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标题 芜湖导游词英语作文


芜湖导游词英语作文 篇1

  Wuhu has a long history. In the spring and Autumn period, Wuhu was namedjiuchanyi of Wu state. As a county name, Wuhu began to be named 120 BC__ 20years ago__ Many years of history.

  In recent years, stone tools, bone implements and mammal fossils of variousspecies made by ancient human beings have been discovered in Renzi cave in Wuhu,dating from about 2 million to 2.5 million years ago, tracing back the historyof human activities in Asia to 4.5 million years. Dagongshan ancient copper minesite is the largest copper production base in China during the spring and Autumnperiod, Han and Tang Dynasties. In 1996, it was listed as a national keycultural relic protection unit by the State Council.

  In 1876, the Sino British Treaty of Yantai established Wuhu as a foreigntrade port. Since 1877, Wuhu has gradually become one of the four major ricemarkets in China. Because of its superior location and prosperous business, itwas once known as "the backbone of Anhui" and "the giant port of the YangtzeRiver".

  Wuhu has a long history. It is an important commercial port city in theYangtze River Basin. Paleolithic cultural relics and ancient copper smeltingsites prove that the metallurgical and manufacturing technology level of ancientWuhu was very developed. The textile industry of Ming Dynasty has formed aconsiderable scale, and there are records of "weaving is still in Songjiang,pulp dyeing is still in Wuhu". Wuhu was one of the four major rice markets inmodern China. It was opened as a foreign trade port in the late Qing Dynasty andwas one of the birthplaces of modern industry in the lower reaches of theYangtze River.

  Wuhu City is located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, asubtropical humid monsoon climate, mild climate, abundant rainfall, fourdistinct seasons. The annual average temperature is 15-16 ℃, the annual averagefrost free period is 219-240 days, and the annual sunshine hours is 20__ Theaverage annual rainfall is 1200-1400mm.

  Wuhu is rich in agricultural resources, water resources and mineralresources. Fertile land, rich in rice, oil, cotton and so on. The Yangtze Riverflows through the western edge of the city. The Qingyi River, Shuiyang River andZhanghe River run through the city. Heisha lake, Longwo lake and Kui lake arescattered among them. The water surface area of the city is 478 squarekilometers, accounting for 14.4% of the total area. There are many kinds ofaquatic products, among which shad, swordfish and crab are the famous "threedelicacies". The mountain area has the precious Chinese medicinal materialCortex Moutan and so on.

  A total of 55 kinds of mineral resources have been found in Wuhu, of whichlimestone reserves reach 4.2 billion tons. Wuhu, located in the lower reaches ofthe Yangtze River, has an open surface and abundant water flow, which isespecially suitable for the development of industrial projects with large waterconsumption and transportation capacity.


  Wuhu is an important communication hub in the Yangtze River economic belt.Nanjing Wuhan, Nanjing Wuhu trunk line optical cable and Beijing ShanghaiHangzhou coaxial cable pass through Wuhu. The total installed capacity of thecity's program-controlled telephone is 306000. Modern communication facilitiessuch as mobile communication and wireless paging are advanced. The Internet Wuhuwebsite has been officially opened.


  Wuhu airport has opened routes from Wuhu to Beijing and from Wuhu toFoshan. It is 119 km away from Luogang airport in Hefei and 58 km away from thenewly built Lukou International Airport in Nanjing.


  Wuhu is an important hub of highway network along the river. The totalmileage of highways in the city is 1530 km, including more than 100 km in theurban area. National highways 205 and 318 cross the border. The expressway fromWuhu to Hefei has been put into use. The Wuhu section of the high-grade highwayalong the Yangtze River has been completed. The construction of the expresswayfrom Wuhu to Hangzhou has started. The construction of the expressway from Wuhuto Hangzhou is about to start.

  Starting from Wuhu, with the same day round trip as the radius, it covers atotal of 200 million people, which is the most densely populated and the highestconsumption level area in China.


  Wuhu port is the last deep-water port up the Yangtze River. The width ofthe main channel is 400-500m, and the annual water depth is more than 9m. Thereare more than 70 berths in Hong Kong, with an annual capacity of 23 milliontons. Zhujiaqiao foreign trade terminal has two Wharton berths, and can alsorely on three 5000 ton seagoing ships at the same time. It also has a specialrailway line with an annual throughput of 1.52 million tons and a maximumlifting capacity of 200 tons. Yuxikou port is the largest in China and the firstmodern inland coal transfer port on the Yangtze River, with an annual handlingcapacity of 6 million tons. There are 14 seasonal navigable rivers in Wuhu City,with a navigable mileage of 429 km. After the completion of Qingyi River,Shuiyang River and Wuhu Taihu tributary canal under repair, Wuhu Shenyun canalcan be directly navigable, connecting with the Yangtze River Delta and Hangjiahuarea in southern Jiangsu.


  Wuhu is an important hub of the second passage in East China. Wuning,Wutong, Anhui Jiangxi, Huainan and Xuanhang railways meet and connect here tocommunicate with all parts of the country. At 20__ The Wuhu Yangtze RiverBridge, opened to traffic in October 20__, integrates the north-south traffic ofthe Yangtze River. The Huainan line connects the Beijing Kowloon Line and theLonghai line in the north, and Hangzhou, Ningbo and Xiamen in the south.Xiaoyangcun marshalling station, which is built for the second passage of EastChina Railway, has 38 tracks of grade I, three yards, 70 trains per day and 7000cars per day.

  Water and electricity

  Wuhu is one of the cities with the richest water supply per capita inChina, with a daily water supply capacity of 750000 tons. The national backbonepower transmission and transformation lines are connected with Wuhu Power Plant,and the power supply is sufficient. The city's daily gas supply capacity is360000 cubic meters. Wuhu City is the center of liquefied gas storage andtransportation in southern Anhui, with a total gas storage capacity of more than12000 tons. The urban gasification rate is 89.14%, which can provide sufficientgas for residential and industrial use.

  Science and Technology Education

  There are 71 scientific research institutes of various types in Wuhu City,with more than 40000 professional and technical personnel, including more than10000 senior and middle professional and technical personnel. Wuhu is a nationalexperimental city for comprehensive reform of secondary city education, and apilot city for "dual system" Vocational Education of Sino German cooperationproject. There are 8 institutions of higher learning such as Anhui NormalUniversity and College of mechanical and electrical engineering, 8 secondaryprofessional schools, 6 technical schools, 17 vocational high schools and 129ordinary middle schools in the city, which can provide abundant labor force andprofessional and technical talents with good technical quality and relativelylow wage level for Wuhu's economic development.

  Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge Economic Park covers an area of 9.15 squarekilometers. In order to build science and technology-based, sightseeing typescenic spots, scenic spots, supporting modern business, culture, sports,entertainment and other service facilities, to form a new area with modernbusiness and tourism combination, good ecological environment as the maincharacteristics.

  Wuhu agricultural science and technology demonstration zone is underconstruction, covering a total area of 80 square kilometers, including 66000 muof arable land, 42000 mu of water surface and 4000 mu of mountain farm. Theagricultural science and technology demonstration park is divided into fivefunctional areas: urban agricultural sightseeing area, efficient vegetableindustry area, efficient fishery economic area, efficient grain and oilproduction area and village and town economic and cultural area.

芜湖导游词英语作文 篇2

  Wuhu Fangte happy world is located in Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge DevelopmentZone, Wuhu City, Anhui Province. It is the largest fourth generation theme parkin China at present, with a total area of about 1.25 million square meters,including 530000 square meters of land area and 720000 square meters of waterarea. It is invested and constructed by Shenzhen Huaqiang group, with a totalinvestment of more than 1.5 billion yuan. It is a part of Wuhu Huaqiang touristcity.

  Fangte happy world adopts today's most advanced concepts and technologiesto build meticulously, which can be called "world-class". Wuhu Fangte happyworld is composed of 15 theme project areas, including sunshine square, Fangtehappy avenue, fisherman's Wharf, space world, mysterious valley, Vesuviusvolcano, lost empire, Spirit Valley, Western legend, dinosaur Peninsula, conchBay, duludubi farm, children's Kingdom, water world and fireball. Among them,the sunshine square, Fangte happy avenue and fisherman's wharf are all openareas, and tourists can visit them free of charge. There are more than 300 themeprojects, amusement projects, leisure and landscape projects in Fante happyworld, including many world-class large-scale projects, most of which aresuitable for all ages.

  There are world-class high-altitude flight simulation experience project"flying beyond the limit", large-scale dynamic space flight experience project"interstellar flight", Asia's first large-scale multi water curtainthree-dimensional interactive adventure project "Solomon seal", China's firstlarge-scale volcano crossing adventure project "Vesuvius volcano", China'slargest Maya themed large-scale adventure project "Mysterious Valley", Asia Thelargest dinosaur disaster experience project "dinosaur crisis" Return to the ageof dinosaurs, experience the journey of space, explore the special effects offilm and television, and experience the magic of science fiction! This is anunprecedented feast of joy, a dreamland full of magic, and an adventure kingdomof science and technology fantasy. Wonderful, exciting, adventure, scream,dream, magic, joy, leisure, Fante happy world, there is no limit to joy.

芜湖导游词英语作文 篇3

  Wuhu Fangte happy world is located on the Bank of the Yangtze River inWuhu, China. It is the fourth generation theme park with the largest scale inAsia. It is characterized by science fiction and animation. It is elaboratelybuilt with world-class concepts and technologies. It is very suitable for familyparent-child activities. It is a world for children and a dreamland full ofmagic.

  Wuhu Fangte happy world is composed of 16 theme project areas, includingfisherman's Wharf, space world, mysterious valley, Vesuvius volcano, lostempire, Spirit Valley, Western legend, dinosaur Peninsula, conch Bay, doubifarm, children's Kingdom, water world, fireball, etc., including more than 300theme projects, amusement projects, leisure and landscape projects. For thosewho like excitement, there are large-scale hanging roller coaster fireball andrail mine car project Vesuvius volcano. Children can go to doubi farm and enjoyinteractive movies created by high technology.

  It's the best time to visit here in late spring, early summer or earlyautumn. If summer comes, many of the amusement facilities here are open-air. Ifit's weekends or holidays, there are many people to catch up with, and the queuetime is long, which is very painful. Therefore, it is suggested that you shouldcome to the park at ordinary times and arrive at the gate of the park before 9o'clock. Because the park is large and there are many sightseeing projects, youcan come earlier and play more.

  After entering the gate, there are two entrances: the north gate and thesouth gate. It is suggested to enter from the south gate and come out from thenorth gate. Because the items near the north gate are very exciting, such asroller coaster, it is recommended to play at the end. If you play first, if youcan't stand it, you won't have the strength to play the things behind. Afterentering from the south gate, you can play one by one. If you see a small numberof people, you can go up and walk around to the north gate. In this way, thetime of the day is almost the same. Of course, if you take children, you canalso go to the north gate first, where there are more children's amusementprojects.

  If you enter from the south gate, the recommended items are "beyond thelimit" in the space world. It is a large suspended ball screen theater, whichcombines movie playing pictures, suspended seats and various special effects.The effect of soaring makes you fly in the sky. Then there is the mysteriousvalley. With the legend of the ancient Mayan civilization as the background,combined with various special effects and lights, passengers can drift on theboat, experience all kinds of dangerous situations and experience thestimulation of falling from a height of 26 meters. On the opposite side of thevalley is Mount Vesuvius. It is a roller coaster, creating a unique geologicalspectacle of active volcanoes and experiencing the thrill of high-speedoperation.

  The most important large-scale project of the north gate is the large-scalehanging roller coaster fireball. Tourists take a small car to hang upside downon the track, with their feet hanging in the air and no shelter on both sides,feeling weightless and centrifugal. The fantasy studio in the Western legendarea is also worth visiting. Here you can see the magical digital filmtechnology and unique setting mechanism. You will also be invited to take partin the shooting of special effects movies. In addition, there are children'sKingdom and doubi farm, which are suitable for children to play. Double layerhorse, cup and fruit worm pulley are very interesting.

  If you are tired, you can stop for lunch. The park provides Chinese andWestern food including hamburgers, traditional Chinese food, drinks and so on.You can go to Fangte Food City in the south gate for lunch. There are all kindsof Chinese set meals. However, if you come to play in summer, it is recommendedto bring more water. The consumption in the park is still relatively expensive.In addition, there are more than 20 gift shops in Fante happy world. You can buydoll toys, fine jewelry and personal items. Although the price is not cheap, youcan also buy some as souvenirs if you like.

  In addition, if you really have no physical strength, you can walk aroundthe fisherman's Wharf and take photos. Children can even go to the cartoontheater to watch a fairy tale movie.

芜湖导游词英语作文 篇4

  Wuhu is a bright pearl in the middle and lower reaches of the YangtzeRiver. It has a sparkling Mirror Lake, a picturesque ochre mountain and amagnificent Jiuzi square

  The water of Jinghu Lake is rippling, and the fish often jump out of thewater to greet the tourists. From time to time there are a few boats rowing tobreak the level of the lake. The willows are singing and dancing to theirreflection in the water. The emerald green grassland and butterflies playing inthe colorful flowers add vitality to the beautiful Jinghu Lake.

  On the edge of Jinghu Lake stands a bronze sculpture, the Jiuzi sculpture.On the sculptures, the doves come in different shapes, each of which islifelike. Some of them seem to be flying high, some of them seem to be attractedby the beautiful scenery of Jinghu Lake and are unwilling to leave, and some ofthem seem to be resting after a few drinks in Jinghu Lake

  Not far from the north of Jinghu Lake is Zheshan. The scenery of Zheshan isbeautiful. The lush trees, like soldiers, stand all over the hills, defendingeveryone who comes here to play. There are also many sculptures in Zheshan, suchas the statue of Mao Zedong is tall and majestic, the statue of Qu Yuan issolemn and bold, and the statue of Dai Annan is resolute and strong. Whenever wevisit Zheshan, we can't help but feel awed and let us not forget these greatpeople in history for generations.

  There is another one in Zheshan, which is a paradise for animals andchildren. There are many kinds of animals in the zoo, such as the cute bear, thelively monkey, the singing and dancing bird, which bring laughter to thevisitors.

  There are many shops in the bustling pedestrian street. They haveeverything to eat, drink and play. In the evening, neon lights flicker as ifhearing the password, calling customers to come. There is a beautiful flowerclock on the street. On the clock face, the hour hand, minute hand and secondhand are chasing each other, just like the hard-working Wuhu people working at afast pace.

  I like Wuhu, like the beauty of Wuhu, I am more proud of growing up in sucha beautiful city! Wuhu, I wish you more beautiful tomorrow!

芜湖导游词英语作文 篇5

  Today is July 10, our family asked for Wuhu, the second largest city inAnhui Province, to travel. I enjoyed my trip very much.

  When you drive to Wuhu, the first thing you do is to go to the children'sparadise. It's said that the children's paradise here is newly opened. We seemto be the second batch! "Wow! It's beautiful here." as soon as you enter thegate, there are many houses on both sides, some of which are round,semicircular, some of which are square, rectangular, and some of which areirregular There is a thin rope between every two parallel houses. The nationalflags of all countries are hung on the rope. The three-dimensional sense is verystrong. Many tourists can't help taking photos at the door. I conveniently tookout a map from the bookshelf, "Wow! It's so big here." playground, restaurant,cinema All of them. It's 10 hectares.

  Entering the amusement park, I immediately ran to motianlun, "Wow! What ahigh Ferris wheel!" it was as high as a 30 story Ferris wheel building. Finally,we sat up and said, "Wow!" we were slowly rising. After a while, we got to thehighest place and looked down. WOW! The things below became so small! Peoplebecame little ants and cars became matchboxes. Overlooking the distance, greeneverywhere, like a layer of green carpet as beautiful.

  When I got off the ferris wheel, I came to the "big pendulum". It wasfrightening to see the towering beam frame. I wanted to shrink back a little,but then I thought: come here, why not try it? Sitting on the big pendulum, myhands and feet were shaking, "Ding Ding Ding Ding!" the game started, the floorwas slowly falling, oh no! We were slowly rising, Gradually turned up, and beganto swing back and forth, swing higher and higher, count up a total of 300degrees ah! Wind blowing my face, my hands tightly grasp the safety bar, eyesclosed to death, mouth shouting "help ah!" my heart has been thinking: in caseof machine failure, stop in mid air do not move, in case of beam suddenly felldown, fell dead how to do What should I do if the safety bar is not fixed andI'm thrown away When I stand upside down in the air, my hands hold more tightlyand sweat comes out. Gradually, gradually, the pendulum stops, and my mood calmsdown. It's safe. When I came down, I found that many people had vomited. Mothersaw, said to me: "such a terrible thing you dare to do, courage to grow up?" Igrabbed my head, "hey hey" smile twice.

  So we played from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. We had dinner and went back to the hotelto have a rest.

芜湖导游词英语作文 篇6

  Welcome to Jiulong Valley, Putian. I'm your guide. My surname is X. you cancall me Xiao X. In order to facilitate your visit, let me first introduceyou.

  In Putian, where high-rise buildings have sprung up, there is a wonderlandlike tourist attraction with the reputation of National Forest Park, that is thebeautiful Jiulong valley. It was a wonderland full of vitality. During the MayDay golden week, my family and I went to this place where there is heaven on thetop and fairy Valley on the bottom. The scenery here really deserves itsreputation.

  As soon as you enter the door, there is a glittering sign, which says"Kowloon Valley". There is also a pool of blooming lotus next to it. It looksvery beautiful. It's really lotus with fairy valley. Suddenly, we walked on andsaw a stream. Gurgling stream is very moving, clear to the bottom, vaguely alsosee a few small fish like carp jump up like the dragon. In the crevice of thestone, the stream flows freely. The sun shone on the water, shining like goldand silver. A few drops of water dropped from the stone and rippled the water.As the stream flows down, I suddenly see that the stream is in the crisscross,dark as iron rocks, and spewing snow-white spray, just like a thousand troopsand horses, rushing forward one after another, the sound of the spray slappingon the rocks is particularly pleasant.

  In order to see the more beautiful scenery in front of us, we went to seeanother fairyland like sister waterfall. Sure enough, not far from the stream,we saw Mei Mei waterfall. The waterfall is no longer a neat and smooth cloth. Westood on the small bridge and looked far away. It was like small white plumblossoms, falling like a light rain. The branches and leaves that were "rubbed"very green beside it seemed to be the green leaves of "white plum". My naughtybrother and I were not willing to let go of a beautiful scene, so we ran to awashed rock in front of the waterfall and took a picture, leaving a beautifulmemory.

  After seeing sister waterfall, we can't wait to see the magnificent sceneof sister waterfall. After climbing for an hour, we finally reached the peak onthe muddy road, which was another look. The first thing that came into view wasa lush green: the plants and trees were lovely green, the breeze blowing, thefragrance of flowers coming, and it was a world of trees. Standing on the whiterailings, as soon as I looked up, I saw a big waterfall, like an angry whitedragon, rushing down from the mid air and down the unfathomable bottom. Thetorrent, wrapped in the roar of the sky, poured down onto the rocks. Whitepractice in the sky, spray splashing, stirring up the misty rain, cool air, makepeople into another fairyland. Sister waterfalls have their own merits, whichmake people forget to return.

  The variety of Jiulong Valley makes people suspect that it is not a naturalone, but a bonsai made by a skillful craftsman. Such trees surround suchwaterfalls, and such waterfalls set off such trees, making people feel like theyhave entered a continuous picture. This is really: "sunshine censer gives birthto purple smoke, and you can see the waterfall hanging in QianChuan from afar.Flying down three thousand feet, the beauty of the world is in the valley ofimmortals. "

芜湖导游词英语作文 篇7

  Changsha, though not nearly as prosperous Hong Kong than atmosphere inBeijing, but still has her own beauty.

  Changsha is a beautiful place, there are beautiful as pavilion, love latepavilion. At night, lights, like the stars in the sky, twinkle.

  Changsha charactizing a fine spring, spring breeze blow gently. Sunshine inMarch, the flower is gorgeous. The flower azalea is indescribable.

  Summer, known as the "four big stove" one of changsha is hot. Cicada hotstraight called "cicadas, cicada," dog hot tongue, floppy chicken wings. Nomatter how the weather during the day, children come out to play, so they had ahot, can't help but to the sun.

  Autumn, the leaves fall, the fruit is ripe, the farmer uncle smile red inthe face. The wild goose south, ants and squirrels have in preparation forwinter food.

  Winter, heavy snow, the children can be happy, because you can snowballfights, make a snowman! Leaves a also have no, many small animals also for thewinter. The children are in the warm home looking at the beautiful snow...

  Changsha year the four seasons scenery attractive, no matter day or night,she is always a kind face.

  Changsha snack is to let a person dazzling, stinky tofu, bean jelly, roastsweet potato, onion cakes, taste shrimp, sucking screw... Is numerous, even thesaliva all can't help flow down.

  Changsha tourist resort also has a lot of, such as: taiping street, smallSimon, as pavilion, baisha ancient, yuelu academy, and so on some places ofinterest. But they speak well "nobody's perfect, gold without gather" changshaointment is loop mirror is not good, can see garbage everywhere, air is pollutedby a lot.

  Changsha is our common home, when I grow up must see her constructionbetter, become a more attractive city.

芜湖导游词英语作文 篇8

  Hello, my name is Qiu Huangxuan, below, I tell you the zhouzhuang.

  Zhouzhuang is an ancient water town, is China's five a-class tourist area. One went in, and came to a small lake, the lake is the pearl of zhouzhuang, across the lake in the middle there is a small stone bridge, go to zhouzhuang pearl's entrance.

  , looking to watch on the roof, zhouzhuang scene most in fundus, and a growing old house in the distance, each channel around my house, every household vehicles are boats.

  Zhouzhuang convenient waterway, the boat can to every doorstep, osprey and fisherman's boat, discussing the characteristics of lake water, full of ancient buildings, no modern buildings.

芜湖导游词英语作文 篇9

  Hello, I'm Yi Huiqian, the guide of sunshine travel agency. You can call meXiaoqian. Today, I will show you around the island road, a famous scenic spot inXiamen. As the saying goes, "it's a pleasure to have friends coming from afar."I'm honored to meet you and accompany you to visit Xiamen. I will try my best tomake you understand the scenic spots and our beautiful coastal city Xiamen

  Members of the group, our car is now driving on Xiamen Island Road. Theroad is 43 km long, 44-60 m wide, with 6 lanes in both directions, 18-24 mmotorway, 80-100 m green belt and 200 m in some sections. Huandao Road is one ofthe main scenic roads around the sea in Xiamen. There is also a great spectacleon the road around the island sculpture works. These works show the runningposture of the marathon runners, which has become an important scenic spot onthe road around the island. Today, I would like to focus on the famous musicsculpture. The content of the sculpture is that some people are familiar withmusic. This song is the score of the famous song of Gulangyu. Its total lengthis 247.79 meters, and the score of this song is in 20___ It was listed as thelongest five line musical sculpture in the Guinness World in November.

  Well, dear group friends, this is the end of today's trip. I hope you canbe satisfied with our service, and also hope you will come back to Xiamen, abeautiful coastal city. Thank you and have a good time!

芜湖导游词英语作文 篇10

  Members of the group, we are about to arrive at Penglai, which is known asthe "fairyland on earth". Here is the tour guide of the scenic travelagency____________ First of all, I would like to introduce the general situationof Penglai: Penglai is located in the northernmost tip of Jiaodong Peninsula,about 75 kilometers northwest of Yantai City, belonging to Yantai, borderingBohai Sea and Huanghai Sea in the north, and across the sea from LiaodongPeninsula, with a total area of 1128 square kilometers and a total population of447000. However, such a county-level city with a total population of less than500000 can receive more than 2 million tourists from home and abroad every year.What makes Chinese and foreign tourists come from afar? That's because Penglaiis a "fairyland on earth" full of myths and legends for thousands of years.

  You can see the Penglai Pavilion. Now I'll lead you to the past. I don'tknow if you are lucky or not. If you can see a mirage, please pray silently.

  What is a mirage? Let me explain to you. A mirage is that when thetemperature is near the ground, the air density decreases with the height, andthe light of the distant horizon is refracted to the observer's eyes. There isalso a small story about mirage. I'll tell you this: long ago, some strangeimages often appeared in the Bohai Sea. At that time, people couldn't explainthis phenomenon in a scientific way. At first, they thought it was a monster.They called him "mirage" as the breath of clam essence in the sea. They werevery afraid, burned incense, kowtowed and prayed that "mirage" would not happenAs time goes by, people find that "mirage" does not harm human beings. They saythat he is an immortal in this world. It is said that there is a fairy mountainin the sea. Houses on the mountain are built with gold and silver, trees arecovered with jade and agate, and immortals walk back and forth. The mostimportant thing is that there is an elixir on the mountain. After the firstemperor of Qin unified the six states, he came here to look for the holymountain and the elixir of immortality in order to make the country strong andimmortal. He stood by the sea and looked at the sea. There were three unusualmountains at the end of the sky, which were constantly changing. In fact, hejust caught up with the mirage. He was surprised and asked the accompanyingalchemist what it was. The alchemist replied, "that's the fairy mountain." Thefirst emperor of Qin was overjoyed and asked what the name of Xianshan was. Thealchemist said that one was called "Yingzhou" because the first emperor of QinDynasty also called "Yingzheng" of Qin Dynasty, one called "Abbot", and theother one couldn't answer for a moment. Suddenly he saw water and grass floatingin the sea. He had an idea and answered with the name of "Penglai". "Penglai" isalso called "pengcao haolai". In this way, "Penglai", "Abbot" and "Yingzhou"spread like this.

  In the period of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty, like the first emperor of QinDynasty, he heard that there were three fairy mountains in the sea, and he alsocame here to look for the medicine of immortality. In order to find the immortalmountain, he built a small town here. He lived here for a long time and climbedDanya mountain to look at the sea every day. However, he was not lucky asEmperor Qinshihuang. He didn't see a mirage or find the elixir of immortality,so he ordered to name the town Penglai, which he built to look at the holymountain by the sea. Since then, this small town has been called Penglai.

  Everyone has heard the story of "Eight Immortals crossing the sea". Wheredid the story happen? Yes, it happened here. It is said that the eight immortalswere drinking at the Penglai Pavilion. The more they drank, the happier theywere. Unconsciously, they got drunk. Tie Guai Li proposed to take a trip to thesea by Chengxing, and promised to cross the sea with their own treasures insteadof by boat. It is the so-called "Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showinghis magic power.". Tie Guai Li uses his gourd, Han Zhongli uses his banana fan,Lu Dongbin uses his sword, he Xiangu uses lotus, LAN Cai uses flower basket, HanXiangzi uses Xiao, Cao Guojiu uses bamboo board, Zhang Guolao and his donkey useSheng. We all know that Zhang Guolao has a strange habit. On weekdays, he ridesa donkey upside down and can travel thousands of miles a day. Of course, thisdonkey is also a "God donkey". It is said that when he does not ride it, he canfold it up and put it in his skin bag. There is also a poem to illustrate thismove, "how many people in the world, unlike this old man, are not riding upsidedown, looking back on everything.". To teach the world how to do things, weshould always look back to sum up experience. As the saying goes, if themountain is not high, there will be immortals. If the water is not deep, therewill be dragons. Penglai is a small city, but it is related to the eightimmortals. Let's have a tour. Next we're going to Baxian crossing the sea

  Pay attention to everyone's gathering. We are going to Baxian Haikou next.The whole scenic spot of Baxian Haikou is floating on the sea. There is sea inthe scenery, there is scenery in the sea, and the sea is connected with the seainside and outside. It's like a gourd lying on the sea. Just now, I've told youthe story of Daxian crossing the sea. Next, let's have a specific look.


  Dear friends, we meet again. Next we are going to long island. Changdao,also known as Miaodao archipelago and Changshan Archipelago, is composed of 32islands, with a land area of 56 square kilometers, a sea area of 8700 squarekilometers and a coastline of 146 kilometers. It is the only island county inShandong Province, and belongs to Yantai city. Changdao has a continentalclimate in the East Asian monsoon region, with the characteristics of warmwinter and cool summer. The annual average temperature is 11.9 ℃, and the frostfree period is 243 days. The forest coverage rate of the whole county is 53.2%.Due to its unique location and superior natural conditions, it has become a mustpass place for migratory birds. There are more than 200 species of migratorybirds, as many as one million every year. It enjoys the reputation of "courierstation" of migratory birds and is listed as a national nature reserve.

  Next, let's go to Yueya Bay. Yueya Bay is located on the road fromintestinal tract to Jiuzhang cliff. It's about 2 kilometers long, just like ahuge crescent moon. Crescent Bay is the most interesting place in its pebbles.It can be said that it is a world of pearly pebbles, white as jade, and crystalclear amber. No matter where you hold it, you will be reluctant to put it downfor a moment.

  Dear passengers, we are going to reach Jiuzhang cliff. Jiuzhang cliff, 69.7meters high, is a huge cliff with a face of several hundred meters. Due to thestormy dormitories for thousands of years, it has gradually formed a convex andconcave trend, avoiding the crisscross of teeth. It is a paradise for manywaterbirds. You can see that the tower in front is jiudieshi tower. It is madeof nine layers of quartz rock with obvious joints. Eroded by waves, it has aunique shape and forms a pair of "mother and son cliffs" with Jiuzhangcliff.

  If you look further ahead, there are two big sea erosion caves in Baxianstone, which are more than 30 meters deep and 5 meters wide. The top of the caveis similar to an arch. It is said that eight years ago, it gathered here, andthe quartz in the cave was crisscross and crystal clear. Next to the big cave,there is a small cave, one meter wide and more than 20 meters deep. There arestone tables and windows in the cave. It is said that it was the dormitory of heXiangu.

  What do you see when you go ahead? Yes, a pile of reefs. What does it looklike? Does it look like the Dragon tongue protrudes out of the sea? This is theDragon tongue fishing island. The sea water here is usually dense and the cavesare dense. It is an ideal place for fishing.

  We are going to reach Wangfu reef in front of us. Wangfu reef is namedbecause there is a reef shaped like a woman wearing a scarf and holding a baby.There is also a moving legend about it: a fisherman was forced to go fishing onDecember 28 of the previous year and encountered wind and waves, and never cameback. His wife was devastated. From then on, she stood by the sea all dayholding her child who was not full moon, expecting a miracle. After many years,she didn't come back. He became a stone statue standing there. He is also theepitome of thousands of loyal love and miserable fate in the old society of LongIsland.

  Miaodao archipelago landscape dependent, picturesque, each island has itsown magic. Cheyou Island, also known as wanniao Island, is the kingdom of birds.It is magnificent for birds to fly into the sky and block out the sun. Zhushanisland and Xiaozhushan island are named after bamboo. The river on the islandflows with green bamboos, showing a beautiful Jiangnan scenery on the sea. Thebig and small Heishan islands are also the kingdom of snakes. There are morethan 10000 poisonous vipers on the island, making it the second largest SnakeIsland in China. Tuoji island is a world of stones. There are lots of colorfulstones. The whole island is a world of murals with varied patterns and gorgeouscolors. And Tuoji bonsai and "Venus snow wave stone" make visitors love it evenmore. The majestic Hall of Temple Island Tin Hau palace is for visitors to watchand worship. Jade Street lies across the blue sea, connecting the north andsouth of Changshan Island, Fengshan eagle flying, bird exhibition, thousands ofbirds gathering, ancient city relics, navigation museum, recording thevicissitudes of Chinese navigation history. The most fascinating and rare thingis the illusory, real and illusory mirage. According to the data, Changdao isthe most frequent area of mirage in China, especially after the rain in July andAugust. There are too many landscapes that can't be described to make Miaodaoislands worthy of the reputation of "sea fairy mountain".

  Marine polar animal world is located in the south of Penglai passengerterminal, which is the only way from Penglai to Changdao. The exhibition area is51800 square meters, and the scale is magnificent. It collects thousands ofmarine animals from all over the world. It integrates the advantages of manyfamilies and highlights its own characteristics. It integrates scientificresearch, teaching, marine biology exhibition and performance, and makes fulluse of interactivity, participation, artistry and creativity Scientific methodsbring people into the mysterious ocean world. Create the first-class level ofChina's marine aquarium industry at one stroke.

芜湖导游词英语作文 篇11

  Chengdu is located in the southwest of China, the terrain is dangerous,known as the basin. Sichuan is rich in tourism resources and has distinctiveregional cultural characteristics. There are many famous historical and culturalcities in Sichuan tourism plate, such as Dujiangyan, Leshan and Chengdu, whichhave their own excellent tourism environment.

  Chengdu, as the tourism center of Sichuan Province, is the most prosperouscity in Western China with developed transportation, beautiful environment andmany beautiful sceneries. Jiuzhaigou tourism, as the trump card in Sichuantourist attractions, attracts many tourists every year. The scenery of Emei isbeautiful all over the world, the Buddhist culture has been spread for a longtime, and the Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Spot, Gongga Mountain, Jianmen andother famous scenic spots all add color to Sichuan tourism. In addition, thedelicious Sichuan cuisine and Sichuan wine, which are famous both at home andabroad, can represent the characteristics of Sichuan.

  Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province and one of the famous historicaland cultural cities in China, is located in the central part of the province. Itis mainly Han nationality. There are 44 ethnic minorities, including Hui,Mongolian, Tibetan, Miao, Manchu and Tujia. It governs 7 districts, 8 countiesand 4 County-level cities. There are many places of interest and historic sites,including 6 national key cultural relics protection units such as Wuhou Temple,Du Fu thatched cottage, Dujiangyan, Wang Jian tomb, shifangtang ancient Qiongyaosite, xinhaiqiu Baolu death monument, 32 provincial cultural relics protectionunits such as Peng Da general junjiazhen martyrdom monument, and 68 MunicipalCultural Relics protection units such as Sunzhongshan bronze statue.

芜湖导游词英语作文 篇12

  Chengdu has been known as "the land of abundance" since ancient times."Nine days open a Chengdu, thousands of doors into the painting", in China'shuge historical territory, Chengdu is the only city whose site and name havenever changed since its establishment. This important town in Southwest China,the capital of Bashu, is the political, economic and cultural center ofSouthwest China and an important city in the Yangtze River Basin. Chengdu is acity that does not want to leave when it comes, and its pace of life ismaintained at a very humanized speed.

  The word "Bashi" often used by Chengdu people means comfortable andappropriate. The teahouses all over the city are the best embodiment of thecity's leisurely temperament. The leisurely pace of life is the name card of thecity, and the Sichuan cuisine restaurants, hot pot shops and snack bars all overthe street are the main culprits. Chengdu, like a soft sofa, can't help but slowdown and fall into the embrace of the gentle hometown.

  Chengdu may be the transfer station for you to Jiuzhaigou, Lugu Lake,Daocheng Yading and other places, but it is definitely not just a transportationhub. Snow mountain, river and Tibetan area are so close to each other that youcan cross Gongga snow mountain, appreciate the mystery of Sanxingdui, and make apromise of this life in front of Kangba's Sutra tube if you want. When you cometo this city, instead of busy visiting the scenic spots inside and outside thecity, it's better to enjoy life leisurely in it, or to throw yourself on thejourney full of wind and frost.

芜湖导游词英语作文 篇13

  Today we are going to visit Nanputuo temple. It has a long history andbegan in the Tang Dynasty. However, because it was destroyed many times andrebuilt many times, the architecture of the whole temple is relatively new.Originally known as "Puzhao Temple", it was destroyed. In the 23rd year ofKangxi reign, general Shi Lang rebuilt the temple here. It was called "NanputuoTemple" because it was the same as Putuo Mountain in Zhejiang Province, and itwas also located in the south of Putuo Mountain. Nanputuo temple was originallythe hereditary leader of Linji sect. In 1924, it was changed into the system ofselecting talents in the jungle. It has been 11 years since then Mr. Ren, thecurrent host is master Shenghui. The architecture of Nanputuo temple is alsounique. Now, let's go to visit it with Xiao Wu. The time we need is one and ahalf hours.

  Ladies and gentlemen, now please come with me to visit the temple. This isTianwang hall, inscribed by Zhao Puchu, former president of China BuddhistAssociation in 1981. Walking into the king's Hall of this day, Maitreya Buddha'seyebrows, eyes, ear lobes, shoulders, bare chest and navel, smiling, seems to bewaiting for every visitor. Maitreya Buddha was born in India, and later became amonk. The Buddha predicted that he would inherit Sakyamuni as the future Buddha,and become a Buddha under the Longhua tree after 5.766 billion years. It wasdivided into three parts to preach on behalf of Sakyamuni. What we see now isnot Maitreya Buddha in India. In most temples in China, the statue of fatMaitreya with a smile is worshipped. He was a monk of Qiji in the FiveDynasties. Today, he is a native of Fenghua, Ningbo. He often takes a cloth bagand travels around. He is carefree and always persuades people to believe inBuddhism. He is always smiling and kind to others. Therefore, people call him"cloth bag monk". Later, he was in Yuelin temple The stone sits on the groundand says: "Maitreya is true Maitreya, who is divided into tens of billions ofpeople and shows the world all the time. People realize that he is theincarnation of Maitreya Buddha.

  Behind Maitreya Buddha is Wei Tuo, who holds a Vajra pestle and is the Godof Dharma protection in Buddhism. It is said that if the Vajra pestle that WeiTuo carries in the temple indicates that the temple is a descendant temple. Itis not open to foreign traveling monks. They can eat two meals at most and cannot stay overnight. If Wei Tuo puts the Vajra pestle on his arm, it means thatthe temple is a forest of ten directions, and traveling monks can eat and sleepfor free Wei Tuo raised the Vajra pestle over his forehead, saying that thetemple charged a certain fee for the board and lodging of traveling monks.

  Nanputuo temple was originally a temple for descendants, so Weituo's Vajrapestle was on the ground, and later it was changed into a ten square jungle.However, this Weituo has not changed its shape. In fact, traveling monks can eatand sleep here for free.

  On both sides of the heavenly king hall are four heavenly kings,representing wind, tune, rain and shun. In the East, the heavenly king holds alute, which means tune. In the south, the heavenly king holds a sword, whichmeans wind. In the west, the heavenly king holds a ball, a snake or a dragon,which means Shun. In the north, it is often heard that the heavenly king holdsan umbrella, which means rain.

  Now we walk out of Tianwang hall, and the temple unfolds symmetrically onthe left and right sides with the central axis. Now, there are bell towers anddrum towers on the left and right sides. Generally, there are morning bells andevening drums in the temple. On the first floor of the bell drum tower, thereare bodhisattvas Tibetans and Kalan Bodhisattvas. Right in front of it is themain hall of the temple, which is a two-story building with double eaves restingon the top of the mountain, Green tiles, stone pillars, carved beams and paintedbuildings, glazed tiles on the roof, and magnetic paintings on the top of thehall, such as nine carp turning into dragon, Qilin running, dragon and Phoenixpresenting, are bright in color and resplendent in gold. The Nanputuo Templebegan in the Tang Dynasty. There is a couplet on the stone column in front ofthe Daxiong hall as evidence, "it dates back to the Tang Dynasty and Kaiyuan,and Puguang was glorified by Xiadao to Taiwu". In the Daxiong hall, there arethree Buddhas, namely the past Buddha, the present Buddha and the future Buddha.In the middle is the present Buddha, namely Sakyamuni Buddha. It is said thatthere is a real person, originally named Qiao Damo. Siddhartha, the son of KingJingfan in ancient India, was 19 years old when he traveled in Si men. Herealized the state of life and death, so he decided to become a monk in order toget rid of the hardship of life and death. Finally, after hard practice, herealized under the bodhi tree and became the present Sakyamuni. Standing on bothsides of Sakyamuni are his two disciples Ananda and Kaya. In front of them is athousand handed Avalokitesvara. In the back of the hall, there are three Westernsaints, amitabha in the middle, Guanyin Bodhisattva on the left and dashizhiBodhisattva on the right.

  There are 18 Arhats on the left and right of the main hall. It is said thatwhen Arhats were introduced to China, there were only 16 Arhats. Later, masterQingyou, the author of the book of fazhuji, and the translator of the bookXuanzang were added.

  Ladies and gentlemen, this is the great mercy hall, dedicated to GuanyinBodhisattva. Because Guanyin Bodhisattva is also known as the great mercyGuanyin Bodhisattva, it is called the great mercy hall. The original name ofGuanyin is Guanyin, Guanyou. The meaning of compassion is to give peoplehappiness and remove sorrow. There are four Avalokitesvara Bodhisattvas in thehall. They are arranged in four directions. In the middle of the hall is adouble arm Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, sitting on the lotus seat with eyeshanging down, with a serene look. The other three are 48 arm Avalokitesvara,each with a small eye carved on its hand, holding a variety of artifact and aposture. Visitors and pilgrims must visit and worship here. The main hall is awooden structure with octagonal triple eaves, all of which are made of bucketarches. The caisson in the hall is made of wooden bucket arches instead of onenail. Because the incense is too abundant, it has been burned many times here,so friends who want to burn incense later, please don't bring the incense to thehall, just burn it outside the hall.

  In the front is the Sutra Pavilion, which is the highest floor of the mainbody of the central axis. The pavilion has a unique architecture, with a Chineseand Western charm. The top is a Xieshan roof, the bottom is a westernarchitecture, with double eaves and double attics. The upper floor is SutraPavilion, the lower floor is Dharma hall, and the second floor has a spaciousroof. It contains the blood scriptures written by believers and Shami in thelate Ming Dynasty, as well as the works of the famous artist he Chaodong, whiteporcelain Guanyin, Burmese white jade Reclining Buddha and so on.

  Ladies and gentlemen, follow me up the mountain. Here is a big Buddhacharacter. It is the largest temple in Southern Fujian. It is more than 4 metershigh and 3 meters wide. It was written by Zhenhui in the 31st year of Guangxureign of the Qing Dynasty.

  Now, please come back with me. Nanputuo is the base of Buddhist highereducation in China. This is Minnan Buddhist College. It was founded in 1925.Master Huiquan, the chair of Nanputuo at that time, was the first president ofthe college. He took the college as an educational experimental garden forreforming Chinese monks, making it a famous Buddhist higher educationinstitution at home and abroad. In 1937, the Anti Japanese army was established,and the college was closed down. In 1985, it was opened again After the formalresumption, president Zhao Puchu rewrote the courtyard. Now there are twodepartments for men and women. The men's department is in Nanputuo, and thewomen's courtyard is in zizhulin temple in Jinbang park. Each president of thecollege is currently presided over by Nanputuo, so the current president isshenghuishi.

芜湖导游词英语作文 篇14

  The May Fourth Square is backed by the City Hall building, south to FushanBay, 700 meters long from north to south, with a total area of 10 hectares. Itis a modern style square full of lawns, fountains and sculptures.

  1919 Qingdao raised the issue of sovereignty "May Fourth" movement. In1914, Japan replaced the German, and then proposed "The Twenty-one " attemptingto take long-term occupation of Qingdao, which caused strong oppositions frompeople across the country . In January, 1919, at the Paris Peace, when Chinaattended as victors and claimed the sovereign of Qingdao, they were rejected byWestern powers, and Qingdao was forciblytransferred to Japan. The news came out,the students in Beijing burst out protesting in May 4th. The government wasforced refuse signing at Paris Peace, which smashing Japanese conspiracy ofpermanent occupation. In 1922, the sovereignty of Qingdao was recovered. Acrossthe square is the City Hall, a tall and majestic building, facing south, simpleand neat, serious and solemn. The south is square-mesh-shaped, meaning therigorous style for the government. It has become a landmark building of Qingdao. Dryland lattice fountain is an underground fountain, hiding 8 rows 9 columns,a total of 72 dots, which can jet in different shapes and heights. Right in thecenter of the squar ,the red torch -shaped sculpture " May Fourth Wind " is theheaviest steel sculpture in the country. It weighs 700 tons, and is about 30meters high, 27 meters in diameter. As a high wind arousing from land, thissculpture promotes the "May Fourth" patriotism spirit and encourages people towork hard. At the south sea of the sculpture is the first offshore 100-meterfountain in China. Adopting advanced high-pressure pumps, spewing water is up to100 meters . Because the water is extracted directly from the sea, avoiding thecorrosion and salinization of shore facilities and lawn fountain, it is designedat the 160 meters away offshore. West to the square is the Music Square. Thecenter landscape the "Sail of Music, " is a white tapered software sculpturetent, drawn by imported membrane structure, divided into two pieces, about 5meters high, fixed by 15 anchor dots. The huge piano under the tent is commonlyknown as "The Piano King". It must be played by two people at the same time.Every festival , the sound of music will haunt everywhere.

  The Fushan Bay in the front, is the place where held theOlym//pic..competition. Because of the exceptional conditions, this placewas the first getting through audit of all single events.

芜湖导游词英语作文 篇15

  Lingshan in Wuxi is a land of geomantic omen. Lingshan Buddha, VaticanPalace and other Buddhist cultural attractions are famous at home and abroad,attracting thousands of people to visit every day, and some believers come toburn incense and kneel down to pray for the blessing of the Buddha. During thesummer vacation, I, who knew nothing about Buddhism, also went to enjoy thebeautiful scenery.

  Walking to the scenic spot, after passing through the gate of "Lingshanresort", a stone archway connected by five gates stands in the middle of themain road, engraved with plaques of "keep precepts", "give alms" and "endurehumiliation" - it is said that this is the discipline requirement forBuddhists.

  After the mountain gate, the two bronze lotus ponds attract the attentionof many tourists. According to legend, the Buddha was born in the lotus. Furtheron, there is the "Jiulong Guanyu" scenic spot. This is a very wide square. Inthe center of the square, there is a huge copper tower made up of statues andAquarius. At the top of the tower, there is a huge lotus flower. With the musicof "the birthday of the Buddha", many fountains burst into the sky around thesquare, the lotus petals on the top of the tower slowly opened, and the youngSakyamuni was born in the lotus. High water columns were spurted from the ninedragon mouths under the giant tower to bathe him. This landscape reproduces thestory of the birth of Buddha. The holy water from Jiulong falls into the pooland flows out slowly from the mouth of Fenghuang. Some tourists take out theirwater cups one after another and respectfully accept the auspicious holywater.

  On the east side of Jiulong Guanyu, the Vatican Palace and the five sealMandala are even more dazzling against the blue sky.

  A clear water encircles the five seal Mandala in the middle of the water,which makes people feel that the temple is so far away, but it can be touched.After shuttling through the flowers and trees for a while, I finally found theentrance. This Tibetan Buddhist temple looks like the Potala Palace. Enteringthe mandala, countless exquisite Buddha statues and murals have come into thesight of tourists. The exquisite craftsmanship is amazing.

  The Vatican Palace made of gold is even more glittering and full of Buddhalight. This is the site of the world Buddhist Association. There is a tall andround performance hall in the Vatican Palace. On the roof of the sky, there is acolorful light like gems. There are 20__ seats in the hall, where a large-scalemusical "Ode to the auspicious mountains" is performed all year round. It tellsthe story of where people come from and where they go. With the help of the hugering screen movies around, it tells the story of Sakyamuni's founding ofBuddhism.

  After visiting the above scenic spots, I am too tired to go. But it's apity that we don't visit Lingshan Buddha when we get to Lingshan mountain. Froma distance, the Buddha stands on the top of the mountain and waves to us. I'mready to walk up the mountain again. On the way, I first met "the first palm inthe world", which is about three stories high and one finger is one meter thick.This is the palm of the Buddha, as big as the palm of the bronze statue on thetop of the mountain. The tour guide said that touching the Buddha's palm canbring good fortune, and the tourists immediately went to touch the Buddha's palmwith great interest, as if they were full of good fortune and happy.

  After the Giant Buddha's palm, there are hundreds of steps up the mountain.Visitors stop and go, pedaling the steps with difficulty. In the breath, I cameto the foot of the Buddha, tourists one by one to embrace the Buddha. This bigBuddha is 88 meters high. In front of the Giant Buddha's feet, I am so smallthat any toe is higher than me. I try my best to hold the thumb of the Buddha'sfeet, leaving a precious lens.

  Looking around from the platform at the foot of the Buddha, the Buddhastatue is surrounded by mountains on both sides. Just to the south is the vastTaihu Lake. Xuanzang, an eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty, saw this excellentgeomantic treasure land and called it Lingshan. I believe that this beautifultreasure land gathers the aura of heaven, earth and mountains. This trip made meknow something about Buddhism. The belief of Buddhism is to have a good heart,do good deeds and promote social harmony. This tour is an eye opener for me.





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