标题 | 北海银滩旅游区导游词 |
范文 | 北海银滩旅游区导游词(通用5篇) 北海银滩旅游区导游词 篇1北海银滩旅游度假区位于北海市南部海滨,距北海市区8公里。银滩西起侨港镇渔港,东至大冠沙,由西区、东区和海域沙滩区组成,东西绵延约24公里,海滩宽度在30--3000米之间,陆地面积12平方公里,总面积约38平方公里。沙滩均由高品位的石英砂堆积而成,在阳光的照射下,洁白、细腻的沙滩会泛出银光,故称银滩,北海银滩以其“滩长平、沙细白、水温净、浪柔软、无鲨鱼”的特点,被誉为“中国第一滩”。 北海银滩度假区由三个度假单元(银滩公园、海滩公园、恒利海洋运动度假娱乐中心)和陆岸住宅别墅、酒店群组成。海水浴、海上运动、沙滩高尔夫、排球、足球等沙滩运动以及大型音乐喷泉观赏、旅游娱乐等是北海银滩旅游度假区的主要内容。 度假区内的海域海水纯净,陆岸植被丰富,环境优雅宁静,空气格外清新。由于其具有“滩长平,沙细白,水温净,浪柔软,无鲨鱼。”的特点,可容纳国际上最大规模的沙滩运动娱乐项目和海上运动娱乐项目,是我国南方最理想的滨海浴场和海上运动场所。而且,浴场宽阔,海水退潮快,涨潮慢,沙滩自净能力强,游泳安全系数高,海水透明度大于2米,超过我国沿海海水平均标准的一倍以上,年平均水温23.7℃,每年有9个多月可以入水游泳;公园内,空气中负离子含量数为内地城市的50至l000倍,空气特别清新,是各类慢性及老年性疾病患者最适宜的疗养环境,因而被许多中外专家认为是中国最理想的海滨浴场和度假疗养胜地,有“南方北戴河”之誉。 银滩公园内,楼台阁宇风格各异;林荫小道曲折宛延;椰树林独具风情。信步海堤,海天一色,白云朵朵,令人如入仙境,留连忘返。西南端还有冠头岭,林木茂盛,葱茏苍翠,像一条青龙横卧海边,临海壁陡,峰险洞奇,登高可观日落日出,倚壁可观涛望海。 公园内建一生态广场,造型独特,线条优美;花木繁茂,郁郁葱葱,建有30多幢具有滨海特色,风格各异的楼台阁宇;育曲折宛延伸展的林荫小道;有反映北海人精神风貌的大型雕塑--海恋;育独具南国风情的椰树林;还有供游客观赏娱乐的大空船、高空飞车、异国珍奇鸟类表演、越南民族风情表演、俄罗斯风情表演和海上跳伞等游乐表演项目,可欣赏精湛演出技艺,可搏击海面,亦可信步海堤,这里海天相连,海帆点点:波涛滚滚,白云朵朵,令人如入仙境,心旷神怡,留连忘返。 北海银滩旅游度假区最佳旅游季节 北海的气候总体上说是相当好的,一年到头SUNNY的日子很多,你总能见到蔚蓝的晴空,非常适合海滨休闲度假。 这里冬季较短(每年的12月到第二年的2月),夏季较长(5月至11月),春秋两季不明显,时间也短。 在冬季里,日照时间一长,日间气温上升,就会很暖和。偶尔几个春节这里的人们可穿着衬衣、短裙在街上走动。 夏季还是比较热的(至少在室外),不过在树荫下会很凉快,阵阵海风拂面吹过,舒服极了。夜晚一般会很凉快。如果你住在高层楼房,你甚至不用开电扇、空调.夏季着装与国内其它城市无异,到海边注意防晒; 冬季无须穿棉衣、毛裤,但有时气温降到6-7度,而大部分酒店无暖气,北方的朋友可能感觉很难受。(越南各旅游目的地夏季气温一般会略高1-2度,冬季和北海差不多) 5.1和10.1长假去银摊人很多的,1.1去就不会,因为天气冷了,人少游泳. 北海景区已大部分不收取门票了. 晚上去逛夜市街,是个不错的选择,很多精美珍珠海产品等你挑! 北海银滩旅游区导游词 篇2今年暑假我去了北海银滩,下面我来介绍给你听吧! 北海最出名的就是银滩了。你知道银滩为什么那么出名吗?因为呀,那里的沙子很美丽,银白色的,很柔,很软。踩上去,就好像踩在面粉上一样。从高处望去,银白一片,比其它的沙滩漂亮多了。沙滩的旁边还有一棵大大的许愿树。 大海一望无际,它每天都是那样迷人。凌晨六点钟,太阳是在海平线上,海水一片闪闪烁烁的深红。中午,太阳高高地挂在天空中,游客们都撑起了大伞。轰――个大浪蛮横地闯上沙滩,发出一声巨响,仿佛连地底也颤抖了一下。海浪拍打在露出海面的“老虎石”上,发出了一声巨响,像一群猛虎在怒吼,真使人有点胆战心惊。傍晚还真迷人,西方的天,还燃烧着一片橘红色的晚霞,大海也被这霞光染成了红色。晚上大海经过了一天的宣嚣,变得温顺了。 它懒洋洋地在月光下荡漾,波浪一波一波地吞噬着沙滩上的脚印,晚上的海风,清新而凉爽。北海,你平静时像没有经过打磨的镜子,有时像一群凶猛的老虎。 我喜欢你――美丽的北海,美丽的银滩! 北海银滩旅游区导游词 篇3Hello, everyone! Welcome to Beihai, a scenic spot with beautiful scenery,pleasant climate, delicious food, beautiful women and handsome men. As thesaying goes, "a hundred year old man will be on the same boat, and a thousandyear old man will be sleeping together." now the popular saying is that ahundred year old man will be in the same car. We are in the same car today, butit's fate that we have been in the same car for a hundred years, Xiao Zhou It'sa great honor. There's a saying in China that it's never too old to learn. Whenwe come to Beihai, first of all, we have to learn from the threerepresentatives. First, on behalf of Beihai people, I'd like to extend a warmwelcome to all the guests who have come from afar. Second, on behalf of all thestaff of the business travel company, I'd like to welcome you to this happyjourney. The third representative is me. On behalf of myself and the driver, I'dlike to make a brief introduction. I'm a tour guide from a business travelcompany. My name is Zhou Xiaoyan. You can call me Xiao Zhou or Zhou Dao. Justlet me know that you are calling me. Next, I would like to solemnly introduce the person who occupies anabsolutely important position in our tour, that is, master x, the driver whoescorts us. In our industry, there is such a saying that drivers drive in Jilin,Mongolia and Shanghai in a hurry. Can anyone think of how to drive in GuangxiLet me answer the riddle. Our masters in Guangxi are quite special. They canopen in both black and white. Why do you say that? It's about the climate ofGuangxi. "There are flowers in spring, months in autumn, cool winds in summerand rain in winter". This is the climatic characteristics of Guangxi. There arefour distinct seasons. The roads in spring, summer and autumn are generallywhite. It's about winter The rain makes the road black, so our master is veryfamiliar with black hundred and two roads, so we can rest assured of our drivingsafety this day. Now, I'd like to invite our lady friends in the car to focus on our master.There is a saying: first class men have a home outside their home, second classmen have flowers outside their home, third class men look for a home in theflowers, and fourth class men go home after work. Hehe, let's see what kind ofmen our master belongs to? Start your brain and think about it. Oh, remove awrong answer, D. if you think of us like this, it's impossible for a master togo home after work in four or five days. Shifu is a good man. Why do you saythat? Please don't think about it. I didn't say that Shifu is a playboy. Let'stake a look at the touring car that is sheltering us at this moment. It is ourmaster's mobile home. Of course, the master also loves it, so students shouldlove our master's home and keep it clean and tidy. Xiao Zhou wants to get home in the exam. Do you know what master'sspecialty is? Some of the students say: "driving"! Guide: No, master's specialtyis half hearted! Don't be surprised, which half hearted is it. The first is todrive carefully, the second is to treat the guests patiently, and the third isto serve everyone enthusiastically. What's the difference: 1. Drivewholeheartedly; 2. Serve all the beauties and handsome guys wholeheartedly. (finally, I want to give you one thing. I want to give you 70 million.Don't be surprised, it's 70 million....... )1、 We must pay attention to safety.We must take good care of our personal belongings. We must remember the assemblytime. We must remember the assembly place. We must take collective actioninstead of acting alone. We must remember our license plate number and theteacher's telephone number. We must remember the above 60 million. Now we areall multimillionaires, right. I believe students have a certain understanding of today's Beihai tourismitinerary. The first thing we visit is the South Pearl soul, the symbol ofBeihai city. It is located in the Beibu Bay Square full of flowers and grass allyear round. It is composed of a 30 meter diameter fountain, a 15 meter highgiant artificial pearl shell and group sculptures. It is known as "the firstcity sculpture in Guangxi". Its designer is Professor Ye Yushan, President ofSichuan Academy of fine arts. After visiting the soul of the South Pearl River, we will walk along theold Beihai street, which was built in 1883 and has a length of nearly 1.5kilometers. We can slowly experience the historical steps of Beihai. Afterexperiencing Beihai century old street, we can see the magnificent underwaterlandscape of the world's third generation aquarium without going abroad. That isthe underwater world. Here, there are many exciting underwater performanceswaiting for you every day. Where will we finally arrive? That is Beihai silver beach, which ourclassmates have been longing for for for a long time. 北海银滩旅游区导游词 篇4Hello, everyone! It's a great pleasure to meet you. First of all, thank youfor your support and trust in our travel agency. Let me have such an opportunityto travel with you and serve you. My family name is x, __. Maybe you feel alittle awkward for the first time, but it doesn't matter. You can call me Xiao Xor director X. you can call me as kind as you like! Today I'm going to take youto visit BeiHai silver beach, which is known as "Beidaihe in the South" and"Hawaii in the East". Beihai silver beach is located on the Bank of Beibu Bay. It stretches for24 kilometers and covers a total area of 38 square kilometers. It is famous forits "long flat beach, fine sand, quiet water, soft waves and no sharks". Do youknow why Beihai is known? (ask the audience, answer "China's first beach")? Yes,China's first beach. Guangxi is proud of "Guilin landscape in the north andBeihai silver beach in the South". Speaking of which, thank you, I want to testyou. Right, this shell necklace in my hand is his! Do you know why this beach iscalled silver beach? (audience: because the sand here is white!) that's right!OK, the shell necklace in my hand is yours! Do you know why the sand here is sowhite? (audience: why?) In fact, the beach of Yintan is made of high-grade quartz sand, and thequartz content is more than 98%. Under the sunlight, the white and delicatebeach is silvery, so it is called Yintan. It is rare at home and abroad, and iscalled "a rare fine beach in the world" by experts. The sand is crystal clearand white, holding it in your hand like refined salt. Because the sand is fineand dense, visitors can walk on the flat and wide beach where the tide has justreceded, even without leaving footprints. What complements the beach like cottonsnow in the sun is the clear and transparent sea water. Because there is noindustry in the silver beach area of Beihai, the sea water ebbs fast and risesslowly. The beach has strong self-cleaning ability, and the water quality is thenational first-class standard. Moreover, the swimming safety factor is veryhigh. The sea area near the silver beach can enter the water for more than ninemonths every year, so you can come with the warm and quiet sea water It's aclose encounter. In addition, the air in the North Sea is particularly fresh. The content ofnegative ions in the air is 50 to 1000 times that of inland cities. It can besaid that it is "the largest oxygen bar in the country". Smell the air in theNorth Sea, it is fresh and humid, without any pollution, making the bottom of myheart pure. In the daytime, the sky here is blue, high, pure and transparent. Lookingfrom the window, the sea and sky are the same, fishing boats are few, and gullsare flying. The night on the silver beach is also moving. The moon is hazy, thelights are shining, the breeze waves, gently shaking the boats in the harbor. WeSilver Beach night, but particularly quiet, particularly beautiful Oh! How about listening to my introduction of Xiao x, are you excited? Well, Iwon't say much about Xiao x, and I'll stop explaining to you. So what's wrongwith Xiao x? I hope you can understand and point out that I will try my best toimprove my work and provide you with better service! Thank you for your supportand cooperation, and I hope you can help me in the future Have a good time inthe arms of the sea! Thank you! 北海银滩旅游区导游词 篇5Welcome to Beihai silver beach. Beihai Yintan starts from the fishing port of Qiaogang town in the West andends at Daguansha in the East. It is composed of the West District, the EastDistrict and the sea beach area. It stretches about 24 kilometers from east towest, with a beach width of 30-3000 meters. It has a land area of 12 squarekilometers and a total area of 38 square kilometers. The area of beach is morethan the sum of Dalian, Yantai, Qingdao, Xiamen and Beidaihe Beach, and theaverage slope is only 0.05. The beach is made of high-grade quartz sand. Underthe sunlight, the white and delicate beach will be silvery, so it is calledYintan. Beihai Yintan is known as "the first beach in the world" for itscharacteristics of "long flat beach, fine white sand, clean water temperature,soft waves and no shark". Yintan is a major tourist spot in Beihai and a national tourist resortapproved by the State Council on October 4, 1992. The resort is located in thesoutheast coast of Beihai City, reaching Daguansha in the East, Qiaogang fishingport in the west, and Yintan stretching about 24 km from east to west. Beihai silver beach was originally called "white tiger head", because fromthe map, the whole area looks like a big white tiger with open mouth. Beihai Silver Beach Beihai Silver Beach Guangxi is proud of "Guilinlandscape in the north and Beihai silver beach in the South". The sea water inBeihai Silver Beach Resort is pure, the land bank vegetation is rich, theenvironment is elegant and quiet, and the air is especially fresh. Because ofits "long flat beach, fine white sand, clean water temperature, soft waves, nosharks." It can accommodate the largest beach sports and entertainment projectsand sea sports and entertainment projects in the world. It is the most idealbeach and sea sports place in southern China. The sand quality of Beihai silverbeach is high-grade quartz sand. The content of silica (quartz) in the beach isas high as 98%, which is rare at home and abroad. Experts call it "a rare finebeach in the world". The sand is crystal clear and white, holding it in yourhand like refined salt. Because the sand is fine and dense, visitors stroll onthe flat and wide beach where the tide has just receded, and even have nofootprints I won't stay. This shoal of broken silver is a priceless rich mine. Quartzsand is a good raw material for manufacturing glass, enamel, optical instrumentsand other industrial products. "Beihai people are stepping on a golden rice bowl!" Beihai Yintan resortconsists of three holiday units (Yintan Park, Beach Park, Hengli Ocean SportsResort and entertainment center) and land residential villas and hotels. The main contents of Beihai Silver Beach Resort are sea bath, sea sports,beach golf, volleyball, football and other beach sports, as well as large-scalemusic fountain, tourism and entertainment. The sea water in Beihai Silver BeachResort is pure, the land bank vegetation is rich, the environment is elegant andquiet, and the air is especially fresh. Because of its "long flat beach, fine white sand, clean water temperature,soft waves, no sharks." It can accommodate the largest beach sports andentertainment projects and sea sports and entertainment projects in the world.It is the most ideal beach and sea sports place in southern China. Moreover, thebathing beach is wide, the sea water ebbs quickly and rises slowly, the beachhas strong self purification ability, the swimming safety factor is high, thetransparency of the sea water is more than 2 meters, which is more than twicethe average standard of China's coastal sea water, and the annual average watertemperature is 23.7 ℃; In the park, the content of negative ions in the air is50 to 1000 times of that in inland cities. The air is particularly fresh and itis the most suitable convalescent environment for patients with various chronicand senile diseases. Therefore, many Chinese and foreign experts consider it themost ideal beach and resort in China, and it is known as "Beidaihe in theSouth". In Yintan Park, there are different styles of pavilions and pavilions,winding Avenue and unique coconut forest. Walking along the seawall, the sea andsky are the same color, and the white clouds are blooming, which makes peoplefeel like entering a fairyland and forgetting to return. In the southwest, thereis guantouling, with luxuriant trees and verdant green. It is like a greendragon lying on the seashore. It has steep walls, dangerous peaks and strangecaves. You can see the sunset and sunrise when you climb high, and you can seethe sea when you lean against the wall. In the park, there is an ecological square with unique shape and beautifullines; the flowers and trees are luxuriant, Weizhou Island in Beihai is lush,and there are more than 30 buildings with coastal characteristics and differentstyles; there are winding and stretching boulevards; there are large sculpturesreflecting Beihai people's spiritual style -- sea love; there are coconut treeswith unique Southern customs; there are many beautiful trees and trees in thepark; There are also large empty boats, high-altitude flying cars, exotic birdsperformances, Vietnamese ethnic customs performances, Russian customsperformances and sea parachute jumping for tourists to enjoy the exquisiteperformance skills, fight against the sea, or walk on the seawall. Here, the seaand sky are connected, and the sea sails are dotted: the waves are rolling, theclouds are blooming, making people feel like entering a fairyland, relaxed andhappy Forget to return. |
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