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范文 | 故宫导游词中英文(精选17篇) 故宫导游词中英文 篇1欢迎你来到北京故宫!这里又称紫禁城,是明朝两代的皇宫,为我国现在最大最富贵的古建筑群,面积达15500平方米,房屋9000多间。故宫四周围有10米高的城墙,墙外四角各有一座华丽奇特的角楼。 Welcome you to Beijing's Forbidden City! Also called the Forbidden City, here are two generations of the Ming dynasty in the imperial palace, for our country is now the largest and most prosperous of ancient architectural complexes, an area of 15500 square meters, more than 9000 houses. Around the Forbidden City has 10 meters high walls, corners of the wall have a magnificent strange watchtower. 从午门进入紫禁城,然后沿着中轴线依次参观内金水桥,太和门,太和殿,中和殿,乾明宫,交泰殿,坤宁宫,御花园。参观完御花园,可以通过御花园左侧的门进入东六宫依次参观储秀宫,翎坤宫,永寿宫,咸福宫,长寿宫,太极殿,然后出内右门回到乾明广场,东行进入内左门,可依次参观延禧宫,永和宫,景阳宫,乘乾宫。参观完东六宫可沿东长庆门,然后再进入皇极门,可以参观皇极殿,宁寿宫,扮戏楼,畅音阁,养性殿,乾隆花园,贞妃井,最后出贞顺门西行出神武门就可以离开故宫了。 From the meridian gate to enter the Forbidden City, and then along the central axis, in turn, to visit the jinshui bridge, the gate, taihe palace, zhonghe palace, Ming palace, tai temple, palace of earthly tranquility, the imperial garden. Visiting the imperial garden, can pass to the left of the garden door into the east sixth in turn to visit the palace of gathering excellence, yi kun palace, YongShou palace, salty fu palace, longevity palace, tai chi temple, and then the right door to dry bright square, east into the inside the left door, can, in turn, to visit the jubilee palace, yonghe palace, palace, sunell group by the palace. Visiting the east sixth changqing gate along the east, and then enter the emperor extremely door, can visit Huangji Palace, tranquility and palace, actors floor, chang pavilion, temple raises a gender, the qianlong garden, zhen princess well, finally a zhen shun the west door the creature can leave the palace door. 今天我能给你们当导游我感到非常荣幸,我跟着大家一起游览了美丽的北京故宫,高兴的度过了一天。希望你们再来北京故宫的时候再请我当导游,我会更好地讲解美丽的故宫的。 Today I can give you when I feel very honored to guide, I followed all of you to visit the beautiful Beijing the imperial palace, spent a happy day. I hope you come back to Beijing the imperial palace please when I when the tour guide, I can better explain the beautiful palace. 故宫导游词中英文 篇2大家好,欢迎大家来到故宫,很高兴能为大家服务,我是本次大家旅程的李子昂,大家叫我李导就行,今今天有我陪同大家共度这段美好的时光。 Hello, welcome to the Palace Museum, and I'm glad to serve you, I am the journey zi-ang li, you just call me lee, today today have I accompany you have a good time. 故宫建于1420xx年,1420xx年基本竣工,是明朝皇帝朱棣时建,现在请大家跟我一起去故宫中最大的宫殿太和殿看看。这里是明朝皇帝召见白宫发号施令举行庆典的地方,全殿面阔间,进深五间,外有廊柱,殿内外立着72根大柱,殿高35米,殿内净高达14米,宽63米,为全宫最大的木构大殿。 For the completion of the imperial palace was built in 1406, 1420, is the Ming dynasty emperor Zhu Dishi build, now with me, please go to the imperial palace the biggest palace in the taihe palace. Here is the place where the Ming emperor summoned to the White House orders in ceremonies, the whole temple width, depth 5, outside corridor column, outside the house stood 72 pillar of big, the 35 meters high, inside clear height of 14 meters, 63 meters wide, for all the palace, the largest wooden hall. 我们再来到中和殿,位于紫禁城太和殿之间。是皇帝去太和殿大典之前休息,幷接受执事官员朝拜的地方。 We came to neutralize the temple, the hall of supreme harmony of the Forbidden City. Is the emperor rest the night before they go to the hall of supreme harmony, ministers and accept a mecca for officials. 又玩了中和殿,我再带大家去参观保和殿,这座保和殿是清代的国宴厅及考举科场。大家都知道,乾隆身边有一位大臣叫刘墉,他就是在这保和殿考上状元的。 Play the zhonghe palace again, I'll take you to visit the Baohe Palace, the Baohe Palace is the qing dynasty state banquet hall and test for examination hall. As everybody knows, qianlong nearby have a minister called liu2 yong, he is in the Baohe Palace was admitted into the draft. 故宫的游览就到这里,对我今天的讲解还满意吗?欢迎您提出意见和建议,我深表感谢,最后我祝大家玩的开心。谢谢。 The Forbidden City tour here, today's explanation to me still satisfaction? You are welcome to put forward opinions and Suggestions, I'm very grateful to, finally, I wish everyone have a good time. thank you 故宫导游词中英文 篇3各位客大家好: Each guest hello: 我是你们的导游陈佳琪,大家可以叫我小陈就行了接下来的几天中就由我来为大家一起来游览北京故宫博物院的名胜风景,希望通过我的讲解,能够使您对北京留下一个好印象,同时也对我的工作提出宝贵意见,好,接下来我们就开始今天的旅行吧! I am your tour guide jia-qi Chen, you can call me xiao Chen to go in the next few days by me for all of you to visit the Palace Museum in Beijing scenery, hope that through my explanation, can make you leave a good impression of Beijing, also proposes the valued suggestion for my work, good, then we start today's trip! 故宫是明、清朝时的皇宫,也是当今世界规模最大建筑最雄伟,保存最完整的古代皇家宫殿。故宫又叫紫金城。子进程是中国五个世纪以来最高权力中心,他以园林景观和容纳了家具及工艺品的9000个房间的庞大建筑群,成为明清时代中国物价历史的见证,1987年,北京故宫被联合国列入[ 世界遗产名录]。 In the Ming and qing dynasty palace, is the largest building in the world today the most magnificent, the most intact ancient royal palace. The Palace Museum, also called zijin city. The child process is the supreme power in China in five century center, with his landscape and contains 9000 rooms of furniture and handicraft product of large buildings, a witness, in the history of the Ming and qing dynasties era China's prices in 1987, Beijing the imperial palace was the United Nations on the world heritage list. 故宫坐北朝南,开有四条门。各位朋友,这里就是故宫的正门,叫午门,意思是正午的太阳光芒四射。各位请看,在10米高的城墙上耸立着五座城楼,从上面看就像物质展翅飞的凤凰,故午门又称五凤楼。各位旅客请在这里留影吧! The Palace Museum sits, has four door open. My dear friends, this is the main gate of the Forbidden City, and called the meridian gate, mean the midday sun. You see, in 10 meters high wall stood five towers, from above like the phoenix material spread your wings and fly, the meridian gate and the five-phoenix towers said. Have your pictures here, please! 好啦!现在大家自由活动,晚上六点在故宫门前集合,祝大家有玩开心。 Come on! You free now, 6 PM in front of the Palace Museum collection, I wish you all have to play happy. 故宫导游词中英文 篇4各位游客朋友们: Dear visitors friends: 欢迎大家来到故宫,我是你们的导游——丫丫。 Welcome to the Palace Museum, I am your tour guide, ya ya. 相信大家都知道,故宫又名紫禁城。它是我国现存最完整的古代建筑。它总面积是72万左右,也是世界著名的艺术馆,其中很多文物是绝无仅有的国宝。 Believe we all know, the imperial palace and the Forbidden City. It is the most complete existing ancient buildings in China. Its total area is about 720xx0, is the world famous art museum, many cultural relics is a national treasure. 这是午门,是宫殿的正门。它的地位十分重要。许多重大的仪式都是在这里举行的。说道午门大家会想到“退出午门斩首”这句话。其实纯属误会。过去,皇上和大臣议政总有意见不同的时候。在明朝时就可以把触犯他的大臣拉到午门外用竹子打屁股,可不要小看这竹子,它是一种碗口粗的毛竹,里面还要灌上水银,具说是为了加大杀伤力,几仗下去就能皮开肉绽。被打的人不死也要终身残疾。这件恐怖的事情从皇宫传到民间,就逐渐变成“退出午门斩首”了 This is the meridian gate, is the main entrance of the palace. It is very important. Many great ceremony are held here. Meridian gate you will think of "exit the meridian gate beheaded" this sentence. It is a misunderstanding. In the past, the emperor and his ministers council always have different opinions. In the Ming dynasty can break his ministers to the meridian gate for external use bamboo to be spanked, don't look down upon this bamboo, it is a kind of bamboo wankou thick, inside irrigation on the mercury, even, in order to increase the damage, several wars can were raw. Be dozen deathless also want to permanently disabled. This horror from the palace to folk, it gradually became "exit the meridian gate beheaded" 怎么样?先不要激动,前面的美景正等着咱们呢! ? Don't be excited, first in front of the beautiful scenery waiting for us! 故宫导游词中英文 篇5各位游客们: Dear visitors: 大家好!我叫李雨果,大家怎么称呼我呢?叫我李导就行了,很高兴我能陪同大家一起参观故宫。 Everybody is good! My name is Li Yuguo, you call me? Just call me lee, I'm very happy to accompany together visiting the Forbidden City. 北京故宫位于北京市中心,是明清两代的皇宫,故宫有称为“紫禁城”。故宫经历有明清两个朝代和24个皇帝。故宫规模宏大,西东宽750米,南北长960米,占地72万平方米,建筑积15万多平方米,有房屋1000多间,是世界历史上最大最完整的古代建筑。进了故宫的大门,你就会看见五座汉白玉石桥,为什么是五座,而不是七座、八座,甚至十座呢?原来,古时候的皇帝都必须带有仁、义、礼、智、信这种特点,所以才是五座石桥的。桥上有上百根石柱,柱子上刻着无数的小狮子,那么多的小狮子,有的颔首低眉,好像是忧闷而不开心的样子,有的张牙武爪,好像是展示自己的威武。 故宫的御花园,原名宫后椀,占地一万二千平方米。以鉄安殿为中心,园林建筑采用石砖来修建,左右对称的格砖紧凑。殿东北的堆秀山上筑御景亭,每年重阳节,皇上就在此登高。 Beijing the imperial palace is located in the centre of Beijing, is the imperial palace during the Ming and qing dynasties, the Forbidden City is known as the "Forbidden City". The Palace Museum experience has two dynasties and 24 Ming and qing dynasties emperor. Large-scale palace, east 750 meters wide, 960 meters long from north and south, covering an area of 720xx0 square meters, the construction of more than 150000 square meters, there are more than 1000 homes, is the history of the world's largest and most complete ancient buildings. The palace gates, you will see five white marble stone bridge, why is five, not seven, eight, ten or even a? Originally, in ancient times the emperor must be with benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, the letter characteristics, so is the five stone bridge. There were hundreds of pillar in the bridge, pillar carved a myriad of small lion, so many little lion, some moment low eyebrow, seems to be cast down and not happy, some teeth zhang wu claw, seemed to show off their power. The imperial palace, formerly known as 椀 after the palace, covering an area of twelve thousand square meters. Objects with iron AnDian as the center, the botanical garden construction adopts the stone brick to build, left and right sides is symmetrical, brick compact. Northeast of piled mountain of the temple built royal pavilion, the double ninth festival every year, the emperor in the ascent. 好了游客们我们在这里歇一会,休息一下,你们也可以拍下自己喜欢的景点,注意卫生和安全。 Good visitors we are here to rest for a while, take a rest, you can also take a picture of your favorite attractions, pay attention to health and safety. 故宫导游词中英文 篇6大家好,我是今天你们大家这次旅游的导游。我姓曾,大家可以叫我曾导。 Hi, I'm the tour guide to all of you today. My name is once, you can call me once. 现在你们面前的是“外朝”的大门——太和门。故宫分“外朝”和“内廷”两大部分。穿过这扇门,就可以看到故宫三大殿中的最大的一个——太和殿。绕过太和殿,就可以看到中和殿和保和殿。这些就是故宫的三大殿。 In front of you now is "the outer court" tai door to door. The Forbidden City "the outer court" and "imperial palace" two most. Through this door, you can see one of the biggest in the three main halls of the imperial palace, the hall of supreme harmony. Around the hall of supreme harmony, can see zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace. These are the three main halls of the imperial palace. 看完三大殿,你前面的就是“内廷”的大门——乾清门。这扇门是“外朝”和“内廷”的交点,乾清门以南为“外朝”,以北为“内廷”。穿过这扇门,就可以看到乾清宫。乾清宫后面有交泰殿和坤宁宫。这三座宫殿就是“内廷”中的主要部分。“内廷”的东西翼还有东六宫和西六宫,是宫妃们住的地方。 After the three main halls, in front of you is the "imperial palace" door to door of heavenly purity. This door is "the outer court" and "imperial palace" intersection, south of dry cleaning door for "the outer court," north "imperial palace". Through this door, you can see the palace of heavenly purity. Behind the palace of heavenly purity Thai temple and palace of earthly tranquility. The palace is the main part of the "imperial palace". "Imperial palace" wing and the sixth east and west sixth, is where the princess live. 好了,现在请大家自由参观。 Ok, now please visit freely. 故宫导游词中英文 篇7去过杭州西湖的人都说:“那里天是蔚蓝的,水是碧绿的,空气是清爽的,人是热情的”。徒有虚名还是名副其实呢? Ever been to hangzhou west lake said: "there sky is blue, water is green, the air is fresh, people is enthusiasm". Nominal or real? 从杜桥坐车到杭州大约4个小时。走出车门,风儿吹来那挺拔的柳树在风中热摇着,枝叶梳理自己独一无二的长头发,那一根根如丝般的秀发在你眼中舞动着,那是柳树在挥动手臂在欢迎你。只见那湖中一层层的小波浪你挤我挤地到了河岸边,碧波里的西湖在轻轻地吟唱着。岸上蜿蜒曲折的小路如同一缕轻烟缭绕,很温柔地缠绕在丛林之间。只见那生意人手中的丝巾,花雨伞……看见游人来了一拥而上,为了一桩小买卖而寸步不离、不 其烦地推销,这过分热情有时把游客追得如鸟散。我们站在湖边纷纷好姿势,“咔嚓……”让自己的倩影永远留在千年文化的杭州。 About 4 hours from Du Qiao to hangzhou by car. Out of the door, and the wind is blowing the tall willow thermal shook in the wind, leaves comb their unique long hair, that their such as silky hair dancing in your eyes, it was the willows waving arms to welcome you. See the layers of small waves in the lake you crowded I crowded into the river, blue waves of the west lake is gently singing. Shore meandering path like a ray of light smoke fills the air, very gently winding between the jungle. See that the business of silk scarves, take an umbrella... Set saw visitors come, pockets for a small business, don't bother to sell, the excessive enthusiasm sometimes chase visitors such as birds. We stood by the lake have good posture, "kacha..." The beautiful image of yourself forever culture in hangzhou in one thousand. 湖心岛,人间乐土,四面皆水,踏上这一座岛便立深深爱上她了,爱上这片土地。在那里一棵棵大树是我们的小伙伴。那一块块岩石是你主要的“沙发”,如果你心情特别不好,那么迷人的景色能让你消除烦恼——层层的小海浪来了,她也来和你共同分享快乐于悲伤,那时柳树在风婆婆的帮助下跳起了优美的舞姿。 In a lake, heaven on earth, water is all around, set foot on the island of deeply in love with her, fall in love with this piece of land. Hits the trees there is our friend. The pieces of rock is your main "sofa", if you feel special is bad, so charming scenery can make you eliminate troubles, and the layers of small waves come, she also to share happiness with you in the sad, then with the help of wind the mother-in-law the willows dance the graceful dance. 你瞧,在那里大自然才是你最亲密的小伙伴,大自然能让人表现的如此开朗!大自然能让你永远记住她的好朋友——人类。 You see, where is your closest friend, nature nature can let a person so cheerful! Nature can let you always remember her good friend - human beings. 游三潭印月、吃农家菜,结识大自然这一个好朋友,日子无忧无虑的,尽情享受西湖的美妙。这时我想起万里《晓出净慈寺送林子方》:毕竟西湖六月中,风光于四时同。接天连叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。 Just swim and eat farm-style, a good friend to get to know the nature, carefree, enjoy the beauty of west lake. When I think of wanli "xiao the net Keats temple to send Lin Zifang" : after all, the west lake in June, the scenery in four. Next day even leaves endless blue, video on lotus red. 我陶醉在优美的风景和这首诗中。 I revel in the beautiful scenery and the poem. 故宫导游词中英文 篇8大家好,我叫徐向宇,大家可以叫我小徐或徐导,很高兴担任这次黄山之旅的导游,大家要记住不要乱涂乱画,不要乱扔垃圾,要跟紧我。现在我们开始出发了。 看,这就是“黄山四绝”中第一绝:奇松。黄山延绵数百里,千峰万壑,比比皆是。最著名的黄山松有:迎客松、送客松、蒲团松、黑虎松、探海松、卧龙松、团结松、龙爪松、竖琴松、陪客松——这就是黄山的十大名松。下一个景点是“四绝”之二,请游客们跟我走,登山途中,请大家注意安全。 游客们请止步,请大家往我身后看,那些巨石就是“四绝”之二:怪石。黄山“四绝”之中的怪石,以奇取胜,以多著称,已被命名的怪石有120多处。大家顺我的手指向那边看,那就是“猴子观海”,远看去就是一个猴子在向下观望云海。除了“猴子观海”还有“仙桃石”、“仙人指路”、“金鸡叫天都”等奇石。 游客们,我们往那看,那里便是“四绝”之三,云海。自古黄山云成海,黄山是云雾之乡,以峰为体,以云为衣。黄山的云海冬季最为壮观,人们为云海美景而奔波,称为“赶海”。 我们再来看这“四绝”之四:温泉。温泉(古称汤泉),源出海拨850米的紫云峰,可饮可浴,传说轩辕皇帝就是在此沐浴七七四十九日得返老还童,羽化飞天的。 游客们,我们来到了“人字瀑”, “人字瀑”又名飞雨泉,危岩百丈。我们再看那儿,那边还有“九龙瀑”、“百丈瀑”等等。黄山值得介绍的地方很多很多,我这儿不一一介绍了,留着让你们自己观察吧! Hello everyone, my name is xiang-yu xu, or you can call me "xu xu, glad to serve as the huangshan tour guide, graffito of the scribble you remember don't, don't litter, to closely to me. Now we begin to set out. Look, this is the first special skill: in "four unique" huangshan pines. Huangshan over hundreds of miles, thousands of peak mountains and valleys abound. The most famous of pinus tai wanensis: guest-greeting pine, fujian, futon, black tiger come loose loose, creeping, wolong pine, unity, African pine, harp, partiesthat come loose - this is the 10 names of huangshan pine. The next scenic spot is the "four unique" another, please visitors and follow me, climbing mountains on the way, please pay attention to safety. Visitors please stop, please everyone to look behind me, the stone is the "four unique" 2: peak. The peak of huangshan mountain "four unique", in order to win, is famous for its many, there are more than 120 have been named after the peak. You arrange my fingers looked over there, that is "monkey view of the sea", far look is a monkey looking down in a sea of clouds. In addition to the "monkey view of the sea" and "peach stone", "fairy directions", "golden days" and other stone. Visitors, we to look that, there is the "four unique" 3, sea of clouds. Huangshan huangshan clouds into the sea since ancient times, is the hometown of clouds, with peak as the body, with clouds. Huangshan sea of clouds in winter, the most spectacular people to travel to the sea scenery, known as "beach combing". Let's look at four of the "four unique" : hot springs. Hot springs (called essence), source of either altitude 850 meters, ziyun peak can drink can bath, here is the legend xuanyuan emperor bathing the 774 19 rejuvenation, the butterflies are flying. Tourists, we came to the "organ", "human organ" aka raindance springs, baizhang dangerous rock. We'll look at that. There are "Kowloon organ", "baizhang waterfall" and so on. Huangshan worthy of introduced a lot, I am here not introduce one by one, has let you watch yourself! 故宫导游词中英文 篇9亲爱的旅客朋友们: 我是你们的导游。我叫青严茜,你们可以叫我小青。今天我们要去丽江古城。 丽江古城位于中国西南部云南省的丽江纳西族自治县,始建于公元13世纪后期。古城海拔2400余米,自古就是远近闻名的集市和重镇。古城现有居民25000余人。其中,纳西族占总人口绝大多数,有30%的居民仍在从事以铜银器制作、皮毛皮革、酿造业为主的传统手工业和商业活动。 在丽江古城区内的玉河水系上,修建有桥梁354座,其密度为平均每平方公里93座。桥梁较着名的有锁翠桥、大石桥、万千桥、南门桥、马鞍桥、仁寿桥,均建于公元14~19世纪。 古城里的五凤楼始建于明代公元1620xx年,楼高20米。因其建筑形制酷似五只飞来的彩凤,故名“五凤楼”,楼内的天花板上还绘有多种精美的图案。 丽江古城历史悠久,古朴自然。丽江民居既融和了汉、白、彝、藏各民族精华,又有纳西族的独特风采,是研究中国建筑史、文化史不可多得的重遗产。丽江古城包容着丰富的民族传统文化,是研人类文化发展的重要史料。 今天的旅行到此结束,拜拜。 Dear friends: passenger I am your tour guide. My name is green YanQian, you can call me xiaoqing. Today we are going to go to lijiang. Lijiang ancient city is located in the lijiang naxi autonomous county in southwest China's yunnan province, founded in the late 13th century. The ancient city of more than 2400 meters above sea level, since ancient times is known fairs and towns. The ancient city of existing more than 25000 inhabitants. Among them, the naxi nationality for the vast majority of the population, 30% of the residents are still engaged in mainly copper, silver, fur, leather making, brewing traditional handicraft industry and commercial activities. Built on the YuHe water system in the ancient city of lijiang, there are 354 Bridges, the density of the average per 93 square kilometers. Bridge is a famous cui bridge, a lock in, myriad bridge, south gate bridge, saddle, the garden.empress bridge bridge, built in the 14 ~ 19 century. The ancient town of five phoenix tower was built in the Ming dynasty in 1601 AD, 20 meters high. Because of its architectural form like five flying colourful feng, therefore "the five-phoenix towers", in the building also painted on the ceiling of a variety of exquisite patterns. Lijiang has a long history, natural style. Lijiang residence is harmony the han, bai, yi, Tibetan ethnic essence, and has a unique style of the naxi nationality, is the study of Chinese architectural history, culture history, rare heavy heritage. Lijiang is containing the rich traditional culture, is an important historical research of human cultural development. Today's trip to this end, bye bye. 故宫导游词中英文 篇10杭州,像一座璀灿的明珠镶嵌在我国大地上。杭州,自古悠传着古代文明,比如:丝调之城。杭州,有着美丽的向征。 Hangzhou, like a brilliant pearl embedded in the earth in our country. Hangzhou, carefree to spread the ancient civilization since ancient times, such as: silk city. Hangzhou, a beautiful to sign. 我从椒江来到杭州,只是来表哥家来玩而已,车子开到了高速公路,看到了路的两旁,有一排排整齐的小松柏,地上看似没有任何垃圾。其实,你走在了地上,就发现只点点灰尘,因为有着清洁工,时刻清理垃圾,人人都知道:保护环境,人人有责。那高速公路就像横卧在大地上的一条龙。晚上这儿有许多公园,有着座位,你坐在这儿,观赏着这儿的美景,这就是美丽的杭州。 I came to hangzhou from jiaojiang, just come to my cousin's house to play, the car drove to the highway, see the sides of the road, there are rows of neat little conifers, seemingly without any garbage on the ground. In fact, you go to the ground, found only a little dust, with cleaner, clearing up the rubbish, everyone knows: to protect the environment, everyone duty. The highway is lying on the ground of a dragon. At night there are many parks here, have a seat, you sit here and watch the beautiful scenery here, this is the beauty of hangzhou. 杭州,自古悠传着古代文明,我们来看下丝绸之地,我姑姑就在这儿工作,她是118号的,希望你们来他家坐客,欢迎光临。这个丝绸之城,有古代风格,屋子、门、衣服……都上古代文化风格,这些料都是上等好材料做的。这就是美丽的杭州。 Hangzhou, carefree to spread the ancient civilization since ancient times, we'll look at the land of the silk, my aunt is working here, she is 118, I hope you to his house to sit guest, welcome. The city of the silk, the ancient style, the house, door, clothes... All style in ancient culture, these materials are made of fine material. This is a beautiful hangzhou. 这就是杭州,美丽的杭州,值得欣赏,希望你们来杭州,欢迎来这儿做客! This is hangzhou, the beautiful hangzhou, worthy of appreciation, I hope you come to hangzhou, welcome to visit here! 故宫导游词中英文 篇11We all know the Bund in Shanghai. It can be seen that it is one of the mostprosperous places in China, but the former captivity also made her have amiserable history: in 1845, Britain made her concession, and in 1849, Francealso occupied the Bund. But how beautiful and prosperous she is in front of theworld today! Last summer vacation, my mother and I came to this loess land known as the"World Architecture Expo". As soon as I arrived at my destination, the waves ofthe Huangpu River attracted my eyes. The green algae glided in the water, itsgentle and slender waist. As soon as we got out of the car, we came to the Asia building, theheadquarters of China Pacific Insurance Company. The lintel of the building isalso designed in broken pattern, which is beautiful and vivid. Further on, wecame to Dongfeng Hotel, once the most luxurious club in Shanghai - ShanghaiFederation. It has a bar of more than 110 feet, known as the longest bar in theFar East. We went on and came to a red house. After the guide's explanation, Irealized that this was the famous steamship investment promotion company.Walking along the Huangpu river bank, the famous tower of Shanghai is a glance:the Peace Hotel, Pudong development building and the Oriental Pearl TV Toweropposite the Huangpu River, the world financial center. At the end of Shili Nanjing Road, there is a bronze statue. He stares atthe flowers and grass here. Who is he? He is general Chen Yi, the first mayor ofShanghai in New China. Looking at the statue, I can see General Chen Yi'sinspection work in the wind and rain. His simple image and amiable, open-mindeddemeanor Once again deeply imprinted in my heart. It's getting dark. We came to the hotel, ate in a hurry, and then we wentback to the Bund. At this time, the sky has become dark red, and the lights ofthousands of families have been turned on in the sky. We came to the "Bundcruise terminal" to take a boat sightseeing. We came to the cruise ship, the ship slowly driving on the Huangpu River,the lights on the shore printed on the water, as if it had become a wide pair ofoil paintings, water, quiet, seemingly dark but bright. After getting off theboat, we went straight to the tallest building in Shanghai, the world financialcenter. We took the high-speed elevator in the global financial center. I heardthat it had a maximum speed of 10 meters per second. In less than 2 minutes, wearrived at the top of the building. The floor was transparent everywhere.Walking on it was really a pleasure to "see all the mountains and small ones".At first glance, there are colorful lights everywhere, cars are shuttling, andthe Huangpu River is even more beautiful. The stars on the opposite side of theOriental Pearl TV Tower rain are linked into one piece, forming a beautifulscene of "sky and even Pujiang". I heard that Shanghai's electricity bill willspend nearly 300 thousand yuan a day. I looked at the charming lights motionless, only feel the heart clear aswater, I, intoxicated! 大家都知道上海的外滩吧!那里可以看得上是我国最繁荣的地方之一,但曾经的被虏也让她有一段凄惨的历史:1845年,英国吧她划为了自己的租界地,1849年,法国也强占了外滩。可今天呈现在世人面前的她又是多么美丽多么繁荣呀! 去年暑假,我和妈妈一同来到了这个被人们称为"万国建筑博览"的黄土地上。刚到目的地,这黄浦江的水浪就深深的吸引了我的眼球,青绿的水藻在水里滑动这它那轻柔又纤细的腰肢。 一下车,我们来到了中国太平洋保险公司总部:亚细亚大楼,它的门楣上还运用了断花式的设计,优美生动。再往前走,我们来到了东风饭店,曾经,他是上海最豪华的俱乐部——上海总会。它有一条110多英尺的吧台,号称远东最长的吧台。我们继续前进,来到了一幢红房子前,经导游说明,我才知道,原来这就是当年大名鼎鼎的轮船招商局。漫步在这黄浦江岸,上海的名楼名塔一览无遗:和平饭店,浦东发展大厦以及黄浦江对面的东方明珠电视塔,环球金融中心...... 来到十里南京路的尽头,那儿有一座青铜浇注的塑像,他凝视着这里的一花一草,他是谁呢?他就是新中国第一任上海市的市长——陈毅将军,看着着座塑像,我仿佛看到了陈毅将军当年在风雨中视查工作。他那种公朴的形象和和蔼可亲、虚怀若谷的风度 再一次深深的烙印在了我的心里。 天渐渐暗下来了。我们来到饭店,匆匆吃过之后,我们又回到外滩。此时的天已成了暗红色,天空中,万家的灯火也陆续打开了,我们来到"外滩游轮码头"打算坐船观光。 我们来到了游轮上,船在黄浦江上缓缓行驶,岸上的灯光印在水面上,仿佛成了一阔副油画,水,静静的,看似漆黑却透出亮丽。下了船后,我们直奔上海最高的建筑——环球金融中心。 我们在环球金融中心乘高速电梯,听说他有最高10米每秒的速度呢!不出2分钟,我们来到了楼顶100楼,在哪儿,地板都是透明的,走在上面真是有种"一览众山小"的快感。一眼望去,到处是五彩的灯火,到处是汽车在穿梭,那黄浦江也更美了,对面的东方明珠广播电视塔雨天上的星星连成一片,形成了"天星连浦江"的美丽景象,听说上海一天的电费就得花去近30万元呢! 我一动不动的望着这迷人的灯火,只觉得心清如水,我,陶醉了! 故宫导游词中英文 篇12The Bund, located on the Bank of Huangpu River in the Central District ofShanghai, is a scenic spot in Shanghai and a must for tourists to Shanghai. TheBund, also known as zhongshangdong 1st Road, is about 1.5 km long. FacingHuangpu River in the East and 52 buildings with different styles, such asGothic, Roman, Baroque, Chinese and western wall style, in the west, are knownas the "World Architecture Expo Group". Facing the open mother river, Huangpu River, the Bund leans back on thebuildings with rigorous modeling and different styles. Because of its uniquegeographical location and its influence on Shanghai and even China in the fieldof economic activities in the past century, it has a very rich culturalconnotation. The Bund's riverside, levee, green belt and beautiful buildingsconstitute the street view, which is the most characteristic Shanghai landscape.In the morning, the Bund is a place for people to keep fit; in the daytime, itis a bustling tourist attraction; in the evening, it is a place for lovers tofall in love. When the lights start to shine, the buildings on the Bund areresplendent, like crystal palaces, which make tourists at home and abroadmarvel. Strolling here, we appreciate the style of Huangpu River, the motherriver of Shanghai, overlook the new appearance of Lujiazui area on the otherside of Pudong, feel the different flavor of metropolitan gardens among greentrees and flower beds, and enjoy the rare fresh air and sunshine in ametropolis. The Bund got its name Huangpu River is the largest river flowing through Shanghai. The source ofHuangpu River is located in Longwangshan nature reserve, Anji, ZhejiangProvince. As the Huangpu River is connected to the sea, it is affected by tides.On average, there are obvious rising and falling tides twice a day. The waterlevel drop in a day can reach more than 4 meters. In case of astronomical springtide, the water level drop will be even greater. (as for the source of HuangpuRiver, some said it was in Dianshan Lake, others said it was in Taihu Lake.However, it is rare to see lakes as the source of rivers in the world geography.Moreover, Taihu Lake is a shallow lake basin with water from many sources, whichcan not be regarded as a complete source. Only by finding the source of TaihuLake can we find the real source of Huangpu River. After investigation andresearch, Xitiaoxi, located at the foot of Longwang mountain, has a drainagearea of 2800 square kilometers with a length of 145 kilometers, 1.8 billioncubic meters of water. Its water supply accounts for 70% of Taihu Lake's watersupply, making it the first water source of Taihu Lake. Longwang mountain is thesource of Huangpu River. ) 150 years ago, Shanghai was only a medium-sized County along the coast ofthe south of the Yangtze River. The shipping industry was very underdeveloped,and people did not have the necessity or ability to build embankments along theriver. Therefore, most of the river banks were natural beaches except theHuangpu River bank in Dongmen. At ebb tide, the river water stagnates in thecenter of the riverbed, exposing a large area of beach. At high tide, the rivernever crossed the bank. Huangpu River is the main channel of Shanghai. Becausethe river is wide and the water is fast, ships going against the river have topull their boats. For hundreds of years, the track of the trackers has steppedon a winding path on the Huangpu River beach, which is known as the "trackway",which is the earliest Road on the Bund. In terms of place names used in Shanghai, the upstream of the river isgenerally called "Li", and the downstream of the river is called "Wai". Forexample, people in Shanghai today are used to call Hanyang road and Bridge onHongkou port "Lihong bridge", Changzhi Road and bridge "Zhonghong bridge", andDaming Road and bridge "Waihong bridge", which is named according to thelocation of the river where the bridge is located. Similarly, the first bridgeof the Suzhou River entering the Huangpu River estuary is called "Wai Bai Dubridge". The bridge in turn is also commonly known as the "Li Bai Du bridge"(now Zhapu Luqiao) and the three Bai Du bridge (now Sichuan Luqiao). Forexample, based on the county seat, the place close to the city is called "Li",and the place far away from the city is called "Wai". Today's southern urbanarea is named "lixiangua Street" and "waixiangua Street"; "Licang bridge" and"waicang bridge" are named after this. The Huangpu River near the county seat of Shanghai forms a sharp bend atthe exit of Lujiabang, so the Shanghainese take Lujiabang as the boundary. Itsupstream is called "lihuangpu" and its downstream is called "waihuangpu". Thebeaches in lihuangpu are called "lihuangpu Beach" for short, and the beaches inwaihuangpu are called "waihuangpu Beach" for short. After 1840, Shanghai, as one of the five trading ports, opened to theoutside world. In 1845, the British colonialists seized the Bund and establishedthe British concession. In 1849, French colonists also seized the Bund andestablished the French concession. From then on to the early 1940s, the Bund wasoccupied by the British concession and the French concession, and was called"the Bund of the British concession" and "the Bund of France" respectively. TheMinistry of industry of the public concession and the Council of the FrenchConcession are their highest municipal organizations and leading bodiesrespectively. The concession is like a sovereign area, and the Western powers operate andmanage it in their way. With the construction of the concession, the Bund becamethe earliest and most prosperous place in the concession. In the early days, theBund was a center of foreign trade, where there were many foreign companies andtrade flourished. Since the late 19th century, many foreign and Chinese bankshave been established on the Bund, which has become Shanghai's "FinancialStreet" and also known as "Oriental Wall Street". As a result, the Bund has become a "geomantic treasure land". Owning apiece of land on the Bund is not only a symbol of wealth, but also a symbol ofreputation. After commercial banks and financial enterprises occupied a place inthe Bund, they built the company building. Most of the buildings on the Bundhave been rebuilt for three or more times. Architects from all over the worldhave shown their skills here, making the Bund, which is not large in area,gather more than 20 buildings of different periods, different countries anddifferent styles. Therefore, the Bund is also known as the "World ArchitectureExpo". For more than a hundred years, the Bund has always appeared in front of theworld as a symbol of Shanghai. It is the pride of the people of Shanghai. Itshows the world the culture of Shanghai and the excellent ability of integratingforeign civilization with local civilization, innovating and developing. The historical evolution of the Bund The first stage is the formation period, from 1843 to 1885. At thebeginning of the opening of the Bund, the buildings were mostly 2-3-storeyveranda buildings. The earliest building was the former British Consulate, whichwas completed in 1849. The second stage is the development period, from 1886 to 1920__. At thebeginning of the 20th century, it was called "Far East Wall Street", and theBund's position as the Far East Financial Center was further consolidated. The third stage is the mature period, from 1920__ to 1937. In the 1930s,the Bund "international architecture Expo" finally became the scale oftoday. After the founding of new China, the Bund experienced two large-scalereconstruction in the 1990s and on the eve of the Shanghai World Expo in 20__.The Bund reconstruction in the 1990s focused on solving the problems of trafficfunction and flood control safety. On the eve of the World Expo, the purpose ofrenovation is to improve the environmental quality of the Bund waterfront area,highlight the historical and cultural years and characteristics of "universalarchitecture", fully interpret the Expo theme of "Better City, better life", andbecome the most iconic and classic urban landscape area of high-quality blockand Shanghai. Introduction to scenic spots Huangpu Park Huangpu Park, which once recorded the humiliating history of "Chinese anddogs are not allowed to enter", is the earliest European style garden inShanghai. It was built in 1886, and it is a witness to the vicissitudes of theBund for a century. Today, the Shanghai People's hero memorial tower stands talland upright, and the Bund historical memorial hall, which is free to open at thebottom of the tower, is a century long history of struggle of the Chinesenation. Shanghai People's hero memorial tower Located in Huangpu Park, which used to be "forbidden for Chinese and dogs",it gives people deep thinking. The three gun shaped towers symbolize theimmortality of the martyrs who died in glory since the Opium War, the May 4thMovement and the liberation war, with profound generality. Pujiang tide Located in the South Gate of Huangpu Park, it is a large bronze statue. Aworker with a great body raised his sails to fight against the coming waves. Itis vivid and dynamic. It shows the fearless spirit of the proletariat, which isincomparable in strength, fearless in difficulties and dangers, courageous inadvance and breathtaking. The theme of the work is to commend the brilliantachievements of the working class in Shanghai in the cause of revolution andconstruction. Large scale granite relief in Shanghai Located on the sunken Round Island of Huangpu Park, the relief is 120meters long and 3.8 meters high. The relief depicts typical historical events ina realistic way and shows the revolutionary struggle of Shanghai people from1840 to 1949. The two wings are decorated with wreaths, symbolizing the memoryof the Shanghai people for the revolutionary martyrs. Relief can be divided intoseven groups, 97 typical characters, showing the great achievements of themartyrs. Wai Bai Du Bridge The famous Garden Bridge of Shanghai is one of the landmark buildings inold Shanghai. It is located at the mouth of the lower reaches of Suzhou River,on the west side of Huangpu Park, on the Suzhou river section betweenzhongshangdong 1st Road and dongdaming road. It is an all steel structure bridgewith two spans of 52.16 meters and a width of 18.3 meters. It is an importantchannel connecting the north and east of Shanghai. The flow of people andvehicles passing the bridge is very high. Shop 16 Xiaodongmen, formerly known as "Baodai gate", has 16 shops outside. Themarket is adjacent to Huangpu River in the East, Danfeng road in the west, oldTaiping Lane in the south, Longtan Road in the north, and Wanyu Dock Street inthe south. This is the water gate of Shanghai. The new Luyuan commercial building, Shenke Hotel, Longshen restaurant andthe Jasper pool luxury bathroom, which are suitable for high-end consumption,together with a number of small and medium-sized hotels, can provide nearly 900rooms and more than 20__ beds, providing comprehensive services for passingpassengers. The 16th shop logo appeared on August 7, 20__. The new 16th shop logostands out in more than 20__ applications. It is designed by an advertisingdesigner with special feelings for 16th shop. Its creative inspiration comesfrom the shape of the cloud and lotus of the Pujiang River in the new Shiliupubuilding. The three water patterns reveal the geographical characteristics ofShiliupu, which is located in the city along the river. The gorgeous turn of thenew Shiliupu starts from this. Blue symbolizes the profound cultural heritage ofShiliupu. The combination of water patterns and the shape of the new landmarkbuildings in the new logo endows Shiliupu with unique visual identificationcharacteristics. On the 630 meter building belt of Shiliupu, three small buildings will beerected. They are like bright diamonds inlaid on the magnificent crown ofHuangpu River. As the perfect embellishment of the 16 shop wide green space andthe boundless river scenery, they will become the model of Bund architecture. Inthe total construction area of about 68000 square meters, the total constructionarea of the three small buildings is only 5000 square meters, which makes thegreening rate of the project as high as 52%. Citizens and tourists can feel thewind of the river and the shadow of the trees when they stay in the smallbuilding; they can sit on the roof platform like a garden in the sky andoverlook the vastness of the Huangpu River and sigh about the great changes onboth sides of the river. Bund city sculpture group The beauty of a city should consist of three parts: architecture, sculptureand greening. Urban sculpture, also known as "urban eyes", is an important partof beautifying the city. The Bund city sculpture group is composed of threestainless steel sculptures: "light of the Pujiang River", "sail" and "wind". Itis located in the green corridor on the Bund of Jinling East Road, shining inthe sun. "The light of the Pujiang River" has a unique style. It combinesvertical water waves and water drops, such as jumping notes on the staff, andplays the music of Shanghai's Mother River Huangpu River with a relaxed andcheerful melody. "Sail" shows that there are many masts on the Huangpu River,the fleet is sailing all over the country, foreign exchange and tourism areflowing in this economic River; the connection between sails and sails, themulti curve floating, increases the three-dimensional dynamic. "Wind" ischaracterized by sharp and obtuse angles, arcs and broken lines, and foldfluctuation. The east wind blows vigorously and has a myriad of appearances. Chenyi Plaza At the end of Nanjing Road, a statue of Chen Yi, the first mayor ofShanghai, stands tall. The statue of Chen Yi, which faces south, is 5.6 metershigh, cast in bronze, and its base is 3.5 meters high, built with red polishedgranite. The statue reproduces the typical posture of Comrade Chen Yi wheninspecting his work, showing his diligent public servant image and amiable andopen-minded Confucian demeanor. Every weekend, a grand square concert will beheld in front of the statue. Yongquan of Chen Yi square: located on the Bund of East Nanjing Road, southof Chen Yi statue. Its shape is a modern fountain with square outside and ovalinside. With the sound of water jet, high and low, the pool bottom is installedwith a color light source, at night with the change of light, the water columnreflects red, yellow, blue and green beams, adding a magnificent night scene tothe Bund. Bund Tourist Tunnel The Bund sightseeing tunnel is located in the Bund road between PuxiNanjing road and Pudong Lujiazui Oriental Pearl. It is the first cross riverpedestrian tunnel in China, with a total length of 646.70 meters and completedat the end of 20__. After the completion of the tunnel, the entrances and exitson both sides of the tunnel will be transported by escalators, and the disabledwill be transported by hydraulic elevators. In the tunnel, the fully automatic,driverless, traction type closed carriage, which is internationally advanced inthe 1990s, will be used to transport tourists. The box is beautiful,comfortable, light and transparent. The whole river crossing time will takeabout 2.5-5 minutes, and its transportation capacity can reach up to 5280 people/ hour. At the same time, the tunnel also uses space and modern high-tech meansto demonstrate and reflect various patterns, scenes and background music, suchas people, history, culture, science and technology, scenery, etc. in thetunnel, which makes the process of crossing the river very interesting,entertaining and stimulating, and leaves beautiful memories for tourists. Main buildings 1. Asia Building No. 1, East 1st Road, Zhongshan (also known as Bund No. 1), was built in1920__, with eclectic architectural style. The original 7-storey building was added to 8-storey building in 1930. Thefacade is composed of 3 horizontal sections and 3 strong sections. After thecompletion of the building, it was named as MacLean building, and then changedits name to Asia building because the property right was transferred to Asiafire oil company. The bottom two floors are decorated with Ionic columns, themiddle three to five floors are decorated with Roman stone arches, and themiddle section is decorated with simple and clear modernist architectural style;the upper section of the building is Baroque, with Ionic columns and arc-shapediron balconies. The entrance gate is decorated with double column supportingarc-shaped door cover and carved with patterns. There is a semicircular topabove the door and carved with flowers, giving people a strong visual depth. The vast number of foreign firms in the Asia building are secretorganizations of the Communist Party of China underground. Their public identityis that they operate import and export trade. In fact, they are institutionsthat plan funds and foreign exchange for the Central Committee of the CommunistParty of China. In June 1948, due to the betrayal of the traitors, theunderground Party organizations were exposed. Under the command of the higherParty organizations, the majority of foreign firms moved to Hong Kong. After thefounding of new China, Asia Building changed its name to Yanjiang building,which is now the headquarters of Pacific Insurance Company. 2. Shanghai Federation building No. 2, East 1st Road, Zhongshan, built in 1920__, with Renaissancestyle. Originally the overseas Chinese club in Shanghai, it is the first Waldorfhotel in Asia under Hilton Group. The wall is a concrete structure with 5 floorsabove the ground and 1 floor below the ground, with the entrance of the gate asthe main axis and symmetrical on both sides. Three door openings and two roundwindows on the ground floor set off the vertical flower carving combined withthe keystone of the middle door, and two pairs of Tashi dry columns are used asdecoration at the auxiliary entrance on both sides. The glass awning at theentrance was installed by later building owners for practical purposes, butvisually destroyed the integrity of the facade composition. The third and fourthfloors are run through the gate root ionic column. The windows on the fifthfloor are arched, with Baroque pavilions at the north and south ends of the top.The interior of the building is also very elegant and luxurious. In the south ofthe hall was the largest bar in the Far East at that time, 34 meters long. Theinterior decoration of the building imitates the style of the British royalpalace, so it is known as the "Royal Society". 3. China Commercial Bank Building No. 6, East 1st Road, Zhongshan, built in 1920__, Victorian Gothicstyle. In 1897, Sheng Xuanhuai raised funds to set up one of the Chinese people'smost run banks, China Tong Shang bank, bought this building and opened businesshere, so people generally call it "China Tong Shang bank building". From bottom to top, the shapes of the window openings are different in eachfloor. They are semicircle, arc, flat and sharp, which are very rare in the Bundbuildings of the same period or later. At the entrance of the gate, there areRoman thorn pillars; at the bottom and second floors, there are long windows onthe ground, with voucher shaped window frames and symmetrical shoulders; theslope of the roof is steep, with tiger windows, forming a row of five sharpcorners on the East facade; at the top of the top, there is a cross, and on bothsides of the top, there are small minarets, such as a giant candle to God. Thereis a platform to the south of the top floor, which is the best place to view theHuangpu River. Now, like "Bund No.3" and "Bund No.18", it is another new fashionlandmark of the Bund. 4. HSBC Building No. 11-12, East 1st Road, Zhongshan, built in 1920__, with classicalarchitectural style and decoration of new Greek architectural style (the onlyone). The British boast of "the most exquisite building from the Suez Canal tothe Bering Strait". Now it is Pudong Development Bank. It is the building with the widest facade, the widest area and the largestvolume on the Bund. The main entrance of the building is composed of three Romanstone arched copper gates with delicate floral ornaments. There are one high andlow cylindrical lamps on the left and one pair of bronze lions on the right. SixGreek Corinthian columns run through the middle of the second to fourth floors,two of which are double columns. The top of the building is the dome of theancient Roman Pantheon, and there is a baroque spire on the top, just like ahuge crown, showing a gorgeous and solemn style. "Rare three treasures" The bronze lion of HSBC Building As an important symbol of HSBC, the one who opened his mouth and yelled"Stephen" was the general manager of the Hong Kong Branch; the one who shut hismouth and thought hard was called "Shidi", which was the name of the manager ofthe Shanghai branch at that time. Giant mosaic murals on the dome of octagonal Hall The lower half of the hall is made up of eight arched openings with 16figures of Greek style inlaid on the arched shoulders. The eight main panelsabove the circular arch hole represent the financial centers of the East and thewest, symbolizing the eight banks of HSBC in London, New York, Tokyo, Shanghai,Hong Kong, Paris, Bangkok and Calcutta. The theme of each mural is the goddessin different costumes and meanings. The design of the round zenith in the hallis: Helios drives the golden carriage across the sky from east to west, chasingthe twin sister Artemis, the moon god; the cloud supports seles, the goddess ofgrain, holding the horn of harvest, which is full of ears of grain and variousfruits, which is the symbol of abundance. The whole painting symbolizes the sky,the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars. Outside the dome is an image of thezodiac. Four Italian marble columns In the marble project of the hall, it is particularly worth mentioning thatthere are four columns chiseled from the whole piece of Italian natural marble.There is no splicing, and two columns are arranged at each end. The columns,made in Italy and weighing about 7 tons each, were transported from Italy to thesite intact. It is said that there are only six such marble columns in theworld, and the other two are in the Louvre Palace in France. 5. Customs building No. 13, Dongyi Road, Zhongshan, was built in 1920__, with eclecticarchitectural style. Jianghai Beiguan, built here in 1857, can be called the first generation ofcustoms building. The second generation of customs building adopts thearchitectural style of Tudor Dynasty in England. There is a bell tower in thecenter of the main building, which is the first time to set up a bell tower inShanghai. It is composed of 8-storey building and 5-storey auxiliary building with abuilding height of 79.2m. The bell tower on the top is the longitudinal axis ofthe whole building, with symmetrical doors, windows and carved patterns on bothsides. The east gate is supported by four stout Doric pillars polished by hand.The base part is in strict classical style, with vertical lines from the thirdto the seventh floor. The facade decoration is very simple. The shape of thebuilding belongs to the style of Art Deco. The whole building is decorated withtowering shapes and geometric patterns. It is the first building in Shanghai toend the style of retro and try "new trend" or "modern". The building at the top of the building is made in imitation of the bigclock of the parliament building in London. The clock face is round, and eachface is combined with a 12 angle diamond pattern, with a diameter of 5.4 meters.The hands of the clock are made of red copper, of which the minute hand is 3.17meters long and the hour hand is 2.3 meters long. There are three pendulums inthe clock. The largest one weighs about 2 tons, and the other two also weighabout 1 ton. There is also a big bell and four small bells. The spring of theclock is 15.65 meters long. There are 72 automatic lights on the clock. Thecustoms building and the HSBC building are called "sister and brotherbuilding". 6. China Russia Dao Sheng Bank Building No. 15, East 1st Road, Zhongshan, built in 1920__, with French classicalarchitectural style. In 1895, Czarist Russia, France and the Qing Government jointly establishedSino Russian Dao Sheng Bank. The next year, it set up a branch in Shanghai,becoming the first Sino foreign joint venture bank in China. The three storeybuilding follows the Italian Renaissance style advocated by the banking industryat that time. The facade is composed of three horizontal sections and threevertical sections, and takes the little Trianon palace in the garden ofVersailles Palace in France as the prototype. At that time, Shanghai mediagenerally believed that "this is the first building in Shanghai that can rivalEuropean architecture in design, material and construction." The entrance porch of the building is decorated with Tashkent doublecolumns on both sides. On the facade, there are two giant column semi-circularionic pilasters, and two square ionic pilasters on the left and right. 2、 Theexterior walls of the three floors are inlaid with marble and milky glazedtiles, and the interior has a atrium style hall covered by a three-layer coloredglass ceiling. It is not only luxurious, but also uses a lot of new technologyand new equipment, creating several first buildings in Shanghai: the firstbuilding with ceramic tile veneer, the first building with sanitary equipment,and the first building with sand cushion instead of piling. In November 1920x, the Nanjing government set up the National Bank, thecentral bank, to take over the property rights of the building. It is nowChina's foreign exchange trading center. 7. Huizhong Hotel It is now the South Building of peace hotel. The main entrance is locatedat No.23 East Nanjing Road, and the side door is located at No.19 near the Bund.It was built in 1920x, with Renaissance style. It was completed in 1920__.Because it was designed in 1920__, the lintel of the building is engraved with"1906". The building has 6 floors. The exterior wall is made of white fair facedbrick and inlaid with red water brick as waistline. At that time, it occupiedthe first position in Shanghai in terms of luxury and comfort, scale andbuilding height, and it was also the first building to install elevators. In particular, a garden was built on the roof of the building, and abaroque pavilion was built on the East and west sides of the garden. People cansit in the pavilion on the east side of the building to see the city of Shanghaiand the countryside on the other side of the Huangpu River. Unfortunately, onAugust 15, 1920__, a sudden fire destroyed the roof garden. From February 1 to 26, 1920__, the first anti drug conference was held inShanghai, and the newly completed Huizhong hotel was selected as the main venue.On the afternoon of December 29, 1920__, the headquarters of the Chinese Leagueheld a meeting to welcome Sun Yat Sen back to China by Huizhong hotel. Sun YatSen attended the meeting and made a passionate speech. Coincidentally, 17provincial representatives elected Sun Yat Sen as the first provisionalpresident of the Republic of China in Nanjing that morning. On November 25, 1996, drug control experts and officials from 33 countries,regions and international organizations gathered here to attend the "ShanghaiInternational doping conference" organized by the United Nations Drug ControlAgency (UNDCP). At the same time, a commemorative plaque was set up on the westside of the gate for the 1920__ "world no smoking conference". At present, onthe ground floor of the building are the top watch brands of Swatch Group, suchas Baoji, baopo, Omega and swatch, opening boutique watch flagship stores. 8. Sassoon building Shaxun building (now the North Building of Peace Hotel) is located atNo.20, East 1st Road, Zhongshan. It was built in 1920__, with the style of ArtDeco. It is the first building in Shanghai to end the retro style and create theera of "modern architecture". There are 12 floors in the front and 9 floors inthe rear of the building, including one underground floor and 77 meters high.The tower is crowned with a 19 meter high corrugated copper square cone, whichis now dark green and the color of copper after oxidation. At that time, it wasknown as "the first building in the Far East" because of its luxurious interiorand exterior decoration. After the completion of the building, the ground floor and the first tosecond floors will be built into rental shopping malls, the third floor will bethe office of Shaxun foreign company, the fourth to ninth floors will be theguest rooms, restaurants and dance halls of the Chinese Chem Hotel, and the 10thfloor and above will be used by Shaxun family. The hotel has suites of differentstyles in 9 countries, including Germany, India, Spain, France, Britain, China,Japan, USA and Italy. Now, the hotel bar has the Shanghai all watch jazz band, which is popularwith overseas tourists. It plays the famous music of various countries andregions in the world. In 1998, US President Clinton held a dinner in thisbuilding during his visit to Shanghai. In the same year, the "Wang Gu talks"(Wang Daohan and Gu Zhenfu) held by the mainland China Association for relationsacross the Chinese Taiwan Straits and the Chinese Taiwan Strait foundation also took placehere. In 20__, Shanghai Jinjiang International Hotel Group Co., Ltd. transformedShaxun building. After the renovation, the famous "nine country characteristicsuite" is still a major feature of the hotel. The past and present of Bund architecture No.1, formerly known as Asia building, is the headquarters of China PacificInsurance Company. It was built in 1920__ and is the office of Asia fire oilcompany in Shanghai. Historically known as "the tallest building on the Bund",the bottom and upper sections are Baroque, and the middle section is modernist.It is the oldest building in high-rise buildings in Shanghai. No. 2, now Dongfeng Hotel, used to be the most luxurious club in Shanghai -Shanghai Federation. It is known as "Oriental London". It imitates Britishclassicism in design and also refers to the Empire State Building of Japan.Triangle elevator is made by Siemens, which has a history of more than 90 years.There is a 110 foot bar, which is known as the longest bar in the Far East. No. 3, now known as advantaged building, formerly known as union building,is owned by advantaged Bank of America and is now the seat of Singapore JiatongInvestment Co., Ltd. Built in 1920x, it is the first steel structure building inShanghai, made of steel from Germany. No. 5, now belonging to Huaxia Bank, was originally the building of Riqingcompany in Japan. It is the product of the combination of modern westernarchitecture and classical architectural style in Japan. The external facade ismade of granite. It was built in 1920__. No. 6, now belongs to Hong Kong Qiaofu International Enterprise Co., Ltd.,formerly known as China general commercial bank building. The exterior wall isdecorated with granite, with British Gothic architectural style. It is a typicalbuilding on the Bund in the late 19th century and early 20th century. No. 7, which is now the seat of the Consulate General of the kingdom ofThailand in Shanghai and the Shanghai Branch of Pangu Bank of Thailand, wasoriginally the building of Dabei Telegraph Company, and was completed in1920__. No.9, China Merchants General Administration Building of steamship, builtin 1920__, Sheng Xuanhuai invested 2.2 million taels of silver. 10-12, now the seat of Pudong Development Bank, formerly the seat ofShanghai Branch of Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, was founded in1920__. The three bronze gates and the bronze lions on both sides were speciallycast in England. It is said that the bronze mold was destroyed immediately aftercasting, and the lions became out of print treasures. An octagonal foyerprotrudes from the middle of the ground floor to enter the spacious businesshall. On the top of the foyer are eight color mosaic murals, depicting thearchitectural features of eight major cities in the early 20th century,including Shanghai, Hong Kong, London, Paris, New York, Tokyo, Bangkok andCalcutta. Beside the painting, there is the word "brothers all over the world".The building costs 8 million taels of silver and is known as "the most elegantbuilding from Suez Canal to Bering Strait". No. 13, now the customs building, is the sister building of the HSBCbuilding. It was built in 1920__ and imitated the clock of the U.S. Capitolbuilding. After it was built in the United States, it was assembled in Shanghai.The clock on the facade of this building is the largest clock in Asia and one ofthe most famous in the world. It plays the Westminster Chime every hour. No. 15, now China foreign exchange trading center, was originally thebuilding of Sino Russian Dao Sheng Bank, which was completed in 1920__. No. 16, now belongs to China Merchants Bank, formerly the Bank of Chinese Taiwanbuilding. Bank of Chinese Taiwan was originally a Japanese commercial bank. After Chinese Taiwanbecame a Japanese colony, Japan set up a branch in Taipei and Shanghai in1920__. After the victory of the Anti Japanese War, the KMT government put theBank of Chinese Taiwan under the ownership of Shanghai Branch of Agricultural Bank ofChina. No. 17: it is now AIA building, which was the first high-rise building inShanghai. Founded in 1850, Zilin West daily is an English daily run by theBritish. It is also the largest press and publication organization in Shanghai.At first, Zilin West daily was only a four page English weekly newspaper, whichpublished information on merchants' market, shipping schedule and flights.Later, it was called the mouthpiece of the British concession Industry Bureaubecause it often published notices and news bulletins of the British concessionauthorities. It was discontinued in 1951. The white marble floor, the blackmarble wall and the golden mosaic dome inside the building are verymagnificent. Number 18: built in 1920__, it is a 84 year old city classic protectionbuilding. It is located at the East junction of Nanjing, the Bund. It wasoriginally named the Bund eighteen building, Mecca bank. It was the headquartersof the British Standard Chartered Bank in China and was built in 1923. Since therelocation of Standard Chartered Bank in 1985, it has been used by manyunits. The four ancient Greek marble pillars at the entrance of the restored Bundbuilding 18 are original, and they are enigmatically from the church in Italy200 years ago. Two customized three meter high red glass chandeliers are allassembled by hollow glass tubes, and each lamp is assembled by 185 parts. Thedazzling 24 K gold brick mosaic murals in the lobby are all handmade. It hasbeen built into an international famous fashion, jewelry, watch, food,entertainment and Art Center. 19. No. 20: now peace hotel, divided into South Building and Northbuilding, South building was Huizhong hotel building, North building was Huamaohotel building. Huizhong hotel is one of the oldest hotels in Shanghai. It wasbuilt in 1854 and is the most luxurious hotel in Shanghai. It was renovated in1920x. When renovated, it was the first time that elevators were installed inbuildings in old China. In 1965, it was changed into the South Building of peacehotel; Huamao Hotel, invested by real estate tycoon Shaxun, also known as Shaxunbuilding, was known as "the first building in the far East", and was changedinto the North Building of peace hotel in 1956. No. 23, now belonging to the Bank of China, is a building with Chinesenational characteristics. No. 24, now industrial and Commercial Bank of China, is the address of oldSassoon. No. 26, now the seat of Shanghai Branch of Agricultural Bank of China, wasthe building of Yangtze insurance company. No. 27, now the building of the Foreign Trade Corporation, was originallyowned by Jardine Matheson. Jardine Matheson, founded in Guangzhou in 1872, isthe first British trading firm to enter China. No. 29, now belongs to China Everbright Bank. It used to be the building ofOriental Huili bank. (Note: all the house numbers are zhongshangdong 1st Road) 外滩,位于上海市中心区的黄浦江畔,是上海的一道风景线,也是到上海观光的游客必到之地。外滩又名中山东一路,全长约1.5公里。东临黄浦江,西面为哥特式、罗马式、巴洛克式、中西合壁式等52幢风格各异的大楼,被称为“万国建筑博览群”。 外滩面对开阔的母亲河——黄浦江,背倚造型严谨、风格迥异的建筑群。由于其独特的地理位置及近百年来在经济活动领域对上海乃至中国的影响,使其具有十分丰富的文化内涵。外滩的江面、长堤、绿化带及美轮美奂的建筑群所构成的街景,是最具有特征的上海景观。早晨,外滩是人们的健身的场所;白天,它是繁华热闹的游览胜地;晚上,则是情侣的恋爱天地。每当华灯初上之时,外滩各栋建筑物上灯光辉煌,一座座犹如水晶宫似的,令海内外游客赞叹不已。徜徉在这里,我们领略着上海母亲河——黄浦江的风采,远眺着对岸浦东陆家嘴地区的新姿,感受着绿树花坛间大都市园林的别样风味,享受着大都市少有的清新空气和明媚阳光。 外滩得名 黄浦江是流经上海市区最大的河流,黄浦江源头坐落在浙江安吉龙王山自然保护区内。由于黄浦江通江接海,受到潮汐影响,平均每天两次有明显的涨潮和退潮现象,一天内的水位落差可达4米以上,如遇天文大潮,水位落差就更大了。(关于黄浦江的源头,以前有的说在淀山湖,有的说在太湖。但以湖泊作为江河源头的在世界地理中很少见,况且太湖是个浅湖盆,有多方来水,不能算作完整的源。找到太湖的源头才能找到黄浦江真正的源。经过考察考证,龙王山下的西苕溪以145公里长度、18亿立方水量、2800平方公里的流域面积,供给量占太湖水的70%,为太湖水源之首。龙王山为黄浦江源头的结论便据此得出。) 在150年前,上海仅是江南沿海的一个中等县城,航运事业很不发达,人们没必要、也没能力在沿江修筑堤岸,所以除东门黄浦江岸外大部分江岸是一片自然滩地。退潮时,江水聚滞在河床中心,露出一大片滩地。涨潮时,江水又没过河滩。黄浦江是上海的主要河道。由于江宽水急,逆水而行的船只就须拉纤行走。几百年来,纤夫的足迹就在黄浦江滩踩出一条曲折多弯的小道,人们称之“纤道”,这纤道就是外滩最早的路了。 在上海的地名习惯用词中,一般把河流的上游叫作“里”,河流的下游叫作“外”,如今天上海人习惯把虹口港上的汉阳路桥叫作“里虹桥”,把长治路桥叫作“中虹桥”,把大名路桥叫作“外虹桥”,就是根据桥所在河流的位置来取名的。同样,今苏州河入黄浦江口的第一座桥叫作“外白渡桥”,依次向里的桥也俗称“里白渡桥”(今乍浦路桥)、三白渡桥(今四川路桥)。如以县城为依据时,距城近的地方称为“里”,距城远的地方称为“外”,今南市区的“里咸瓜街”和“外咸瓜街”;“里仓桥”和“外仓桥”等就是以此得名的。 进入上海县城附近的黄浦江在陆家浜出口处形成一个急弯,于是上海人就以陆家浜为界,其上游称为“里黄浦”,下游称为“外黄浦”。里黄浦的河滩叫作“里黄浦滩”,简称“里滩”,外黄浦的滩地就叫作“外黄浦滩”,简称“外滩”。 1840年以后,上海作为五个通商口岸之一,对外开放,1845年英国殖民主义者抢占外滩,建立了英租界。1849年,法国殖民者也抢占外滩建立了法租界。自此至20世纪40年代初,外滩一直被英租界和法租界占据,并分别被叫作“英租界外滩”和“法兰西外滩”。公共租界的工部局和法租界的公董局分别为它们的最高市政组织和领导机构。 租界俨然是一个主权区,西方列强以他们的方式经营、管理。建设租界,外滩就成了租界最早建设和最繁华之地。早期的外滩是一个对外贸易的中心,这里洋行林立,贸易繁荣。从19世纪后期开始,许多外资和华资银行在外滩建立,这里成了上海的“金融街”,又有“东方华尔街”之称。 于是,外滩成了一块“风水宝地”。在外滩拥有一块土地,不仅是财富的象征,更是名誉的象征。商行、金融企业在外滩占有一席之地后,即大兴土木,营建公司大楼。外滩的建筑大多经过三次或三次以上的重建,各国建筑师在这里大显身手,使面积不算大的外滩集中了二十余幢不同时期、不同国家、不同风格的建筑,故外滩又有“万国建筑博览”之称。 百余年来,外滩一直作为上海的象征出现在世人面前。它是上海人心目中的骄傲,它向世人充分展示了上海的文化,以及将外来文明与本土文明有机揉合、创新、发展的卓越能力。 外滩的历史演变 第一阶段为形成期,时间从1843年上海开埠至1885年。外滩开埠之初,楼宇多为2至3层的外廊式建筑。最早的建筑是1849年落成的原英国领事馆。 第二阶段为发展期,时间从1886年至1920__年。20世纪初被称为“远东华尔街”,外滩作为远东金融中心的地位得到进一步巩固。 第三阶段为成熟期,时间从1920__年至1937年。30年代外滩“万国建筑博览”终成现在的规模。 新中国建立后,外滩在20世纪90年代和20__年上海世博会前夕经历了两次大规模改造。20世纪90年代的外滩改造是着重解决交通功能和防汛安全问题。世博会前夕改造目地是提升外滩滨水区域的环境品质,更加凸显了“万国建筑”的历史文化岁月与特色,充分演绎了”城市让生活更美好”的世博主题,成为高品质街区和上海最具标志性、最经典的城市景观区域。 景点介绍 黄浦公园 曾记载着“华人与狗不得入内”屈辱历史的黄浦公园,是上海最早的欧式花园,始建于1886年,她是外滩百年沧桑的见证人。如今,上海人民英雄纪念塔屹然挺立,塔底免费开放的外滩历史纪念馆是一部中华民族百年的奋斗史。 上海市人民英雄纪念塔 坐落在曾经是“华人与狗不得入内”的黄浦公园内,给人以深刻的思索,三块枪状塔体,寓意鸦片战争、五四运动、解放战争以来光荣牺牲的先烈永垂不朽,内涵有深刻的概括性。 浦江潮 位于黄浦公园南大门内,它是大型青铜人像雕塑。一位身躯伟岸的工人,扬着风帆迎向袭来的巨浪,奋勇搏击。形象而动感强烈,表现出无产阶级力量无比,不畏艰险,勇敢前进,气吞山河的大无畏精神。作品主题是表彰上海工人阶级在革命和建设事业中的光辉业绩。 上海百年风云大型花岗石浮雕 位于黄浦公园下沉式圆岛上,浮雕全长120米,高3.8米。浮雕以写实的手法撷取具有典型意义的历史事件,表现了从1840年至1949年间上海人民的革命斗争。两翼为装饰性的花环图案,象征着上海人民对革命先烈的缅怀。浮雕可分为七组,97个典型人物,表现了先烈们伟大的斗争业绩。 外白渡桥 闻名中外的外白渡桥(Garden Bridge ofShanghai)是旧上海的标志性建筑之一。处于苏州河下游河口,位于黄浦公园西侧,架在中山东一路,东大名路之间的苏州河河段上。是一座全钢结构的桥梁,两跨52.16米,宽18.3米,是上海市区连接沪北、沪东的重要通道,过桥人流量和车流量很高。 十六铺 小东门原名“宝带门”,门外为十六铺。街市东临黄浦江,西濒丹凤路,南达老太平弄,北至龙潭路,历史上南侧曾延伸至万豫码头街。此处依水傍城,是上海的水上门户。 十六铺上海客运总站附近新建绿苑商厦、申客饭店、龙申大酒家以及适应中高档消费的碧玉池豪华浴室,加上一批中小旅馆,总共可提供近900套客房,20__多床位,为过往旅客提供综合性服务。 十六铺LOGO于20__年8月7日亮相,新十六铺LOGO在20__多份应征作品中脱颖而出,出自一位对十六铺具有特殊情怀的广告设计师的设计。它的创作灵感来源于新十六铺建筑中浦江之云、浦江之荷的造型,三条水纹揭示了十六铺依江踞城的地理特质,新十六铺的华丽转身由此开始,蓝色象征了十六铺文化底蕴的深邃,水纹和新地标建筑的外形巧妙结合在新LOGO标志中,赋予十六铺独特的视觉识别特性。 在十六铺630米的建筑带上,将竖起三栋体积小巧的建筑,它们如同镶嵌在黄浦江这一华丽皇冠上的璀璨钻石,引人注目。作为十六铺宽阔绿地与无垠江景的完美点缀,它们必将成为外滩建筑典范之作。在约6.8万平方米总建筑面积内,三栋小楼建筑面积总和仅有5000平方米,这使得项目绿化率高达52%。市民游客停留小楼之中,能感受到徐徐江风、婆娑的树影;闲坐空中花园般的屋顶平台,能眺望黄浦江烟波浩荡,感叹浦江两岸的巨变。 外滩城市雕塑群 城市的美应有三个组成部分:建筑、雕塑和绿化。而城市雕塑又被称为“城市眼睛”,是美化城市的重要部分。外滩城市雕塑群由“浦江之光”、“帆”、“风”三座不锈钢雕塑组成,位于金陵东路外滩绿色长廊中,在阳光下熠熠生辉。“浦江之光”造型别具一格,用竖向的水波和水珠形象组合,如五线谱上跳跃音符,以轻松欢快的旋律,演奏上海母亲河黄浦江的乐曲。“帆”表现黄浦江上帆樯林立,船队正驶向各地,外汇与旅游业在这条经济之河中流淌;帆与帆的连接,多曲线的漂动,增加了立体动感。"风"以锐角和钝角、弧线和折线,褶皱波动表现改革东风劲吹,气象万千。 陈毅广场 十里南京路尽头的陈毅广场,新中国第一任上海市市长陈毅的塑像昂然矗立。陈毅塑像坐北朝南,用青铜浇注,高5.6米,底座用红色磨光花岗石砌成,高3.5米,塑像再现了陈毅同志视察工作时的典型姿态,显示他一路风尘,勤勤恳恳的公仆形象,又有和蔼可亲,虚怀若谷的儒将风度。每逢周末,在塑像前都将举行隆重热烈的广场音乐会。 陈毅广场涌泉:位于南京东路外滩,陈毅塑像南面。它的造型是外周正方,内圈椭圆的现代化喷水池。水柱随着声音喷射,时高时低,池底安装了彩色的光源,夜晚随着灯光的变换,条条水柱辉映出红,黄,蓝,绿的光束,为外滩增添了瑰丽的夜景。 外滩观光隧道 外滩观光隧道位于浦西南京东路外滩与浦东陆家嘴东方明珠之间,是我国第一条越江行人隧道,全长646.70米,20__年底竣工。建成后,隧道的两岸出入口由自动扶梯输送旅客,残疾人采用液压电梯输送,隧道内采用九十年代国际先进的全自动、无人驾驶、牵引式封闭车厢输送游客,箱体美观、舒适、轻颖、透明度高,整个过江时间约需2.5~5分钟,其运输能力最高可达5280人/小时。同时,隧道还利用空间,运用现代高科技手段,在隧道内演示反映人物、历史、文化、科技、风景等各种图案、景象及背景音乐,使过江过程带有极强的趣味性、娱乐性和刺激性,给游客留下美好的记忆。 主要建筑 1、亚细亚大楼 中山东一路1号(故又称外滩一号),1920__年建成,折中主义建筑风格。 原建7层,1930年加层至8层,立面为横3段,坚3段式。大楼竣工后被命名为麦克皮恩大楼,后因产权转让给亚细亚火油公司,遂易名为亚细亚大楼。底部两层采用爱奥尼克对柱,中部3至5层立面采用罗马石拱券装饰,中段为装饰简洁明朗的现代主义建筑风格;大楼上段为巴洛克式,有爱奥尼克对立柱、圆弧形铁栏内阳台。入口大门饰有双柱支承弧形门罩,并雕以花纹,门上方有半圆形券顶,雕以花饰,给人视觉上有较强的纵深感。 亚细亚大楼内的广大洋行是中共地下党的秘密组织,公开身份是经营进出口贸易的商行,实际是为中共中央筹划资金和外汇的机构。1948年6月,由于叛徒的出卖,地下党组织被暴露,在上级党组织的指挥下,广大洋行转移到香港。新中国成立后,亚细亚大楼易名为延江大楼,现为太平洋保险公司总部。 2、上海总会大楼 中山东一路2号,1920__年建成,文艺复兴式建筑风格。 原为旅沪英侨俱乐部会所,现为希尔顿集团旗下亚洲首家华尔道夫酒店。墙体为混凝土结构,地上5层地下1层,以大门入口为主轴线,两侧对称。底层三个门洞和两扇圆窗烘托与中门的拱心石组合在一起的垂花雕饰,两边的辅助入口各有两对塔司干式柱子作为装饰。入口处的玻璃雨篷是后来的楼主为了实用而安装的,但视觉上破坏了立面构图的完整性。第3、4层贯以门根爱奥尼克立柱。第5层压下的窗户采用拱券形,层顶南北两端有巴洛克塔亭。大楼内部也十分典雅、豪华。大厅的南部是当时远东最大的酒吧,长达34米。大楼内装饰仿英国王宫格调,故有“皇家总会”之称。 3、中国通商银行大楼 中山东一路6号,1920__年建造,英国维多利亚歌特式建筑风格。 1897年盛宣怀筹资兴办的中国人自己最经营的一家银行—中国通商银行买下这幢楼房,并在这里开业,故人们一般将其称为“中国通商银行大楼”。 窗洞造型自下而上每层都不一样,分别采用半圆券、弧形券、平券和尖券,这在同期或以后的外滩建筑中都十分少见。大门入口竖有罗马刺廊柱;底层、二层为落地长窗,券状窗框,两肩对称;屋顶坡面陡,开有老虎窗,形成东立面一排五个尖角顶的顶端原立有十字架,尖角顶的两侧都有小尖塔,如向上帝供奉的巨烛。顶层南面有平台,是观览黄浦江的胜处。现与“外滩3号”、“外滩18号”一样,为外滩的又一新的时尚地标。 4、汇丰银行大楼 中山东一路11-12号,1920__年建成,古典主义建筑风格,又带有新希腊建筑风格的装饰(唯一一幢)。英国人自诩“从苏伊士运河到白令海峡的最讲究的一幢建筑”。现为浦东发展银行。 是外滩门面最宽、占地最广、体量最大的建筑。主立面成横三段、竖三段的格式,大楼主入口由三个罗马石拱券形花饰细腻的铜质大门组成,券门左右置高低圆柱灯各一,铜狮一对。2至4层中段中部贯以6根希腊式科林斯柱子,其中2排为双柱。建筑顶部为古罗马万神庙的穹隆顶,顶端还有巴洛克式尖塔,犹如一顶巨大的皇冠,显出华丽庄严的风范。 “稀世三宝” 汇丰银行大楼门关的铜狮 为汇丰银行的重要象征物,张嘴吼叫的是“史提芬”,为香港分行总司理;闭嘴苦思的称为“施迪”是当时上海分行经理的名字。 八角门厅穹顶上的巨型马赛克镶嵌壁画 门厅的下半部是由8个圆拱形门洞构成的,圆拱的拱肩上镶嵌有16个希腊风格的人物造像。圆拱门洞上方8个主要的镶板代表东西方的金融中心,其象征分别是汇丰银行在伦敦、纽约、东京、上海、香港、巴黎、曼谷、加尔各答的八家银行。每幅壁画的主题人物是不同装束和寓意的女神。门厅里圆形天顶图案是:太阳神赫利俄斯驾驶着金色马车从东至西驰过天空,追赶着孪生姐妹月亮神阿耳忒弥斯;云彩承托着谷物女神色列斯手捧丰收之角,里面盛满了谷穗和各种水果,是丰硕的象征。整幅天顶画象征的是苍穹大地和日月星辰的生生不息。穹顶外圈是黄道12宫星座图像。 四根意大利大理石圆柱 在大厅大理石的工程里,特别值得一提的是4根用整块意大利天然大理石凿成的圆柱,没有拼接,每端布置两根。这些圆柱在意大利制造,每根柱子重约7吨,从意大利完好无损地运到现场。据说,世界上这种大理石圆柱只有6根,另2根在法国卢浮宫内。 5、海关大楼 中山东一路13号,1920__年建成,折中主义建筑风格。 1857年在这里建成的江海北关,可称之为第一代海关大楼建筑。第二代海关大楼采用洋派的英国都铎王朝时代建筑样式,在主楼中央有一个钟楼,这是上海第一次设立钟楼。 由8层楼和5层辅楼组成,建筑高度为79.2米。顶部的钟楼为整幢建筑纵轴线,两边门窗及雕刻图案对称。东立面大门有四根纯手工打磨的粗壮的多立克柱子支撑。基座部分为严谨的古典主义风格,从三到七层为竖线条,立面装饰非常简化,钏楼造型属于装饰艺术派风格,整幢大楼带有高耸的形体和几何形图案装饰,它是上海终结复古主义样式,尝试“新潮”或“摩登”的第一座建筑。 大楼顶部的大楼,仿英国伦敦国会大厦大钟式样制造,钟面为圆形,每面用12角菱形图案组合,直径达5.4米,钟的指针用紫铜做成,其中分针长3.17米,时针长2.3米。钟内有3个钟摆,最大的一个重2吨,其余2个也有1吨重左右,还有一口大敲钟,4个小敲钟,钟的发条长15.65米。大钟上还有72盏自动形状的电灯。海关大楼与汇丰银行大楼被称为“姐弟楼”。 6、华俄道胜银行大楼 中山东一路15号,1920__年建成,法国古典主义建筑风格。 1895年沙皇俄国、法国与清政府合资设立华俄道胜银行,次年设分行于上海,成为中国第一家中外合资银行。建筑共3层,沿袭了当时讲究捧场的银行业崇尚的意大利文艺复兴式复古风格。立面构图为横3段、竖3段,并以法国凡尔赛宫花园内的小特里阿农宫为原型,当时的上海媒体普遍都认为:“这是上海第一幢从设计、材料到施工均能与欧洲建筑相媲美的楼房。” 大楼入口门廊两侧饰塔司干式双柱,立面上有两根巨柱式半圆形爱奥尼克壁柱,左右还各有两根方形的爱奥尼克壁柱。二、三层外墙镶贴大理石与乳白色的釉面砖,室内有贯通三层的彩色玻璃天棚覆盖的中庭式大厅。不仅豪华,还采用了不少新技术、新设备,开创上海建筑的数项第一:即第一幢用瓷砖贴面的建筑,最早安装卫生设备的建筑,最早使用砂垫层替代打桩的建筑。 1920__年11月,南京政府设立国家银行——中央银行,接管这幢大楼产权,将它作为中央银行行址,现为中国外汇交易中心。 7、汇中饭店 现为和平饭店南楼,正门设在南京东路23号,靠外滩的19号属边门,1920__年建成,文艺复兴式建筑风格。落成于1920__年,因其设计于1920__年,故建筑的门楣上刻有“1906”字样。建筑共6层,外墙用白色清水砖砌成,镶以红色水砖做腰线。当时,无论从豪华舒适还是规模或建筑高度方面,它都占据了上海第一的位置,也是第一幢安装电梯的大楼。 尤其值得称道的是,大楼屋顶曾建有花园,花园的东西两侧则各建一座巴洛克式凉亭,人们可以坐在东侧的凉亭内眺望上海城市和黄浦江对岸乡村的景象。可惜的是,1920__年8月15日一场突如其来的火灾把屋顶花园烧得面目全非。 1920__年2月1日至26日,第一届反毒品大会在上海召开,刚落成不久的汇中饭店被选作主会场。1920__年12月29日下午,中国同盟会本部就借汇中饭店召开欢迎孙中山回国大会,孙中山出席会议,并作了热情洋溢的讲话。巧合的是,当天上午17省代表在南京选举孙中山为中华民国首任临时大总统。 1996年11月25日,世界33个国家、地区和国际组织的禁毒专家及官员会集于此,出席由联合国禁毒署举办的“上海国际兴奋剂会议”,同时为1920__年的“万国禁烟会”会址立纪念会牌于大门西侧。如今大楼底层是斯沃琪集团顶级的钟表品牌宝玑、宝珀、欧米茄、斯沃琪,开设精品钟表旗舰店。 8、沙逊大厦 沙逊大厦(现为和平饭店北楼)位于中山东一路20号,1920__年建成,装饰艺术派风格。是上海终结复古主义样式、开创“摩登建筑”时代的第一座建筑。大楼前部12层,后部9层,其中地下1层,楼高77米。塔楼上冠以19米高的瓦楞紫铜皮方锥体,现为墨绿色,是铜氧化后的颜色。当时因其内外装饰豪华,被誉为“远东第一楼”。 大厦建成后,底层和1至2层辟为出租商场,3层为沙逊洋行写字间,4至9层为华懋(mao)饭店客房、餐厅和舞厅,10层以上为沙逊家族自用。该饭店内设德国、印度、西班牙、法国、英国、中国、日本、美国意大利等9个国家不同风格的套房。 现在,饭店酒吧有颇受海外游客欢迎的上海都看爵士乐队,在此演奏世界各国各地区的名曲。1998年美国总统克林顿在上海访问期间的晚宴,曾在此楼举行。同年,祖国大陆海协会和中国台湾海基金举行的“汪辜会谈”(汪道涵、辜振甫)也曾在此进行。 20__年上海锦江国际酒店集团股份有限公司对沙逊大厦进行了改造。修缮后的著名“九国特色套房”仍是该饭店的一大特色。 外滩建筑今昔 1号,现为中国太平洋保险公司总部所在地,原名亚细亚大楼,建于1920__年,是英商亚细亚火油公司在上海成立的办事处。史称“外滩第一高楼”,底段与上段都是巴洛克式造型,中段为现代主义建筑风格,是上海高层建筑中最年长的建筑。 2号,现为东风饭店,曾是上海最豪华的俱乐部——上海总会。有“东洋伦敦”之称,设计上仿效英国古典主义,也参照日本帝国大厦。三角形电梯是西门子公司制造,已有90余年的历史。有一条110多英尺的吧台,号称远东最长的吧台。 3号,现名有利大楼,原名联合大楼,属于美国有利银行所有,现为新加坡佳通投资有限公司所在地。1920__年建成,是上海第一幢钢结构大楼,钢材来自德国。 5号,现属华夏银行,原为日本日清公司大楼,是日本近代西洋建筑与古典建筑风格相结合的产物,外立面采用花岗石,建于1920__年。 6号,现属香港侨福国际企业有限公司,原为中国通商银行大楼。外墙采用花岗石贴面,英国哥特式建筑风格,19世纪末20世纪初外滩的典型建筑。 7号,现为泰王国驻上海总领事馆和泰国盘谷银行上海分行所在地,原为大北电报公司大楼,1920__年建成。 9号,轮船招商总局大楼,建于1920__年,盛宣怀投资白银220万两。 10—12号,现为浦东发展银行所在地,原为香港上海汇丰银行上海分行所在地,建于1920__年。三扇青铜大门和两旁的铜狮子,由英国专门铸造,据说铸成后立刻将铜模毁掉,狮子成为绝版珍品。底层中部突出一个八角形门厅,由此进入宽敞的营业大厅。门厅的顶部有8幅彩色马赛克镶拼成的壁画,分别描绘了20世纪初上海、香港、伦敦、巴黎、纽约、东京、曼谷、加尔各答等8大城市的建筑风貌。画旁有文字“四海之内皆兄弟”。此楼耗资800万两白银,被誉为“从苏伊士运河到白令海峡最考究的建筑”。 13号,现为海关大厦,是汇丰银行大楼的姊妹楼,建于1920__年,仿造美国国会大厦的大钟制造,在美国造好后到上海组装,此楼楼外立面的大钟为亚洲第一大钟,世界最著名的大钟之一,每逢整点奏威斯敏斯特报时曲。 15号,现为中国外汇交易中心,原为华俄道胜银行大楼,1920__年竣工。 16号,现属招商银行,原为中国台湾银行大楼。中国台湾银行原为日商银行,是中国台湾沦为日本殖民地之后,日本在台北开设的,1920__年又在上海设立分行。抗战胜利后,国民党政府将中国台湾银行划归中国农业银行上海分行所有。 17号:现为友邦保险大楼,原为《字林西报》大楼,是上海第一幢高层建筑。《字林西报》创刊于1850年,是英国人办的一张英文日报,也是在上海开设最大的新闻出版机构。《字林西报》起初只是一份4页的英文周报,刊登商贾行情、船期航班等交通信息,后因时常刊登英租界当局的文告、新闻公报,被称为租界工部局的喉舌。1951年停刊。大楼室内白色大理石地坪,黑色大理石墙面,金色马赛克穹庐顶,十分气派。 18号:建于1920__年,是一栋有着84年历史的市级经典保护建筑,位于外滩南京东路口,原名麦加利银行的外滩十八号楼,曾是英国渣打银行驻中国的总部,建于一九二三年。自一__五年渣打银行迁址以来,历经多家单位使用。 修复后的外滩十八号楼进门四根古希腊式的大理石柱是原装,谜一般地来自二百年前意大利的教堂。两盏量身定做的三米高红色玻璃吊灯,全部由空心玻璃管组装而成,每盏灯由一百八十五个零件拼装起来。大堂璀璨耀眼的二十四K金砖马塞克壁画是全手工制作。其被打造成为国际知名时装、珠宝、名表、美食、娱乐、艺术中心。 19、20号:现为和平饭店,分为南楼和北楼,南楼原为汇中饭店大楼,北楼原为华懋饭店大楼。汇中饭店是上海现存最古老饭店之一,1854年建造,是上海最豪华的旅馆。1920__年翻新,翻新时,旧中国第一次在建筑物内安装电梯,1965年改为和平饭店南楼;华懋饭店由地产大亨沙逊投资,又名沙逊大厦,被誉为“远东第一楼”,1956年改为和平饭店北楼。 23号,现属中国银行,具有中国民族特色的建筑。 24号,现属中国工商银行,为老沙逊洋行行址。 26号,现为中国农业银行上海分行所在地,原为扬子保险公司大楼。 27号,现为外贸总公司大楼,原属英商怡和洋行。怡和洋行,1872年创办于广州,是英国最早进入中国的贸易商行。 29号,现属光大银行,原为东方汇理银行大楼。 (注:门牌号均为中山东一路门牌号) 故宫导游词中英文 篇13杭州宋城景区是中国人气最旺的主题公园,首批国家文化产业示范基地,20xx年游客有380万人。宋城景区采用宋代营造法式,依据宋代著名的《清明上河图》而建,尽量还原宋代都市原貌。 Hangzhou songcheng scenic area is China's most popular theme park, the first batch of national cultural industry demonstration base, visitors will be 3.8 million people in 20xx. Songcheng scenic area by the song dynasty building, on the basis of the song dynasty built the famous painting "on the qingming festival, song dynasty city as far as possible. 我们首先爬到了一个小房子前,看到了人造的小佛祖山,然后,我们就走到了一个宋城小街,我们看到有很多人,他们好像在看一些有趣的东西,我们也就去看了。我发现那些表演的人看上去很厉害的样子,但是,他们一点表情也没有。然后,我们又来到“聊斋惊魂”鬼屋,我们先排队进去,我们推开窗帘发现里面黑呼呼的,妈妈就被吓跑了,接着,我也跟着吓跑了。六哥出来以后跟我说:其实,那个鬼屋一点也不恐怖,只是声音有一点恐怖而已。 We climbed to a little house, on the first saw the small artificial Buddha mountain, and then, we went to a songcheng street, we see a lot of people, they seem to be seeing some interesting things, we also went to see. I found that those who perform looks great, but they have no facial expression. And then, we came to "serial shock" haunted house, let's line up, we opened the curtain found black whirring, mother was away, then, I followed away. Brother six come out later told me, in fact, the ghost don't scare, just sound a little terror. 宋城的怪街也很有意思,有隐身小屋、魅影空间、横屋、倒屋、斜屋,还有迷宫。接着我们又来到“佛窟探秘”,我一进去就不敢迈步了,因为太黑了,妈妈就带着我一起走,等到我们走出来就到吃中午饭的时间了,因为宋城不怎么好玩,所以六哥爸爸就带着我们来到农坞茶村。 Songcheng strange street is also very interesting, stealth hut, the phantom of the space, transverse house, house, house, and the labyrinth. And then we came to the "road" dambulla cave temple, dare not walk I go in, because too dark, mother will go with me, when we go out and it's time for lunch, because songcheng wasn't fun, so elder brother dad took us to the agriculture docking tea village. 吃完饭,我们来到旁边西山森林公园来爬山。我们一走出去就下雨了,我们只好每人拿一把伞。打着伞走在两边长满竹子的路上真是舒服,但是,我今天有一点累,所以,我就有一点不想爬山,落到最后。还没有走到一半时,熊叔叔就说要下山了,原来是蚊子太多了,时间也不多了,我们要赶着去看晚上的演出呐! Next to a meal, we came to west mountain forest park to climb the mountain. We walked out of it to rain, we had to hold an umbrella for one person. His umbrella is in the way of dripping with bamboo is really comfortable, but I'm a little bit tired today, so I don't want to climb a mountain, there is a little into the final. No walk in the middle, uncle said to bear down, turned out to be too many mosquitoes, time is running out, we want to catch up on go to see the evening show! 故宫导游词中英文 篇14Dear tourists, our car is driving on the viaduct of Yan'an East Road, andwe will arrive at the Bund, a famous scenic spot in Shanghai in 15 minutes. Iwould like to introduce the general situation of the Bund scenic area. The Bund is the window of Shanghai, the symbol of Shanghai and the cohesionof Shanghai's history. He epitomizes the characteristics of Shanghai as China'slargest economic center and an international modern metropolis. It also reflectsthe characteristics of Shanghai as a famous historical and cultural city. TheBund scenic spot is a scenic spot where the natural landscape and culturallandscape are integrated. It is also a scenic spot where the western classicalcustoms and Chinese modern customs complement each other. It is also a scenicspot where Chinese modern culture and present culture complement each other. The Bund is located at the junction of Huangpu River and Suzhou River inthe mother river of Shanghai. It rises from Wai Bai Du bridge in the north, andin the south to Xinkai River, Shandong road two Shandong Road area is about 1800meters long, and the terrain is crescent shaped. In the west of the Bund, thereare several important roads with their own characteristics, such as Beijing EastRoad, Nanjing East Road, Jiujiang Road, Hankou Road, Fuzhou Road, GuangdongRoad, Yan'an East Road, Jinling East Road and so on. They are important supportsfor the construction and development of the Bund Scenic Area. The Bund used to be a beach along the river in the northeast of Shanghai.In the old days, it was commonly known as Huangpu beach. After the founding ofShanghai in 1843, the first British Consul in Shanghai, John Balfour, took afancy to this area. In 1845, on the basis of the so-called "Shanghai landcharter" issued by Shanghai Daotai, 800 mu of land including the Bund wasdesignated as the British concession. In 1849, France also designated mu of landin the south of the British concession as the French concession. Later, the twocountries built roads along the river, known as Huangpu Road and huangputanroad. 1__ years later, that is, in 1945, in memory of the great revolutionarypioneer Dr. Sun Yat Sen, he changed his name to zhongshangdong Yilu. In the 1920s and 1930s, more than 20 towering buildings with differentcharacteristics and classical styles were built along the river. More than 110banks and other financial institutions were set up in this area, making it thelargest economic center in the Far East at that time. During 1992-1993, theShanghai government carried out a large-scale transformation of this area. Theoriginal road was expanded into a wide road with ten lanes, and a unique WusongRoad bridge was built in the north to lighten the burden of Wai Bai Du bridge.Then, the viaduct of Yan'an East Road was built, which made the traffic of thearea more smooth and showed the strong vitality of the international metropolis.Along the river, flood control walls and green corridors are built, and varioussculptures and architectural sketches are located in them, making the Bund morepoetic and picturesque. Standing on the viewing platform beside the HuangpuRiver, you can see the magnificent scenery of the ports in big cities. TheOriental Pearl TV Tower, which stands across the river, shrugs into the clouds.The International Conference Center is beautifully decorated, the Jinmao Tower,Bank of China Tower and other trans century skyscrapers are even higher than theskyscrapers. And the great bridge of Nanpu bridge and Yangpu bridge makes theBund borrow beautiful scenery. Dear tourists, you must have wanted to see the magnificent scenery of theBund at this time. Let me show you the Bund scenic area. Dear tourists, now we are standing on the viewing platform of the Bund. Tothe west is the famous scenery line of the World Architecture Expo. To thenorth, you can see the green corridor with green trees. To the north, HuangpuPark and the monument to the people's heroes are also in the north. Lookingacross the river, you can see the skyscrapers in Lujiazui economic zone. Next, Iwill focus on the world famous architecture expo landscape. You can see that from the Yanan East Road to the north of the outer whitebridge, in the west of Shandong Road, the more than 20 western classical stylebuildings are lined up, they constitute the universal architecture expolandscape. These modern classic buildings in Shanghai are originated fromwestern classical buildings, so to understand them, we should connect them withwestern traditional buildings, and understand their causes, characteristics andfunctions through comparison. In the 1920s and 1930s, Shanghai rapidly became a prominent economic andcultural center of China and even the world at that time because of its superiornatural conditions and cultural environment, especially the profound culturalheritage created by the continuous exchange and integration of Chinese andWestern cultures and regional cultures of the north and the south. It madeShanghai a big stage for the world's architectural masters to express their ownvalues and skills. At that time, the landing of a large number of foreignarchitects and the return of Chinese architects who had studied in Europe andAmerica brought advanced western architectural concepts and technologies toShanghai. Of course, the modern buildings in Shanghai created at that timepenetrated the influence of Western architecture. Therefore, the modernarchitecture of Shanghai at that time showed a flourishing scene, leaving alarge number of valuable cultural heritage. So far, no city in the world hassuch a large scale as Shanghai. Exquisite and exquisite modern buildings. Amongthem, the international architecture Expo is the most concentrated modernarchitectural complex in Shanghai. 亲爱的游客,我们的车子行驶在延安东路高架上,还有十五分钟就到了上海的著名景点外滩了。我在此向大家介绍一下外滩景区的概况。 外滩是上海的窗口,是上海的像征,是上海历史的凝聚。他集中体现了上海作为中国最大的经济中心城市,国际现代化大都市的特点。又能体现出上海作为历史文化名城的特点。外滩景区是自然景观和人文景观相融合的风景区,又是西方古典风情与中国现代风情相得益彰的风景区,也是中国近代文化与现在文化交相辉映的风景区。 外滩位于上海母亲河黄浦江与苏州河的交汇处,与东方明珠景区隔江相望。它北起外白渡桥,南至新开河中山东一路中山东二路地区全长约1800多米地形呈新月形。在它西面有北京东路南京东路九江路汉口路福州路广东路延安东路金陵东路等几条各具特色的重要道路,它们是建设和发展外滩景区的重要支架。 外滩原是在上海城厢外,东北面的沿江滩地。旧时俗称:黄浦滩。1843上海开阜后,英国第一任驻沪领事巴富尔看中了这一地区,于1845年以上海道台颁布的所谓〈上海土地章程〉为依据划定外滩在内的800亩土地为英租界。1849年法国也在英租界的南面划定亩土地为法租界。随后两国沿江开筑道路,称黄浦路,黄浦滩路。1__年后也就是1945年,为了纪念伟大的革命先驱孙中山先生才改名为中山东一路。 二十世纪二三十年代,沿江修筑起了二十多栋巍峨参差,各具特色的世界各国古典风格的建筑。并在此地区开设了110多家银行等经融机构,使之成为当时远东最大的经济中心。百年沧桑,上海政府于1992-1993年间对这一地区进行了大规模的改造。将原来的马路扩建成十车道的宽阔道路,并在北面建起来造型独特的吴淞路闸桥以此减轻外白渡桥的重负。随后又建起了延安东路高架,使该地区的交通更为通畅,更展现了国际化大都市的强劲活力。沿江则修建起防汛墙和绿色长廊,各类雕塑和建筑小品坐落其间更使得外滩诗情画意。站在黄浦江边的观景台上,江风拂面,江面波涛粼粼,百舸争流,江上海鸥高低飞翔,可一览大城市港口的绚丽风光。隔江而立的东方明珠广播电视塔耸入云宵,国际会议中心造型优美,金茂大厦,中银大厦等跨世纪的摩天大楼更是欲与天工试比高,以及南浦大桥,杨浦大桥宏伟的气魄更使外滩借得美景。 亲爱的游客们想必大家在此时已经很想一览外滩的壮丽风光了吧,那下面由我带领大家一起浏览外滩风景区。 亲爱的游客门,现在我们站在外滩的观景台上,西面就是著名的:万国建筑博览风景线,北面可以看到绿树成阴的绿色长廊,黄浦公园和人民英雄纪念碑也在北面。隔江眺望则能看到陆家嘴经融区的摩天大楼建筑群。下面我将重点给大家讲解世界著名的万国建筑博览风景线。 大家可以看到从延安东路高架下来一直到北面的外白渡桥,在中山东一路的西面成一字排开的20多栋西方古典风格的建筑,他们构成为了万国建筑博览风景线。这些上海的近代经典建筑源于西方的古典建筑,所以要想了解它们则要把它们和西方的传统建筑联系起来,在比较中了解他们产生的原因及特点和功能。 二十世纪二三十年代,上海凭借自身优越的自然条件和人文环境,特别是历代中西方文化以及南北地域文化不断交流融合所造就成的深厚文化底蕴,让上海迅速成为当时中国乃至世界的一个突出的经济文化中心。使上海成为当时世界建筑大师们竞相表现自身价值,展示自己不风身手的大舞台。其时大量外国建筑师的登陆,先期留学欧美的中国建筑师的回归,给上海带了西方先进的建筑理念和技术,当然也使得当时建造成的上海近代建筑渗透了西方建筑的影响。所以当时上海的近代建筑呈现出一派欣欣向荣的景象,留下了一大批价值连城的文化遗产。目前为止世界上还没有一个国家的城市能像上海一样拥有如此规模庞大。精美,技术精湛的近代建筑群。其中万国建筑博览风景线就是上海最为集中的近代建筑群。 故宫导游词中英文 篇15各位游客,大家好!我是大家的导游何若虚,大家可以叫我小何。今天我要带大家游玩的地方是云南省丽江市的丽江古城,我希望能陪伴大家度过愉快的一天。 丽江古城始建于宋末元初,又名大研镇,是我国历史文化名城中唯一没有城墙的古城。其原因据说是丽江古城的世袭者姓木,觉得古城加上城墙犹如“木”字加了框,即念“困”,颇不吉利,故丽江古城建成后就没有城墙。古城现有居民6200多户,25000余人,其中绝大多数为纳西族。这里30%的居民从事纺织、制作银器等传统手工业,大家可以在游玩的过程中挑选几件带回家乡,肯定是值得纪念的精美手工艺品。 现在我们已经来到了丽江古城的入口处,大家看到入口处那写着“丽江古城”四个大字的牌子了吗?我们可以在这里合影留念后,再继续我们的旅程…… 好,大家收拾好相机,检查一下自己的随身物品,我们继续往前走。大家看,在丽江古城内,我们随处可以看到这样满是手工建造的土木结构的房屋、无处不在的小桥流水、光滑洁净的青石板路……看看我们的脚下,这些铺着的石板都是红色角砾岩,雨季不会泥泞、旱季也不会飞灰。看,石板上还有花纹呢,与整个古城环境相得益彰…… 现在大家所处的位置就是丽江古城的中心——四方街了!从四方街往东一百米就是古城与新城的交界处,而且这里还有丽江古城最具特色的景观,也是丽江古城标志之一的大水车。 大家可以随意欣赏风景,拍照留念,细细品味这“东方威尼斯”般美丽的丽江古城吧! Dear visitors, everybody! I am the guide from you He Re empty, you can call me ho. Today I want to take you visit the place is lijiang city of yunnan province lijiang ancient city, I hope I can accompany you a nice day. Lijiang ancient city was built in the early yuan dynasty, also known as dayan town, is China's famous historical and cultural city in the only ancient city without walls. Its reason is said to be the old town of lijiang hereditary surname wood, think of the ancient city with the wall as "wood" word box, which read "trapped", quite unlucky, so after the completion of the old town of lijiang, there is no walls. The ancient city of existing residents 6200 households, more than 25000 people, mostly in the naxi. Here, 30% of the population engaged in textile, made of silver, and other traditional crafts, you can be in play in the process of choosing a few back to hometown, must be a memorable exquisite handicrafts. Now we've come to the entrance of the old town of lijiang, you see the entrance that reads "lijiang" four characters of the brand? We can take a photo here after, to continue our journey... Good, you packed the camera, check your belongings, we continue to go forward. , in lijiang ancient town, we can see that is full of manual of civil structure of the building, the ubiquitous Bridges, smooth and clean green flag road... Take a look at our feet, the spreading of the slab are red breccia, the rainy season will not muddy, also won't fly ash of the dry season. Look, SLATE and decorative pattern, and the whole city environment bring out the best in each other... Now everyone's position is the center of the ancient city of lijiang, square street! From the square street, one hundred meters to the east of ancient city and new town at the junction, lijiang ancient town, and there are the most distinctive landscape, large water wheel is one of the old town of lijiang sign. Everyone can enjoy the scenery, took photos, to savor the "Oriental Venice" beautiful lijiang! 故宫导游词中英文 篇16各位游客们。大家好!我是你们游览丽江古城的导游。我很高兴能与大家共渡这快乐时光!我姓张。大家可以叫我张导游。 请大家跟我来。这里是丽江古城。我先给大家简单介绍一下丽江古城。丽江古城又名大研镇,坐落在丽江坝中部,称为“保存最为完好的四大古城”之一。它是中国历史文化名城中唯一没有城墙的古城。丽江古城地处云贵高原,海拔2400余米,全城面积达3。8平方公里,自古就是远近闻名的集市和重镇。古城现有居民6200多户,25000余人。其中,纳西族占总人口绝大多数,有30%的居民仍在从事以铜银器制作、皮毛皮革、纺织、酿造业为主的传统手工业和商业活动。 好了,现在大家跟我进古城看看。 丽江古城是一座没有城墙的古城,大研古城是一座具有浓烈人文气息的小城。 丽江古城内的街道依山傍水修建,铺的大多都是红色角砾岩,雨季不会泥泞、旱季也不会飞灰,石上花纹图案自然雅致。看,光滑洁净的青石板路、完全手工建造的土木结构的房屋、无处不在的小桥流水。 前面就是古城中心的四方街了。这里工艺品琳琅满目。人气兴旺。来古城没有不来四方街的。位于古城与新城交界处的大水车是丽江古城的标志,古城大水车旁有一块大屏幕,每日播放的歌曲即是古城最受欢迎最有特色的歌曲,其中《纳西净地》是较为出名的歌曲之一。现在给大家十分钟拍个照吧,你一定感觉很好的! 在丽江古城区,修建有桥梁354座,其密度为平均每平方公里93座。桥梁的形制多种多样,较着名的有锁翠桥、大石桥…… 古城内的木府原为丽江世袭土司木氏的衙署。五凤楼始建于明代万历二十九年(公元1620xx年),楼高20米。因其建筑形制酷似五只飞来的彩凤,故名“五凤楼”。这里还有白沙民居建筑、群束河民居建筑群……一会大家自由参观吧。 丽江古城历史悠久,古朴自然。城市布局错落有致,既具有山城风貌,又富于水乡韵味。丽江民居既融和了汉、白、彝、藏各民族精华,又有纳西族的独特风采,很独特吧! 今天的旅途到此结束了,祝大家旅途愉快。 Dear visitors. Everybody is good! I am your tour of lijiang tour guide. I am very glad to be with you the happy time together! My name is zhang. You can call me a guide. Please come with me. Here is the old town of lijiang. I'll give you a brief introduction of lijiang. Lijiang also known as dayan town, is located in the middle of lijiang dam, known as "one of the most preserved ancient city of the big four". It is the only ancient city without walls in China's famous historical and cultural city. Lijiang ancient city is located in the yunnan-guizhou plateau, 2400 meters above sea level, the area of the city 3. 8 square kilometers, the ancient times is known fairs and towns. The ancient city of existing residents 6200 households, 25000 people. Among them, the naxi nationality for the vast majority of the population, 30% of the residents are still engaged in produced with copper, silver, fur, leather, textiles, brewing traditional handicraft industry and business activities. Ok, now you give me into the city to see. Lijiang is an ancient city without walls, dayan ancient city is a strong cultural atmosphere of the town. Lijiang ancient and the street of the city of mountain was built, mostly covered with red breccia, the rainy season will not muddy, also won't fly ash of the dry season, the stone patterns of natural elegance. Look, smooth and clean green flag road, completely hand-built civil housing structure, ubiquitous Bridges. Is in front of the old city center square street. Full of beautiful things in this arts and crafts. Sentiment towards prosperity. Shouldn't have come to city square street. Large water wheel on the border between ancient city and new city is the symbol of the ancient city of lijiang, near the ancient city of large water wheel has a large screen, daily broadcast songs is the special features of the most popular songs, including "naxi net to" is one of the more famous songs. Now let's take a picture give you ten minutes, you must feel good! In lijiang ancient city, built 354 Bridges, the density of the average per 93 square kilometers. Shape, a variety of Bridges, a famous cui bridge, a lock in... Lijiang ancient town of mu's residence was hereditary wood's yamen toast. Five phoenix tower was built in the Ming dynasty wanli twenty-nine years (AD 1601), the building of which was 20 metres high. Because of its architectural form like five flying colourful feng, so the name "the five-phoenix towers". There is white sand local-style dwelling houses building, a group of beam river residential buildings... For a moment you free for a visit. Lijiang has a long history, natural style. City layout strewn at random have send, already have mountain view, and abound of lasting appeal. Lijiang residence is harmony the han, bai, yi, Tibetan ethnic essence, and has a unique style of the naxi nationality, is very unique!!!! Today it is the end of the journey, I wish you all a pleasant journey. 故宫导游词中英文 篇17Welcome to the Bund of Shanghai. I'm your tour guide today. You can call meXiao _. Today's itinerary will be provided by me for you. I hope my service canget your satisfaction. I also wish you have a good time today. The Bund was originally a place along the river beach outside Chengxiang,Shanghai (Town God's Temple). Formerly known as "Huangpu Beach", after theopening of Shanghai in 1843, the first consul of British Consul in Shanghai tookthe place of the Bund, and designated the Bund. In the 1920s and 1930s, Linjiang built towering classical style buildingsaround the world, and opened more than 110 financial institutions. It became the"Wall Street of the Far East". In the 1990s, the tide of China's reform andopening up came to Shanghai, and the municipal government began to carry outlarge-scale transformation of the Bund, forming the city we see today The Bundscenic spot is like a wonderful staff. It is composed of "solidified music"World Architecture Expo and "flowing music" Huangpu River. Our friends to watchthese western classical style buildings, not only to pay attention to itsexternal beauty. And we should appreciate them as sculpture art. In this "solidified music" music, 26 buildings, the buildings arescattered, just like the beating keys on the piano. The music is composed ofprelude, three climaxes, epilogue and other movements. Its prologue is undertaken by the weather signal station in front of theflood control wall on the Bund. This weather signal station is an ancientarchitecture of "atuonupo" style. Its main functions are as follows: first, wecan have a look at the signs of various shapes hanging on the mast on the top ofits tower. This is to play the role of weather forecast. According to themeteorological information measured by Xujiahui weather station, it will be usedfor the fifth time in the day In order to ensure the safety of navigation, thechessmen of different colors are hung on the mast to announce the wind, wavesand other meteorological information outside Wusongkou to the ships. Second, wecan observe that there is a big ball on the mast that can rise and fall up anddown. At 11:45 on the next day, the ball rises to half the height of the mast.At 11:55, the ball rises to the top again. At 12:00, the ball falls back to itsoriginal position. I don't want to say that we all know what we do. By the way,he is the time desk. But with the development of modern informationcommunication science, there are so many kinds of clocks that they can onlyretire. In October 1993, in the second phase of the comprehensive renovationproject of the Bund, in order to protect this ancient building with more than 80years of history, it was moved 20 meters from its original position to thenortheast as a whole, and it was decorated to make it look new. At night, withthe light of blue and white, such as a huge crystal clear "Yuzhu", beautiful andmoving. The climax in the solidified music is divided into three parts: the firstpart is composed of three buildings: Asia building, Shanghai Federation andChina Commercial Bank building. Due to the time constraint, I would like tointroduce the Shanghai Federation. It is located at No.2, East 1st Road,Zhongshan. It was built in 1920__ and cost 450000 taels of silver. It wasoriginally a place for British expatriates to have leisure and entertainment.The building is Renaissance style. In the East facade of the building, threehorizontal sections are adopted, and the front door is taken as the verticalaxis. The decorative patterns of the left and right doors and windows aresymmetrical, making the whole building harmonious, symmetrical and stable. Inaddition, we can see that the third and fourth floors of the building aresupported by six Ionic columns, which are slender, about 9 to 10 times as highas the bottom diameter. The columns are banded, and there are curled up vorticeson their heads. They are the symbol of "female beauty". There are Baroque towerpavilions at the north and south ends of the top floor of the building,enhancing the height and luxury of the whole building. From a distance, he lookslike a perfect work of art in the hands of a sculptor. In addition, the interiordecoration of the building is also very elegant and luxurious. There is a 34meter long wine bar covered with Italian marble, which is known as the longestbar in the Far East. There is also a semicircular iron fence elevator on thenorth side of the lobby. This is also the earliest elevator in Shanghai at thattime. Now many TV dramas reflecting old Shanghai are shot here. The decorationof the building imitates the style of the British palace, so it is known as the"Royal Society". Next to the Shanghai general meeting is the China Commercial Bank building,which is located at No. 6 on the Bund. It is a Gothic building with a classicalcolonnade at the front door. This is the first climax of solidified music. The second climax of solidified music is composed of HSBC building andcustoms building. It is the most representative building in the WorldArchitecture Expo Group. The HSBC building, located at No. 11, East 1st Road,Zhongshan, was built in 1923. From 1955 to 1995, it was the seat of ShanghaiPeople's government and then used by Pudong Development Bank. The British claimthat this building is the most exquisite one from the Suez Canal to the BeringStrait. It covers the widest area, has the widest facade and is the largestbuilding. The whole building presents the classical style of Europe in the 17thand 18th centuries and is an ancient Roman building. On the ground floor of thebuilding are three Roman stone arches. From the second floor to the fourth floorof the building, there are six Greek Corinthian pillars. This kind of columnappeared in the prosperous city of Corinth in the Greek era. On the top of thecolumn, there is a bunch of leaves and flower vines, which is shaped like aflower basket and beautifully carved. It is a symbol of "the rich". On the topof the column, there is a Baroque spire. The most noteworthy thing is that italso has three rare treasures: the first one is a pair of bronze lions on bothsides of the gate, sitting north facing south, one with a big mouth open,sitting on the back The one in the South Dynasty and the one in the NorthDynasty is closed, which has the meaning of bank funds. It is said that themodel was destroyed after it was cast in England, making it out of print in theworld. The second one is a huge mosaic mural on the roof of the room, which israre in the world, with a total area of 200 square meters. The third is thatthere are 28 Italian marble pillars 13 meters high in the lobby of the building,which are all formed naturally. Four of them, if not spliced, are carved out ofpure natural boulders. It is said that there are only six in the world. Thereare four here, which shows its value. (the other two are in the Louvre inFrance). So that the whole building palace, which commands more than 20buildings nearby, showing a gorgeous and solemn style. It makes it the mosteye-catching in the whole Bund complex. The customs building was built in 1920__ and cost 4.3 million taels ofsilver. The building is eclectic. The big clock on the top of the building ismade in imitation of the big clock of the parliament building in London, whichcosts more than 20__ liang of silver. It is the largest clock in Asia and theworld famous clock. The big clock has a diameter of 5. It's four meters long andthree minutes long. 17 meters, 2 hours long. Three meters. There are threependulums of up to two tons in the clock. The clock opens three times a week,and it takes four people to wind each time for one hour. In addition, every dayat a quarter of an hour, a piece of "Dongfanghong" will be played, and at thesame time, a whole piece of "Dongfanghong" will be played. The two buildings, known as sister buildings, are Shanghai's landmarkbuildings. The HSBC building is graceful and elegant, while the customs buildingis vigorous and straight. The two buildings stand side by side and complementeach other. They share the second climax of solidified music. The third climax of solidified music is composed of Huizhong Hotel, Shaxunbuilding and Bank of China building. The theme of this movement ismodernism. Huizhong hotel is located at the intersection of Zhongshan East Road andNanjing Road. Its sixth floor is at 23 Nanjing East Road. Built in 1920x, it hasa beautiful appearance with white fair faced brick as the wall and red brick asthe waistline. It is known as "Bund beauty". This was the site of threeimportant meetings. The first is the "Shanghai Universal anti smokingconference" in 1920__; the second is the "Shanghai International" conference in1996; and the third is the conference of 17 provincial representatives of Chinain 1920__ to welcome Dr. Sun Yat Sen back to China and take up the post ofinterim president. Shaxun building and Bank of China Building Shaxun building were called "thefirst building in the Far East" because of the luxurious interior decoration atthat time. Now it's the North Building of the peace hotel. The outer image iscapitalized with the English letter A. The Bank of China building is the onlyone built by Chinese in the World Architecture Expo. It is 60 cm lower thanShaxun building. There is another story. When the Chinese capitalists thoughtthat the Bund was full of high-rise buildings of different forms built byWestern powers, which reflected the strong economic strength of the powers ofvarious countries, in order not to let us Chinese lose face, the Chinesebureaucratic capitalism also decided to build a building, which was higher thanthat of other countries, so the original plan was to build 34 floors, but laterthe owner of Shaxun building was also affected He said, "you Chinese peopledon't have any status. How can you build a building higher than ours?" so hefiled a lawsuit in London, England. As you can imagine, the Chinese people lostthe lawsuit. Later, they could only build 15 floors, 60 cm lower than the Shaxunbuilding. But the Chinese are still unconvinced that "there are policies at thetop and there are countermeasures at the bottom". Your building won't let mesurpass you. I put up two national flags on the bottom of the building. Thesetwo chess sticks are higher than your Shaxun building. You should have nothingto say this time? So the two chess sticks we see now are authentication. Theshape of Bank of China building has Chinese national characteristics, the bottomof the building is slightly tilted, and the cornice is decorated with a bucketarch. The window frame is a deformed form of Chinese coins. The finale of solidified music is played by the Oriental Bank and Shanghaibuilding. The Oriental Bank is a baroque building. The whole building is full ofconcave convex feeling and strong contrast. Now it is the building protectionunit in Shanghai. Broadway building is a modern style, and it is the best placeto enjoy the scenery of Huangpu River, Bund and Pudong. Premier Zhou onceaccompanied many foreign heads of state and distinguished guests to visit. Inthe 1990s, the company won the title of "top ten safety units" for foreignhotels. Well, dear friends, this is the end of the whole explanation of what iscalled the frozen music Bund. I hope I can leave you good memories. 各位团友,大家好!欢迎你们来到上海外滩。我是你们今天的导游___,大家可以叫我小_。今天的行程就将由我为大家提供服务,希望我的服务能得到大家的满意,在此也预祝大家今天能玩得开心、愉快。 外滩原是在上海城厢(城隍庙)外的一处沿江滩地,旧时称“黄浦滩”早在1843年上海开埠以后,英国第一任驻沪领事巴富尔看中了外滩一带地方,于是划定外滩 在内的800亩地为英租界,到了20世纪二三十年代临江建造起巍峨参差的世界各国古典风格的建筑群,并开设了110多家金融机构,这里成了“远东的华尔街”,到了九十年代,中国改革开放的大潮来到了上海,市政府开始对外滩进行大规模的改造,形成了今天我们看到的像一首美妙的五线谱一样的外滩景区,它是由“凝固的音乐”万国建筑博览和“流淌的乐曲”黄浦江所组成。我们各位朋友观赏这些西方古典风情的建筑群,不仅要注意它的外部的造型美。而且要把它们视为雕塑艺术来欣赏。 在这“凝固的音乐”乐曲上,26栋建筑,楼宇的高低错落犹如钢琴上跳动着的琴键,乐曲上有序曲、三个高潮、尾声等乐章组成。 它的序曲部分由外滩防汛墙前的气象信号台所承担,这座气象信号台,是“阿脱奴婆”式的古建筑,它的主要功能有两个:第一个我们各位可以看一下在它的塔顶桅杆上悬挂各形状的标志,这是起到天气预报的作用,它根据徐家汇气象台测得的气象信息,第天五次在在桅杆上挂不同颜色的棋子,向来往的船只告示吴淞口外的风力和海浪等气象信息以保证航行的安全。第二个作用我们可以再观察一下桅杆上有一只可以上下升降的大球,第天中午11点45分,球升到桅杆一半的高度,11点55分,又将球升到顶端,12点正时,球又降到原来位置。这个目的我不说咱们在座的各位也知道是干什么的了吧?对了!他就是报时台。但是随着现代化信息传播科学的发展,各式各样的钟表数不胜数,它只能“退休”了。在1993年的10月份,在外滩综合改造二期工程中,为了保护这座具有八十多年历史的古建筑,由是将它在原来的位置向东北整体的平移了20米,并且对它进行装修,使之面貌一新。夜晚,用青白色的灯光照着,如一个巨大的通体晶莹剔透的“玉柱”,清丽动人。 在凝固的音乐上的高潮分为三部分:第一部分由亚细亚大楼、上海总会、中国通商银行大楼三幢大楼组成。由于时间的关系这里着重给各位介绍一下上海总会,他位于中山东一路二号,建成于1920__年,耗资45万两白银。原是来是供英国侨民休闲娱乐活动的场所。大楼是文艺复兴式的风格。在建筑的东立面采用的是横三段处理,又以正门为纵轴线,左右门窗装饰图案对称,整幢大楼显得和谐匀称而且稳重。另外我们再看大楼的第三层与第四层是用六根爱奥尼克式立柱支撑,这种柱式,柱身修长,高度约为底径9至10倍,柱身有条带状,柱头上有卷起的旋涡状,是“女性美”的象征。在大楼层顶南北两端有巴洛克式塔亭,增强了整幢建筑的高度和豪华气派。从远处望来他就像一件雕塑家手中的完美的艺术品。另外大楼内部的装修也十分曲雅、豪华。这里有一长34米的用意大利的大理石铺面的酒巴台,号称远东最长的酒吧。大堂的北侧还有一个半圆形的铁栅栏电梯,这部也是当时上海最早的一部电梯,现在好多的反映老上海的电视剧都是在这里拍摄的。大楼内的装饰仿英国皇宫格调,因此它有“皇家总会”之称。 紧挨着上海总汇的这个就是中国通商银行大楼,它位于外滩六号。是一幢哥特式的建筑,正门有古典式的柱廊。这就是凝固音乐的第一高潮部分。 凝固音乐的第二高潮,是由汇丰银行大楼和海关大楼所组成。是万国建筑博览群的最有代表性的建筑。 汇丰银行大楼位于中山东一路11号,1923建成,1955年至1995年这四十年间它曾是上海人民政府所在地,再在是浦东发展银行使用。这座大楼英国人自称是从苏伊士运河到白令海峡的最讲究的一幢建筑,它是外滩占地最广,门面最宽,体形最大的建筑,整幢建筑呈现十七、十八世纪欧洲出现的古典主义风格,是古罗马式的建筑。大楼底层是三个罗马石拱券大门,大楼第二层至第四层,用六根希腊式科林斯柱子。这种柱式出现在希腊时代商业繁荣的科林斯城,其柱顶上有一束树叶和花蔓组成,似花篮形状,雕刻华美,是“富豪”的象征,在他的顶端还有巴洛克式尖塔,最值得我们注意的是它还有着三件稀世之宝:第一件是大门两侧有一对铜狮,坐北朝南一只张着大口,坐南朝北的一只闭着嘴,这正好有银行资金的吐纳之意。据说在英国铸成之后就将其模型毁掉,使他成为世界上的绝版;第二件是室内顶上有一幅世界上极为鲜见的巨型马赛克壁画,画面有200平方米。第三件是大楼大堂内有28根高13米的意大利大理石石柱,全是天然形成。其中有四要是没有拼接的,是纯天然巨石雕成的,据说世上只有六根,这里拥有四根,可见它的价值,(另外两根在法国卢浮宫)。使整幢大楼皇宫,它统领着附近的二十多幢建筑,显出了华丽庄严的风范。使得它在整个外滩建筑群中最为引人注目。 海关大楼建成于1920__年,花去430万两白银。大楼是具有折中主义建筑风格。大楼顶部的大钟,是仿英国,伦敦国会大厦大钟式样制造,花白银20__余两。它是亚洲第一大钟,又是世界上著名的大钟。大钟直径5。4米,分针长3。17米,时针长2。3米。钟内有三个最达两吨的钟摆,这个大钟每周开三次,每次上发条要四个人操作一小时。另外每天在一刻钟的时候会奏响一段《东方红》乐曲,到整点奏响一整曲《东方红》。 这两座大楼被称为姐妹楼是上海的标志性建筑,汇丰银行大楼雍容曲雅,海关大楼雄健挺拔。两幢大楼并列一起相得益彰。共同承担了凝固音乐的第二高潮。 凝固音乐的第三高潮由汇中饭店、沙逊大厦、中国银行大楼三幢建筑组成。这一乐章以现代主义为主题。 汇中饭店位于中山东路南京路口,它的正六在南京东路23号。1920__年建造,它外形美观,白色清水砖作墙面;红砖作腰线。有“外滩美女”之称。这里曾是三次重要会议所在地。第一,1920__年“上海万国禁烟大会”;第二是1996年“上海国际”会议;第三是1920__年中国17省代表召开欢迎孙中山先生回国就任临时大总统会议。 沙逊大厦与中国银行大楼沙逊大厦因当时内部装修豪华被称为是“远东第一楼”。现在是和平饭店的北楼。外形象大写英文字母A。中国银行大楼是万国建筑博览中唯一一个中国人自己建造的大厦,他比沙逊大厦低60厘米,这还有一个故事。当被中国资本家觉得在外滩全是西方列强建造的形式各异的高楼,而且反映了各国列强的雄厚的经济实力,为了不让我们中国人丢脸面,于是中国官僚资本主义也决定造一个大楼,而且要造比其他国家的都要高,于是原计划要造34层,但是后来受沙逊大厦的业主也就是沙逊的阴挠,他说“你们们中国人是一点地位没有的,造的楼怎么可以比我们英国人的还要高呢?”于是打官司打到英国伦敦,结果大家是可想而知的,中国人败诉了,后来只能造成15层,比沙逊大厦低了60厘米。但是中国人还是不服气“上有政策下有对策”,你楼房不让我超过你,我在楼底上竖了两杆国旗,这两个棋杆比你们沙逊大厦高,这回你们应该没话讲了吧?所以我们现在看到的这两个棋杆就是鉴证。中国银行大厦外形有中为民族特色,楼底国角微翘,檐口用斗拱装饰。窗框是中国钱币的变形的形状。 凝固音乐的尾声是由东方汇理银行和上海大厦担当。 东方汇理银行为巴洛克式建筑,整幢大楼富有凹凸感,对比强烈。现在是上海市建筑保护单位。百老汇大厦具有现代主义风格是观赏黄浦江、外滩、浦东景色的最佳处,周总理曾经陪同不少外国元首和贵宾登临观光。20世纪90年代,连续获得涉外宾馆“十佳安全优胜单位”称号。 好了,各位朋友,整个被称为凝固的音乐外滩的讲解到此就结束了。希望能给各位留下美好的回忆。 |
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