标题 | 蠡园导游词 |
范文 | 蠡园导游词(精选12篇) 蠡园导游词 篇1蠡湖,又名五里湖,是太湖伸入无锡的内湖,位于江南名城无锡西南郊,离市中心约10公里,形如葫芦状。 蠡湖的名字,来自于范蠡与西施的传说:相传在2400多年前的春秋时期,吴越在夫椒一战,越王勾践战败被俘。越国大夫范蠡出谋划策,勾践忍辱负重,采取“卧薪尝胆,励精图治”的决策,并在诸暨苎罗山若耶溪觅得绝色美人西施,授以辱身报国的使命,进献吴王,使吴王夫差沉湎于酒色,对越失去戒备,并杀掉了忠臣伍子胥。吴国被灭,范蠡功居首位。勾践猜疑心重,只能共患难,不可共安乐。范蠡功成身退,偕西施泛舟于太湖,遨游于七十二峰。进入五里湖后,留恋这里的秀丽景色,终日泛舟湖上,久久不忍离去,此后,民间就把五里湖改称为蠡湖。 蠡湖公园也有好景致,湖中菱花星星点点,芦苇菖蒲随风而起倒也雅致.还有一处人造沙滩虽不比天然海滩有点小家子气倒也是个戏水的好去处,凉丝丝的水在脚面漾漾,很惬意的感觉。 蠡湖公园建设坚持以人为本,以水为魂。造园艺术中西合壁,在碧水环绕的园中,一座座造型各异的小桥、栈桥构通全园各景点。园中之园——施苑,绿荫拥抱。筑有流韵、天远、悦红、清辉四亭,环水而筑的百米长廊——水镜廊,将集古今赞美太湖的名人诗词、绘画、摄影精品,展示蠡湖深厚的文化底蕴。亦可作为市民参与蠡湖文化活动,进行交流展览的平台。蠡湖公园是观赏蠡湖大桥的最佳位置。 无锡蠡湖公园为免费开放公园。位于中国江苏省无锡市滨湖区蠡湖北岸,20xx年10月1日起正式对外开放。该园占地面积300亩,由美国泛亚易道公司和无锡园林设计所合作设计。园内以植物造景为主,建有“春之媚”、“夏之秀”、“秋之韵”、“冬之凝”四季花木林带。环水而筑圆形百米长廊——水镜廊,展示古今赞美太湖的名人诗词、绘画、雕塑精品。 蠡园导游词 篇2蠡湖,原名五里湖,是太湖东北处的一个内湖,伸入蠡湖的蠡园是无锡的老牌公园,具有江南园林风格,以水景见长,细细窄窄的长提、小桥、长廊架于水上,到了3、4月份桃花盛开,6-9月荷花盛开,宛如一座水上花园。 民国初年,在蠡湖畔建青祁八景,-1936年在原有基础上建蠡园,后几经扩建。相传春秋时范蠡、西施退隐太湖,即在这里泛舟,园内的建筑多以范蠡、西施为主题,来这一看爱情,二看精致。 进蠡园大门往左是假山群,先不去假山那玩,一圈逛出来时再去。走百花山房方向,向南到四季亭。四季亭指的是一方水塘的四条边上各有一个亭子,春亭旁种梅花,夏亭旁种夹竹桃,秋亭旁栽桂花,冬亭旁种腊梅。四季亭北边有块大草坪,在草坪上坐坐,和三四好友聊天,或者来顿野餐,十分惬意。四季亭西边是舢板码头,可在湖上划船,脚踏船参考价25元/40分钟,手划船参考价20元/40分钟。 继续向南走,到蠡湖上的长堤“南堤春晓”。这里是春天赏花最好的地方,堤上一排垂柳,柳枝随风摇摆,柳树间夹种着很多桃树,桃花品种很多,一棵桃树上还会开出不同颜色的桃花。还有梨花、樱花,吹落的花瓣铺在湖面上,好似一副花团锦簇的锡绣。南堤春晓的西南角有望湖亭“月波平眺”,在那有游船码头,可坐游船去西施庄。 西施庄是蠡湖南边人工堆砌出来的小岛,沿着水边的石板路绕岛一周,沿路错落有致地分布着多以范蠡、西施命名的景点。在陶朱公馆中图文介绍范蠡助越王勾践打败吴国、退隐后经商的一生,商圣堂里有个超级大的算盘很好玩,算珠要用两只手用力拉才掰得动。西施园里布置着西施的绣坊、闺房、书斋,陈列着锡绣展品。岛上还有春秋戏台等景点。岛不大,绕岛游览一圈大约需30分钟-1小时。 坐船回到南堤春晓,往东北方向走,到千步长廊。这是蠡园的老建筑物,跨在蠡湖上,一侧是墙,另一侧临水,墙上80个镂空花窗图案各异,十分精美。千步长廊东边尽头有湖心亭“晴红烟绿”,与亭隔水相望的凝春塔红砖青瓦,小巧而色彩对比强烈,是蠡园的标志性建筑之一。在蠡园的东部区域,可以比较近地看见东边蠡湖公园的摩天轮,以蠡园为前景,摩天轮为背景,拍出的照片很文艺。 接着往西北走,到还是属于东部区域的春秋阁。楼阁有三层,是蠡园的高建筑,楼上设茶座,可一边喝茶,一边远眺蠡湖秀色。最后回到假山群,一大片太湖石堆叠而成各种奇峰,都以“云”字命名,如云窝、云脚、穿云等,其中归云峰是最高的,高12米。进入假山群,犹如进入迷宫,还可以爬到假山上玩。 蠡园与西边的鼋头渚离得较近,不少游客会把鼋头渚与蠡园安排在一天游览。 蠡园导游词 篇3各位游客大家好! 欢迎您来蠡园游览,我是导游员小萌。今天有幸陪同大家游览蠡园,共度美好时光,我感到十分荣幸。 我们现在将去游览的景点是蠡园。蠡园距无锡市区10公里,位于前湖北岸的青祁村,是一处以“堆造假山、巧借真水”而闻名的江南水乡园林. 蠡园简史:得名由来—创建历史—景区分布 蠡园因蠡湖而得名,蠡湖原名“五里湖”,是太湖东北岸的一个内湖,湖面9.5平方公里。相传20xx多年前,越国大夫范合助越王灭亡吴国后,功成名就,携西施隐居于此。后人把范蠡、西施当年泛舟的五里湖叫做“蠡湖”,蠡园也因此而得名。 蠡园的建设,最早是在民国初年,当时的青祁村人虞循真在蠡湖岸边种植了柳树、菱藕,然后筑堤围坎,建造茅亭,形成了“梅埠香雪”、“南堤春晓”、“曲渊观鱼”等“青祁八景”,并设立“山明水秀之区”牌额以示游人,从而奠定了蠡园风景开发的基础。 ,又一位青祁村人王禹卿,在上海经营面粉生意致富后,回到乡里,在“青祁八景”的基础上辟地30亩,凿池引水,叠石为峰,历时三年建成蠡园。1930年,台园的另一位建造者陈梅芳在蠡园旁建造了另一个园林,据范蠡在此与乡亲们一起养鱼的传闻,取名“渔庄”,并声称要胜过蠡园,因名“赛蠡园”。1936年,王禹卿的儿子王亢元,又分别营建了湖心亭、凝春塔等建筑。解放后,1952年无锡市政府经全面整修,在台园与渔庄之间,建筑了一条千步长廊,从而将两国连成一体,统称“蠡园”。1978年又在长廊之东拓建新园,形成了如今的规模。 台园现占地123亩,其中水面占40%以上,全园分为四个景区:东部有百花山房、月波平眺、南堤春晓和四季亭;西部有千步长廊、湖心亭、凝春塔;中部有假山群、莲防;新辟的有春秋阁等名胜景观。 蠡园大门—百花山房 各位游客:我们现在来到了蠡园大门,这是由原渔庄大门改建而成的。进门是90平方米的敞厅,右侧墙上刻有蠡园风景图。向前过暗廊、月洞门,穿过假山屏障,只见右边堆砌着湖石、假山,这就是著名的百花山房。它建于1934年,外观为落地长窗,配以各种花纹雕刻。厅里陈设古式家具,房后种植芭蕉、棕榈。百花山房回廊中的墙上装饰着彩绘壁画,它以西施故事为线索,形象地展现了西施~生的主要经历。西施是我国古代四大美女之一,浙江诸暨人。在吴越争战中,越国谋臣范合帮助越王勾践设“美人计”,将西施献给吴王夫差,从而使夫差沉迷酒色,最终亡国。 由回廊向前,二层楼建筑是“濯锦楼”。 假山群—莲舫—洗耳泉—桂林天香 假山石阵是台园景区的主要特征。1930年陈梅芳建渔庄时,用太湖石堆砌假山群,由浙江东阳人蒋字元设计建造。来到假山群,只觉峰回路转,曲折盘旋,置身其中,如入迷宫。假山群的建造丰富了园林内容,增加了山林野趣,又分隔了景区空间。这些假山都以“云”字题名,有云窝、云脚、穿云、朵云、盘云、归云、留云等。假山最高处是“归云洞”,高12米。在此可以眺望全园景色。我们到此,是否有一种“身在此山中,不知云深处”的感觉呢!假山虽小,却风景独特。在假山群旁,还配置着小亭、池塘、小溪、曲桥、石笋,并且种植了各种名贵花木,大有会稽兰亭之风光。 假山群中最大的建筑是“莲航”。它建于1930年,三面临池,一侧和驳岸相连,分成三个舱:前舱是落地长窗,中舱装饰着矮墙花窗,尾舱隔有粉墙栏杆。航是园林湖泊中建造的一种船形建筑,主要供人在游览时驻足停留,观赏水景。江南园林造园多以水为中心,蠡园又建在太湖边,因此陈梅芳在假山群中造了这座莲航,使游人不在水中划船,却如同置身舟中的感觉,充分体现了造园者的用意。 看完莲访,我们沿石路向南,前方有一口直径约一米的泉井,周围叠石形如耳廓,这就是著名的“洗耳泉”。泉旁这块大石,状如狮子,似在守护着清泉。再看泉畔石路两旁分布着这些湖石,倘若游客们仔细辨认,就能看出12生肖的动物形态。跨溪石桥上有“潜鱼”两字。此处景观以景状物,让我们不得不叹服造园者的别具匠心。 ·寒山寺旅游景点介绍 ·江苏周庄旅游景点介绍 ·扬州瘦西湖旅游景点介绍 ·淮安市旅游景点介绍 ·夫子庙旅游景点介绍% 下面让我们绕过假山,来到一片豁然开朗的景区。这里平地上种植着数十株古老的桂树,郁郁苍苍,香溢满园,因而名叫“桂林天香”。倘若中秋时节来到这里,定能使您感受一番“天香云外飘,桂子月中落”的情趣。 酒虚亭—四季亭—月波平跳—空界桥 走出假山群,过月老亭石拱桥,前面看到的攒尖敞开的亭子,就是“涵虚亭”。此亭本来在蠡园东部,建渔庄时迁到这里。原先亭子分成八面,有矮墙,上装花格长窗,1958年整修时,拆除了花窗和矮墙,成为现在开敞的样子。1983年还塑有“西施浣纱”像。 “涵虚亭”前是“四季亭”。四个亭子外形虽然一样,寓意却十分深刻,它们代表了一年中的春、夏、秋、冬四时。四季亭于1954年建造,造型别致,歇山式亭顶。亭内三面扶手称作“美人靠”,亭顶上装饰着水生植物——荷花、荷叶、莲蓬。我国古代把水生植物看作吉祥物,认为可以避免火灾。那么这四个亭如何加以区别呢?一是看亭边种的植物:春亭旁种梅花和迎春;夏亭畔种夹竹桃;秋亭边种桂花;冬亭侧种腊梅。二是看四亭所处的方位,无锡地处近海,纬度较低,属亚热带气候,春、夏、秋、冬四季风向分别以吹东、南、西、北风为主,所以“四季亭”以东、南、西、北方位确定。 四季亭还各有一个更好听的名字,这是在1980年《无锡日报》上公开征集评选的,它们分别是:春亭叫“溢红”,夏亭名“滴翠”,秋亭为“醉黄”,冬亭称“吟白”。 在蠡园西南角,临湖建“六角亭”,这就是蠡园风景之最的“月波平眺”。它飞檐翘角,绿瓦红柱,因亭顶原立有一只仙鹤,故又叫“仙鹤亭”。 1958年整修时拆除了,换成现在的葫芦攒尖顶。顶上有12根楞木,斗拱相连,雕刻着60只金凤凰,每五只凤凰由一条龙率领,中间绘有双龙戏珠,所以也叫 “龙凤亭”。1981年,无锡书画家倪小近写的“月波平眺”匾悬挂在亭正中央。站在亭中可以眺望五里湖,领略湖光山色,所以也叫“望湖事”。 各位游客:如果我们在这里坐船游览蠡湖,便能眺望到远处的宝界桥,它是荣德生在1934年做60大寿时,出资建造的。桥的全长375米,宽 5.6米,高7.7米,桥下架有60个桥孔,象征荣德生60大寿。因桥在宝界山下,故名“宝界桥”,又因为此桥是无锡最长的桥,所以人们也称它为“长桥”。 南境春晓—千步长廊—暗红烟绿—凝春塔 在“望湖亭”前沿湖边的是“南堤”。长二三百米,30年代初,虞循真在这里种植桃树和柳树,称“南堤春晓”,成为“青祁八景”之首。如今共有 300多棵柳树,600多株桃树。每到春天,红碧桃、紫叶桃,以及从外引进的金散金碧桃、重瓣白碧桃等十多个品种的桃花竞相开放,争奇斗艳,将这里点缀得分外美丽。 沿南堤向东,走过假山石洞,是一个小天井,左边是木香树,右边是一棵紫藤,再向前穿过月洞门,就是长廊。长廊全长289米,也称“千步长廊”,建成于1952年。它既连接了老蠡湖和渔庄,也构成了一道独特的景致。长廊一面临蠡湖,另一面是长墙,墙上开有80多个漏窗,并用青瓦砌成各式图案,大家仔细端详就会发现,每个图案各不相同,别具匠心。长廊东边,嵌有38块砖刻,刻的是苏东坡、米芾、王阳明等人的作品,这是在建园时镶嵌上去的。整个长廊临水一边设置长椅,既装饰游廊,又能供游人休息,倚栏观景,人在其中,确能领略到“山光照槛水绕廊”的意境。 于步长廊东边的尽头,用栈桥和长廊相连的是湖心亭。湖心亭采用平桥涵洞的建筑结构,伸向湖中约50米,它是1935年由王亢元出资建造的。整座亭呈长方形,飞檐翘角,四面通敞,上部金色琉璃瓦顶,底部用黄色架筑材料。一面墙上雕刻有《嘉湖佳话》壁画;另一面有“晴红烟绿”匾,表明五里湖景色四时多变,因此也叫“暗红烟绿”水谢。和湖心亭隔水相望的是“凝春塔”,高约数米,五层八角,红砖青瓦,小巧玲戏,中西结合,是蠡园中的著名一景。 半亭—春秋阁 现在我们从千步长廊返回,可看到长廊一端,有一段独特的建筑,它与长廊相连,一半是走廊,一半是亭子,因此名叫“半亭”。半亭是千步长廊的延伸,它连接着蠡园新区,起到了一个过渡作用。这里也是观赏春秋阁的最佳地方。 游客们:前方这座三层楼的高阁就是“春秋阁”,它建于1978年。让我们走近阁旁,各位请看:这幢单檐歇山顶的建筑矗立在整个园林的最高处,给台园建筑增添了层次错落的变化。檐下高挂一块“春秋阁”的横匾,是著名书画家刘海粟的手笔。阁名取自春秋时期范麦和西施的故事。游客们:阁内有回廊,可以登临远眺,阁的底层还有一幅大型壁画《范蠡西施泛舟图》可供欣赏。下面请大家跟我一起登上春秋阁,居高临下地领略一番蠡园的壮丽景观吧! 江苏扬州瘦西湖旅游景点介绍 各位游客:如果把杭州西湖比作丰满妩媚的少妇,那么扬州瘦西湖可比作清秀切娜的少女,因为杭州西湖给人一种雍容华贵的韵味,而扬州瘦西湖却给人几分纤柔羞怯的情意。多少年来,她那独具的魅力,不仅使扬州人民喜往乐游,也使不少海内外的文人名士为之倾倒,单单一个“瘦”字,就引出许许多多诗人的佳句。早些年,邓拓游湖时,就对湖山风光赞赏不已,欣然成诗:“板桥歌吹古扬州,我作扬州三日游;瘦了西湖情更好,人天美景不胜收。” 名称来历—大虹桥—南门 各位游客:我国以“西湖”命名的景区有三四十处之多,而“瘦西湖”仅扬州一个。那么她为什么要定名为“瘦西湖”呢?瘦西湖地处扬州城西郊,原名“炮山河”,亦称“保障河”,是隋唐时期由蜀同诸山之水,汇合安徽大别山东来的洞水流人运河的一段水道。它有50多公顷的游览面积,6公里多的游程,一条曲水如锦带,时展时收,犹如嫦娥起舞时抛向人间的五色飘带,形态自然动人。后来改称“瘦西湖”,是因为乾隆年间诗人汪沆将扬州保障河与杭州西湖作了一番比较,写了一首咏赞保障河的诗:“垂杨不断接残芜,雁齿虹桥俨画图;也是销金一锅子,故应唤作瘦西湖。”从此“瘦西湖”作为正式名称,名闻中外。 “扬州好,第一是虹桥”,现在我们来到的地方就是名闻天下的瘦西湖第一景——大虹桥。这座桥是扬州二十四景之一,建于明崇份年间,横跨保障湖水。原桥为木质红栏,故名红桥,清代乾隆元年改建为石桥。十五年后,巡盐御史吉庆、普福、高恒相继重建,并在桥上建桥亭,改“红”为“虹”,意思是桥如彩虹。现已改建为7.6米宽的3孔低坡青石桥。虹桥在历史上曾经名噪一时,乾隆皇帝游扬州时也作诗赞赏虹桥的景色。有一次乾隆的游船到虹桥,见一乞丐手执长竿,长竿端头置一布袋,口中念念有词,便门左右,此人在此作甚?纪晓岚(清朝大臣)忙上前答道:是一乞丐,专在河边吟诗乞讨为生。乾隆闻听下旨命令乞丐当面吟诗,乞丐不慌不忙地吟道:“三月烟花风流在,一代天君过红桥。锦帆徐牵碧镜里,落霞贫贱照天烧。”乾隆不得不感叹:“扬州乞儿尚能作此诗,果然不愧为文昌之地。”而他自己也被撩动诗兴,出诗应和:“绿浓春水饮长虹,锦缆徐牵碧镜中;真在横披画里过,平山迎面送春风。”今日大虹桥已成为进人瘦西湖的咽喉,登桥远望,不仅可见湖水如带,桃红柳绿,画航签歌,更可见远处小金山上的山亭,隐隐约约,似在招引我们,步入佳境。 各位游客:现在展现在我们面前的这组恢宏建筑,就是今日瘦西湖的南大门,她正敞开怀抱,热情欢迎我们的到来。瘦西湖南大门像一道屏障,使瘦西湖诸景半藏半露,恰似美人“犹抱琵琶半遮面,千呼万唤始出来”。门厅檐口的“瘦西湖”三字匾,是扬州已故书法家孙龙父的手笔。门厅廊柱上一副槛联这样写道:“天地本无私,春花秋月尽我留连,得闲便是主人,且莫间平泉草木;湖山倍多丽,杰阁幽亭凭谁点缀,到处别开生面,真不减清閟画图。”是晚清扬州诗人李逸休撰题,并由其女儿扬州著名书法家李圣和书写的。有了这副祖联,瘦西湖风光也更添了几分滋力。几年前,电视连续剧《红楼梦》中“元妃省亲”的那场重头戏就是在这地拍摄的,让我们像当年的元妃那样登上挂揖兰桡,透过珠帘绣幕,去纵情领略瘦西湖的风光吧! 长堤春柳—小方亭—桃花坞 各位游客:步入大门,脚下一道长堤,逶迤北去。从虹桥直至徐园门前,是一条600米的长堤。东侧是碧波荡漾的湖水,西侧为花圃,路的两边三步一桃,五步一柳。沿途有五景,皆为清初盐商黄为蒲所筑。此景即称“长堤春柳”。每当和煦春风吹到这里时,那细细的柳丝就被染成嫩黄色,继而吐出粒粒绿珠。春意盎然时,柳叶舒展了,桃花盛开了,湖上微风吹来,那柳丝们娜起舞,树影婆婆,似青烟绿秀,漫步其间,怎不会令人人迷呢!这正如诗人陈其工所描写的:“长堤春柳最依依,才过虹桥便人迷。” 春日踏访柳堤是最有意趣的,漫步在这“问株杨柳间株桃”的长堤上,不知游客们是否有心旷神怕的感受。堤虽长但并不显得单调,请看前面堤畔的这座攒尖翘角式的四柱方亭,显然是让我们在此驻足,静静地揣摩欣赏这里的景色。亭内面西的“长堤春柳”匾是清代进士扬州书法家陈重庆的手笔。联题:“佳气溢芳甸(赵孟頫句),宿云檐野川(元好问句)。”为扬州书画家王板哉所书,登亭小想,使我们在领悟中又进入了新的意境。 堤边的柳与别处是不同的,为什么呢?据说,当年隋场帝开挖运河时,翰林学士虞世基建议在河堤两岸大量插柳,既可护堤,又可遮荫。隋扬帝大喜,并亲手先栽一株,又赐垂柳姓杨,所以外地的柳树到了扬州就称杨柳,“多情最是扬州柳”,所以杨柳成了扬州的市树。 如果说“长堤春柳”似东风二月,以桃红柳绿间植取胜,那么挑花坞则以成片桃林,云霞散彩的气派见长,的确是:“花落花飞飞满天,红消香断有谁怜?”各位游客:现在我们所在之处就叫桃花坞,电视连续剧《红楼梦》拍摄时。黛玉的扮演者陈晓旭在此处以锦囊收桃花艳骨,埋于一环净土之中,当她边舞边歌“侬今葬花人笑痴,他年葬依知是谁”时,连桃花鸡的花瓣也籁籁飘落,似乎同情黛玉的不幸。 据野史记载,清代扬州八怪之一的金农曾在平山堂赴宴,席间以古人“飞红”为题,行令赋诗。到了某盐商时,因才思枯竭,无以为对,竟然说出“柳絮飞来片片红”之句。金农为之解围,说是古人确有该诗,并为之补全,诗说:“廿四桥边廿四风,凭闹犹忆旧江东。夕阳返照桃花坞,柳絮飞来片片红。”众人明知是金农即席杜撰,但不得不佩服金农的才思敏捷。 四桥烟雨—徐园 各位游客:扬州素以桥乡闻名,它与江南绍兴一样桥多、桥美,不同的是,绍兴以梁桥为多,而扬州却以拱桥见长。现在我们看到的这个景点叫“四桥烟雨”。此景建于康熙年间,以前为扬州北郊二十四景之一,曾经也是大盐商的私家园林,登上这四桥烟雨楼,南面的虹桥,北面的长春桥,近处的春浓桥和西边的五亭桥,都历历在目。每当风雨萧萧时,四桥就忽隐忽视,故称“四桥烟雨”。可贵的是诸桥近在咫尺,桥桥不同,但这四座桥却把湖水分割的景物相互衔接起来,又以各桥不同的落点和构架将全彻景点划分为各具特色的若干区间,使每一风景区都呈现出各自独特的韵味。难怪乾隆每次来扬州都要登临四桥烟雨楼,凭窗眺望。“趣园”二字便是乾隆第一次下江南时的御笔。 园中有园是瘦西湖的特色,前面一道高墙将大片湖水挡住,仅以一圆形的洞门引我们入内。清初这里是韩园桃花坞故址。民国4年(191年)改为徐宝山洞堂,故名徐园。徐宝山曾任辛亥革命时的国民革命军第二军军长,统管两淮及八百里长江的缉私。他曾追随孙中山,与清军对阵作战,其后又提出撤销扬州军政府,从而统一江苏的主张。由于他轻视袁世凯,并赶走袁派来监视他的参谋长,袁世凯下毒手派人将他炸死。此时,曾与徐宝山共事过的著名书法家吉亮工不待请求,主动写了“徐园”两字。刚挥毫时,他心情还比较沉重,所以“徐”字为行楷,而后越写越激动,以至写“园”时,已按捺不住内心的激愤写成了行草。字径虽逾尺,但两字配合和谐,笔力遭劲。 这一小小园林中有一馆,一榭,一亭,外有曲水,内有池塘,花木竹石,恰到好处。此园是瘦西湖正门进入的第一个园,游客一入其中顿感江南园林的精巧。未到过瘦西湖的人,就以为这就是瘦西湖的风貌,其实这正是构园者的苦心,给人以“山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”的感觉。 小金山—风亭—本樨书屋 我们穿过徐国的后门,越过小虹桥,来到了小金山。小金山是怎样形成的呢?原来在清朝时,为了使乾隆皇帝能直接乘船去平山堂,便新开一段莲花埂新河,小金山就是用开挖出来的河泥人工堆积而成的。那时满岭遍植梅花,香气四溢,故称“梅岭春深”。据说当初在堆土成山时,屡堆屡塌,三年不成,督工也急得头晕眼花,一次在睡梦中,看见关羽带领士兵正在打梅花桩,将木桩几个一组打在河心,然后堆土成山。他猛然惊醒,立即仿效此法,十天后,果然堆成一座“小金山”。其后乾隆游览至此,闻听此事大悦,左右乘机连媚说:“皇上南巡,感动天地神灵,连关帝也主动为皇上效力。”乾隆更加高兴,即命重赏。 对了,刚才有位游客问,扬州为什么老是引用人家的名称?杭州有个西湖,这里就叫瘦西湖;镇江有个金山,这里就叫小金山。原来近人巧取瘦西湖之“瘦”,小金山之“小”,点明扬州园林之妙在于“借”,而借又借得巧,真是“借来西湖一角,堪夸其瘦;移来金山半点,何借乎小”。 下面我们沿着碗蜒山路,拾级而上,岭上便是风亭,匾额为清代著名诗人、学者阮元所题。山不在高,贵在层次,水不在深,贵在曲折。此时俯瞰小金山,上有风亭,中有观音阁,下有各种形式的厅堂,很有层次,四周碧水时宽时窄,时直时曲,使人感到变化无穷而又富有自然之势。 古城扬州是历史文化名城,瘦西湖一直有“翰墨园林”之称,到处都显示出文学艺术的特征。现在我们来到了临水而建的琴室,门前古柏两株,树龄都在220xx年以上,树高过檐数丈,葱笼叠翠。请大家随我走进琴室的庭院,请看东面花瓶门的石额上刻着“静观”两字,这是清代大书法家邓石如的手笔。琴室后是木标书屋。游客们:大家请保持安静。为什么?因为这里是读书所在,自然要安静了。园内种有老桂树15株,花开时节浓香醉人,又名“桂园”,木挥是桂花的别称。 吹台—五亭桥—白塔 各位游客:在小金山西麓有一条岸柳成行的长堤,伸向湖心,长堤的顶端就是吹台,也叫“钓鱼台”。提起钓鱼台,我们会想起北京国宾馆的钓鱼台,另外还有陕西宝鸡姜太公的钓鱼台。扬州的钓鱼台自有其高妙之处,伸出水面的小岛,岸柳成行,宽丈许,长有百余步,直插湖心。整个吹台既无繁杂的斗拱挑出,又无雕梁画栋的富丽堂皇,而是素油涂抹梁檐,显得朴实无华。钓鱼台建于清乾隆年间,最初设计者的本意是:乾隆游湖时,乐队在其中弹奏江南丝竹,以助游兴,所以亭内有沙孟海题“吹台”匾。谁知有一次乾隆皇帝来到此地,觉得此处更宜钓鱼,于是勃发钓鱼之兴。这下忙坏了手下人,管事的盐商火速暗中挑选水手,潜入水下,以荷叶盖顶,以荷茎换气。每当乾隆落竿垂钓,水手就将活鱼一条条挂上构去,乾隆举竿鱼跃,大家都喝彩欢腾,以为水神也从太君心意,盐商也自然得到奖赏。现今檐口的“钓鱼台”三字匾,是书法家刘海粟所题。两边槛联,上联为“浩歌向兰渚”,是唐代徐彦的佳句;下联为“把钓待秋风”,是唐代杜甫的名言。吹台三面各开圆洞门,以门借景,有“三星拱照”之称,为我国造园技艺中运用借景的杰出范例。 游客们:前面横跨瘦西湖南北两岸,巍峨屹立在我们面前的这座环拱石桥就是五亭桥。五亭桥不仅是扬州瘦西湖的象征,而且是全国风景名胜中独一天二的景观,因桥上建有五亭,大家便都称它为“五亭桥”。此桥是由巡盐御史高恒为迎奉乾隆第二次南巡(1757年)而建,又因为其形状像一朵盛开的莲花,所以又叫“莲花桥”。全长55.5米,桥基平面分成12个大小不同的桥墩,最为独特的是桥基,虽然用大块青石砌成,但十分纤巧,桥亭比例适当,配置和谐,造桥者把桥基建成“艹”形,主桥为单曲拱桥,旁构4翼,每翼各有3个半拱的桥洞,连同引桥两个扇形桥洞,共有15孔。孔孔相连,正面望去,连同倒影,形成5孔,大小各异,形状各殊;泛舟桥下,孔孔相通,犹如城堡。莲花出水似的五亭桥,结构巧妙,造型独特,桥亭结合,气势宏伟,举世无双,被著名桥梁建筑专家茅以升评价为“中国古城交通桥与观赏桥结合的典范”。 五亭桥南面为莲性寺,原称“法海寺”,初建于元代,清康熙四十四年(1720xx年),改为“莲性寺”。里面有名的建筑是白塔,巍峨矗立,已有近两百年的历史。塔身为砖结构,分三层,上层叫刹,中层是龛,均呈圆形,下层是塔基,为正方形。整个造型与北京北海白塔相似。据说这座白塔是一夜之间造成的。一天,乾隆的游船到了五亭桥畔,忽然对扬州陪同官员说:“这里多像京城北海的琼岛春阴啊,只可惜差一座白塔。”第二天清晨,乾隆开窗一看,只见五亭桥旁一座白塔巍然耸立,以为是从天而降,身旁的太监连忙跪奏道:“是盐商大贾为弥补圣上游瘦西湖之憾,连夜赶制而成的。”原来这座白塔是八大盐商之一的江春用万金贿赂乾隆左右,根据北京白塔的图样,然后用盐包为基础,以纸扎为表面,在一夜之间制作而成的。尽管只可远视,不可近攀,但乾隆不无感慨地说:“人道扬州盐商富甲天下,果然名不虚传。”当然真塔不可能是在一夜之间造成的,它究党建于何年已无法考证。但白塔属喇嘛塔,系藏传佛教喇嘛教寺院里的塔制,在瘦西湖中也仅作为点缀而且。它高27.5米,外形轮廓线也比北海白塔瘦长,塔座是砖雕的束腰须弥座,八角四面,每面三龛,龛内雕刻十二生肖像,象征一年12个月,一天12个时辰。筑台53级,象征童子拜观音的53参;相轮为13层,象征天的最高处13天。正是:处处有象征,时时有暗示,造园手法运用得十分巧妙。 熙春台—望春楼—二十四桥—小李将军画本轩 各位游客:不知你们是否发现我们刚才走过的路程,从虹桥到小金山为一折,湖面由南北转为东西,过吹台,穿五亭桥到此又一折,湖面由东西转为南北,直到蜀冈山麓。第二转折处的起点就是前面那组气势恢宏的仿清建筑——熙春台。所谓“熙春”是取《老子》“众人熙熙,如登春台”之意,表现了一种春日登高,与大自然相融,超然自乐的境界。熙春台与小金山遥遥相对,都处在湖面转折之处。它是当年乾隆皇帝祝寿的地方,因此处处体现出皇家园林富丽堂皇的宏大气派。所有建筑的瓦顶全用绿琉璃筒瓦,与远处五亭桥的黄瓦朱栋,白塔的玉体金顶相映成趣。熙春台内的装饰,使用了扬州漆器工艺,特别是这幅壁画《玉女吹萧图》,采用扬州磨漆画的工艺,表现出一群唐代仕女欢歌艳舞的壮观场面。 从熙春台向东隔湖相望,赫然入目的是望春楼,楼屋二层,翘角飞檐。上层半为露台,登台可览园中秀景;楼下中为茶室,南北两小间分别辟为山水庭院,顶部可见天日。 望春楼之西为“小李将军画本轩”,两层之间有水池曲桥相连。小李将军指的是谁呢?据记载,唐高宗时,宗室画家李思训,受封为右武卫将军,人称大李将军,他儿子李昭道曾任扬州大都督府参军,人称小李将军。“小李将军画本轩”是按李昭道的画意设计的,由于“大李小李”共创了唐代“金碧山水画派”,因此,我们今天透过扇形窗户观赏对面熙春台金碧辉煌的廓影,可以联想起盛唐艺术那种雍容华贵的气象。 “青山隐隐水迢迢,秋尽江南草未调。二十四桥明月夜,玉人何处教吹萧。”这是唐朝诗人杜牧留给我们的千古绝句,千百年来,二十四桥以其清丽俊爽的画面,迷蒙空幻的意境,浪漫悠扬的情调拨动了无数文人墨客的心弦。那么二十四桥因何得名呢?让我们带着这个问题前来观赏。过了画本轩向北过小石桥西折便是那名闻遐迩的二十四桥了。请看,整座桥是用汉白玉砌成的单孔拱形石桥。它全长24米,宽2.4米,两端各12级台阶,两边各24根汉白玉雕柱,高、宽各2.4米。桥上雕饰明月图案,秀丽典雅。桥东有贴壁黄石假山,西有熙春台,再现了唐诗中的诗情画意。景区占地约7公顷,为一组古典园林建筑群,整个景区在体现“两堤花柳全依水,一路楼台直到山”的意境中起着承前启后的作用。在这里,我们并未见到二十四桥桥名,但却处处暗示二十四之意。当然也有人说二十四桥指的是二十四座桥,然而我们对二十四桥似乎也不必作繁琐的考证。倒不如对杜牧诗中那种“只可意会,不可言传”的神奇股脱的意境去作一番细细的品味。正因为如此,历史上才会有许多中外名人前来观赏这里的景观。 1991年10月,陪同朝鲜劳动党金日成游览二十四桥景区时,他们走到杜牧的诗碑前,一起观赏并朗诵了毛泽东手书的杜牧绝句。在熙春台,20名弹古筝的小朋友齐声欢呼“金爷爷好”,并为金日成和江弹奏了民乐《渔歌唱晚》,赢得了一片掌声。 “二十四桥月如约,黄花开遍瘦西湖;西子范蠡今若在,不到杭州到扬州。”这是长期旅居国外的李鸿章的孙子李孔昕先生来游览瘦西湖后发出的感叹,不知各位对此有无同感。作为导游的我衷心希望迷人的瘦西湖风采能拨动您的心弦,给您留下清新隽永的回忆。 好了,各位游客朋友,我的讲解到此结束。祝愿大家游玩愉快.谢谢大家! 蠡园导游词 篇4蠡湖,又名五里湖,是太湖伸入无锡的内湖,位于江南名城无锡西南郊,离市中心约10公里,形如葫芦状。 蠡湖的名字,来自于范蠡与西施的传说:相传在2400多年前的春秋时期,吴越在夫椒一战,越王勾践战败被俘。越国大夫范蠡出谋划策,勾践忍辱负重,采取“卧薪尝胆,励精图治”的决策,并在诸暨苎罗山若耶溪觅得绝色美人西施,授以辱身报国的使命,进献吴王,使吴王夫差沉湎于酒色,对越失去戒备,并杀掉了忠臣伍子胥。吴国被灭,范蠡功居首位。勾践猜疑心重,只能共患难,不可共安乐。范蠡功成身退,偕西施泛舟于太湖,遨游于七十二峰。进入五里湖后,留恋这里的秀丽景色,终日泛舟湖上,久久不忍离去,此后,民间就把五里湖改称为蠡湖。 蠡湖公园也有好景致,湖中菱花星星点点,芦苇菖蒲随风而起倒也雅致.还有一处人造沙滩虽不比天然海滩有点小家子气倒也是个戏水的好去处,凉丝丝的水在脚面漾漾,很惬意的感觉。 蠡湖公园建设坚持以人为本,以水为魂。造园艺术中西合壁,在碧水环绕的园中,一座座造型各异的小桥、栈桥构通全园各景点。园中之园——施苑,绿荫拥抱。筑有流韵、天远、悦红、清辉四亭,环水而筑的百米长廊——水镜廊,将集古今赞美太湖的名人诗词、绘画、摄影精品,展示蠡湖深厚的文化底蕴。亦可作为市民参与蠡湖文化活动,进行交流展览的平台。蠡湖公园是观赏蠡湖大桥的最佳位置。 无锡蠡湖公园为免费开放公园。位于中国江苏省无锡市滨湖区蠡湖北岸,20xx年10月1日起正式对外开放。该园占地面积300亩,由美国泛亚易道公司和无锡园林设计所合作设计。园内以植物造景为主,建有“春之媚”、“夏之秀”、“秋之韵”、“冬之凝”四季花木林带。环水而筑圆形百米长廊——水镜廊,展示古今赞美太湖的名人诗词、绘画、雕塑精品。 蠡园导游词 篇5Lihu lake, formerly known as Wulihu Lake, is an inner lake in the northeastof Taihu Lake. Liyuan, which stretches into Lihu lake, is an old park in Wuxi.It has the style of Jiangnan garden. It is famous for its waterscape, withnarrow and long lifts, small bridges and long corridors on the water. Peachblossom is in full bloom in March and April, and lotus blossom in June andSeptember, just like a water garden. In the early years of the Republic of China, the eight sceneries of Qingqiwere built on the Bank of Lihu lake. From 1927 to 1936, Liyuan was built on theoriginal basis, and then expanded several times. It is said that Fan Li and XiShi retired from Taihu Lake in the spring and Autumn period, that is to say,they went boating here. Most of the buildings in the park are based on the themeof Fan Li and Xi Shi. Come here to see the love and the delicacy. To the left of the gate of Liyuan is a group of rockeries. Don't go to therockeries first, and then go out after a tour. Take the direction of BaihuaMountain House and go south to Siji Pavilion. Four seasons Pavilion refers to apond with four pavilions on each side. Plum blossom is planted beside springPavilion, Nerium indicum is planted beside Summer Pavilion, Osmanthus fragransis planted beside Autumn Pavilion, and wintersweet is planted beside winterPavilion. There is a big lawn in the north of the four seasons Pavilion. It'svery pleasant to sit on the lawn, chat with three or four friends, or have apicnic. To the west of Siji Pavilion is a sampan wharf. You can row on the lake.The reference price of pedal boat is 25 yuan / 40 minutes, and that of hand boatis 20 yuan / 40 minutes. Continue to walk south to the long dike on Lihu lake, which is called"South dike spring dawn". This is the best place to enjoy the flowers in spring.There are a row of weeping willows on the bank. The willow branches swing withthe wind. There are many peach trees among the willows. There are many kinds ofpeach flowers. There are different colors of peach flowers on a peach tree.There are pear flowers, cherry blossoms, blowing petals spread on the lake, likea pair of colorful tin embroidery. In the southwest corner of Chunxiao, there isa lake watching Pavilion named "yuebo Pingtiao". There is a cruise ship wharfwhere you can take a cruise ship to xishizhuang. Xishizhuang is an artificial island built in the south of Li. Along thestone road around the island, there are many scenic spots named after Fan Li andXishi. In the Taozhu residence, Fan Li helped Gou Jian, king of Yue, defeat thestate of Wu and go into business after retiring. There is a super big abacus inthe shangsheng hall, which is very interesting. It takes two hands to pull theabacus. Xishi garden is decorated with Xishi's embroidery workshop, boudoir,study, and exhibits of tin embroidery. There are also spring and autumn stageand other attractions on the island. The island is not big. A tour around theisland takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour. Take a boat back to Chunxiao of Nandi, and walk northeast to Qianbucorridor. This is the old building of Liyuan. It is on the Lihu lake. On oneside, there is a wall, and on the other side, there is water. There are 80hollowed out flower windows on the wall. The patterns are very beautiful. At theeast end of Qianbu corridor, there is the pavilion in the center of the lake,which is "clear, red, smoke and green". The red brick and green tile of Ningchuntower, which faces the pavilion across the water, is small and has strong colorcontrast. It is one of the landmark buildings of Liyuan. In the eastern part ofLiyuan, you can see the ferris wheel of Lihu Park in the East. With Liyuan asthe foreground and ferris wheel as the background, the photos are veryartistic. Then go northwest to chunqiuge, which belongs to the eastern region. Thereare three floors in the pavilion, which is the high building of Liyuan. There isa teahouse on the upper floor. You can drink tea while overlooking the beautifulLihu lake. Finally, back to the rockery group, a large pile of Taihu Lake stonesformed a variety of strange peaks, all named after the word "cloud", such asyunwo, yunjiao, Chuanyun, etc. Guiyun peak is the highest, with a height of 12meters. Entering the rockery group is like entering a labyrinth. You can alsoclimb to the rockery to play. Liyuan is close to Yuantouzhu in the West. Many tourists will arrangeYuantouzhu and Liyuan for one day tour. 蠡园导游词 篇6各位游客:我们现在将去游览的景点是蠡园。蠡园距无锡市区10公里,位于前湖北岸的青祁村,是一处以“堆造假山、巧借真水”而闻名的江南水乡园林。 【蠡园简史:得名由来—创建历史—景区分布】 蠡园因蠡湖而得名,蠡湖原名“五里湖”,是太湖东北岸的一个内湖,湖面9.5平方公里。相传20xx多年前,越国大夫范合助越王灭亡吴国后,功成名就,携西施隐居于此。后人把范蠡、西施当年泛舟的五里湖叫做“蠡湖”,蠡园也因此而得名。 蠡园的建设,最早是在民国初年,当时的青祁村人虞循真在蠡湖岸边种植了柳树、菱藕,然后筑堤围坎,建造茅亭,形成了“梅埠香雪”、“南堤春晓”、“曲渊观鱼”等“青祁八景”,并设立“山明水秀之区”牌额以示游人,从而奠定了蠡园风景开发的基础。 ,又一位青祁村人王禹卿,在上海经营面粉生意致富后,回到乡里,在“青祁八景”的基础上辟地30亩,凿池引水,叠石为峰,历时三年建成蠡园。1930年,台园的另一位建造者陈梅芳在蠡园旁建造了另一个园林,据范蠡在此与乡亲们一起养鱼的传闻,取名“渔庄”,并声称要胜过蠡园,因名“赛蠡园”。1936年,王禹卿的儿子王亢元,又分别营建了湖心亭、凝春塔等建筑。解放后,1952年无锡市政府经全面整修,在台园与渔庄之间,建筑了一条千步长廊,从而将两国连成一体,统称“蠡园”。1978年又在长廊之东拓建新园,形成了如今的规模。 台园现占地123亩,其中水面占40%以上,全园分为四个景区:东部有百花山房、月波平眺、南堤春晓和四季亭;西部有千步长廊、湖心亭、凝春塔;中部有假山群、莲防;新辟的有春秋阁等名胜景观。 【蠡园大门—百花山房】 各位游客:我们现在来到了蠡园大门,这是由原渔庄大门改建而成的。进门是90平方米的敞厅,右侧墙上刻有蠡园风景图。向前过暗廊、月洞门,穿过假山屏障,只见右边堆砌着湖石、假山,这就是著名的百花山房。它建于1934年,外观为落地长窗,配以各种花纹雕刻。厅里陈设古式家具,房后种植芭蕉、棕榈。百花山房回廊中的墙上装饰着彩绘壁画,它以西施故事为线索,形象地展现了西施~生的主要经历。西施是我国古代四大美女之一,浙江诸暨人。在吴越争战中,越国谋臣范合帮助越王勾践设“美人计”,将西施献给吴王夫差,从而使夫差沉迷酒色,最终亡国。 由回廊向前,二层楼建筑是“濯锦楼”。 【假山群—莲舫—洗耳泉—桂林天香】 我来当导游,假山石阵是台园景区的主要特征。1930年陈梅芳建渔庄时,用太湖石堆砌假山群,由浙江东阳人蒋字元设计建造。来到假山群,只觉峰回路转,曲折盘旋,置身其中,如入迷宫。假山群的建造丰富了园林内容,增加了山林野趣,又分隔了景区空间。这些假山都以“云”字题名,有云窝、云脚、穿云、朵云、盘云、归云、留云等。假山最高处是“归云洞”,高12米。在此可以眺望全园景色。我们到此,是否有一种“身在此山中,不知云深处”的感觉呢!假山虽小,却风景独特。在假山群旁,还配置着小亭、池塘、小溪、曲桥、石笋,并且种植了各种名贵花木,大有会稽兰亭之风光。 假山群中最大的建筑是“莲航”。它建于1930年,三面临池,一侧和驳岸相连,分成三个舱:前舱是落地长窗,中舱装饰着矮墙花窗,尾舱隔有粉墙栏杆。航是园林湖泊中建造的一种船形建筑,主要供人在游览时驻足停留,观赏水景。江南园林造园多以水为中心,蠡园又建在太湖边,因此陈梅芳在假山群中造了这座莲航,使游人不在水中划船,却如同置身舟中的感觉,充分体现了造园者的用意。 看完莲访,我们沿石路向南,前方有一口直径约一米的泉井,周围叠石形如耳廓,这就是著名的“洗耳泉”。泉旁这块大石,状如狮子,似在守护着清泉。再看泉畔石路两旁分布着这些湖石,倘若游客们仔细辨认,就能看出12生肖的动物形态。跨溪石桥上有“潜鱼”两字。此处景观以景状物,让我们不得不叹服造园者的别具匠心。 下面让我们绕过假山,来到一片豁然开朗的景区。这里平地上种植着数十株古老的桂树,郁郁苍苍,香溢满园,因而名叫“桂林天香”。倘若中秋时节来到这里,定能使您感受一番“天香云外飘,桂子月中落”的情趣。 【酒虚亭—四季亭—月波平跳—空界桥】 我来当导游,走出假山群,过月老亭石拱桥,前面看到的攒尖敞开的亭子,就是“涵虚亭”。此亭本来在蠡园东部,建渔庄时迁到这里。原先亭子分成八面,有矮墙,上装花格长窗,1958年整修时,拆除了花窗和矮墙,成为现在开敞的样子。1983年还塑有“西施浣纱”像。 “涵虚亭”前是“四季亭”。四个亭子外形虽然一样,寓意却十分深刻,它们代表了一年中的春、夏、秋、冬四时。四季亭于1954年建造,造型别致,歇山式亭顶。亭内三面扶手称作“美人靠”,亭顶上装饰着水生植物——荷花、荷叶、莲蓬。我国古代把水生植物看作吉祥物,认为可以避免火灾。那么这四个亭如何加以区别呢?一是看亭边种的植物:春亭旁种梅花和迎春;夏亭畔种夹竹桃;秋亭边种桂花;冬亭侧种腊梅。二是看四亭所处的方位,无锡地处近海,纬度较低,属亚热带气候,春、夏、秋、冬四季风向分别以吹东、南、西、北风为主,所以“四季亭”以东、南、西、北方位确定。 四季亭还各有一个更好听的名字,这是在1980年《无锡日报》上公开征集评选的,它们分别是:春亭叫“溢红”,夏亭名“滴翠”,秋亭为“醉黄”,冬亭称“吟白”。 我来当导游,在蠡园西南角,临湖建“六角亭”,这就是蠡园风景之最的“月波平眺”。它飞檐翘角,绿瓦红柱,因亭顶原立有一只仙鹤,故又叫“仙鹤亭”。1958年整修时拆除了,换成现在的葫芦攒尖顶。顶上有12根楞木,斗拱相连,雕刻着60只金凤凰,每五只凤凰由一条龙率领,中间绘有双龙戏珠,所以也叫“龙凤亭”。1981年,无锡书画家倪小近写的“月波平眺”匾悬挂在亭正中央。站在亭中可以眺望五里湖,领略湖光山色,所以也叫“望湖事”。 各位游客:如果我们在这里坐船游览蠡湖,便能眺望到远处的宝界桥,它是荣德生在1934年做60大寿时,出资建造的。桥的全长375米,宽5.6米,高7.7米,桥下架有60个桥孔,象征荣德生60大寿。因桥在宝界山下,故名“宝界桥”,又因为此桥是无锡最长的桥,所以人们也称它为“长桥”。 【南境春晓—千步长廊—暗红烟绿—凝春塔】 在“望湖亭”前沿湖边的是“南堤”。长二三百米,30年代初,虞循真在这里种植桃树和柳树,称“南堤春晓”,成为“青祁八景”之首。如今共有300多棵柳树,600多株桃树。每到春天,红碧桃、紫叶桃,以及从外引进的金散金碧桃、重瓣白碧桃等十多个品种的桃花竞相开放,争奇斗艳,将这里点缀得分外美丽。 沿南堤向东,走过假山石洞,是一个小天井,左边是木香树,右边是一棵紫藤,再向前穿过月洞门,就是长廊。长廊全长289米,也称“千步长廊”,建成于1952年。它既连接了老蠡湖和渔庄,也构成了一道独特的景致。长廊一面临蠡湖,另一面是长墙,墙上开有80多个漏窗,并用青瓦砌成各式图案,大家仔细端详就会发现,每个图案各不相同,别具匠心。长廊东边,嵌有38块砖刻,刻的是苏东坡、米芾、王阳明等人的作品,这是在建园时镶嵌上去的。整个长廊临水一边设置长椅,既装饰游廊,又能供游人休息,倚栏观景,人在其中,确能领略到“山光照槛水绕廊”的意境。 于步长廊东边的尽头,用栈桥和长廊相连的是湖心亭。湖心亭采用平桥涵洞的建筑结构,伸向湖中约50米,它是1935年由王亢元出资建造的。整座亭呈长方形,飞檐翘角,四面通敞,上部金色琉璃瓦顶,底部用黄色架筑材料。一面墙上雕刻有《嘉湖佳话》壁画;另一面有“晴红烟绿”匾,表明五里湖景色四时多变,因此也叫“暗红烟绿”水谢。和湖心亭隔水相望的是“凝春塔”,高约数米,五层八角,红砖青瓦,小巧玲戏,中西结合,是蠡园中的著名一景。 【半亭—春秋阁】 我来当导游,现在我们从千步长廊返回,可看到长廊一端,有一段独特的建筑,它与长廊相连,一半是走廊,一半是亭子,因此名叫“半亭”。半亭是千步长廊的延伸,它连接着蠡园新区,起到了一个过渡作用。这里也是观赏春秋阁的最佳地方。 游客们:前方这座三层楼的高阁就是“春秋阁”,它建于1978年。让我们走近阁旁,各位请看:这幢单檐歇山顶的建筑矗立在整个园林的最高处,给台园建筑增添了层次错落的变化。檐下高挂一块“春秋阁”的横匾,是著名书画家刘海粟的手笔。阁名取自春秋时期范麦和西施的故事。游客们:阁内有回廊,可以登临远眺,阁的底层还有一幅大型壁画《范蠡西施泛舟图》可供欣赏。下面请大家跟我一起登上春秋阁,居高临下地领略一番蠡园的壮丽景观吧! 蠡园导游词 篇7Wuxi Liyuan is located in Qingqi village on the West Bank of Lihu lake,2.5km southwest of Wuxi City. It is named after Lihu lake. It is said that morethan 20__ years ago in the spring and Autumn period, Fan Li, a senior officialof the state of Yue, helped the king of Yue destroy Wu, and then he took abeautiful woman Xi Shi to go boating here. Later generations named this lakeafter Fan Li in memory of him. In 1927, Wang Yuqing of Wuxi built Liyuan on the basis of Qingqi Bajing.Liyuan covers an area of 5.2 hectares, including 2.2 hectares of water. Visitorscan visit Liyuan in three parts. That is: the rockery area in the middle, thelakeside levee and the four seasons Pavilion in the west, the promenade, thepavilion in the center of the lake and the layer wave overlapping shadow area inthe East. Sijiting district is the main scenic spot of Liyuan. This pavilion wasbuilt in 1954, which is derived from the meaning of spring, summer, autumn andwinter. It is respectively titled "Yihong", "DiCui", "zuihuang" and "Yinbai".Spring plum is planted in spring Pavilion, peach blossom bamboo is planted inSummer Pavilion, Osmanthus fragrans is planted in Autumn Pavilion, andwintersweet plum is planted in winter Pavilion. There are many flowers in thefour seasons, and the fragrance is far away. Passing through the four seasons Pavilion, there is LiuDi on the west sideof the garden. On the southwest corner of the pavilion, there is a smallhexagonal pavilion built according to the lake, named Wanghu Pavilion. Visitorscan see Lihu lake and Shitang peaks. In the house of Wanghu Pavilion, there are12 pieces of wood, on which 60 colorful Phoenix are carved. Each Phoenix is ledby a dragon. The dragon and the Phoenix are auspicious and lifelike. In thenorth of Siji Pavilion is the famous "Qianbu corridor", which is about 300meters long. The leaky windows on the corridor wall are made of tiles. On the 89flower windows, the patterns are different, which is very negative to the charmof Jiangnan gardens. Su Shi, minanggong and Wang Yangming, writers of SongDynasty, and calligrapher of Ming Dynasty, all have stone inscriptions fortourists to enjoy. Liyuan is the most scenic spot in Lihu Lake scenic area. When visitorsvisit the lake scenery, they all stop here to enjoy the scenery. The long willowdike, the long corridor near the water, the delicate bridge, the gorgeousPavilion, and what a picture of "overlapping waves, snow waves and smokegreen"! 蠡园导游词 篇8Ladies and gentlemen, the scenic spot we are going to visit now is Liyuan.Liyuan, 10 kilometers away from Wuxi City, is located in Qingqi village on theNorth Bank of Qianhu lake. It is a famous garden in the south of the YangtzeRiver. [a brief history of Liyuan: origin of its name - History of itsestablishment - distribution of scenic spots] Liyuan is named after Lihu lake, formerly known as Wulihu Lake. It is aninner lake on the Northeast Bank of Taihu Lake, covering an area of 9.5 squarekilometers. It is said that more than 20__ years ago, fan he, a senior officialof the state of Yue, helped the king of Yue to perish the state of Wu. He becamefamous and lived in seclusion with Xi Shi. Later generations called the WulihuLake, where Fan Li and Xi Shi were boating, Liyuan also got its name. The earliest construction of Liyuan was in the early years of the Republicof China. Yu xunzhen, a native of Qingqi village, planted willows and lotusroots on the Bank of Lihu lake. Then he built embankments and built thatchedpavilions to form "eight sceneries of Qingqi" such as "fragrant snow in meibu","spring dawn in Nandi" and "fish watching in Quyuan". He also set up a "scenicarea with bright mountains and beautiful waters" to show visitors, thus layingthe foundation for the development of Liyuan landscape. In 1927, Wang Yuqing,another native of Qingqi village, got rich in flour business in Shanghai andreturned to his hometown. On the basis of the "eight sceneries of Qingqi", hecreated 30 mu of land, dug pools to divert water and piled stones to form apeak. It took three years to build Liyuan. In 1930, Chen Meifang, anotherbuilder of Taiyuan, built another garden beside Liyuan. According to the rumorthat Fan Li raised fish with his villagers here, he named it "Yuzhuang" andclaimed that he would surpass Liyuan, so he named it "sailiyuan". In 1936, WangKangyuan, the son of Wang Yuqing, built Huxin Pavilion and Ningchun towerrespectively. After liberation, in 1952, after comprehensive renovation, WuxiMunicipal government built a thousand step corridor between Taiyuan andYuzhuang, thus connecting the two countries, collectively referred to as"Liyuan". In 1978, a new garden was built in the east of the corridor, formingthe scale of today. Taiyuan now covers an area of 123 mu, of which the water surface accountsfor more than 40%. The whole garden is divided into four scenic spots: BaihuaMountain House, yuebo pingting, Nandi Chunxiao and Siji Pavilion in the East;Qianbu corridor, Huxin Pavilion and Ningchun tower in the West; rockery groupand Lianfang in the middle; and Chunqiu Pavilion in the new. [Liyuan gate Baihua Mountain House] ladies and gentlemen, we are now at theLiyuan gate, which was rebuilt from the original Yuzhuang gate. The entrance isa 90 square meter open hall with a landscape of Liyuan on the right wall.Passing through the dark corridor, moon cave gate and rockery barrier, you cansee the famous Baihua Mountain House on the right side, which is piled with lakestones and rockery. It was built in 1934, the appearance of long windows for thefloor, with a variety of patterns carved. The hall is furnished with ancientfurniture, and plantain and palm are planted behind the house. The wall in thecloister of Baihua Mountain House is decorated with painted murals, whichvividly shows the main experience of Xi Shi to Sheng with the story of Xi Shi asthe clue. Xishi is one of the four beauties in ancient China. She was born inZhuji, Zhejiang Province. In the war between Wu and Yue, fan he, the counsellorof Yue, helped Gou Jian, the king of Yue, set up a "beauty trick" and offered XiShi to Fu Chai, the king of Wu, so that Fu Chai indulged in wine and sex andfinally perished. From the corridor forward, the two-story building is "Zhuojinbuilding". [rockery group Lianfang xierquan Tianxiang, Guilin] I'll be a tour guide. Rockery and stone formation is the main feature ofTaiyuan scenic area. When Chen Meifang built the fishing village in 1930, hebuilt rockeries with Taihu stones, which were designed and built by JiangZiyuan, a native of Dongyang, Zhejiang Province. When you come to the rockerygroup, you can only feel the twists and turns of the road. It's like entering alabyrinth. The construction of rockery group enriches the content of garden,increases the wild interest of mountain forest, and separates the space ofscenic spot. These rockeries are all named with the word "cloud", includingyunwo, yunjiao, Chuanyun, Duoyun, Panyun, Guiyun, Liuyun, etc. The highest partof the rockery is Guiyun cave, which is 12 meters high. Here you can have apanoramic view of the whole garden. If we come here, do we have the feeling of"living in the mountain, not knowing the depth of clouds"? Although the rockeryis small, the scenery is unique. Beside the rockery group, there are alsopavilions, ponds, streams, curved bridges, stalagmites, and various kinds ofprecious flowers and trees, which have the scenery of Kuaiji OrchidPavilion. The largest building in the rockery group is LIANHANG. It was built in1930. It faces the pond on three sides and connects with the revetment on oneside. It is divided into three compartments: the front compartment is a longlanding window, the middle compartment is decorated with low wall flowerwindows, and the tail compartment is separated by a pink wall railing.Navigation is a kind of boat shaped building built in the Garden Lake, which ismainly for people to stop and watch the waterscape during sightseeing. Mostgardens in the south of the Yangtze River Center on water, and Li Garden isbuilt on the edge of Taihu Lake. Therefore, Chen Meifang built this lotus boatin the rockery group, which makes visitors feel like they are in a boat insteadof rowing in the water, which fully reflects the intention of the gardener. After the visit, we went south along the stone road. In front of us, thereis a spring well about one meter in diameter. The surrounding rocks are likeauricles. This is the famous "Xier spring". The big stone beside the spring,like a lion, seems to be guarding the spring. If you look at these Lake stoneson both sides of the stone road beside the spring, if you carefully identifythem, you can see the animal forms of the 12 zodiac animals. There is the word"Qianyu" on the stone bridge across the river. The landscape here is likescenery, so we have to admire the ingenuity of the gardeners. Next, let's go around the rockery and come to a suddenly bright scenicspot. There are ten ancient osmanthus trees planted on the flat land, which arefull of green and fragrant, so it is called "Guilin Tianxiang". If you come hereduring the Mid Autumn Festival, you will be able to feel the taste of "Tianxiangcloud floating outside, Guizi moon falling in the middle". [Jiuxu Pavilion - Siji Pavilion - yuebo Pingtiao - kongjie bridge] I come to be a tour guide. I walk out of the rockery group and cross thestone arch bridge of Yuelao Pavilion. The pavilion that I see in front of me is"Hanxu Pavilion". This pavilion was originally located in the east of Liyuan. Itwas moved here when the fishing village was built. Originally, the pavilion wasdivided into eight sides, with low walls and long lattice windows on it. When itwas renovated in 1958, the flower windows and low walls were removed, making itthe open appearance now. In 1983, there was a statue of "Xishi Huansha". Infront of Hanxu Pavilion is the four seasons Pavilion. Although the fourpavilions have the same appearance, they have profound implications. Theyrepresent the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter in a year. Builtin 1954, the four seasons pavilion has a unique shape and a Xieshan Paviliontop. The three sides of the handrails inside the pavilion are called"meirenkao", and the top of the pavilion is decorated with aquatic plants lotus,lotus leaves and lotus pods. In ancient China, aquatic plants were regarded asmascots to avoid fire. How can we distinguish the four pavilions? First, we cansee the plants planted beside the pavilions: plum blossom and Yingchun besidethe spring pavilions; Nerium indicum beside the summer pavilions; Osmanthusfragrans beside the autumn pavilions; Chimonanthus praecox beside the winterpavilions. The second is to look at the location of the four pavilions. Wuxi islocated in the coastal area with a low latitude and a subtropical climate. Thewind directions in spring, summer, autumn and winter are mainly east, South,West and North. Therefore, the location of the four Pavilions in the East,South, West and north is determined. Four seasons Pavilion also has a better name, which was selected in Wuxidaily in 1980. They are: Spring Pavilion is called "Yihong", Summer Pavilion iscalled "DiCui", Autumn Pavilion is called "zuihuang", winter Pavilion is called"Yinbai". I came to be a tour guide and built a "six corner Pavilion" near the lakein the southwest corner of Liyuan, which is the most beautiful view of Liyuan.It has cornices, green tiles and red pillars. Because there was a crane on thetop of the pavilion, it is also called "crane Pavilion". In 1958, it wasdemolished during renovation and replaced with the current hulucan spire. Thereare 12 pieces of wood on the top, which are connected by brackets. There are 60Golden Phoenix carved on the top. Each five Phoenix is led by a dragon, andthere are two dragons playing with pearls in the middle, so it is also called"dragon and Phoenix Pavilion". In 1981, Wuxi calligrapher and painter Ni Xiaojinwrote the plaque of "yuebo Pingtiao" hanging in the center of the pavilion.Standing in the pavilion, you can overlook Wuli Lake and appreciate the sceneryof the lake and mountain, so it is also called "Wanghu affair". Dear tourists, if we take a boat to visit Lihu lake here, we can see theBaojie bridge in the distance. It was built by Rong Desheng when he celebratedhis 60th birthday in 1934. The bridge has a total length of 375 meters, a widthof 5.6 meters and a height of 7.7 meters. There are 60 holes under the bridge,symbolizing rongdesheng's 60th birthday. Because the bridge is at the foot ofBaojie mountain, it is called Baojie bridge. Because it is the longest bridge inWuxi, it is also called Changqiao. [Chunxiao in the South - Qianbu corridor - dark red smoke green - Ningchuntower] At the front of the "Wanghu Pavilion" is the "South dike" beside the lake.In the early 1930s, Yu xunzhen planted peaches and willows here, known as"spring dawn on the south bank", and became the first of the "eight sceneries ofQingqi". Now there are more than 300 willows and 600 peach trees. Every spring,more than ten varieties of peach blossoms, such as Hongbi peach, ziye peach,Jinshan Jinbi peach and double petal Baibi peach, etc., are blooming, competingfor splendor and beauty, making this place extremely beautiful. Along the Southdike to the East, through the rockery cave, is a small patio, on the left is theincense tree, on the right is a wisteria, and then forward through the moon cavegate, is the corridor. The 289 meter long corridor, also known as "Qianbucorridor", was built in 1952. It not only connects Laoli lake and Yuzhuang, butalso forms a unique landscape. On the other side of the corridor is a long wallwith more than 80 leaky windows and various patterns made of green tiles. If youlook carefully, you will find that each pattern is different and unique. On theeast side of the corridor, there are 38 brick carvings carved by Su Dongpo, MiFu, Wang Yangming and others, which were inlaid when the garden was built in1928. Benches are set on the water side of the corridor, which not onlydecorates the corridor, but also provides visitors with a rest and a view byleaning on the fence. People can really appreciate the artistic conception of"mountain light shining on the sill and water circling the corridor". At theeast end of the promenade, the trestle and the promenade are connected by thepavilion in the center of the lake. The pavilion in the center of the lake is aflat bridge culvert structure, which extends about 50 meters into the lake. Itwas built by Wang Kangyuan in 1935. The pavilion is rectangular, with cornicesand corners. It is open on all sides. The top is covered with golden glazedtiles, and the bottom is made of yellow scaffolding materials. On one side ofthe wall, there is a mural of Jiahu Jiahua; on the other side, there is a plaqueof "clear red smoke green", which indicates that the scenery of Wulihu ischangeable, so it is also called "dark red smoke green" Shuixie. Across thewater from the pavilion in the middle of the lake is the "Ningchun tower", aboutseveral meters high, with five stories and octagons, red bricks and green tiles,small Lingxi, a combination of Chinese and Western culture, which is a famousscene in Liyuan. [Banting Spring Autumn Pavilion] I've come to be a tour guide. Now when we return from the Qianbu corridor,we can see that at one end of the corridor, there is a unique building, which isconnected with the corridor. Half of the corridor and half of the pavilion, soit is called "Banting". Banting is an extension of Qianbu corridor, whichconnects Liyuan new area and plays a transitional role. It is also the bestplace to enjoy the Spring Autumn Pavilion. Tourists: the three story Pavilion in front of us is "spring and AutumnPavilion". It was built in 1978. Let's get close to the pavilion. You can see:this single eaves building on the top of the hill stands at the highest part ofthe whole garden, adding a variety of layers to the architecture of Taiyuan.Under the eaves hung a horizontal plaque of "spring and Autumn Pavilion", whichwas written by Liu Haisu, a famous calligrapher and painter. The name of thepavilion comes from the story of fan Mai and Xi Shi in the spring and Autumnperiod. Tourists: there is an ambulatory in the pavilion, which can be viewedfrom afar. At the bottom of the pavilion, there is also a large mural "thepicture of Fan Li's Xi Shi boating" for you to enjoy. Now, please join me on thespring and Autumn Pavilion to enjoy the magnificent landscape of Liyuan! 蠡园导游词 篇9蠡湖,原名五里湖,是太湖东北处的一个内湖,伸入蠡湖的蠡园是无锡的老牌公园,具有江南园林风格,以水景见长,细细窄窄的长提、小桥、长廊架于水上,到了3、4月份桃花盛开,6-9月荷花盛开,宛如一座水上花园。 民国初年,在蠡湖畔建青祁八景,-1936年在原有基础上建蠡园,后几经扩建。相传春秋时范蠡、西施退隐太湖,即在这里泛舟,园内的建筑多以范蠡、西施为主题,来这一看爱情,二看精致。 进蠡园大门往左是假山群,先不去假山那玩,一圈逛出来时再去。走百花山房方向,向南到四季亭。四季亭指的是一方水塘的四条边上各有一个亭子,春亭旁种梅花,夏亭旁种夹竹桃,秋亭旁栽桂花,冬亭旁种腊梅。四季亭北边有块大草坪,在草坪上坐坐,和三四好友聊天,或者来顿野餐,十分惬意。四季亭西边是舢板码头,可在湖上划船,脚踏船参考价25元/40分钟,手划船参考价20元/40分钟。 继续向南走,到蠡湖上的长堤“南堤春晓”。这里是春天赏花最好的地方,堤上一排垂柳,柳枝随风摇摆,柳树间夹种着很多桃树,桃花品种很多,一棵桃树上还会开出不同颜色的桃花。还有梨花、樱花,吹落的花瓣铺在湖面上,好似一副花团锦簇的锡绣。南堤春晓的西南角有望湖亭“月波平眺”,在那有游船码头,可坐游船去西施庄。 西施庄是蠡湖南边人工堆砌出来的小岛,沿着水边的石板路绕岛一周,沿路错落有致地分布着多以范蠡、西施命名的景点。在陶朱公馆中图文介绍范蠡助越王勾践打败吴国、退隐后经商的一生,商圣堂里有个超级大的算盘很好玩,算珠要用两只手用力拉才掰得动。西施园里布置着西施的绣坊、闺房、书斋,陈列着锡绣展品。岛上还有春秋戏台等景点。岛不大,绕岛游览一圈大约需30分钟-1小时。 坐船回到南堤春晓,往东北方向走,到千步长廊。这是蠡园的老建筑物,跨在蠡湖上,一侧是墙,另一侧临水,墙上80个镂空花窗图案各异,十分精美。千步长廊东边尽头有湖心亭“晴红烟绿”,与亭隔水相望的凝春塔红砖青瓦,小巧而色彩对比强烈,是蠡园的标志性建筑之一。在蠡园的东部区域,可以比较近地看见东边蠡湖公园的摩天轮,以蠡园为前景,摩天轮为背景,拍出的照片很文艺。 接着往西北走,到还是属于东部区域的春秋阁。楼阁有三层,是蠡园的高建筑,楼上设茶座,可一边喝茶,一边远眺蠡湖秀色。最后回到假山群,一大片太湖石堆叠而成各种奇峰,都以“云”字命名,如云窝、云脚、穿云等,其中归云峰是最高的,高12米。进入假山群,犹如进入迷宫,还可以爬到假山上玩。 蠡园与西边的鼋头渚离得较近,不少游客会把鼋头渚与蠡园安排在一天游览。 蠡园导游词 篇10蠡湖,原名五里湖,是太湖东北处的一个内湖,伸入蠡湖的蠡园是无锡的老牌公园,具有江南园林风格,以水景见长,细细窄窄的长提、小桥、长廊架于水上,到了3、4月份桃花盛开,6-9月荷花盛开,宛如一座水上花园。 民国初年,在蠡湖畔建青祁八景,-1936年在原有基础上建蠡园,后几经扩建。相传春秋时范蠡、西施退隐太湖,即在这里泛舟,园内的建筑多以范蠡、西施为主题,来这一看爱情,二看精致。 进蠡园大门往左是假山群,先不去假山那玩,一圈逛出来时再去。走百花山房方向,向南到四季亭。四季亭指的是一方水塘的四条边上各有一个亭子,春亭旁种梅花,夏亭旁种夹竹桃,秋亭旁栽桂花,冬亭旁种腊梅。四季亭北边有块大草坪,在草坪上坐坐,和三四好友聊天,或者来顿野餐,十分惬意。四季亭西边是舢板码头,可在湖上划船,脚踏船参考价25元/40分钟,手划船参考价20元/40分钟。 继续向南走,到蠡湖上的长堤“南堤春晓”。这里是春天赏花最好的地方,堤上一排垂柳,柳枝随风摇摆,柳树间夹种着很多桃树,桃花品种很多,一棵桃树上还会开出不同颜色的桃花。还有梨花、樱花,吹落的花瓣铺在湖面上,好似一副花团锦簇的锡绣。南堤春晓的西南角有望湖亭“月波平眺”,在那有游船码头,可坐游船去西施庄。 西施庄是蠡湖南边人工堆砌出来的小岛,沿着水边的石板路绕岛一周,沿路错落有致地分布着多以范蠡、西施命名的景点。在陶朱公馆中图文介绍范蠡助越王勾践打败吴国、退隐后经商的一生,商圣堂里有个超级大的算盘很好玩,算珠要用两只手用力拉才掰得动。西施园里布置着西施的绣坊、闺房、书斋,陈列着锡绣展品。岛上还有春秋戏台等景点。岛不大,绕岛游览一圈大约需30分钟-1小时。 坐船回到南堤春晓,往东北方向走,到千步长廊。这是蠡园的老建筑物,跨在蠡湖上,一侧是墙,另一侧临水,墙上80个镂空花窗图案各异,十分精美。千步长廊东边尽头有湖心亭“晴红烟绿”,与亭隔水相望的凝春塔红砖青瓦,小巧而色彩对比强烈,是蠡园的标志性建筑之一。在蠡园的东部区域,可以比较近地看见东边蠡湖公园的摩天轮,以蠡园为前景,摩天轮为背景,拍出的照片很文艺。 接着往西北走,到还是属于东部区域的春秋阁。楼阁有三层,是蠡园的高建筑,楼上设茶座,可一边喝茶,一边远眺蠡湖秀色。最后回到假山群,一大片太湖石堆叠而成各种奇峰,都以“云”字命名,如云窝、云脚、穿云等,其中归云峰是最高的,高12米。进入假山群,犹如进入迷宫,还可以爬到假山上玩。 蠡园与西边的鼋头渚离得较近,不少游客会把鼋头渚与蠡园安排在一天游览。 蠡园导游词 篇11无锡蠡园位于无锡市西南2.5公里蠡湖西岸的青祈村,因蠡湖而得名。相传两千多年前的春秋时期,越国大夫范蠡帮助越王灭吴之后,携佳人西施于此泛舟,后人为了纪念范蠡,便以其名命名此湖。 公元,无锡的王禹卿在青祈八景的基础之上,兴建了蠡园。蠡园面积5.2公顷,其中水面2.2公顷。游人游览蠡园可分三个部分。即:其中部的假山区,西部的湖滨长堤及四季亭,东部的长廊、湖心亭及层波叠影区。四季亭区是蠡园的主体景区。此亭建于1954年,取自春夏秋冬之意,分别题有溢红、滴翠、醉黄、吟白春亭种植春梅,夏亭种植夹桃竹、秋亭种植桂花、冬亭种植腊梅,四季鲜花不断,馨香远及。 穿过四季亭,便是园子西侧的柳堤,其西南角上有一依湖而建的六角小亭,名唤望湖亭,游人于亭边可一览蠡湖以及石塘诸峰。望湖亭的屋内有十二根楞木,上面精雕了60只色彩斑斓的凤凰,每只凤凰均由一条龙率领,龙凤呈祥,栩栩如生。四季亭北部便是著名的"千步长廊",逶迤曲折,廊长约有300米。其廊壁的漏窗由瓦片砌成,89个花窗之上,图案各不相同,极负江南园林的神韵。宋代的文学家-苏轼、米南宫、明代的书法家-王阳明均在此留有法帖石刻,以供游人欣赏。 蠡园是蠡湖景区中风景最盛的地方,游人游览湖景,无不在此驻足赏景,长长的柳堤,临水的长廊,细巧的小桥,绚丽的轩亭,好一幅"层波叠影,雪浪烟绿"的图画! 蠡园导游词 篇12Dear tourists: among the tourist cities along the East China line, Wuxi isfamous for its proximity to the beautiful Taihu Lake. In this "warm and waterfilled" city, the scenery is pleasant, the humanities answer this, has attractedthe guests from all over the world. Today, let's go to enjoy the charming styleof this "Pearl of Taihu Lake". Wuxi is located in the south of Jiangsu Province, on the shore of TaihuLake, adjacent to the Yangtze River in the north, Zhejiang and Anhui provincesin the south, Changzhou City in the West and Suzhou City in the East. It is 183km from Nanjing in the West and 128 km from Shanghai in the East. The famousBeijing Hangzhou Grand Canal, which runs through the north and south of China,meets here. Its terrain is plain, fertile land, rich products, canals andrivers, is China's famous "land of fish and rice". It has jurisdiction overXishan, Jiangyin and Yixing. The city has a total area of 4656 square kilometersand a population of about 4.26 million. With an area of 343 square kilometersand a population of about 20000, it is the second largest city in Jiangsu afterNanjing. At present, it has developed into a medium-sized city with lightindustry, textile, electronics, chemical industry, machinery and otherindustries. Wuxi is an ancient city in the south of the Yangtze River with a history ofmore than 3000 years. According to historical records, at the end of the ShangDynasty, Taibo, the eldest son of King Zhou, and his younger brother Zhongyongcame here from Shaanxi to settle down. They built the city in Meili (Meicun areaof today's Xishan City) and built the "Gouwu" state. This was the beginning ofWuxi's construction. Wuxi's name was first seen in the book of Han Dynasty. It is said that whenKing Ping of Zhou moved to the East (about 770 BC), tin deposits were found onthe east side of Huishan. Tin was the raw material for smelting bronzes at thattime, so the conflict between local people and foreigners lasted for hundreds ofyears. By the end of the Warring States period, tin mines were decreasing. In224 BC, Wang Jian, the general of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, found astone tablet in Xishan, on which was engraved: there are tin soldiers, fightingin the world; Wuxi Ning, the world is clear. "Wuxi Tianxia Ning" expresses thepeople's desire for a peaceful and peaceful life, so the name of "Wuxi" has beenhanded down and become the name of the city. Wuxi's economic development has a profound foundation. As early as the MingDynasty, weaving, ceramics, brick and other handicraft industries were verydeveloped. In the mid-19th century, Wuxi, Jiujiang, Changsha and Wuhu werecalled "China's four major rice markets". Since the beginning of this century,relying on its superior natural conditions, Wuxi has become the raw materialbase of China's national industry and a city with developed industry andcommerce, known as "little Shanghai". The development of Wuxi's economy is related to the good climate. Wuxibelongs to the north subtropical monsoon climate zone, with mild and humidclimate, abundant rainfall and four distinct seasons. It has become a rich placein the Taihu Lake Basin. Geography and climate also provide conditions foraquaculture. There are dozens of aquatic products in Taihu Lake, especiallysilverfish and crab. In addition, Wuxi's local products: fake (Huishan clayfigurine), big (Wuxi sauce ribs), empty (Wuxi oil gluten) have become the bestgifts for relatives and friends. Convenient transportation provides convenience for the guests to Wuxi.Aviation: Wuxi Shuofang airport has opened many routes including Beijing,Fuzhou, Foshan and Huiyang. Railway: Wuxi is located on the Beijing Shanghailine. There are more than 100 express trains stopping in Wuxi every day. Thereare direct trains to Wuxi in all major cities in China. Highway: ShanghaiNanjing Expressway passes through Wuxi, and there are tourist buses to and fromevery city in East China every day; nine national and provincial highwaysradiate to the whole country and the whole province. Waterway: from Huzhou,Zhejiang Province, you can take a cruise ship to Wuxi via Taihu Lake; fromSuzhou, Zhenjiang and Danyang, you can take a cruise ship to Wuxi via theancient canal. Wuxi has unique tourism resources, such as Yuantouzhu, which is known as"the best place of Taihu Lake", Huishan, which is the first mountain in thesouth of the Yangtze River, Liyuan, which is named after Fan Li, Meiyuan, afamous plum blossom resort in the south of the Yangtze River, Jichang Garden,which is known as "garden in the garden". There are also new film and televisionshooting bases such as "Tang city", "Three Kingdoms city" and "water tour city"built in recent years. These landscapes enable tourists to enjoy the beautifulscenery of the Great Lakes and the magnificent historical pictures in Chineseclassic works. Tourists: the landscape of Taihu Lake, numerous historical figures andcultural relics make Wuxi a tourist attraction integrating natural landscape andcultural landscape. Today we come to this warm and beautiful city, pleasemobilize your thinking, expand your imagination, enjoy it! |
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