标题 | 宝马汽车广告语 |
范文 | 宝马汽车广告语(精选3篇) 宝马汽车广告语 篇11、即使你把它拆得七零八落,它依然是位美人(国外)。 2、生活艺术唯你独尊 3、驾乘乐趣,创新极限。 4、我们没有发明车轮,但我们发明了纯粹的驾驶乐趣 5、路有多远,只有心知道 向前走,最美的旅程,就是不断的经历 这一次的抵达,是为了下一次的出发 真正的梦想,永远在实现之中,更在坚持之中 与坚持梦想着同行 全新BMW5系列,梦想之路,大美之悦 6、随心所动,悦无止境。 7、擎动,心动。 8、无论何时何地,均是您成功的选择 宝马汽车广告语 篇210、汽车精华中的先锋 11、卓越的动力性能和无与伦比的安全性能 12、经典造型,绝妙设计 13、光彩夺目的运动跑车 14、内在动力与外在精致的完美结合 15、世界随我而动 不是所有的车,都能驶达你的心灵深处。 16、至高生活,至我品位选择新5系,工作与生活的双重享受。 17、创新的真正含义:科技与舒适的完美结合 18、豪华,只是标准装备;创新,才是BMW真正魅力所在。 19、王者的坐驾。 20、我成了风—宝马。 21、我只臣服于您的胯下。 22、马蹄声声,催我快飞翔。 24、我长出了翅膀(不止是身体的)。 25、真的准备好发射了吗? 宝马汽车广告语 篇3BMW car slogan - even if you split it in pieces, it is still a beauty (foreign).Driving pleasure, innovation limit. BMW 7 Series auto advertising language --- life art only you with respect Mercedes-Benz advertising language --- leading the times, control the future. Audi car advertising language --- break through science and technology, inspire the future Cadillac car slogan --- the strength, speed and luxury blend Franklin car slogan --- a car will never give you trouble Volkswagen advertising slogan --- out of car love car value model Volvo (VOLVO) car language --- caring life, enjoy life (ForLife.For) Ford Motor advertising language --- your world, from unbounded Nissan car advertising language --- beyond the future Bondiak car advertising language --- sitting inside is a good thing, was seen sitting in it is a pleasure. Beetle car advertising language --- the car has remained unchanged, so the appearance is very ugly, but its performance has been improved. Toyota car advertising language --- there must be a road to the piedmont, there will be a road Toyota car farther and more freedom Chrysler - you do not buy a car to consider our Chrysler car that you suffer, not only you lose, we also suffer. Philip special car advertising language --- create a new era of Fiat, reborn, menacing, super Leimax 1000. Hyundai Motor Advertising Language - Managing Modern Achievement Skoda car slogan --- simple, smart; Citroen car advertising language --- want to be before you; Kia car slogan --- all intentions for you; Europe and the United States good car slogan --- smooth conquest of life Opel car advertising language --- German technology easy to enjoy Renault car advertising language --- let the car into a small home |
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