My life criteria are: serious man, work sense. Warm and sincere, helpful.Adhere to self-reflexive and strive to improve the idea of their own personality, always with the moral first to ask themselves, has always pursued strict self-belief. Of course, I still have a lot of shortcomings, talking and doing things crude. Communication with others to be further improved. I like my profession and work, so I am confident in improving bad habits. A few months of internship work temper, cultivate my good work style and hard working truth-seeking spirit, establish a strong sense of responsibility, a high sense of responsibility and team spirit. Production practice so that I learn from the impetuous and unrealistic, more mature psychological firm. In order to work well prepared to work in the future, I will inherit and carry forward their own advantages, learning to improve deficiencies. Adapt to enterprise development requirements, and strive to do their work better. 化工自我评价 篇520__年,维修一车间在公司的正确领导下,认真贯彻落实上级指示精神,坚持以科学发展观为指导,坚持“安全第一、预防为主、综合治理”的方针,牢固树立“以人为本“的管理理念,用心践行”对标管理“工作思路,紧紧围绕安全生产这一中心,围绕年度无重大安全生产事故的工作目标,以强化现场管理和严格隐患排查治理为重要举措,狠抓安全管理和岗位职责落实,深入开展各项“安全教育”宣传活动,从而有效地推进了安全生产工作,全年实现了安全生产无事故。 一、主要工作 (一)从安全教育抓起,提高全员安全意识 以人为本、强化教育、增强员工的安全意识,车间把“提高员工的安全意识,彻底消灭习惯性违章”作为安全管理的重点,开展丰富多彩的安全教育活动,组织全员用心参与,提高职工的安全意识。每年度车间组织全体员工集中学习安全事故案例,并适时参观学习,引以为戒,强化职工安全意识。每月按时开展防人身事故班组自由讨论,变“要我安全”为“我要安全”。车间每周例会由各片区主任对检修工作中存在的安全隐患进行汇报和总结,定任务定目标进行有步骤的整改。班组每周开一次“安全生产,规范作业”的安全班组会议,让每一位员工都参与进来,对工作中不安全的因素进行学习和交流。以上一系列举措使每位职工都能从内心深处认识到安全生产的重要性,极大的提高了整体安全意识。 (二)监督健全车间安全生产工作台帐 班组是安全生产最基层的单位,车间结合工作实际,从小、从细、从实抓起,不断提高班组长的安全管理水平和安全操作技能,着力提高每名职工的安全自我保护意识和潜力,做好班组安全工作日常管理。车间安全生产工作台帐是车间安全生产工作的具体、真实的反映。其资料有安全生产检查整改状况,安全生产管理制度,安全工作会议记录,特种作业人员培训登记,上级安全文件学习,工伤事故状况,安全检查记录以及周安全工作总结。各班组台帐的规范全面,促进了车间安全工作的顺利开展。每一天的班前会都必讲安全资料,并依据安全奖惩制度对员工个人不安全事故进行约束制裁。 (三)用心开展各项安全宣传教育活动,提升整体素质 在今年的“安全生产月”和“百日安全”活动中,车间紧紧围绕“安全第一、预防为主、综合治理”的主题,用心配合公司开展了各式各样的安全主题活动,透过悬挂条幅,安全承诺签字,在工作场所张贴宣传画和标语。并组织车间全员进行安全知识的学习和答题竞赛,确保人人参与人人受益。透过车间宣传栏,对车间员工宣传夏季五防、危害风险辨识、有害物质急救常识等等,让员工对特殊危害风险有了更进一步的了解和教育。在全年的各项安全生产活动中,车间注重实效,全员参与,确保了安全活动既扎扎实实,又富有成效,车间全体员工的整体安全水平都有了必须的提高,并给员工努力营造了一个“人人讲安全、事事想安全、处处保安全”的浓厚氛围,全面推动公司各项工作迈向新起点。 (四)加强检修现场的监督巡查,狠抓现场管理 安全管理的重点在现场,为确保生产安全,车间主任及安全员根据各片区重大检修项目进度,对关键环节进行现场安全监护和隐患排查,保证检修现场安全作业万无一失。车间所有职能人员都肩负着安全监管的职责,对现场的危害辨识和检修方案安全可行富有不可推卸的职责,发现违章作业有义务进行及时制止以及汇报车间。为了确保保运生产工作的安全开展,坚持做到对检修中出现的安全相关问题,及时报告并进行解决,从而消除生产的不安全因素。实行片区主任日常安全巡查,狠抓隐患的排查与治理,采取安全自查与专项检查相结合,常规检查与突击检查相结合,检查与整改相结合,不断消除生产中人、机、环境的不安全因素。车间规定每周最少一次对本车间的安全状况进行检查,并把检查结果及时上报。透过不断找出安全管理中的薄弱环节、设备隐患和操作过程中的危险点,真正把问题解决在现场,把隐患消除在现场,较好地解决了安全中“严格不起来,落实不下去”的问题。 二、存在问题与改善之处 (一)部分生产作业人员安全思想意识淡薄,安全素质较低。 (二)对“三违”现象查出考核力度不够。 (三)与工段沟通协调还有欠缺。 (四)培养良好的安全氛围,安全素养至关重要,员工缺乏自我批评及相互配合、互相监管意识。 三、20__年安全生产工作 维修保运一车间,首先将把安全当作首要工作来抓,突出在安全质量标准化的制度建设、安全培训、班组安全管理、现场管理等方面, 透过加大宣传力度、组织自检自查、加强技能培训、严格规范作业,有效的促进车间安全标准化水平的整体提升。继续坚持全年安全生产无事故的的工作目标,全力以赴、集中精力抓好安全生产工作,力争全年实现安全事故为零的目标。其次车间将利用各种形式抓好安全教育,以往年公司内外出现的典型事故为教育材料,用心落实公司“百安活动”的开展,并抓好安全生产,做好安全检查,重点治理、消除各类安全隐患,以确保安全生产。最终细化安全管理,将安全工作落实到每个人,实现人人有安全职责、个个有安全目标,使安全工作层层有人管、事事有人抓、一级抓一级、一级对一级负责,层层抓落实,构成纵向到底、横向到边的安全管理。 综观20__年维修保运一车间安全工作,目标明确,成绩显著,对全年保运任务的完成起到了很大的保障作用。同时我们的工作中确实存在诸多的薄弱环节和不足之处。我们将正视存在的问题,继续探索新思路、新方法,以行动来推动安全工作的全面提高。20__年将过去,新的一年又将来临,回顾过去,我们深感肩上的职责重大和安全工作的重要性,安全工作职责重于泰山。今后,维修一车间将更加努力做好车间安全生产工作,力争年复一年的实现安全生产工作无重大事故发生。 |
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