标题 | 2023年浙江江郎山的导游词 |
范文 | 2023年浙江江郎山的导游词(精选7篇) 2023年浙江江郎山的导游词 篇1大家好,我是你们的小导游徐千淇,今天我会和你们一起畅游江郎山。 先我想问朋友们一个问题,你们知道江郎山的名字是怎样来的吗?其实,传说有很多,但是民间流传最广的传说是三个姓江的兄弟为了等待一个姑娘,常常登上山顶,时间一长,便化成了三片峰,由此得名江郎山。江郎山是国家4A级景区,世界自然遗产之一,景区以“奇峰赤壁”为主要特色,属于典型的丹霞地貌风景区,被誉为“神舟丹霞第一奇峰”。 现在,请大家跟着我,沿着这条弯弯曲曲的小道往上走。这条小道叫做十八曲,道路两旁绿树成阴,花草盛开,十分阴凉,走在里面还能听见清脆的鸟叫声。大家可以和我一起边走边数,看看有没有十八个弯哦! 走完十八曲,就来到了开明禅寺,寺后,就是通往“一线天”的小路。 现在,立在我们眼前的,就是著名的“一线天”。大家可以抬头看,是不是像一座山被一把巨大的斧头劈出的一条小胡同呀!其实,这是由郎峰和亚峰天然夹击而成的,它高312米,长298米,宽约4米,被许多地质专家勘定为“全国之最”。 从不同角度看,会看到不同的形状,有时是数字“1”,有时是中文“一”,有时却是半个圆,真可谓“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同”呀!随我一起走进去,你看,左手边石壁寸草不生,光秃秃的,右手边却花草茂盛,显得生气勃勃,贴近石壁,仔细一听,还会听见泉水的“丁冬”声。一线天里非常阴凉,是天然的空调房。 加油,我们已经来到了最好玩,最刺激的地方——江郎峰。要爬上江郎峰,可不是一件容易的事情,年老和年幼的,可以从我左手边的百步涧下山。要爬江郎峰的朋友可以稍作休息,补充能量,继续前行。 接下来是自行游玩时间,希望大家注意安全,愉快玩耍,得到更多的收获! 2023年浙江江郎山的导游词 篇2大家好,我姓郑,大家可以叫我郑导,很高兴今天能担任你们的导游,今天我将带领大家去游览有着“神州丹霞第一峰”美誉的江郎山。接下来我们就出发喽! 大家看到我们身后的三座山峰了吗?这就是著名的江郎山,国家4A级景区,又名“三爿石”,这三座山峰像不像三个并肩而立的兄弟啊?关于“三爿石”还有个典故呢!相传在很久很久以前,这里住着江氏三兄弟,他们为了打败危害百姓的妖怪,不惜牺牲自己的生命,最后他们和妖怪同归于尽,三兄弟化成了这三座顶天立地的山峰,世世代代地保护着这一带的人民。 好了,现在我们来到了山脚下,从下往上看,江郎山直入云霄,大家有没有一种胆战心惊的感觉?在我们面前的是一道弯弯曲曲的台阶,这就是江郎山有名的十八曲,走完十八曲,我们就可以爬上山顶。现在我们就来征服这陡峭的台阶吧! 现在我们已经到了半山腰,大家都累了吧?那就原地休息一会儿吧。大家向前看,前面就是著名的“一线天”景观。因为两座山峰挨得很近,我们只能看到天空的一条光线,所以得名“一线天”。因为一线天的两壁不同,一边常年寸草不生,一边却草木茂盛,所以又被当地人称为“阴阳壁”。 休息好了,我们继续往上爬。终于爬到山顶了,大家看这山顶的景色,云雾缭绕,多美丽啊!再往下看,不禁让人感叹“江山如此多娇!”大家自由活动,尽情地欣赏着江郎山的美景吧!注意要保护环境,不要乱扔垃圾哦! 今天的游览到此结束,祝大家开心愉快!再见! 2023年浙江江郎山的导游词 篇3Jianglang Mountain is located in Shimen town of Jiangshan City. It isfamous for its Danxia landform and three giant rocks. It is said that in ancienttimes, three brothers surnamed Jiang climbed to the top of the mountain togetherand made three giant rocks, standing on the hills. In fact, such a magnificentmountain landscape is the result of geological evolution for hundreds ofmillions of years. The violent volcanic fault depression makes it stand aloof,and the slowly eroded weathering makes it magnificent and beautiful. Standing at the foot of Jianglang Mountain, Langfeng, Yafeng and Lingfengare in front of us. Among the three rocks, Lingfeng is full of strange rocks andold pines. The clouds and haze are scattered and the smoke is lingering, whichis like a fairyland. Yafeng is the most dangerous, almost vertical, and can't bereached. Langfeng has a towering wall, and only a steep stone step dug by handleads to the peak. Under the leadership of my father, I clenched the iron fence welded intothe cliff with my left hand, pressed it with my right hand, and barely stood ontiptoe to climb along the cliff. When he reached the mountainside, he raised hiseyes straight up, and the narrow stone steps were winding, as if leading to theend of the sky. When he looked down, he could only see that the forest wasundulating, and the sole of his feet was an abyss! "An De, who had wings, cameand went with the king." Standing in a dangerous place, the whole person iscaptured by the transcendent magnificence, just as Bai Juyi said in hispoems! Although the road to the peak is steep and infinite, my attention is alwaysattracted by the mysterious autumn scenery at the foot of the mountain. Lookingdown, the fog slowly floats up the hill, forming crystal clear dew on thegranite wall; red maple and green moss curl on the steep and smooth rock wall,forming a body with the surrounding gravel; in the abyss, the coniferous forestis dyed golden by the autumn wind, and the forest near the foot of the mountainis slightly red. The field of vision is everywhere, and the gradual change ofwarm color blocks envelop the land. I even felt that in the cool autumn of thecrisp people, my heart beat gradually became warm, and I jumped and trembledagain and again in the cliff against the pulse of the mountains. At dusk, Jianglang Mountain goes further and further away. The setting sunwarms the peaceful Shimen Town, surrounded by golden rice fields. The buscarried us on the highway that was full of Wutong trees and was inadvertentlymerged into the yellow rice waves. Looking around, there is a low wooden housefloating in the rice wave in the distance. There are several hedges beside thewooden house. The hedges are full of trembling white pear blossoms - pearblossoms? No! There are hundreds of yellow billed egrets. They are heavilycovered with branches, like clusters of pear blossoms in full bloom on theridge. Batu floated across the sea of rice, and the "pear flower" turned intosnow flakes and floated to the sky, and then flew back. Silver wings flying,white light fleeing, leaving a string of high pitched sound. Looking at the footof the mountain in autumn, my recent irritability has been calmed, and I amreally moved by everything in front of me. 2023年浙江江郎山的导游词 篇4Jianglang Mountain is a strange mountain in Jiangshan, like three stonepillars straight into the sky. Let you have to believe in the uncannyworkmanship of nature. After visiting Jianglang Mountain, the poet Xin Qiji leftthis poem: the three peaks are as green as a chip one by one, outstanding andhard to find; they are upright and helpless, supporting heaven and earth andpeople to see. Jianglang Mountain, a national key scenic spot, is located in JianglangTownship, 25 kilometers south of Jiangshan City. The ancient names of Jinchunmountain, xulang mountain and Yulang mountain (according to Fangyu shenglue) areknown as "the most magnificent in the world and the most beautiful in theSoutheast". "Wensi boyao" says: "there are three brothers of Jiang familyclimbing the mountain and turning it into stone, so it is also called JianglangMountain.". The main peak of Jianglang Mountain is 824 meters above sea level. The mainscenic area is composed of five parts: sanshifeng, shibaqu, Tashan, niubifengand Xianju temple. It is a famous tourist resort and famous for its magnificenceand strangeness. On the top of the mountain, there are three huge stones risingfrom the ground. They are more than 360 meters high. They look like stalagmitepillars, like knives and axes. The three peaks are arranged in the shape of"Chuan" from north to south, which are Langfeng, Yafeng and Lingfeng, commonlyknown as "sanqishi". It can be called "the first peak of Danxia in China". Between the three peaks, there are large lanes and small lanes, and thereare a hundred step ladder, which is circuitous. On the cliff of Langfeng, Zhanruoshuimo, a famous scholar of the Ming Dynasty, inscribed the four characters"standing on the wall and standing on ten thousand feet". The wall betweenYafeng and Lingfeng is like a cut, which is called xiaonongxia. In the meantime,looking up at the sky to open a line, overlooking a crack in the ground,commonly known as "a line of sky.". There are also toad stone, vulture stone, sister stone, chicken range lane,huixianyan and other landscapes on the mountain, most of which are named aftershape. Jianglang Mountain not only gathers rocks, caves, clouds and waterfallsin one mountain, but also gathers strange, dangerous, steep and precipitousrocks. It is majestic, peculiar and spectacular. It also has a beautiful scenerywith lush mountains, emerald trees, hidden caves and Longtan, springs and tigersrunning. Whenever the clouds and mists are diffuse, the haze is confused, andthe rays are far away from the land, it often condenses the sky and mountains inone color, and melts the clouds and peaks into one. No wonder Bai Juyi, a poetof the Tang Dynasty, praised the poem: "you can live with your wings, and youcan come and go with the emperor to get drunk.". 2023年浙江江郎山的导游词 篇5Hello, everyone. I'm very glad that I'm here to show you around thebeautiful Jianglang Mountain. I'm honored to be your guide. Now, we are at the foot of Jianglang Mountain, which is a typical DanxiaLandform in China. Jianglang Mountain is 824 meters above sea level. The threestone peaks are arranged in Sichuan characters, which are called Langfeng,Yafeng and Lingfeng respectively. The stone peak is 369 meters high, shaped likea pillar in the sky, with skyscrapers rubbing clouds. There are big lanesbetween the three peaks, and small lanes can go in and out. Xiaonong is 312meters high, 298 meters long and only 3 meters wide. It is rated as "the top ofthe sky in China" by 56 geologists in East China. The average slope of Langfeng is 88 degrees, and no one has ever been ableto climb it, which makes countless tourists think about it. Bai Juyi said in hispoem, "you can live in peace, and you will be drunk with the emperor." Now,there are more than 3500 stone steps along the stone wall, which can reach thepeak one kilometer up. Standing on the top of the mountain, there are whiteclouds passing by. Overlooking the foot, you can have a panoramic view of themountains and rivers, which makes you feel relaxed and happy. Come with me. This is the first sky in Jianglang Mountain. It is 312 metershigh and 298 meters long. It is 4 meters wide at the widest and 3.5 metersnarrow at the narrowest. It has been rated as "the largest sky in China" bygeologists in East China. In different angles, you can see different scenes of"a line of sky", sometimes Arabic numeral "1", sometimes Chinese "one",sometimes a semicircle, just like the sky is cut into a strip by twomountains! Now tour by yourself, don't Scribble, don't destroy the beautiful scenicspots. Gather in place in two hours. 2023年浙江江郎山的导游词 篇6Hi, everyone! I'm your tour guide. My surname is Zhou and my name is Siqi.Please call me Xiaoqi. Today we are going to Jianglang Mountain, which issurrounded by clouds and steep peaks. We must be looking forward to it. Let'sgo! We are now at the foot of Jianglang Mountain, which is located in JianglangTownship, 25 kilometers south of Jiangshan City, Zhejiang Province. It is saidthat three brothers surnamed Jiang ascended the mountain and turned into threehuge stones. These three huge stones rose from the ground to the sky. They weremore than 360 meters high and arranged in the shape of "Chuan" from north tosouth. The order is: Langfeng, Yafeng, Lingfeng. Jianglang Mountain not onlygathers caves, but also clouds. Waterfall in a mountain, set strange, dangerous,steep, precipitous in three stones, magnificent, worth a view. In August thisyear, it was listed on the world natural heritage list as one of the series ofnominations of "Danxia in China". Jianglang Mountain Tourism in Zhejiang Province On the hillside, around a small ditch, came to the lake. The lake iscrystal clear. You can see that groups of small fish and shrimps are swimminghappily. After walking through the xunu lake, you will arrive at eighteen songs.The winding mountain road is really dazzling. If you count carefully, are there18 bends? Ha ha, countless. Although there are only 18 bends, it looks likethere are dozens of bends. After 18 songs, we are going to attack the top of themountain. Do you have any confidence? Jianglang Mountain Tourism in Zhejiang Province "Deng Deng" we are at the top of the mountain! Take a picture as asouvenir. Come on, look at the camera, "eggplant!" This implementation is over. If you are not satisfied with this journey,please correct it in time. Finally, I wish you a good journey and a pleasantjourney. Goodbye! 2023年浙江江郎山的导游词 篇7Hello everyone, I'm your little guide Xu Qianqi. Today I'll have a goodtour of Jianglang Mountain with you. First of all, I want to ask my friends a question. Do you know the name ofJianglang Mountain? In fact, there are many legends, but the most popular oneamong the people is that three brothers surnamed Jiang often climb to the top ofthe mountain in order to wait for a girl. After a long time, they turn intothree peaks, hence the name Jianglang Mountain. Jianglang Mountain is a national4A scenic spot and one of the world natural heritages. The scenic spot ischaracterized by "Qifeng Chibi". It is a typical Danxia Landform Scenic Spot andis known as "the first Qifeng of Shenzhou Danxia". Now, please follow me and walk up this winding path. This path is calledshibaqu. On both sides of the road, the trees become shady and the flowers andplants are in full bloom. It's very shady and cool. You can still hear thechirping of birds when you walk inside. You can count along with me to see ifthere are 18 bends! After 18 songs, you come to Kaiming temple. Behind the temple is the pathleading to "yixiantian". Now, standing in front of our eyes, is the famous "yixiantian". You canlook up and see if it's like a small alley cut out of a mountain by a huge axe.In fact, it's formed by the natural attack of Langfeng and Yafeng. It's 312meters high, 298 meters long and about 4 meters wide. It's rated by manygeological experts as "the best in the country.". From different angles, you can see different shapes, sometimes the number"1", sometimes the Chinese word "one", sometimes it's a half circle. It can besaid that "the mountains are seen horizontally, and the peaks are formed on theside, and the heights are different from each other." come along with me, youcan see that the stone wall on the left side is barren and bare, but the flowersand plants on the right side are luxuriant, which makes it look lively. Close tothe stone wall, listen carefully, and you can see You can hear the sound ofdingdong from the spring. It's very shady and cool in the first day. It's anatural air-conditioned room. Come on, we have come to the most interesting and exciting place -jianglangfeng. It's not easy to climb up Jianglang peak. Old and young peoplecan go down the mountain from Baibu stream on my left. Friends who want to climbJianglang peak can take a break, replenish energy and move on. Next is the self play time, I hope you pay attention to safety, happy play,get more harvest! |
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