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标题 合肥三河古镇导游词


合肥三河古镇导游词 篇1


  对三河古镇的简短介绍也是极为重要小学作文 ,来到这里,便遇到了两位身穿暗红和米白色长袍的老大爷,他们咱跟我们详细的讲着这里的简单介绍,可我并没注意。跟着他们的步伐我们走到了两架像黄包车一样的三轮车,上面印着四个大大的字“三河古镇”。






合肥三河古镇导游词 篇2



  古老的三河已经有2500多年的历史了,因丰乐河、杭埠河和小南河三水流灌其间而得名。早在战国时期古镇就已具雏形,因为经常有许多水鸟在这里聚集所以在那时又被称为鹊渚、鹊岸;直到明朝才被称为三河。在这三条河流中,主要的河道要数丰乐河和小南河了。镇内,河水缠绕五里长街;镇外,圩堤交错,支津回互;具有外环两岸、中峙三洲的独特地貌,占尽庐南水乡地利,是安徽著名的鱼米之乡。因为这里交通便利,本地的稻米鱼虾,上游的山货特产,下游的丝绸百货都经过此地集散后流向四面八方,故三河赢得了 ‘装不完的三河’和‘皖中商品走廊’等美誉。






合肥三河古镇导游词 篇3

  Sanhe Town is located in the southern end of Feixi County, at the junctionof Feixi, Shucheng and Lujiang counties. Fengle River and Hangbu River convergehere and flow eastward about 15 kilometers through Xinhe River to Chaohu Lake.It is 40 km from Hefei in the north, 24 km from SHANGPAI Town, 32 km fromLujiang County in the South and 30 km from Shucheng County in the West.

  A brief introduction to Sanhe ancient town is also very important. When Icame here, I met two old men in dark red and off white robes. They told us thebrief introduction in detail, but I didn't pay attention to it. Following theirsteps, we came to two rickshaws like rickshaws with four big words "Sanheancient town" printed on them.

  In this way, we came to this antique town. My elder sister and I are fromAnhui. We can't understand him very well when he talks. He explains to us as hepulls.

  What impresses me most is the lady's boudoir. The most amazing thing isthat you can see the rainbow on a sunny day. When we got to the building, we sawa big fish pond. There was a turtle like stone in the middle of the pond, whichwas covered with turtles and frogs. There were two red goldfish in the pond.There are shiny coins on the stone, and nothing special can be seen.

  When we went upstairs and looked down, we saw the pond again. The guidecame up, picked up the board beside and put it in the water left from above. Abeautiful scene appeared. There was a rainbow beside the silver pond. To behonest, I don't see many rainbows, so I cherish every time I see them. It was abeautiful moment.

  What I admire most is the rich and colorful folk culture of Sanhe, whichembodies the integration of Chinese northern and southern cultures. So far, fromthe Spring Festival to the Lantern Festival, folk activities such as dragonlantern playing, dry boat making, and clam dancing are still held spontaneously.In particular, the custom of door-to-door New Year greeting and candy making ismaintained. Every morning on the first day of the lunar new year, childrengather their good friends to take a bag to ask for candy. No matter whether theyknow each other or not, they just say "Happy New Year!" congratulations and makea fortune, and they can get a lot of candy. After the new year's greeting, theysell candy to customers It's fun to change fireworks in a small shop. During theDragon Boat Festival, people make zongzi and play dragon boat. Torch is stillplaying in Mid Autumn Festival. Wedding funeral wedding, still carry sedanchair, please "good play", step on the cloud cake means rising step by step. Thehonest folk customs are preserved.

  In this way, we ended our trip to Hefei in Anhui Province with a series of"Sanhe ancient town" honors, such as national civilized town, national key townof small town construction, national pilot town of comprehensive reform, Chinesehistorical and cultural town, national 4A scenic spot and so on.

合肥三河古镇导游词 篇4

  I'm very glad to introduce the beautiful Sanhe to you. Sanhe has a historyof more than 2500 years. Since ancient times, it has been a thoroughfare ofwater and land, with cars and boats converging, department stores andtransportation, and merchants gathering. It is very prosperous. It was set up in1949 with a population of 5. 60000, known as the commodity corridor in centralAnhui, is a typical ancient town of water in China. Sanhe in the 21st century iscreating new brilliance, and the tourism industry of Sanhe in the 21st centuryhas started to take off. Sanhe, an open, harmonious, beautiful and magical city,is rich in tourism resources, and its tourism industry is developing with eachpassing day. Sanhe Town regards tourism as the leading industry of Sanhe economyduring the Tenth Five Year Plan period. According to the requirements of "highstarting point, new ideas, great efforts and first-class", it adheres to thehigh starting point planning and brings Sanhe into the big tourism economicdevelopment circle of Hefei; builds high standards to create tourism products of"top grade in Hefei and top-quality in Anhui"; and promotes the development oftourism industry; We should optimize the tourism environment, build Sanhe intothe most suitable town for human beings to live in, strengthen the tourismindustry, make the tourism industry become the pillar of Sanhe's economicdevelopment, and strive to create the image of "economically strong town,ecological new town, historical town". At the turn of the century, with thechange of the millennium, the three rivers of reform and opening up need tounderstand the world, and the world also needs to understand the three rivers.The people of Sanhe are hospitable and cherish friendship. They are eager forfriends at home and abroad to visit Sanhe, invest in Sanhe and share the joy ofits economic take-off.

  Sanhe, located on the Bank of Chaohu, is located at the junction of Hefei,Lu'an and Chaohu. It is located on the golden tourist line from Hefei toHuangshan and Jiuhua mountains, 35 kilometers away from Hefei. It is named afterthe combination of fengle River, Hangbu River and Xiaonan river. In the town,Wuli long street, ancient buildings with cornices and walls, carved beams andpainted buildings, and smooth and clear bluestone roads witness the stormy yearsexperienced by the three rivers; outside the town, surrounded by rivers andlakes, fragrant rice flowers, blue waves and beautiful scenery, a beautiful windand light of "spring and Autumn" ancient town, water town in central Anhui ",forming a unique landform of" outer ring on both sides, central confrontation onthree continents ". Sanhe is a water town with a history of more than 2500years, known as "quezhu". It is a civilized town in China, a famous historicaland cultural town in China, a key town in the construction of small towns inChina, the best tourism town in Anhui Province, a town with beautifulenvironment in Anhui Province, and one of the "ten new sights" of Hefeicity.

  Sanhe is characterized by the ancient town of water. Water is the soul ofthe three rivers. The 2900m xiaonanhe river passes through the town. It isgurgling and clear. The ancient bridge on the river is across, boats arerippling in the water, weeping willows are blowing in the water. On the bank,there are ancient Hui style buildings, ancient streets connected with Baipu,Qianmen shops and backdoor docks, which are beside the river and connected withthe River streets. A modern picture of Qingming River is shown again.

  Sanhe Town is characterized by the ancient town of water, forming a unique"eight ancient" landscape in Jianghuai area. Ancient rivers have been a richlyornamented building since ancient times. There are stone bridges on the ancientriver, connecting memories and dreams; entering the ancient polls, we feel theoriginal natural scenery; the old streets and alleys on the green stone slabretain the texture of the historical blocks; the ancient houses are cornices,and the carved buildings are formed in the late Qing Dynasty. The ancient templeplatform, which was once very popular, is shrouded in the vicissitudes of thepast, while the two sections of the wall left by the Taiping army leave ustraces of the ancient battlefield. In a word, the three rivers and eightantiquities prove and interpret the antiquity of the three rivers, addingelegance and interest to today's tourists.

  As an intangible cultural heritage, Lu Opera is widely spread in Jianghuairegion. Sanhe is the birthplace of Luju opera. The first play of Luju opera,xiaocidian, comes from Sanhe. Up to now, there are still lingering and pure lovestories in xiaocidian among the people.

  Sanhe folk culture is rich and colorful, which reflects the integration ofChinese northern and southern cultures. So far, from the Spring Festival to theLantern Festival, people still spontaneously hold dragon lantern, dry boat, clamdance and other activities. During the Dragon Boat Festival, people make zongziand play dragon boat; during the mid Autumn Festival, they still play torch;during weddings and funerals, they still carry sedan chair and invite "goodplay", preserving the honest folk customs.

  Sanhe cuisine, with Hui cuisine as its foundation and the advantages ofhundreds of cuisines, can be regarded as a wonderful work of Chinese cuisine andis well-known. Traditional banquets - "eight eight banquet" and "eight fourbanquet" all convey the long-standing food culture. Famous dishes such as "Sanhecrisp duck", "rice noodle shrimp" and "bean curd noodle fish soup" all displaythe charm of water town, "Sanhe millet dumpling" and "Sanhe horse" "Hoof crisp"gives you endless aftertaste, as well as Sanhe dried tea, Sanhe rice wine, andSanhe feather fans. Up to now, the ballad "ten loathes" of the Ming and QingDynasties is still preserved: "one loathes the flowery world of Sanhe street,and the other loathes the river to wash rice and vegetables..." When you visitSanhe, you can enjoy the scenery, but you can feel the profound history andculture. Sanhe, a bright pearl inlaid on the Bank of Chaohu Lake, welcomes allthe guests with the unique charm of "ancient town of water".

合肥三河古镇导游词 篇5

  I'm very glad to introduce the beautiful Sanhe to you. Sanhe has a history of more than 2500 years. Since ancient times, it has been a thoroughfare of water and land, with cars and boats converging, department stores and transportation, and merchants gathering. It is very prosperous. It was set up in 1949 with a population of 5. 60000, known as the commodity corridor in central Anhui, is a typical ancient town of water in China. Sanhe in the 21st century is creating new brilliance, and the tourism industry of Sanhe in the 21st century has started to take off. Sanhe, an open, harmonious, beautiful and magical city, is rich in tourism resources, and its tourism industry is developing with each passing day. Sanhe Town regards tourism as the leading industry of Sanhe economy during the Tenth Five Year Plan period. According to the requirements of "high starting point, new ideas, great efforts and first-class", it adheres to the high starting point planning and brings Sanhe into the big tourism economic development circle of Hefei; builds high standards to create tourism products of "top grade in Hefei and top-quality in Anhui"; and promotes the development of tourism industry; We should optimize the tourism environment, build Sanhe into the most suitable town for human beings to live in, strengthen the tourism industry, make the tourism industry become the pillar of Sanhe's economic development, and strive to create the image of "economically strong town, ecological new town, historical town". At the turn of the century, with the change of the millennium, the three rivers of reform and opening up need to understand the world, and the world also needs to understand the three rivers. The people of Sanhe are hospitable and cherish friendship. They are eager for friends at home and abroad to visit Sanhe, invest in Sanhe and share the joy of its economic take-off.

  Sanhe, located on the Bank of Chaohu, is located at the junction of Hefei, Lu'an and Chaohu. It is located on the golden tourist line from Hefei to Huangshan and Jiuhua mountains, 35 kilometers away from Hefei. It is named after the combination of fengle River, Hangbu River and Xiaonan river. In the town, Wuli long street, ancient buildings with cornices and walls, carved beams and painted buildings, and smooth and clear bluestone roads witness the stormy years experienced by the three rivers; outside the town, surrounded by rivers and lakes, fragrant rice flowers, blue waves and beautiful scenery, a beautiful wind and light of "spring and Autumn" ancient town, water town in central Anhui ", forming a unique landform of" outer ring on both sides, central confrontation on three continents ". Sanhe is a water town with a history of more than 2500 years, known as "quezhu". It is a civilized town in China, a famous historical and cultural town in China, a key town in the construction of small towns in China, the best tourism town in Anhui Province, a town with beautiful environment in Anhui Province, and one of the "ten new sights" of Hefei city.

  Sanhe is characterized by the ancient town of water. Water is the soul of the three rivers. The 2900m xiaonanhe river passes through the town. It is gurgling and clear. The ancient bridge on the river is across, boats are rippling in the water, weeping willows are blowing in the water. On the bank, there are ancient Hui style buildings, ancient streets connected with Baipu, Qianmen shops and backdoor docks, which are beside the river and connected with the River streets. A modern picture of Qingming River is shown again.

  Sanhe Town is characterized by the ancient town of water, forming a unique "eight ancient" landscape in Jianghuai area. Ancient rivers have been a richly ornamented building since ancient times. There are stone bridges on the ancient river, connecting memories and dreams; entering the ancient polls, we feel the original natural scenery; the old streets and alleys on the green stone slab retain the texture of the historical blocks; the ancient houses are cornices, and the carved buildings are formed in the late Qing Dynasty. The ancient temple platform, which was once very popular, is shrouded in the vicissitudes of the past, while the two sections of the wall left by the Taiping army leave us traces of the ancient battlefield. In a word, the three rivers and eight antiquities prove and interpret the antiquity of the three rivers, adding elegance and interest to today's tourists.

  As an intangible cultural heritage, Lu Opera is widely spread in Jianghuai region. Sanhe is the birthplace of Luju opera. The first play of Luju opera, xiaocidian, comes from Sanhe. Up to now, there are still lingering and pure love stories in xiaocidian among the people.

  Sanhe folk culture is rich and colorful, which reflects the integration of Chinese northern and southern cultures. So far, from the Spring Festival to the Lantern Festival, people still spontaneously hold dragon lantern, dry boat, clam dance and other activities. During the Dragon Boat Festival, people make zongzi and play dragon boat; during the mid Autumn Festival, they still play torch; during weddings and funerals, they still carry sedan chair and invite "good play", preserving the honest folk customs.

  Sanhe cuisine, with Hui cuisine as its foundation and the advantages of hundreds of cuisines, can be regarded as a wonderful work of Chinese cuisine and is well-known. Traditional banquets - "eight eight banquet" and "eight four banquet" all convey the long-standing food culture. Famous dishes such as "Sanhe crisp duck", "rice noodle shrimp" and "bean curd noodle fish soup" all display the charm of water town, "Sanhe millet dumpling" and "Sanhe horse" "Hoof crisp" gives you endless aftertaste, as well as Sanhe dried tea, Sanhe rice wine, and Sanhe feather fans. Up to now, the ballad "ten loathes" of the Ming and Qing Dynasties is still preserved: "one loathes the flowery world of Sanhe street, and the other loathes the river to wash rice and vegetables..." When you visit Sanhe, you can enjoy the scenery, but you can feel the profound history and culture. Sanhe, a bright pearl inlaid on the Bank of Chaohu Lake, welcomes all the guests with the unique charm of "ancient town of water".

合肥三河古镇导游词 篇6

  Sanhe ancient town is located in Feixi County, Hefei City, on the shore ofChaohu Lake, adjacent to Lujiang County and Shucheng county. It has always beenknown as one step across the three counties. The three counties are known asJiming. It is one of the 16 famous towns in Anhui Province and one of the tennew sceneries in Hefei.

  The ancient Sanhe river has a history of more than 2500 years. It is namedafter fengle River, Hangbu River and Xiaonan river. As early as the WarringStates period, the ancient town had taken shape. Because there were manywaterfowls gathering here, it was also known as quezhu and quean at that time.It was not known as Sanhe until the Ming Dynasty. Among the three rivers, themain ones are fengle River and Xiaonan river. Within the town, the river windingWuli long street; outside the town, dikes crisscross, supporting Tianjin andreturning to each other; with the unique landform of outer ring on both sidesand Zhongzhi on three continents, it occupies the advantage of Lunan water town,and is a famous land of fish and rice in Anhui Province. Because of theconvenient transportation here, the local rice, fish and shrimp, the mountainproducts in the upper reaches and the silk department stores in the lowerreaches all flow in all directions after passing through this place, so Sanhehas won the reputation of the endless Sanhe and Wanzhong commodity corridor.

  The ancient town Sanhe has been a strategic place for military strategistssince ancient times. It is a famous ancient battlefield in history. During thespring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, there was a battlebetween Wu and Chu. At the end of Ming Dynasty, Zhang Xianzhong's peasantuprising army used Sanhe as a springboard to attack Luzhou, and seized more than300 double masted boats in Sanhe, and established a water army with thefavorable terrain of Sanhe. In the eighth year of Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty,Chen Yucheng, a general of the Taiping army, annihilated more than 6000 people,including Li Xubin, a powerful general of the Hunan army, and Zeng Guohua, theyounger brother of Zeng Guofan. This was the famous great victory of Sanhe inhistory. Today, the ruins of the Taiping Army's city wall and the gate of greatvictory are still preserved.

  The ancient town of Sanhe is like a dream and the ancient river is like apicture. There are more water and rivers, so it is not convenient to walk, sothere are more bridges. Only on Xiaonan River, there are five bridges, includingSanxian bridge, Wangyue bridge, natural bridge and Renmin bridge. These bridgesare not only ancient but also have different legends. Take Wangyue bridge forexample: Wangyue bridge is a newly built scenic bridge in Sanhe, an ancienttown. It is an arched stepping stone bridge with single hole. The whole bridgeis paved with thick bluestone, and there are bluestone reliefs on the railings.At night, climbing on the bridge, looking up at the bright moon in the sky andoverlooking the reflection in the water will give you a poetic feeling. Amongmany bridges, the most famous one is Sanxian bridge. Perhaps you will ask why itis called Sanxian bridge. That's because this Sanxian bridge is the oldestexisting ancient bridge in Sanhe ancient town. It spans Xiaonan River and islocated in the center of the ancient town. It has become the link connectingFeixi, Shucheng and Lujiang, so it is called Sanxian bridge. Because the wholebridge is built with big stone, so the local people also call it stone bridge.The most amazing thing is the bridge construction technology of Sanxian bridge.At that time, every piece of bridge stone was firmly bonded with the paste madeof boiled glutinous rice and egg white.

  Nowadays, when we travel to Sanhe, we can not only visit the formerresidence of Dr. Yang Zhenning, the Nobel Laureate in physics, enjoy thepicturesque scenery of the water town, but also taste the delicious food ofSanhe, such as Sanhe rice dumplings, fried Shaomai, fried lion head, etc. Thereare also Sanhe shrimp paste, crispy duck Yuanbao, Babao crispy chicken and otherfamous dishes. Crispy chicken and crispy duck are not only delicious in skin,meat and bone, but also delicious!

  Now I'm going to talk about Sanhe. Next, let's go into Sanhe and experienceits unique style!

合肥三河古镇导游词 篇7

  Dear tourists

  Hello and welcome to Hefei. I'm your tour guide.

  Sanhe ancient town is located in Feixi County of Hefei City, on the shoreof Chaohu Lake, adjacent to Lujiang County and Shucheng county. It is known as"one step across three counties, three counties hear the crowing of chickens".It is one of the 16 famous towns in Anhui Province and one of the ten new sightsof Hefei.

  The ancient Sanhe river has a history of more than 2500 years. It is namedafter fengle River, Hangbu River and Xiaonan river. As early as the WarringStates period, the ancient town had taken shape. Because there were manywaterfowls gathering here, it was also known as quezhu and quean at that time.It was not known as Sanhe until the Ming Dynasty. Among the three rivers, themain ones are fengle River and Xiaonan river. Within the town, the river windingWuli long street; outside the town, dikes crisscross, supporting Tianjin andreturning to each other; with the unique landform of outer ring on both sidesand Zhongzhi on three continents, it occupies the advantage of Lunan water town,and is a famous land of fish and rice in Anhui Province. Because of theconvenient transportation here, the local rice, fish and shrimp, the mountainproducts in the upper reaches and the silk department stores in the lowerreaches all flow to all directions after passing through this place. Therefore,Sanhe has won the reputation of "endless Sanhe" and "central Anhui commoditycorridor".

  The ancient town Sanhe has been a strategic place for military strategistssince ancient times. It is a famous ancient battlefield in history. During thespring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, there was a battlebetween Wu and Chu. At the end of Ming Dynasty, Zhang Xianzhong's peasantuprising army used Sanhe as a springboard to attack Luzhou, and seized more than300 double masted boats in Sanhe, and established a water army with thefavorable terrain of Sanhe. In the eighth year of Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty,Chen Yucheng, the general of the Taiping army, annihilated more than 6000 peoplein Hunan, including Li Xubin's department and Zeng Guohua, Zeng Guofan's youngerbrother. This is the famous "three river great victory" in history. Today, theruins of the Taiping Army's city wall and the gate of great victory are stillpreserved.

  The ancient town of Sanhe is like a dream and the ancient river is like apicture. There are more water and rivers, so it is not convenient to walk, sothere are more bridges. Only on Xiaonan River, there are five bridges, includingSanxian bridge, Wangyue bridge, natural bridge and Renmin bridge. These bridgesare not only ancient but also have different legends. Take Wangyue bridge forexample: Wangyue bridge is a newly built scenic bridge in Sanhe, an ancienttown. It is an arched stepping stone bridge with single hole. The whole bridgeis paved with thick bluestone, and there are bluestone reliefs on the railings.At night, climbing on the bridge, looking up at the bright moon in the sky andoverlooking the reflection in the water will give you a poetic feeling. Amongmany bridges, the most famous one is Sanxian bridge. Perhaps you will ask why itis called Sanxian bridge. That's because this Sanxian bridge is the oldestexisting ancient bridge in Sanhe ancient town. It spans Xiaonan River and islocated in the center of the ancient town. It has become the link connectingFeixi, Shucheng and Lujiang, so it is called Sanxian bridge. Because the wholebridge is built with big stone, so the local people also call it stone bridge.The most amazing thing is the bridge construction technology of Sanxian bridge.At that time, every piece of bridge stone was firmly bonded with the paste madeof boiled glutinous rice and egg white.

  Sanhe, an ancient town, is famous for its water. The water of Sanhe isbeautiful. It brings spirit to the ancient town, but it also suffers from theflood. Especially at 16:17 on July 11, 1991, the water level of fengle river wasas high as 14.23 meters, the levee of Xinwei section burst, and the three riversof Guzhen Town were destroyed and engulfed by the extraordinary flood. In theface of the great flood that shocked the whole country and the world, with theconcern of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and the assistanceof the people of the whole country and international friends, the army and thepeople worked together to rescue more than 6000 people who were besieged by theflood, and created the eternal miracle of not drowning one person, starving oneperson and dying one person.

  Nowadays, when we travel to Sanhe, we can not only visit the formerresidence of Dr. Yang Zhenning, the Nobel Laureate in physics, enjoy thepicturesque scenery of the water town, but also taste the delicious food ofSanhe, such as Sanhe rice dumplings, fried Shaomai, fried lion head, etc. Thereare also Sanhe shrimp paste, crispy duck Yuanbao, Babao crispy chicken and otherfamous dishes. Crispy chicken and crispy duck are not only delicious in skin,meat and bone, but also delicious!

  Now I'm going to talk about Sanhe. Next, let's go into Sanhe and experienceits unique style!

合肥三河古镇导游词 篇8

  Hello, everyone!

  Welcome to the one-day tour of Sanhe ancient town. I'm Wang Bing, the tourguide of Anhui travel agency. Just call me Xiao Wang. It's a pleasure to havefriends from afar on Confucius day. I'm very glad to have you here today. At thesame time, I hope my service will make you satisfied. This is master Li, thedriver of our tour, Master Li has more than ten years of driving experience. Heis very skillful in driving. You can give us two hearts, rest assured to ourMaster Li, and happy to me. Share this journey

  Dear tourist friends, our tour bus is about to start. Please take yourbelongings with you and get on the bus in an orderly way. Are you all seated? Ittakes one hour to get to Sanhe from here. During this period, I will give you abrief introduction of Sanhe ancient town

  Sanhe ancient town is located in Feixi County, Hefei City, on the shore ofChaohu Lake. It is adjacent to Lujiang River in the South and Shucheng in theWest. It is known as "crossing three counties in one step, hearing the crowingof chickens in three counties". Sanhe ancient town is named after fengle River,Xiaonan River, Hangbu River and Sanshui river. It is a famous fishing and riceTown in Anhui Province, Sanhe, an ancient town, has a history of more than 2500years. Because most waterfowl gather here, it is called quezhu and quean. UntilMing Dynasty, it was called Sanhe, which has been used up to now. In addition,Sanhe has always been a place for military strategists, One of the most famousis the great victory of Sanhe in 1858. The ancient town Sanhe has always beenfamous for its ancient, beautiful and prosperous. The ancient streets, alleysand dwellings in the town prove the antiquity of Sanhe. In addition, the foodculture of Sanhe has a long history, including Sanhe shrimp paste and crisp duckYuanbao

  Dear tourists, after crossing this bridge, we will enter Sanhe ancienttown. Please take your belongings and get ready to get off

  The monument you can see is called the military and civilian dam monument.It is written with eight characters: military and civilian co construction,copper wall and iron arm. It is a monument set up here in 1992 when Sanhe TownPeople were rebuilding their homes according to the proposal of the masses. Itcommemorates the efforts of the army and the people of Hefei to rescue more than6000 people who were besieged by the floods when Sanhe Town was hit by theextraordinary flood in 1991, Created a once-in-a-hundred-year flood did notdrown one person, did not starve one person, did not die of illness one person'seternal miracle

  In November 1858, Chen Yucheng and Li Xiucheng took part in the TaipingHeavenly Kingdom. According to the plan, they surrounded the three rivers andtotally annihilated more than 6000 members of the elite Li Jibin army of Hunan,The second year, when Chen Yucheng was 22 years old, he was named king ofEngland by Hong Xiuquan because of his outstanding military achievements. InSanhe, people used to call Chen Yucheng's headquarters yingwangfu. The roadleading to yingwangfu is called yingwanglu. In front of yingwangfu, you can goin and visit it freely

  In the opposite side of the king's road, there is an antique building. Itis the Wan Nian Tai. During the Xianfeng years of the Qing Dynasty, there weretwo 10000 years' platforms built by the three rivers. The former was built bythe master, and the latter was built by the apprentice. When the two of thembuilt 10000 years of Chinese Taiwan, they agreed to use eight posts. Who knows secondyears, the master used the method of stealing and changing the post to removefour columns from the column, leaving only four, so there were only four topbeams in Town God's Temple's Wan Nian platform. It looks very exquisite andelegant. Its shape surpasses the Wannian platform built by his apprentice

  Let's go to the right. Now you come to Guxi street. The street is not wide.It's all paved with bluestone. Most of the dwellings on both sides were built inthe Ming and Qing Dynasties. Guxi street used to be about 500 meters long andwas once known as Wuli street. Sanhe Town had the advantage of convenienttransportation in the water town when the traffic was blocked in ancient times,which made the commodity economy here get unprecedented prosperity

  There are many alleys in Sanhe, including 26 big and small alleys. Amongthem, the most famous one is yirenxiang. It is the oldest and longest deep lanein Sanhe, and only one person can pass in and out of it. At the end ofyirenxiang, there is a private house, which used to be the guest house of Dr.Yang Zhenning. Dr. Yang Zhenning's mother, Ms. Luo Menghua, was born in Sanhe.Hefei was occupied in February 1937, Yang Zhenning went to Sanhe to study withhis mother and lived in this humble house

  Sanxian bridge is one of the oldest bridges in Sanhe ancient town. It spansxiaonanhe River and is located in the center of the ancient town. It is the linkconnecting Feixi, Shucheng and Lujiang counties, so it is called Sanxian bridge.When the bridge was built, people paid great attention to it. Each piece ofbridge stone was filled with glutinous rice and egg white, It is said that thebridge was built by monk Bao after half his life

  Dear tourists, our browsing is coming to an end. Let's taste the deliciousfood of Sanhe





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