标题 | 经典兵马俑导游词 |
范文 | 经典兵马俑导游词(通用3篇) 经典兵马俑导游词 篇1各位游客: 你们好!我是你们的导游——彭湘绫。我将带领你们游秦兵马俑。你知道秦兵马俑的大小吗?你知道他在哪出土吗?让我告诉你吧! 秦兵马俑在我国西安的临潼出土,它举世无双,是享誉世界的珍贵历史文物。秦兵马俑是秦史王的陪葬坑。 秦兵马俑规模宏大,已发掘三个俑坑,总面积近20xx0平方米,大约有五十个人篮球场大,坑内有兵马俑近八千个。秦兵马俑与人相似、规模宏大、类型众多,且个性鲜明。秦兵马俑分为将军俑、武士俑和骑兵俑。 陶马与真马一般大小,一匹匹形体健壮,肌肉丰满。那跃跃欲试的的样子,好像一声令下,就会撒开四蹄,腾空而起,踏上征程。 好了!你们现在开始自由活动,要注意不要破坏文物和不要乱哦!!12点钟在门口的小卖部集合。如果有什么事打我手机,祝大家参观愉快! 经典兵马俑导游词 篇2各位游客,大家好! 我是你们的超级导游郑雪杉,你们就叫我小郑吧。今天咱们的目的地是秦兵马俑博物馆,Let——s go! 好了,这里就是秦兵马俑一号坑了。它东西长320米,南北宽62米,总面积达16000多平方米,里面有兵马俑达6000多个,为三个坑中最大的一个了。它们相当于现在的步兵大队,做为打仗的大部队使用,兵力相当于现在的一个军。怎么样,一号坑够大的吧?你们一定还没有玩够,想去其他两个坑玩玩吧?当然可以,咱们现在就走! 这是二号坑,里面有兵马俑1000余个。主要装备战车或战马,是第二大的一个坑。它相当于现代的机器化部队,兵力等于一个团。有的游客问:“这个是什么兵马俑啊,我不认识。”有的问:“那个是什么呀,怎么和这个长的不一样呢?”别着急,这个叫武士俑,一般手持短刀或长矛,是比较普通的兵马俑。那个叫骑兵俑,一般使用弓箭来当作武器。三号坑里有将军俑,咱们快去吧! 三号坑是最小的,里面只有800多兵马俑,战车仅一辆。相当于二个营的兵力,作为指挥所使用。对,这个就是将军俑。它一般手持宝剑,指挥全军。它在一二号搞比较罕见,只有三号坑多一点。 好了,现在咱们秦兵马俑一日游已经快要进行一半了,现在请您随意游玩,没有我的事了。注意不要走出游览区哟!祝你们旅途愉快!bye——bye! 经典兵马俑导游词 篇3Ladies and gentlemen, welcome you to visit the Terra Cotta Warriors, but please don't litter in the process of play. Qin Terra Cotta Warriors is qin shihuang PeiZangKeng, consisting of one, two, three, pit, today has been built museum, the Terra Cotta Warriors is divided into general figurines, figurines of knight, terracotta warriors, TaoMa etc... Here, the museum also exhibited large coloured drawing or pattern is called the eighth wonder of the world showed the qin Terra Cotta Warriors GuChangAn old glory. The biggest area in three pits at the no. 1 pit, the pit of the Terra Cotta Warriors are the most, there are more than six thousand. Look! This is general figurines, it Dai He strapping head crown, dressed in armor, sword in hand, a thoughtful, it seemed to be thinking about how to defeat an enemy. The terracotta warriors, the warriors are it is wearing a shirt, wear armor, feet still in front tip-tilted war boots, weapons in hand, look at the way it's air, would have scared the shit out of the enemy. The wearing armor, is riding a horse youth, is the cavalry, armed with bows and arrows, it seems to be waiting for the general commanded, do try to fight with the enemy. The terracotta warriors is TaoMa, its size and true horse, almost in every form, muscle plump, see their appearance, it seems to be commanded, casting its hooves, taking off, on a journey. Today's explanation here, I wish you all can have a good time here. |
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