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介绍北京陶然亭的导游词范文 篇1










介绍北京陶然亭的导游词范文 篇2





介绍北京陶然亭的导游词范文 篇3

  大家好,我是你们的导游,今天我们要游览解放后北京建造的第一座公园——陶然亭公园。 陶然亭公园青山碧水,风景秀丽,还是娱乐休闲的胜地呢!好,现在陶然亭公园已经一展美丽等候我们的参观,看!那里百花盛开,那里百鸟齐鸣,不时还传来人们洋溢的笑声,让人好像在仙境一般。在不远处还有一块大石碑,上面刻着:更待菊黄家酿熟,与君一醉一陶然。多美的诗句!这么美的诗句,再配上这么美的公园真是“般配”呀! 我们再来看旁边那个四季如画的陶然亭湖。




介绍北京陶然亭的导游词范文 篇4






介绍北京陶然亭的导游词范文 篇5


  清康熙三十四年(1695年),工部郎中江藻奉命监理黑窑厂,他在慈悲庵西部构筑了一座小亭,并取白居易诗“更待菊黄家酿熟,与君一醉一陶然”句中的“陶然”二字为亭命名。陶然亭公园以及陶然亭地区名称就是以此得名的。这座小亭颇受文人墨客的青睐,被誉为“周侯藉卉之所,右军修禊之地”,更被全国各地来京的文人视为必游之地。清代200余年间,此亭享誉经久,长盛不衰,成为都中一胜。 陶然亭面阔三间,进深一间半,面积90平方米。亭上有苏式彩绘,屋内梁栋饰有山水花鸟彩画。两根大梁上绘《彩菊》、《八仙过海》、《太白醉酒》、《刘海戏金蟾》,亭上有三大匾,一是建亭人江藻亲笔提写,一是取齐白石《西江月·重上陶然亭望西山》词,还有一块是郭沫若题“陶然亭公园”门额中字,东向门柱上悬“似闻陶令开三径,来与弥陀共一龛”。此联是林则徐书写。旧联无存,现在的楹联是由当代书法家黄苗子重书。亭间分别悬挂“慧眼光中,开半亩红莲碧沼,烟花象外,坐一堂白月清风”。现在对联是现代书法家康雍书写。“烟藏古寺无人到,榻倚深堂有月来”,此联是翁方纲所撰,光绪年间慈悲庵的主持僧静明请光绪皇帝的老师翁同龢重写。

  在亭的南北墙上有四方石刻,一是江藻撰写的《陶然吟》引并跋,二是江皋撰写的《陶然亭记》,三是谭嗣同著《城南思旧铭》并序,四是《陶然亭小集》,这是王昶写的《邀同竹君编修陶然亭小集》,诗中的竹君即朱筠。此诗是王昶作于乾隆四十年左右。 陶然亭建成后,江藻常邀请一些文人墨客、同僚好友到陶然亭上饮宴、赋诗,这里变成了文人墨客“红尘中清净世界也”。故陶然亭是文人雅集的地方,因此留下的诗文很多,秋瑾、龚自珍等都曾在陶然亭上留下的诗文。



  近代的陶然亭,有着光辉的历史篇章。“五·四”运动前后,中国共产党的创始人和领导人李大钊、毛泽东、周恩来曾先后来陶然亭进行革命活动。1月18日,毛泽东与“辅社”在京成员,集会商讨驱逐湖南军阀张敬尧的斗争,会后在慈悲庵山门外大槐树前合影留念。8月16日,天津“觉悟社”、北京“少年中国学会”等进步团体,在北厅讨论“五·四”以后革命斗争的方向以及各团体联合斗争的问题。7、8月间,李大钊通过《少年中国学会》会员陈愚生,以其夫人金绮新葬于陶然亭畔守夫人墓为名,租赁慈悲庵南房两间,在此进行秘密活动,到间,邓中夏、恽代英、高君宇等常来参加会议。 陶然亭也曾经是高君宇与石评梅爱情的见证者,两人后来合葬于此,“冰雪情谊”流传至今!

介绍北京陶然亭的导游词范文 篇6

  Beijing is located at 39 ° 56 ′ N and 116 ° 20 ′ E. It is located at thenorthwest end of the North China Plain, in the west, North and northeast. It issurrounded by Taihang Mountain (West Mountain), Jundu mountain and Yanshanmountain, which makes it look like a "bay", so it has been called "Beijing bay"since ancient times.

  Beijing, the capital of the people's Republic of China, is the center ofpolitics, culture, transportation, tourism and international exchanges. The cityconsists of 11 districts and 7 counties. The total area is 16800 squarekilometers, of which the urban area covers 1040 square kilometers. Thepopulation is 11.5 million. Beijing is the first of the four municipalitiesdirectly under the central government in China.

  Beijing has a north temperate continental monsoon climate with fourdistinct seasons. Spring flowers, autumn moon, summer rain and winter snow arethe different characteristics of each season. No matter when you come to Beijingfor sightseeing, you will have charming wind colors. Beijing has shorter springand autumn, longer summer and winter. January is colder, the average temperatureis - 4.7 ℃, July is slightly hot, the average temperature is 26.1 ℃. The averageannual rainfall is 650 mm and the frost free period is 180 days. It has aprominent geographical location, magnificent mountains and rivers, fertile landand rich products, so it has always been regarded as the treasure land ofChina.

  Beijing has a written history of more than 3000 years and a long history ofurban construction. As far back as 700000-500000 years ago, this is thebirthplace of human ancestors, and Peking man has been breeding in Zhoukoudianand other places in southwest Beijing. In 586 BC, the state of Yan, the Marquisof the Zhou Dynasty, established its capital here, named "Ji". From then on, thename of "Yanjing" has been passed down to the present. After the third centuryB.C., it was an important northern town in the Qin, Han, Sui and Tang Dynasties.At the beginning of the 10th century, the Qidan people in Northeast Chinaestablished the Liao Dynasty and took it as the capital, Nanjing. In 1125, theNuzhen nationality rose, destroyed the Liao Dynasty and built the Jin Dynasty.It officially established its capital, named Zhongdu, and built 36 luxuriouspalaces. The central capital was in the area of Guang'anmen today, but it wasdestroyed in 1215. In this year, the Mongols in the north of China movedsouthward, successively destroyed the Jin Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty,which avoided Hangzhou, and unified China. In 1267, the Yuan Dynasty rebuilt thecapital city with the JinDynasty Daning Palace (now Beihai Park) as the center,and renamed it Dadu, which is the predecessor of today's old Beijing city. In1368, the peasant uprising army led by Zhu Yuanzhang overthrew the Yuan Dynastyand established the Ming Dynasty. The capital of the Ming Dynasty was located inNanjing, which was renamed Beiping. In 1403, Zhu Di won the throne, moved hiscapital to Peking, and changed its name to Beijing. After 15 years ofconstruction, the Forbidden City was completed in 1420 and the capital wasofficially moved to Beijing in 1421. In 1644, the Qing army entered the pass,the Ming Dynasty perished, and the Qing Dynasty also established its capital inBeijing. Each dynasty has established its capital here for more than 800 years.After the founding of new China in 1949, the old Beijing gained a new life andwas determined as the capital of new China.

  The ancient city of Beijing, after the great creation of the working peopleof the past dynasties, has left a splendid culture of the Chinese nation. Thearchitectural layout of the whole city takes the Forbidden City as the centerand runs through an 8 km long central axis from south to north. Before and afterthe dynasty, zuozu and YouSHE (Taimiao and sheji altar); the streets arevertical and horizontal, the temples are brilliant; the temples are magical, thegardens are magnificent; the rivers and lakes are winding, the scenery ispicturesque. The whole city has both plane layout and three-dimensional shape,which is not only a model of Chinese ancient capital, but also occupies a veryimportant position in the history of world urban construction. Beijing hasalways been famous for its rich places of interest and charming natural scenery.Here are the world's wonders of the Great Wall, the world's most imperial palacecomplex, beautiful classical gardens, as well as magnificent temples,mausoleums, pagodas, stone carvings and so on. Moreover, Shidu, Songshan,Longqing gorge, Shihua Cave and other natural landscapes, as well as manyhistorical sites such as the May 4th Movement in 1919, are all touristattractions that people can enjoy and forget to return.

介绍北京陶然亭的导游词范文 篇7



介绍北京陶然亭的导游词范文 篇8












  俺素有牌棍之称,今天出游十渡孤山寨导游词岂能错失?所以号召人马,预备一场激战。由于天鹅只会“干瞪眼”(注:一种扑克牌的玩法,比较简略的说),所以咱们也只好一同“干瞪眼”。玩不了几局,能够咱们觉得干瞪眼too simple吧,所以咱们三人(花月楼台,舞之精灵,cathlina)共同建议玩双升。但是天鹅不怎样会玩,忧虑被轻视不敢参与。几经劝说无效,所以我定定地望着她,说道:做人要有被人轻视的勇气!要想往后不被他人轻视,那就如今让咱们轻视!天鹅必定是从我坚定的眼神和口气中获得了一种近乎舍生忘死十渡孤山寨导游词的勇气,所以就义无反顾的投入了战役。想那易水河畔的勇士亦不过如此!最终谁输谁赢记不清了,只记住正在鏖战之时,忽听得咱们一阵惊呼,忙昂首向窗外望去,但见路旁一池的荷花,大多为白色,婀娜多姿,不染纤尘,纤尘不染。。。。。。

































介绍北京陶然亭的导游词范文 篇9


  在古代,铜刻漏计时,鼓手们听到铙响后击鼓定更,钟楼听到鼓声后撞钟报时。这一科学的铜刻漏计时、更鼓定时和铜钟报时程序,系统地为文 武百官的上朝和百姓的生息劳作和生活起居提供了重要的时间参考。清代计时仪器改用时辰香,严格定制的时辰香为盘旋状,均匀燃烧,在经过精确计算的刻度上悬挂小球,下接金属盘。当香烧到该刻度,球掉入盘中报时,提醒鼓手击鼓。

介绍北京陶然亭的导游词范文 篇10




  古人曾赋诗苍龙峪:"苍龙日暮还行两,老树春深更着花"。传说苍龙峪历年夏季水量大增,溪水奔流不息,老龙行雨所致,加之峪内植被好,山色苍茫,故名"苍龙峪"。苍龙峪由沟口至飞龙瀑,全长约2公里,沿沟口向沟内的溪流行走,石磴迂回, 步步登高,沿途有"浴凤潭"、"月波潭"等大小泉潭18处,有"涵云"、"浴露"、"危石泉声"等石刻小品,可供游人摄影留念。沿溪流两岸山势峥嵘,草木繁茂,行至最高处,但见"飞龙瀑"一条白色匹练,自十几米的高处飞泻而下,水花四射,涛声悦耳。


  青龙峡古长城为明代长城的边关要塞大水峪关。登临青龙峡风景区的古长城,虽大多是断碣残碑,但这里的长城,自有其独特风格,别具特色。游览青龙峡地区古长城,一是沿苍龙峪一线可纵观山脊上长城的雄姿,二是在曲径通幽处始登城,可看到"连理滴翠"、"母婴松"等名木古树,并可远眺"阁道萦迂、七星岩、涧伏青 龙"等景观。拾级而上,有"潜龙洞、一线天"等胜境,登上长城最高峰"玉皇台",纵目远望,浩瀚密云水库、巍峨慕田峪长城,尽收眼底。在晴朗天气,还可一览伟大首都北京的大千气象,使游人有"一览众山小"的感受。





介绍北京陶然亭的导游词范文 篇11



介绍北京陶然亭的导游词范文 篇12







介绍北京陶然亭的导游词范文 篇13











  秦老胡同35号是晚清时期内务府总管大臣索家的花园,建有假山、亭台、池榭,还有一座模仿江南建筑的船形敞轩。这座花园称绮园,至今还有刻石流传下来。帽儿胡同 11号为清末协办大学士文煜所建。分三路。东路是下房,中路是花园,西路是住宅的主体部分,总共有五进院落。中路的花园,是著名的可园,北京最美丽的私家园林。与绮园不同,可园分前后两园,前园的北面构有一座秀丽的建筑,其东是爬山游廊。后园则槐香满园,极为幽静。



介绍北京陶然亭的导游词范文 篇14



介绍北京陶然亭的导游词范文 篇15

  Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen:

  My name is ___. I’m very honored to be youre guide. I do hope all of youcould like my guiding and enjoy everything on your pleasant day. This morning weare going to visit the Summer Palace. The Summer Palace is located on thenorthwest suburbs of Beijing, about 20 kilometers away from the center of thecity. So it will take us about 1 hour to get there. Before we arrived at theSummer Palace, I would like to introduce you a brief introduction of thewoderful imperial garden. The Summer Palace is the most beautiful and thelargest imperial garden existing in Chinan, and it is the best-preservedimperial garden in the world. In 1998, it was placed on the List of WorldCultural Heritage by the UNESCO.

  The Summer Palace was first built as an imperial garden at the beginning of12th century in the Jin Dynasty. The construction continued to the Yuan and Mingdynasties. In the Qing Dynasty, the building of imperial gardens reached itsculmination. During Emperor Qianlong’s reign, the famous ‘Three Hills and FiveGardens’ were built on the northwest suburbs of Beijing. The Summer Palace was apart of it and at that time was called the Garden of Clear Ripples. In 1860, theAnglo-French Allied Forces invaded Beijing. The ‘Three Hills and Five Gardens’were burnt down to ashes.

  In 1888, the Empress Dowager Cixi spent the navy fund having the Garden ofClear Ripples rebuilt. And then she renamed it the Garden of Nurtured Harmony(Summer Palace).

  In 1900, the Allied Forces of Eight Powers invaded Beijing. The SummerPalace was once again severely damaged. It was rebuilt again in 1902.

  In 1924, the Last Emperor Puyi was driven out of the palace, after that,the Summer Palace was turned into a public park.

  Ladies and Gentlemen, please look over there, in front of us is an archway.It is called “Emptiness and the collection of excellence”, and it is the firstscenery of the Summer Palace. The two Chinese words on the front side of thearchway mean emptiness and refer to everything in nature and in the scenery. Thetwo words on the back side mean Collection of Excellence and refer to thetranquility of the beautiful scenery just within the garden.

  (outside the East Palace Gate)

  Now, we have arrived at the East Palace Gate. It’s the main entrance of theSummer Palace. On top of the gate there is a plaque with three Chinesecharacters ‘The Summer Palace’ in Emperor Guangxu’s handwriting. The gate thatwe are now entering was used by the emperor, the empress only in the olddays.

  (Inside the East Palace Gate)

  Now we are inside the Summer Palace. In front of us is the second gate ofthe Summer Palace— the Gate of Benevolence and Longevity. The annex halls onboth sides were used for officials on duty and the offices of the Privy Council.Well, Before we start our tour in the garden, I will briefly introduce you thelayout of the Summer Palace and our tour route. O.K., ladies and gentlemen, mayI have your attention please? Let’s look at the map together, From it we can seethe Summer Palace covers an area of 290 hectares, which the lake occupies thethree-fourths. The whole garden can be divide into three parts: the area was forpolitical activities, resting places of the emperor and empress, and sightseeingareas. Our tour will start from the area of the political activities, and endoff the Marble Boat. On the way, we will visit the main constructions of theSummer Palace, such as the Hall of Jade Ripples, the Hall of Happiness andLongevity, the Long Corridor, the Hall of Dispelling Clouds and so on. It willtake us about two hours to visit the Summer Palace. Please attention, we won’twalk back and our driver will pick us up at the North Gate. Should you get lostor separated from the group, please meet us at the North Gate.

  Ok, everyone, let’s start our tour from the emperors’ office --- the Hallof Benevolence and Longevity. Follow me please.

  (Inside the courtyard of the Benevolence and Longevity)

  Passing through the Gate of Benevolence and Longevity, we have alreadyentered the courtyard of the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity. The huge rock infront of us is Taihu Rock. It was quarried from Taihu Lake in Jiangsu Province,so it was known as Taihu Rock. Please look around the courtyard and you can seethere are four grotesque shaped rocks placed in each corner of this courtyard,representing the four seasons of the year. The Taihu Rocks are usually used asdecoration for beautifying gardens and they are thin, crease, leak andpenetration in characters.

  The bronze mythical animal behind the Taihu Rock is known as Suanni or somepeople call it Qilin. According to ancient Chinese mythology, the dragon hadnine sons, but none of them became a real dragon. Suanni was one of the ninesons of the dragon. It was an auspicious animal that could avoid evil spirits inancient lengeds. Suanni has the head of dragon, the antlers of dear, the hoovesof ox and the tail of lion.

  (In front of the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity)

  This grand hall is the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity. It was firstbuilt in 1750. The name of this hall taken from a book entitled ‘Lun Yu’ byConfucius doctrine means, “ those who are benevolent can enjoy a long life.”This hall was the place where Emperor Guangxu and Empress Dowager Cixi heldaudience and handled state affairs when they were in the Summer Palace. Forprotecting the historical cultural relic, we couldn’t enter the hall. So I wouldlike to briefly introduce you the decorations in the Hall of Benevolence andLongevity. The arrangement of the hall has been left untouched. In the middle ofthe hall stands an emperor’s throne carved with nine dragons on design. Thereare two big fans on both sides behind the throne which are made of peacockfeathers. Behind the throne there is a big screen with red sandalwood frame andglass mirror inlaid. On the mirror there are 226 Chinese characters of the word‘Longevity’ written in different styles. There are two scrolls on each side ofthe wall with a big Chinese character ‘Longevity’ written on it. It was saidthat the word ‘Longevity’ written by Empress Dowager Cixi. There are 100 batspainted at the background of the scroll symbolizing happiness.

  Well, please look up the two pairs of incense burners in the shape of adragon and a phoenix in front of the hall. They were used to burn incense sticksto create the appropriate atmosphere. In the old days, the dragon and phoenixwere the symbol of the emperor and empress. According to ritual, the dragonsshould be placed in the center while phoenixes were to either side in front ofthe hall.However, here, the dragons are off to the sides and the phoenixes arein the middle. This was a product of the end of Qing Dynasty when EmpressDowager Cixi handled state affairs behind the screen.

  (At the entrance of Garden of virtuour Harmony)

  We are now visiting the Garden of Virtuous Harmony, where Emperor Qianlongand Empress Dowager Cixi were entertained with Bejing Opera performances. Itmainly consists of the Dressing House, the Grand Theater Building and the Hallof Pleasure Smile. The Grand Theater Building was known as the ‘Cradle ofBeijing Opera’ was uniquely laid out and magnificently decorated. There are 7exhibition halls with articles of daily use on display here.

  (In front of the Grand Theater Building)

  This is the Grand Theater Building. Of the three main theater buildings ofthe Qing Dynasty, the Grand Theater Building is the tallest and largest one. Theother two are Changyin Pavilion in the Forbidden City and Qingyin Pavilion inthe Mountain Resort in Chengde. The Grand Theater Building, a three-storiedstructure, has a double roof with upturned eaves. It is 21 meters high and 17meters wide. Performances could be staged simultaneously on three levels. Thetop one was a symbol of happiness, the middle level was emolument level and thebottom stage was named longevity stage. Each level has the entrance and theexit. There are some trapdoors in the ceiling and below the floor for ‘celestialbeing’ to fly down from the sky and the ‘devils’ to appear from the earth to setoff a certain atmosphere on the stage. There is also a well and five ponds builtunder the stage for a good effect of water scenes. The stage is open to threesides.

  Well, please look at the construction that stands right opposite the GrandTheater Building, it’s the Hall of Pleasure Smile. The Empress Dowager Cixi usedbo sit inside the hall to watch and enjoy the Peking Opera.

  (A lakeside walk from the Garden of virtuous Harmony to the Hall of JadeRipples)

  We are now standing in the middle of a rockery behind the Hall ofBenevolence and Longevity. It appears that there’s nothing special ahead.However, after we clear the rockery, we will reach Kunming Lake. This is anapplication of a specific style of Chinese


  Now, we are walking along the bank of the Kunming Lake. Look over there,not far away in the lake there is an islet. It’s called the Spring HeraldingIslet. The pavilion on the islet is called the Spring Heralding Pavilion. Anumber of willow trees and peach trees were planted on this islet. In earlyspring, when the ice begins to melt, peach trees are red in pink blossoms,willow trees turn a tender green signaling that the early spring has returned.Hence the name ‘Heralding Sping Pavilion’.

  (In front of the Hall of Jade Ripples)

  This group of special and quiet courtyard dwellings is the Hall of JadeRipples. The words “Jade Ripples” came from a verse “Gentle ripples gushing outof Jade Spring”, which refers to the rippling water in the lake. It was firstused by Emperor Qianlong to attend to state affairs. In the late Qing Dynasty,it was where Emperor Guangxu was put under house arrest.

  This hall is a hallmark of the Movement of 1898. Emperor Guangxu wasEmperor Dowager Cixi’s nephew. After Emperor Tongzhi died, Emperor Dowager Ciximade her nephew, who was at that time four years old a successor in order tocontinue her hold on imperial power. She ‘handled state affairs behind thescreen’. After Emperor Guangxu ‘managed state affairs personally’ at the age of19, a political conflict occurred between the conservatives and the reformers.In 1898, the Reform Movement took place with the aim of sustaining the coreprinciples of the Qing Dynasty while reforming outdated laws. The movementlasted for103 days until it was suppressed by Empress Dowager Cixi. It wascalled the ‘Hundred-Day Reform’. After the reform failed, Emperor Guangxu wasput under house arrest here. For the strict control of him, Empress Dowager Cixiordered to build many brick walls in the front, back, and on the right and leftof the Hall of Jade Ripples. At that time the hall was entirely sealed up, justlike a prison. Today only the hidden walls in the east and west annex room stillmaintain its original appearance. It is open to visitors as the relic related tothe 1898 Reform Movement.

  (In front of the Chamber of Collecting Books)

  This is the Chamber of Collecting Books. In Chinese, it’s called “Yi YunGuang”. “Yun” was a kind of fragrant weed. In ancient times, it was usually usedas termite repellent in rooms where books were stored.In the Emperor Qianlong’sreign, the purpose of the hall was for collecting books. Later it was convertedinto a residence. There used to be the residence of Guangxu’s Empress Longyu,and his favorite concubine Zhenfei.

  (In the Hall of Happiness and Longevity)

  This group of courtyard is the Hall of Happiness and Longevity. It was themajor architectural structure in the living quarters and the residence ofEmpress Dowager Cixi. The whole compound was basically made of wood, which isideal for ventilation and lighting. With its quiet and tasteful layout, the Hallof Happiness and Longevity made life very easy and convenient. In front of theHall of Happiness and Longevity there is a huge rock placed in the middle ofthis courtyard named “Qing Zhi Xiu” and nicknamed as “Family Bankruptcy Rock”.This huge rock was discovered in Fangshan District by a Ming official MiWanzhong. He wanted to transport it to his own garden “Shaoyuan”. In the olddays, transporting such rock was very difficult. After spending all his money toship it, he still could not succeed in doing this. The big rock was then left onthe roadside somewhere near Liangxiang County, 30 kilometers southwest ofBeijing. Hence it was nicknamed “Family Bancruptcy Rock”. Later Emperor Qianlongdiscovered it and transported to the Garden of Clear Ripples and laid in frontof the Hall of Happiness and Longevity. The colorful glass chandeliers hanginginside the hall was introduced from Germany in 1903. It is one of the earliestelectric lights in China.

  (In front of the Gate of Inviting the Moon of the Long Corridor)

  Ladies and Gentlemen, you may have visited some of the best museums in theworld, such as the Louvre in France and the Museum of Great Britain. Now I willshow you a special gallery in the palace—the Long Corridor. In 1990, the LongCorridor was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as ‘the longestpainted corridor’ in the world’. It would be a pity if we leave the SummerPalace without visiting the Long Corridor and the Marble Boat. Now, here we go,the Long Corridor first!

  (Strolling along the Long Corridor)

  The Long Corridor starts from the Gate Inviting the Moon to the ShizhangGate. It is 728 meters long and consists of 273 sections. The Long corridor isone of the major structures of the Summer Palace. Since the corridor wasdesigned to follow the physical features of the southern slope of LongevityHill, four multiple-eaved, octagonal pavilions ( Retaining the GoodnessPavilion, Living with the Ripples Pavilion, Autumn Water Pavilion, Clear and FarPavilion) were placed at bends and undulation, they represent four seaons of ayear. Thus visitors will hardly notice the rise and fall of the terrain. As amajor part of the architectural style of the Summer Palace, the Long Corridorserves as an ingenious connector between the Lake and the Hill. Scatteredbuildings on the southern slope were linked to create a unified complex.

  The Long Corridor is the longest covered veranda in any Chinese garden. Onthe purlins and beams of the covered veranda, there are over 14,000 Suzhou stylepaintings. Among them, there are 546 color paintings relating to the scenes ofWest Lake in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Beside the colorful paintings ofnatural scenery, there are also scenes of flowers, birds, fish, insects,mythology and figures. The paintings of figures are mainly adapted from ancientChinese classical literature, such as ‘Pilgrimage to the West’, ‘The Romance ofthe Three Kingdoms’, ‘The western Chamber’, “Water Margin’, and ‘The Dream ofthe Red Mansion’.

  (In front of the Gate of Dispelling Clouds)

  Now we are approaching the central part of the structures on the lakesideslope, the Tower of Buddhist Incense within the Hall of Dispelling Clouds. Thecentral axis line starts from the wharf next to the lake to the Sea of Wisdom ontop of the Hill. The main architectural structures here are the Gate ofDispelling Clouds, Hall of Dispelling clouds, Tower of Buddhist Incense and theSea of Wisdom, which altogether form a splendid three-dimensional landscape. Thelayout of this group of architectures was based on scenes described in Buddhistsutras. This group of structures are among the most magnificently constructedhere in the Summer Palace. This is a good place to taking photos, we will stayhere for about 15 minutes.

  Now we are walking continuely along the Long Corridor, the next scene weare going to visit is Marble Boat.

  Look over there! Halfway up the slope there stands the Hall of Listening toOrioles. It was the place for emperor and empress to enjoy opera and courtmusic. It is said the singing of orioles is very pleasing. Before the Garden ofVirtuous Harmony was built, Empress Dowager Cixi enjoyed opera and music here.Now the hall is one of the most famous restaurants in China, featuring imperialdishes and desserts.

  This is the famous Marble Boat. A famous scientist of China’s Eastern HanDynasty once said, “Water can float the boat, but it can also tip it over.” Aprime minister of Tang Dynasty Wei Zheng once used these words to persuade LiShimin, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. He said people are water and theemperor is the boat. People can support a good emperor. However, they also canoverthrow the dynasty. Emperor Qianlong built this huge boat in the Garden inorder to make the allusion concrete. On one hand, Emperor Qianlong encouragedhimself to run the country well. On the other hand, he wanted to show that hisrule of the Qing Dynasty was as firm as the Marble Boat and there was no fear ofoverturning the boat. The Marble Boat was the place for Emperor Qianlong tosample tea and enjoy the scenery of Kunming Lake. Emperor Qianlong once camehere to engage in the freeing of captive animals. In the times of Qianlong, theMarble Boat was a Chinese styled stone boat with a Chinese style woodensuperstructure on the top of it. When it was rebuilt in the times of Guangxu, aforeign and Chinese elements mixed resulting in two wheels to be added to theboat, one on each side. The floor was paved with colored bricks. All of thewindows were inlaid with multiple-colored glass. A big mirror was installed onthe superstructure for viewing rain.

  Our tour is drawing to a close after we visited the Marble Boat. Today weonly visited the major scenic spots of the Summer Palace. I have left otherspots of interest for your next visit. I will now show you out through the RuyiGate. Our coach is waiting for us outside the gate. I do hope you enjoyedtoday’s tour. Thank you.





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