标题 | 英语毕业论文提纲格式 |
范文 | 英语毕业论文提纲格式 英文毕业论文提纲怎么写呢?对于毕业生而言,论文提纲的撰写是非常的重要的。下面是小编分享的英语毕业论文提纲格式,欢迎阅读学习! 英语毕业论文提纲格式一、目的和意义 英语专业的毕业论文写作是完成本科教学计划、实现本科培养目标的重要阶段;是对学生的英语实践技能、英语语言知识、经贸英语知识以及其他相关学科知识、全面素质、研究与创新能力进行检验考核的重要手段;是学生学士学位资格认证的重要依据;是衡量、评估英语专业教学质量与水平的重要内容之一。 二、选题原则 毕业论文选题应从本专业培养目标的要求出发,结合学科发展的动态和研究现状,尽可能使其具有发展与创新的空间,从而有利于巩固和拓宽学生的知识面,有利于对学生进行科研能力基本训练以及独立工作能力的培养。 毕业论文属于研究性论文,讲求一定的学术性,但其要求与目的有别于刊于学术杂志的学术论文,因而为确保学生在教学计划规定的时间内,在教师指导下完成所要求的工作,选题应遵循如下基本原则: 1、选题须符合教学大纲的基本要求和人才培养的基本规格,须体现专业训练的基本内容,须与所学的专业知识相衔接。 2、选题须充分考虑学生的语言能力、知识构成和专业兴趣。 3、选题的类型应多种多样,力求有益于学生综合运用多学科的理论知识与技能,有利于培养学生独立工作的能力。 4、选题须考虑完成的工作量与所需的时间应符合教学计划的要求,内容既要有探索、钻研的余地,又要考虑完成的可能性。工作量原则上应控制在经过努力能够在规定的时间内完成规定任务的范围内,以保证教学任务的完成。 三、类型及基本要求 英语专业毕业论文依据学术性质和类型不同应符合如下要求: 1、语言及语言学研究类论文 就本科毕业论文而言,纯语言研究无论在理论知识的储备上,还是在语料的收集上都有很大难度,不宜提倡。此类论文可以在语言结构(语音、语法、词汇、语篇等),语言运用(独特的语言现象、语言手段、语言变化等),语言文化(文化对语言理解、使用和学习的影响等),两种语言对比等领域进行应用性的研究。应用性研究的重点在于如何运用现有的知识提出、分析、论证或解决在实践中出现的各种新问题,做出有参考或应用价值的结论。 2、文学评论类论文 此类论文应建立在对所评述的对象,尤其是文学文本的正确理解、解读的基础上,通过具体、细致、深入的分析与研究提出令人信服的、言之成理的结论。论文的形式可以是作家论、文学思潮或流派论、断代文学史论、文学批评介绍等。文学评论可采用不同的方法进行,如社会历史学的、美学与诗学的,也可以是比较的、文化学的方法。无论哪一种方法,都要求学生运用唯物主义与历史唯物主义的学术思想,要求以中国读者的评论视角与立场,进行具有一定新意的探讨。 3、翻译研究类论文 此类论文可以是纯理论的研究,或具体翻译技巧的研究,或翻译与文化的关系(或与其他学科的关系)的研究,也可以由学生对名家名译做对比性研究,另加对作品本身的评述,对某一翻译理论或技巧进行阐述。 4、语言教学研究类论文 此类研究属交叉学科的研究,涉及语言学、心理语言学、社会语言学、教育学及教学法等,是一个十分广泛的研究领域。其研究范围包括语言研究(教师语言及学习者语言研究),教学方法与技巧研究,课堂教学管理策略研究,学生个体差异研究,影响教学效果的外部条件研究,教育技术的使用与开发研究,教材的分析与评估研究,测试与评估研究,素质教育与外语教学等。此类研究无论从选题,还是方法,或是研究的过程以及结论都应具有应用的意义和价值,突出对语言教学的指导意义和作用。 5、经贸方向研究类论文 此类论文可以是经济、金融、财会、国际贸易、贸易法规、现代管理学等相关领域的纯理论或实证性研究,可结合所学相关经贸及管理类课程,运用现有的知识提出、分析、论证或解决在实践中出现的各种新问题,作出有参考或应用价值的结论。 四、任务及深度要求 毕业论文的主要内容包括:选题、开题报告、论文提纲、论文撰写、论文答辩等,其具体要求遵照《南京工程学院外语系毕业论文实施方法(试行)》相关规定;论文工作与所学专业知识相关,工作量饱满,满足学生一人一题的要求。论文用英文撰写,具有一定的创新性和应用性,正文篇幅在5,000词以上,参考文献8篇(种)以上。指导教师与学生定期见面,并填写《毕业论文指导记录》。 五、考核办法 毕业论文考核及成绩评定由三部分组成: 1、根据毕业论文撰写过程中学生分析、解决问题能力的表现,论文观点的新颖性,论文结构的合理性,论文论证的逻辑性,英语表达的正确性和地道性,以及学生的工作态度,指导教师给予满分为40分的成绩评定。 2、根据毕业论文的指导思想与方案制订的科学性,论文论据的充分性,论文的创见与突破性,论文的结构、文字表达情况,评阅老师给予满分为20分的成绩评定。 3、根据学生本人对论文工作的总体介绍,毕业论文的质量,答辩中回答问题的正确程度,英语语音、语调的规范性和流畅性,答辩小组给予满分为40分的成绩评定。 六、毕业论文时间分配 序号 内 容 时间(周) 1 完成开题报告及相关参考文献的选定工作 4 2 完成论文初稿的撰写 5 3 完成论文二稿的撰写 2 4 完成论文三稿的撰写并定稿 2 5 毕业论文答辩 1 合 计 14 七、其它说明 外语系毕业论文实行“末位淘汰制”,即综合评定成绩倒数1-3名的学生论文将被判定为不合格,学生无权获得学士学位。 毕业论文提纲范文英文篇一: the thesis statement further focuses the subject because it must clearly state in sentence form, the writer’s central point: the main idea or opinion that the rest of the essay will support and discuss. the thesis statement should be as specific as possible. by writing a specific thesis statement, you focus on your subject and give yourself and your reader a clearer idea of what will follow in the body of the essay. writing the thesis statement there are many ways to make vague thesis statement more specific. as a general rule, replace vague words with more exact words and replace vague ideas with more complete information. e.g.: vague: my recent trip to beijing was really bad. revised: my recent trip to beijing was disappointing because the whether upset my sightseeing plans. planning and ordering the body the thesis statement sets forth the main idea of the entire essay, but it is the body of the essay that must fully support and discuss that thesis statement. planning the body in composing the thesis statement, the writer has already given some thought to what the body will contain. now, he or she should make a plan that includes:two to four main ideas to support the thesis statement two to four topic sentences stating these ideas a plan for each paragraph in the body a logical order in which to present these paragraphs planning the body different writers create such plans in different ways. here are two approaches that many writers use. some writers brainstorm/jot down ideas and then final paragraph groups. others first write topic sentences and then plan paragraphs. what kind of writer do you belong to? jot down ideas and then final paragraphs having written the thesis statement, some writers brainstorm—they jot down any ideas that develop the thesis statement, including main ideas, specific details, and examples, all jumbled together. only after creating a long list do they go back over it, drop any ideas that do not support the thesis statement, and than look for “paragraph groups.” by brainstorming and then dropping ideas that do not relate, you will eventually produce a list… now read over the list, looking for groups of ideas that might become paragraphs. some ideas might become topic sentences; others might be used to support a topic sentence. write topic sentences and then plan paragraphs sometimes a writer can compose topic sentences directly from the thesis statement without jotting first. this is especially true if the thesis statement itself shows how the body will be divided or organized. such a thesis statement matches the work of planning paragraphs easy because the writer has already broken down the subject into supporting ideas or parts, e.g.: because the student canteen has many problems, the university should hire a new administrator to see that it is properly managed in the future. question: how many main ideas does this statement contain? this thesis statement contains two main ideas: the first states the problems and the second offers a solution. ordering the paragraphs within the essay it is important that the paragraphs in your plan, and later in your essay, follow a logical order. the rule for writing is this: use your common sense and plan ahead. do not leave the order of your paragraphs to chance. how many types of order can be used in thesis writing? what are they? ordering the paragraphs within the essay the types of order often used in single paragraphs— time order, space order, and order of climax— can sometimes be used to arrange paragraphs within an essay. essays about subjects that can be broken into stages, with each step discussed in one paragraph, should be arranged according to time. space order is used occasionally in descriptive essays. a writer who wishes to save the most important or convincing paragraph for last would use order of climax. or he or she might wish to reverse this order and put the most important paragraph first. very often, however, the writer simply arranges paragraphs in whatever order makes sense in that particular essay. expanding the one-paragraph plan an essay is like an expanded paragraph.for this reason, any plan for developing a paragraph can also be used to develop an entire essay. it is up to the careful writer to choose the pattern that is best suited to his or her purpose and to the kind of essay required. linking paragraphs within the body just as the sentence within a paragraph should flow smoothly, so the paragraphs within an essay should be clearly linked one to the next. as you write your essay, do not make illogical jumps from one paragraph to another. instead, guide your reader. link the first sentence of each new paragraph to the thesis statement or to the paragraph before. here are four ways to link paragraphs: linking paragraphs within the body repeat key words or ideas from the thesis statement. refer to words or ideas from preceding paragraph. link the first sentence of a new paragraph to the paragraph before, especially by referring to words or ideas near the end of that paragraph. use transitional expressions use transitional sentences use all four methods of linking paragraphs as you write your essay. checklist narrow the topic to one that you can discuss fully and well in an essay. |
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