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标题 北海银滩旅游区导游词


北海银滩旅游区导游词 篇1















北海银滩旅游区导游词 篇2






北海银滩旅游区导游词 篇3

  Hello, everyone! Welcome to Beihai, a scenic spot with beautiful scenery,pleasant climate, delicious food, beautiful women and handsome men. As thesaying goes, "a hundred year old man will be on the same boat, and a thousandyear old man will be sleeping together." now the popular saying is that ahundred year old man will be in the same car. We are in the same car today, butit's fate that we have been in the same car for a hundred years, Xiao Zhou It'sa great honor. There's a saying in China that it's never too old to learn. Whenwe come to Beihai, first of all, we have to learn from the threerepresentatives. First, on behalf of Beihai people, I'd like to extend a warmwelcome to all the guests who have come from afar. Second, on behalf of all thestaff of the business travel company, I'd like to welcome you to this happyjourney. The third representative is me. On behalf of myself and the driver, I'dlike to make a brief introduction. I'm a tour guide from a business travelcompany. My name is Zhou Xiaoyan. You can call me Xiao Zhou or Zhou Dao. Justlet me know that you are calling me.

  Next, I would like to solemnly introduce the person who occupies anabsolutely important position in our tour, that is, master x, the driver whoescorts us. In our industry, there is such a saying that drivers drive in Jilin,Mongolia and Shanghai in a hurry. Can anyone think of how to drive in GuangxiLet me answer the riddle. Our masters in Guangxi are quite special. They canopen in both black and white. Why do you say that? It's about the climate ofGuangxi. "There are flowers in spring, months in autumn, cool winds in summerand rain in winter". This is the climatic characteristics of Guangxi. There arefour distinct seasons. The roads in spring, summer and autumn are generallywhite. It's about winter The rain makes the road black, so our master is veryfamiliar with black hundred and two roads, so we can rest assured of our drivingsafety this day.

  Now, I'd like to invite our lady friends in the car to focus on our master.There is a saying: first class men have a home outside their home, second classmen have flowers outside their home, third class men look for a home in theflowers, and fourth class men go home after work. Hehe, let's see what kind ofmen our master belongs to? Start your brain and think about it. Oh, remove awrong answer, D. if you think of us like this, it's impossible for a master togo home after work in four or five days. Shifu is a good man. Why do you saythat? Please don't think about it. I didn't say that Shifu is a playboy. Let'stake a look at the touring car that is sheltering us at this moment. It is ourmaster's mobile home. Of course, the master also loves it, so students shouldlove our master's home and keep it clean and tidy.

  Xiao Zhou wants to get home in the exam. Do you know what master'sspecialty is? Some of the students say: "driving"! Guide: No, master's specialtyis half hearted! Don't be surprised, which half hearted is it. The first is todrive carefully, the second is to treat the guests patiently, and the third isto serve everyone enthusiastically. What's the difference: 1. Drivewholeheartedly; 2. Serve all the beauties and handsome guys wholeheartedly.

  (finally, I want to give you one thing. I want to give you 70 million.Don't be surprised, it's 70 million....... )1、 We must pay attention to safety.We must take good care of our personal belongings. We must remember the assemblytime. We must remember the assembly place. We must take collective actioninstead of acting alone. We must remember our license plate number and theteacher's telephone number. We must remember the above 60 million. Now we areall multimillionaires, right.

  I believe students have a certain understanding of today's Beihai tourismitinerary. The first thing we visit is the South Pearl soul, the symbol ofBeihai city. It is located in the Beibu Bay Square full of flowers and grass allyear round. It is composed of a 30 meter diameter fountain, a 15 meter highgiant artificial pearl shell and group sculptures. It is known as "the firstcity sculpture in Guangxi". Its designer is Professor Ye Yushan, President ofSichuan Academy of fine arts.

  After visiting the soul of the South Pearl River, we will walk along theold Beihai street, which was built in 1883 and has a length of nearly 1.5kilometers. We can slowly experience the historical steps of Beihai. Afterexperiencing Beihai century old street, we can see the magnificent underwaterlandscape of the world's third generation aquarium without going abroad. That isthe underwater world. Here, there are many exciting underwater performanceswaiting for you every day.

  Where will we finally arrive? That is Beihai silver beach, which ourclassmates have been longing for for for a long time.





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