标题 | 名胜导游词 |
范文 | 名胜导游词(精选18篇) 名胜导游词 篇1泰山是我国的“五岳”之首,有“天下第一山”的美誉,是中国最美最令人震撼的十大名山之一。海拔1532.7米,占地面积426平方公里,气势雄伟磅礴,誉为中国的“国山”。泰山东望黄海,西襟黄河,汶水环绕,前瞻圣城曲阜,背依泉城济南,以拔地通天之势雄峙于中国东方,以五岳独尊的盛名称誉古今。泰山风景以壮丽著称,重叠的山势,厚重的形体,苍松巨石的烘托,云烟的变化,使它在雄浑中兼有明丽,静穆中透着神奇。 泰山不仅是历代帝王所奉为的“神山”,更是中华民族的精神象征、华夏历史文化的缩影。数千年来,先后有十二位皇帝来泰山封禅,孔子留下了“登泰山而小天下”的赞叹,杜甫则留下了“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”的千古绝唱。 景点分布: 泰山风景区内,有山峰156座,崖岭138座,名洞72处,奇石72块,溪谷130条,瀑潭64处,名泉72眼,古树名木万余株,古遗址42处,古墓葬13处,古建筑58处,历代刻石2500余处,石窟造像14处,近现代文物12处,文物藏品万余件。其中城子崖遗址、现存最早的石塔-四门塔、大汶口遗址、灵岩寺、岱庙、千佛崖石窟造像、龙虎塔、九顶塔、冯玉祥墓,唐大观峰石刻,北齐经石峪金刚经,被国务院公布为国家重点文物保护单位。泰山日出是岱顶奇观之一,也是泰山的重要标志,每当云雾弥漫的清晨或傍晚,游人站在较高的山头上顺光看,就可能看到缥缈的雾幕上,呈现出一个内蓝外红的彩色光环,将整个人影倒映在里面,好象佛像头上方五彩斑斓的光环,所以被称为“佛光”或“宝光”。 泰山风景区内有天烛峰、日观峰、百丈崖、仙人桥、五大夫松、望人松、龙潭飞瀑、云桥飞瀑、三潭飞瀑等著名景观。 名胜导游词 篇2女士们、先生们:大家早上好! 欢迎大家来到呼伦贝尔观光游览! 首先,我给大家介绍一下我们这个美丽的草原为什么叫呼伦贝尔草原。这里有一个美丽的传说——在很久以前,草原上有一对情侣,姑娘叫呼伦,小伙儿叫贝尔。一天,妖魔莽古斯抢走了呼伦姑娘,吸干了草原上的水,致使牧草枯黄,牲畜倒毙。为了救草原,救呼伦,贝尔夜以继日,长途跋涉寻找妖魔。由于劳累,他昏倒在地。幻觉中,他看到了呼伦被妖术变成了一朵花在风沙中受煎熬。贝尔醒后,用水浇灌那朵枯萎了的花,呼伦恢复了人身。妖魔不罢休,重新抢回了呼伦。为了救草原,呼伦设计智取了妖魔头上的神珠吞下,变成了湖水,同时,贝尔也杀死了众小妖。贝尔在湖边找不到呼伦,悲痛欲绝,纵身跃入湖中。顿时,山崩地裂,草原上形成了两个湖泊,即呼伦湖和贝尔湖,乌尔逊河把两湖紧紧地联在一起。草原上的人们为了永远怀念他(她)们,就把这片草原取名为呼伦贝尔。实际上,呼伦、贝尔都是蒙古语,分别指以鱼为食的雌水獭和雄水獭,两个湖缘此得名,两湖周边的草原和地级市遂分别得名为呼伦贝尔草原、呼伦贝尔市。呼伦贝尔市面积为25.3万平方公里,是中国也是世界上面积最大的地级市;现有270万人口,是以蒙古族为主体,汉族居多数,连同达斡尔、鄂温克、鄂伦春、满、俄罗斯等族共36个民族组成的民族区域自治地区。呼伦贝尔市辖海拉尔区、满洲里市、扎兰屯市、牙克石市、额尔古纳市、根河市、陈巴尔虎旗、新巴尔虎左旗、新巴尔虎右旗、阿荣旗、莫力达瓦达斡尔族自治旗、鄂伦春自治旗、鄂温克族自治旗等1区、5市、7旗。 〔进入草原时〕 现在,我们已来到了呼伦贝尔大草原。你我远离了城镇,远离了闹市喧嚣,走进了草原。你看,草原犹如碧绿的地毯,绿茵茵、软绵绵。往远看,草原上盛开着无数种野花,星星点点的蒙古包上升起缕缕炊烟。微风吹来,牧草飘动,马群、牛群、羊群飘来飘去,处处可见“风吹草低见牛羊”的优美景象。这里最有名的旅游目的地有呼和诺尔草原旅游区和金帐汗蒙古部落草原旅游区等。 〔来到蒙古包〕 这就是刚才我们在车上所看到的蒙古包。瞧,主人已出来迎接我们了,当然了,这可不是安排好的接待程序。在进蒙古包之前,我先作一个简单的介绍。不管您来到哪座蒙古包前,素以热情好客著称的蒙古牧民在听到有人来的脚步声时,他们总是走出包外热情迎接你。迎客时,他们将右手放在胸前,微微躬身施礼,随着“赛白呶!”(您好!)的问候,客人被请入包内。男坐左,女坐右,人坐中间,只要你一落座,主人就会端上奶茶和各种奶制品请大家品尝。过一会儿,又会端上“手扒肉”,同时,还会向您献上“哈达”,敬上美酒。美酒和歌声在一起,就像蓝天和白云、绿草和鲜花在一起。在民间有无歌不成酒宴之说。草原牧人无论男女老少,人人都会唱。在敬酒过程中,辅佐美味佳肴的就是草原民歌和悠扬动听的马头琴声。长期生活在广袤辽阔草原上的蒙古民族不仅能歌,而且善舞。在这里,你不仅能看到传统的民族舞蹈,还会看到节奏欢快、舞步刚劲的现代民族舞蹈。现在我们就进蒙古包,当一回蒙古族牧民的客人,或者说当一回蒙古人。 〔走出蒙古包〕 在蓝天白云之下,你看到一望无际的草原上,成群的牛羊、奔腾的骏马和有着娴熟骑马技能的牧民手持套马杆、挥动马鞭策马驰骋的英姿。想体验一下吗?胆大的不妨骑上蒙古马跑上几圈,要不骑上骆驼走一走,逛一逛,如果哪位不敢骑马、骑骆驼的话,没关系,坐一坐草原的“勒勒车”,也可找到游牧生活的乐趣。 〔介绍蒙古族同胞的身体状况〕 到草原亲眼看看,蒙古族姑娘哪一个不是风姿绰约、挺拔健美?小伙子哪一个不是筋骨强壮、充满豪气与力量?据说这与蒙古族平素喜欢追逐奔跑和马上运动的生活习惯有关,同时,长期以来养育了这个民族的奶茶和奶食品所起的强筋健骨的作用也不可低估。 〔介绍蒙古族饮食习惯〕 先说奶茶:主人把砖茶捣成碎末,加水熬煮,待茶水卷着茶沫哗哗响起时,倒进鲜牛奶反复熬,闻着香,奶茶即成。喝着这样的奶茶,从风雪严寒中归来的牧人顿时暖和了身子。一碗奶茶、一把炒米,或几块奶豆腐、几块熟羊肉,就算一顿美餐了。牧民的奶食品有奶干、奶皮子、奶豆腐、奶酒、奶酪和白油、黄油等。正餐可用肉食与面食调剂。 来到草原,不吃手扒肉,那才叫人遗憾呢!手扒肉是把宰杀、剥皮后洗净的全羊切成几大块放在清水里煮,开上两滚即离火起锅,持蒙古刀,手把着带骨肉边割边吃。蒙古人认为肉的外表刚变白,肉里透着微红的血丝,这才是最大限度地保留了肉的鲜嫩和营养。 〔介绍蒙古族服饰〕 草原上,一年四季都能看到穿蒙古袍的蒙古人。蒙古袍是古代牧民社会生产实践的产物。穿袍要配上腰带和头饰。袍子领高袖长,为的是保护脖子手腕不被蚊虫叮咬;袍身松驰宽展,既能马上运动自如,又可裹住膝盖脚腕不受风寒。而今,草原生活发生了巨大成了民族意识和民族观念的象征。 〔介绍蒙古包和勒勒车〕 来到草原,亲眼见到了蒙古包和勒勒车。可是,你知道蒙古包的历史和勒勒车的构造吗? 根据《史记·匈奴列传》记载,早在唐尧、虞舜时,匈奴人的先祖就居住“北地”,穿皮革、披毡裘、住穹庐,人人都知道的“天似穹庐,笼盖四野”中的“穹庐”就是类似流传至今的蒙古族毡帐——蒙古包状的住宿建筑物。从广义上推算,蒙古包的历史少说也有4000多年了。蒙古包——一个伟大民族浓缩的历史。如果说蒙古包是蒙古人的家的话,那么草原特有的“勒勒车”就是蒙古人一个移动的“家”。勒勒车“吱呀呀,吱呀呀”碾过的辙印究竟有多长?年代有多远?现已无法考证。勒勒车以桦木为造车原料。车瓦、辐条、轮心、车轴、车辕、车架全用桦木做成,质地坚硬,着水受潮不易变形。勒勒车车轮又高又大,这是为什么呢?因为草原上的勒勒车常常要碾过茂密的草丛、深厚的积雪、河边湖滨的沼泽地带,由于车轮高大,能避免陷车,可保畅通无阻。牧人倒场(搬家),勒勒车前边载人,后边拉货。勒勒车是草原牧人必备的家当和亲密的伙伴。 〔介绍蒙古族节庆〕 草原上的节日有许多,但最有名的还算草原盛会——那达慕。“那达慕”蒙古语是娱乐、游艺、玩的意思。一般活动包括赛马、摔跤、射箭和民族文艺表演等。那达慕历史悠久,早在720xx年前就闻名于世。现在的那达慕一般都在6、7月间举行。这时正是草原牧草茂盛、牛羊肥壮的丰收季节。牧民需要出售牲畜和畜产品、购买生活用品和生产资料,因草原辽阔,牧民聚集在一起的机会不多,所以,那达慕大会自然也就成了物资交流的大会。说到那达慕,不能不说“祭敖包”。“敖包”是蒙古语的音译,意思是“堆子”,它是由人工堆积起来的石堆或土堆,一般建在山顶或丘陵之上。茫茫草原,辽阔无边,方向和道路难以确认,于是人们就想到了个办法,垒石成堆,当作标志。但在漫长的历史发展中,它逐步演变成了祭祀山神和路神的地方。祭敖包是蒙古族人最为隆重热烈的祭祀活动。祭祀时,敖包上要插树枝,上挂五颜六色的布条或写有经文的纸旗。传统的祭祀礼仪一般有4种,即:血祭、酒祭、火祭、玉祭,但不论哪种,都要请喇嘛焚香点火,诵经念咒。人们都要从左向右顺时针围着敖包转3圈,有的要向堆上扔几块小石头等,祈神降福,保佑人畜兴旺。礼仪结束,人们便进入了无拘无束、自由欢乐的阶段。牧民不仅要举行赛马、摔跤、射箭等传统的活动项目,还要引吭高歌,翩翩起舞,开怀畅饮。此刻,有些青年男女便悄悄避开人群去谈情说爱了,这就是所说的“敖包相会”吧。不过,现在游客们参与的“祭敖包”往往是为了旅游的需要而举行的,礼仪也就更为简单了。 天下第一曲水莫尔格勒河,发源于大兴安岭西麓,流淌于呼伦贝尔大草原上。河长319公里,流域面积4987平方公里。自东北向西南流经陈巴尔虎旗全境,流域内地势平坦开阔,河流落差较小,河道异常弯曲,似“九曲回肠”,因经著名作家老舍品题为“全国第一曲”,遂有“天下第一曲水”之美誉。两岸水草丰美,是良好的天然牧场和草原旅游胜地。下游流经呼和诺尔草原旅游区,注入呼和诺尔湖,又于湖东南流出而归入海拉尔河。呼和诺尔草原旅游区呼和诺尔草原旅游区占地面积约20平方公里,水肥草美,风光奇秀,位于呼伦贝尔大草原西北部古老的巴尔虎草原中心地带,310国道从旁经过,距海拉尔区45公里,距满洲里市110公里。呼和诺尔草原是我国目前少数未受任何工业污染和农业开发的天然优良草原之一,在国内草原旅游资源中具有垄断性和独特性。 在自然旅游资源方面,该旅游区形成了以草原自然生态景观为主,河流、湖泊、矿泉、冰雪、芦苇等多样类型为辅的自然生态景观。“呼和诺尔”,蒙古语意为“青蓝色的湖”,面积12平方公里。湖的四周是一望无际的大草原。独特的自然环境与丰富的野生动植物资源共同构成了一幅别具风格的自然画卷,使这里成为草原生态观光的理想之地。 世代生活在这里的巴尔虎蒙古族以千百年沿袭至今的独有的生产生活方式、民俗礼仪向来自远方的游客诉说着他们悠久的历史文化,展示着这里作为北方游牧民族成长摇篮的风采。这里浓缩着呼伦贝尔草原的精华,游呼伦贝尔草原,不可不来呼和诺尔草原旅游区噢!旅游区建有大型多功能蒙古包,可容纳600人同时就餐,另外还有大小蒙古包几十顶,供游人住宿。设有射箭、摔跤、骑马、访问牧民家庭、观看驯马、套马表演、祭敖包、篝火晚会、乘船游湖等活动项目。该旅游区(中心地带),1997年被评为内蒙古十佳旅游景点之一,现为国家3A级旅游区。游牧圣地——金帐汗部落草原旅游区金帐汗蒙古部落草原旅游区位于呼伦贝尔草原有“中国第一曲水”之称的莫尔格勒河下游东畔,是呼伦贝尔惟一以游牧部落为景观的旅游景区。这里是中外驰名的天然牧场。中国历史上许多北方马背民族都曾在这里游牧、繁衍生息。12世纪末至13世纪初,一代天骄成吉思汗曾在这里秣马厉兵,与各部落争雄,最终占据了呼伦贝尔草原。的布局,就是当年成吉思汗行帐的缩影和再现。每逢夏季,陈巴尔虎旗“走敖特尔”的蒙古族、鄂温克族的牧民们便来到这山青水秀、水草丰美的地方搭包放牧,自然形成一个游牧部落群体。蓝蓝天空,白白云朵,弯弯河水,茵茵绿草,群群牛羊,点点毡房,袅袅炊烟和浓浓民族风情,使这里成为世界上少有的游牧圣地。金帐汗蒙古部落草原旅游区,现为国家2A级旅游区。一位颇有诗才的游客来呼伦贝尔草原的这两个旅游区游览后即兴作《草原行吟》四首,情真意切,颇为感人。 独特风情凭体验,此行最是乐逍遥。朋友们,谁的诗写得好,也请留下您的大作、墨宝,既可作为呼伦贝尔草原之旅的纪念,也可供后来者赏析,启迪旅游者的心灵。〔结束语〕 各位尊贵的客人,我们在草原上有过的这样一段体验,可能使各位对草原生活的蒙古民族有一个大概的了解吧,对美丽的呼伦贝尔草原可能也增进了一些感情。同样,草原和草原上的人也很喜爱大家,欢迎大家的到来,他们都以极大的热情期待着各位再次光临。 女士们、先生们,让我们能有机会再次相会在呼伦贝尔草原! 名胜导游词 篇3泰山古称“岱宗”、“岱山”,世称“东岳”,为“五岳之首”、“五岳独尊”,位于山东省中部,总面积426平方公里,主峰玉皇顶海拔高度1545米。泰山以其有容乃大的气魄将历史文化、自然景观、地质地貌完美和谐地融合在一起,被誉为中国历史文化的缩影、中华民族精神的象征。自古泰山便被视为社稷稳定、政权巩固、国家昌盛、民族团结的象征,也成为几千年来中国唯一受过皇帝封禅的名山。据史书记载,秦代以前曾有72位帝王到泰山祭告天地,秦以后又相继有12位皇帝来泰山封禅朝拜。泰山目前有保存较好的古建筑群26处、寺庙58座、古遗址128处、碑碣1239块、摩崖刻石1800余处,泰山古建筑群为全国重点文物保护单位。泰山形成于28亿年前的太古代,地质年代久远,有群峰拱岱、山水相依、气势磅礴、雄伟壮丽的山系,“稳如泰山”、“重如泰山”即源于泰山独特的地质特征。泰山现有百龄以上古树名木18000多株,其中23株列入世界自然遗产名录。1982年,泰山被国务院公布为第一批国家重点风景名胜区;1987年,泰山被联合国教科文组织列为首例世界文化与自然双遗产;20xx年泰山被联合国教科文组织评为世界地质公园,成为世界文化、自然、地质三重遗产。 近年来,泰山景区秉承“爱护遗产,享受遗产,传承遗产”的宗旨,牢固树立“严格保护,永续利用,实现科学发展”的指导思想,和“树立中华国山地位,打造四重世界遗产,把泰山建设成国际知名遗产地和旅游目的地”的工作目标,“跳出泰山看泰山,放眼世界看泰山”,不断强化泰山文化、自然、地质、非物质文化遗产挖掘利用,以保护筑基石,以项目强后劲,以服务树形象,以促销引客源,全面推进了景区的科学发展。连续取得首批全国文明风景旅游区、首批国家5A级旅游景区、首批国家级非物质文化遗产、首座中国书法名山、中国最美的十大名山、中国民间文化遗产旅游示范区榜首、中国旅-业十大影响力品牌、中国青年喜爱的旅游目的地、欧洲人最喜爱的中国十大景区等一系列高含金量品牌;连续两届排名“中华100大人文与生态名山口碑金榜”首位,荣膺“中华国山”特别美誉;先后与中国台湾阿里山、日本富士山、韩国汉拿山缔结为友好山,与巴西阿拉里皮世界地质公园建立友好合作关系,泰山在国内外的知名度、美誉度和核心竞争力明显提升。 名胜导游词 篇4大家好,欢迎和我一起观赏长城。我姓岳,你们可以叫我岳导游。来到这里,希望大家注意自己的安全、保护好自己的财务、不要乱刻乱画、不乱丢瓜皮纸屑,在路上,请不要大声喧哗。 各位旅客,我们现在已经来到长城脚下,你们看,长城像不像一条长龙在崇山峻岭之间蜿蜒盘旋呢?我告诉你,它可有一万三千多里,如果你想看一看,就上去大饱眼福吧。 各位游客,我们现在已经登上八达岭万里长城了,它使用巨大的城砖和条石筑成的,它高大坚固、气魄雄伟。也很宽,五六匹马可以并行,如果你们不信,就伸出双手,都可以站十几个人,城墙外沿有成排的垛子,垛子上有方形的了望口和射口,古时,用来射击和看敌人的动向。每隔三百米就有一座城台,是以前屯兵们的堡垒。 长城有许多故事,比如说:孟姜女哭长城等,传说很久以前江苏松江府有个孟家庄,孟家庄有一老汉善种葫芦。这一年他种的葫芦长得非常繁盛,其中一棵竟伸到了邻居姜家院里。孟、姜两家非常交好,于是便相约秋后结了葫芦一家一半。到了秋天,果然结了一个大葫芦,孟、姜两家非常高兴,把葫芦摘下来准备分享。忽听葫芦里传出一阵阵小孩的哭声,孟老汉非常奇怪,便用刀把葫芦切开一看,呀!有个小女孩端坐在葫芦中,红红的脸蛋,圆嘟嘟的小嘴,很是惹人喜爱。姜家老婆婆一看,喜欢的不得了,一把抱起来说:“这孩子就给我吧!”可是孟老汉无儿无女,非要不可,两家争执起来,一时间不可开交。到后来,只好请村里的长者来断。长者说:“你们两家已约定葫芦一家一半,那么这葫芦里的孩子就算你们两家合养吧。” 于是小姑娘便成了姜孟两家的掌上明珠,因孟老汉无儿无女,便住在了孟家,取名孟姜女。斗转星移,日月如梭,孟姜女一天天地长大了,她心灵手巧,聪明伶俐,美丽异常,织起布来比织女,唱起歌来赛黄莺,孟老汉爱如珍宝。这一天,孟姜女[1]完针线,到后花园去散心。园中荷花盛开,池水如碧,忽然一对大蝴蝶落在池边的荷叶上,吸引了她的视线,她便轻手轻脚地走过去,用扇一扑,不想用力过猛,扇子一下掉在水中。 孟姜女很是气恼,便挽起衣袖,探手去捞,忽听背后有动静,急忙回头一看,原来是一个年轻公子立在树下,满面风尘,精神疲惫。孟姜女急忙找来父母孟老汉对年轻人私进后花园,非常生气,问道:“你是什么人,怎么敢私进我的后花园?”年轻人急忙连连请罪,诉说了原委。原来这个年轻人名叫万喜良,本姑苏人氏,自幼读书,满腹文章。不想秦始皇修筑长城,到处抓壮丁,三丁抽一,五丁抽二,黎民百姓怨声载道。万喜良急忙乔装改扮逃了出来。刚才是因饥渴难耐,故到园中歇息,不想惊动了孟姜女,边说边连连告罪。 孟姜女见万喜良知书秉礼,忠厚老实,便芳心暗许。孟老汉对万喜良也很同情,便留他住了下来,孟姜女向爹爹言明心意,孟老汉非常赞成,便急忙来到前厅,对万喜良道:“你现在到处流落,也无定处,我想招你为婿,你意如何呀?”万喜良急忙离座辞道:“我乃逃亡之人,只怕日后连累小姐,婚姻之事万不敢想。”无奈孟姜女心意已决,非喜良不嫁,最后万喜良终于答应。孟老汉乐得嘴都合不上了,急忙和姜家商议挑选吉日,给他们完婚。伺机报复。孟家庄有一无赖,平时喜欢拈花惹草,无所事事,多次上门求亲,孟老汉坚辞不允,他便怀恨在心,如今听说了万喜良之事,便偷偷地到官府去告了密,带着官兵来抓人。 这时孟家还蒙在鼓里呢,他们刚刚新婚三天,仍沉浸在喜悦之中,忽然哗啦啦一声,大门被撞开了,一群官兵冲进来,不由分说,把万喜良绳捆索绑就要带走,孟姜女急忙扑上去,被官兵一把推开,眼睁睁看着自己的夫君被官兵带走了。自此孟姜女日夜思君,茶不思,饭不想,忧伤不已。转眼冬天来了,大雪纷纷,姜女想丈夫修长城,天寒地冻,无衣御寒,便日夜赶着缝制棉衣,边做边唱起了自编的小曲:“月儿弯弯分外明,孟姜女丈夫筑长城,哪怕万里迢迢路,送御寒衣是浓情。”一夜之间,做好棉衣,孟姜女千里迢迢,踏上路程。一路上跋山涉水,风餐露宿,不知饥渴,不知劳累,昼夜不停地往前赶,这一日终于来到了长城脚下。可长城下民夫数以万计,到哪里去找呢?她逢人便打听,好心的民夫告诉她,万喜良早就劳累致死,被埋在长城里筑墙了。 孟姜女一听,心如刀绞,便求好心的民工引路来到了万喜良被埋葬的长城下。坐在城下,孟姜女悲愤交加:想自己千里寻夫送寒衣,尽历千难万险,到头来连丈夫的尸骨都找不到,怎不令人痛断柔肠。愈想愈悲,便向着长城昼夜痛哭,不饮不食,如啼血杜鹃,望月子规。这一哭感天动地,白云为之停步,百鸟为之噤声。直哭了三天三夜,忽听轰隆隆一阵山响,一时间地动山摇,飞沙走石,长城崩倒了八百里,这才露出万喜良的尸骨。长城倾倒八百里,惊动了官兵,官兵上报秦始皇。 秦始皇悖然大怒,下令把孟姜女抓来。等孟姜女被抓,秦始皇一见她生的貌美,便欲纳她为正宫娘娘。孟姜女说:“要我作你的娘娘,得先依我三件事:一要造长桥一座,十里长,十里阔;二要十里方山造坟墩;三要万岁披麻戴孝到我丈夫坟前亲自祭奠。”秦始皇想了想便答应了。不几日,长桥坟墩已全都造好,秦始皇身穿麻衣,排驾起行,过长城上长桥,过了长桥来到坟前祭奠。祭毕,秦始皇便要孟姜女随他回宫。孟姜女冷笑一声道:“你昏庸残暴,害尽天下黎民,如今又害死我夫,我岂能作你的娘娘,休可妄想!”说完便怀抱丈夫遗骨,跳入了波涛汹涌的大海。一时间,浪潮滚滚,排空击岸,好像在为孟姜女悲叹。 好了,旅客们,我们今天的游览到此结束,希望大家有机会去参观我们中国别的自然景观,再见。 名胜导游词 篇5各位来宾朋友:大家好! 首先我代表旅行社,衷心的欢迎诸位来到丽江观光旅游, 云南丽江古城导游词范文 。我姓和,和气的和,大家叫我小和就可以了;驾车的司机姓木,树木的木。在云南,凡是姓和、姓木的,绝大部分是丽江纳西族。今天,我非常高兴能为各位导游,我将尽我所能把丽江最美好的景观介绍给各位。 作为东道主,现在我想用丽江纳西族独有的方式为大家接风。我们的方式很简单,就是由我为大家唱纳西迎宾曲。 “远方来的朋友啊,纳西家里来到了,坐一坐。山也欢,水也笑,纳西人家多欢喜。祝愿大家心情舒畅……” 我和木师傅衷心祝愿大家在丽江度过一段舒心、愉快的美好时光。我们这个旅行团在丽江的逗留时间是四天三晚,第一、三晚住宾馆,第二晚下榻泸沽湖摩梭山庄。在此期间,我要带大家去参观丽江古城、玉龙雪山、长江第一湾、虎跳峡、泸沽湖等几个主要的景区。在丽江,各位来宾有什么事情要办,有需要我和木师傅帮忙之处,请不要客气,尽管提出来,我们一定尽力去办。 我们降落的丽江机场,坐落在与大理州鹤庆县交界的丽江县七河乡境内,海拔2200米,1995年建成通航。丽江机场可起降波音737大型客机,现已开通丽江至昆明、北京、广州、上海、成都、香港、西双版纳等多条航线,每年客流量超过了50万人次。丽江机场现已经成为云南省仅次于昆明的第二大航空港。 从机场到丽江城有26公里,乘车时间大约需要30分钟,我将利用这段时间给大家介绍一下沿途的风光和丽江的概况。 现在我们的车正行驶在大(理)丽(江)公路上,前面这座缓坡叫关坡,在古代这里是出入丽江古城的重要关隘,如今也是丽江的南大门。这里距昆明550公里,坐上空调大巴南下大理需要3小时,到昆明需要6-8小时,早上还在四方街吃丽江粑粑,下午就可以到昆明去吃过桥米线了! 首先需要说明一点的是,丽江既是一个县又一个地区的名称。丽江地区现在管辖4个县,其中华坪县是煤炭基地,永胜县是鱼米之乡,宁蒗彝族自治县和丽江纳西族自治县是重点旅游开发区。全区面积20600平方公里,总人口112万,除汉族外,人口较多的还来纳西族、彝族、傈僳族、白族、普米族等10个少数民族,人口64万,约占全区总人口的57%。丽江少数民族的语言、习俗、民居、服饰、节日、歌舞丰富多彩,独具特色。 现在,我们的车过了关坡丫口,地势一下子变得平坦起来了,一个宽宽的山间盆地展现在眼前,这就是云南特有民族纳西族的主要聚居地。我们称为丽江坝子,它是滇西北最大的高原盆地,面积近200平方公里,海拔2400米左右。丽江县城大研镇就坐落在坝子的中央。人们通常说的丽江古城,就是这个大研镇的中心,这在1997年12月4日被联合国列入世界文化遗产名单,成为一座世界文化名城。 说到这里,大家可能会问了:为什么这里叫“丽江”呢? “丽江”一名,始于元朝至元十三年(1276年)设置行政区丽江路。《元史·地理志》说:“路因江名。”就是说,“丽江”地名的由来最早起源于金沙江的别称“丽水”。大家知道,金沙江就是长江上游,因产金沙得名。但为什么金沙江又称“丽水”、“丽江”呢?史书上的主要说法是金沙江源于青藏高原犁牛石,而称犁水,即犁田的犁,山水的水。昆明大观楼长联作者孙髯翁就在《金沙江》诗中写道:“劈开蕃域斧无痕,流出犁牛向丽奔”。蕃域即今藏族先民吐蕃居住区。后因犁、丽声音相近而异写为丽水、丽江。 从地图上看,丽江的西、北、东三面都有金沙江环绕,就像拉丁字母W,形成三大转折奇观。由此看来,元世祖忽必烈用此突出的自然实体取名“丽江”,是很恰当的。丽江就是美丽的金沙江,当地纳西语又叫“依古堆”,意为大江转弯的地方。说到这里就引出了丽江古城的大环境——玉壁金川。玉壁指的就是玉龙雪山,它位于这个坝子的北端,像是古城的一堵银色照壁,把古城映衬得光彩夺目。金川指的就是金沙江,它三面环绕丽江地区615公里,堪称全球最美丽的江段。 丽江县城虽然地处云南西北高原,终年看见雪山,然而没有严寒,没有酷暑,不要暖气,不要空调。这里年均气温摄氏12.6度,最冷的1月平均气温约为摄氏6度,最热月的平均气温约为摄氏18度,年温差仅有12度左右。同时,丽江出现绝对低温和绝对高温的次数比较少,持续时间也不会太长,所以四季的界限不很明显。究其原因,主要是低纬度的地理位置,丽江位于北纬27度左右,冬夏两季日射角度变化小,地面温度比较均匀;而每年夏秋,又受海洋季风暖湿气流影响,阴雨天多,地面气温不易升高;加之纵横交错的高山成为阻挡北方寒流的天然屏障,所以这晨形成干暖温和的独特气候。 同时,丽江工业不多,自然很少受到污染,空气清新洁净,到处青山碧水,四季庄稼生长,尤其冬春季节,天空分外湛蓝,阳光充足明媚,令人赏心悦目。当然,正是由于丽江的四季不很明显,立体变化,遇雨成冬,而且昼夜之间的温差比较大,所以外地客人到丽江后应适当注意增减衣服,以免引起感冒。 各位朋友,丽江虽然地处偏僻,却有着悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。五万年前,已有旧石器晚期智人“丽江人”在此生息。从新石器、青铜器的发现进一步证实了丽江是云南古人类的摇篮之一。丽江地区开发较早,公元前120xx年西汉即设遂久县管辖,元初设置云南37路之一的丽江路,“丽江”一名从此开始。元代至清初的470年间,丽江是纳西族木氏土司统治区域中心。 如今的丽江县,是中国唯一的纳西族自治县,也是丽江地区最大的一个县,面积7648平方公里,人口约36万,其中纳西族占55%。纳西族源于中国古代南迁的氐羌族群,居住在以丽江为中心的滇川藏交界处,总人口约有30万,而丽江县有20万,占全国纳西族总人口的67%。纳西族人口不多,分布不广,然而却以古老而丰富的民族文化著称,有人说它是小民族创造大文化。 纳西族最为著名的文化特色是“三个活化石”。所谓“三个活化石”,即是文字活化石——纳西象形文字、音乐活化石——纳西古乐、人类社会活化石——摩梭人母系大家庭。创造于唐代的纳西东巴文,被称为世界上唯一活着的象形文字;至今仍在丽江流行的两套大型古典乐曲《白沙细乐》,被中外音乐界被为“国宝”;泸沽湖畔摩梭人,至至今仍保持着母系大家庭和不娶不嫁的阿夏走婚形态,为世所罕见。 说话间我们已经来到丽江古城南郊的环城路上。大家请看,右前方有一座苍翠的山岗,形似狮子滚绣球而得名狮子山。秀丽的狮子山天然地把丽江古城和新城分隔开来,但又将它们联成一个有机的整体。山顶高楼,名叫“万古楼”。登楼北望雪山,历历在目,南观古城,尽收眼底。 路的左边,这座高大的建筑叫黑白水大酒店,主楼高17层,客房128间,是由云南黑白水电力集团投资控股的四星级酒店。前面是一个丁字路口,我们右转进入民主路,路口左右各有一座酒店:右边的森龙大酒店,是由丽江森龙集团投资兴建的三星级酒店;左边是云杉饭店,也是丽江地区规模最大、设施最为完备的客运汽车站。 我们乘坐的汽车正在环绕狮子山西北侧行驶,途中我们还经过了丽江体育场、神农大酒店、邮电大楼、百信商场、百货大楼等单位。这里是一个三叉路口,右转不远就可以进入丽江古城,我们左转进入新大街,这是丽江新城的第一条街道,也是目前商场最集中、最热闹的街道之一。前面一个丁字路口,左转可以进入福慧路,丽江地区和自治县两级府署就在这条路上。 我们继续北行不远,就是丽江新城最早建的市政广场——红太阳广场。广场左边是新建的国际文化交流中心,右边矗立着毛泽东塑像,像后衬托着一堵语录墙,这座建于1969年的毛泽东塑像,设计极富时代色彩,就连每一处数字的组合都是精心安排。正方形的台基高1.949米,寓意中华人民共和国1949年成立,拉开了一个崭新时代的序幕。塑像基座高5.16米,南面有韶山、井冈山浮雕,北面是延安、西柏坡浮雕,西面(正面)是天安门和红旗浮雕,它们简明地勾勒了毛泽东有代表性的重要革命历程。塑像全身高7.1米,寓意中国共产党7月1日成立。整座塑像包括基座和塑身高12.26米,寓意毛泽东生于12月26日。 请看:毛泽东身穿军装,左手自然贴裤,右手上扬,正向人们致意。1996年2月3日,丽江发生了七级大地震,广场四周建筑顷刻间大量坍塌,让人惊讶的是这座毛泽东塑像却丝毫无损、巍然不动,一时传为奇闻异事。不管怎么说,一代伟人毛泽东,在中国人民的心目中,在老百姓的情感上,是永远不会磨灭的。这一特殊时代的产物,既能引起人们对革命先辈的缅怀之情,也可引起人们对历史的反思。 各位来宾,我们下榻的宾馆到了。请大家带好随身物品准备下车。请大家到大堂后稍事休息,我和领队立刻给大家办理入住手续,进房间后首先请检查一下房间的物品是否齐备,大家可以洗洗脸,喝点水,休息一下。请记住,中午12点在一楼餐厅用餐。因为我们中午饭后就直接到丽江古城游览,请带好下午参观游览的必需品。 名胜导游词 篇6岱庙俗称“东岳庙”,坐落于山东省泰山的南麓。 泰山位居五岳之首,岱庙是泰山规模最大的建筑群。自秦汉以来,就成为历代帝王封禅泰山,举行盛典的地方。至唐宋时期达到鼎盛,有殿宇楼阁八百多间,金、元、明、清各代又屡经修葺增扩,遂形成了今天的规模。岱庙与北京故宫、山东曲阜三孔、承德避暑山庄和外八庙,并称中国四大古建筑群。 岱庙占地面积约96500平方米,雉堞周匝,四隅角楼,四面辟门,庙内的建筑可分中、东、西三路。中轴线上由南向北依次为正阳门、遥参亭、天贶殿、寝宫;东路为钟楼、汉柏院、东御座;西路为鼓楼、唐槐院、道舍院。 天贶殿是岱庙的主体建筑,始建于北宋大中祥符二年(1020xx年),大殿共九间,长48.7米,宽19.8米,高22.3米,台基为石筑,白石雕栏环绕四周,重檐歇山式殿顶,黄琉璃瓦覆盖。殿内保存有巨幅宋代壁画《启跸回銮图》,长62米,高3.3米,描绘了东岳泰山之神出巡时浩浩荡荡的场面,共有人物630余名,并绘有各类珍禽异兽、山石树木、宫殿楼阁等,构图严谨,疏密相间,气势磅礴,笔法流畅。所绘人物根据不同的身份,各具神态,尊卑有别,后代虽然又多次增补,但仍不失宋代的画风,是十分难得的研究资料。 岱庙东路末端的仿木结构铜亭,是中国屈指可数的珍贵铜铸大型建筑之一。始建于明万历四十三年(1620xx年),原在泰山顶峰碧霞祠内,是奉祀碧霞元君之所,1972年移至岱庙内。铜亭长4.4米,宽3.4米,造型端庄浑厚,铸造工艺极为精湛,堪称中国古代铜铸艺术的精品。 岱庙内碑碣林立,保存着历代的修庙祭告碑、经幢、题名、诗刻等共计151方,一直有碑林的名号。藏于东御座的秦二世诏书石刻,是以公元前220xx年李斯的篆书镌刻而成的,是目前中国保存的最为古老的文字石刻之一。藏于汉柏院的东汉建宁元年(168年)的衡方碑、中平三年(20xx年)张迁碑、西晋泰始八年(272年)孙夫人碑和唐神宝寺碑、汉张衡不忘碑等,都是著名的碑刻。 名胜导游词 篇7各位来宾大家好!欢迎来到丽江古城,我叫刘锦鹏,大家可以叫我刘导,今天,我非常高兴能成为各位的导游,我将尽我所能把丽江最美丽的景观介绍给各位。 丽江古城,在1997年g 12月4日被联合国列入世界文化遗产名单,成为一座世界文化名城。丽江县城虽然地处云南西北高原,终年看见雪山,然而这里没有严寒,没有酷暑,不要暖气,不要空调,是一个冬暖夏凉的地方。 丽江工业不多,所以空气清新洁净,到处青山碧水,天空分外 湛南,阳光充足明媚,令人赏心悦目。但丽江昼夜之间的温度比较大,所以大家到丽江后应注意适当增减衣服,以免引起感冒。 从丽江往北眺望,高耸云天的玉龙雪山壮美雄奇。民谣说它“一山有四季,十里不同天”。它的海拔5596米,是国家5A级风景名胜区、云南省级保护区。这里素有“动植物宝库”的美誉,这里的植物有杜鹃、牡丹、丁香等人间庭园的奇珍,动物有金钱豹、云豹、羚羊等国家保护动物,同时这里又是巨大的天然水库。下面,请大家自由浏览古城吧! 教师点评:将丽江古城介绍的很清楚,好。文章的开头用词也很好,“将尽我所能把丽江最美丽的景观介绍给各位”,这样会赢得游客的好感。但最后的提醒不具体。 名胜导游词 篇8Hello everyone! I'm very glad to meet you on such a sunny day. First ofall, on behalf of our company, happy time travel agency, I would like to expressmy heartfelt welcome to you. Thanks to your great fortune, I'm very lucky to beyour guide. My name is Wang. You can just call me Xiao Wang. This one beside meis the one who has made the most painstaking efforts in our journey Our driver,Master Liu, has 30 years of driving experience. You can rest assured that hewill drive. Although our car is not big, it can accommodate all corners of theworld. Since we can get together in this small car from 9.6 million squarekilometers of land, we can borrow Fan Wei's classic saying "fate..." Because offate, we sit together, because fate, we become friends, since we are friends, ifI do something inappropriate, you should put forward it in time, I will correctit immediately. My friends, our car is a blue and white golden dragon. Thelicense plate number is __X, and the last two digits of the license plate numberare __, which is our group number. I hope you can pay attention to theidentification when you get on and off. There is a song called "often go home tohave a look", there is a desire called "often come out for a walk", that istourism, tourism is important, but safety is the most important. It is said thatthe world is like a book. If you don't travel, you can read only one page of thebook: now let's travel together, let's read this page of China together. Next,let's read the first chapter: this page belongs to Hunan. The first section isChangsha, our first stop today. Dear friends, the place we just passed by is Changsha railway station. Itstarted construction in 1975 and was completed in 1977. At that time, it wascalled China's three major railway stations together with Beijing railwaystation and Guangzhou railway station. At the same time, when it was completed,it was also one of the top ten buildings in China at that time. There are 16railway bureaus and two Railway Group companies on the national railway network.It can be said that there are countless trains issued every day. One of them isvery special, that is, train T1. Train T1 starts in Beijing and ends inChangsha. We think that this is a special symbolic meaning. It is Mao Zedongfrom Hunan who created new China. Changsha in Hunan is always connected withBeijing. Now we can see that the main building of Changsha railway station is abell tower, which will ring the song "Dongfanghong" every hour. Its shape is atorch, some friends say it is like a red hot pepper, symbolizing the uprightnessand blood of Hunan people. In the cultural revolution, after Deng Xiaoping's comeback, he emphasizedthe development of national economy and gave full play to the great role ofRailway "artery". Modeling reflects "a single spark can start a prairie fire".It was during the cultural revolution that the new railway station in Changshawas of special political significance. Hunan is Chairman Mao's hometown,Changsha is Chairman Mao's early revolutionary activities in the city, politicalsignificance is extraordinary. Therefore, the higher authorities require thatthe shape of Changsha railway station can express the theme of "a single sparkcan start a prairie fire". In order to show this theme, designers have carriedout extensive discussion and put forward many design schemes. Build a "nationalstyle" bell tower and torch. Due to the special political requirements in theconstruction of Changsha railway station and various assumptions, Changsharailway station has finally determined a unique facade scheme: a field shapedplane with staggered front and rear floors and tunnel entrance, and a bell towertorch with national style, which symbolizes that Changsha is the first placewhere Chairman Mao ignited the revolutionary fire. The bell tower is anindispensable part of the station design. Its appearance is necessary both fromthe needs of the people and from the construction of the station. Some expertswho reported in Beijing also attended the seminar. At the time of the report,Minister Wan Li paid more attention to the modeling. He suggested that thedesign should reflect the concept of Chairman Mao's early revolutionary memorialsite and the characteristics of traffic architecture, and that there must be abell tower. The bell tower is the modeling center of the whole facade, withoutcareful consideration, it will affect the overall situation. The top of the belltower adopts the traditional style of ancient Chinese architecture, but thecornice is not warped and there is no curve, which makes it a little new in thetradition. Finally, the design decided to use triple eaves glazed tile roof.According to the needs of Changsha urban planning at that time, the bell towerwas in the middle of the top of the station, facing the central axis of WuyiRoad. The music was selected as the most popular "Oriental red" at thattime. The use of "Oriental red" reflects the love for Chairman Mao. The wholemachine room of the clock tower is customized in Shanghai and then transportedto Changsha for installation. The music played was also made in Shanghai clockfactory. The towering clock tower has become the new commanding height ofChangsha. You can see it from Laodao River in the north to Xiangjiang bridge inthe West. At that time, Changsha railway station was the tallest building inChangsha. At that time, the requirement for the bell tower was that the traincould see the bell tower and the torch when passing through Laodaohe station,and the sound of telling the time could be heard a few kilometers away. WangChengzong, 32 years ago, was in charge of propaganda in the railway department.He recalled that the authorities required that there must be a huge torch on thetop of the main building of the station, which symbolized that Hunan wasChairman Mao's hometown and ignited the flames of the Chinese revolution. In thespecific design, the "orientation" of the flame has become a puzzle. Judgingfrom the current location of the railway station, it's east facing west.Generally speaking, if the front of the torch is in the west, if the torch isgoing to fly, it should take the front as the positive direction of the torch,that is to say, the torch is going to fly to the East. From then on, there was apolitical problem, "because Chairman Mao once said: the east wind prevails overthe west wind, the east wind shows the strength of the revolutionary people, andthe west wind marks a decadent system. If the torch flies to the East, won't thewest wind overwhelm the east wind? That won't work. It's a political mistake. "If the design is based on "east wind overwhelms west wind", the torch will floatfrom east to west. In that case, the main entrance of the station faces west,which is neither reasonable nor beautiful. Wanli clapped the torch and the flamewas burning in the sky. After a long time, no one could solve the problem of thewind direction of the torch, so we had to discuss it collectively. But we can'tcome up with a way to get the best of both worlds. In order to make a plan assoon as possible, Minister Wan Li finally made a decision and came up with aplan that everyone had no objection to -- no wind, the torch flame is burning inthe sky! The flame is rushing into the sky, looking red, especially like a redpepper. It happens that Hunan people love to eat pepper. People from all overthe country who come to Changsha railway station say that this is Hunan people'sfavorite pepper. The flat road we are walking now is Wuyi Avenue. Wuyi Avenue was built in1951, so it is called Wuyi Road. Wuyi Road starts from the railway station inthe East and ends at Xiangjiang bridge in the west, with a total length of 4138meters. It is one of the main roads in Changsha, and it is also the east-westaxis of the whole city. It used to be relatively narrow. The road is only 19meters wide. In 20__, the provincial government invested more than 600 millionyuan to rebuild Wuyi Avenue. You can see that now Wuyi Avenue is full of trafficand orderly. There are eight motorways running back and forth, with an averagewidth of 60 meters. Wuyi Avenue is the straightest, longest, widest and mostbeautiful Central Avenue in Changsha. It passes through the most prosperousareas in Changsha. For example, Huangxing South Road Pedestrian Street, the mostpopular commercial pedestrian street in Changsha, is on its south side. Theurban construction of Changsha, especially the road construction, has developedrapidly after 20__. There is also such a small story about the road constructionin Changsha, which is popular among the people. It is said that at the 15thNational Congress of the Communist Party of China in 1998, Comrade ZhangYunchuan, the former governor of Hunan Province, was personally received by ZhuRongji. He was a native of Changsha County. At that time, he said such asentence to governor Zhang in Changsha Dialect: "Xiao Zhang, you should makemore roads when you go back." Changsha dialect means to do more practical thingsand do something good for the common people. Governor Zhang is not a local. Hethinks he wants him to build more roads, so many urban trunk roads have beenbuilt in recent years, such as Yanjiang Avenue, Huangxing South Road, JiefangWest Road, etc. From 20__ to 20__, Changsha's urban construction investmentreached more than 75 billion yuan, which greatly improved the appearance ofChangsha. Xiao Wang noticed that some friends in our group have been looking out ofthe car window. Are you paying attention to the greening on both sides of thestreet? Careful friends may see that there are two rows of trees on both sidesof the road. The tree species with big leaves near the road is Magnoliagrandiflora, which is a tree species that Chairman Mao likes very much. If youhave ever been to Dishui cave in Shaoshan, you will know There are many tallmagnolia trees outside the No.1 building of Dishui cave. The row of small leavesinside is camphor tree, which is the city tree of Changsha. Camphor balls usedin our daily life are extracted from camphor leaves. Camphor wood furniture isalso a good furniture, mothproof, durable. As we all know, Hunan is thebirthplace of Hunan embroidery, one of the four famous embroideries. Thehigh-end Hunan embroidery products are made of silk thread on silk fabrics. Weshould pay attention to moisture-proof, mildew proof and insect proof. If westore them in Cinnamomum camphora wooden boxes, we can effectively preventinsects from biting. In the past, when our daughter got married in rural areas,our mother had to send a Cinnamomum camphora wooden box to store quilt covers.Camphor trees generally grow in the south of the Yangtze River. We may see fewfriends from the north in our regiment, but it doesn't matter. When we get toZhangjiajie scenic area, there are all over the mountains and fields. You cantake a closer look. After that, Xiao Wang will introduce to you the flowers ofHunan Province and Changsha City. The flower of Hunan Province is hibiscus.Because of the crisscross rivers and rivers in Hunan, lotus and Mulian have beenplanted everywhere since Han and Tang Dynasties. Tang Dynasty poet Tan Yongzhionce wrote in the rain on the Xiangjiang River in autumn that the hibiscuscountry in the "autumn wind thousands of Li, dusk rain thousands of families,Xue Li village" refers to Hunan Province. In 1961, Chairman Mao's poem "sevenrhythms answer friends" also contains "I want to have a few dreams, hibiscuscountry" The city flower of Changsha is called Rhododendron, also known asYINGSHANHONG. It is a common ornamental flower, which can be seen in many partsof the country. The azalea is also the city flower of Chairman Mao's hometownShaoshan City. On the occasion of Chairman Mao's 100th birthday, the azalea,which originally opened in March and April, competed to open in the cold winterand became a great spectacle at that time. Now we are at the crossroads of Yuanjialing, the provincial Party committeeto the north and Shaoshan road to the south. Our current location is Furong square, which is the larger of the fivesquares along Wuyi Avenue. It is named after Furong Road, which intersects WuyiRoad. Furong Road is a north-south traffic trunk road. It is also a financialstreet in Changsha City. There is a bank or securities company every tens ofmeters. It is a commercial street of every inch of land and money in ChangshaCity. With the acceleration of the integration process of Changsha, Zhuzhou andXiangtan in Hunan Province, Furong Road is gradually extending with the times.At present, the total length of Furong Road is nearly 50 km. As early as 20__,it surpassed Beijing Chang'an Road and became the longest urban road in China,known as "the first road in China". Now look at the center of the square. Thereis a beautiful sculpture called "Liuyang River" in the middle of the square. Itportrays the image of a goddess with long hair fluttering in the wind andplaying the violin. Her hair is curly, with a total of nine bends. It representsa famous river in our province --- Liuyang River. In addition, the uniqueness ofthe statue lies in the fact that there are a lot of staff on her hair. Thecomplete spelling is the song "Liuyang River". "Liuyang River" is a popular folksong sung by Hunan singer Li Guyi. Where is Liuyang River? It's in the east ofChangsha City. If you come from the airport, you have to pass the Liuyang RiverBridge. OK, now we're at May 1 square. Wuyi Square is located in the center ofChangsha business circle, and it is also the area with the longest history inChangsha. The city site of ancient Changsha is today's Wuyi Square and itssurrounding area. In thousands of years of history, around Wuyi Square hasalways been the official site of ancient Changsha. At present, Wuyi businessdistrict has been firmly in the leading position of Changsha Central BusinessDistrict, affecting the whole of Hunan. In the eyes of Changsha people, WuyiSquare is the center of the old city, the intersection of Huangxing Road andWuyi Road. In the middle of the road, there are green gardens, quotation steles,traffic control desk, etc. In the north, it reaches the entrance of Zijingstreet where Liaoyuan cinema is located; in the south, it takes Yaowang streetand dongpailou as the dividing points; To the west, Hunan theater and the first commercial bureau of the city; tothe East, the provincial supply and Marketing Cooperative (now new worlddepartment store) and Nanyang street. Wuyi Square has a strong commercialatmosphere, which is called Wuyi business district. In 20__, due to theconstruction of Changsha Metro Line 2, Wuyi Square, which is in the goldensection, will have to carry out overall quality improvement. According to therelevant units of the project, the appearance of the reconstructed Wuyi Squareis still a green square, but two large underground parking lots with a hugeunderground shopping mall and 1300 cars are added. It is expected that theproject will be fully completed and put into use with the completion of thesubway station of Wuyi Square in the second half of 20__. By that time, the newWuyi Square will be presented to the people of Hunan. Now we arrive at Huangxing Road Pedestrian Street. Huangxing South RoadPedestrian Commercial Street is 838 meters long and 23-26 meters wide from theNorth Qisi gate to the south gate. It includes nearly 10000 square meters ofHuangxing square, with a total commercial area of 250000 square meters, of which150000 square meters are newly built, with a total investment of 1 billion yuan.It is a comprehensive place integrating shopping, leisure, entertainment,catering, culture and tourism. By highlighting the commercial function,reflecting the style of the ancient city, displaying the Huxiang culture andinjecting the flavor of the times, the Pedestrian Commercial Street has becomethe representative point of Changsha's economic prosperity, the image point ofurban civilization, historical and cultural heritage and modern civilization inthe commercial development with first-class city appearance, first-classlighting decoration, first-class block culture, first-class service quality andfirst-class management level The whole Pedestrian Commercial Street has become anew landmark of Changsha city image. Huangxing South Road Pedestrian CommercialStreet has become a new concept commercial center and tourist area, and has wonthe reputation of "Sanxiang commercial first street". Huangxing Road is not onlysynonymous with shopping in Changsha, but also famous for its delicious food.Fried stinky tofu: a Changsha style snack. It is fresh, fragrant and spicy. Itis burnt on the outside and tender on the inside. It has a unique flavor of"smelly to smell and fragrant to eat". It is said that it is "black as ink,fragrant as alcohol, tender as crisp and soft as velvet". Sugar oil Baba:Changsha traditional glutinous rice fried food. It is sweet, glutinous and soft,crisp on the outside and tender on the inside. For a long time, it has been anappetizing food for Changsha residents. Flavor shrimp: flavor snack. Popular inChangsha and surrounding areas. It is very popular because of its spicy taste,and it is also an essential food for drinking beer in summer. The food stallsall over the street have their own secrets and different flavors, but they can'tdo without a spicy word. The diners were sweating and full of spicy food.Speaking of eating, here Xiao Wang is introducing another feature of Changsha."Changsha three unique" refers to the chrysanthemum stone carving, Chinese redporcelain and Xiang embroidery. The first Jue chrysanthemum stone carving isbased on the stone cluster at the bottom of Liuyang River in Liuyang City,Changsha. Its pattern was formed more than 200 million years ago. It is a uniquerare stone in the world. Chrysanthemum stone carving began in the reign ofEmperor Qianlong. At that time, people took stones to build dams and found thatthere were chrysanthemums in the stones. So they set up a workshop called"mending the sky stone" to carve inkstone pools with such stones. The inkstoneswere polished to produce ink, which could not be dried for a long time. Theywere deeply loved by people for their "moistening stone, tight color and clearsound". As early as in 1915, at the Panama world expo, chrysanthemum stonecarvings "plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum" were exhibited horizontally.Together with Guizhou Maotai liquor, they won the gold medal, which shocked theworld. Foreigners marveled that "stones can blossom". Since then, chrysanthemumstone has been famous all over the world 名胜导游词 篇9Good morning! Welcome to Changsha, the beautiful star city. First of all,on behalf of all the staff of the travel agency, please allow me to extend mywarmest welcome to you. Welcome to the "red sun Tour" organized by thisorganization, because we are taking the red route,. Shaoshan is also the placewhere the sun rises, so our journey is called the journey of the red sun. Let me introduce myself. I'm the tour guide of the red sun tour. My name isZhao. For your convenience, you can call me Xiao Zhao. On the left side of XiaoZhao is our director master X. master X has good driving skills, rich experienceand friendly treatment. So we can rest assured when we take his car. If you haveany problems during the journey, you can put forward them. Xiao Zhao and masterx will do their best To serve you, well, let's have a wonderful journeytogether! Our journey has begun. Now at our feet is the famous Wuyi Avenue, alsoknown as Wuyi Road, which has "the first road in Sanxiang". It represents thefuture of Changsha. The prosperous area of Changsha radiates from here. It wasbuilt on May 1, 1951, so it gets its name. It is the first asphalt road at thattime. The road width is only 9 meters, but with the development of the times,the traffic is getting better Developed, 9 meters wide is far from enough tomeet the shuttle vehicles. Until 20__, it took five months to renovate, which iswhat we see now Wuyi Avenue, which starts from the railway station in the East and ends atXiangjiang bridge in the west, has a total length of 4138 meters and a width of60 meters. It is a double ten lane road. The traffic on Wuyi Road is orderly,but most drivers are reluctant to take this road. Why? There are three sets ofTV monitoring equipment and six electronic eyes on this road. It's easy to becopied if you are not careful, so drivers love and hate each other! Where is the source of Wuyi Avenue? It is Changsha railway station behindyou. It was built in 1975 and completed in 1977. Together with Shanghai railwaystation and Beijing railway station, it is known as China's three major railwaystations. There is a bell tower in the middle of the railway station, which is63.7 meters high. The bell tower will play the excellent music "Dongfanghong" onthe hour, as if to tell you that you have come to Dai Wei Hunan, the hometown ofChairman Mao. And there is a building above the clock tower. What does Xiao Zhaothink she looks like? Yes, she is the red torch. Some people may ask, since itis a torch, why not fly with the wind? Instead, why rush straight to the bluesky? Xiao Zhao has to explain this question to everyone, because before thecompletion of the railway station, during the period of the cultural revolution,when the designer designed her to fly to the left, there would be the saying ofleaning to the left; When it was designed to lean to the right, I was afraidthat there would be Rightists, so the designer simply designed her as a torchthat went straight up into the sky. In fact, she is very similar to a specialtyof Hunan: Chaotian pepper, which is a favorite food of Chairman Mao. It alsosymbolizes the hot passion of Hunan people. Isn't there such a saying: Sichuanpeople are not afraid of spicy food, Guizhou people are not afraid of spicyfood, Hunan people are not afraid of spicy food. Well, now we go to Yuanjialing overpass. Why is it called Yuanjialingoverpass? It's not called lijialing zhangjialing overpass because it's said thatthere is a family named yuan living on this large area of land. Therefore, theconstruction of this bridge is named after the yuan family. It is builtdownward, in addition to beautiful, but also play a role in mitigating theearthquake. But there are both advantages and disadvantages. Hunan is a rainyprovince. If it rains, rain will accumulate under the bridge, which will causeinconvenience and trouble for pedestrians. I'm afraid it's time to goboating! On the right hand side of Xiao Zhao is Shaoshan Road, because there was noroad leading to Shaoshan at that time, and later this road was built; it wasnamed Shaoshan road. OK, let's take a look at the trees on both sides of the tour bus. It's thecity tree of Changsha: Cinnamomum camphora. The leaves of Cinnamomum camphoraare small but there are many leaves. It's a good place to enjoy the cool underthe big camphor tree. The camphor balls extracted from the camphor tree candrive away mosquitoes and ants. Take off a few leaves of Cinnamomum camphora,clean them, chew them in the import, and wake up. About camphor tree, There is also a local custom in Changsha, that is, parents give theirmarried daughter a set of furniture made of camphor wood, which is very decent.On Zhao's left is Yingbin Road, a road built in 1972 to welcome PresidentNixon's visit to China. On the opposite side of Yingbin Road is a red and whitebuilding, which is the second courtyard of Hunan provincial government. Just now Xiao Zhao mentioned the city tree. Now let's learn about theprovincial tree in Hunan Province. It's Magnolia grandiflora. It's a treespecies introduced from Guangzhou. The city flower of Changsha City isRhododendron. If you look at the Rhododendron, you have to go to thecountryside. In March and April, the red Rhododendron blooms all over themountain, not to mention how beautiful it is. The provincial flower of HunanProvince is hibiscus. Since ancient times, Hunan has been known as Hibiscuscountry. Chairman Mao's poem says well that "the lotus country is full ofsunshine.". Hibiscus is also divided into wood hibiscus and water hibiscus. XiaoZhao asked: "what is water Hibiscus? What is wood Hibiscus?" ha ha! WoodHibiscus is magnolia, water Hibiscus is lotus. OK, now let's go to Furong Road. Next to Furong Road is the newly builtFurong square in Changsha. You can see a sculpture in the middle, that is thedaughter of Liuyang River. You must be attracted by her long hair. The hair ofthe daughter of Liuyang River has nine bends, which symbolizes the nine bends ofLiuyang River. This can not help but remind us of the beautiful "Liuyang River",that Xiao Zhao here to make a fool of himself, sing a song "Liuyang River", Ihope you can like it. Well, now we see the building with white doves on the ground floor is thefamous Pinghetang business building. Peace means peace in Japanese, which meansharmonious development. Here is a Sino Japanese joint venture shopping mall.Japanese shareholders account for 60% of the shares, while Chinese shareholdersaccount for 40%. Before the completion of Pinghetang, the largest number ofbamboo slips in China were unearthed here, which recorded the history of theChu, Han and Three Kingdoms periods. Now there is an exhibition on the sixthfloor of Pinghetang. You can visit it after shopping. In front of the peace hall is the May day square. There is a huge musicfountain in the middle of the square. At eight o'clock every night, the musicfountain will dance with the music. Now, please look at the top of May daysquare. You can see a small house like eyes. There is the big eye studio, thevoice of the Golden Eagle. 名胜导游词 篇10人杰地灵,历史文化积淀深厚,被誉为“文字之根、文化之根、人祖之根”。 早在2.5万年前 约公元前1300年,商王盘庚率邻部族迁徙到安阳,历八代十二王,共255年。这一时期的商王朝疆域辽阔,国力空前强盛,开创了中国上古史的新纪元,也成为公元前14世纪至公元前11世纪世界青铜文明的重要代表。此后,相继有三国时期的曹魏,十六国时期的后赵、冉魏、前燕,北朝时期的东魏、北齐等在此建都,殷都废而邺都起,邺都衰而相州继,相州改而彰德立,古都文明的薪火,在安阳 安阳,地处晋、冀、豫三省交汇处,面积7413平方千米,人口542万,辖1市5县4区,中国八大古都之一、中国历史文化名城、中国优秀旅游城市、国家级园林城市,是甲骨文的故乡,《周易》的发源地,中国文字博物馆、红旗渠、袁世凯墓、曹操高陵所在地。公元前1300年商王盘庚迁都于殷(今安阳市郊小屯一带),经八代十二王,历时254年。中华民族最早使用的文字——甲骨文、世界上最大的青铜器——司母戊大方鼎在这里出土。这里流传着大禹治水、文王演易、妇好请缨、苏秦拜相、西门豹治邺、岳母刺字、韩陵定国寺等 名称由来 北蒙——盘庚迁殷之前,安阳称北蒙。公元前1300年,商代第20位国王盘庚率领臣民从“奄”迁来北蒙。他们自称为“商”。商朝灭亡以后,有人把他们称为“殷”。 安阳——安阳之名,始于战国末期。公元前257年,秦攻克魏国宁新中,更名为安阳。变宁为安,其意相近。古时以水北山南为阳,以其在淇水之北,故名安阳。秦统一六国后,分天下为36郡。安阳分属上党、邯郸二郡。三国时安阳属魏郡。 相州——公元401年,北魏在邺城立相州,取河(檀)甲居相为名,是为相州名称之始。邺城仍属相州治理。公元577年,北周灭北齐,邺城被焚,邺民全部迁至安阳。安阳遂称相州,亦称邺郡。隋、唐、宋都沿用相州一名。 彰德——公元1192年(金代),升相州为彰德府。此为彰德府名称之始。明、清一直沿用,直到民国初年。1913年,废彰德府,复置安阳县。1949年成立安阳市,隶属平原省。1952年,平原省建制撤消,安阳市为河南省直辖市。 城市面积 总面积7413平方公里,其中耕地面积40.9万公顷、城市建成区面积83平方公里。 行政区划 安阳市辖4个市辖区,1个县级市和5个县,1个国家高新区,9个省级集聚区。 安阳市 本数据来源于百度地图,最终结果以百度地图数据为准。 北关区 面积 59平方千米,人口 24.5万。邮政编码455001。区人民政府驻灯塔路。 文峰区 面积 179平方千米,人口44.2万。邮政编码455000。区人民政府驻文明大道。 殷都区 面积 70平方千米,人口 24.3万。邮政编码455004。区人民政府驻梅东路北段。 龙安区面积 236平方千米,人口 21.44万。邮政编码455001。区人民政府驻梅东路南段。 林州市 面积2046平方千米,人口78.96万。邮政编码456550。 滑县 面积1814平方千米,人口126.32万。邮政编码456400。县人民政府驻道口镇。 安阳县 面积1202平方千米,人口 84.89万。邮政编码455000。县人民政府驻安阳市北关区解放大道。 汤阴县 面积 646平方千米,人口 43.07万。邮政编码456150。县人民政府驻城关镇。 内黄县 面积1161平方千米,人口69.34万。邮政编码456350。县人民政府驻城关镇。 人口 20__年11月1日零时总人口5172834人,市区人口1146761人,人口自然增长率为5.13%,出生率10.49%,婴儿死亡率11.28‰。安阳市属少数民族杂散居地区,共有少数民族成份42个,少数民族6883人,约占全市总人口的1.33%。辖区:辖4区、2市、3县 安阳位置图 乡镇:42个镇、50个乡 政府:安阳市人民政府位于东区,市长:张笑东 景区景点 世界文化遗产-殷墟博物院、人工天河-红旗渠风景区、中原第一大宅—马氏庄园、袁林、岳飞庙、羑里城、二帝陵、太行大峡谷、林滤山国际滑翔基地、灵泉寺唐代双塔、修定寺塔、文峰塔、明福寺塔、瓦岗寨遗址等。 特色餐饮 道口烧鸡、老庙牛肉、安阳三熏、曹马芝麻糖。 方小吃 扁粉菜、粉浆饭、烩菜、皮渣、血糕、内黄灌肠、关家酥烧饼。安阳血糕为著名风味小吃,用荞麦面、猪血佐以其它配料蒸制成糕,然后切片油炸,抹上蒜汁后食用。 土特产 内黄大枣、山楂、核桃、阳梨、板栗、大红袍花椒等。 安阳位于河南省的最北部,地处山西、河北、河南三省交汇点,西倚巍峨险峻的太行山,东联一望 无际的华北平原,是豫北区域性中心城市。现辖一市、四县、四区和一个高新技术产业开发区。安阳是中国八大古都之一,国家历史文化名城,是甲骨文的故乡,《周易》的发源地,红旗渠精神诞生地。早在公元前1300多年,商王盘庚迁都于安阳殷都区小屯一带,历经八代十二 王255年之久,距今已有3300多年的历史。这里出土问世了中华民族最早使用的文字——甲骨文、世界上最大的青铜器——司母戊大方鼎。殷墟商代晚期都城遗址的发现与发掘,在“中国20世纪100项考古发现”评选中名居榜首。著名历史学家郭沫若曾留下“洹水安阳名不虚,三千年前是帝都”的著名诗句。历史上著名的文王演易、妇好请缨、苏秦拜相、西门豹治邺、岳母刺字等重大事件都曾经发生在这里。__同志曾亲临岳飞故里汤阴,并视察殷墟和安阳老城,__和__等党和国家领导同志也先后视察过安阳,并对古都安阳的建设与发展寄予了厚望。[1] 安阳旅游资源丰富,宾馆业、餐饮业、商业等旅游服务设施齐全。现有殷墟博物苑、岳飞庙、天宁寺塔、修定寺塔、明福寺塔、小南海石窟、羑里城和灵泉寺石窟国家级文物保护单位8处,全国爱国教育基地2处,省级文物保护单位38处。位于安阳汤阴县的岳飞庙,历来是岳飞后裔寻根朝敬的圣地,各地游客不远千里来此凭吊英灵,接受爱国主义教育。红旗渠是举世闻名的“人工天河”,被国际友人誉为“世界第八大奇迹”。林虑山国际跳伞滑翔基地,因其鬼斧神工的天然地势,每年都吸引国内外大批游客和体育健儿来此观光、比赛。新近发现的太行大峡谷、五龙洞原始森林风景秀丽、独具特色,令中外游客留恋忘返。安阳民风淳朴、热情,习俗颇富古趣,有背阁、抬阁,高跷、旱船、龙灯等众多享誉全国的'民间艺术绝技,有道口烧鸡、老庙牛肉等品种丰富的地方小吃和特色食品。 安阳资源充足,有丰富的农副产品资源和矿产资源。东部平原是全国优质粮油棉生产基地,被誉为“豫北粮仓”。素有枣乡之称的内黄县红枣,面积和产量均为全国之冠,去年举办的“枣乡文化节”吸引了众多的游客和投资者前来观光和洽谈。安阳年产原煤283万吨,天然气年输气量1亿立方米,供水量42万立方米。西部矿区煤炭、铁矿石、石灰岩、大理石等资源有丰富的储量。 位于安阳城南15公里,是中国有文字记载的第一座国家监狱,是“文王拘而演周易”所在地.国家重点文物保护单位.周文王在此潜心研究,将伏羲八卦推演为64卦,以此形式推测自然和社会的变化,提出了“刚柔相对,变在其中”等富有朴素辩证法的哲理。《周易》是儒家思想的重要组成部分,是中华民族重要的精神财富。 文明大道 西段:香洲名郡:3100、龙悦湾:2800。中段:巴黎春天:3200、城际双座:2950、碧海云天:2800。东段:理想城:3500。最东段:金柏湾:4000、御花园:3600。 总之,距离东区的市政府越近,房子是越贵的。 名胜导游词 篇11知道今天要出去路上可能比较堵,爸爸叫我早点起床。我比较喜欢玩,所以早上爸爸没有叫我我自己就醒了。爸爸开车去了吴江,把甜甜姐姐接上,然后我们花了大概1小时左右到了常熟虞山,我们今天的目的地。 我们第一次来到常熟,都不是很熟悉,跟着导航仪来到了虞山脚下的时候已经快9点了。爸爸把车停好后,我们步行道了售票口,买了票后,我们登上了虞山的城墙。我和姐姐都很高兴,一路小跑在前面带路,爸爸,爷爷和老爷爷紧随其后。站在城墙上,俯瞰下面的建筑物,顿感好高,下面的房子好小。一路小跑,爸爸给我和甜甜姐姐拍照,我们看到了一个古时候的大炮,拍照,看到了一个老爷爷在唱戏,拍照,呵呵。来到虞山门,我和姐姐等爸爸他们上来,爷爷给我和甜甜姐姐买了水,水好贵。我们在虞山门休息了一会儿,然后下山准备去做景区大巴上虞山顶的剑门景区玩。可以来的大巴都坐满了人,爸爸建议还是走上去吧,为了鼓励我和甜甜姐姐,爸爸买了火腿肠,我和甜甜姐姐就边吃边上路,呵呵。路好长,加上时间也接近吃饭时间了,爸爸觉得还是先去吃饭,下午再来吧,所以我们又下山了。 找了个不错的饭馆,把自己喂饱了,休息了一下,我们这次直接到那个景区大巴的始发站坐车,这次坐到了位子。等待大巴把我们拉到山顶,一路过去人越来越多了。 山顶到了,检过票后,进入剑门景区,站在剑门奇石那边的悬崖上,我们可以看到下面整个尚湖,好壮观。剑门景区也没有什么好玩了,不过是个休闲的'好去处,好多人在那边吃瓜子,聊天,很惬意的样子。 这个景区不是很大,不一会儿就到头了,姐姐发现了几颗树上有很多的果子,我和姐姐就在那边摘果子,有些还很大的,后来爷爷说这个是栗子树,果子是野栗子,我们敲开栗子,吃吃看,还蛮甜的,呵呵。我和姐姐摘了很多。 后来出了剑门景区,坐大巴的时候人又是很多,我挤着山了车,都把我前面的一个小朋友挤哭了,差点让他爸爸揍。哎,真的不能怪我,后面人在推我。好不容易上车,坐车下山后,我和甜甜姐姐在虞山公园买了水枪,打水枪玩了很长时间。 好了,时间快4点钟了,爸爸提醒我们准备回家了,我们坐上车,一会就睡着了,虞山之行也到此结束。 名胜导游词 篇12Hello, everyone! Welcome to Hunan for sightseeing. "I want to have a dreamand a bright future in Hibiscus country." Hunan is the hometown of Mao Zedong.It has beautiful scenery, long history and profound culture. It can be said thatit is a treasure of nature and outstanding people. Hunan is located in the South Bank of the middle reaches of the YangtzeRiver. It is named "Hunan" because it is located in the south of Dongting Lake,the second largest freshwater lake in China. In history, the name of "Hunan"first appeared in the administrative division, which began in the second year ofGuangde in Tang Dynasty (the "Hunan observation envoy" was set up in Hunan),that is, in 764 ad. Hunan is adjacent to Hubei in the north, Guangdong andGuangxi in the south, Jiangxi in the East, Chongqing and Guizhou in the West. Ithas an important strategic position of connecting the East and the West inChina. With a total area of more than 210000 square kilometers and a populationof more than 67 million, the province has residents of 56 ethnic groups livinghere. It has jurisdiction over one autonomous prefecture and 13 prefecture levelcities. Hunan is called "Xiang" for short. People often use "three Xiangsi and fourrivers" to express the whole territory of Hunan, and "Furong country" is also agood name for Hunan. "Xiang" is named for its mother river, Xiangjiang River.The "three Xiang" of "three Xiang and four rivers" means that the water of Xiangis called "Lixiang" when it flows with Li water at the origin, Xiaoxiang when itflows with Xiaoshui at the middle reaches, and steaming Hunan when it flows withsteam water at the lower reaches. "Four Rivers" refers to the four major watersystems throughout Hunan: Xiangjiang River, Zijiang River, Yuanjiang River andLishui river. Therefore, "three Xiangsi rivers" refers to the whole territory ofHunan. Hunan has the reputation of "Furong country" because Sanxiang has atradition of planting shuifurong (Lotus) and Mufurong (Mulian) since ancienttimes. Tang Dynasty poet Tan Yongzhi once wrote in his poem rain in theXiangjiang River in autumn: "the autumn wind is thousands of miles, the lotuscountry, and the rain is thousands of families, the village of Xue Li." Ofcourse, Comrade Mao Zedong's sentence "I want to have a few dreams, and thebeauty of Hibiscus" in "seven laws to answer friends" makes it famous all overthe world. The topography of Hunan is like a horseshoe shaped opening to the north. Itis surrounded by mountains in the East, West and south, and only opens toDongting Lake in the north. This topographical feature determines that therivers in Hunan do not "go to the East", but "go to the north of XiangjiangRiver" and pour 800 Li into Dongting Lake. When you walk into Hunan, it's hardto see a smooth scene. The hills and lakes, mountains and lakes form the mainbody. It's like wearing a zigzag and pitching coat on the land of Hunan. Underthis coat, there are abundant mineral resources. There are 111 kinds of mineralsdiscovered in Hunan Province and 83 kinds of proven reserves. Among thenonferrous metal mines, the reserves of antimony rank first in the world,tungsten and titanium rank first in China, and manganese and vanadium ranksecond in China. Among the non-metallic minerals, fluorite, barite, feldspar,sepiolite, kaolin, albite and other reserves, output and quality are in theforefront of the country. Hunan is known as "the hometown of nonferrous metals"and "the hometown of non metals". Hunan has a subtropical humid monsoon climate with four distinct seasonsand an average temperature of about 17 ℃. In spring, the temperature ischangeable, sometimes with "plum blossom and yellow rain"; in summer, the hotperiod is long, known as "stove"; in autumn, although there are many droughts,the air is crisp; in winter, the cold period is short, occasionally withauspicious snow, indicating a good harvest. Hunan has a long history and the culture of Hunan and Chu is extensive andprofound. According to archaeological findings, primitive people have beenliving in Hunan since 50000-100000 years ago. The excavation of Chengtoushansite in Lixian County proves that the primitive people in Hunan had alreadybegun to live a settled farming life as early as 9000 years ago. In ancienttimes, Chiyou fought with Yanhuang tribes and fled to Hunan after defeat, wherea tribal group called "Sanmiao" was formed. During the spring and Autumn periodand the Warring States period, Chu forces crossed the Yangtze River and DongtingHunan, and the Central Plains culture merged with the local culture, forming aunique style of Chu culture. At that time, Hunan's economic development reacheda fairly advanced level, the manufacture and use of bronze ware became moreextensive, and began to enter the iron age. During the Qin and Han Dynasties,Hunan's economy and culture got further development. The silk books, silkpaintings, silk fabrics and other cultural relics unearthed from Mawangdui Hantomb fully reflected the level of craft and cultural development at that time.By the time of the Three Kingdoms, there were three pillars in the world. HunanProvince was bounded by the Xiangjiang River and belonged to the sphere ofinfluence of Shu and Wu. In 219 ad, Sun Wu seized the whole territory of Hunanand ruled for 60 years. After the Wei, Jin and southern and Northern Dynasties,Hunan gradually became rich and prosperous, and its agriculture developed byleaps and bounds, and began to become an important rice producing area andsupply place in China. After the Song Dynasty, the water conservancy in DongtingLake area and Sishui River Basin was strengthened day by day, and Hunan became awell-known "land of fish and rice", and gradually gained the reputation of"well-known in the world". Hunan people who "worry about the world and dare tobe the first" began to show their skills from the end of Qing Dynasty to thebeginning of the Republic of China, so that there is a saying that "the generalof Zhongxing, Hunan in the 19th century". In the reform movement, Hunan was "themost dynamic province". During the outbreak of the 1911 Revolution, Hunan Leaguefirst responded to and supported the uprising with practical actions, which madeHunan in the forefront of the revolution. After the May 4th movement, Mao Zedongrushed from Shaoshan to the stage of Chinese history and opened a new page ofChinese revolution. The first battle of the Red Army's long march was on theXiangjiang River. Hunan was also an important battlefield in the Anti Japanesewar. From 1939 to 1942, the Chinese and Japanese armies fought in Changsha forthree times, especially the third battle. It was the first great victory of theAllies after the Pacific War, which made the Chinese fight. "Eight years fromLugou, a paper down the book out of Zhijiang." On August 21, 1945, the Japanesearmy submitted the letter of surrender to the Chinese people in Zhijiang, HunanProvince. The eight year Anti Japanese war ended with the victory of the Chinesepeople. "When the river goes to the East, the waves will be washed out, and peopleof all ages will be famous." Looking back at the history of Hunan, how manytalented people in Hunan "hit the water in the middle stream, and the wavesstopped the boats" in the long river of Chinese history and culture? AncientHunan was known as the wild land of "Nanman", which became the exile place ofthe criminal generals since the Warring States period. However, it was thearrival of these guilty ministers that brought Hunan precious cultural wealth.Qu Yuan was demoted to Yuanli valley of Hunan Province for many years, andcreated "Sao style". Lisao, Jiuge and Tianwen were published, which created aprecedent in the cultural history. Song Yu exiled linli for 40 years, inheritedthe literary form of "Ci" and carried it forward. Jia Yi was demoted to Changshafor 4 years in the Western Han Dynasty, and wrote "Ode to Qu Yuan" and "Ode topengniao", which started the Han Dynasty. In Tang Dynasty, Liu Zongyuan and LiuYuxi were demoted to Hunan, where they also found the source of creation. LiuZongyuan's "on feudalism", "Tian Shuo" and "eight chapters of Yongzhou" cameout; Liu Yuxi completed the famous political paper "Tian Lun" and created hisown "Zhuzhi Ci", which opened a new generation of poetry. In the Tang and Song Dynasties, Li qunyu, the first great poet in China,Ouyang Xun, Ouyang Tong and huaisu, the first class calligraphers in China, ZhouDunyi, the founder of Cheng Zhu Neo Confucianism and Wang Fuzhi, were born inHunan. "Only Chu has talent, and it is prosperous here." This couplet at the headof Yuelu Academy is the best summary of modern Hunan talents. Under theinfluence of Huxiang culture with the core of "managing the world for practicaluse", the reform pioneers Tao Shu, Wei Yuan, Zeng Guofan, Zuo Zongtang, anational hero in the Qing Dynasty, and later Tan Sitong, Huang Xing, Cai E, ChenTianhua, Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi and other Sanxiang heroes were created here. After the founding of new China, among the 52 leaders of the centralgovernment, 18 are from Hunan; among the 10 marshals, 3 are from Hunan; amongthe 10 generals, 6 are from Hunan; among the 57 generals, 19 are from Hunan;among the 100 generals, 45 are from Hunan. Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi and Hu Yaobangsuccessively served as the state presidents, and Zhu Rongji served as the StateCouncil. In addition, a large number of cultural celebrities, such as Qi Baishi,Yang Shuda, Tian Han, Shen Congwen, Ding Ling and Zhou Gucheng, are alsowell-known at home and abroad. "It's all the past. I'll count the celebrities and look at the present."Today's Hunan people, adhering to the fine traditions of their predecessors andresponding to the call of the central government to "build a harmonioussociety", are making great strides towards a well-off society. Long history, distinctive culture, talented people, colorful ethnic customsand beautiful natural scenery endow Hunan with rich and unique tourismresources. There are Dongting Lake and Yueyang Tower with the same color ofwater and sky, Nanyue Hengshan with the unique beauty of five mountains, themausoleum of Emperor Yan and Emperor Shun, the paradise of peach blossomdescribed by Tao Yuanming, Zhangjiajie scenic spot listed in the world naturalheritage list by UNESCO, and so on; There are the former residences ofcontemporary revolutionary leaders Mao Zedong and Liu Shaoqi, as well as worldcultural celebrities Qu Yuan, Cai Lun and Qi Baishi; there are world-famouscultural relics unearthed from Mawangdui Han tomb and the ancient city site ofChengtoushan in Lixian County, which is one of the top ten archaeologicaldiscoveries in China; there are also archaeological discoveries such as Zoumaloubamboo slips of Dongwu, Liye ancient city of Warring States and Qin bambooslips. Of course, the unique ethnic customs such as Tujia weeping marriage, Miaosilver ornaments and Jiangyong women's calligraphy will also make youlinger. With the rapid development of Hunan tourism, Hunan provincial governmenthas taken tourism as a pillar industry to support and build. At present, Hunantourism has been blooming everywhere, and seven tourism routes have beenlaunched, namely Changsha Huaminglou Shaoshan (famous city celebrity tour),Changsha Quzici Yueyang (Xiangchu culture tour), Changsha Zhangjiajie WangcunJishou Fenghuang (landscape and ethnic customs tour), Changsha Nanyue Chenzhou(religious culture and ecological tour), Changsha Liangshan (Geologicalspectacle tour), and Changsha Liangshan (Geological spectacle tour) YanEmperor's Mausoleum - Shun emperor's Mausoleum (root seeking and ancestorworship tour), Changsha - Taojiang - Taohuayuan (idyllic scenery tour). At thesame time, some special tourism festivals have been launched: YueyangInternational Dragon Boat Festival, nanyueshou Cultural Festival and templefair, Liuyang International Fireworks Festival, Zhangjiajie International ForestProtection Festival, Taohuayuan garden fair, Zhuzhou Yan Emperor Mausoleummemorial ceremony, Huaihua Dong Cultural Tourism Festival, Chenzhou landscapeFestival, etc. Hunan is rich in natural resources, and its local products are also richand colorful. The famous handicrafts include Xiang embroidery, Liling underglazeporcelain, Liuyang chrysanthemum stone, Yiyang peach stone carving, XiangxiTujia brocade, Tujia paste painting, Miao silver ornaments, etc.; the famousspecialties include Junshan silver needle tea, Guzhang Maojian tea, Xianglian,Dongting silver fish, Liuyang Douchi, furongwang tobacco, Jiugui Liquor, Baishatop grade tobacco, etc. "Hot girls are hot, hot girls are not afraid of being hot when they areyoung." when you hear song Zuying's "hot girls", you will immediately think ofred peppers. Yes, we Hunan people are famous for not being spicy. Hunan cuisine,as one of the eight major cuisines in China, has a history of more than 3000years. After a long period of development, there are more than 4000 cuisines,including more than 300 famous cuisines. To travel in Hunan, it's natural totaste authentic Hunan cuisine. We Hunan people will certainly receive the guestsall over the world with hot enthusiasm! There are endless beautiful scenery and amorous feelings in Sanxiang.Please open your heart and follow me carefully! 名胜导游词 篇13各位朋友,欢迎来到“中国的威尼斯”—丽江古城。 丽江古城坐落在玉龙雪山下丽江坝子的中部,全城面积达3.8平方公里,常住人口约3万人,其中纳西族超过16900人。因为周围青山环绕,城中碧水滢滢,宛如一方碧玉大砚而取名为“大研镇”。它是中国历史文化名城中唯一没有城墙的古城,以四周个的高山为天然屏障。据说这是因为丽江世袭统治者姓木,筑城墙势必如木字加框,而成“困”字,木氏土司因忌讳而不设城墙。古城是一座风景秀丽、历史悠久和文化灿烂的名城,也是中国罕见的保存最为完整、最具纳西族风格的古代城镇。丽江古城的纳西名称叫“依西芝”,意思为金沙江江湾中的集镇,又叫“巩本芝”,意思为仓库集镇,由此可以知道它是以从事经济贸易发展起来的。导游带团软件 古城始建于南宋后期,距今约有820xx年的历史了。历代均为滇西北的政治、军事重镇和纳西、汉、藏等各民族经济文化交往的枢纽。元初,忽必烈南征大理,革囊渡江进入丽江,曾在古城一带驻军整训,至今仍留下许多相关的纳西语地名。明初,古城街道建设和集市贸易已初具规模,明末时已呈现出繁荣景象。中国明代著名旅行家徐霞客曾在丽江游记中写道“宫室之丽,拟于王者”,“民居群落,瓦屋栉(zhi)比”,这是对当年丽江古城之繁盛景观的真实写照。由于古城处于滇川藏交通要冲,是历史茶马古道的重镇。自清代以来,商旅云集,各路马帮往来不断,成为重要的贸易中转站。丽江古城,因为集中了纳西文化的精华,并完整地保留了宋元以来形成的历史风貌,1986年被国务院列为国家历史文化名城,1997年被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。说到这里,各位也许会问,游览丽江古城主要观赏些什么呢?我们可以登高览胜、临河就水,可以走街入院、还可以入市过桥,一览古城布局。 各位朋友,我们现在已经来到了古城的入口处。古城的布局可以说是以水为脉,随势自然。玉河水在这里分为西河、中河、东河,在古城里再分成更多的支流走街过巷,穿墙进屋。如果哪位朋友仔古城中迷失了方向,请记住:顺水而入,逆水而出。 下面就请各位跟我沿西河畔的新华街进入古城吧! 古城布局中的三山为屏、一川相连,水系利用中的三河穿城、家家流水、街道布局中“经络”设置和“曲、幽、窄、达”的风格,建筑物的依山就水、错落有致的设计艺术在中国现存古城中是极为罕见的,是纳西族先民根据民族传统和环境再创造的结果。 各位朋友,四方街到了。 四方街的位置在古城的中心,是由整齐繁华的铺面围成的一块大约400平方米的露天梯形集市小广场。据说是木氏土司让人仿照他的印章,用五花石铺就的,取“权镇四方”之意当年在广场周围,聚集了数十家商号和店铺。形形色色的货物通过茶马古道从四面八方汇集到这里,又从这里流到四面八方。是茶马古道造就了四方街的辉煌,使丽江古城成为滇西北茶马古道上的重要集镇。 古城的大街小巷,全是用红色角砾石块铺成,晴不扬尘,雨不积水。经历无数人年年月月的步履磨蚀,光滑洁净,大雨过后,呈现出五彩斑纹,当地人们称之为“五花石”。 四方街上,仍保留着古代利用河水清洗街道的装置,可以定期清洗街道,保持古城洁净,十分省力。在四方街西侧的西河上设有活动闸门,利用西河与东河的高差放水冲洗集市和街面,居民也喜欢用水桶汲水冲洗门前的五花石街道。导游带团软件 四方街西侧的制高点是科贡坊,是风格独特的三层门楼,原来是为这个小巷里杨家“一门三举”而建的。从清朝的雍正元年实行“改土归流”到清末废除科举的180年的历史里,丽江先后出了六十几位举人和7位进士。“一门三举”在文化发达的中原地区不足为奇,可在丽江这样一个长期由土司统治的边疆少数民族地区,却是一桩具有轰动效应的大喜事,于是官府和民众捐资在这里建了这个科贡坊。 丽江古城建筑最奇的是城市建设个规划师们巧妙的调用了清澈的玉泉水。当汩汩的泉水流至城头的双石桥下时。人们将泉水分作三叉,分别穿街过巷,就像人体的经脉一样。泉水流遍全城千家万户,造就了“家家门前流泉水,户户垂柳拂屋檐”的特有风采。水,不仅使大研古镇不断注入新生的朝气,也成为了大研古镇的佳妙美景。 城中有水必有桥。一石跨渠,即成一家,水绕民家,自然处处桥通道路。丽江古城既是一座古城,又是一座桥城。丽江古城有石拱桥、石板桥等各类桥梁三百多座。古道,小桥,流水,人家构成了丽江古城恬静的居住环境。这些都为“中国的威尼斯”增添了一份古朴的壮丽。 各位朋友,我们下面要去游览的地方是木府,木府是丽江古城文化的“大观园”。 纳西族木氏土司历经元明清3代22世470年,历史上称其为“知诗书,好礼守仪”。木府原系丽江世袭土司木氏衙署,徐霞客曾叹木府“宫室之丽,拟于王者。”木府历经战乱动荡的损毁,于1998年春重建,并在府内设立了古城博物院。 修复重建的木府占地46亩,坐西向东,沿中轴线依地势建有“天雨流芳”木牌坊,忠义坊、仪门、前议事厅、万卷楼、护法殿、光碧楼、玉音楼、三清殿等15幢,大大小小共计162间,衙内挂有几代皇帝钦赐的十一块匾额,上书“忠义”、“诚心报国”等。木府分前后两院,从仪门进去有议事厅、万卷楼、护法殿。这里是前院,也就是正院;而玉花园及碧光楼、语音楼、三清殿等则是后院。 木牌坊上大书的“天雨流芳”四字,是纳西语“读书去”的谐音,体现了纳西民族推崇知识的热情。 忠义牌坊又叫石牌坊,这座雕刻精湛的石雕建筑远近闻名,民间有“大理三塔寺,丽江石牌坊”的说法。 议事厅端庄宏伟,是土司议政的地方。 光碧楼是后花园门楼,历史上称它为“称甲滇西” 玉音楼是土司们接圣旨和歌舞宴会的地方。 三清殿是木氏土司推崇道家的产物。 木府是一座辉煌的建筑艺术园林,它充分反映了明代中原建筑的风采,同时保留了唐宋中原建筑中的古朴粗犷。 游览丽江古城,不应错过的是取聆听下纳西古乐。纳西古乐这一被国外称为“在中国各地已经失传的音乐”,它由《白沙细乐》和《丽江洞经音乐》两部分组成,它的珍贵之处在于它奇迹般的保留了一些早已失传的唐宋以来词曲音乐。纳西古乐经过数百年的发展变化,形成了汉族和纳西族音乐相融合的独特风格,具有浓厚的民族民间色彩。住在丽江古城,夜晚最美好的安排莫过于去聆听下纳西古乐。 游到这里,各位对古城可算是一饱眼福了,剩下的时间就留给各位自由活动。希望大家能够玩的开心,吃的舒心,睡得安心。谢谢大家! 名胜导游词 篇14各位游客们,欢迎诸位来江苏虞山参观游览,虞山为江苏省常熟市境内的一座山,横卧于常熟城西北,北濒长江,南临尚湖,因商周之际江南先祖虞仲(即仲雍)死后葬于此而得名。虞山东南麓伸入古城,故有“十里青山半入城”之誉。虞山景区分虞山公园及虞山国家森林公园两大组成部分,虞山公园在山脚的东部,北门大街上,以古城墙为界,为常熟市亮山工程的一部分。 我叫小陈,是你们的导游,我来自__X旅行社。他叫老王,是我们的司机,他有11年驾驶经验的旅游司机,接下来我们就要开始游览今天美丽的虞山景点了。希望各位游客朋友们旅途愉快。 虞山山体由西北向东南展布,峰峦连绵起伏,海拔263米,南北宽约3公里,东西长约7公里,山脚一圈约20公里。虞山位于常熟古城区的西北部,半入古城,古名乌目山、海隅山、海巫山。因状如卧牛,又称卧牛山,为什么又叫虞山,就和让国先贤仲雍有关,仲雍又叫虞仲是三千多年前商末古公亶父的儿子。 虞山与古城、山南尚湖融为一体,构成独特的景观特色,自然山水秀雅,人文景观丰富,历为江南旅游胜地。虞山和尚湖组成虞山景区,面积40平方公里。1982年被列为国家级太湖风景名胜区的景区之一,同时被列为江苏省重点风景名胜区。由辛峰、维摩、兴福、剑门、小石洞、尚湖6个景区组成。三千多年前在渭水流域也就是现在的陕西岐山一带有一个非常强盛的`周姓部落,首领是古公亶父,也就是周文王的爷爷,他有三个儿子,老大叫泰伯,老二叫仲雍,老三叫季历,季历有个儿子叫昌,也就是后来的周文王,古公亶父觉得昌很有才气,所以对昌十分宠爱,常对人说:“继我业者昌也。”因此古公亶父很想把王位传给姬昌,泰伯和仲雍理解父亲的心意。兄弟两以到南方采药为父亲治病为由,离开了部落,让父亲能顺理成章地传位给周文王。兄弟俩来到了史书上称为荆蛮之地的江南水乡。接受了当地断发纹身的习俗,也把黄河流域相对先进的农耕技术和文化带了过来,受到当地人们的拥戴,建立了“勾吴”小国,泰伯为王,泰伯死后葬在无锡。因泰伯无后代,由仲雍接位。仲雍死后就葬在这山上。百姓为了纪念虞仲,就把此山改称为虞山。虞山国家森林公园主要为虞山山上的部分,可以选择从兴福寺旁索道上山,也可从言子墓、兴福寺、虞山南路等处登山,沿途有维摩山庄、丹桂园、剑门、藏海寺等景点,秋天是最佳的观山季节。在剑门沿线可以远眺到山下尚湖的全貌。常熟历代名人墓葬成群,多集中在虞山之上,这些都是虞山文化精华体现。其中,东麓有常熟最古的墓葬,商代江南先祖虞仲(即仲雍)之墓。此墓北有“南方夫子”言子之墓,南侧为吴国第一代国君周章陵墓。 虞山西鹁鸽峰北有小石洞,深3米,洞顶古树横卧而长,洞内泉溢成池,称洌泉,又名露珠泉;壁镌“天下名泉”。洞口紫藤盘根错节,绿荫覆盖洞顶,为明代所种。由洞而东有秦坡涧(亦称东涧),水自两峰间飞下,长约百米,虽为茂林掩映,然声如鼓鸣,涧流曲折,异景纷呈,蔚然奇观。小石洞东南麓为元代四大画家之一,常熟画派创始人黄公望之墓。 这里还有许多美丽的景点,我的讲解到这里就完了。接下来我们就一一去游览这些景观,但愿今天的田子坊虞山之游能给您留下难忘的记忆。 名胜导游词 篇15Lady and Genlenmen: Welcome to HunLunbeier Grassland! First of all, Id like to tell you why People call this bdautiful grassland Hulunbeier grassland. There is a moving legend behind it. A long, long time ago there lived a couple of lovers on the grassland. The girl was a Hu lun. The boy was Bei Er. One day a demon chief called Mang Gusi abducted HuLun and dried up the grassland. The grass withered and yellowed and domestic animals died one after another.In order to save the grassland and Hu Lun, BeiEr traved a great distance on foot, chasing after Mang Gasi day and night. Finally, he fainted from exhaustion. In his weakened state, he dreamt that the demon chief had magically turned Hu Lu,Bei Er traveled a great distance on foot, chasing after Mang Gasi day and night. Finally, he fainted from exhaustion.In his weakened state, he dreamt that the demon chief had magically turned Hu Lun into a flower which was and suffering from the windy dream in front of him. He immediately watered the flower and broke the spell. Hu Lun changed back into her former self. But the demon chief would not give up. He immediately watered the flower and broke the spell. Hu Lun changed back in to her former self. But the demon chief would not give up. He seized Hu Lun and took her away again. Hu Lun racked her brain for a way to escape. She succeeded in getting hold of the magic pearl on the demon chief`s head. On swallowing the pearl Hu Lun turned into a lake. In the meantime BeiEr had killed all of the other demons, but failed to find Hu Lun. Heartbroken, Bei Er jumped in to a lake to kill himself.All of a sudden the earth split open and formed two lakes, Hu Lun lake and Bei Er Lake, with the Wilson River closely connecting them. Later,people living on the grassland named the land hulunbeier Grassland in momory of them. HuLunbeier covers an area of 250.557 square kilometers,with a totel population of 2.66 million. The Mongolian natiality is the dominant ethic group, and 35 other nationlities,such as Dawoer, Ewenke, Elunchun, Han, Manchu, Russian, etc. live in harmony with them on the grassland. Hunlunbeier is called green and clean land because it is relatively free of pollution. (Entering the grassland) Now were setting foot on Hunlunbeier Grassland. All of us have escaped from the city and its clamour and entered a place like a dreamland,Look! The grassland looks like asoft, green cerpet, Nowyou can enjoy the beautiful scenery in the distance; numeros kinds of wild flowers are in bloom, and wisps of smoke are rising continuously from the yurta scattered on the grassland. When the gentle breeze brushes against the grass, herds of horses and cattle and flock of sheep seem to be drifting from here ro there. What a beautiful picture! (Visiting a yurt) This is the yurt we saw from the bus just now. Look!The host and his family have come out of the to greet us. Of couse, this is not an arranged reception, to be sure. But before we enter the yurt, Idlike to make a brief introduction on the folk costoms here. No matter which yurt you happen to visit, you will finethat on hesring your footsteps the Mongolian people will extend a warm welcome outsite the yurt, to do justice to their reputed hospitality. When greeting you, they will put their hands against their chests and bow slightly. With a how do you do, They invite their guestsin. Male guests are invited to sit on the left and female on the right, while host sits in midle. The moment you take your seats, your host will have milk tea and various kinds of milk products pleaced in front of you. After a white, you will most probably probabyly be asked to help yourself to a special course called shouba lamd. As a way of showing respct to his distinguished guest, your hast will prsent you with a hada( a piece of silk used as a greeting gift), Together with a cup of lacal wine. Mongolians are well known for theirtalent in singing and dancing.Their beautiful songs are as entertaining and pleasant as the blue sky, white clouds, greengrass and fresh flowers, In folk culture, there is a saying that a feast is not a true feast without the company of songs. Every person in the grassland, man or woman, old or young, can sing folk songs. When proposing toasts to their guests, they will show their hospitality by singing folksongs and playing special fiddles. The Mongolian people have lived on the vast grassland for a long time, and they have refined their talent for sing and dancing. You can not only please your eyes with their traditional ethnic dancing but also with their mondern ones featuring merry rhythms and vigorous steps.Now let`s enter the yurt and take advantage of this opportunity to be guests in a Mongolian herdsman`s home. (Stepping out of the yurt) Under the blue sky and white clouds, you will see a vivid picture of flocks of sheep and herds of cattle, galloping horses and skillful herdsen on horseback brandishing horsewhips. Do you want to go for a ride ? If you are skilled at riding, why not ride a Mongolian horse for a while or wander about on camelback?If you are afraid of riding horses or camels,never mind. You still can enjoy the nomandic life by taking a special Mongolian vehicle called a Lele. (Briefing on the physique of Mongolians) Now you have had a look at the grassland with your own eyes, but did you noticed that the Mongolian girls are graceful,elegant and vigorous, and the young fellow are robust, heroic and muscular? It is said that this has much to do with their life styles which are connected with horse sports,running and pursuing.Further,the important role played by milk tea and milk products in developing their muscles and bones canot be underestimated. (Briefing on the dietary habit of Mongolians) Lets start with milk tea,The host minces the tea and put it in a kettle to boil it. When the kettle starts boiling with a gurgling sound, the host pours the fresh milk into it. Thus the herdsman coming in from a snowstorm will warm up immediately after having such a cup of milk tea. A bowl of milk tea, stir-fried rice, several piece of a dry milk product and some lamb is regarded as a delicious meal by the ordinary Mongolian herdsman. Milk products include the skin of boiled milk, milk curd, milk wine, cheese, butter and so on. The formal meal may be served with meat and a flour-base product. While you are here on the grassland, it will be a great pity if you do not try Shouba Lamb(boil meat which is eaten using a knife and your hands).The lamb is first cut into big slices and then put into boiling water to cook.When it is half done, you cut it into smaller pieces with the Mongolian knife and eat it. TheMongolian people think that half-done meat contains more nutrients. (Briefing on Mongolian clothing) The Mongolian robe is unique to this ethnic group. The robe is often matched with a belt and head decorations.With its high collar and long sleeves, the robe protects people from mosquitoes. The middle part of the robe is made loose for the convenience of riding horses and is long enough to keep the knees warm. You can find all kinds of clothes here today, but the robe is the cultural heritage of the Mongolians and has become a symbol of their national conscience and identity. (Briefing on Mongolian yurta) You can see mongolian yurta here and there on grassland.But do you know the history and structure of the mongolian yurta?According to the historical records of the Xiongnu,an ancient ethnic group, their ancestors lived in the Northland long ago. Their living quarters were called yurta. In this sense Mongolians, as a ethnic group, can date to 4,000 years ago. So the Mongolian yurta are a symbol of the history of this ethnic group. Now let`s talk about the construction of a yurt are a symbol of the history of this ethnic group, Now let`s talk about the construction of a yurt. Herdsmen first build a round foundation with pieces of stones, Then they set up the structure with wodden wods and beams linked together with wollen or fur ropes,Lastly, they cover the structure with animal skins or felt blankets.The ceiling of the yurt is round. With such a structure, the yurt can withstand snowstorms and heavy rainfalls. The door of the yurt is small and down to the ground. The yurt can be easily moved and this is suitable for nomadic life.This accounts for the reason why the structure of the yurt remains unchanged till today. If the Mongolian yurt is seen as the home of the herdsmen, then the lelecarts can be viewed as their mobile homes. lelecarts move slowly with big noise. It is hard to tell when the history of lelecarts began. All the carts are made of birch, so they will reain in good condition even in wet weather. The wheels of the carts are tall and can easily roll across the uneven roads, lush bushes, thick snow and marshes. lelecarts are indispensable for herdsmen when they move cross snow-covered areas. (Briefing on Mongolian festivals) There are a lot of Mogolian festivals held every year on the grassland, but the most famous one is Nadam,the carnival the grassland. Nadamin the Mongolian language means recreation or entertainment. When it comes, there will be a lot of performances,such as horse racing, wrestling, archery and some other special ethnic performances. The Nadam fair is a time-honored festival and was known world wide for 700years, Nowadays the Nadam fair is often held during the harvest season of the grassland, either in June or July.During that period, herdsmen often take the opportunity to sell domestic animals and livestock products and purchasse daily necessilties and livelihood-related goods. Acturally, the herdsmen have few chances to get together on such a vast grassland, so Nadam also plays the role of a big trade fair for them, When we talk about Nadam, we should also talk about offering sacrifice at Aobao.Aobao in Mogolian means a pile of rocks or earth. On the vast and endless grassland, it is hard to tell directions, so people thought of pilling rocks or earth to mark them, In its long historical development Aobao has become the shrine to offer scrifices to the God of the Mountain and the God of the Road.During the sacrifice offering ceremony,people insert tree branches into the Aobao and put pieces of colorful cloth or paper flags with written scripture on the branches There are four types of memorial ceremonies, namely blood,wine,fire and jade. No matter what type it is, a lama will be invited to butn incenses, chant scriptures and pray for the blessing of the people and their livestock. Participants will walk around the Aobao clockwise three times.After the ceremony, the herdmen will not only enjoy horse races,wrestling and archery, but also singing, dancing and drinking to their heart`s content. Around that time, young lovers will probably leave the crowd to be in a world of their own. Dear,distinguished guests,after this tour of this grassland I believe you must have a general idea of how the Mongolian pelple live here and may een feel reluctant to leave the beautiful hulunbeier Grassland. I belive the grassland and its people enjoyed your visit as much as you did and look forward to your next one. Ladies and Gentlemen,I hope to have another chance to meet you again on this very land, the Hulunbeier Grassland. Goodbye and good luck. 名胜导游词 篇16Hello, everyone! Welcome to Changsha, a famous historical and cultural city with beautifulscenery, pleasant climate, heaps of delicious food (due to the age of tourists),beautiful women and handsome men! As the saying goes, "a hundred year old man will be on the same boat, and athousand year old man will be sleeping together." now the popular saying is thata hundred year old man will be in the same car, but we are all in the same cartoday. Xiao x is really honored. There is a saying in China that it is never tooold to learn. When we come to Changsha, first of all, we have to learn the threerepresentatives First: on behalf of the people of Changsha, I would like to extend a warmwelcome to all the guests coming from afar! Second: on behalf of all the staff of __ travel company, I would like towelcome you to this happy trip. Welcome, welcome, warm welcome. The third representative is me, on behalf of myself and the driver, to makea brief introduction. I'm a tour guide from X Travel Company, and I'm also theground guide of your trip to Changsha. My name is __. You can call me Xiao X orX guide, as long as you let me know that you are calling me. Next, I would liketo solemnly introduce the person who occupies an absolutely important positionin our tour, that is, the driver master x who escorts us. In our industry, thereis such a saying that drivers are in a hurry to drive in Jilin, in a rush todrive in Mongolia, and in hukai in Shanghai. Can anyone think of how to drive inChangsha? Let me answer the riddle. Our masters in Changsha are quite special.They can drive in both black and white. Why do we say that? It's about theclimate of Changsha, "there are flowers in spring, there are months in autumn,there are cool winds in summer, and there are snow in winter." this is theclimate characteristics of Changsha. The four seasons are distinct. The roads inspring, summer and autumn are generally black, and the roads in winter are oneSnow, the road will become white, so our master is very familiar with blackhundred Liang Road, so we can rest assured of our driving safety in recentdays! Now, I'd like to invite our lady friends in the car to focus on our master.There is a saying: first class men have a home outside their home, second classmen have flowers outside their home, third class men look for a home in theflowers, and fourth class men go home after work. Hehe, let's see what kind ofmen our master belongs to? Start your brain and think about it. Oh, remove awrong answer, D. if you think of us like this, it's impossible for a master togo home after work in four or five days. Shifu is a good man. Why do you saythat? Please don't think about it. I didn't say that Shifu is a playboy. Let'stake a look at the touring car, which is a mobile home for our master. Ofcourse, the master loves it very much. Isn't it a very popular RV now? Let'stake our touring car as a new type of RV. What I want to say is that when youleave this mobile home every day, you must be smart: wave your sleeves, don'tleave behind A cloud! 名胜导游词 篇17位于呼伦贝尔市陈巴尔虎旗草原中心地带的呼和诺尔的湖畔,距海拉尔市61公里。呼和诺尔草原是呼伦贝尔大草原的代表。坦荡无垠的草原环抱着波光潋滟的呼和诺尔湖。草原绿茵如毯,鲜花烂漫,蒙古包点点,犹如绿海中的白帆。 旅游点上的活动项目丰富多彩。游客可以穿上蒙古袍,骑着骏马奔驰;也可以骑着双峰驼漫步或乘坐原始的勒勒车漫游。还可划着小船在呼和诺尔湖中垂钓,或背着猎枪到附近的林中草地狩猎。 从海拉尔乘车沿301国道北行,在茫无边际的草海里,迎着车窗外扑鼻的花香和悦耳的鸟鸣,视野里满目碧绿,愈走愈会感到绿的色彩愈重,远山绿得滴翠。车过陈巴尔虎旗旗府巴彦库仁镇10公里,一个明镜般的湖泊便闯进了你的眼帘,这就是呼和诺尔湖。在湖西岸的山岗上,有一座由蒙古包型高大建筑为主组成的蒙古包群,如同圣洁的白莲花开放在绿野上,这便是接待中外游客的呼和诺尔旅游点,也是近年呼和诺尔草原旅游节和那达慕的会场所在。 "呼和诺尔",蒙古语意为"青色的湖"。莫尔格勒河从东北弯弯曲曲地来注入此湖,湖水又南流注入海拉尔河,面积12平方公里。湖面碧波荡漾,野鸭成群,大雁结队,雌雄相伴,游水嬉戏。牛群悠闲甩尾,骆驼昂首徜徉;蒙古百灵在空中自由飞翔,婉转歌唱,憨态可拘的旱獭在洞口吱叫不止。一座座蒙古包前风力发电机的风车在飞速地旋转着,唱着一支欢快的歌。一根根电视天线直指蓝天,彩色电视给牧人们带来了文化知识和欢乐。所有这一切给古老的草原增添了新的生机和色彩。 旅游点上砖木结构的蒙古包型多功能大厅建筑面积520余平方米,高20余米,大厅宽敞明亮,正对厅门处摆放成吉思汗画像,四壁镶嵌着成吉思汗版画组合系列。大厅和蒙古包可容纳600人同时就餐,还可以举办舞会、小型音乐会。大厅两侧设有24个蒙古包。蒙古包以4根色彩艳丽、金壁辉煌的蟠龙立柱支护,宽敞明亮,显得高贵、宏敞,气度不凡;壁毯壁画制作精美,图案古朴,色彩明快。牛、马、羊、骆驼栩栩如生,家具、茶具极富民族特色。在这里可以吃到草原风味"全羊宴"--手把肉、炒羊肉、爆羊肚、烤羊腿、烤羊肉串、炒心肝肺、炸肉丸、溜羊尾、羊肉汤等,还可以吃到用湖水清煮、;汤白似乳、香味扑鼻的鲫鱼汤。 这里还备有供游客乘骑的马匹、骆驼和乘坐的勒勒车、米力干车等。穿着蒙古袍,以蓝天白云、草原银湖为背景,拍一张骑骆驼或策马驰骋的照片,将会给游客留下美好的回忆。在这里既可以参加口径枪有奖射击比赛,还可以狩猎野鸭。游客既可在湖边垂钓、乘游船在湖中摇橹搬桨,也可以观看赛马、蒙古式摔跤、乌兰牧骑演出。参加草原篝火联欢晚会最富有诗情画意,游客可以尽情唱歌跳舞。在小卖店,还可以买到各种具有民族特色的旅游纪念品。在这里享受大自然赐予的阳光和空气,花香和鸟语,体验比较原始的游牧生产方式,一定会使游客领略和感受到繁华的都市从未有过的情趣。 名胜导游词 篇18各位游客: 你们好,欢迎你们来到安阳旅游,我是你们的导游_。 约公元前1300年,中国商代的第20位国王盘庚已经在此建都,至今安阳建城已有3300年的历史。贯通中国南北的大动脉京广铁路和107国道就横跨在刚刚发现的商代古城之中。在3000多年前的中国先秦时代,先民们就已经在这里创造了辉煌的农耕经济,建成了雄踞世界东方的大都市。 安阳是中国七大古都之一,国家历史文化名城。这里不仅有包括甲骨文、青铜器和都市建设在内的殷商文化,而且还有许许多多的为人们所熟知的人文景观,诸如:两万五千年前的原始人洞穴、上古时代的二帝王陵、周易发祥地的里古城、建安风骨的邺城文化、西门豹治邺的古河道、精忠报国的岳飞的故里等。安阳自然风光秀丽多姿,小南海风景区、珍珠泉风景区和旖旎的太行风光,令中外游客留恋忘返。独具特色的航空运动基地,因其鬼斧神工的天然地势而深得跳伞、滑翔运动爱好者的青睐。被称为世界“第八大奇迹”的人工天河红旗渠,同时又成为不可多得的旅游景观。安阳市位于中国河南省的最北部,地处山东省、山西省、河北省、河南省四省毗邻处。从中国版图上看,它正居于中心部位。 它西倚巍峨险峻的太行山。太行山是中国少有的几条南北走向的山脉之一。八百里太行神秘而美丽,它隐藏着无数古老的神奇故事。由太行山麓发源的一条河流经市区,这就是古老的甲骨文中已有记载的洹水。安阳是纵贯中国南北的京广铁路大干线上的一个重要车站,从安阳至首都北京,铁路里程为508公里。安阳也是西高东低。大致以穿越市区的京广铁路为界,西部重恋叠嶂、丘陵起伏,属于太行山之东麓,而东部是一望无际的平原,是华北平原的一部分。西部最高处海拔1667米,而东部最低处海拔仅50米,显而易见地呈阶梯状。 安阳资源丰富,主要矿产有煤、铁、矿石、大理石、石英砂、水泥灰岩等,主要农产品有小麦、玉米、棉花、大豆、花生等,是河南省的主要棉产区。红枣、蜂蜜、山楂、核桃、在国内外享有盛誉。 好,游客朋友们,安阳就为大家讲解到这儿,谢谢各位的支持! |
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