标题 | 餐饮广告词 |
范文 | 餐饮广告词(通用3篇) 餐饮广告词 篇11.为了上帝的缘故,请你尝尝里根牌面包。——(里根牌面包) 2.信誉在食品界是何等重要,而这正是我们所拥有的。——普劳克特食品公司 3.砸开一只只好核桃,不也是一种享受吗?——加利福尼亚核桃生产联合会 4.我们的厨师知道你的口味。——印第安那克兰特餐馆 5.味道好得忍不住舔手指。——肯德基家乡鸡餐馆 6.大自然奉送的绝妙佳品。——密思茶叶公司 7.为惊恐万状的世界提供一帖安神剂。——星辰茶叶公司 8.有了它晚宴才算完美。——(水果蛋糕)全国饼干公司 9.你别把它称作饼干,把它称作薄雪花也许更合适。——太平洋饼干公司 10.你会把最后一粒面包屑也放进嘴里。——斯坦莫尔面包公司 11.与平庸彻底决裂。——(混合威士忌)西格 12.清爽平和地穿过你的喉咙。——威士忌-大陆酿酒公司 13.它是液体的狂欢!——(榛子酒)艾文酿酒公司 14.此刻你才会知道什么叫其味无穷。——(教师牌威士忌)巴卡蒂进口公司 15.在它七岁之前,一滴也不会出售。——(威士忌)杰梅森父子酿酒公司 16.多付几分钱---可是天壤之别啊!——(JB苏格兰威士忌)詹姆士酿酒公司 17.当你愿意拿出最好的酒招待客人时......——尼沃克威士忌 18. 唯有品尝才能告诉你一切。——美国酿酒公司 19. 任何时代都是"标准"时代——标准酿酒公司 20."我真嫉妒男人们抽着烟 的潇洒姿态。"——美国烟草公司 1. For God's sake, please try the Reagan bread. - (Reagan bread) 2. How important is credibility in the food world, and that's what we have. - Proctor Food Company 3. Break down a walnut had to, not also a kind of enjoyment? - California Walnut Production Association 4. Our chef knows your taste. - Indiana Crand restaurant 5. Tastes good enough to lick your fingers. - Kentucky Fried Chicken Restaurant 6. The wonderful gift of nature to share. - Mason Tea Company 7. To provide a tonic for the world of panic. - Star Tea Company It was perfect to have dinner. - (Fruit Cake) National Biscuit Company 9. Do not call it biscuit, it is more appropriate to call it thin snow. Pacific Biscuit Company 10. You will also put the last piece of bread crumbs into your mouth. - Stamel Bakery Company 11. With the mediocre break. - (mixed whiskey) Siegel 12. Pass your throat clean and calm. - Whiskey - Continental Brewing Company 13. It is the liquid of the carnival! - (hazelnut wine) Alvin Brewing Company 14. At the moment you will know what is meant by its infinite. - (Teacher brand whiskey) Baccati import company 15. Before it was seven years old, a drop would not be sold. - (Whiskey) Jermeson and his son wine company 16. pay a few cents - but the difference ah! - (JB Scotch whiskey) James Brewing Company 17. When you are willing to come up with the best wine to entertain guests ... ... - Nepalese whiskey 18. Only tasting can tell you everything. - United States Brewing Company 19. Any era is the "standard" era - the standard wine company 20. "I'm really jealous of the chic attitude of men smoking cigarettes." - American Tobacco 餐饮广告词 篇21、粤菜世界,食在新雅!新雅饭店 2、与紫禁城为邻。北京中国台湾饭店 3、意境悠闲,意味不凡北京意大利餐厅 4、新鲜可口,充满浓厚的情意!北京寿司料理店 5、香港名师主灶,正宗潮州风味!北京潮州菜馆 6、无须无渡重洋!奇祥野味宴 7、天安阁每晚显特色!天安阁夜宵 8、食在仙岛,众口可调;乐在仙岛,服务周到!仙岛旋转歌舞餐厅 9、食全食美,食新食异!新雅饭店 10、食海鲜,来海景!海景饭店 11、舌头都会觉得甘甜!和平门年糕小吃店 12、让您的食欲大振,胃口大开!安心快餐店 13、浓郁的香味,引人进入梦幻的世界里!台北咖哩饭店 14、名牌饼夏日情,双重幸运享太平!太平食品店 15、美味佳肴,令人垂涎三尺!安心快餐店 16、两全其美,二人“必胜套餐”;四海一心,四人“必胜”套餐大优惠。新街必胜套餐店 17、价格不变,服务更佳,上步宴客,最佳选择!青岛海鲜城 18、集中外烹饪之精华,汇南北清真之大成!汇成清真饭庄 19、集中外烹饪之精华,汇南北清真之大成!汇成清真饭庄 20、汇四海品味,聚五洲宾友!青岛海鲜城 1, Cantonese cuisine world, food in Xinya! Xinya Hotel 2, and the Forbidden City neighborhood. Beijing Chinese Taiwan Hotel 3, the mood relaxed, meaning extraordinary Beijing Italian restaurant 4, fresh and delicious, full of strong feelings! Beijing sushi restaurant 5, Hong Kong master of the main kitchen, authentic Chaozhou flavor! Beijing Chaozhou restaurant 6, no need to cross the ocean! 7, Tianan Pavilion night features! Tian An Ge supper 8, food in Xiandao, adjustable population; music in Xiandao, courteous service! Xiandao rotating song and dance restaurant 9, eat the whole food the United States, fresh food different! Xinya Hotel 10, fresh seafood, to sea view! Seaview Hotel 11, the tongue will feel sweet! Peace Gate rice cake snack bar 12, let your appetite, appetite! Relax fast food restaurant 13, rich flavor, the introduction into the dream world! Taipei Curry Hotel 14, brand-name cake summer love, double luck to enjoy the peace! Taiping food store 15, delicious food, mouth-watering! 16, the best of both worlds, two "win package"; universal, four "win" package offers. New Street will win the package 17, the same price, better service, on the step banquet, the best choice! Qingdao Seafood City 18, concentrated outside the essence of cooking, the North and the South of the culmination of halal! 19, focus on the essence of cooking, the North and the South of the culmination of the great! Confluence into a Muslim restaurant 20, the Department of the four seas taste, poly Wuzhou Guest! Qingdao Seafood City 餐饮广告词 篇31. 天堂饭店,人间舒适新享受. 天堂饭店广告语 2. 中国药膳举世无双,良辰美景独一无二. 中国药膳饭店广告语 3. 达·芬奇餐厅,上海的意大利人喜欢在这儿用餐. 上海达·芬奇餐厅广告语 4. 广州海鲜厅,新潮粤菜定令您惊喜万分. 广州海鲜厅广告语 5. “青叶“中国台湾菜系之先锋,餐厅之鼻祖. 中国台湾青叶(Green Leaf)饭店广告语 6. 借问珍馐何处有?老饕手指“福满楼“. 福满楼饭店广告语 7. 福兴“蒸“照,别有洞天! 福兴饭店广告语 8. 如果您住在北京商业中心,就不必担心如何消遣休闲.北京长城饭店广告语 9. 多样的菜色,有母亲亲切的叮咛. 夜色火锅料理店广告语 10. 寒风凛冽的夜晚,热腾腾的火锅,是您的最佳拍档! 夜色火锅料理店广告语 11. 一夕尽欢,明日活力无限! 北京韩国料理店广告语 12. 美满婚姻“水边“始. 水边饭店 13. 意境悠闲,意味不凡. 北京意大利餐厅 14. 佳味满堂乐满楼. 乐满楼(LokMoon)饭店 15. 法国情怀在北京. 北京马克西姆餐厅 16. 尽情享受,包君满意! 意大利餐厅 17. 如果您不满意,请告诉我们,如果你满意,请告诉您朋友! 北京天天渔港饭店 18. 安心坐下来吃一碗吧!既便宜又好吃! 安心快餐店 19. 天安阁每晚显特色! 天安阁夜宵 20. 发源于印度,成长于台北的美味咖哩饭! 台北咖哩饭店 21. 集中外烹饪之精华,汇南北清真之大成! 汇成清真饭庄 22. 浓郁的香味,引人进入梦幻的世界里! 台北咖哩饭店 23. 让您的食欲大振,胃口大开! 安心快餐店 24. 寒风凛冽的夜晚,热腾腾的火锅,是您最佳伙伴! 福兴饭店 25. 无须无渡重洋! 奇祥野味宴 26. 两全其美,二人“必胜“套餐;四海一心,四人“必胜“套餐大优惠. 新街必胜套餐店 27. 新鲜可口,充满浓厚的情意! 北京寿司料理店 28. 美味佳肴,令人垂涎三尺! 安心快餐店 29. 名牌饼夏日情,双重幸运享太平! 太平食品店 30. 与紫禁城为邻. 北京中国台湾饭店 1. Paradise Hotel, a new world to enjoy comfort 2. Chinese medicated diet is unique in the world, the beauty of beauty is unique 3. Da Vinci restaurant, Shanghai, Italy people like to eat here. Shanghai Da Vinci restaurant slogan 4. Guangzhou seafood hall, Cantonese cuisine will make you a very pleasant surprise 5. "Aoba" Chinese Taiwan cuisine pioneer, the originator of the restaurant. Chinese Taiwan Green leaf (Green Leaf) hotel advertising slogan 6. borrowed delicacies where there? Glutton finger "Fu Man House." Fuman House Hotel slogan 7. Fuxing "steaming" according to, Journey Into Amazing Caves! 8. If you live in the commercial center of Beijing, you do not have to worry about how to recreate the leisure. 9. A variety of dishes, a mother kindly exhort. Night hot pot restaurant ad language 10 hot and cold night, hot pot, is your best partner! Night hot pot restaurant ad language 11. Once a day, the vitality of tomorrow unlimited! Beijing Korean restaurant ad language 12. happy marriage "waterside" before the waterfront hotel 13. Beijing Italian restaurant 14. LokMoon Hotel 15. French feelings in Beijing. Beijing Maxim restaurant 16. Enjoy yourself, pack your satisfaction! Italian restaurant 17. If you are not satisfied, please tell us, if you are satisfied, please tell your friends! Beijing every day fishing harbor hotel 18. peace of mind to sit down and eat a bowl of it! Both cheap and tasty! 19. Tianan Pavilion night features! Tianan Pavilion supper 20 originated in India, grew up in Taipei's delicious curry rice! Taipei Curry Hotel 21. Centralized cooking outside the essence of the North and the great sink of the North! Halal together into a restaurant 22. Rich aroma, the introduction into the dream world! Taipei Curry Hotel 23. Let your appetite, appetite! Relax fast food restaurant 24. cold and windy night, hot pot, is your best partner! Fuxing Hotel 25. No need to cross the ocean! 26. The best of both worlds, the two "win" package; universal, four "win" package large concessions. 27. Fresh and delicious, full of affection! Beijing sushi restaurant 28. Delicious food, mouth-watering! 29. Brand cake summer love, double luck to enjoy the peace! Taiping food store The hotel is close to the Forbidden City |
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